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⚠️⚠️⚠️ #Congress #omnibus #spending ⚠️⚠️⚠️
What's inside the $1.7 trillion dollar omnibus spending package to prevent a government shutdown.
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Congress has just revealed their 1.7 trillion dollar spending package is is a 4155 page Bill 1500 pages more than last year. That's like a whole stimulus Bill more of pages than last year's spending bill. Now, of course, this does avert a government a shutdown should it be passed. Which of course it is expected to be passed and that it can sometimes be nice to go into the holidays knowing we're not going to have a shutdown.

But it's also going to come with a whole lot more spending. and some of it raises some eyebrows. We're going to talk about just that in this video. Hey everyone Me: Kevin Here Remember the only sponsor for this channel are the programs linked down below: I'm Building Your Wealth Let's get into the program of Congress's spending.

So defense spending is expected to be up 850 or up to 858 billion dollars for this particular spending package. For next year, that's up 76 billion dollars, about eightish percent. 40 billion dollars for disaster relief Think hurricanes, fires, uh, earthquakes, right? Electoral Count reform. Now this is an interesting one.

This tries to basically prevent Another January 6 from happening by making it clear that the vice President's role is simply to count the votes publicly in Congress and that he doesn't have any power to actually stop the transfer of power. Remember Mike that it depends. You know. Hey, maybe Mike Pence can just refuse to count and there the electoral votes and therefore, maybe the transfer power could stop.

That was a thesis uh, at the end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021. Now there are also 16 billion dollars in earmarks in this legislation, which 16 billion dollars is is a smaller fraction of the 1.7 trillion dollars that's in this entire package. But earmarks are really interesting because earmarks are basically this tool that allows Senators to put individual little requests in a bill. and they stick those requests in a bill like what I was looking at was 857 thousand dollars for a new fire truck And it can be really, really specific little line items.

And what's fascinating about it is when you actually look at the Appropriations website and then you think to yourself, okay, I'm going to start going through all of the Appropriations At first you're like, okay, all right. so Senator Baldwin's got some in here. He's got 4.3 billion dollars for the construction of a new food bank serving Western Wisconsin or 2.5 million dollars for child care center Construction and Equipment Okay, like some of these seem reasonable, like hey, these are improvements to local areas, maybe improvements to Public Safety But then when you try to understand how many of these line item entries there are to actually go through them and like, who's going to actually check on all of these, right? there are 14 048 appropriation requests apparently when you go through this Appropriations uh, segment of the Senate website, Now, those don't necessarily all have to be related to this bill, but it's just like, oh man, those are a lot of line items and you know most of these are probably just, uh, whatever. Slide it in.
And one of the reasons we know that is because there's one individual who happens to be retiring and this individual is sliding in a whole lot of them. Richard Shelby Who is a retiring from the Senate Uh, as someone on the Appropriations Committee has 656 million dollars in appropriation requests inserted into this particular bill. 17 projects in total just for one. Senator So one Senator basically is getting 656 million dollars to Dole out to departments like the Port Authority Department of Transportation hey, go fix that road by my house I'm not saying he's doing that, just staying like hey, I'll get you that if you fix that road over there.

hey I'll get you like that's Congress for you right? Like could you imagine being an individual with the power to have 656 million dollars money you could give away You will get invited to everyone's parties. Okay, there are so many earmarks that's crazy. Some of the big ones are a 45 billion dollars in the actual bill. Moving away from earmarks.

Now the actual bill. Some of the big items in the actual bill are 45 billion dollars of more funding for Ukraine That's actually more than the 37 billion dollars that Joe Biden requested. Some say that it's actually more than Joe Biden requested because Democrats think this might be the last opportunity they have before Republicans take over to send money to Ukraine and as a result, what do we have? We have Mr Zielinski President Zielinski himself coming and traveling from Ukraine to DC to conduct his first in-person joint meeting with Joe Biden at 2PM and they will be since the invasion and they will be conducting a public joint statement in front of Congress at 4 30 PM eastern time today. so stay tuned for that.

