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In this captivating episode of the Meet Kevin Show, we delve into a thought-provoking discussion surrounding Andrew Tate, his influence on young men, and his impact on America. Tim Pool and Kevin Paffrath, two prominent voices in today's political landscape, engage in a candid conversation that explores various perspectives.
Tim and Kevin weigh in on the role of leadership and masculinity in society, touching on figures like Jordan Peterson, Tucker Carlson, and even former President Donald Trump. They dissect the complexities of the MeToo movement, false accusations, and the need for genuine guidance for young men in today's world.
As the conversation unfolds, you'll gain insights into their views on leadership, the state of schools, and the influence of external factors on children's development. This discussion challenges preconceptions and dives deep into the nuances of leadership and its role in shaping the nation.
📝Contact Information for Kevin & Liability Disclaimer: http://meetkevin.com/disclaimer
This video is not a solicitation or personal financial advice. See the PPM at https://Househack.com for more on HouseHack.

Andrew Tate is effectively the guy who's going to that young man who knows he's deficient and telling him get to work now is Tucker Carlson a leader. There's like this view that being a follower is a bad thing I completely disagree. It's from the get-go I was saying Trump lost this one your take on defunding the police then I'm in favor of it and against it at the same time. It's actually really simple.

Welcome back to another episode of the Me Kevin show. In this episode we have the opportunity to sit down with Tim pool we were just on his podcast. Make sure to check that out on Culture Wars but on Culture Wars I have a question for you Now we're going to start with that we actually didn't talk about on yours Andrew Tate is Andrew Tate good for America or not I could I I Don't listen to a lot of the stuff I've actually known him for like I've never met him in person but I've known him online for a very very long time I can't speak to these videos that come out where he says he did awful things or whatever. What I can say is the stuff that I do see from him tends to be good, but that could just be like selection bias.

Do you think he's providing purpose for for younger men or is there potentially a dangerous purpose? If there's this uh, you know male masculinity, you know toxic masculinity is is what the media likes to Brand him as that's tough Jordan Peterson I would say probably does a better job with purpose and masculinity. but like that's kind of silly to say because Jordan Peterson's a button-up College you know Professor literally type and and Andrew Tate is a world champion kickboxer famous Bugatti driving all these things uh I I would say the messages that I've seen from Tate are a general net positive telling young men to work hard, don't stop. you know, believe in yourself. all that stuff's really good.

There was one viral video I saw where he says rocket ship going to the moon, have to stop halfway to take a break. it has to keep pushing. Non-Stop and I'm like that's a good message but I know there's a lot of stuff that he's been accused of saying and I would I think it's just fair for me to say I don't know if I know enough about his full body of work for me to to give like a good answer. What I can say is the general concept of teaching young men to be uh, responsible, hard-working and to embrace their masculinity is a good thing.

and the reason why so many young men are turning to him is because he's providing them with that that that vision and that leadership that they're lacking elsewhere. Is it our schools that are failing? Is it parents that are failing? Is it government that's failing who? Why? Why are they being failed? All of them. All of them. Yeah.

our schools are disaster. I've always hated the public school system. My experience with it was was it was horrible. Parents absolutely are failing.

Uh, the government. The Department of Education is an easy example. But come on, we can give a million examples of government failure. Uh, schools punish masculinity.
They this has been something since I was a kid. The young boy who is fidgeting and wants to play is scolded and told to sit, sit still and shut up. A more feminine trait. Uh, young girls are.

are you know they have a tendency towards calmly sitting and and you know, being more agreeable. young boys are fidgety. They want to play sports, They want to be physically active. So I think especially with that meant that mentality you then graduate to.

You know the Metoo movement era stuff and the culture wars Where as one example of the Uh of the failings that we see in schools and in the system, there's this meme poster where it says you know John was drunk Jane was drunk, they had sex Jane could not consent so John raped her and it's like well, they're both drunk, right? That's so that's just one example of men are feeling beaten down, insulted and left behind and our universities do it. The reason I say parents are failing is because I've never liked the idea of I don't have kids so so you know. Look, my opinion is ill-informed but I would just say handing off your children to an institutionalized learning facility to raise them. What's actually happening is your children are being raised by other children.

