Join me this week in the life of a high producing mortgage loan officer as I show you what I do and what it takes to be in the top 1%. From focusing on clients to managing a team, gain valuable insights into the daily routines and strategies that drive success in the world of mortgage lending. Enjoy!
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In this video:
00:00 Introduction to X2 Ventures ep013
0:48 Becoming a Millionaire Through Communication
4:01 Mortgage Cold Call Competition Setup
7:41 Mortgage Cold Call Competition
11:37 Post Game Cold Call Breakdown
15:27 Key Takeaways for Growing Your Real Estate Business
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That man's got 26 listings I'll say possibly two Town loans for 150. he was. He was real quick to commit 25 minutes get on the phone. Crazy to think that this thing right here can make you over 100k a year incredibly easily.

No heavy equipment or tools needed, no crazy new product design, and ultimately no insanely lengthy, inexpensive college degree a simple cell phone will do. That's why we're doing another cold call competition in the office today, which should be super fun if you haven't seen the last one. I will leave it linked down below, but it doesn't matter what specific industry you're in or what specific part of an industry that you're in. Great communication mixed with a tiny bit of expertise and hustle will make you a ton of money I Promise Real estate is just the most common because of how tried and true it is and how much it just hasn't changed over the last hundred years you do.

X You're gonna get y For example, if you make a hundred calls a day, you will close one deal a week, thus making you 20K a month eventually leading to 240k a year. It's crazy actually. But the first week I was licensed in real estate, a title rep told me one thing that I will never forget. Okay, so picture me freshly out of college wearing Vans You know, crew socks.

Have my little backpack come at every meeting I Somehow fumbled my way into the mortgage side of the real estate industry because some guy used to coach his daughter in beach volleyball by the name of Randy Bongard was like you should come in and learn how the mortgage industry works and dude's been in the industry for like 10 plus years Super old school and when I say old school I mean incredibly incredibly old school. The guy does everything via phone call, very little text, very little email. he is calling everyone in his database or everyone on his files every single Monday at a certain time frame and literally dialing them in no pun intended he's an absolute machine. Then you have me, you know at the time, this little young dude who was like Hey I want to disrupt this industry by not having to call anyone on my phone and just doing all these videos and text messages and typical Millennial stuff I had that real like uh Problem Child mentality which eventually actually worked for me and that's why X2 Mortgage exists today because of how different we do things, but at the time I was just trying to get a single deal done and a single deal under my belt right as he walks in, Randy's on the phone of course in the corner of the room Tyler Rep looks me dead in the eyes without even introducing himself and says that guy over there will make you a million bucks with your cell phone alone.

Don't get discouraged and Trust the process and I'm like yeah, there's no way I'm making a million bucks off my cell phone. Sure, I might make some money or some good money, but a million bucks is so unfathomable for me at the time. I just didn't think it was true. Funny as it is, three years later at the age of 25, I became a millionaire.
But one thing that really leveled me up or one thing that I learned from Randy that boosted my career was he wasn't doing anything special Like sure, he's got a good pitch, he's got a good value out as I'm watching and learning from his calls, but he's not doing anything special. He basically just calls someone, see if they're interested in what he has to say or or if they find Value in his proposition. and if they do great, he continues soccer, them, has a great conversation, follows up with them later, and that's how he gets business and if they don't then he hangs up and he goes to the next one. The guy is literally playing a numbers game.

He knows that if he makes x amount of calls, a certain percentage will be interested in the vast majority just won't but he can guarantee that the small percentage that is those will turn into deals as a result of it. Plus, he's so dialed in on communication that he always answers his phone. and when he doesn't answer his phone, he's likely on the other line and he lets the customer or that person know that so that they're getting the absolute best communication possible. All my friends know me when my phone rings I answer it and if I don't answer it I'm probably dead.

