AMC Nextt Bounce Level?
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Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, sorry for the slightly late arrival this morning, um also not that i'm crazy about amc. I was just a little too lazy to change the thumbnail, so we're just kind of rocking and rolling with an amc thumbnail, although i'm not like specifically crazy about the stock, all right, so we'll get ready to rock and roll here in a second today we have Had the stock spi moving mtsl moving sgoc had a gap up um and then there was also tpst that was moving this morning. So there was a couple a couple things moving this morning, all right so we'll get into um. First, why not amc? So i think the last time we were on was obviously friday.

I think the recommendation was the long targets kind of atmos. Let me just go back and just redo it really quickly. I think we had at most targets up to here. Remember that guy get this guy here but anyways.

I remember we said it had potential dip to support or along either way. We didn't really do much of either just kind of had an inside day. So, let's see so right now on the day, we're currently on support, so realistically amc is on support. These two red lines are kind of a support right.

Let me show you: if you look at the four hour chart, you will see, you have a half deviation price that dotted line right at 45.95, so for amc to kind of break up on the day you would have to get up and through 45.99, which will Probably change a little bit at market open, but it's right around 45.99 right now that the market would have to get up and above to kind of break for the bay and you'll notice. That's pretty much the pre-market high right! If you look at the first four hour trading candle of today, you will notice that its high is 45.99. So when you look at the four hour chart, you see where this dotted white lines at you'll realize it's, that's that's what created the pre-market high. So the reason we have the pre-market high here is because we have half deviation resistance there.

So, in order for amc to break up on the day you got to get through that point all right, so i think amc is on support so portion of the market's going to try to hold it here at the open. Now, in the event that support actually fails, which i don't really think it is, but if it does, if support, actually failed and broke, you don't really have support down until 37, 15 or 37 15. gotcha. So again, i don't think support's going to break today, but if it did, you don't really have much support and pre until pretty much the low of day from i think that was thursday's trading session.

So, to put it simply, this is a day where i'm not really crazy about amc on the long unless we're coming back up and breaking through 45.96 and i'm not trying to do a reversal long bounce unless the market was down at 37.32. So you'd look for a reversal, long bounce at 37.32 or you look for kind of a long breakout play at um the pre-market high or you look for consolidation, candlestick formation volume, whatever to define whether or not amc is holding the support of 4444. And then you look for a move up to 46.. So there's a couple ways this can play out right.
You can just have the consolidation support hold at 44 that then pushes the market up to uh 46 to retest the pre-market high resistance. You can have a breakout long at the pre-market, high resistance, or you can have a reversal long down at 37.. Those are kind of the three long setups that i would see so for now. I'm not doing anything with it because i really haven't decided whether or not this is really going to run to the upside.

So i'm just neutral watching amc, but these are really the three price points that you'd be paying attention to on the day for amc all right, spce um for sure we'll talk about so spce news. Richard branson goes to space orbital space sub orbital space. Whatever you want to call, it comes back to earth successfully spc gaps up. This is a stock i traded friday got my ass kicked.

I think i lost like 1800 bucks and not all together on this stock, but for the day, but maybe it was like 1500 on this stock, so just didn't trade, it very well um anyways. So today the markets sold all the way back off. They filled the gap on the day. Um, that's pretty much like really all there is to say i feel like this has turned into sort of a by the rumor sell the news event where everyone bought up into spce.

In anticipation of the return of successful launch and return of the um, sorry richard branson spacecraft for lack of better words. So let me just redo my analysis here because i think they did play so it went up to 59.99. Don't really have anything there yeah! I don't really have a support of that this. Okay, that's pretty straightforward, um, so uh yeah, i don't have reversal long support on spce until 47 to 46.

So, looking for a reversal bounce, i would assume exist down here, but i also think you'll see spce bounce at the open and retest this level of resistance 52 to 52.75. So your current resistance on the market intraday is 52 to 52. 6. Sorry, 52, 50s to 52 reversal.

