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⚠️⚠️⚠️ #valuetainment #meetkevin #patrickbetdavid ⚠️⚠️⚠️
00:00 Highlights
01:06 Running For President
03:38 Origins of The Valuetainment Empire
10:53 Goals, Purpose, And Family
16:22 The Problem In America
21:46 Defending Your Values
25:07 PBT And YouTube Comments
30:50 Confrontation And Controversy On Valuetainment
35:31 mPatrick Discusses Meet Kevin For Governor
38:23 Advice, Calling In Life, And Faith
42:49 Children And Patrick's Apporach to Parenting
50:54 Balancing Life, Marriage, And Temptation
57:25 Hiring, Entrepreneurship, Team Building
1:05:56 Capitalism, Greed, And Providing Value
1:12:01 Disgust For Politicians
1:14:09 Lifestyle And Location
1:18:59 Desantis Campaign Mistakes
01:23:13 Trump, Election, The Odds
01:25:17 Society and Life Choices, Achieving the Best Life
01:31:18 The Life Changing Moment
01:35:54 Advice To The Viewer
01:42:41 Person of The Year
This video is not personalized advice for the viewer.

You have no idea how closely I followed you and I'm sitting. I'm like this guy is going to disrupt politics. How many 25 30 yearolds are going to say I'm going to run for governor because of Kevin I Fully believe that God put this in my heart for a reason He says the hardest mountain to climb is Media Good luck getting in. You're going to be criticized demonized said Okay, then that's what I'm going to do.

Biggest problem we have in America is hero making machine. We have a problem with hero making machine. This is probably the worst podcast I've ever done. Oh no like I Can't wait to read the comments because what advice would you give me I you know I I uh let me explain in what way she says there's no way can resist me.

comes to the house in a birthday suit and she's like you going to say no to this but I chose to say I'm changing everything my life changed. Welcome back to another episode of the Meet Kevin show today. we have the honor and praise privilege of interviewing in person. Patrick B Davit Thank you so much for inviting me over here and the last time I was here I was running for governor and I was on your show.

Yes, Are you announcing that you're running for president now? No. I'm not born here I I Can't I can't uh run for office? Do you wish they would change that? Um do I wish they would change that Uh to me I Understand having a pride to protect, uh, the sanctity of something. For example, you've been to cross Stations before. in Beverly Hills this restaurant in Beverly Hills Cross stations.

You know they have two chick two kitchens, one kitchen that anybody can go to and the other one kitchen is only the on family that can go to because they don't want to. you know, release certain recipes that they're you know passed down from generation to generation. I Fully respect protecting that I Get it. Having said that I Think there are people that love America and would fight for this place way more than people that were born here because they give a different perspective.

Yeah, but the way I would do it is the guidelines would be: you've had to been living here for 35 years and have certain criterias. You have to do a little bit more than the average guy that's here. military, public service, cop, firefighter, Something you've done that you've given to the country. Uh, because the person that's born here, they're born here.

You're coming from the outset. prove to us that you're loyal to America In that case, you would be able to run. You've thought about this before I have Yeah, yeah. and and that way you might even unlock somebody like uh, an Elon Musk running or of course yourself or I was born in Germany I Moved here when it's 13 months old I feel like an American you can't run I can't that's I I Didn't know you were born in Ger we're in Germany by the way, Uh, just outside of Dorf a small town called Felbert.

Yeah wow. I Lived in Airline again for a year and a half. Oh wow. Germany so you know Ambition? Yeah.
Ambition? yeah. I I Had a great time when I was there. the the best singer in the world was uh, this was a song Yeah, obviously my accent is terrible, but you know he does it much better. That's incredible.

How many languages do you speak I speak four in in German If let's just say you and I went on a we went to Germany for a week. it would come back up but I would say four or German would be the fifth. Yeah Armenian my mother Assyrian my dad Persian Iran English here. Wow.

One of the things that I've noticed coming here by the way and the difference over the last two and a half years just looking in from the outside is that you've gone all in on media and and the News front with and Via YouTube It's almost like you stole cardone's 10x and you're like I'm just going to 100x and you've been executing it and it's been wonderful I Want to to see your explosion with it? Is that the next Frontier um news through YouTube The way you're doing it? maybe even to some extent The Way Tucker is doing it now after he left Fox well was as to leave Fox or however we want to phrase that I I think uh uh there's a lot of guys that have done a great job with content obviously. Cardone you got to applaud him on how he used uh YouTube and creating content to build the uh, massive real estate portfolio that he's built I don't know how big it is today I don't follow a lot of the content. he blocked me a few years ago after I interviewed a Scientologist and that was the last time I spoke. but congratulations So wa I'm also blocked by Cardone and I remember meeting you and Cardone at some event in Los Angeles Oh, that's right and I remember you were following them with the camera.

this was at Albert P's event. this is 6 years ago 5 years ago. Why do you remember? Because I remember you? You? no I clearly remember that you were chasing him down and he was trying to avoid you. If I'm not mistaken, that's right.

how old are you? By the way, I'm 31 I'm I had my birthday is in two days I turned 32. well happy early birthday thank you. but how old were you at that? Yeah, that would have been minus I was like 25 26 so that was 6 years ago I Yeah, you're right I knew you were going to do something because you you you? What was the one of the videos real estate videos you were running, you running and you're like showing. Let me tell what's going to happen with this video and you were so like constantly energized and uh I actually really wanted to see how far you were going to go as a governor because I wanted to see you as a case study because it would have been so disruptive if you would have made it all the way.

I think it would have Chang a game for a lot of different things but going back to the conversation about Cardone yeah so I um in in 2009 my pastor gets up and gives a speech and he says you know, uh uh in 2008 I'm trying to figure out what the hell I want to do my life I finally found the girl I'm going to marry my wife today. we got four kids together I found the industry I'm going to be a part of for 20 years Financial I love it uh and I said okay so but why am I making money? It's got to be bigger than money So I was I went and met with a handful of people I respect you know man named Dudley Bill and a few other guys and I said what should I do I said I want to find my purpose because there's no way in the world I've lived a strange life of Living in Iran bomb refugee camp, military parents divorced twice. all this stuff and why are you doing this to me God what what's happening with this? So and they came in I said am I supposed to go Pastor because I I privately curse a lot so my pastor's like that's not your world. you don't need to go that right I said great what do I need to do then eventually I go meet this um one man George Will at Myar hotel and yeah I'm going through this face what the hell am I going to do I'm like okay now capitalism is my cause I'm about capitalism I'm about America I'm about free enterprise I can sell that all day.
My mother was a communist, her family was a communist. my dad's an imperialist. We escaped Iran I kind of know the Two Worlds what KL Marx was all about with you know Wealth of Nations Milton Freedom what these guys are all about Von Mises Okay, great. But then Dudley gives a speech and he says seven Mountains to climb in the world Family Church Military business He's going through all this stuff and then he says the hardest mountain to climb is media and this is an ' 0809 when he gives a speech seven mountains and I sit there and say why is Media hardest Very competitive.