What I'm trying to say is that it didn't click until later on in my career. But as long as you are incredibly dialed into your cell phone and have phenomenal communication skills, you will make a ton of money In the world we live in. People want answers immediately. When someone calls or texts, they want to have an answer immediately and if you can solve that problem, you will make a lot of money.

Title Rep was right. So now it's time to make everyone else at the company millionaires with some cold calls. Let's go. I'm doing like a full pitch.

You're getting uh, we'll say commitments right then and there. I Would love to hang out I Would love to hang that up on my list. We're gonna track emails not calls. Let's make sure we're on the same page.

We want them to hang these signs. We're calling listing agents hopefully you guys Source Listing agents on homes that have sat on the market for a while calling listing agents to put up our Builders incentive for resale homes which is the way I'm selling it as zero dollar lender promo that goes up on there I think if you get someone to commit saying I like the idea and I like what you're saying, that's almost as good as I'm actually hanging it up. It's going to be hard for somebody to commit, but I think if someone is interested in in wanting to put one up, that's a commitment. The idea with them is that they're just interested in what this is.

If they put it up, that's obviously the end goal. But if they're interested in this, they're interested in you. They're interested in you. They're gonna work with them.

They're going to save your number, so that's that's the that's the plan. Okay, so Rebecca is totally separate. She's gonna call and she's gonna. she's gonna be yeah.
and she's gonna be just trying to get them to want to see our last cold call video. Yes, Rebecca's is going to be like showing a video of our last cocoa competition. And if it's something you like and you like the kind of culture and what we do at X2 then you know you can always hit me up later. Is it all right? If I get your email and I can send this to you, you can do that convo in two minutes.

You're gonna do 10 emails. We're gonna do five and then a commitment's gonna be worth Five Points Like is that fair? All right. Now the follow-up emails. So my idea is that I've got this super long email and if I don't get them on the phone, I'm sending this email and it's got everything.

If I get them on the phone and I talk to him and I we go over it all. I'm gonna cut out a lot of that of whatever we went over and then that way they just see the picture in the video and maybe like a let me know if you want one. that's so yeah. We have two separate drafts.

you have the ones that pick up and then yeah the ones that are positive calls that you did get them on the phone. Okay let's get there because I do want to get dialed in on the on that pitch I was thinking hey John was calling on one two five you know, one two five seven East Elm Street um was noticed it's been sitting on the market for about 60 days. Have you guys had the interest like what's what's what's kind of the deal with it why is it I get the understanding of why it's been sitting and then I come back. Have you ever thought about offering a financing incentive for it to help Drive traffic Great Well let me tell you a little bit about what I've been doing with the agents that I that I partner with.

we we do a builder's incentive for res for a resale of homes and what does that mean I I Just say it all because I just don't I'm reckless and I don't give a I said they're gonna have zero origination, zero underwriting, zero processing and on the back end where we can negotiate to cover appraisals we can negotiate to if you want to contribute so we can get that home moved. It's good that'd get a six out of ten if it was me. Here's how you get in my opinion, a 10 out of 10. I Love the intro I Feel like you got them hooked? They're there.

You offer the financing incentive and you keep it super simple. It's just hey, on your specific listing, you know I'm looking to grow my business. We will waive all fees, underwriting, application, whatever, all fees on your specific listing to help it move a little quicker. Is that gonna help? Like if your buyer if a buyer comes in with less money, usually they're gonna be like yeah, that that does help, that would be great Yeah I'm you know, willing to kind of get that going and then if they go well, how are you doing this or they ask, what's the secret That's when you go into depth of like Well we actually don't charge fees for anyone, but we like to spin it to a buyer that on this specific house they don't have any fees and yeah, and if they're like oh, that'd be great it's and then someone's like why and it's like well I would love to earn your business but if you want to know the real magic I can kind of share that with you, It'd be also a Hot Topic to hit on hey I'm willing to throw in an appraisal cost and another Hot Topic that is being covered by a lot of lenders is we're going to do the we're gonna do the refi for free when rate strong I Noticed your property is sat for sick because it kind of calls attention to it.
Yeah I'm ready I'm ready 130 Go Go Go Go Go Go I Was just wondering if I can grab your email address I can send you a link to a YouTube video it's on the last time we did a cold call competition perfect I will send that over now I mean so it's been flipped and it's been sitting for a while so I'm just kind of curious. Um, you know what? what's kind of going on with it and and yeah, why is it sitting for so long? Let me ask you this: Do you think an interest in the property? Is that an issue or is it does it sound like it's getting interest, but the financing has fallen through with it? I Was curious. If you think you know offering basically a builder's incentive for the property would help drive more traffic to it or get someone under contract or get get someone more interested to put an offer in. basically.