The amount of time a child spends with a mentor figure in a school is minimal and the amount of time they learn from other children is very high. So the behavior is I I saw this when I was growing up. Why is it that where I'm where I'm at in terms of uh Social Development is more responsible staying away from drugs and then this other you know girl in my neighborhood, drugs, gangs, all that really bad stuff. and it was because she learned from other kids right? and so you know I Spent time with my family at the family business where I was surrounded by adults and so the conversations I heard the lessons, lessons I would be given and the hard work I was doing at my family business lended itself to how I viewed the world and how I behaved and the kids that I were around me.

My Social Development will be like I'm standing at a counter making a cup of coffee when a guy walks up and says I am sick of these Republicans and their religious blah blah and I'm hearing that conversation. The kid in my class would spend all their time with another kid going. Did you see the new Eminem video? They're learning from kids who also don't know Whereas I was being influenced by adults who had you know, different opinions and everything and their problems or whatever, right? Yeah, I Think when it comes to parents, kids need to be working with the parents. They need to be speaking more with adults.

There's this viral video showing a bunch of kids in the 50s and the and the children seven or eight years old are speaking like 40 year olds about war and there's this little kid being like I'm quite concerned with what's happening with Germany The the invasion of Poland was quite startling to so many of us. and I don't know what he said, but everyone's like, what is this? It's because these children were being taught by adults to act like adults. And so they did. And the reason why we see, uh, children today acting like children is because the schools are just having kids learn from other children.
Wow. so a lack of leadership in the schools. Is there a potential that if if Andrew Tate is potentially the answer maybe or the counter to the Metoo movement, at what point does that become potential lack of respect towards women? How do you balance that right? right? Yeah. So I don't want to say that Andrew Tate is the answer to the Metoo movement, nor that the Metoo movement was entirely inherently bad.

You know, women being abused or harassed and work is is horrible. and the idea that they would speak up and call out awful people like you know Harvey Weinstein or whatever. and uh, a lot of these disgusting guys should be uh, criminally charged for the criminal acts they did. But what I mean when I bring up the Metoo movement is that there were many stories of false accusations.

There was a uh, the story of the mattress girl in New York where um, she carried around the mattress, got the cover of magazines and was featured and celebrated. and then it turned out that uh, the guy she accused she actually was lying about it I said that's what was reported. It was reported. text messages came out showing that she was begging him and desperately in love with him and he rejected her and then after he they hooked up she begged she begged him to stay with her, he said you know I'm I'm not interested thank you though and then she immediately said then it was right and then turned it into this big PR campaign that results in a bunch of men being like I understand wanting to go after rapists.

but why are you lying about me and destroying my life and the the institutions were immediately just siding with the accusers which led to this this major uh, you know, anti-feminist backlash I Don't think that agitate falls into that sphere necessarily I think Andrew Tate falls into the severe of young men, are purposeless. they're not finding relationships, they're struggling to meet women, They are, uh, physically weak, mentally weak, and they don't want to be. They know their deficiencies. They want to be better.

They want to be strong. They want to be. Superman Andrew Tate says he's he's like it. You look.

Why do people have physical trainers? You could go to the gym and exercise on your own, but you don't exactly know how to do what you need to do or how to get the motivation. So people will hire a physical trainer to tell you, no, no, keep going. One more one more. Do it.

Do it. And then you're pushing. It's like, come on, come on And then you get that last push-up someone to give you the drive and motivation to make you feel like this is the right path forward. The leadership you need, That's what.
Andrew Tate and Jordan Peterson both do entertain a different way from Peterson. but Andrew Tate is effectively the guy who's going to that young man who knows he's deficient and telling him get to work now and then. The kid's like I gotta do it and they can feel that people need leadership. Some people are leaders, Some people need leaders.

and there's nothing wrong with being someone you know. There's like this view that being a follower is a bad thing. I Completely disagree. You know, why do we like dogs so much? Dogs are loyal.

Yeah, and uh, there's that the famous story of Hachiko the dog you know the story of Hachiko Keep it simple. Uh Japanese Professor adopts an Akita puppy. Uh, one day when he's walking to the train station to go teach at University the uh Hachiko breaks out and follows him. That started a tradition of every day.

Hachiko would walk with him to the train station and then when he was coming home Hachiko would run back and meet him at the train. One day the professor had a stroke while his university and he died. Hashiko came to the train station and waited and the simple version is he waited for 10 years because he would not abandon his. You know his friend and they say you know dogs need to know smell the death so that they can grieve.