It's controlled by a handful of people. Good luck getting in. you're going to be, you know, criticized demonized all this stuff. That's why a lot of people can't make it said.

Okay then that's what I'm going to do and I knew insurance industry I was going to do 20 years so this is ' 0809 I started 01 I knew I was going to go till 2021 and then I was going to leave the industry at had a timeline of 20 years and I wanted to have a certain amount of money quar of million quar of a billion was my number to have after 20 years. then I want to leave the industry so 20 250 is my number. So then I sold nine months after my 20th year in the business is when I sold the company. Wow, Nine or 10 months so and that was your insurance business.

It was Insurance business that we grew from 66 agents to. at the time when we sold it was I don't know like 40,000 agents. Today it's at 50,000 agents. We sold the company after we sold the company last year.

The Eida went up near 70% after we sold. So it's not like we sold now. it's worth less we sold now it's worth more so the buyer is happy relationship just more growth we made uh uh uh, certain changes in the way we recognize quality of business. We no longer accepted bad business.
We no longer recognize any bad business. You know it went from like imagine submitting real estate We used to recognize for you submitting six homes and each is 1.2 million. So 7.2 million versus we like, no we don't care how many applications you submitted, we're only recognizing how many homes you sell and close right? So maybe that six is only two 2.8 million. We stopped doing the six 7.2 million.

Life changing to the business income went to because this was commission based and sort of team building 1099. Thank you so much. Referral based. that's right.

$199 referral based high volume recruiting you know and like aptive Pest Control Almost you might compare it to I don't know what that is but it's funny Pest Control they door knock to sell Pest Control mostly uh on the west coast. even then go down to Texas uh and it's it's built on commission structure. same thing high volume recr yeah, same philosophy. The only difference is highly regulated industry got you have to get license you're dealing with Department of Insurance uh I'm dealing with 49 states were appointed and anyways long story short that ends I Start Value Tment in 2012 December of 2012 knowing longterm I would like to to see if I have what it takes to build a media company.

Wow and then eventually you know we bought the domain Value Tment and then we bought the domain and then now we're all in. but division for us isn't uh uh. you know, just to make money and all that. It's a lot of other things that we want to do longterm.

but yes VT how much uh oh it's public U $75,000 actually not bad for two letters I agree it's a $2.2 million domain exactly right? I was I was going to say least three mils so good job because I was looking into MK and then for a while pee for pricing power you know. Anyway the guy was a the guy was a fan and I had I had take I had used his service. we had spend time together so he gave me a break but he was fair and he's like look I know I know nobody it's just going to be valam VT Virginia Tech you know there only few people going to use VT but and then I working out for us good for you? Well something you just said that I thought was so interesting and very relatable. Uh I I feel this regularly is you said you were looking for something bigger than money, something with purpose.

Do you think you could see yourself actually retiring and doing nothing? Or do you think humans need to do something and achieve in something you know? it's so funny we saying this this what we talked about today and it's the big argument me and Bill Mah got two days ago. This is probably the worst podcast I've ever done. me and Bill Maher oh no because let me explain in what way when you watch it like I can't wait to read the comments because there was no momentum in the conversation, kept getting stuck in animosity, kept getting stuck in animosity and hostile. It was it.
It wasn't good, but and I'll tell you why what the disconnect is between the conversation. So do I think uh, you know everybody has to be in pursuit of something for their purpose I know people who are retired Kevin and they are so happy. and I'm not saying retired like you know the first six months you're retired. everybody wants to say how happy they are and they're full of I'm saying retired seven years Oh wow and they're happy.

So for example, retired golfing 6 days a week, going to the country club breakfast. you know all this stuff and they're enjoying it. and wife and you know wife plays tennis Sincerely happy I respect that I can't do that I'm not wired that way and to me I look at it in a couple different ways. I'm working my tail off because for me, we're having a conversation right now on the podcast.

Would you be okay with the president of the United States being single, never married, no kids? Oh wow I Feel like there'd be a whole aspect of relatability. almost missing what? Okay, what else you think would be missing? Well, I mean I'll say from my point of view I've been with my wife uh since I was 16 years old I don't think I'd Be the same person if it weren't for her. She is so incredibly useful in my life and in in in so many ways. I Never like I Don't think you can look on like a dating app and be like oh yeah, they're going to help me in every aspect of my life.

But how useful Lauren has been in my life and even having children? it's given me a completely different perspective. uh, and appreciation. So I I think people should have that interesting right? I mean it's an interesting question to say because somebody may say, well, what's wrong with having a single president? Let's let's do the Devil's Advocate thing and let's play that card. Why can't we have a single president? He probably has more time to solve problems than you do.

He's probably going to be more, you know, decisions to make where not going to be tied to kids or motives or manipulation, or maybe trying to use the law to favor his kids like hey, what's going on with Hunter What's going on with Dr What's so okay? Maybe we can make that argument right? There's like, kind kind of like why the CIA Sometimes their rumor has that they will recruit people that are fatherless. No. Mom nothing to live for because it's kind of like that's the profile right? I mean fairness, that kind of business? I Feel like that's the person who kind of needs to be an operative. It's somebody who's totally alone.

Perfect. So watch what we just did. We just we just qualified what position a person like that would be good for someone like that. Okay, so now let's go over there and let's talk about you know the whole conversation about purpose to me I don't know if you can't get married man I Feel bad for you if you can.
but there's a reason why God created you. that you not married. you can't have kids. There's a reason why God created you the way he did that you can't have kids.

That's Health You can't do nothing that's out of your hands. You choose to adopt animals, whatever more power to you. But if you have the ability to have kids and have a family I don't know if I can live. You know, without getting married or never meeting my four kids.

Are you kidding me? Like take me right now I don't have a reason to exist if I don't have this right. So everything is finding a way to live for others and at a certain phase of your life, you're going to be more selfish than others and that's okay. and I finally in in the book, choose your enemies wisely. I Wanted to come out with a scorecard because I looked at the guys in our company in the insurance company the last 20 years.

that did very well and and I gave everyone a scorecard on who was the most selfish and who was the most selfless and who made more money and the scor that was the best person that grew their business was 7030 70% selfish, 30% selfless the most selfless people were not competitive, were not driven, we're not hostile, we're not wanting to prove a point. they didn't give a if they became millionaires or drove a ice car or won or were first place or won a trip to go to a company trip. nothing but the 7030 there were selfless enough to not to some stupid that's the 7 30 split. So on the purpose side, yeah I I I mean you know it depends on how many versions of you you want to meet I Want to meet the next version of me like you know I I Want to know? uh I Don't think this version if I stay like this is capable of doing what I want to do in the next 5 to 10 years I Want to meet that guy I want to meet the other guy Kind of like what? What's that actor said in one of his speeches? you know I want to meet the 35y old version of me I want to be you know, 45y old version I think it was Matthew MCC who gave that fantastic speech right? So I I I Can't see myself doing it any other way.

but I'm at of phase when I talked to Bill Maher Got engaged at 29 and he says he was forced to do it. It was kind of like I guess I love you I guess we get engaged. Oh wow. never got married, never had kids.