Alrighty baby! All right, we're in business. We're cooking. We're cooking. we're cooking.

Oh I Love the thrill. Oh but I can send you kind of what we do. It helps out all your listens that'd be great. or if you want more info, you can just kind of let me know.

Yeah, I'll shoot this over to you and yeah, give me some thoughts on it. That man's got 26 listings and he was super interested in it. That would be huge. I'll be done cold calling for the rest of the hour on that.

Are you kidding me? No I completely understand I was gonna say um, well yeah, how about I do this? How do I follow up with an email? Not a problem at all. Thank you so much. Paul has a listing um I actually got him as a reference from someone else but has a listing that's 30 years old over here in Chandler and I saw this mobile that's pending right now but it's got um, he has another lender. Yeah, that's what it really works with closely and I was like well we also deal on non-fixed mobiles.

He's like you're kidding I've got two in Peoria then you go. So yeah, we got that. Yeah yeah, got one. Yeah.

I got one. he was. He was real quick to commit. You get the ones have been sitting for like 90 days.

They're like man, get it sold. Yeah on 5416 Santa Marie Avenue Getting a lot of voicemails. So I decided to switch it up a little bit and leave a voicemail and send a message. You know, hopefully get a little bit more going.
A little more juices going on off time but thank you for your call and hung up. I'm trying to grow my business and as a lender I'm waving all of my origination my processing underwriting I'm covering an appraisal. Well enjoy the the beach time I appreciate you picking up the call. Thanks Nate Kind of a hard ass.

it happens. That's just fine though. all the other calls have been been super positive so you're gonna have one Rotten Tomato out of it? Yep yeah, um is is his cell phone just the number that I called and just text that number or uh sorry one more time 817. I didn't streamline my text so now it's gonna take me like five minutes to send this text.

I was like I got one on the hook fish own fish owned or happens when you make calls. oh get on the phone happens. so sending the same text so I gotta have your systems ready to go. you try to be it manually.

Oh I know bro. Amateur hour over here 25 minutes I Might have been the best voicemail I left all day I'm sick of these voicemails. Hey Denise uh my name is Sean Malku with X2 and I was calling about your listing I was just calling to see I noticed it was sitting on the market for a while. Uh no.

I'm actually uh I'm a mortgage broker. we're we're calling on some older listings. All right. Nice talking to you too.

She wasn't having it, but once she sees the email, she's gonna be having it. and ask for email though. crap. 15 minutes and was curious if you'd be off.

You know, curious or interested in offering this financing incentive on the the listing that you have. Sounds good? Yeah, like I said I'm just trying to help you out so not trying to be hostile or anything. but hey, I appreciate your time. She was nasty on the phone, but interesting to writers.

So we're sending her an email baby. Oh, you gotta keep your cool 10 minutes. Hi my name's Rebecca I'm calling from X2 mortgage. how are you doing today? Grab your email address I can send you this YouTube video that we made um, it's on our last cold call comp.

All right? I will send that. thank you because I can't be on the phone. but I'll give you my email. good luck.

but if you're interested at all, give me a call back. We can chat about it. 480-358 three minutes Tres Minutos? Sure sure? Well, I'll be fully transparent with you Claudia I'm a mortgage broker. Um, and I've been trying to be a little bit more aggressive in my business growths.