That's about 1 30 Pacific time we'll get to see Zielinski and Biden together make a statement. Zelenski is nailing timing pretty well here I'd say as he's coming right as it seems like Congress is about to hand him almost another 50 billion dollars. I guess I would make the flight over to America as well for 50 billion dollars. There's also a segment for Michelle Obama Trail for 3.6 million dollars Nancy Pelosi is apparently getting her name on a building.

There is a Tick Tock Ban that is a ban for a removal of Tick Tock on any government devices and a ban disallowing Tech talk from being able to be installed on any government devices. This has to do with Uh, spy concerns by work concerns, contact downloading, concerns from the Chinese Communist party, and potentially implications that you know could sneak through Uh Tick Tock's data servers if data happens to also be stored in Asia and outside of America Which so far it seems like research is suggesting copies of data that's supposed to stay in the United States has already been found. or copies of that data have already been found in places like Singapore And that's leading people to be a little bit concerned that, oh, maybe Tick Tock Isn't So safe on our phone. There are some new tax rules around a land easements that are given to the government for big tax write-offs.
This is, actually, in my opinion, a direct slam on Donald Trump Who took massive tax write-offs using these sorts of strategies and those have come under scrutiny lately. So that slipped into here. We've seen a security boost. Listen to this one.

The Capitol Police will extend protective details for the former house speaker for up to one year after they leave office, and we know that Nancy Pelosi is about to step down from being the house speaker and of course, her husband was violently attacked in San Francisco potentially longer as well if warranted. So kind of an Open Door there to potentially have security forever and also two and a half million dollars of funding for residential. Security Programs for senators I'm kind of thinking to myself, what are they going to install like a hundred ring cameras and charge you know, 10 grand a piece for them or I guess I'd be more like 25 Grand a piece for them? Who knows. Anyway, uh, what's a not in this bill and then I'm going to go through some actual Provisions Here on screen are an extension to the child tax credit.

Remember that was thirty six hundred dollars per year per child. Uh, up to six years old and then three thousand dollars per child six to Seventeen years old for the 2021 tax year. Half of that was paid in 2021 and uh, the other half was paid when you filed your taxes this year for 2021.. the Cannabis safe Banking Act did not make it into this bill as well.

But don't worry. Some things that did make it into the build are the following we here have here: Yehiri for necessary expenses associated with Pacific salmon populations. Yes, salmon populations are getting 65 million dollars. Some folks are calling this fishy.

although it is worth noting that Canada is spent is spending like 647 million Canadian dollars. So I guess that's probably way less than we're spending. uh I'm kidding on slowing the decline of the salmon population in the Pacific so this is actually an issue, but some people are pointing this out as fishy. Anyway, there is 7.5 million dollars here in funding towards developing a better understanding for domestic radicalization phenomena That this would be like School shooters and things like that.

It's like, okay, well what are they going to spend that seven and a half million dollars on Don't Shoot the schools. Who knows. Here's another section here of the amounts appropriated in this act. There will be 410 million dollars that shall be available to reimburse Georgia Lebanon Egypt Tunisia and Oman for the National Defense Authorization Act.
Now keep in mind every single year we do a budget. uh, everybody freaks out over the foreign aid that is sent uh to other countries. Now keep in mind every single year we have any kind of foreign aid in a bill. It automatically attracts attention from individuals to say we should spend all of that money only on America and not on foreign aid.

For the rest of the world, we have a total of about 51 billion dollars of annual foreign aid expenses to other countries and you can actually go to Foreign and just scroll around like 3.7 billion dollars allocated for Afghanistan I. Expect after the Taliban have taken over, that might change a little bit. so we'll see Ethiopia 1.2 billion dollars and you can see the breakdown here the most. goes towards peace and security, then health and humanitarian assistance Economic Development and so on and so forth.

These things are of course used in trade agreement negotiation as well, so these things can get very complicated. Worth noting that 51 billion dollars of foreign aid just represents three percent of the 1.7 trillion dollar spending in this bill. Kind of wild can the wild? Okay, let's go to the next one. This one got a lot of drama online.