He doesn't like kids. He thinks there's too many people living on the planet. He thinks we need fewer people living on the planet and he likes his life that way. Doesn't believe in God Yeah, there are I'm more and more finding people who have that belief that we shouldn't have more children.

I'm a big fan of having children I Want have a lot of children, an army of children? uh and and I almost sometimes feel resentment from others, even some of my family back in. Germany like how could you bring more children into this world and I think to myself, what do you mean this is I feel like that's my purpose is bringing and educating as to the best of my ability. Wonderful, hopefully people into the world. So why is this becoming more common? I mean look, whatever.
So last night we're having dinner with Dana White and I'm telling them this conversation. We had a three-hour dinner with him. Phenomenal conversation. My kind of a guy.

just a badass mother. You know, just a he doesn't give a here's what he does, takes care of his people, people like to work for him. All these things right? But then you know, why are people going in this direction? To me, the biggest problem we have in America and we would fix it within three years. Biggest problem we have in America is hero making machine.

We have a problem with hero making machine whoever we edify as Heroes others will want to be. For example, if you became the governor of California if I am a governor of Cal of a state right I would on a monthly basis recognize the best Every month I would do a press conference and was say okay all right let's recognize the heroes of December Here's what we got. We got seven categories to go through. Uh, let's start off under 18 I have five great stories to tell.

Uh, here's John Doe John Doe is 12 years old. Here's a video of what he did to save his sister I Am so proud of him the fact that he's a Floridian doing da d d Great job! So proud of you buddy. Hopefully one of these days I Want to meet you I I Want to see more 12-year-old kids want to defend their do sisters the way he did after that dog tried to bite them. You know what? And because of that we're going to put your face in the Home office of Okay, there you go.

Recognize the next high school student here. You know what the 16e old kid did. His mom was sick, was in a hospital for 6 months. He kept a 4.4 GPA had two jobs work addition, making $5,000 a month, took care of the bills, took care of his younger sister.

This guy's a leader. He's a hero. Boom! So next now rest recognize people that are small business owners who started a business in 12 months in Covid, not took money from the government. Not a single penny from us.

He did it all by himself, him and his wife after 20 years of being in, you know, restaurant business. They build a business. They produced nine jobs last week last year and that next here's somebody that's a senior citizen. 78 years old, just ran a marathon.

Are you kidding I'm 45 never ranom Marathon boom and then I was oh my. God Next month who's going to be the hero? Boom and he's like I Want to be like Johnny I Want to be like Mary I Want to run a marathon? Boom Now 79 people run a marathon now 298 people want to be like that 12-y old Johnan taking care of his kids and then hero making machine verses. Today the hero is. Look at this father.

My three-year-old son told me he's a girl and we went in. What the What are we talking about? That's not a hero that is a terrible father who is listening to a three-year-old kid and we are afraid because we're worried about getting cancelled That we can't say three p Three-year-old person knows how to make a decision. Are you out of your flipping mind? So then that person's a hero on CNN or MSNBC or ABC or fox or whatever it is then the family is like oh I want to be a hero Oh my son said too and and we're confused brother for me. in every sales organization, any company you're a part of any family, you're a part of.
Your parents sold somebody to you as a hero. It could have been John F Kennedy It could have been a businessman. It could have been an athlete. It could have been a football player.

It could have been a soccer player. It could have been the great uncle the great grandpa that had a business that did something and you always admired this man growing up. I Want to be this guy one day America's done a shitty job the last eight years 12 years selling the right Heroes Were embarrassed to sell good cops that put their lives on the line, were embarrassed to sell good military veterans that are doing the We're embarrassed to recognize good people that are going out there creating jobs and not wanting to take anything from the government. We're embarrassed of recognizing those people.

and we want to recognize people that didn't pay their college loan off that didn't want we. We are recognizing lack of responsibility because we feel sorry for them I have a very big problem with that Kevin I Have a very big problem with that and I'm willing to bet a lot of other people also have a very big problem with this. but they're so confused and afraid and don't have the backbone because they won't get the raise. the company will fire them.

What if something? maybe they don't have your kind of money. You've been making good money for a long time. You've been making millions for many, many years. This isn't like you just started making money and you're only 31 years old.

but maybe a guy's making 45 Grand a year. He doesn't have your kind of backbone to make a decision like that. so they're afraid and I understand them. so if he can't do it I can't do it.

Who the hell am I to be afraid and have his level of fear I speak on his behalf I speak on her behalf. It is a coward move for me to be afraid to talk about this stuff. when I have the resources again. this is how I view it.

I Don't judge the other people to not want to do this I view it that way because I think America has a massive hero making machine problem. Have you ever met a hero of yours and you know ended up disappointed or finding out that's not who you thought they were? Yeah, uh, it's interesting you say that because you know when when I was an atheist for 25 years, I used to go to Bible study Friday nights in the Pasadena Pnas with this guy named mono and and my friend Arman introduced me to this and we would do debates from 6:00 to 2:00 in the morning on Friday night and I love good debates and arguments and you know all that stuff. and I'm an atheist so it was a great conversation because he was a Christian I was Let me tell you all this religion people. you know how many pastors have get up and I I was sleeping with his wife and I'm stepping down.
What a piece of Pastor that guy is. How about how many priests do you see with boys and I how about how many men drugs? How about he says look, if you judge your relationship with God horizontally, you will always be disappointed. If it's vertical, you'll never be disappointed. So I try to not put you in a category of walking on water because I'm guaranteed to be disappointed and I look at everybody I'm like look man, everybody's got flaws.

Everybody's got issues I Don't expect you to walk on water because I definitely don't I have a past I have issues I have dumb mistakes I made so many dumb mistakes that I look at him I'm like what were you thinking I'm like Okay, we got to move on and we got to become better leaders. So I don't look at it from that perspective because to me it's more like uh, if if I look at you as a hero, it's because you've had a catalog of work you've done that I admire and just meeting you. It's like hey man salute for what you've done. Maybe your marriage didn't work out, Maybe you one of your kids you know, screwed up in life.

Maybe you did something stupid in your life. but I applaud you for being who you are and the level of Victories you've had in your life. My standard isn't for you to walk on water at least I try not to do that. It's a very hard thing to do but I try not to do that.

