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00:00 Intro
00:51 Tezos ($XTZ) & Dogami ($DOGA).
08:10 Terra Luna ($LUNA & $UST).
13:45 Bitcoin Price Prediction & Bitcoin News.
19:55 Ethereum FUD & News.
21:30 Technical Analysis ($SAND, $DOT, $SOL, $BTC, $ETH, $ADA).
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⚠️⚠️⚠️ #Crypto #NFT #Dogami ⚠️⚠️⚠️
Dogami & Tezos
Terra Luna.
Total Value Locked of Ethereum & Binance & Terra Luna.
Bitcoin pricing news and $330,000 price prediction
Ethereum FUD
And technical analysis for crypto
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Hey everyone me kevin here we are going to talk about a brand new six-figure investment. I am making into a coin that we have not yet talked about on this channel. I'm going to tell you exactly why i'm investing in this coin, i'm going to tell you how much i'm investing how much of my portfolio i'm investing. So that way i am 110 transparent with you and up front.

I am not being sponsored or paid in any way shape or form by the creators of this blockchain or the project that's being built on top of it. We'll talk about that in just a moment, then we'll talk about tara luna. Why did total value locked just plummet 15, then we're going to talk about bitcoin and we're going to jump into some technical analysis for various different coins. My goal also is to break down timestamps at the bottom of this video here.

So that way you can jump around if you want, but keep in mind. This video is brought to you by weeble, which is also where we'll be doing our technical analysis. If you want up to five free stocks with weevil, all you have to do is go to, weeble and you'll, get up to five free stocks with weeble check out the link down below for more information. Okay, folks, what is it? What did i just invest? A hundred thousand dollars in now again full transparency.

If you take my stocks and crypto, this works out to one third of one percent of my portfolio. I say that because i want to be 100 transparent with you. If you had a 20 000 portfolio - and you put one third of one percent into what i am talking about - you'd be putting in sixty dollars - okay, so just for for comparison's sake. I think percentages are very.

Very important. Ubisoft just invested six million dollars into an nft based pet game and that game is called dagami. Dogami rides on the tazos platform or it will launch on the taizos platform, it's a game which will list its token gaga or doga in the first quarter of 2022. On the taizos platform, tesos is an open source platform which promises seamless upgrades through an amendment process rather than a hard forking process, but this video is not going to go deep on pesos we're going to focus on dogamy for a moment here now.

I know some of you are going to be like that's it kevin's getting into the petaverse. I thought we were talking about metaverse, that's it! This is. This is either the top or kevin's lost his mind or both okay, but but hear me out on just the thesis here so ubisoft, whom i love shout out to the old splinter cell games just invested six million dollars, the co-founders of sandbox folks, We've talked about them on the channel before, they just completed their first alpha.

They did a great job they're already working on season. Two, they had a very successful launch. We'll do some ta a little bit later i'll, remember to uh talk about sandbox as well, where you could buy land in the metaverse uh in the sandbox metaverse, but to me a lot of metaverse, and this is why i didn't invest in sandbox. And this is no shade on sandbox, okay, i love sandbox, don't get me wrong, but and i've been keeping very close eye on them, but i didn't invest because personally to me a lot of metaverse style.
Cryptos. We're seeing right now are really just games that sell. You stuff with real world money which, honestly, when i played runescape back in the day or world of warcraft people used to do that. It was just illegal okay, uh and i didn't think i was in the metaverse right, but dog gammy is really interesting.

See to me dog yami has this real potential of being a bridge for children and their parents to get into cryptocurrencies and nfts, plus the fact that we're actually using augmented reality to give us a taste of what the metaverse might actually feel like via the petaverse. Now the augmented reality just to make this very simple. This is, you know, have you ever looked pokemon go you remember, you'd, open up the camera app on your phone and you'd see the pokemon kind of in real life. It's like! Ah, there's the pokemon on the floor or whatever or you use the ruler app on your phone.

That's basically augmented reality right, it's just using the lidar on our cameras, these days, uh to to project uh images uh, so we can visualize them, but this gives us our first real, in my opinion, experience of what it could be like to to interact with these Sort of virtual worlds - and i really appreciate this - i think it's cute - how they're calling it the petaverse, but really it's it's metaverse for pets right, and i'm excited about this, mostly again for that children aspect and the fact that i think this is probably going to Be one of our first more what i call real metaverse experiences. That's just my opinion could be totally wrong. Uh, i don't think so, especially after a ubisoft investment, but there's always a risk that if you invest in something like this, that you could get rug pulled, you could lose all your money. So, that's why i'm only investing one-third of one percent - hey, maybe i'll, invest more now, keep in mind, you can't invest in doga yet or doga yet, because this coin has not had its coin offering.