Uh, they tried to remove Hachiko and rehome him. He was always break out and he would always go back to that train station. They built a statue in Hachiko's honor. That's why we love dogs so much.

because we know that they're They are there for us. but they're followers. So I think about some people are leaders Andrew Tate's clearly a leader and some people are followers. I Think about a great General that we Revere and we always need to remember that those soldiers who stood on the front line with that with that man were followers.

But they had some of the greatest courage to stand and face death for something greater than themselves. So there's nothing wrong with being a follower. but you'll need a leader. You'll need someone to be that motivating force.

If you do not give young men a strong motivating force or you demonize them, they will find it wherever they can. And uh, like I said I think Andrew Tate is uh, based on what I've seen of him today I Can't speak for any of the other stuff he said. There's a lot of things that are controversial I Don't know about some things that I said that are despicable, but uh, the matches I see for him today tends to be empowering for young men who are in desperate need of that. Perhaps if they have complaints about Andrew Tate and don't like it, they should stop demonizing masculinity and provide real, uh, masculine.

uh I mean, look even Jordan Peterson who's a fairly mild-mannered guy. They called him a Nazi and far right and all that stuff. Well, if you can't have Jordan Peterson you can educate so that's what you got to deal with. Wow.
Great answer. Tucker Carlson Recently interviewed Donald Trump Some say that Tucker Carlson was weak in his questioning in his interview. is Tucker Carlson a leader? Uh, yes, Tucker Carlson But um, he's absolutely a leader and there's no question about that. but he's not on the same level as a trump or an Andrew Tate or even a Jordan Peterson And what I mean by that is, there's probably a bunch of other names I could list Tucker is a A He's an he's an individual operator.

He does his thing. He doesn't seem to be the kind of guy who, uh, wants to be in charge of everyone else. He's just forward-thinking intelligent, well-read understands a lot and he's conveying those ideas I'd probably put myself in a similar position to Tucker on the on the scale of leadership I'm I'm not here to be leading a charge uh, in terms of like you know, like obviously to a certain degree I I push more than Tucker probably does. But I'm not running for office I don't want to be anyone's boss even though I am I'm not doing this that I can be in charge of a bunch of people, but there is a degree of leadership that we're both engaged in without being the let me run this and let me fix this.

Jordan Peterson is is a culture Warrior leader a general in the culture War He goes online and he says here's what I think here's what's happening Tucker and I and Tucker Obviously to it a hundred fold more than I do say here's the news we saw and here's what we think about it so you know where's Jordan Peterson sets the standard of this is the this is the issue and this is the history uh and that leads a lot of people in a certain direction and Trump says I Want To Be Your Leader vote for me. Someone like Tucker Carlson is more so like, well, you know, let me let me talk to you about what's going on. But you know I'm not going to tell you I'm not gonna take charge of your life. You know, can somebody like Vivek be a leader? If some say he's just echoing or parroting what Trump says and potentially even a further way.

Oh, the fake is absolutely litter. Um, he's new to the scene. He many of his positions are untested. he's not been in office, but he is standing in front and uh, the best example of leadership in this regard is there's the obvious semantic argument of yes, he wants to be president, so he's trying to be a leader on the debate stage.

When asked, would you still support Donald Trump If he was convicted without hesitation, Vivek's hand goes as high as it can possibly go. then Nikki Haley and then some men to the right, and then finally Rhonda Santos looks to his right, looks to his left, and then half holds up his hand right That that image right there shows a lack of leadership. lack of leadership versus leadership. Yeah, Vivek was uninterested in whether or not people would like or hate him for his view on supporting Trump He knew he knew.
You can say that Vivek is just trying to appease Trump Voters Fine, you can say he's just trying to Pony up to Trump Absolutely. But that means that in his mind he is definitive and he knows this is the move that must be made to win and he's not going to wait for an audience to clap. Rhonda Sanders on the other hand, was unsure. So Ron may be saying he wants to be a leader, but looking around to see what the temperature is before raising your hand is now I guess Ron's response was that, um, they had agreed not to do the hand raising thing and so it's interesting.

So when it happened, he was like, are they actually doing this Doesn't matter It shows that he was caught off guard and I'm not trying to drag him for it. Maybe he was caught off guard, but Vivek knew definitively the move that had to be made whether you like him or not. Right. And so so a leader is the one who's going to decide.

I'm going to jump out, head first to lead. Do we have a leader in the United States today? Well, what do you mean I mean there's tons of leaders Political? Uh, Trump's a leader. He's obviously you know he was the president. He wants to be the president and he has a loyal base that believes you know in what he's doing and uh, they'll follow him for it.