Do you admire Andrew Tate do uh I think Andrew Tate is necessary I think Andrew Tate is a fighter The other day this a very weird thing happened the other day. I'm at a game. uh in Florida I'm not going to say the city but I'm watching my son play 10-year-old son play soccer and a father's to my left and he comes up to me and say and I'm not known I'm I'm talking to a guy cuz we want to do movie together and this guy guy worked on the uh uh something Stone Yellowstone So we're having this conversation together it's like hey, what about if we do this project how much money would it cost and this man is gradually coming closer to me and closer to me and he says so C Can I Can I tell you something? Yes, Yes sir. So um I I think I think you you were unfair to uh uh Destiny and I think Destiny is is is uh he would have really call that Andrew Tate the man that you defend who did human trafficking and he did this God my I'm really not in the mood I'm watching my son play I'm trying to get this movie conversation here and you're coming to my face like this I So let me ask you a question: do you have a son I Do you have a son I Do Would you rather have your son follow the footsteps of a Destiny or follow the footsteps of an Andrew Tate Oh 100% Destiny Really yes.
So you're okay with your son being okay with his wife while they're married, sleeping around with another man. You're okay with that. I'm okay with that. Well, I'm not bro.

I Said the conversation ends right here. Yeah, what else do you want to have a conversation with? You know what? I'm noticing is you are so exceptionally unafraid of standing up for your values that you don't care. You don't give a about what anybody else thinks and I respect that. So good for you.

but you said you still read the comments. Why? Oh I'm going to read all the comments on on the what do you call it Bill Mah I Can't wait to read the comments I read I I Try to read as many comments as I can because here's how I read comments. So to me it it does nothing for me anymore. like hurting and all that at first.

listen first. oh oh you kidding me, you're like o oh man, that one hurts oh you oh and you're like oh my and then you would stress out about it like over and over and over again. You know about certain comment that somebody made made and eventually I categorized comments in three different levels. Okay so one is the trolls I love trolls.

They're funny. You know they would say certain things I'm like dude, that's funny as hell, the way I pronounce certain words or the way I talk or the way I look or you know I have a weird look I have big nose, big ears. whatever. my look is not like a regular look.

okay I I laugh at that and I'm having fun with you on that. You know. Then there's the guys that uh, no matter what I do I can't do anything wrong. Okay super fans I don't read a lot of those but I you have no idea how much I value them and I appreciate them I Love you thank you! Fantastic! Without you, no one knows what value tment is or Pbd podcast is salute right and and and I appreciate it compliments all of that.

Fantastic! Then there's the other guys that are, uh, hate. They come from a place of hate and you can tell politically no matter what you say, they're on the other side and and there's the best ones that actually give feedback when you get to the feedback and they say I've been listening to you for three and A2 years I love what you talk about but I noticed today you were unfair and you allowed Adam to say something about Sarah hakabe Sanders that I just don't think that's appropriate for you to do and I was disappointed that you didn't correct them and guess what? that person was right? So on the next podcast I said hey I Just want to say this guys, I'm not in the business of talking about how ugly somebody is or how someone looks. we're not going to be doing that at I'm moving forward I Don't want you to say stuff like that. Uh, we're going to get better and all of us going to Okay, great move on.
Okay, but then there's some people that every time you do something, they want to say stuff that you walk on. XL I Don't do well with people that, uh, are part of walking on Xl's community I don't even hear you I filter you out I'm not a walking on Xl's guy so if you want me to be perfect I will listen to you this much if your standard is perfection, you can persuade me this much. If your standard is, um, coming from a reasonable place to want to give feedback, can consider doing this. I'm all yours.

What do you think we need to do? Very interesting because when I came on your podcast now two and a half years ago, you were. You had the live comments up to sort of read the room and understand where maybe feedback that feedback is while you're live? Uh, Does that sort of help you engage with your audience? Uh, Is it trying to stay aligned with them rather than potentially risking upsetting them? Maybe No. it's good you said that though. So for I listened to it for a few different reasons.

when I'm doing a live I listen like today. Oh no oh my. God Like today, the first five minutes our audio guy one of our guys added a new equipment without approving it with anybody. So for the first five minutes we have Echo and I'm just kind of like WTF why do you not double check in QC with somebody else since when are we not a QC shop? So and it's on breaking news? yeah, it's so couple time we have 3,200 people waiting for us in a room before we go live and 3,200 upset people are saying echo echo echo I have to step out I give the question to Adam Vinnie and Tom I step out I go outside the now it's in the vault I don't I don't think you've been to the Vault so I go out to the Vault I go to them like what are we doing guys, what was this all about? So I listen to the comments sometimes for that but then I listen to the comments for people to disagree with me.

So maybe I need to go a little layer deeper on a question and point that I need to make. and then I Also like when they say stuff that's funny makes me laugh. So highlighting funny comments but also mistakes. but uh, that's interesting.

So looking for that extra perspective? in that case, do you prefer to be live so that you have that almost instantaneous feedback of oh I don't understand. Can you go deeper? Well, live is scarier Right Live is scarier than pre-recorded because with live. Uh, pre-recorded you can edit out the echo sound or you can edit out the light or you can edit out something fell. guys.

Can we cut that here? Let me say it again. So when you were thinking about, you know you can always do that pre. Can I ask the question one more time I'm going to ask the question one more time. Great Hey can I start the answer again? Sure, can't do that on a live Live is pressure.

Live is actual wartime live and you're a live guy and you were fire on live right when you were doing your numbers and all this stuff like I'm talking Co cuz that's when you came from 20,000 subs. Two million Subs Boom blowing up right? and it was the live component. But live isn't for everybody you know and and here's what. I'm I don't mean it in an arrogant way.
The number one guy who's a YouTuber doesn't do any live. He all pre-recorded inter and he beats everybody. Do you think live is an advantage for you? It is because I Like live Okay I like life. Life is not for everybody.

Life is not for everybody Because life is reaction. Life is pressure, Life is tension. Live is you know? High level of criticism, high level of risk. That's live.

Now another question on this. Yeah on some of your interviews it sometimes seems like your most uh or or the presenter's uh, maybe most extreme questions or commentary will come from other folks from your office and then you can react, is that by Design the what Is that the question? So so for example, if you're interviewing somebody and you have two more people with you, uh, sometimes maybe the more aggressive questions or commentary will come from other people, not from you. Is that by Design at all I I You know it's interesting you say that. Zero.

Okay, that that's by Design because like you know, if you think about the podcast I asked uh uh Anne couter One time she was so furious with me I said listen an you ever been married before I didn't know that she says no I said you know I'm getting a vibe that I don't think any man can please you and she says, well, that's a sexist question I don't think about it that way I know a lot of people that are hard to please I just didn't think she's easy to please when I had the Anthony Weiner on I don't know if you ever saw the Anthony Weiner one if you haven't seen that one that is like fireworks. couple hundred million views short clips on Tik Tok Instagram Twitter picked up story reaction everybody. it's literally him and I fighting for 45 minutes straight straight and he's a lawyer I'm not a lawyer. that guy's a professional debater.

so I Enjoy! Um, confrontation I Love it. That's good and it's not to say that you're not aggressive and you don't pointing questions I definitely think you do I Was just wondering if there was almost a strategy to like. hey, if we have maybe a more extreme idea that maybe you wouldn't Necessarily no. So let me tell you what.