Yet it's initial coin, offering it's ico that is expected to happen in q1, 2022, and if you want more updates, you can go to and you could join their discord, follow them on twitter as well. I did both uh and uh just to give you a little bit more detail. In my opinion, these are really kind of like paw patrol style characters and the goal of this entire game is to adopt rays and basically earn a kennel of pets. There'll be over 300 different dogs all with unique traits.

The objective is to develop the rarest and best dog in the petaverse and then ultimately, level up by playing mini games. That'll, probably be kind of like real world activities like training feeding. You know breeding new pups, in fact, there'll be three stages of sort of your investment into each pup, uh and the more you invest in them. The higher grade.
Your pup will become. First, you raise and drain them. Then you specialize your dog. Then you breed your dog.

Those are the three main stages and then you'll need energy, which regains every six hours which you could then spend on playing mini games with your pup, then you'll be able to earn up to 10 doga per day and gain loyalty points. So this just gives you a little bit of an idea into this now, keep in mind because you can't invest into doga, yet you really only follow the community and get involved and start experiencing a little bit of what this is all about. But right now, if you want to, in my opinion, make an investment that kind of gives you a little bit more of a diversified investment into doug amy, because you're, not just all in on that one project, and it's really the only way to do it. Right now, unless somehow you got private placement, which i did not you can go to x, t z, that's x-ray, tango zulu.

I think it's the weirdest ticker symbol ever this is the rank 42 token here, tasos and uh. It is believed that right now, dogamy will be listing on the tazos blockchain. Now we'll do some ta a little bit later right. Now it's trading for about five dollars and six five dollars and seven cents uh and you could read their white paper and some more information about them.

But again this video is not about them. It is about talking about what i think is an exciting new evolution. Uh in really nfts that we can actually use now. This comes by the way, at the same time that the co-founder of ethereum, not vitally puteran but uh taylor garin, bought a board ape for 3.6 million dollars a special one, and if you follow them on twitter, you'll be able to see them reveal their new mega Mutant serum of this new board ape, which is pretty exciting, we're not exactly sure how they're going to reveal it yet, but they've been teasing.

This on twitter and nfts are going nuts here. This marks one of the 20th largest nft sales of all time on the ethereum network. Of course, there have been massively expensive ones, uh like the christie's, 69 million dollar sale of of an nft which is mind-blowing, but these these pops seem kind of fun because i don't know you can play with them and interact with them. And honestly, i just want to play with the pups with my my i think my three-year-old is really going to like it.

I think my six-year-old is just gon na keep playing minecraft okay. Now, let's talk about tara luna, so terra luna is essentially a blockchain that gave rise to the luna token. The luna token gave rise to ust not to be confused at all with tether, but this is a stable coin. U s t uh and it is the terra a stable coin and it is gotten a lot of popularity for its incredibly high stable coin yields, often in excess of 18, which has led to a massive adoption of tara, luna and really luna token.
Lately, uh and i'll tell you, there's some pretty crazy updates that are coming out of this token. The tokens basically doubled uh in the last month and a half. Although we've recently had a little bit of bad news, i'm going to go through this fudd here and then we're going to talk about good news. Okay, so one of the d5 protocols that operates on the luna network is mirror and mirror is basically a protocol that lets you, trade, a tariff, swap contracts and think about it.

This way, instead of buying apple or amazon or tesla stock on the stock market, you could buy them on terra swap now. It'll actually show you what kind of premium or discount you're paying, because the goal is to roughly mirror the price like you're, paying a big premium on arcade for some reason: ontarioluda but you're. Getting a slight discount on other m tokens. They're really called so you could buy like m aapl so that way, you're buying the mirrored version of apple, essentially right, we've seen stuff like this before actually get in trouble with the sec, because it's kind of like hey, you know you're, basically, trading a security now, Because you're literally mirroring a security, but anyway a mirror is the third most popular d5 protocol on terra.

It has just under one billion dollars of total value locked. So it's about 1 20th of the entire d5 protocol of of tara luna. So it's it's relatively small. It's followed by anchor and lido.

