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⚠️⚠️⚠️ #fed #stockmarket #inflation ⚠️⚠️⚠️
The stock market is critically flipping today following earnings from Home Depot, Monday.com, and Walmart - with clear softening and layoffs being caused by the Federal Reserve's actions to constrain inflation. And it's working. Not only are companies noticing an inflection point as of September/October, but following a low read on the Consumer Price Index, the Producer Price Index (seller side) just came in much lower than expected, reiterating that inflation may have peaked. The Fed has reguarly warned NOT to get excited about one soft report. Well, now we have two, compounded by leading indicators suggesting inflation is indeed falling. Sure, consumer expectations are skewed higher, but this is likely due to high prints last month in CPI. Also, Warren Buffett and Burry are shifting their positions as are hedge funds. Tesla provides delivery updates and more.
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Michael Burry has made a massive shift Warren Buffett has added a brand new position, one that we've analyzed in our course member live stream. Uh, just two weeks ago and boy do I have some opinions on this position Federal Reserve Expectations Earnings from Walmart Home Depot and Monday.com are things we've got to talk about. and an in crazy A crazy, crazy, crazy inflationary shocker that just came out this morning. Let's talk about all of this as well as a quick little update on scumbags. Sam Bankman Freed Folks remember 60 off coupon code linked down below new lectures coming out in December and they're going to be amazing for everything. The real estate course stocks course Property Management course even the YouTube course. we'll have new lectures coming out in December with all of the Elite Hustler lectures with no monthly fee now I Listen to your advice, no monthly fee for the Elite Hustler scores coming out on Black Friday so use that 60 off Black Friday coupon code So what are the updates? Same Bankman Freed Big Scumbag I Think this guy deserves to sit next to Bernie Madoff I am so terribly sorry I was ever associated with this guy I failed and I effed up and I feel like crap daily about this. Okay, but at least there are alcohol passes on here. there's no driving so Sam Bankman Freed This guy is such a trickster that he is now screwing with the bots on Twitter Here's how this works. If you delete a tweet on Twitter there are Bots that will post a screenshot of what you deleted, but not if you if your Tweet count doesn't change and you trick the bots. So what's Sam Beekman Free doing? He's posting tweets one letter at a time at the same time as these deleting old tweets and burying them. but he's been exposed already for doing this by the smart and quite critical people on Twitter. But it's quite interesting and it just shows you how Shady This guy is stagflation 92 and these numbers might change after today's numbers after today's inflationary numbers. But stagflation estimates are that 92 Two percent of all investors right now believe that we have a very real risk of stagflation. What does that mean? Well, dang, it means that a lot of people are pricing in paying for markets. Federal Reserve Pricing is still sitting at an expectation that the FED will hike to five percent and will likely hold at five percent all year long. Most major banks are sitting between a uh, four to five percent terminal rate expectation with Wells Fargo Goldman Sachs and Bloomberg coming in between five and five and a quarter percent. JPMorgan 475, Morgan Stanley four five, Barclays four five, and Deutsche Bank four percent. Now, remember if those numbers, those estimates get moved down, markets go up. If those estimates move up, markets move down. It's very simple. in case you're wondering why the S P 500 moves. Everything has to do with expectations for the Federal Reserve. Now before we talk about Warren Buffett and Michael Burry's crazy shift I Want to touch on some earnings really quick? Walmart Finally only grew inventories at 12 percent. They're finally getting a handle on inventories transactions up. Remember we don't look at sales anymore. Sales is a stupid number because when they're like oh, sales are up eight percent, we're like Oh Yeah, duh. Inflation's up eight percent so your real growth is zero. So uh, transactions actually up at Walmart especially the grocery division so that that's a two, two point, one percent excuse me increase here their ad business up thirty percent. so actually growing decently on their ad business. which I don't actually know that much about their ad business, which is kind of fascinating because it is a newer aspect to their business. but most advertising businesses are actually suffering and declining right now on growth. Although Trade Desk actually surprised and did pretty dang decently relative to how others are doing. Trade Desk and their CEO which is by the way, located in my hometown Ventura California They actually argue that during these recessionary times, they think they'll be able to take more market share than some of the more traditional forms of advertising. uh, like Google or Facebook I Don't know if that's true, but that's what they argue. so a lot more people apparently going to Walmart and when you get those middle to Upper end consumers shifting down to Walmart, they can oftentimes be a little sticky in in staying with Walmart As far as Home Depot Home Depot did not fare as well Home Depot Saw transactions that decline quarter over quarter and gave a little bit of a weaker guide. There is a little bit of a sign that we're still seeing people spend at Home Depot because as they wrap up projects I'm really wishing I can get some details on how many people are spending or how much money is being spent on things like moldings and paint which are considered finished jobs in construction compared to two by fours which are generally your raw material sort of beginning of projects uh, tasks should I say or purchases I'd love to get some detail on that, but the earnings calls going on right now so we don't have that yet. but pay attention to that. We are seeing lower guide though and inventory to sales spreads and narrowing suggesting slower or slipping orders and weaker demand in the future. Monday.com saw an inflection point in their customer Resource Management sales in September and October and mentioned that what used to just be European stress is now starting to become Global stress. We're seeing this from a lot of companies. A lot of companies are telling us that oh yeah, all of a sudden in September and October we started hating a wall. This doesn't really surprise me because we're finally actually seeing the impact of the Federal Reserve's tightening and it really aligns with the layoffs we're seeing. especially