I Do miss I Miss One1 cuz I Love One1 Oh really I Love Oneone interviews I mean are you kidding me like I I I've done. You know we got by to 5 million subscribers with me just doing one-onone interviews? Well and the board when you used to the explanation. so I love that stuff. The thing with the board is it took a long time.

It would take me two hours to write the stuff up cuz I was doing it with a marker. so I'm like I don't have the bandwidth to do it anymore and I'd have to come in Saturday at 7:00 a.m. to shoot it and write it and then we'd record it. No.
but I love the 101 interview. So even right now when I'm uh uh, you know, on the flight back I'm like we're going to be doing Tuesdays and Thursdays home team. but I'm going to be doing a lot of one-on-one interviews this year because I love the one-on-one aspect of it. Wow, that's amazing.

Uh, how do you balance the politics? or do you not? Are you just going to be very transparent about your views and people either like it or they don't? Yeah, I'm not. at this point I'm very comfortable with my politics. uh, and probably more than ever before. there was a time I wasn't and I was worried about it and I was kind of like because you know I Mario had one job and Mario was right there and I would say Mario anytime I get too political than any one of my videos.

Stop me. Wow. So Mario would be like hey, hey Pat that's politics. That's not politics.

No, no. Pat that's polit. Tell me how that's politics Pat I'm I'm I'm just telling you here. Come watch it.

It's politics. You're going to politics. you told me. God I Can't believe you stopped me.

but you're right, it is politics. Okay, all right let's see what we can do. Let's censor in the room. Yeah I did I really did though Mario would tell you cuz Mario was always back there telling me when I would go to politics eventually I'm like no I can't help myself.

You know if if if you know this is how I used to buy cars I used to buy cars by going and looking at a car and then I'd walk away I'm like okay then I go look back again to two weeks later I still want it then I go back a month later dude I really want it then I go back three months later yeah I'm over it then I'm not buying it. Wow! so I had like a 12- Monon rule before I bought something okay to see if I still liked it and loved it. 6 to 12 months later if I didn't I didn't Here's what I did with politics: I'm like I think it's a phase I said I'm not going to talk politics for two three years if I'm still interested I'll I'll create content on politics 6 months 12 months 24 months 3 years, 4 years, 5 years 7 years I can't help myself I I am Interested: because I don't like manipulators and gamesmanship and I think I have a different kind of a voice that I give a perspective that the audience likes and it works. And by the way, when I started going into Political site do you know how many competitors and YouTube site privately this would always come back to me.

They would say Pat's about to fall, he's making the biggest cardinal rule mistake. You don't ever go from business to politics. You're the number one channel on YouTube for entrepreneurship. Now you're going to go into Talk about Politics Pat's about to get killed.

watch what happens to him. We blew up. Yeah, complete opposite. I Think your aggressiveness and and uh, Candor in politics has absolutely contributed to what youall have done.
Yeah, it was a risk though. You have to say it was a very big risk. So it's kind of like again, we're all case studies. That's why you were so important.

You have no idea how closely I followed you. No, no, I'm not when I say followed like past tense that I don't do today because you're not doing as much as you were doing before. You were doing a lot right? in. In two years ago and half years ago, more and I'm sitting.

I'm like this guy is going to disrupt politics. How many 25 30y olds are going to say I'm going to run for governor because of Kevin It was a very interesting because remember we still don't know how this tool is going to be used. All we know is what we see today Huh? We still don't know how people going to use this tool. So you you took it in a way where I was a F look at Javier mle right look how many of the stuff he did with YouTube with his content.

so we're seeing more and more of that. but uh I would have been very curious to see how high you would have gone. I was hoping I'm like I want to see got debate stage with Nsome because it's disruption and I'm interested I Would Lov that the uh Javier Malay reference is that potentially I mean taking the change thought of the budget it it's hilarious. It's great.

It's viral content. Is there a risk of being too extreme? Well yeah I mean socialism is Extreme too extreme. Communism is too extreme. You know, controlling uh uh uh.

the People by force is too extreme. Using the the you know our justice system to control and eliminate opponents is too extreme. but all that stuff is going on. so would I rather have that extreme of controlling me or would I have the extreme of a Libertarian I choose the extreme of Libertarian over the other side.

Totally fair counter. Absolutely agree. What advice would you give me I you know I I uh Graham Stefan And you right? I look at you guys in a very interesting way because you're way ahead of me. you're way ahead of me I'm 45 you're 31 bro.

You have to realize like you're way ahead of me I'm not I'm not where you are and where Graham Stefan is I'm 45. So I found my voice and I'm confident lighting it up. but at 31 I had even started a YouTube channel yet what are you talking about the 31 Nobody knew who I was the only people who knew who I was was insurance people I was famous in the insurance industry. That means nothing, right? So at 31 years old where you're at and I watch Gr I think both both of you guys have a very different kind of a voice.

Uh, but you guys have one thing in common and that's the ability to reason. Which means if somebody can give you a good argument, you'll eventually fight it in all different ways. And the way you'll fight it is with research and then you're eventually going like that guy. That guy's kind of right.
Or you know what? No, he's not fully right I agree with them 70% but I disagree with them 30% and that's going to be my position. Cool, That's great. That's that's exciting part no. My advice for you would be if you can if you can the Edge I had Kevin is I got my vision at an early age and I was maniacally obsessed about this vision and there was rage, fire, passion, excitement, enthusiasm, conviction in my belly.

For whatever reason I can describe it the only way I can describe it I fully believed that God put this in my heart for a reason so I trust being as aggressive as I am because I think he wants me to do it now I could be wrong. Somebody could say this guy's delusional. You think you have a calling in God's chosing you to do this. Not saying that I think he's got a lot of soldiers I think I'm just wanting to be one of his best flag carriers of this generation.

He's giving me an incredible life. He's had a lot of Grace on me he every day I go home I Can't believe I'm living this life I'm like is this a movie? no it's your real life. Okay cool people are interested in what I have to say who the hell am I for you to be interested in what I Have to say this life has produced me to get to a point that other people are coming to ask me what I think about XYZ thank you What happened How did this happen? Obviously a lot of good people in your life, maybe some people in your life that was put there to see what kind of a fight you got. that turned me into who I am today.

But no from my perspective to you is dude. if you can sit there, choose your enemies wisely. you get clear on your vision that's driven by purpose where there's fire in your belly. um you'll know when that happens and it's a it's like a switch.

