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⚠️⚠️⚠️ #tiktok #communist #broke ⚠️⚠️⚠️
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Of course. Then then you have people that are super anti-capitalism and and uh, and they're like no, we should just have everything handed to us and we should have pure socialism. uh like there's this uh, this guy drives me nuts. uh I actually called him a pansy on Twitter Uh, take a look, take a listen to this guy.

Okay, this, this was just like disgusting. All right. ready for this. Hold on a sec, let's listen to this pansy.

Uh, stand by, stand by for a disgusting video standby as Morgan Freeman asked you to stand by. Here we go. It's sick and twisted that I have to work just to survive just to live my life for basic ass Necessities like I don't want to work until the day I die just to eat and sleep basic human Necessities it shouldn't be controversial Free Housing free health care shouldn't be a goddamn pipe dream and I know a lot of people are going to be like oh, you should be doing this or that no like what if I don't want to be rich? What if I want to achieve I start to work till the day I die just to live just to survive. People give up their entire lives just to retire at the ripe age of 60.

whatever for what to get paid dirt. Even then people destroy their bodies physically and mentally just to feed into a capitalistic system that does not give a about you God didn't make me the smartest Angel but I know that needs to change and I don't want to be told that I'm ungrateful that I should be happy to have a job where it's taking up 40 hours of my goddamn week. you know I Want to spend time with my family I Want to do that is fulfilling to me. but all that like requires so much privilege.

It requires so much wealth and it's just messed up like Universal Health Care like Universal like basic income or whatever. Like it. it needs to happen now like these got us to the moon. Like y'all can figure this out.

but you know the rich. Just the rich just wants to get richer. They just want to keep exploiting marginalized people. They don't want to give up their wealth and help others.

and for the one percent like it'll it'll never be enough. Like when will it be enough? Look I don't need a goddamn Mansion or to be a billionaire like for what man so that I can exploit others and take away from others like no, all the billionaires can rot. Wow, that was extremely discouraging. I Have lost a lot of faith in the new generation of humanity.

I'm pretty disgusted to see people suggest that they deserve to live for free When 40 of the world lives on less than a dollar per day. billions of people in the world work their ass off for less than a dollar a day working in factories and in slum to work to survive. And this person wants free everything. Free food Free Housing So we could sit on his ass and as he said, spend time with his family because he doesn't want to put in 40 hours a week of work.

You realize the 40-hour work week is already very good. Now some people might take issue with that, but let's be real. If you're awake for 112 hours a week, that's about 16 hours. That gives you a full eight hours of sleep.
If you're awake for 112 hours, you've got a lot of time to spend with your family. In fact, you have 72 hours to spend with your family and to do whatever you want. Even if you take out maybe 12 hours a week of commuting, which is generous, you have 60 hours to do whatever you want. You have 50 more time to do whatever you want and still have a full-time job earning a fantastic Living in America relative to the billions of people who survive on a dollar a day or struggle to survive on a dollar a day.

Imagine if people like this existed a hundred thousand years ago or even 10 000 years ago in the ages of the Neanderthals You know what? I shouldn't have to work for my food I'm just gonna sit in this cave. Well, guess what happens to you, you dumb nut, You die Now Think about this. Think about all the hard-working people who even live in relatively developed countries. I'm not even talking about the billions of people who live on a dollar or less than a dollar a day.

I'm now talking about normal people who work 40 plus hours a week and they try to live normal developed lives in a country like Turkey. Guess what? There's so little capability to keep people from dying in an earthquake because we need people to work more not less. We need a government that is actually willing to require proper earthquake standards so people don't die in earthquakes. This should be basic, But guess what? The government doesn't have enough money to do it.

There's not enough money to go around to make it so that people who even work full-time lives and try to live actual lives. There's not even enough money for them to not get killed in an earthquake. And here you want a free home. That's it's.

like such a disgusting comparison to what's actually happening in the world and this idea that oh well. Rich Capitalists, you know, just want to exploit people. Rich Capitalists And the capitalistic system is designed to make sure that our livelihoods get better. The company that makes structural steel and Hardware to actually prevent people from dying in an earthquake innovates and provides products and goods and services to prevent people from dying in an earthquake because of capitalism, not because Xi Jinping Said somebody make a better bolt and we're going to give it away for free to everyone.

That's not how you innovate. so that's not how you actually end up saving lives more. People don't die because of the innovations that are created today in our society. Because of capitalism, Capitalism makes the world function better.

Is it perfect? No. there's a lot of work to do. There are a lot of people that don't have iPhones to record tick tocks like this douchebag. There are a lot of broke people who are starving.

that's scary and so what can make people starve less capitalism So we can innovate and figure out how can we maybe vertically Farm How can we have a sustainable energy future to actually make it so that power is on for people so they can go to work? Imagine trying to go to work and you actually go try to go to work but the power goes off every hour because you're in a country that can't even keep the power on. and I'm not talking about California which also has problems keeping its power on because it's trying to become so socialized. But what ends up happening when you have losers like this spreading this message that oh, we need Ubi You know I shouldn't have to work 40 hours a week. What you do is you make some percentage of America stupider and even lazier.
And it's disgusting because what we actually need is more motivated people working harder. So that way we can make the world a better place for the people who don't yet have the opportunity. See, this person doesn't even realize he has the opportunity to go make a real difference in the world. Now maybe he doesn't want to, but at least he has the opportunity to do so.

The power: Grid's stable. You get a phone, you got a home, and you're not starving. There are billions of people who would would do anything, give anything they have to live in. America And then you have people like this.

It's so disgusting. It's so disgusting. This this hate for a capitalistic system that quote doesn't give an S about you. It's nonsense.

