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Gotta talk about China being super pissed off at Elon Musk Allowing talk about the Wuhan lab leak Theory to circulate on Twitter Now he's getting slapped on the wrist by potentially threatening Giga Shanghai We'll see, we'll see. But there's lots to talk about because now it's no longer just the energy Department Talking about the Wuhan lab leak Theory being a potential or even likely explanation even though with low confidence that that is where Covid came from. But folks, now the FBI is coming out saying the same. Now you might be thinking like, what does the energy Department have to do when the FBI have to do with an infectious disease? Well, surprisingly, they actually have a substantial set of scientists Within These departments that are dedicated to the impact of infectious diseases on not only their departments, but the United States has risks to energy infrastructure, energy needs, energy stability, whatever it may be Hospital stability FBI whatever.

So however, we want to explain it. It's worth noting that now the FBI has come out said the following, which just hurts potentially: Elon Musk I'll talk more about that in just a moment. What's going on with China and the idea of potentially divesting away from China But what do we have here? The FBI is now coming out saying the FBI for some time has assessed the origins of the pandemic as quote: most likely a potential lab leak incident in Wuhan Holy Smokes. This is actually quite interesting.

This is despite the fact and we've known this. Okay, the FBI is like two years late on this. Maybe it's because the FBI knew they just didn't want to say anything because if they said something well a a certain group of politicians would be really pissed off and B what would end up happening? Well, you'd probably get banned from Twitter because you used to get banned from Twitter if you talked about the potential that covet originated from a lab. now you got the energy Department Saying so via the Wall Street Journal expose we just had on Sunday, you've got the FBI Now reiterating that yeah, this was most likely a lab leak.

But listen to this. You still have four other agencies, along with the National Intelligence panel still judging that the pandemic was likely the result of natural transmission and the White House National Security spokesman John Kirby said on Monday that the US government has not received or reached a definitive conclusion. Now, I write I write over here Trump Now the reason I write over here Trump is is not because I'm like, you know, a Mr mag over here. Absolutely not.

But let's be clear, it would be very unpopular right now for the existing Democratic Administration to say oh yeah, the lab leak is potentially true because what did Donald Trump say from day one, the Chinese virus the Chinese are responsible for this? This came from a lab. Now at the time, most people thought Trump was just being Trump and that maybe he's right, but he's probably just being Trump Well Now it's starting to look a little bit more like when Trump was just being Trump he was actually right. Uh, and and I Know that saying Trump was right pisses off. Basically, anybody who's on the left that's not the intention of this.
Okay, this is not to like Bow Down to Trump. This is just to say of course it would be politically unpopular for the White House to admit this. In fact, it could potentially borderline be bad for somebody like Mr Fauci. We'll talk about that as well.

just a moment. We're going to talk about China and Tesla specifically. But anyway. China denounced uh, these comments on Wednesday Saying basically, this is a form of a political manipulation of facts.

It's worth noting that Tesla's Elon Musk is now getting some backlash. Uh, because Chinese State Media which a lot of media in China is basically state-run almost all of it is. Chinese State Media calls out Elon Musk over coronavirus tweet Chinese State Media called out Elon Musk this week for responding to a post about the origin of the coronavirus, potentially signaling that the strained relations between Tesla CEO and the country where many of the cars are manufactured uh could be at at risk. That relationship can be at risk.

40 percent of Tesla laws are manufactured in China right now. So maybe today, an investor day, we'll find out a little bit more about how they want to get away from China But apparently Musk is quote advancing the conspiracy theory about the coronavirus. Well, apparently now the Energy Department and the FBI think that Conspiracy Theory actually holds Merit. But anyway, the U.S right-wing and anti-china media Uh or sorry that China is saying the U.S right wing and anti-chinese media is hostile to China.

Uh, and basically uh, China's pissed and that they think people are trying to frame China But let's be real, that's potentially likely now or almost certain what's actually happening. Uh, and uh, Elon Musk apparently was responding to a tweet on Twitter about a conspiracy that Anthony Fauci created, uh, the coronavirus and that fauci should be prosecuted. Uh. so so I want to talk about that just briefly and then I Want to talk China Because we got to talk China Importantly, because there's you know, China obviously has an impact on a lot of companies that we invest in here.