Everything goes back to it. the drive, the urgency, the clarity. the Poise the peace of mind like you know you're living in the future. Truth: The concept of a Future Truth The Visionary is always living in a future truth.

You know it's always a present lie to everybody, but it's a future truth to you. A Visionary is a artist for the first day, but after year maybe he's making progress. Maybe three. five years later.

Oh he is really a Visionary so I'm a Future Truth guy. uh I believe in that I've seen movie already I've seen what's going to happen I know what's going to happen but I have to go validate that that is really the Future Truth and that Parts on me very strong conviction. You mentioned you're an atheist but you're also very spiritual. Is this just the acceptance of not choosing a religion but expecting or believing there's a higher power? I was an atheist till 25.

Okay, at 25 I became a Christian but I was an atheist till 25 and at 25 years old I had a moment where I'm like yeah, no um there's no way in the world I'm going to live this life with, you know, just doing it myself. Yeah, so you know, atheist for the first 25 years of my life and then I became a Christian and there were certain events that happened in my life and um, unique moments and that's when I said no I'm see and this is my perspective. Okay, who knows for a fact if there's a God or if there's not a God for a fact, who knows. Nobody knows how many books do I need to read for me to know 100% If there is or there isn't, you can read every single book in the world, you're still not going to be 100% Is that fair to say? Absolutely.
We can read every single book in the world we're not going to know and I'm talking every book in the world. you're still not going to know. We can put neurolink in your brain. We can put the best supplements in you.

It doesn't matter. You're never going to know 100% So faith is really a risk. Now Is it good to be an educated risk? Sure, How do you create an educated Risk by reading some book and using some guys that are former mathematicians and seeing the argument they made and going and reading? Maybe some CS Lewis maybe some Lee stroble, maybe some this? It's like okay, this the direction I'm going to go. But the other part of it is the following: if your vision is Big the bigger div Vision the more help you need, the bigger the vision, the smarter people you need around you.

The bigger division, the more loyal people you need around you that actually believe in your cause like he joined your Camp when you were running for a governor you need True Believers around you because they're not here because they're going to be rich with you. They're here because they fully believe in you and hopefully they'll make a lot of money as well and good things will happen to them as well. But the the vision part, if it's massive, you're going to need a higher power to be with you because there's going to be moments where you can't do it by yourself and nobody around you that can help you. You're going to need some kind of a supernatural Miracle support And there isn't any employee you can hire for all the money in the world to make those things happen.

You need somebody to have your back again. My Views When did you have your first child? Uh I was uh, so 2012 Okay, he was born in February I'm 7, 8 to 33 Okay So it wasn't children that had an impact on you choosing religious. No, Okay, no no to me, No, not at all. And one of the things that uh I've heard you talk about is you require your children to read books to earn.

Can you tell me about that a little bit? Maybe even just parenting advice I Just had twin baby girls and we've got more coming on the way. Um, yeah, congratulations. So awesome, right? Life Changes Like instantly when it it's the most beautiful thing in the world I Love it I Listen, if I had a My Way have 20 kids I Love kids and I love all of it. Like there's part of kids that's annoying, right? You know you're sleeping, you're hoping Sunday morning you're going to get at least 7even eight hours of sleep.
and Sunday morning at 5:00 they come in, they're breathing right in front of your face Dad I can't find my iPad I'm like oh my God buddy. just leave it alone, right? And so there's there. You know they're sick and you're like, okay. so we go on a Christmas trip and you're an Aspen and one kid is sick then okay, he's getting sick.

Tomorrow she's getting sick the next day, then she's getting sick. Then it's me Dennis the wife Denis Grandpa Let's go with the cycle. 6 weeks of people being sick, right? There's a lot of annoying things about having kids. A Lot of them.

but as long as that list is the list of having the kids, the benefits of it is Thousands it's It's unlimited. There so many benefits that brings to you. No. so look, raising kids, what do kids need? My dad would always say loveing structure, loveing structure, loveing structure When I was a kid my dad once told me he says look, I'm being hard on you and I'm being tough on you and I'm having high standards with you because one day I'm hoping that you and I can be friends for the rest of our lives today.

I'm Your Leader I'm your father but I want you to be my friend one day and it's going to take a lot of work for that to happen. Man, we are best friends I Love my dad. My dad and I were roommates when I was building my insurance company for many years. Literally is he local here? Oh he lives with me in my house.

he's a yeah my house is0 2 miles away from right here. This is a I love hearing what you just said yeah yeah so to me and and and he is like you know this the only place I moved into when I lived in Texas I would fly him out once a month but when I moved to Florida I said I'm not flying you out you have to move here and live with us. So now he lives with us. It's awesome.

He's great. He's happy. he's enjoying himself reading books you know? Hey Dad can I get this? How many have you read I haven't read any books Let's negotiate. What do you think? How many books do you think it takes to get this? Can we say five? I Said you think this is a five book? No way.

bro, this is at least a 12 13 book. Dad, this is not 12 or 13. Okay, so what do you want to do? How about seven or eight eight? it is deal Boom and we negotiate. Okay and I have to do 20 pages every day.

It doesn't matter if we're in Christmas Vacation they they have zero break as long as I'm around and one day. Here's a hard part about setting the standard. This is the real standard. Um so I set the standard four years ago when my oldest was seven and I come home to Jen and my nanny I said okay everybody everybody David when they turn 7 years old, they have to read 6 years old.

They have to read 20 pages every day. Babe, what are you talking about? That's a little extreme. Here we go again. another extreme thing and da d d I said babe I Don't ask you for a lot of things, but I'm telling you they're going to read 20 pages every day.
Who else does this? I'm a bet David they bet Davids I'm not compromising they're going to read this Melva The kids cannot turn on the TV until they read 20 pages every day. Okay Daddy she always calls me Daddy No problem. The lady's almost 7 years old but she's always call me daddy Okay cool. So I go to work, come back first day I come home they're watching TV babe Melva Pap okay Melva at the time wanted one of these TVs you know these weird looking TVs I don't know why but she wanted one of the so I bought that TV and I put her in her bedroom.

she's very happy I come in the next day and I see them seeing me coming and they run and they grab a book and they turn off the TV oh my God So I had just bought him an Xbox two weeks prior to that I come inside and I'm like so were you guys watching TV Dylan's like yes we were watching TV I appreciate you Dilly It's okay. Here's what's going to happen: Grab the Xbox what are we doing with the Xbox grab it with you, grab it, we go in the trash, throw in the trash. Wow babe, what are you doing babe. it's going in the trash, threw in the trash, all the games, joysticks all in the trash I said Mela I'm coming to grab your TV next no Daddy please no Daddy I said no Melva you don't respect my standard you asked me for the TV I got you the TV I'm asking you these are my kids in 25 years.