It was okay. A lot of voicemails I Think what? We all take it? yes before we go over this. I think we sit here and take a a pure acknowledgment that make calls. Oh, make the calls, you know dude.

I I am I am more than guilty of it I'm not even gonna point fingers at anybody else I've sat behind the bench and not been aggressive about it or been scared or nervous about it. When you dial your pitch in and you come in and be transparent with people, that's a lot I use the language transparency quite a bit on the phone. Today the calls went really really well just beyond just be on the phone dude. that's what it is.
Two out just two hours of that I'm gonna make all the difference 68 it causes you make dude not even close close to that I did I got I got 15. I got a lot more no's than I thought I would one person when I was like oh, we're doing a cold call competition he was like that's awesome There's so much value in the pitch. Shoot, there's so much value in the pitch I didn't have a single no. Okay, so let's put numbers.

Let's put numbers on the board first. How many commitments two commitments emails did I sent I Sent emails on every call I made so 15. So you got three points All right. Rebecca How many emails jeez got Rebecca Lance One commitment, one commitment, three meals, Three emails.

No, you sent more than three emails. That means you made three calls two my thing when you said it I got phone number, ages name addresses I didn't know about the email address I got 10 I Will likely want you to send me a package of them, but he didn't say I wanted he said I will likely want you to send me a package of them. Well, you know what good I'll get myself a goose egg kind of crushed us dude. I'm doing this has changed.

This is gonna change my business I'm doing every area code I'm looking this up. The guy I talked to who said he had 26 listings He specifically said he led into his combo with I have a lender he just started his own brokerage I'm like oh it's really cool he's like yeah, he uh sending me info on listings for buy down programs and I'm like that's great. Everyone can offer buy down program so that means your seller is going to be paying 15 20 grand I'm like you know what something better is a financing incentive specific to your seller's home that waives fees I'm like he might be able to do it and I'll send you the info and if he can replicate anything great, you guys do it but we've already got them printed, we got them ready to go and our system's dialed in and set up for it and he goes I Would love for you to send me that and then I I thought he had one listening and then he goes I have 26 listings Please send me that email and I'll give you a call and I'll likely want a package of writers. Yeah, you don't This and this changes the game too.

Right when you talk to prospect. as Anello, you're taught to prospect buyers. Why? Because selling listing agents are never going to send you deals, This changes it completely. Especially 26 listings.

You're telling me one a deal doesn't come out of that. all those Riders on those listings 26 writers All right. so that there's that and I think the cool thing which I was not gonna do in my pitch which I liked that you gave an example on was asking them why it hasn't sold. So that guy when I asked him he said well because you know the interest rates in the market and things like that even and I'm like totally I'm totally there with you which I love versus if we went in and said hey look I'm gonna I'm gonna give you this writer like you're asking for the pain point and then immediately solving the pain point that they give you.
We know why they're sitting on the market So she goes on to tell me and I knew I had MMA Meyer I knew she was on a team I knew I knew it she was like well Luke you're conveniently calling me at a good time I love your cold calling me I Love this! This is a fantastic idea! I'm not I'm approaching you with this Do you want to go get coffee next week now? I Have a Now I'm going now I'm going out tonight to hang the Rider and now I'm going next week to grab coffee with her to try to be their dedicated lender for the team. Come on dammit! Oh I Do love me If you call Block. If done properly, you know it's gonna yield some really good results. No matter what industry you're in, you just need to pick a cold calling strategy.

You need to stick to it. Not for a week, not for a month. No, you need to do it for a couple of months to actually see what kind of results it's going to yield out. Don't forget this thing will make you a million bucks.

Just trust the process and don't get discouraged. Thank you.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

2 thoughts on “Cold calling your way to being a millionaire”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars deeyunn says:

    im recreating ur base on lt2 bro lol its taking a long time but itll be worth it, rewatching the series again too, on around ep 28

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Person says:

    Guaranteed way? Be born to a millionaire

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