So here's a tweet that says Dr Anthony Fauci funded gain of function research at the Wuhan lab lied to Congress about it and now both the FBI and Department of Energy have concluded that coronavirus originated at that Wuhan lab. It's a level 4 biosafety lab. That level 4 Biosafety lab is actually one of the first that China has as a level 4 safety a biosafety lab. And apparently their biosafety protocols just weren't good enough.

and uh, yeah. well anyway, Kovid got out. but anyway, uh Elon Musk replied to this and says he did it via a pass-through organization known as Eco Health. Now it's worth understanding this a little bit.
First of all, technically today. Technically okay, let's let's just consider facts here for a moment. Technically today, Gain of Function research is technically not illegal. Now it is very unpopular right now to say Gain of Function Research which is basically where you manipulate a virus to do something it couldn't otherwise do so if that coronavirus originally originated in bats and was able to transmit through bats.

If you now screw with Ed and doink' with it or direct its evolution, now, it could potentially spread to humans. Well, that is that type of research that going is going on and it's not illegal now. Technically people like Anthony fauci and Pfizer say no, we don't conduct gain of function research. But to me that's just like saying at Twitter oh, we don't Shadow ban people.

Okay, well what did Twitter do Twitter Actually, visibility filters people. Okay, it's just a pseudonym phrase. what actually is happening Uh, is you're seeing directed Evolution Happen. Directed evolution is very similar to Gain of Function Research is probably exactly the same thing.

It's just unpopular to use the phrase gain a function and it is a fact that money went from the United States to that Wuhan lab in China And if directed Evolution was being conducted there, then yeah, technically the United States funded directed Evolution research which is basically the same thing of Gain Function research. Now you could say publicly, but you're basically just hiding the truth. No, no, we don't do gain of Function research. Just like you could say publicly, we don't Shadow ban people, we visibility filter people, We do directed Evolution So technically maybe fauci could argue no, he didn't really lie because the definition is different but it just doesn't look good right? And so anyway, this is kind of where uh Elon Musk has come out and sort of bagged on fauci.

Now a lot of people say look, hey, you know fauci should be in jail But then you have to ask yourself is if if gain a functional research and directed evolution is not a crime, does he belong in jail Well of course then the counter argument is, but millions of people died from govid and if they contributed to the formation of of coven and millions of people died, is that not murder? Well you know this is where we have to look at, Go and say okay, well maybe we need laws that actually address if gain a Function research AKA directed Evolution should be allowed and then we have to evaluate do Does directed Evolution ever actually help us in medicine or does it only hurt us so like this is all still TBD stuff. It's really easy to just pretend to be on one side and go Pharaoh traders to be in jail and then on the other side you got people going. No, he's a hero. Let's look at what's actually happening.

Okay, what's actually happening is the research that led to Covid is basically happening on a daily basis. On a daily basis is happening and so we have as a society have to realize that we're being duped with what it's being called. It is actually happening and we have to decide. Are we okay with that happening? All right I don't know I don't know.
We probably don't have all those answers yet. But anyway, this is where we kind of go into China and and and potentially if if you know China is very unhappy with with Elon Musk for example, what could that potentially mean for okay, go Shanghai right? Is it I mean so far already? Shanghai has potentially had its expansion limited, so I'm interested in investor day today. What are we going to see in terms of uh uh, expansion plans for China So far, the China a gigafactory had massive expansion plans that have been put on halt because of China and this just adds more tension to what is already a lot of tension in China. It's not good for Tesla You know all this, this drama and this sort of political commentary uh by Elon Musk and not only that commentary, but obviously now he runs Twitter is bad for Tesla but I think it's obvious by now I mean you have to be a numbnut to suggest that Elon Musk Buying Twitter didn't hurt Tesla It obviously hurt Tesla It obviously did not only just in the share price declines because of the amount of liquidation uh Elon Musk had to perform, but also reputationally because you pissed off a lot of lefties.

Uh, and you know righties have also been pissed off. and I'm not saying I'm one or the other, just saying uh, you know China is going to be interesting now. remember. it's also worth noting that people are trying to dip out of China like people are trying to leave China Richer people are trying to leave China And you've got manufacturing that's trying to get away from China because China does this crap.

They try to intimidate you to basically manipulate messaging and to manipulate messaging. They will limit your expansion plans with productive capacity in their country. That's what they do. Apple They just say which article is this.