Joe Biden is not a leader. He's in the semantic sense. We can make the definitional argument. Well, he's the president.

So of course he's like, yeah, but come on, he's He's all over the place. Uh, he, you know Mitch McConnell's not a leader despite the fact that he's literally leader. McCarthy it's it's ridiculous and and you know it. it maybe he once was.

he was, uh, but he's not there anymore. And so there's a lot of leaders. Gavin Newsom's a leader. Uh, but you know there's gradients.

so this is not the political based in terms of your opinion as to whether they're a leader or not. Yeah, no. I mean Gavin Newsom is a governor. so you have the definitional.

but he's also taking charge, trying to win. He wants to debate to santis. he clearly wants to be president. These are these are leadership qualities I don't like the guy sure, uh, to be to be honest Trump barely crosses the line for me in a lot of ways as well.

But I find uh Trump You know what I love about Trump's dishonesty is like superficial and I mostly don't care. and his honesty is groundbreaking. His honesty is we're I key moment in his in his presidential uh uh term he goes. He goes up to a reporter and they're like, you know what's going on with uh, you know we heard there's a weapons trade deal with somebody.

Oh it's fantastic. We're selling all these weapons of Saudi Arabia We're gonna make a ton of money. It's going to boost our economy and then you get all of these anti-war leftists. Their jaws hit the floor like he just admitted it.
He just admitted this is what the United States does. We saw weapons to our to our allies and then they oppress other people and we and we do it for profit. Or when Trump said we're going to keep soldiers to protect the oil like I'll take it. Yeah, uh.

Gavin Newsom is the more smarmy kind of guy who tells you what you want to hear and is actually just running things into the ground. but he's look, you know, no one ever said a leader had to be a good leader, right? That's a good point. There's good leaders. There's bad leaders, plenty of bad leaders.

Hey, big shout out to Tim Poole and Tim Poole's audience in case you don't know me. Quick interjection: I'm a licensed financial advisor and I have a goal of making everybody more money. I have courses that teach you everything that you need to know on going from zero to millionaire in real estate, in stocks, investing, or even with your job and income, those are over at Meetkeven.com And if you want actual Financial advice dedicated to your personal situation personalized Financial Advice you can now get stacked with Stack Hack. go to Stackhack.com for that.

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but I'm not going to insult or deride or discriminate because somebody was inherited wealth I have a lot of friends who are born into wealthy families who are totally detached from the plight of the working class. and I have people who were born working class who have lost touch and I think it's fair to say probably I and many others who have found success lose touching to a certain degree and uh, you? you it normalizes for and you don't realize it. But uh, when it comes to generating wealth, it's you, you know. Let's use a poker analogy: I Love poker.

Worst possible hand you can get when the game starts is seven. Deuce Offsuit seven two of two different suits, two different symbols. The best is two. Aces The chance of winning with seven Deuce against Aces is like 11 or 9.

It's like ridiculously bad. I Think it might be like 12. Oh, you gotta get it straight. Good luck, Yeah, but you so So the reason 7-2 is so bad is that you you can't make a straight between the two hundreds, you can't.
You're right. you're one card off exactly. See I'm not the best poker player right? So two a pair of twos loses everything. A pair of sevens is going to lose to half the board with two different suits.

You can't make a flush. The gap between seven and two is so great you can't make it straight. The only thing you can get is like if two sevens hit the Border two two so you get three of a kind. It's really really difficult.

But here's the thing doesn't matter. you could have Aces and I can have, you can have the best and I can have the worst hand. and then the first three cards come out where Texas Hold'em Style and it's uh, four, five, six and then the person holding the Pair of Aces says, wait a minute someone could have a straight with four five six. actually I have seven? Yeah, three, seven, maybe? Yeah.

Well, I've got two seven rights. They don't know that and so what? I what? I do is the person with the aces. they make a bet I raise I make a bigger bet. Yeah and now they're like oh, he's got the street.

He hit it didn't he? Yeah, he flopped it and they go. I don't want to do this but I think you hit it and they flip over the Aces and fold them and then you flip over the bluff. you gave up. Why? Even though I was dealt the worst possible hand and you would doubt the best.

I played it right and I win the money. So that's that's the life lesson right there. And the simple one is we're all we're all dealt different cards. It's how you play them that that determines it.