This one here says 1.5 billion dollars for Border management requirements of the U.S Customs and Border Protection Agency. So basically 1.5 billion dollars for border patrol. But wait a minute. Here it says to acquire, maintain or extend border security Technologies and capabilities except for technology and capabilities to improve border patrol processing.

So people get really confused by this. Uh, this is because the way Congress divide thing divides things can be a little confusing if you go like 60 Pages earlier in the bill. you could actually see a separate 230 million dollars specifically for those types of Technologies So just worth. Kind of showing that sometimes these things get taken out of context.

But what doesn't get taken out of context is the fact that the vaccine injury Compensation Program trust fund is getting a 15 boost to its trust fund and it is going up to 15.2 million dollars. Keep in mind the New York Times just ran a front page story about how fewer older folks are actually getting their covet boosters. although I don't think anybody's really surprised by that. We've got over here.

Uh, 524 million dollars going to minority health and health disparities research. Then we have on the next page right here. We've got 300 million dollars that should be available for the purchases of vaccines, antivirals, and medical supplies for the flu Total of 335 million just for the flu. We also have 535 million dollars going to the Corporation of Public Broadcasters.

Those are like organizations that put together NPR National Public Radio We have over here. this is a one that got a little bit of attention online. 575 million dollars going basically to areas uh, under uh, the guidance of the United States Leadership Against HIV AIDS Tuberculosis and Malaria acts which in my opinion is going into areas probably like really destitute in poor areas in Africa But some folks read this and and they see this as oh my gosh, 575 million dollars is going towards Family Planning and reproductive Health What kind of agenda is this going to I Personally believe it's probably going to areas where population growth could could impact uh, not only the environment, but but potentially lead to more poverty or like things like incest right? So it's really just more of a breakdown of foreign aid in my opinion, but it's something that got a lot of attention online. Here's another one we have: 200 million dollars may be available for gender equity and Equality action fund with not less than 50 million being available or Des designated to increase leadership opportunities for women in countries where women and girls suffer discrimination due to the law or policy or otherwise.
Over here we have three million dollars for carrying out the pollinator friendly practices on roadsides and highways act. Okay, so this is basically saying I I Wrote a little note here that this has to do like people are calling this three million dollars for bees. well to some degree. if we just look at the title, it is somewhat true.

It is also a matter of trying to reduce irrigation at the sides of Roads reducing mowing on the side of Roads reducing the need to use herbicides and pesticides on roads. So that way there are more natural flowers on the side of roads which are beneficial to bees. but it's also beneficial. For less expenses on mowing, it's beneficial for less water costs.

It's beneficial for the environment to use less chemicals, right? So there's a lot more to that. And my expectation is that three million dollars goes to sort of research on the type of plants and things like that. And don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to like defend all the provisions of of this bill I Think it's kind of crazy. some of the wild things that are in here and I bet you the vast majority this lines people's pockets who don't deserve it and a lot of it is wasted I Really believe that, but uh, at least some of it probably has a good intent.

I Don't know I'm not endorsing it I'm just trying to share it. There's also I guess a money going to designate a certain Park the Ukrainian Independence Park So you've got a lot of stuff going in here, but there you go. There's a little bit of look at the Omnibus spending bill for 2022 that's going to help us prevent a government shutdown. Hope you enjoyed.

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29 thoughts on “Congress’s insane $1.7 *trillion* dollar spending spree details”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pardewski says:

    Our country is doomed..

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PJ 76 says:

    Just the fact that a crime family is behind this bill says everything. How much will go roundy round and back in their pockets? Just like Ukraine a big smoke & mirrors. Somebody is getting very rich and the public is clueless hanks to the bought and paid for MSM? ALL about cover up and swept under the rug?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fred Psimas says:

    Earmarks are slimey and should be illegal…they have no right to spend the people’s money like this …terrible!!!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars costafilh0 says:

    "Peace and security"
    In other words… military expenses… of course!
    Must be nice… not having a conscience and win big investing in private military public traded companies!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars T Sm says:

    We need to downsize the federal government.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JOKER says:

    If passed how will it effect the market tomorrow is the final day.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SunsetSheen says:

    The raping and pillaging of the country continues..