Long support is down at 47 to 46.72 for the time being. So if you want to do reversal bounce you're in at 46.47, if you want a long to try to retest the resistance you're going to be going, however, you determine that. That's up to you, that's going to happen on its own um, but this like. Oh, this, like this is like amc too, like on um amc on a couple days back, so this was like this day right amc had been down in the morning but then shot it didn't even go to the reversal, support which was down here.

It shied it and then just reversed back to resistance and broke through. So that's kind of what i was thinking you could see with spce is kind of a bounce back up on the day to retest this resistance zone and then maybe see it swing. Lower a lot of talking a lot of talking all right now we're gon na pop over into some pennies, so we have spi that was moving this morning or started moving. This morning i took along up here pretty much right at the highs closed into this red candle for a loss of like 170..
The only reason i did that was i was trying to get us up to the plus one deviation mark, but it was unsuccessful. We we just shied away from it so kind of sucked in that regard, um so with spi. Today it has some news about, i think, a truck they made or something spi energy edson future launches next generation, electric pickup truck. So that's the news, so it does have some news.

That's a bonus. I was trying to get it up to about eight bucks this morning. It stopped at like 750ish all right and then it pulled back to the half deviations so the best way. I can explain this is if i zoom in you're gon na see these dotted lines like here.

Let me do it like this. I zoom in you see. We have these dotted white lines all right now, when we go look at the four hour chart you're going to see that we have this solid, yellow line here and then we also have a dotted white line there cool. So when we go look at the one minute chart, basically the way that i was trading it this morning was - i was going long into this high and as long as we stayed trading above these red lines on the pullback, then i would stay long on it Because we would be over pull back support, you can see we've dipped below those, that's where the breakdown happened.

So i closed the trade and now i'm just waiting to see if we can come back up and get through these levels. If we can get spi back up through 711 and through the 726, that would almost be the market pulling back to the half deviations going below gaining momentum and breaking back through resistance, which therefore could potentially take us up to eight dollars. So we're going to be watching spi a little on the long side today, because the long term chart is not overbought, so we will continue watching spi on the long side today, all right with the price target being eight dollars for now. Um.

Yes, all right now, again, it's really like eight dollars. If we can get back through resistance zone. This is the current resistance zone of the market on spi, okay. Next one, this is mtsl.

So mtsl was a penny stock. That's already broken up from friday. Went into this morning, pre-market continuing to move think that this is already overbought. So, yes, this is overbought, but the momentum still looks pretty decent here.

So this is something where, if you don't have an average ownership of the stock below 614, then you're pretty much guaranteed a loss. If you continue to hold it so if you're going to swing long swing, long and keep holding holding and holding and holding you want to make sure you have an average below 6.13 six dollars and 14 cents um two, it could - and it's probably different than that. Actually, yeah yeah, we'll just keep it at about 6. 14.
Right now i could say four, but that's a little little much so as long as you have an average ownership below 614 on this then uh. That would be that's. That's good! Okay, i won't be getting on this afternoon. I do have quite a bit of work to or quite a quite a couple things to do, um outside of the house today, so i will uh not be online streaming a little later today.

So again, mtsl back to mtsl. This is something that, yes, we will be following um a little bit today. I don't think i have shares of short on this stock. It is overbought.

I can't remember the news off the top of my head. That was six. Sixteen chairs all done seven nineteen. I don't really see any news as to why this is really moving.

So this is something that's kind of sketchy to me. So yeah, i'm gon na, be i'm kind of on, like the bear side of this thinking that this is gon na end up giving back its gains, because it's running on no news and it's overbought. So i'm kind of like hesitant on mtsl today. Something else to consider is sgoc.