That'd be fair. if you played a game of poker and every hand you got was seven two, you'd be miserable and you'd be losing. Yeah, and if every hand you got was Aces you'd be winning Yeah, endlessly and people would stop playing with you. Sure, So, uh.

but but for the most part, there's a uh, there's a study done in poker. They found that I think it's uh, 75 or 75 to 80 percent of winning hands were not the best hand. Wow, 75 to 80. Yeah, so that that means you're more likely to succeed with a deficit at the start.

It's it's you. You can view it that way from the surface, but it's more so. poker is a game of people, not a game of cards. Yeah! I got a buddy who loves playing poker he knows all the math and then I played a ridiculous hand three five suited, really low, hard to win and then I won I won a couple hundred bucks and he was like what were you doing and I was like it doesn't matter what I have it matters how they're acting is the person making the bet against me scared I'll give you an example.

the other day uh I had three four suited, three, three four of Spades and the board came out something like uh 7, 9, 10 with two hearts. If there's three hearts, a three of one suit on the board, someone could have a flush. pretty strong. So the other guy looks at the board, he makes a bet I call the next card comes out as a heart.
he immediately pulls his head back and then goes back down and I'm like you don't got it So then he checks meaning I'm not gonna make a bet and then I say all in and I push 300 in the middle and he goes shakes his head and then he throws his cards in the middle and I flip over the bluff. He showed me he was weak and so I knew I couldn't beat his cards I had garbage but I also knew he was scared and I ended up winning. You know, a decent amount of money I think it was like 150 bucks. Good for you, but there you go.

there you go. Poker analogy complete. That's the general idea if you're going to succeed in this world. The uh I think it was.

um, it was a TED Talk about this. They tracked all of these different stories of success businesses that were working. They found there is one aspect that people had that was correlated with success. and it was not wealth appearance, it was perseverance.

Wow. There were people born in the wealthy families who lost it all. they gave up. There were people born into poverty who never made a dime.

And there were people who were born into poverty who became millionaires because they never gave up. Wow. And they said that was it. And that's that's what we're talking about a bit before.

Failure is an important component of uh of of life. If you fail and then stop, That's it. It's over. But if you fail and keep going, you will succeed.

Amazing! Wow Let's clarify this point too. Success doesn't mean you're gonna be a Millionaire right? Success could mean that you got a good paying job and you're moving forward. Success could mean that on the treadmill of Life you've Advanced one foot versus falling back behind and getting dragged away. It sounds like it's very important then for us as individuals to study people and people skills.

Why aren't we teaching more of that in schools? Yeah. I Guess the idea is that kids learn to socialize with each other in schools. It's one of the arguments they make against homeschooling. But while you will learn some basics of human interaction without proper guidance, you know a parent or parents to explain morals to you.

It can go one of two different. I Mean there's no guarantee that the lesson you're trying to teach sticks the way you're trying to teach it. Are you a proponent of homeschooling? Oh yeah, absolutely. Will you homeschool? Do you have children? I Do not.

Um, but absolutely they will be homeschooled. Wow. Uh. But this also means that they we will meet with local parents and the kids will play with each other and learn to socialize.

They'll learn from us, not from. uh. they'll learn some things from each other because some things you know humans have to learn to develop on their own. but they'll They'll learn behaviors and manners from the adults around them, which we will try to have an outsized influence on of course.
But uh, you know when that time comes I Suppose that's amazing. Uh, a couple more questions when on social media today. One of the reasons it seems like we have these stronger Echo Chambers is that I Once invited, actually potentially twice I Can't remember now, but I invited Lauren Southern On and uh, we had a great discussion. uh and a lot of the commentary I got was How Could You Platform This person.

What's your response to this idea of platforming someone when really, you're looking for their perspective and having a discussion. I Think that shows the weakness of what we refer to as the Tribal left. They can't defend their ideas against their political opponents, so they hide from them. It's just that their argument they make is that by platforming Lauren Southern you give space to her ideas.

That means literally nothing to me because if I bring someone on who has bad ideas I will destroy those ideas in real time. If my ideas are weak and would lose to my political enemies, well, you can't platform them, then think about it this way. They say if you platform Lauren southern people are going to hear what she says and then agree with her and it's like so you're saying she'll be persuasive and convince them of her position and I won't be able to counter it. There's there's no concern if I platform someone I disagree with we had a uh, you know one guy on the show that an absurd position on on abortion uh, this is this is I'll leave his name out of it just so I you know.