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars This Is Heaven says:

    We already warned congress once. No more spending! The primary concern should be bringing inflation down. Do not waver from that.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars George Senda says:

    If you eliminated all foreign aid everyone on social security, sis, ssdi would get a check of $741, all 70 million people.
    Foreign aid should be eliminated.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars George Senda says:

    We have a senile fool who allows our border to be wide open but we send money to the Middle East to help secure their border s? Screw that.
    Maybe we can get rid of RINO Mitch and Romney & stop this kind of stuff in a GOP run house.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars George Senda says:

    And not a dime for the poor, aged, blind or disabled as the bill is full of pork and earmarks.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Balin Villa says:

    Everyone will need vaseline for 2023 😔

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bruce Banks says:

    Naming a park "Ukrainian Independene…" Is wild!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joyce Koch says:

    Doesn't look like Kyiv is going to fall anytime soon.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gen x tech guy says:

    I stand with … no money to Ukraine.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Schortinghuis says:

    Not more spending, make them stop…annual whine time.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M says:

    I wonder how much gender spending

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M says:

    This country has gone off the rails

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jdogi1 says:

    Kevin sure is happy to spend other people's money for things that he believes to be good causes.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jdogi1 says:

    F that! Nancy can pay for her own flipping security. She's basically stolen millions. It sure is quite a racket they have going.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jdogi1 says:

    How did the legislature feel that it has any role in defining the process of an entirely separate branch of the government. Seems to fly in the face of the separation of powers.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Stapler says:

    Richard Shelby and $656M of earmarks is a bit like Luke 16:1-13
    Jesus also said to the disciples, “There was a rich man who had a manager, and charges were brought to him that this man was wasting his possessions. And he called him and said to him, ‘What is this that I hear about you? Turn in the account of your management, for you can no longer be manager.’ And the manager said to himself, ‘What shall I do, since my master is taking the management away from me? I am not strong enough to dig, and I am ashamed to beg.
    I have decided what to do, so that when I am removed from management, people may receive me into their houses.’ So, summoning his master's debtors one by one, he said to the first, ‘How much do you owe my master?’ He said, ‘A hundred measures of oil.’ He said to him ‘Take your bill, and sit down quickly and write fifty.’ Then he said to another, ‘And how much do you owe?’ He said, ‘A hundred measures of wheat.’ He said to him, ‘Take your bill, and write eighty.’ The master commended the dishonest manager for his shrewdness. For the sons of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own generation than the sons of light. And I tell you, make friends for yourselves by means of unrighteous wealth, so that when it fails they may receive you into the eternal dwellings.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Reaching 4 Reality says:

    We can't allow them to do this and continue to spend way more than we can make as a country! Where do you think this comes from! It will be taken from us all through further inflation!

    The money to Ukraine is literally being laundered back to our military industrial complex. This is iraq all over again!

    The audacity that we think we can not produce more than we spend and continue to manipulate the rest of the world and barrow that power from our productive economy, the only functional part of the USA, is disheartening and we must stand up to these greedy politicians!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BTC-Siferd says:

    Until we get these morons out of office and fix the corruption our children are screwed.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Semmens says:

    Biden will bankrupt this country no accountability about producing revenue except to tax the minions

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charles Chen says:

    The Demos rushed this bill so no one has time to read and just before the GOP takes the House control in 13 days,

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Harrigan says:

    Go woke go broke, print that money

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mojoe says:

    It was nice to see Zelenskyy at the fundraiser—I mean congress today.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SH DMD says:

    Biden is more president of Ukraine than America

    But again, given what we saw in the Musk Twitter Files regarding how cozy with the money abide. Family and aunt wine is, cannot saw it’s surprising

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