This is a stock that ran from 2 all the way to 18 on friday, but it's also running on no news, so it's kind of like so i feel like this is something that you should be very careful with. If you're watching on the long side, you might want to be optimistically bearish and that's really just because it's overbought and it doesn't have any news in which the stock is actually running or related to so kind of sketchy. In that regard, all right and those are really the main um and again for sgoc. If you're gon na try to swing trade, this or um, you know yeah hold this for a couple days or something like this.

On the long side, you would need to have an average ownership price of below six dollars in order to stay safe from a corrective crash on the stock or to stay positive, okay, um. Now we will move on over to uh. What should we look at next boy? Oh boy, we kind of covered spce. We went over mtsl, sgoc fcel.

We can talk about um. I do believe there was no yes, not that i believe i know so. There was news that fcl ended up winning their court case, something like that. So that's good news for them for right now i mean you could you i? To put it simply.

I think you should be more on the long side of this for right now, with the dip that it's in and your target price on the long side of fcel currently would be like back to 8.63. I believe so for right now you should be trying to get fcl, maybe back to 863, if you're trying to be a long, biased stock. Excuse me all right, so so yeah fcel, i think 860, is what i just said. Yeah on the long side of that stock.

I think at most you would look for is about about 860. um. I don't think mtsl is easy to borrow um clove yeah. We should take a look at clove, it's kind of been a while, since i've looked at this myself.
Well, not really, i mean, of course i saw it last week, but um i feel like clove looks bad, but it's gon na give us a balance. That's the way i feel i feel like it doesn't look good, but it's going to give us some like random pop back up, but before i give some unicorn analysis, let's uh, let's be realistic here so with mr clover magoo. So we already broke that it's kind of awkward, though it's it's just not all right, so i'm gon na just like explain this a little differently um. So the market has broken down this white line right.

So it's like the bears are trying to move it away from the mean, if somehow, the bowls are strong enough to keep this from breaking down anymore, then the move that you're, currently s or the uh sorry then clove should reverse this move back to those white Lines which would be 10 to like 10 15., so you're at 9, 20 right now. The long target on the way back up would really only be to like 990, 10, 15 or so um. On the downside, the bears are trying to get this market to like swing all the way to 780.. So if we look at the pass where, if we zoom in here, you will see there's this like little dotted line there, that's pretty much what the market's been trying to support the past couple days on clove.

So if the bulls fail to continue supporting the half deviation price of nine dollars today, then you should see another bearish move down on clove. So this is the nine dollar price. If the bulls don't hold this, that's where we might continue to see that weakness. So for now it does appear that you have a slight support on clove at nine um, but i would say myself: i would start becoming slightly more bullish, just in the just in relation to where we sold off and where we're at now we've kind of come Down into some sort of some buying prices, so kind of change into more on the long side, but we're not quite on a support that i would buy off of on that.

Oh something i will mention that somebody might like is teva. So this is something i will say has good opportunity for a potential swing trade. It's a little late. If you look at tiva, you will see that it came down the other day and bounced perfectly off of the green negative.

Two deviation marks started to bounce. So if anybody wants to trade, something slower, i would say you could watch tiva on the long side, maybe as high as 957 to 968. Here she cl and e um clne, probably more on the long side than you would be the bear side, and only because you went all the way up. You sold all the way down back to kind of the negative one deviation mark so you're you're pretty much.

Looking for you know, maybe a flag pattern here, but a break of clne back through 921 and if you can get clne back through 921, i really don't have a price target that you should probably go for after that, because they're all pretty far away. So i don't even feel comfortable saying that, so i do think you're in sort of a dip long right now with cl any um. Something else to note is that, like blnk all of these stocks, like bl and k, larger energy stocks, energy names have been pulling back and selling off. That's, what's kind of been dragging down su w and a few of the other plays, but anyways the energy sector.
Some of these plays have been been pulling back, but most of them are starting to come down to their negative. One deviation marks, which means they're back at support, so we should start seeing those get bought up again, a little bit here so you'll see like s2nw. Last week we gave the analysis when this broke the price action trend. It would then go to its long-term statistical trend, so this was price action trend and this these yellow lines here were long-term statistical trend.