So I don't drag him but he said uh, if a woman wants to get abortion at any point, she should be allowed to oh wow, any at any point for any reason, it's her choice. and then I said okay, but what about meth and he's like what I was like can a pregnant woman do meth and he was like, well, no because that intentionally kills the baby and you see I'm like oops, right? I'm not worried about this guy coming in here because like I've had friends ask me hey I'm going to debate this person Do you think this argument is good and I'm like why do you need my opinion on your opinion? Do you believe what you're saying and can you back up what you're saying and if someone tells you something that contradicts your view and proves you wrong, would you reject it? So I'm like there's no debate if I invite one of these guys on my show, No one cares that I platform him because he's allowed to be right and so if someone comes in and says women should be allowed to do this at or otherwise I say okay, you know that's your opinion you're allowed to have. Let me ask you the follow-up question. Then based on that logical your your logic logical view on this, how do you feel about this, you give me a sound answer.

I'll say that's fine, you're allowed to have an opinion, You give me an illogical answer and I still don't care. Sure, you know. So when he said women can't do method intentionally kills the baby I said well hold on there a minute I I didn't say haha I Got you I said I don't understand what you're trying to say. You're trying to say that women can choose to term at the pregnancy whenever they want, but if they take a drug that would turn into pregnancy right, he's allowed to be right.
And if he's wrong, then he's wrong. And if someone comes on, we've had a uh, like Michael Miles Friends is a real good friend of ours and he made an argument about defunding the police and I said oh yeah, it's a good point I have an argument for that. he's he's allowed to introduce information I didn't consider and if the logic fits I'll say okay, so you know the platforming ideas is an argument from people who want to win political power without actually having to be right. um, your take on defunding the place, then oh yeah, we uh, I'm in favor of it and against it at the same time.

Oh, it's actually really simple. If a city like uh San Francisco wants to defund the police I don't care I don't live there and if you're seeing rampant crime and the rating of these stores and they're locking things up, shutting down CVS Shutting down Walgreens and it is extremely disruptive, you've got drug problems and you think police should be defunded, Who am I to force my World Views and political views onto your city I don't live there I don't vote there. however, personally, I would never do that where I live Oh interesting, yeah I don't want to define the like I Think policing more funding What police need more funding for for training, more funding for different departments that handle different tasks. The you get the left response of we should have social workers and my response is I like a community outreach police that deal with certain certain crimes I don't think we need to send a body armor wearing cop with a rifle to do traffic control and uh I asked the question why is a cop doing traffic control armed and uh like his gun could be in his car The question people I got response from conservatives saying yeah, but what if like a criminal shoots at him or whatever and I'm like dude, we've got other problems if people are just shooting at random people in the streets and I think you have SWAT You have beat cops, You have traffic cops.

You could have community outreach police. That's more funding, more training, and a diversification of the department. I Do think ultimately though, the issue isn't the police themselves. it is, uh, cultural.

it's the density of urban populations. You live in a small town, you've got 10 cops. They know you. Yeah, you get pulled over, the cop walks up and he goes Kevin come on man, what are you doing Yeah, you know I'll give you I'm giving you a warning right now, but we're gonna like if if I you know I'm gonna tell your wife when I see her that you were speeding again, what do you think she's gonna say you're going to be like uh John please please please please I will never do it again.
There's like small town social components where we know each other and and cop might not like you. It might be a neighborhood rival and he's gonna be like Kevin Yeah, son of a I what are you speeding for? I'm writing a ticket. you know, don't put this on you live in a big city. What happens? You're not speeding.

Cops got a quota. He pulls you over, walks over and says you were speeding you God No I wasn't I don't care and he throws you a ticket. He doesn't know. he doesn't care about you.

not part of his life and there's no social ramifications to being a bad person. This results in cops saying I'm not going to deal with this because it's not. There's no, there's no social ramifications. Do you think that's because then a lack of funding for training or because of that social disconnect which was more social disconnect.

Okay, all right you, you got. Uh, you get a cop that thinks to himself if okay, actually let me give you an example. Uh, Attila's gym in New Jersey They tried to remain open. They did remain open during the coveted lockdowns.

Uh, in this is in South Jersey This was only a few miles away from where I lived. At the time local police came out and said we were instructed to shut you down. However, we won't be doing it. Everyone claps in cheers and the cops say we'll be on our way so the city calls in a neighboring cities.

Department Ugh. And these cops with smiles on their faces say nothing we do here will have any effect on my life other than getting paid baby. So they lock the doors, pull people out, find them, detain them, and ain't nothing you can do about it because we don't live here. Okay I Have police power? Interesting, Yep, unchecked police power by a lack of social awareness.