Those are way way way, bigger this thing launched in december of 2020, but they're having a little bit of an issue right now, because a scammer posted - and this has happened before it's happened a few times before, but there's apparently a poll that was just posted. It's poll 211 and it's a dangerous poll that allows the community to potentially update what happens to the community fund pool within the mirror protocol and the problem. We're having right now with mir is that a scammer was able to publish a public poll that could affect the entire community fund for the mirror token, this is bad. This is what happens when you have decentralized systems that rely on well, basically, the public to vote on them, and so what the scammer did is they posted a poll that says quote: freeze the community pool in case of spam or scam, rather not spam, scam and Then vote yes or no well, that sounds good like yeah, let's, let's freeze the community pool in case of a scam and then it basically gives a little bit of a description about like hey.

If there's a scam, we freeze the pool until a safer rule is implemented. That's you know that sounds logical, but in the fine print well, really the line right below it. It says also send 25 million mirror token to this address. Well, a mirror right now is trading for about dollars and 69 cents.
Okay, so that's that's well in excess of 50 million dollars that the scammer is trying to get and and so right now it's kind of like all hands on deck like let the world know all the people who are staking. Please vote no on that upgrade uh, and so this has created, in my opinion, a 50. This is the catalyst for the 15 sell-off that we've just seen in total value locked over at uh, tara, luna, and when we see total value lock go down. We tend to also see people leave the actual coin as they trade into a different coin, and so we've seen tara luna fall a little bit in price here about seven percent now tara luna did just recently hit a record which is really incredible.

As of friday. We hit just over 20 billion dollars of total value locked on the taro luna platform. That folks makes it the second most popular d5 protocol for locking money up into essentially smart contracts, whether it's through staking or whatever they literally displaced binance, smart chain and, of course, they're behind ethereum ethereum's like way up there like tara luna's at about now about 19 Billion ethereum, when you consider staking in leverage, is somewhere around, like 200 billion. I think we're about 62.6 percent uh ethereum lock about a 6.1 percent, a tara luna and then slightly less for binance, and then solana, for example, is that like 13.14, but anyway, their total value, locked has skyrocketed over the past month and a half and - and this Has really led their pricing to go up as well now tara luna is is pretty incredible.

The algorithmic stablecoin uh, also pretty incredible, takes a little bit of getting used to to understand that an algorithmic stablecoin uh ust is not backed by dollars. It's just backed by a peg to luna gets a little complicated worth another video in a deep dive. But i wanted to talk about this, both good news and bad news, bad news being mirrors having issues because of this community poll. But we expect that to be okay, i mean it's happened before, and the good news is that luna is tara.

Luna now has the second largest total value, locked d5 ecosystem. Really incredible, uh! That's that's! That's a huge move for terrell. Now we'll do some ta on this a little bit later here, okay! Next, we got to talk about bitcoin, so the co this. This was incredible: the co-founder of the trading platform, decentra trader d, central decent trader.

It's like decentral trader merged together anyway argues that bitcoin will go to 330 000 in 2022 and is especially likely to reach this catalyst because they believe that the federal reserve will fail to be able to raise rates as high as they need to giving rise to Rampant inflation and essentially leading bitcoin to run as a safety asset to 330, 000. Now, what's absolutely insane about this prediction when they made this chart and posted it at the end of december of 2018, bitcoin was trading for a low of 3 142, but folks watch this okay, look at what happened they predicted, because this was posted back in 2018. The end of 2018, they predicted that by the end of 2021 - folks, i kid you not. This is scary, look at where they said that btc would be.
They thought that bc btc would be fluctuating right here around 52 000 folks, that's literally where it is right. Now that's insane and so they're extrapolating hey. We made a prediction back here and we were right. You know where we're going next, that's pretty dang bullish for bitcoin, i have to say and uh honestly.

I think somebody like kathy wood will look at this and go yep. Now, i'm a little specular, i'm a little skeptical, i should say, but this is really impressive. Now, one of the things that has been holding bitcoin back a little bit lately is that we keep seeing reactivation of some really old wallets, and this makes folks nervous that oh, my gosh satoshi nakamoto is, is he alive? Is he gon na? Is he gon na move all of his bitcoin and then dump it all and then is? Is there going to be much more supply of bitcoin right? The best case scenario that a lot of people say in the bitcoin world is that some of the original old locked up bitcoin is just lost forever, but we just had yet another 2013 era, wallet that hasn't been used since 2013 and it contains 321 bitcoin and It is worth about 15 million and they just moved almost 10 million of it. 197 million 197 bitcoin.

