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crypto liquidations and crypto update
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Well, is it time to buy the crypto dip or is it time to paper hand and weekend out of the market well before we get into why cryptocurrency prices appear to be falling here recently, it's worth noting that jp morgan published a paper right at the beginning Of november and listen to what they had to say, they said october is a historically good month for cryptocurrency, and this october was no exception. Bitcoin was up 40 and ethereum was up 43 for the month. Keep that in perspective, for when we talk about the fall, that's happening now, but jp morgan also mentioned this get this. This was a really interesting.

One. Jp morgan expects that alternative assets, including hedge funds, real estate and digital currencies, will outperform traditional assets like stocks and bonds in 2022.. That's jp morgan telling you that jp morgan is expecting hedge funds, real estate and crypto to outperform traditional assets like stocks and bonds. In 2022 and digital assets are quote, forecast to climb 15 next year.

That's double the expected return from hedge funds and outpaces the 12.5 percent gain expected for real estate next year. That's actually by the way polish on real estate as well. I know there are a lot of people sitting on the sidelines. Like i don't wan na i don't wan na get into uh real estate.

I'm gon na wait for a dip. Look. We're not gon na make a real estate speculative video in this one. But let's just say: i'm out there shopping for real estate, myself, okay, but anyway, uh now jp morgan does also say that uh cryptocurrencies and - and they said this before this happened - uh the cryptocurrencies wild swings, make them less appealing to uh many people who, who might Want to invest uh but uh.

I think for a lot of uh folks who are really into crypto. These are buying opportunities now by by no means a crypto expert, but i do my best to expand my crypto knowledge every single day, and it appears that the reason why crypto has been falling here, uh in the last uh 24 hours here has been because of Longwood liquidations and bitcoin has been recovering. We see bitcoin at 60, 980 right now, ethereum at 4300 solana at 226.. These are still record highs.

We've got cardano sitting at 193., cardano down a full 16.7 uh in the last uh seven days here with uh. Most of the others here, bitcoin ethereum down a nine and a half to ten and a half percent uh, as well as sheba down nine point, three: three percent. What is, though, still doing well on a weekly basis is not actually infinity for the metaverse, but take a look at this mana of 28 on the week here at 3.27 cents up uh, probably what 2x uh at least 2x from uh when we had the uh. The metaverse announcement by facebook, but take a look at when we look at the chart and then we'll show the the long liquidations here take a look at the chart.

This is the five minute chart right here, and it's really interesting to note, because, if you've watched my live streams regularly, you know that these lines have been sitting here for a while. The 63 hundred thirteen line, the sixty thousand three hundred thirty nine line in the fifty eight thousand line, and i thought it it's very interesting that when we scroll back here on the five minute we go back to, for example, november tenth or we go back beyond That doesn't matter. We really have a solid respect for that 63. 3 line that when we drop below it, we tend to come right back either rubber band around it or play off.
That line pretty well see. Look at this. We go for a take off. We come right back to that 63 7 line same thing over here, sat at that 63 7 line and look at this as soon as we broke that 63 uh 63 7 line.

Yesterday we ended up dropping to 60 300, which is another place. We have a line when we broke that we almost went all the way down to our 58 000 line. This is literally a picture. Uh perfect uh a chart here.

In my opinion, these ta outlines these these support and resistance lines, in my opinion, excellent lines to have i'm actually going to bump my enthusiasm on them. Now that we've we've seen them tested, i'm not going to change the color on them just yet i do. I do color code on my support and resistance slides. I talk about these a lot in my stocks and psychology of money group where i do send buy, sell notifications anytime i buy or sell crypto or stocks by the way check that out.

There's a black friday coupon linked down below. But let's talk about these long liquidations here, aside from the technical analysis which we do teach technical analysis as well and then stocks and psychology money groups so check that out down below. But let's go ahead and jump on over to uh to our long liquidations here. So take a look at this.

When we look at long liquidations, we can see that's exactly why we're seeing the pain point here in crypto today. The larger lines here to the upside, the green green is not a good sign. Green is actually longs that are being liquidated and red are shorts. That are being liquidated and we can actually see that lungs are the ones that have been getting liquidated here.

A little too much margin, uh in in euphoria, possibly a little too much margin that got piled on when we started running uh to almost 70 000. When we hit that 69 000 figure and we're seeing some of that get liquidated here, we saw some of that first get liquidated when we dropped from 69 000 to about uh 66 900. uh. This is the first drop that we had over here.

Uh. We had long liquidations of about 536 million. We did just have long liquidations of over 780 million that led to the drop that we saw today. Uh look at the chart, though folks, every time you see these long liquidations, you see the crypto or price of bitcoin drop.