Or however, I mean suppose social ramifications. Maybe body cameras are helping then to a certain degree. But then you just get these absurd scenarios like uh, I'm at Arbury and George Floyd where the left turns them into their cause to celebrate when the the context of those stories is actually substantially more confusing and chaotic than anyone realizes. Of course, it just gets turned into Political Uh, nightmare.

But don't get me wrong, I Think body cameras are a good thing, but uh, video footage is always just weaponized by media sources for clicks and they'll show selective footage. They'll lie about it like you know the Ahmed Arbory's story is one of the greatest hoaxes that they've perpetrated on this country. And it's It's a nightmare scenario that is allowed. But what do you do? you know media narratives? Dominate And if people believe wrong things, then bad things happen.

Two less quick ones. Guns. More guns Or less Guns more Guns Okay, optimism or pessimism going forward? Uh, optimism. really? Bud Light Target Sound of Freedom Richmond North of Richmond The The those don't sound like optimistic situations right now.
they all sound pessimistic. Why are they pessimistic? Uh, well. Richmond is talking about the creation and political Billboard Hot 100 Number No, No No. I mean that is great.

That is great because it's and that's exactly the sentiment of political corruption and frustration of that. or Target the negativism of of not just more theft but also uh, you know, let's break it down. Bud Light Took an action that upset the public and the public responded in a way that punished them. As a business they will have to adapt to.

that's good or bad, it's good. Okay, the will of the people matters okay. and these corporations can't just destroy pollute, lie, cheat and steal without. Oh I See what you're saying? You're optimistic that the people will win in the end versus uh, okay.

okay. I'm optimistic that yes, yes, that the people are are pushing back. It's bad for those companies, pessimistic for them. For society, the elites who don't like you yeah and want to exploit you and run the show are losing grip.

They're losing their control and what we're seeing now is people waking up and and realizing that all that is required of evil to Triumph is that good people do nothing? And so now good people are saying at the very least: I won't buy the products of these companies and I don't like them. That's fantastic. So with Richmond North or Richmond it's people saying I love this message and the industry being smacked in the face by it. They're going to have to recognize this is coming.

The cultural shift is happening and we don't take kindly to corrupt Elites anymore. And Richmond north of Richmond's not a left or right-wing message in the pure sense, but it's an anti-establishment anti-elite message. very American uh down to earth message sound of Freedom the the Grassroots success of that film that people are willing to stand up for what they believe in. That shows that the the era of apathy, lethargy and ignorance is is fading.

that I think is really really good and that makes you optimistic. Yeah, because it's gonna, you know a lot of people kept saying leave me out of it I don't want to talk politics I want to watch sports and there's pros and cons that come with it. apathy then they don't vote right and the the the The pros of the apathy is that there may be less fighting. You know people are not fighting the streets so that's a bad thing that could happen when people get more active.

But Ultimately, if the people uh, adhere to their civic responsibilities then I think the country dramatically improves. people start to understand each other better, and then uh, we fix the problems in you know and Corruption and government should people always Vote or their times where it makes sense not to you should always vote I think I you know and I I really hated Trump's fraud narrative and his fraud message. he he was basically telling people not to vote and it was the stupidest thing imaginable and you know I was I I from the get-go I was saying Trump lost this one and it's really funny because the narrative that these these political uh organizations have to do to counter me is to lie and claim that I supported Trump's narrative which I did not Trump uh the Republicans lost the Senate with uh I think it was with Warnock because Trump went out yeah and he told everybody you can't win and I'm sick of hearing people say what's the point of voting they're cheating and I'm like dude, that's the cheating. The cheating is to convince you not to vote.
You need to vote in such overwhelming numbers that no amount of cheating could ever affect you in any way. So the path forward the path of Victory right now is voting for who believe in writing them in if you have to but sitting back and being defeatist. I'm like look maybe you lose the election but the only the only way you actually lose is if enough of you of you are convinced not to vote. If every single person in this country who believe what you believe voted, you'd win a landslide.

Amazing! Yeah Tim Poole Thank you so much. How can people follow you? Uh I'm on X yeah at Timcast and they can go to Youtube.com Timcastirl 8pm Monday through Friday live we talk news in politics Congratulations man, you have done so much. People love you People looked up to you which I say yes Meet: Kevin Where does this mean we are in the economic cycle? Should we be thinking about buying real estate? Should we be thinking about buying stocks? I Have a background in real estate as a real estate agent, real estate broker, real estate investor, a stock market investor and fund manager. Why not advertise these things that you told us here? We'll try a little advertising and see how it goes.