No one's going to ask which Nanny raised these kids. They're going to say who was their father I'm responsible for these guys becoming leaders, not you. You're helping me and I appreciate you but I need you to understand this is my standard and I don't want you to compromise it am I Clear Am I clear kids babe am I clear I got you crystal clear next day till today never had an issue, it became a standard became a standard. But the but the point The moral Dory that I'm G somebody's going to watch and say what an I Love this I could never be with a guy like you I would never be with you I mean you like you.

You could never keep a guy like me let alone be with a guy like me. It's not. This is not about some woman thing just because you're hot. It's like oh I can get any man you want.

Maybe you can get any man you want but you can't keep any man you want. keeping is the the job. It's not about getting it, getting it is anything you know. but but so the standard to me is critical.

I think we have such low standards today that everybody's trying to please their kids I want my kids to like me. No one gives a you want your kids to like you when they're 25 they want to come back, can see you and they're independent leaders. So that that's the part where if you try to set a standard with your kids, you also need everyone around you to be bought in So you're not only selling to your kids, you have to sell to your wife, you have to sell your mom, your grandpa. if they're like the ones that are taking care of the kids or nanny or whoever it is, you have to sell them.
And they have to make sure you're serious about it. because if you're full of, they're not going to continue with the standard. It'll be a one month thing, one week thing and then boom it's G You started this at them being seven. This happened during Covid So Co is when I can tell exactly what month it started years ago.

March of 2020 is when I started this. what's March of 20? Yeah, okay so he was seven years old. Yeah because the way I had it, it was 25 laps of swimming every day it was 52 Basketball shot makes every day. It was 20 pages to read every day and it was one hour of documentary every day.

Now all of those things disappeared because school was sh shut down. so everybody I'm the I'm the teacher. Yeah! so I'm essentially kind of creating that as a standard and I would choose the documentaries that they would have to go. But what did stick around from then is the 20 pages every day.

So but at what age would you start that six years old I would start? and by the way, you know 6 years old they're not reading like Harry Potter Books right? You know I Love who HQ books for the most part like we have 600 HQ books in in our house I Love HQ books I Read HQ books because they're fantastic I don't know if you're familiar with with these HQ these are the small. You know how you go and buy like 12 books that are 70 pages with pictures and all. It's phenomenal right? how they have this. There's a lot of good books like that out there.

but I start seven years old with HQ books and then at around nine8 or nine years old I'm going to give you your first big book to read. and at around 9 10 years old, you're going to get business books to read and you know mindset. Books to read, always physical I'm physical. they've never read on Kindle Nice What you touched on the woman in your life.

How do you balance that with social media? Uh, desire? How do you? How do you balance it all? Desire like o other women? whatever. Yeah, yeah, so that's a great question. so let's process that. So my wife and I we met June of 02 I was with another girl at the time I'm in the bathroom and my friend Fernando says hey, there's a girl in the training room uh Pocahontas is here said Pocahontas Why pocah Anyway I go in there and I see her.

she's talking to my ex-girlfriend and they're talking to each other. My girlfriend introduced me to my wife. She says hey babe, here's a girl. She just got started.

her name is Jennifer hi Jennifer how are you Her hair was all the way down to her lower back. Five and a half years later was the first time we were both single so we started dating December of 2007 we start dating December 29th we go on our first State uh PF Changs and then a year and a half later we got married and then boom obviously we got SE four kids today. Uh congratulations thank you! Yeah! so I've intentionally always put her office next to mine. We've always worked together.
Wow! my office is here. Her office is here like right now if you go into the building her office right next to mine. so I see her every day when I go to work when I'm on the road traveling um I travel with two other men intentionally I travel with two other men. When you travel by yourself, you'll be tempted to do something stupid.

Okay, because men have a history and track record of doing that and I'm just like any other man I have desires as well I see beautiful woman I look at I'm like oh my God this girl's gorgeous just like any other guy does. uh and I know I have to do my best to put myself in situations where I decrease the chances of doing something dumb and stupid right. You have to be able to do that and that's not easy to do. and the bigger you get, the more Temptation you're going to have and it's more quality Temptation and it's more famous Temptation and they're more direct about it.

They're just coming to you and it's no filters. Uh, and so you have to be aware of that. You know these opportunities are going to come and there's you're going to be a Target and it's going to be constant. But uh yeah.

I mean again, if you think you're bulletproof 100% you know there's no way in the world you're probably going to be the one that's going to be more likely of doing stupid things. But if you see that hey, I can make a stupid decision, what can I do to decrease my chances, then you're playing defense which you're being proactive about it but that that's what I've done about my wife and I we have dinner every Saturday night. Uh Sundays is my family's day you know we added a tradition summer and Christmas what we do Christmas This Christmas was incredible. We're at Aspen We got this house I don't know.

50 acre, 20,000 foot house, nine bedrooms. We're having a blast. Kids are having a blast. We're out outside, swimming pool, deers coming, ski and all the stuff.

Summertime we go to all over the place you know and then we also do our own individual trips. So there's family trips, summer and Christmas and then there's our own individual trips that we go to Friday night dinner at the house Saturday night dinner with the family Sunday church in the morning and then we'll do what we do throughout the time. right now I'm supposed to go pick up Dylan uh for soccer but you know I know you and I were trying to do this so and I just landed right now from Vegas I was in LA yesterday and then I came here but what are you doing there? uh Vegas yeah Vegas I Had a uh uh event for one of our uh guys George Po had an event with a th people that was speaking at that event with VI and I had a very important meeting with Dana White We had a great time and then in La I had a meeting with a heavy duty manager from one of the biggest agencies and two-hour conversation there. Then we talked to Massive production company that did a movie last year that did a quarter of a billion dollars that we made partner with in a uh uh, you know, strategic partner type and then I was on Bill Mah and then I had a three-hour dinner with my good friend Stephen A Smith which I like that guy a lot a lot and and he's another guy that's feisty fire debate all the just like people like that see so you have a little bit going on, it sounds like just a little bit.
It's constant right now. How do you see your children during the week? or is it mostly weekends? Oh I I um no I see them like I If Dylan's got practice I go pick them up the S he's Dylan's right now doing so many different sporting things and I'll go pick him up late 8:30 so I'll stay with him till 9:00 because he likes to go until the lights come off. so I'll be at the field with him. so I'll go watch him play and then pick him up.

Come back. uh but I'm working every day from morning till night you know I'm a probably 8 to Seven 8 to eight guy unless if I'm on the road if I'm on the road and I'm doing meetings. The other day we had a meeting here with a guy seet executive were trying to recruit a Chro on the HR side and this guy was a beast working at Chevron before and at Uber before. So we had an interview process.

It was number four, uh number three interview. The third interview was here with all the executives. He had to give a 10-page slide presentation he gave right there the potential employee had to the potential employee and on Monday we had a dinner at the house. Uh, we don't hire SE Sues until we mute your wife or husband.

