This morning, Russia said it is pulling back its troops from near Ukraine after a build-up raised fears of an invasion. Earlier this morning, Russia’s defense ministry spokesperson said Russia is pulling back some of its forces near the Ukrainian border back to their bases.
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We have the whole russia ukrainian thing, basically going out of proportion everybody's talking about it, fear-mongering from every direction. You look at it and today today we finally had confirmation from russia that this thing ain't happening hey. This is tom, welcome back, and if this is your first time on this channel welcome, we only have one rule and one rule only which is don't click, nothing, don't smash nothing and mainly don't buy nothing because we ain't selling, diddly squat, no courses, no sales. No, nothing just information, so listen.

Russia basically comes out and says this morning on russian time. By the way, all you all were asleep when that happened, but i don't sleep so i actually read about it immediately. They basically came out this morning and said: hey we're pulling back our troops from the ukrainian border, and just so you know we never had any plans to invade. This was just a military drill.

Now, whether that's true or not, it doesn't really matter. What matters is that i call this precisely. On january 30th, i told you this. Russia did mobilize a hundred thousand troops to the border, but i just in my mind i feel like it's a flex and basically this morning russia came out and said: well we're not doing this.

We never plan to do this, so basically it's over now, whether that's true or not. Nobody really knows. Maybe this is some sort of an elaborate scheme for russia to get ukraine to put its guard down and eventually they invade. I don't think so personally, but hey i'm not god if they do it.

Well, it's going to be one hell of a douchebag move, but if you take russia for its ward, which is kind of a you know, a shaky assumption, it doesn't seem like it's about to happen, but that's not the reason why i thought that this would never Happen, i actually laid out the reasons and they're very clear if you want to see my deep dive 25 minute video into why i don't think this happening it's on my channel. You can find it. It's not the point of this video. The point of this video is basically to dive and dissect what exactly happened? Why all of a sudden russia is going back on its rhetoric, basically saying: well, we never plan to do this.

We're not doing this. It's over. That's the real question, also the real question: why was the mainstream media in the us and the west so gung-ho about this fear-mongering about war? Because if you look at the eastern side of the map, the media over, there wasn't really fear-mongering only on the western side. You had this massive buildup towards this war question is why - and i have a theory about this, so first of all, let's start with the.

Why why msm mainstream media on the west had such a great basically push towards fear-mongering and why the u.s politicians and the european politicians actually try to make it seem more than it really was well, i have my theories, but again i was wrong before, and this Is just my opinion, which might be you know completely inaccurate or wrong, or just the ramblings of a madman you decide for yourself, but if you want my opinion here, it is so there's two things here. You need to understand number one. The media has its own reasons and the politicians have their own reasons and both actually met together because they had a shared interest so check this out. The media needs clicks.
It needs drama whenever there's a conflict, a geopolitical crisis, a brink of war. That means money, money for mainstream media, massive clickbait war war, breaking bad breaking news, grandpa is drowning in the pool. Grandma is robbing grandpa, it's basically all out war for your attention and they'll do anything for it. Now i said this yesterday i saw some crazy headlines at some point.

They were basically going off the rails. Putin finds out that putin is behind a plot to assassinate putin. I mean i think that was in the onion, but it's really reflective of how mainstream media came out in the last few days. This was just basically, you know a verbal diarrhea of breaking news.

I mean they're really getting out of control because they're competing for attention and they went all out the second part of this. The second prong was the politicians, so we know why the media did it. So why did the politicians make it sound worse than it really was? Well, if you look at the status of the politicians who were fear-mongering the most, on the one hand, you have boris johnson from the uk and he's dealing with his own party gate whatever. That is, don't want to go there.

Don't care don't want to know, but he's dealing with some internal that he has to work out, and this was a nice little diversion. On the one hand you have boris johnson. On the other hand, you have this administration in the us dealing with a lot of stuff. They had to figure out.

On the one hand, you have the whole truckers thing in canada going on massive supply chain issues: inflation, whatever happened in afghanistan, is still pulling down. The whole infrastructure of the foreign policy of the us basically biden, is in a tough spot and his administration is struggling, so they needed another kind of quasi-war to basically distract from their own problems, and that's fine. Every politician does that in every country, even putin. Does this quite a lot, but that's kind of just the reason.

I'm not saying it's bad, i'm just saying that's how politicians behave so that's why you saw this war-mongering rhetoric from the western side of things they just needed a nice little diversion and the media was happy to take the clicks and the ad money. Now, here's what just happened, why the hell did russia say this now and not two or three days ago, a week ago, two weeks ago, what changed all of a sudden they had an epiphany. No, what changed is they were looking for a compromise. I said this in my video.