So once price action broke, then we would swing to the to the statistical trend, which is usually a stronger trend. Um and if i look at this time frame, you'll see that that yellow line there right. So it's not like i'm just bullshitting you and like no. We break price action, we're going to swing to statistical trends, so this is where we recommended you would dip by su w last week when it broke this.

This trend here, you would dip by here so we're kind of on to the dip by move with su w, and so, if you kind of miss the initial reversal, long price point that was off the negative one mark on smw. So now it's just a matter of: do they hold above the negative one mark and start to trend back up is all all right, so i'm just gon na quickly kind of run through some of the stocks being talked about here. So another one was nndm. Uh hold on and then i'm gon na make sure i cover amc here at the end, really quickly too um nndm looks like it sold off hit support at 666..

You can see, look it. I already have look at this. I already have two red lines on nndm right so so, like you know how, i would say: oh you want to be long at these two red lines or you want to be these. This will be resistance at these two red lines.

You'll see i already have two red lines on my chart and you can see where ndm bounce, so i can almost guarantee that when i change this time frame to the longer term time frames, i'm pretty much going to end up pointing at 180 day 4 hour 100, in a one year day, and once we go to those two time frames you're going to come to find that these two red lines are probably mapped right over long-term support or they're, very close. So let's switch it to a daily chart. Oh look at that. What happens when we go to the daily chart? What's right, there they're, not exact, because they changed a little bit, but you can see there's that that negative one deviation mark.

So, let's add it to where it's correctly at and then if we switch this to a four hour okay, so that was just no all right. So there we go. It's really just this, so this was would have been. The level that i would have mentioned was hold on a scoozy.
Excuse me, so this would have been the level i would mention would have been the buy point for nndm. You can see, we shifted below it. A little bit came back above it and then went so you've already missed your low risk dip long price point. Now: it's a matter of kind of getting through price action, resistance to force a short squeeze um, so to speak, so so yeah i would.

I would be more on the long side. Excuse me more on the long side for right now pretty much the way i'm following nndm uh, eng su and w uh plug bl and k. All those energy plays for me is as long as they're staying over the plus one deviation or sorry. As long as you're saying over the negative one deviation on the long term, charts and they're all still kind of a thumbs up for me, it's when we start to kind of get below those.

I would start to be a little more nervous, carv, which i was completely wrong about, i think on friday. Maybe i wasn't um, i think. On friday, i thought it was going to be a challenging trader which it kind of was but wasn't because it had a great long move and then a great sell-off. So it wasn't a choppy annoying trading, but it did go back and forth.

So it's kind of right, but for the most part wrong, but anyways, i don't think carv is going to have a gigantic day today. I think it's going to be a choppier inside day, so pretty much. The same analysis that i was giving on friday is the same one i'm going to give today. I think it's going to be a choppy annoying trading stock for most people.

The stock spi has started kind of coming back up, it's kind of back at resistance, arguably, but if it can get through yeah, it looks like spi's starting to move fairly decent um, and you know what, ladies and gentlemen i got ta run. That is uh. I wan na say that's about the time i got ta got ta make it to so. I appreciate you guys tune in make sure the thumbs up button before you head out, and i will see you guys on the next stream.

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5 thoughts on “Bull were strong on amc”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adam Goldstein says:

    what happened to your scanners bro?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ed Key says:

    Do you think AMC will ever make it to $60 again or is it a slow sinking ship?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ed Key says:

    Do you think AMC will ever make it over $60 again or is it a slow sinking ship?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brad Smith says:

    Holy FnS dawg conner you are the man for sure. Its like you recording the mfn blueprints of gold

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jake Mac says:

    Conner, I gotta say you are the man. Thank you so much for teaching everyone your strategies. I've totally turned my bad trading around since finding your channel. Cheers!

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