This is a Bloomberg article. Airpods maker Gore Tech is one of the manufacturer. many manufacturers exploring locations Beyond China obviously as well with Apple, which today cranks out the bulk of the world's gadgets from iPhone to PlayStations right? Apple is looking to build Supply in areas like India and Vietnam. In fact, Apple Uh, and companies associated with Apple are investing hundreds of millions of dollars to build new factories in India Vietnam and other places you're seeing a massive divestiture from China because China continues to operate like this now.

Zig And Pink's speech at the Chinese Communist party uh, people's Congress was that oh well, we want we like capitalism and even though we still like socialism, we really like capitalism. So I really? I Really hope that and I have this hopium that Tesla can get through this sort of like verbal drama with China because I think China's realizing crap a lot of Manufacturers are leaving because we're being too manipulative. So I think China can talk a big talk like North Korea waving the saber. but I think they're realizing manufacturers are leaving behind the scenes.
Nine out of ten of Apple's most important suppliers may be preparing large-scale moves to countries like India. That means out of China Bloomberg estimates it could take eight years to move just 10 percent of Apple's capacity outside of China. So China's still has time. China's got time.

but uh, you know you're you're seeing this transition away from China. It's not just manufacturers though that are trying to transition away from China. You have to consider the the rich people that are leaving China as well. and this is also quite interesting.

I Mean, look at this particular article here: the Chinese Ultra Rich feel like they are being penalized by government policies. Remember what happened with Jack Ma Jack Ma disappeared for three months. Some people think he got sent to Chinese Re-education Camp because he was on China Basically sorry I shouldn't say that bad word. Anyway, relocation experts say crazy spending habits of Chinese wealthiest citizens are sending Asian City State real estate markets berserk and this is sort of the the sub line over here talking about Sky High rents in certain markets and that.

But really, what you're finding is a lot of the rich are disappearing to other markets whether that's Singapore or uh you know a Chinese autonomous District like in Macau Uh, you are seeing though these sort of draconian regulations on the Chinese rich and companies in China driving people out of China Here's another piece. Take a look at this. Here's a Wall Street Journal piece as China reopens flight of wealthy Chinese to Singapore Singapore set to accelerate and so when we go through the piece, what do we see here Andrew Amalus whatever and oils Whatever head of research at New World Wealth says he expects departures from China in 2023 to pick up alongside a broader Revival in Rich individuals moving across around the world. The company expects 125k people with net worths of more than million dollars to Uh to move this year exceeding the record in 2019 of 110k.

Chinese Nationals usually account for eight to ten percent of that total New Wealth tracks the behavior of 150k individuals in a database to derive its estimates of migration. Basically people moving out of China because of the Uh the restricted policies that you have in China But at the same time, it's also worth noting the United States is trying to slap a slap a China over the head as well. U.S China Uh. Attentions over Taiwan are expanding.

Uh: the United States recognizes that China is seen as a competitor, not an ally. You've got uh, potentially multiple bills in Congress uh being uh, potentially passed limit China and China's expansion here. Look at this house bill. Uh HR 554 would allow the Treasury Secretary to Bar Chinese individuals and their families from receiving Financial Services uh from U.S Institutions: H.R 510 Pressure from the International Monetary Fund: uh regarding Uh manipulation of Chinese currency HR 803 excluding Chinese officials from meetings of the G20 H.R 540 supporting membership of Taiwan and the International Monetary Fund H.R 839 pressuring the IMF to advocate for more currency transparency in China on its exchange rate, holding China accountable.
Basically, the Chips Act limiting China's access to Advanced manufacturing chips. you've got a lot of pressure coming on China So even though even though we know at this point, I think it's pretty safe to say can't say with 100 certainty, but I think we could pretty much agree. The following: Gain a function Research happens even though when people tell you it's not happening, it's just because they want you to use the word directed Evolution it's nearly the same damn thing then. Not only that, but we have to realize that China is going to wave its saber because they have egg on their face.

They done effed up. Okay, they effed up the big. The The primary doctor who first announced uh in in I believe it was November of 2019 that something bad has happened and there's a really bad new infectious disease going around who ended up dying of Covid by the way. Yeah, you know the guy was in his 40s and people are like aha, he died of covet who pinched the IV uh anyway, so uh, you know he was announcing that that This Disaster is coming China is like oh yeah, we got a little problem from a flea market or whatever.