I said this multiple times: putin wants something the west can give. Putin needs them to either roll back nato to pre-1997 or to basically promise that ukraine would never be admitted to nato. Both requirements cannot be accepted by the west. That's an admission of basically failure.
On the other hand, they needed to give him something: that's not money, he can't be bought. They can't sanction him. His economy is clunky, it's simple, it's ugly, but it's basically sanction proof. He made it this way on purpose, so they can't scare him they can't buy him off.

So what can they give him that actually makes sense for him to say? Well, it's an achievement for me that will go down in history and will you know cement my position as one of the greatest russian presidents, because i want to roll back the humiliation that russia experienced in 1989 when, basically, we collapsed and nobody gave any clout to Us so basically what happened yesterday is, i think they actually found a compromise without letting everybody know. So yesterday we had the ukrainian ambassador to the uk, basically come out and say: hey guys, we're flexible on this nato thing as long as it stops the war. Now he said it and i've never heard of an ambassador saying things that they don't mean, or they didn't instructed to say whenever ambassadors say things, it's always directional, it's always intentional and the fact that he said it he didn't just went on on this rant without Asking anybody the ukrainian ambassador to the uk basically said: hey we're flexible on this nato thing as long as you leave us alone now, of course, ukraine immediately denied this and the you know main guys in ukraine said. Well, we don't support this position.

That's not what we meant blah blah blah it didn't deny, but it was put out there and i think it was a peace offering and then this morning again, y'all were asleep. This morning president zielinski actually came out and said: hey, you know. We really want to join nato, we're not backing down from our demand to join nato, but at this point it's a pipe dream: how can we join nato if, whenever we talk about it, russia is basically on the brink of war and the us and eu just Prove to us they're not going to support us. It's not like they're, going to send military troops over here to support us.

So how is this dream ever going to happen? It seems like a very far away. Dream would love for this to happen, but it seems like a very far away reality. I don't actually see how this can be done. Basically, this kind of a signal to russia hey as long as we don't close the door, we're fine, just letting these dogs sleep and leave this whole nato nonsense alone.

There's no need to fight over something that we don't even know. If ever is going to happen. Essentially, that's all put and needed to basically say well good enough for me packing up going home now. I think the main losers from this is actually threefold and i feel really bad for this.
So, first of all, we now know one thing put in basically a i think he has some wins in this and some losses so as far as where putin wins and when his losses are it's very simple putin's main win from this is now basically, ukraine knows Nobody has their back. This thing proved to ukraine that u.s ain't going to send troops. It proves to them that germany ain't going to do jack. You remember germany, basically saying well we'll send you some helmets, good luck, and so ukraine knows that none of these who talk about you know the nato and the support they're, not there.

They were put to the test and everybody basically left ukraine. You know they hung him up to dry. They threw them under the bus, so put the nose that ukrainians now understand that nobody's going to help them man, it's probably going to bring them closer to the whole influence circle of putin. It's just the way things work.

That's his big win, his big loss and what he sacrificed to get that is. Basically, he woke up the eu to the fact that need to diversify their gas suppliers right now, they're in the they're, basically indispensable. Russia is indispensable. They don't have anywhere else to buy gas, i'm not even talking about germany, but it's like 65 of his gas coming from russia and not to mention that 85 of this gas coming through ukraine itself.

So basically, the eu is now aware that this whole thing is in peril, and now they understand hey, we have one single point of failure on whatever keeps grandma from freezing in the winter. We can't have that happen and i think this will push the eu to diversify their gas suppliers and they'll. Go to the arab world, to australia, to the us and they'll find alternative suppliers to diversify. Basically, gas supply to the eu, which will decrease putin's leverage over eu, because, right now he holds him by the nazak he has to squeeze and they'll just sing.

I think they don't want this to happen again, so this basically pushes them away from his circle of influence, so he sacrificed some clout for the eu in the long term in order to keep ukraine basically under his thumb and unfortunately, and for me this is the Main point here, the main losers after this whole thing is over is the ukrainian people, because they done nothing to nobody. They are constantly on the brink of war they're under threat. Basically, these people, who already don't have a lot, are being pushed around as some sort of a bargaining chip between the west and russia. So i just want to say much love to my ukrainian brothers hanging there.