Always great to have you on Kevin half right there financial analyst and YouTuber Meet Kevin.

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where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

31 thoughts on “Confronting tim pool: trump, andrew tate, tucker carlson, failure, and success”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeremiah Alexander says:

    Jordan peterson is so boring thou

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars T says:

    😂😂 Tucker Carlson a leader, he’s a disgraced journalist that knowingly spread disinformation. Andrew Tate was arrested for rape and human trafficking, and Tim is saying he’s the role model for young men😂😂. Tim Pool is really not a smart guy at all 😂. He uses horrible analogies to try frame his positions, which he doesn’t have real positions cause he’s disingenuous and really doesn’t have his own unique point of view. His views on schooling and parenting is hilarious, it’s like an SNL skit.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Time Observer says:

    Tim absolutely SMASHED that interview. What a fantasticly dense interview. So many topics and such great comments all in a 40min package.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Janet Hill says:

    Wait, Tim has " transgender friends"? Seriously? I will unsubscribe.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Irreverent Elixirs says:

    Why does Kevin look like he’s about to cry?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars b.cage says:

    Tim is smart, bur a coward who plays the lion… he knows there was foul play during the 2020 election… he knows who his keepers are, yet refuses to call them by name.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cupid Cosmetics says:

    Lil beanie man has perseverance. He is a factor in American politics today. Media giants spend so much money to be what he is today. Go chicken city 😂😂😂

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Glade Loy says:

    Yeah ! Don't give your $$$ to ppl that hate you !

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ted Watson says:

    Two little girly-boys discussing masculinity. TOO funny!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Divinus FiliuS says:

    Great stuff.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cotton Top says:

    is that Ryan Reynolds brother?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BasicLee says:

    tate is a creep

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TairaM says:

    Awesome, sane and thoughtful interview. Thank you.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Connie Foxx says:

    The minute I clicked on your video I was met with a commercial from that blasted Dr. Landry and his 47 minute long 'infomercial'. Can't stay….not going to risk having to hear him again.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fooney says:

    Why does Youtube recommend this to me but never Tim Pool? They know for sure by now I'm going thumbs down this shit and never watch it but they keep pushing it why? I though they cared about money? They never suggest what I want to watch.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JMB says:

    Tim poll is a nightmare

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars R T says:

    Hey @meetkevin! Will you unlike your interviewee Tim pool have Dr Shiva Ayyadurai on your show or are you a gutless wonder as well?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joseph Bunone says:

    I think Tim has come a long way after seeing what’s happening now. But I’d like to know why he is not a Trump supporter although he knows Trump is a genuine tough leader. Maybe because DJT is an outsider and not a politician. Newsome is running California to the ground!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pegasus says:

    Masculinity is not toxic.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff Heikkila says:

    Like your channel. Damn shame what the corrupt courts did to you with your name and brand. Keep it going and maybe some of us natives could actually move back to California. For now, hold down the fort. Suerte.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MuahMan says:

    Kevin you switch grifts better than anyone I've ever seen man!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Si-Fu Jasper says:

    Trump lost because of his unwavering support of Fauci early on when so much info was available by April 2020 before social media waged war against the truth.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ton618 says:

    I agree with Tate the vast majority of the time. This idea that tyranny will just go away if everyone just stays calm has to go.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shee It says:


  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars UEAdmiral says:

    I think I like Tim more here than on his own show. Felt so much more direct, composed, and to the point. Less rambling and less belaboring the point.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars C Young says:

    why does he always wear a beanie?

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tammara Brown says:

    The words of a man who wears a beanie year round 😂🤡

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ORiJiNaL GaMeSTa says:

    Great conversation to listen to. Side note, the camera and lens used to film this session are fantastic. Beautiful color representation and the depth of field is spot on. Quite captivating

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Malek Artorian says:

    Kevin seems so enthusiastic and genuine. Def one of my favorite guests on timcast in awhile.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Evan Osborne says:

    I don't know who you are I was just recommended this. Why are all your thumbnails and titles extremely similar?

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robby_Camarato_Ifbbpro says:

    You and Tim on The Culture War podcast was his best so far. Good friendly chemistry between you two in my opinion.

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