So he came to the house with his wife and all our Executives came with their wives and we broke bread and we got to know the wife and we said what questions do you have for us This is what we're all about. Anything you're concerned about, what do you think about this and then I brought up my objections about whether this going to work or not and then when she leaves we make a decision. What was the score? What do you think you think it's going to work out and then boom. He accepted the offer and I think he starts February 12th but we're We're on a we're in a hunt right now to do something.

uh, pursuing our vision. So at a phase like this, um, it's a very exciting phase. But the kid part, You have to have people around you that you trust that know you value the time with your kids that find ways to create time with your kids. That's their job as well when you're running.

Hey Pat we can't do this right now because Pat's got to go pick up this. Hey, we can't do this right now because Pat's got family stuff over here. We can't do this right now. Boom! So you how people say I'm busy you know they're say oh, I'm so busy I'm so busy and then I used to say I'm so busy and I'm like now I'm really busy oh, I'm so busy I'm really busy now I'm I'm really really busy right now which means I need more help and around me.
Ah, okay, tell us about hiring. You're obviously known for entrepreneurship, so how do you handle hiring? uh or how what advice would you give I mean I just heard obviously your SE example. Yeah, so it's so interesting you say this. I've been obsessed with studying HR Okay first Vault conference that we had.

My keynote speaker was Patty McCord You know who Patty McCord is the chief HR officer of Netflix Okay, so she wrote a book. Uh, it's not called impossible I don't know she wrote a book about HR Everybody who wants to know about HR Go read her book. just type it. Patty Mcord Go read her book.

Phenomenal book. It's not impossible, but it's a word like that. So she comes in and she tells me how they recruited people at Netflix how one day at Netflix they came clear with their values and principles. They created 121 page PowerPoint slide that I don't know if you guys have seen this or not.

It's got 25 million views. How many PowerPoints have 25 million views? Netflix's values and principles has nearly 25 plus million views. Okay and what do they talk about in there? This is Who We Are By the time you're done reading, you're like I want apply to work at Netflix That's how they did it right? Okay, so I've been on a mission to learn a little bit more about how uh HR works and then eventually uh I sit down with this guy that we're doing the interview and I said. so tell me about Chevron what's Chevron like when he worked there he says oh, Chevron it's a very familyfriendly company I said Chevron I wouldn't expect that would you have expect I wouldn't have expected that Oh, Chevron's a very familyfriendly company.

Tell me why. You know what the average you know lifespan of an employees at Chevron How many 25 years? What 25 years What does Chevron do? Chevron likes to move people. shivon likes to get you to work in this market and then this and they move you to South Africa and then they move you to this and then they move you in different kind of job responsibilties so you're getting more versatile. I said but why do people stick around that long? Oh, they're Pension Plan They're one of the only companies that still has an incredible pensio

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24 thoughts on “Confronting patrick bet david valuetainment”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @aaronmlott says:

    This guy Kevin has politician energy & its disgusting

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @mulatto2776 says:

    Why doesn't America create heroes? When I was young, most Americans valued MAKING money. Now, they value free government money and cheap government backed loans. We're a nation of spoiled kids with a $40 trillion credit card.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @sandrak8471 says:

    But PBD, did you ever read the bible? Jesus said to follow the word of God is like the wise man building his house on a rock. Went the storms come the house will stand because of the firm foundation.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @humbertoacastillo737 says:

    PBD, always amazing, this gentleman has giving me so much parenting advices in the last year.

    Thanks for this interview

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @monsterrun says:

    One thing that shows when we read books that teach skills sets.

    When we read from an author that knows but does not understand…we end up having to go thru the full book and being left confused.

    But when you read an author That understand and is not deceptive in his writings, you will actually learn far more far faster.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Amjos says:

    Meet Kevin the Real Scam Artist 🎉

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @jasscarborough says:

    Kevin is a 🤡

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @teamrgvbodybuilding1772 says:

    Bill Maher was saying Newsom was a winner in the sense that he can win an election, and he was right. Newsom can win debates by utilizing factoids that are "true enough " and sound good so that the average person will be fooled by him.

    Just like he beat Ron DeSantis in their debate, or at least that was the perception. Newsom can do that all day. That's his craft. Using deceit to get what he wants

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @monsterrun says:

    They don't want childrens because they are fallowing a death cult and they worship their lifestyle the dead god has given to them.

    To bring a child into this world = accountability.

    They want not to manifest the timelines of primordiality..They focus on death and chaos.

    Well, the perveted aspect that hides like a coward in chaos, because it can not hide in primordiality.

    "Criminals" love legality and hate morality.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! @dhaley8847 says:

    Patrick you were excellent in the Bill Maher interview! most people would have told him how shallow he is but you tried to pry something of value out of him! You failed to do that by the way but you tried! Bill exposed himself for what he is an elite that has no rational thinking at all. For him to say Gavin Newsom is a winner just says it all!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @sid7547 says:

    PBD talked about Hilary’s daughter. He’s lying saying he doesn’t talk about peoples looks. This is what I mean, it’s easy to fact check his lies in real time.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @kalstewart1971 says:

    SO much better than that interview with Bill Mahr… thanks

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @sid7547 says:

    Kevin, respectfully, why would you say he sticks to his values? He’s just a trump shill.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @mikekanefit says:

    Who's the kid next to him — MeetKyle?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @sid7547 says:

    PBD is extremely bad-faith and disingenuous. That’s why people don’t respect him. Never trust a man who made his millions working in insurance.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @MBRMBR-no8jg says:

    Kevin sounds like he got some sugar in his tank..

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ellendemarie3776 says:

    It sucks when I have to listen to Biden during the commercial breaks on this interview

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @joshuajoppen3857 says:

    Patrick is my hero

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @aaronpalmer9922 says:

    pat is my idol, the man i want to be like! #1 american!

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @donackerman4529 says:

    44 minutes: Kids are bad ROI, but great for life.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @helloworldcsofficial says:

    Kevin is German! wahhh. You are way cooler than I thought.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @CFLDumpsters says:

    The 7 mountain mandate is toxic and so is the church teaching it. NAR churches are horrible.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @CFLDumpsters says:

    Having pride of something is not the point of natural born citizens can only be president. As soon as they open it up other states like china russia etc would plant someone and yes they would wait 35 years and do what they needed.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @franckiewicz0831 says:

    Kevin, I think you need to plan and start a kind of culture/news based podcast where you discuss what is going on in the world. We need more trusted people having honest conversations about what is going on. You do this, but it seems random. Obviously, you have 300 things going, multiple channels, etc. Maybe a once a week show that recaps the important topics of that week? It is getting more difficult to get informed and "the news" is either way off, propaganda, or tilted to make you leave with a certain perspective. Anyway, something to maybe think about as I and I'm sure many others, have enjoyed when you give a kind of "centrist" perspective on the news.

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