You could see that here back in september back in september, we did also have about a 25 pullback, and we had that 25 pullback in september, and it just led to explosive growth in october, where we saw those 40 percent gains now we're seeing about this. Pullback of somewhere around 15 - let's pull it back here if we go 60 divided by a 69, take the new price divided by the old price, uh yeah there you go. We see about that 13 percent pullback here. If we go to where we went, which was about 58.5 there, you could see about that full 15 pullback.
So for a lot of folks, this is actually a bullish type of pullback, because it's much less than the pullback that we saw in september and september paved the way for larger gains in october, uh jp morgan, obviously very very bullish on crypto assets going into next Year, i'm bullish on 2022 for crypto myself. I do hold out of my entire portfolio uh. If you include real estate, i've got about four percent in crypto uh. If you just look at my stocks and crypto portfolio uh, i'm about seven percent uh in crypto, so just over a couple million dollars in crypto at the moment the vast majority of that is bitcoin, i'm a little bit unbalanced.

Usually, i'd like to be a little bit more balanced uh between three or four different cryptocurrencies, a little bit heavy on bitcoin at the moment uh, but uh. In my opinion, this is just the typical sort of pullback that we find uh in the crypto market. If anything, it creates a buy the dip opportunity. It is possible that the liquidations we're seeing today could pave the way for more liquidations, although that's not uh.

Traditionally, what we've seen uh pattern wise - that's kind of what you would sometimes expect in the the stock market that some liquidations lead to lower prices which lead to more liquidations. But if you look at the chart, a lot of the larger liquidation bar charts here are not followed by a significantly high bar charts thereafter, so it's possible that we won't have more liquidations coming in the short term. We had that happen once here, uh and but we still see most of the price drop happened on that first day. So it's entirely possible that this is a temporary uh.

You know one two day dip here and that bitcoin will be heading back to that 63. 300 700 level right around there uh and then maybe we'll rubber band back around that it does look like at the moment, at least at the time of this recording we are rotating back and soon we'll be pushing back over 61. 000. Again, let's look at the brief chart here.

Yep, you can see the trend here, we're bouncing off that sixty thousand three hundred dollar level, uh and uh looks like we might be taking uh we're getting ready to to trend back to that. Sixty three thousand seven hundred level, but so far these are definitely levels that you wan na pay attention to jp morgan, extremely bullish here worth noting a few other updates as well. Here that uh, you may have already heard burger king teamed up with robin hood, for a promotion of trying to basically get people to buy burgers. I wanted to mention just because i've heard this mentioned a few times.
I wanted to just mention that we researched the odds of winning the odds of winning if you buy something from burger. King uh are a one in one hundred thousand for winning a bitcoin uh. You've got a one in ten thousand chance of winning an ethereum and they'll also be giving away two million dogecoin a 200 ether in total and 20 bitcoin in total. The only requirement is, you spend five dollars more or more on your ticket to qualify at burger king now, we've got cryptocurrency wallets.

Finally, starting to apparently happen at robinhood, though i haven't actually seen anybody with one uh. They started rolling out cryptocurrency wallets last week and uh. They do have one million folks on their wait list expected to get wallets uh. We've got a lot of enthusiasm also for voyager digital.

At the moment, although, along with uh, a lot of the crypto stocks right now, voyager digital is selling off a little bit. Voyager digital is a position that i entered at about twelve dollars and thirty cents. It ran to about twenty dollars, yeah we'll go to the day chart. Here, it's a little easier to see.

I entered this position at twelve dollars and thirty cents, so i didn't perfectly time the bottom i got in about a day a day into the stock starting to rally again did run to almost twenty dollar twenty one dollars. A share here has been on a slight little bit of a downtrend, although we have also seen bitcoin on a slight little bit of a downtrend here after we hit that 69 000 level. So it's not a surprise to see a little bit of a pullback here. You generally see that also with the miners.

Here's, for example, hud 8 mining. How are you seeing a little bit of that pullback as well as we come back off of highs from bitcoin, so uh uh? Obviously, a lot of excitement also about solana, hitting uh and maintaining the fourth largest market cap for crypto. I do uh hold a solano jungle. Solana.

Excuse me jungle cat. It is the only nft i own, which i'm very excited about uh that, and that is my uh, my nft exposure. Usually i'm a little bit worried about going too heavy on nfts because of the uh like well sort of the lack of liquidity. You know risk.

I i like liquidity. I have a lot of money tied up in real estate, it's about looking at when you can compare real estate uh and my stock portfolio, i'm about 42 real estate, and we all know that real estate's a whole lot less liquid. So i like keeping my other investments as liquid as possible, and so i do like that about uh just holding coins, for example like solana or cardano or bitcoin or ethereum uh. We've also uh had some updates on uh, stable coins and stable coin regulation that we're still waiting for serious updates.