This follows some other whales. When, in january of this year we had five million bitcoin move. In june we had 900 bitcoin move. In september we had 616 bitcoin move december, we had 235 bitcoin move, and - and this is not just like i'm not just saying randomly bitcoin moved - these are all from old, previously thought to be dormant accounts, like the december 235 move this month, uh was a nine-year-old Account this one we just talked about has also not moved in eight years.

Another 225 bitcoin also moved and it hasn't moved for 8.5 years, so you're, seeing a lot of these older wallets sort of wake up, not the most ideal for positive catalyst for btc. But oh well in other news, uh, also not such a great positive channel for bitcoin uh. El salvador is trying to get a 1.3 billion dollar bailout package and the odds of this have apparently fallen dramatically and now a 1.3 billion dollar bailout package for el salvador. From the international monetary fund would make up about 5.4 percent of the country's gdp, and apparently the imf is citing quote risks associated with the use of bitcoin as legal tender, along with further deteriorations between the president of el salvador and joe biden.

In other words, one of the reasons the imf may not provide a bailout to el salvador is because they are using bitcoin. I guess the fudsters are back at it again now. In fairness, the country does also have a very large a fiscal deficit. It has low currency reserves and uh, unfortunately, an unsustainable level of public debt.
In my opinion, i've said this on the channel before bitcoin is really their hail mary that they're not going to get a bailout from the imf. Now they're, just hoping bitcoin doubles, so they cannot go bankrupt. It's a hail mary and uh, hey so far it's getting the uh, the president of el salvador, or, should i say, the ceo of el salvador a whole lot of followers on twitter. So every time bitcoin falls he's going.

I'm bonded and people go nuts for it. Uh other news and we've heard this before and i want to get into ta right after this, but i thought this was interesting earlier in december, the beijing chaoyang district people's court threw out a civil case where one party was suing another for 14 million dollars for Failing to fulfill an agreement having to do with crypto mining hardware, but crypto mining got banned in china, so the court rejected the case on the basis that crypto related contracts have quote no legal worth. In another case, one person transferred money from uh from themselves to a broker who said they'd make investments on behalf of that person. Well, that broker ended up, throwing the money into a pyramid scheme lost the money, and the court ruled that, even though the broker was a fraud, the investor knew that crypto was dangerous and ended up making the investor take 40 percent of the responsibility for making a Stupid investment and punish the fraudster with 60 percent of the bill, that's nutty and it rhymes with what china's done previously.

In august of this year, chinese courts declared that illegal debt is not protected by law and that tokens are illegal objects. That quote cannot be protected by law. A lot of this is, of course, because individuals in china are believed not to trust their government, so they seek other havens for their wealth. It's worth noting that about 3.7 percent of us bonds are owned by asian countries and get this one folks, 20 of buyers in california of california real estate are chinese and that 35 of all of china's money that goes into real estate in investments in the united States goes into california, that's crazy, but it shows you that there is a flight of capital from china, and china is trying to do everything they can to hold on to power.

Quick note on from vitalika buterin vitale peter and did give us a tiny little bit of fud. He says: look if ethereum fails to be uh scalable, then it will end up being a plague uh that the transition to a 2.0 proof of stake will end up. Being critical, and if that transition doesn't happen it it would be devastating, obviously for ethereum now i believe the transition will happen, so i think he's just hedging his bet here, i'm very optimistic that the transition to 2.0 is going to happen. One concern that i do have, though, is that so many people have money locked up in ethereum and we've got 200 billion dollars locked up in ethereum that people can't trade unlike bitcoin, which they could trade if they wanted to, but in ethereum, if you staked you're Locked in unless you've gone into certain staking pools that give you that liquidity, but if you're straight up staked with ethereum you're locked - and there are a lot of people who have been locked since 200, 400, 50, 1100 and they want their money out.
Uh no guarantees. But i think if the 2.0 transition goes through and all this money sort of locks up, it's kind of going to be like a stock lock up where all of a sudden, we have all this excess supply of ethereum that potentially hits the market. In my opinion, it's not going to be great for uh for ethereum uh, the the lock-up period. So i do think, though uh that's not a larger catalyst for uh other stocks.

I think it. What it's more of is just sort of a little warning that i think diversification is always very important. I'm certainly not trying to flood at the area of ethereum's one of my larger holdings, but it's something that i'm going to be careful of that. We could see a little bit of a buy.