I love you all much love from your brother, tom, russia and ukraine, for me, is not in the state of war. I think it's a personal putin thing, and at least i'm happy that it's over, but i think the ripple effects of what just happened in the past few weeks are going to be felt for a long time. Well, let's see what happens if you agree with me, if you disagree with me, let me know in the comments below would love to hear your opinion see you tomorrow.

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where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

29 thoughts on “Breaking news! russia pulls troops from ukraine border!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Multiverse Ninja says:

    Snoop Dogg 🎶 🎵 song playing in the background during Putin and Biden talk. 😎

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars francisco Guella says:

    Also, I think the economy in ucrania get frizzed, that is also a indirect power from Putin… I think that just moving the troops to the border freeze Ukrainian economy due to the west political and media pressure. This was a huge political win for Putin over Ukraine and show there is no need for a military invasion (which is completely insane in my opinion).

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SLPC says:

    I would be wary of unintended consequences of diversifying the gas supply. Because I would imagine the fact that there is commerce between EU and Russia has a dampening effect on the probability of war occurring. The onus is on Russia to disrupt itself and the markets, thus causing the diversification to happen.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Imran Ali says:

    Why do I think this Russia news was a distraction so we don’t talk about inflation. Just my small brain thinking

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rob Smith says:

    Putin has shot the Russian people and economy in the foot , this will speed up Europe's need for alternative energy.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars billyrocket62 says:

    Biden: It was GM and Mary Barra that convinced Putin to remove his troops, and saved Ukraine. You led Marry, and it matters! Lol. 😂🤣🤪

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bill B says:

    You called it Tom… and it makes sense – let’s hope the media doesn’t twist it to make things continue. I believe your theories about media and politics too – election season is upon us

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Enkhtur Damdinjav says:

    And I told you all – there won't be no war, it's just CNBC followers like Tom who sensationalize everything for daily $s

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Daniel says:

    According to the news this was only a statement from Russia. They haven’t seen any evidence on the ground of Russian troops pulling back.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars john goelzer says:

    Always love your analysis, especially on Russia/post Soviet states. Keep up the good work Tom! 👍

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Barry Gysbers says:

    KitCo news might very well come knocking for interviews with you, if you pull off even one more of these coups!
    Greatly enjoyed your "ramblings and/or ravings OAMM!"

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mackenzie Jackson says:

    would be a real dick move for Russia to start WW3 right after covid.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Cascio says:

    Biden killed the Israeli pipeline and Russia and Turkey are happy.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Larry Gerry says:

    Putin checkmated the west, he has got the optics he wanted and made the west look paranoid which plays into his narrative

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carlo Herrmann says:

    Relieved … I don’t trust Putin!! He is a slippery snake.
    Just have to wait for Putin to leave office… in a few years. Then Ukraine can try again. So much can happen from here to then. Spasibo. Спасибо

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars De- Centralized says:

    Putin was testing Biden and NATO. I don't think he liked what he saw happening.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cameron newberry says:

    Tom “it doesn’t matter that WW3 didn’t happen, what matters. Is that I was right” lmfaoooo

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wolf on Robinhood says:

    That dip on Friday was hilarious to me. I was thinking are you serious. Russia is just letting you know of their surprise invasion next Tuesday at 8:42 am 🤔🤔

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hugo Smith says:

    Russia should start courting Canada or Mexico ……will the states learn then?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars arny Value Investing says:

    Knowing you don't talk bs, I could even start liking geopolitics

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fred says:

    Not so much a prank but an excuse for the democrats to send$1 billion to Ukraine to be laundered back to the elites

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tapio says:

    Yet NATO claims they have witnessed no withdrawal whatsover. I wouldn't take anything putin says at face value and wait for independent confirmation.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brendon Saporito says:

    I have loved your insight on the issue, this video and previous ones. Thank you Tom Nash!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike McC says:

    Thank you better geopolitics than the mainstream media tom. Next from MSM will be a story about how Joe Biden is our hero and somehow this is trump's fault.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ray Arias says:

    Good morning Tom, If Putin brings his trumps back, you can be sure Biden (by the media) will looking to take the credit.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gatsbyofhouston says:

    Because the narrative has changed .
    We can get better results with Justin Castro.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pierre says:

    Your analysis is silly. The MSM didn’t put 130.000 soldiers on the borders. It’s not Western paranoia. Are you a Russian agent? 🤔🤔🤔

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dave TheBird says:

    I am not that good at maths but I think it is more than one rule you list at the beginning 🙂 But I enjoy your videos so no problem 🙂

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom Nash says:

    Who are the winners and who are the losers of the latest 3 weeks?

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