Here, the federal reserve did talk uh about stable coins as well uh in their uh federal reserve financial stability report. It's worth mentioning that they did make reference to the presidential working group on uh unstable coins, which the president's working group they pointed out, a few risks for stable coins. They mentioned that there are one credit risks: two liquidity risks, three operational risks, four settlement risks and five risks arising from improper or ineffective systems of governance. This these are just basically fancy ways of uh individuals in the regulatory space saying that uh there are risks to uh market manipulation and fraud with stable coins, and that really there there is work that should be done in terms of regulating cryptocurrency.
The federal reserve did mention this in their financial stability report as well and uh. Really the the encouragement that's coming for stable coins is a custodial wallet oversight which would be good because you want to make sure that your your wallets are safe. If you are letting them be custody, that's something like a coinbase or uh. You know, maybe even you're, using weeble or whatever uh, to buy your coins or some form of centralized finance and regulation for them.

But there are also some concerns that regulation could go a little crazy, such as requiring banking licenses. If you are using uh stable coins and banking licenses for stable coins are potentially something that could create some risk for companies like gemini or some of the other stablecoin providers like tether, who are probably the furthest thing from ready, uh to get banking licenses, especially as Uh tethers deposits have been called into question for for quite a while uh. Let's briefly, look at the financial stability report, though just so you can see how the fed is viewing this right now stable coins are digital assets that are issued and transferred using a distributed. Ledger and the value of stable coins has grown five fold over the past 12 months stands at about 130 billion as of october 21st, but there are vulnerabilities, exacerbated really by a lack of transparency in governance regarding these stable coins, again really paying homage there to tether And that potential lack of transparency on deposits, however, the potential to use stable coins and payment and their capacity to grow uh, it can pose a risk to payment and financial systems, even though uh stablecoins do come with a lot of benefits, as as you even see Here many central banks around the world are weighing the pros and cons of issuing central bank digital currencies, those are central bank versions of coins and the federal reserve.

If anything, they've been a little bit slow on on coming up with some form of framework for stable coins. Generally, though, all this talk about stable coins, the fact that we're showing up in president working groups reports the fact that we're showing up in financial stability reports uh, even though we're being we're being shown here as a risk uh, is, in my opinion, very bullish for The crypto market uh worth noting by the way that uh robin hood, just i want to say we're hitting record lows here: uh we're at uh, 33 55 right now in robin hood. Only reason robin hood here is coming up. Obviously is because robin hood does make a good chunk of revenue from cryptocurrency trades, even though the crypto community in general discourages people from buying coins on robin hood, because you cannot wallet, transfer your coins out of robin hood uh.
It is worth noting that, in my experiments, which i've published on the channel, robin hood does have the best pricing for crypto yeah. However, it's it's often worth just paying the coinbase pro fee, which is less uh than uh than what you pay at uh at other dealers, but more than what you pay to robinhood. But you get that flexibility of being able to move your coins uh to uh. To to your personal wallet, you can take them out to cold storage.

You can stake your coins. You could do obviously a lot more. You could transfer them over to voyager digital and to get a yield on on your coins, which you could always go to Voyager and use code uh kevin.

I believe their latest promotion is uh 25 in free bitcoin, when you find an account, but you have to fact check me on that one. When you go to the link and uh but yeah it is. It is worth noting that as crypto is falling here, robin hood is falling as well. Kathy would, of course, very bullish on crypto uh, both bitcoin and ethereum, and uh also buying the dip like crazy on robin hood.

So uh, that's uh. That gives us a little bit of an explanation in terms of what's happening happening in the crypto community right now, bitcoin uh, pretty stable right now, sixty thousand nine hundred we'll see what kind of catalysts we get to either side. If we do end up by the way breaking where we sit now uh, the next level of support would be about 54, 300.. So there's a long way to go between where we are now and uh and where we could end up.

If we end up getting a little bit more of a pain point here on uh on bitcoin, and certainly if we get more liquidation so we'll see what happens, it could be by the dip opportunity, but anyway uh. Thank you so much for watching this video. If you found this video helpful check out the courses i linked down below i'm sure you'll find those extremely helpful uh, there's a black friday coupon that you can take advantage of and folks see you next one thanks again goodbye.