a wet Market We we don't think this is going to expand anyway China's got egg on their face for this and they're getting. They're getting a lot of backlash from the International Community especially the capitalist Community uh and China doesn't want to see their manufacturing Fleet or their rich people Fleet But that's exactly what's happening. So on one hand, I think China is probably going to make a press of comments and kind of lash out at Elon Musk's Elon Musk's Endeavors but on the other hand, I think they're really handcuffed in terms of what they can actually do because they don't want things to worsen. Uh, they they don't want to be in a situation where all of a sudden, oh crap, we are actually losing more.

uh, people, more manufacturers. uh and now our economic growth is being more constrained. Remember they had this whole massive if we build it they will come idea of building ghost cities and that turned into a disaster. Some of these ghost cities were so poorly built that China is now demolishing a lot of, uh, a lot of, oh, maybe not a lot, but a chunk of these ghost cities.
Because these buildings were built so poorly, it's cheaper to just demolish them and rebuild them and actually try to retrofit them and fix them. It's crazy, but uh, China's got a lot of work to do. and I think they're really Limited in terms of how aggressive they can be. Because they're not in a position to be aggressive, they're in a position to talk loudly, but then behind the scenes Let Tesla keep expanding and then in the meantime we as a society, we need to figure out how do we feel about directed Evolution Anyway, let me know in the comments.

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24 thoughts on “China lashes out at tesla biden on covid lab leak – fbi confirmation”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BeanTurd says:

    We need the 'lab leak' to create the narrative against the Chinese so if we go to war there will be support.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BlackPhantom2009 says:

    Let's say we do agree with force evolving something to better defend against it. Now, do we really want people who lie and manipulate and mince words about it to be the ones doing it when we clearly can't trust them?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Canada Please says:

    Anyone that thought the virus came from the market across the street from the virus lab instead of the virus lab itself is nothing but a moron or working with the CCP to destroy America.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rodiculous says:

    China didn't build the empty cities because they expected people to go there, they built it bc it's a ponzi scheme wherein people don't even live in the buildings, they just resell them real estate is the only thing close to a retirement plan in that country so people just want the title so they can resell it to the greater fool

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Burst of Knowledge says:

    Not okay with it at all!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Don Hosteen says:

    This is how war can start with china 🇨🇳 🎉

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars costafilh0 says:

    I'm disgusted on how much the truth doesn't matter at the high levels of power. Just the narrative matters.
    New narrative: China bad, helps Russia, Spy Balloons, leaked virus!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Balin Villa says:

    China will remove tesla from the market. I really hope Xi does that kick tesla out for manipulating ppl

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gouk Wapanzy says:

    Eff China!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars William Trombley says:

    Remember the Kevin before he started cleaning his already clean fingernails on live tv? – dude is the definition of DB

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marlie gay says:

    As far as India the amount of scammers that come out of India I'm not sure India would be a good move but who am I to say.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marlie gay says:

    I remember seeing a video in 2020 stating that covid came from a lab from Wuhan. I saw this video right before trump was saying covid came from China I hadn't seen that video since 2920. So it was obviously deleted. I don't believe most things that are being said today so many things are not being truthfully investigated or being covered up / deleted.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Szilágyi Miklós says:

    Twitter will be worse than before elon bought it. Just rename it to ccp's twitter

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BIGREDBULLDOG401 says:

    Trump also said inflation would get out of control gas would go up and all the other stuff he said was true say what u want but the guy was right and everyone in US today is most definitely not in a better financial position fact Che k that

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Realty Rewind says:

    He belongs In jail. He knew and lied to enrich himself

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PINTEL99 says:

    Bamboozled Vaxxed

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars This guy says:

    I got millions in Tesla $ my butt hurts.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Princess Tiarra says:

    Let us not forget the U.S. knew that COVID was leaked and Trump decided to not shut down. Airways immediately Trump allowed COVID to hit America then tried to blame China for his bad response.Trumps a loser with blood on his hands and it's time to move on!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Princess Tiarra says:

    China's mad at Musk because they had yet another Tesla fatality due to safety issues.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars This guy says:

    Kenvin is a super shill with low testosterone.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Infinitely infinite says:

    If they shut his factory in China then a lot of companies might leave china

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bon Bonjovi says:

    I would say U.S needs to stay out of other countries business, but if we did, it would be chaos out there with countries invading other countries all the time. That is why I support us helping Ukraine. Russia take over Ukraine, then a different country after that, and so on…

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric LaVare says:

    Biden and crew WERE doing as told and covering it up.

    But did Elon really do anything?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cali Boy says:

    China = Corona Virus = Havoc on whole world and economy. Boycott China for everything move businesses to India

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