The rumor sell the news here: okay, let's now go ahead and do a little bit of ta now. The first thing that i want to do is i just want to talk about sandbox. I don't have ta drawn here, but i just want to talk about this folks. This is when the alpha launched for sandbox and after the alpha launched no surprise.

We saw a decline in the price of sandbox. We expected that. I talked about that on this channel. I talked about how on this channel, if you're going to get into sandbox, get in after the release, buy the rumor sell the news simple.

However, it's actually had a nice little recovery here recently, so it looks like we hit about a floor of around four dollars and eighty cents for sandbox. Okay, now i got ta catch you up on btc. You already know that i believe we are coming off an incredible downtrend for btc, which i'm very excited about now. Some folks are warning that we could be seeing the development of a head and shoulders here that potentially this is a head shoulder, one shoulder two and unfortunately, when we have head and shoulders movements like this, we tend to see down trends back to lower supports, which Could mean getting under 40 000 for btc now, personally, i'm paying attention to a little bit of a different trend, the trend that i'm paying attention to, and that doesn't mean that i'm right or they're wrong.

But it's what i'm paying attention to is the downtrend oops. I must have accidentally moved that one oh well uh the downtrends, uh, downtrends and bitcoin are typically slow and methodical, and then they tend to be followed by these runs. Take a look over here january. Look at the downtrend explosion.

Take a look over here. Downtrend softness softness softness, slow down trend, it's kind of like crash, followed by downtrend and explosion, and you get the same pattern. That's happening right now: downtrend downtrend downtrend crash downtrend, and this is where we're sitting right now. I really believe that we're breaking right here and we are breaking out of this uh of this downtrend.
I think this is bullish and i've been investing more. However, what the other person says about the head and shoulders is a risk factor and we are seeing some softness in btc's breakout. You can see we're already kind of inflecting, we had a much sharper incline and that slope has already started slowing. It's almost like we're.

Flattening just over uh 50k here we got rejected off of 52 000 earlier today, and we've been bobbing around 51 050.5 ever since so uh optimistic. But i would, i would say, the market's being cautiously optimistic here on btc now, ethereum has been doing a really good job of staying above 4, 000, certainly above a 3 800, and when i say about 4 000, really only the past four days, because otherwise we've Really been bobbing down to about that 3800 level, but we haven't seen as sharp of an inflection point on ethereum, where we are seeing more of an inflection point, though oops i actually write it correctly. This, by the way again is weeble. You can sign up for weeble this particular platform and you can get up to five stocks totally for free.

All you have to do is go to met kevin dot, com weeble, but anyway, look at this similar downtrend to btc that we saw here on dot, polka dot. Look at this sharp channel get narrower and narrower and narrower you're, just getting lower lows and you're getting lower highs, very, very rough downtrend and boom. We had a nice little break out here. It hasn't been that long that we've been in this breakout, though we're still below the 50-day moving average we just broke above the ema 20..

We've changed the direction of this. We were sitting under the ema 20 for quite a while another one to keep an eye out on i've, been adding to this one. Let's go ahead and look at ada, which is really starting to rip, which is great because it has just been fibonacci crushed. We've had this fibonacci drawn for quite a while, and we have seen it go down down down the only line that it has not really been respecting.

On the fibonacci has been the floor here. I thought it was going to go back to a dollar and two cents. It really didn't. I think it's time now that i draw another line here.

I'm going to draw this at approximately yeah, i would say about 120 is roughly where we have i'm going to change colors here to a little bit of a red line roughly where we have a support line here. So we didn't go all the way down to fibonacci. We really respected a fibonacci channel here from 61.8 percent uh down to 50 percent. We landed on the 60.8 percent, we landed on the 38.2, we landed on the 23.6 percent and we landed over here slightly above.
I personally think this was front running that uh. We we ended up trending down to uh to our lower fibonacci level, but then we got front run right here. People started buying the dip and going you know, i'm not going to wait for it to get to a dollar i'm going to start buying, but we are on a very nice uptrend right now on the on cardano. We are uh above the ema 20 day, yeah.

Actually, i think i have this on 21 days right now, whatever roughly the same here, but we are still above the 50-day moving average, so i think there's still an opportunity here to go shopping and buy the dip. Let's also look at solana shout out to solana. I have a jungle cat and i very much love my jungle cat. I am keeping my jungle cat.