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32 thoughts on “Crypto”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Lookan Channel says:

    i see the red as an incredibly good thing, all it means is i can just buy WAY WAY MORE

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FELIX BENNETT says:

    The < market is growing daily with new strategies and trading opportunities. Financial empowerment is our everyday. Mr JAMES MICHAEL ARRINGTON's has proven to be a part of this mission. his strategy has been most profitable. not to be bias . Trading crypto is logic, if you don’t have a working and excellent strategies like James's strategy, you will surely lose when the price is not favorable. I have been trading to increase my portfolio with the best. you can reach out and see yourself.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Financial Desire says:

    Kevin _ your missing the gold rush age for cryptocurrency by investing in stocks mostly. Crypto is a gold rush like the Californian one during 1840-1850. Shiba Inu gone 785X since spring this year! Why are you sitting out?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jürgen Bohm says:

    <Cryptocurrency prices are notoriously volatile and it might be too early to tell whether the latest dip marks the start of a reversal of the 2021 bull market, or if it's just a correction on the way to new all-time highs. The one area of concern is that the move lower has seen crypto assets fall out of its multi-week ascending channel, turning the technical outlook from positive to neutral. While the long-term growth of digital assets still looks strong, the short-term correction has increased panic in the market…It doesn't matter if you are a current hodler or a new investor, you can always capitalize on the volatility of Cryptocurrencies by trading with the guidance of a professional. I have been trading Crypto for less than a month now and I was only able to make 9.2btc with signals provided by Sharon Rooker. She can easily be reached on Telegram@sharonrooker1

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cress cressington says:

    How does anyone trust this guy after he created GME FUD by acting like he absolutely knew Roaring Kitty dumped his shares when he didn’t. Fucking shill. Nice hair, guy….

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars His Telegram name is @John_Adams0 says:

    📞⬆ You can make money regardless of the movement of the market, this is the best time to start profiting your way to freedom. Join the "New Rich" Learn how to trade with John Adam's easy to understand trading signals…–

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars doubledownguy says:

    tug of war btwn bullz/bears, longs getting squashed, utility token STORJ stays afloat tho

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DeFi Slate says:

    Awesome crypto video, sir. Thank you for sharing.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars amir Ahmed says:

    Xrp is the best cryptocurrency

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rachelle says:

    ALT COINS will boom! Get in before. …ALTURA KYLIN. UFO SAND SHIBA. POLK CITY!!!!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars diana says:

    Hair color covers for any bad advice , so you can say I took advice from that guy with the green hair ?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J Business says:

    XRP fool

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stephen Ward says:

    VRA is an absolute gem on this dip , got big upgrades in december

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frank Wiersma says:

    For a hedge against inflation Bitcoin appears to be the worst choice you can make.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Garry Washington Yisrael says:

    Cardano will change lives

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DarkRider1768 says:

    Which one of the banks/investment firms called for Lucid to 12$ immediately before they delivered their first cars and shot up past 40?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Always Learning Always Saving says:

    Dont forget BLOK.. its holding strong too!!! MANA and BLOK will change lives!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jerry Dixon Dixon says:

    Invested in Bitcoin for the first time today

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars full_bear full_bear says:

    Sure, it all is about liquidations….smokescreen for the plebs.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Xpurgeon says:

    70k lets go!!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lus S says:

    Kevin went Super Saiyan.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Austin Finance says:

    Gonna be a crazy year end run for crypto

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steven Daveshwar says:

    I bought MANA at .40 cents. Let’s go!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luna says:

    Vechain and Vethor

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vinnie Koltes says:

    Don’t think shopping for houses during inflation is a good idea , I bought a couple at the beginning of Covid , TIP % is less then 2% (:

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vicky Dada says:

    Crtpto=PONZI only suckers buy high!

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brett S says:

    haha, every thumbnail kev looks like his std test came back positive

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mustafa Emre Demiray says:

    You lost me when you said "digital assets forecast to climb 15% next year" lol

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DAVIDx413 says:

    KRYPTO IS PAYING FOR MOASS 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hugo Marcellus says:

    Cycle Defi just launched and already heading to the moon 🚀!

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Keyte says:

    I’m afraid that Real estate isn’t going to outperform much next year… I’m planning to buy some on the big dips🤷🏼‍♂️. I could be wrong🤦‍♂️

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Simionce Sherred says:

    <As expected, Bitcoin reached its all time high. It’s expected that the long volatile route to the top starts now, where I expect Bitcoin’s peak around Christmas. We often see that when Bitcoin makes a move, the altcoins follow in the two weeks after, which could explain the latest surge in Ethereum and Solana. As big as Bitcoin is now, it’s a mere fraction of what it will be so it never too late, one important note is to follow the guidance of a professional
    <In three weeks of trading I have been able to make 9.2 btc using signals from Carson Herbert. they can easily be reached on Telegram💬 as [carsonsignals].

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