the corporate layoffs at Amazon Remember, these are not seasonal layoffs. we're actually seeing programmer layoffs. corporate layoffs of the Alexa divisions getting hit hard I Think they might actually end up closing that entire division down, apparently. just not profitable to do a voice yet. Sorry Garyvee Federal Reserve we already talked about Federal Reserve Expectations Hedge funds. Okay, we have a lot of hedge funds actually cutting. Tesla D1 Cut at stake by 48 Catal Cut by 16 and a 48 cut is pretty large. Uh, one of the things to know is that Tesla has also slashed its orders. Uh Elite its order lead times to just one week now I Think the mainstream media is going to jump on this and go, oh my gosh, this is bad. Tesla Lead times only one week? Look Tesla Demand plummeting I Actually think the opposite is going to happen of course I'm a Tesla bull, so take what I say with a grain of salt. I Always like to be aware of my biases. Uh, and and of course, the biggest bias that I have is, uh, suggesting that you should check out those courses because nobody. nobody works harder than I do. and nobody is going to provide you more value in those courses. If you don't see something that you expect to be in those courses, you make sure you write me a message in. Discord You tag me and that lecture will be there by the end of the year. That's just what I'm doing. I'm gonna keep making videos because I Love y'all and if it ain't there, you tag me in. Discord I'm gonna go through it all by the end of this year and we're gonna have more lectures. We're using that Blackboard Until that Blackboard breaks. But anyway I Think the mainstream media is going to go oh, this is bad, you know. Demand down. I Actually think it's going to be free advertising because everybody's gonna go What? I only have to wait a week to get a Tesla This is great news now. obviously there's a risk that demand does collapse if demand collapses Tesla stock will collapse. sorry and sorry me if demand does not collapse which I think a demand collapsing is like a 15 risk. if demand does not collapse, uh, then I think Tesla surges, especially once the Twitter drama settles down. I think there's an 85 chance of that. Okay, now let's talk about Warren Buff and Michael Burry Michael burry out of shorts. He's going heavy on private prisons, increasing his bets on the Geo Group uh core Civic both private prisons and a curate retail private prison. He's also ditched Facebook and Google interesting that he ditched Google I mean Facebook I Don't blame him for I think that's a stupid bet on the metaverse. but anyway, uh, okay, my take on private prisons look I Remember debating private prisons back when I was in high school which uh, you know, was only a couple years ago. Uh, just kidding. but I used to debate private prisons in speech and debate. uh in student Congress and and listen, the amount of debate that has gone into private prisons uh, will probably never end. Uh I think our political environment is such that we can make no radical changes and I am a highly uh, let me put it this way, I'm a dis I'm in disbelief that our government will ever actually fully move over to private prisons. but then again, hey, there are private prisons, so maybe these companies can make really good money. uh Without Really Government expansion I Just see it as a little bit of kind of like a marijuana play where you're relying on the government and anytime you're relying on the government, you're relying on political chance. and and dude, political chance I Don't know. but we do think that Trump will announce his uh president, uh campaign presidential campaign tonight. Hedge funds cut Amazon uh actually in a mixed way. nine million shares bought on net 121 funds increase their positions 100 decrease their positions uh Princeton Completely sold out of lithium America has cut their entire stake you know I ran the numbers because I've seen Lithium prices run up a lot I think the amount of lithium that goes into a Tesla battery for a car is only like four or five hundred bucks. Which is kind of interesting because we've seen Lithium prices Skyrocket over the past few months and I'm like oh man, that's going to squeeze margins for Tesla but then I'm like ah, but if prices go up 20 for lithium, it really only costs maybe 80 bucks more for a battery now. I mean that's still something, but uh, it's It's not as big of a component as I thought it was for uh Tesla which is good news there. Berkshire Hathaway Warren Buffett adds a bit more Chevron up to stake 23 on Occidental and decreased his Activision bet by 12. Remember his Activision bet is a bet that Activision will be acquired I think it's for like in the 90 or some something like that. it's an Arbitrage bat Viking adds to Salesforce and Michael burry I think I already mentioned has no shorts. That sounds weird. Anyway, Uh, okay now now now now we got to talk about the inflationary numbers. Okay, so we had really good CPI numbers right? So what came after these really good CPI numbers? Well today, producer price number so CPI is from the consumer's perspective, producer is from the seller's perspective. Okay, so there's a buyer like you and me going to buy a PC uh at let's say Walmart or Best Buy Actually, I'm not sure why you would buy a PC there versus just building your own or buying it online, but definitely not. Well, I'm not going to say anything anymore. Kevin Kevin With the tangents, uh, the seller's perspective would be like Walmart's perspective. how much is it costing them to go buy that PC to put on the shelf, right? Okay, expectation was core. month over month point: Three percent. we got zero baby flat. Let's go. Uh, we were expecting headline point four percent, which would be 4.8 annualized. we got 0.2 That's 2.4 percent annualized. Let's go very very good and Headline year over year expecting 8.3 and we got eight. Both really, really good numbers. Manufacturing survey came in much higher than expected. We were expecting negative six percent for manufacturing, which is a sort of a recessionary indicator. We got 4.5 percent with Uh prices little changed and the first folks for PPI the first Services decline. uh in a producer price inflation readings with a reading of 0.1 percent. negative First declines since November of 2020. So obviously markets are rallying uh, hard on this. yields for treasuries are plummeting. This is. this is phenomenal news. This is great news. Uh, very very bullish. obviously for cyclicals growth. Uh and uh. let's see if we can sustain it between now through December but this is a this is a second data point now that's really, really good. and if this holds up in December we're going back to the Moon baby. Get that 60 off link down below folks. I'm My Own Sponsor I Love being my own sponsor and talk Sam Bankman Freed See ya bye.