Capitalism cares and I can make that very simple for you. You know why. I Know capitalism cares because capitalism revolves around Dallas around money. And guess what? If capitalism can make something more inexpensive and accessible to people, Guess what? The person who does that who actually provides disinflation makes more money and so what do you have? You have a country that's motivated to provide either better value, so innovative products or better products or even equal products at a lower cost.

So capitalism actually makes it more accessible for people to live a safe and quality life. Look at a household 50 years ago. a household maybe if they were lucky, had one TV and one car. now.

American Households in poverty have two to three cars, four to five. TVs Everyone's got a laptop. you want to learn how to type. You can do it for free on the internet.

You want to take MIT classes. You can get those for free on the internet. Capitalism is phenomenal. Are there problems? Absolutely.

But this scumbag is not the solution.

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where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

27 thoughts on “Broke tiktok communist *demands* you to pay for him.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Don Hosteen says:

    Capitalism destroying California with homelessness and costly mental health services

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars memback says:


  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Suzanne Saturday says:

    This video is so disturbing. Still thinking about it. I understand that this kid wants to be free. What he doesn’t understand is that the powers that be thrive on exploiting him. If he wants to be free, he has to free himself.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars IT's Time says:

    lol, he need to go to live in 3rd world country for a year.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Suzanne Saturday says:

    Capitalism cares!!!😂😂😂😂😂

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Suzanne Saturday says:

    Kevin, you need to travel. Unfortunately, you may have missed your window for that because you have a family & money. You may have missed your window to comprehend that there’s a whole world out there that isn’t the US & doesn’t have US values.
    You go on vacation, but clearly you have never traveled. You haven’t even traveled outside your own mindset right here in your own country.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrey G says:

    I don't know… USA has the privilege to print endless amount of money (that goes to military industrial complex, pharmaceutical companies, etc.), meanwhile, people have to work their asses off just to survive, while in places like Saudi Arabia citizens are getting payouts from the government just because they live in the country that has oil (which USA also has plenty of)…
    I'm not for basic income thing, but imagine if some of that wealth went to something that improves people's living and not to financing wars around the world!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Darin says:

    No economic system can survive under the extremes of greed and laziness. Where greed is allowed to reign wealth ultimately ends up concentrated into the hands of a few corrupt oligarchs who use their money to control the government thereby resulting in communism. Where laziness is allowed to reign, the economy collapses from a lack of productivity. People then organize into gangs for safety and turn to theft and violence in order to survive. Ultimately, one gang amasses enough power to oppress the others and the leader becomes a dictator. In our current society, the greedy point to the lazy to justify their greed. Meanwhile the lazy point to the greedy to justify their laziness. Greed and laziness are two sides of the same coin and are born out of selfishness. The only way to maintain freedom is to restrain BOTH greed and laziness while promoting hard work and service to others.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sly Cooper says:

    you shouldn't even acknowledge people on tiktok they just do and say stuff to get attention

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dave Silver says:

    Try the non-capitalist way of just subsistence farming. Dirt farming would require him to cut his hair though to keep from overheating.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars randy says:

    Kevin's like a troll. But instead of hiding behind a keyboard. He hides behind a bunch of cosignatures. He never had to start from the bottom. To build credit from nothing. Or live random places to save more money.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars null says:

    Well said Kevin! His premise falls apart if he’s put on a island without shelter and food. Turns out work is a necessity of life.

    This guy wouldn’t even be able to catch and harvest his own food. Completely useless.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wicked Smoke Shop says:

    This human is clearly delusional. Looks like a man, but accessorizes like a woman, and acts like a little bitc$. People like that are are getting beat up in the streets for saying stuff like that. Hope it doesn't happen to it/him/they/she.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Curious Mind says:

    Maybe he should also donate his money to the developing countries who only have $1/day

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tautvydas S. says:

    Well said kevin, well said…

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars purple naturellc says:

    This happens to every generations. Maybe more pronounce with these younger generations because of social media and brainwashed by his handlers. His family won’t put up with him or has the times for him because they work for a living. What a waste of resources and carbon footprint loser 😂

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shamz says:

    He can go live on the streets. It's free. Hell go to jail and you even get free meals and a bed. Free of charge. There's even TV

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tim L says:

    Even animals in the forest go to work every day. These entitled "leftist" loafers should be dropped off in the wilderness. I'd rather give the coyotes and mountain lions free meals (these "leftists" wouldn't even put up a fight) rather than feed these types of morons.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tim L says:

    Communists used to at least respect the concept of work. Communists were pro-working class back in the day. These neo-leftists are very different from those old school communists, as work itself is now too much for them. It just shows that living in the far left communist delusion causes people to realize that if redistribution is no longer called "theft", then why bother working at all?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mark cantore says:

    There were similar propaganda videos that were anti establishment that came out during covid. I noticed very similar production techniques in the videos but they were posted by different creatures. These videos were about the decay of NYC and stating it was a wasteland. However, the city is just fine and actually evolving into a stronger city. I wonder who is behind this stuff…

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shawn Stoik says:

    Kevin needs a reaction channel, to lazy stupid people!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shawn Stoik says:


  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 💰 Make $750 Per Day says:

    "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." –Thomas A. Edison

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars War says:

    He is not a socialist

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jargon JJ says:

    I will pay for his one way ticket to North Korea

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars aetherguy881 says:

    A tick tocker wanting communism, looks like the reason why the powers at be want to ban it. Honestly, the format sucks, I'd be glad to see it go away.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Project KJ says:

    Anti-capitalists are idiots. 10:1 he’ll be homeless in 5-10 years.

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