Take a look at this uh. I actually found that the best fibonacci to draw here was taking the peak and drawing it from uh november 6th back to september 21st, rather than to this more recent december 15th dip. The reason for that is, i'm seeing really solid bounces here off of the 50. Once here here here, roughly bouncing off of here see a bounce it bounces off of the 38.2 twice once on this side once on the other side and then that full bounce off of the 23.6 over here.

So, in my opinion, this means we should as long as we keep getting this trend to move here, we should have a support at 188, so if we do get a little bit more of a downtrend here, i think buying just above 188 could be an opportunity Unless, of course, we break below that, but anyway, i am hopeful that if we can break above 205 that we could get back into the 220s for solana, obviously there's been a lot of fun about solana, not being decentralized enough, so this could be something that weighs It down, although i think we've already done the selling for that. So personally, i've been a buyer, okay folks, these are my thoughts on what's going on in the crypto world. Thank you. So much for watching this video go check out.

Dog gaming go get your five free stocks with, weeble and folks, we'll see you in the next one thanks so much goodbye.

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28 thoughts on “Crypto! big move”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Friendly Neighborhood Oncologist says:

    If Ethereum sneezes, I catch a cold

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! 2k10clarky says:

    I hear you on 6 year olds and minecraft 🙂

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael chilong says:

    < TA is all well and good but I find it truly baffling that all major crypto youtubers just look at pure TA and completely ignore the bigger narrative of why BTC is pumping and why the future outlook might not be as rosy as it seems. It's kinda irresponsible to ignore the fact that each ETF launch so far has caused a major dump at the peaks of BTC. More emphasis should be put into day tradiing as it is less affected by the unpredictable nature of the market. I have made over 11 btc from day tradng with Richard , insights and signals in less than 2 weeks, this is one of the best medium to backup your assets incase it goes bearish…………..

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kunal Patel says:

    Crypto news! I like this Kevin! Do more!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Denny says:

    CDC just changed isolation period to 5 days

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TritonTv says:

    Last time I was this early Kevin's beard was big and his hair was natural. Also he was talking about stimulus checks

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joshua Smeltzer says:

    I'm about to march on DC and the only thing everyone cares about is money… humanity is corrupt and deserves to be destroyed…

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Surresh says:

    China buying up real estate all over the world

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Angela Vorana says:

    Hey Guys! I really need more information on how to make much more money from crypto investments and boost my portfolio this season!!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars brian tung says:

    How is this different from Cryptokitties from 2017…

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars R J W says:

    time to step aside and keep all your assets. Your reports are like day trades. You flip you flop
    from bearish to bullish, and fail to realize that today we have the lowest volume in years.
    Stop your day trading algorithms and step aside. We are at the all time peaks.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Busy Workouts says:

    I clicked like when Kevin mentioned Splinter Cell 😆😆😆

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thinking Out Loud says:

    Been in Tezos for awhile, finally getting the recognition it deserves.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leng Leng says:

    I have a feeling it will drop, which is inline every time it is advertised in public, not sure about private though.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jon STeps says:

    Kevin, you're missing $FTM, by far the chain I'm most bullish on atm.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hangender says:

    Thanks for vid Kevin. Hopefully sec shut down this illegal Luna project.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GoldGoose says:

    Im leaning towards a Bitcoin crash down to 24k then it will rise when the fed tries to save the market/economy~

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Davison says:

    Another great video! Thanks Kevin.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Max Dier Crypto says:

    Hey Kevin. If you want private allocations in these types of projects I manage a crypto VC and launchpad. Happy to get you early stage deals 👍

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars al d says:

    The coin he will talk about today is HEX

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars michael martin says:

    Revemon is made by pokemon VR team

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars melissa weyrick says:

    I have been looking for a interesting project. 😺

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheGoldenHippo says:

    Lol these thumbnails are hilarious

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Isakbump 03 says:

    Premine… Buy Bitcoin instead of scams lol

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gjdjidje Ficudhd says:

    How come you never mention the PRE-MINE on this shitcoins

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jessica Novosel says:

    Currently holding 500 SAND with an average of .66 cents. Can't complain right now about that one!

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Johnny Howard says:

    Bro got to give it to you. You are by far the hardest working content creator. You put out like 3 video a day. I know some guys with over 5 mil subscribers that dont even post 1 per week

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Crypto Luigi says:

    If you're collecting coins, you're winning.

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