By Stock Chat

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32 thoughts on “Critical market flip flop the great reset.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars รุจิรา มณีรัตน์ says:

    Amazing video and thank you for breaking it down!! Despite the economic downturn, I'm so happy I have been earning $ 60,000 returns from my $7,000 investment every 12days.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BobJones TMart says:

    The tens of thousands of people laid off the past few weeks won't be buying a tesla

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Collin Silvers says:

    We need a video on Matterport brotha 📈

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bench of lemons says:

    dude there is way more than 500 usd of lithium in a base model3

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thomas Evans says:

    I know you bought unlimited Wi-Fi

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mohammad Robertson says:

    Despite the economic downturn,I'm so happy☺️. I have been earning $ 60,200 returns from my $7,000 investment every 13days•

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Snake Griffin says:

    Oh the scumbag? Sam Bankman-Fried? The same scumbag that sponsored you and you were gushing to interview?
    The same scumbag that you got thousands of your audience to invest with?
    Yeah, who’s the real scumbag

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr. Phil says:

    Lots of good drinks on the boat?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick says:

    Wow, the comment section got hit by bot scammers. Everyone, please don’t fall for those amz41x scams!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EeshanK says:

    Cruises are a scam so no wonder Meet Scammin is on there

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars VeggieShiba says:


  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Luk says:

    Who does finance videos on a cruise lol, kudos to Kevin

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars askchrishetrades says:


  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars askchrishetrades says:

    Kevin the scammer. 😂😂😂😂

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 💰 Make $750 Per Day says:

    "Trust because you are willing to accept the risk, not because it's safe or certain." —Anonymous

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J Y says:

    still at it, what a POS

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sean P. says:

    Why don't you DONATE all the money FTX paid you to scam and defraud your viewers recommending their platform? You profited from scamming your viewers.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jacob Ortiz says:

    What are the odds that a few FTX victims try to sue Kevin? Who tries to sue Tom Brady? Regardless, I bet you it happens.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cesar Dominguez Jr says:

    And Michael Burry has no shorts…..

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shplendiddan says:

    At least… I screwed som ppl over!
    retard laugh

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pino says:


  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BT says:

    Egocentric, negligent, incompetent, lazy FTX HouseHack pumper

    Stay away people

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ken H says:

    Put the mic down Kevin! Enjoy your vacation with your family!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cakes26 says:

    What ship is this??

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Thrives says:

    Private prison ought to be illegal. Profiting off incarcerating people can never be good, this is like investing in big tobacco. All bad!

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Victor Jara says:

    Dude you’re a scam like FTX and somehow people are still dumb enough to watch you. Hmmm they must believe Biden too.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars L. Crandall says:

    Anyone on here watching Kev needs to also watch Chris Norlund. A good starter video would be "FTX Ponzi Exposed and Explained | Sam Bankman Fried and Stephan Graham" from 4 months ago…

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Youtube Is Fake says:

    all going to hell..us 2008×1000
    2008 was one madoff only then market crashed madoff was the scapegoat the visible hand of the magician..
    now as you can see there are 1000s of madoff so..the nasdaq curve is a copy of bitcoin.🤣

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars UhSquishyRobot says:

    You're a fuckin' grifter Kevin

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ien Tran says:


  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rb72 says:

    Nah, this market has bottomed. Inflation going down will bring out all the bulls.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars George Rossetti says:

    As a new trader, I feel fortunate for being in the position to learn my craft during these difficult, bear market conditions. I believe learning and trading with trade signal from my investment coach Mrs. Robin Moore during this time and honing my skills when it's difficult market conditions, will put me in a position to exponentially profit off the next bull market…because when everything is going up, it's easy to make money and doesn't take any skill. Thank you, Robin Moore and your team for your tutelage over these past several months for i have moved from having 3.5btc as a hodler to now 14.7btc as a trader. I'm very excited for my future! Those who are not happy loosing to the crash can reach out to her on how to recover and make more profits with her trade signal

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