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Uh breaking SEC Sues Elon in Twitter stock purchase case. So this is Mario Summary: Another Witch Hunt has started. bro. That's what pisses me off about Twitter It's like they're like we just read the lawsuit.

It's like they did everything not to file that lawsuit. yet your headline is another witch hunter started. Let's now check out this. United States District Court versus uh well in the this court SEC versus Elon Musk Good job Ken Got these documents like a champ.

Look at that. So very good. Okay so what do we have here? We have a bunch of uh, we have a bunch of case law conclusion argument, statement of fact. So we only have six pages of fact here.

and let's start there. so this is the intro. We can come back to that I want to see the statement of facts. So April 2022 the commission issued an order directing the investigation uh into the matter of the sale of Twitter stocks.

So this has basically been going on uh, since, uh, since 22. Basically, since when they started buying it, uh, trying to investigate Elon Musk for his acquisition of Twitter Okay, great why I would be very nice to know. So we've got some testimony here. What is this as part of the investigation On in June 2022, the SEC served Musk with a subpoena seeking his testimony.

Musk appeared for halfday session of testimony by video conference. This is what I'm saying. By the way, this is the pain in the butt. The process is the punishment Elon got so much going on.

does he want to sit on Zoom for 6 hours? That's a pain. He's got a live stream tonight. he's got to live stream his his Diablo game. Yeah, yeah.

you got got to get the gaming done. That's what he means by being busy. Oh, that's not good Anyway, Okay, since Musk's last half day testimony on July 27th, 22, the commission has received thousands of new documents from various parties, including hundreds of new documents produced by Musk. Hundreds of documents produced by Musk.

Indeed, nearly half of the documents Musk produced to the commission were produced after Musk's last halfday session. Okay, so they're trying to build up probably another request to subp, like to to do another interview with him. In light of this substantial new information the SEC obtained following the last testimony, the SEC staff discussed with Musk counil the need for Musk to appear for another day of testimony. There, it is okay.

The SEC informed Musk Council that at the time it intended to subpoena Musk in person at the San Francisco regional office. Although Musk Council informed the SEC of certain scheduling conflicts between June and early August 2023 busy, he's busy. At no point during the April 23 conversation did Musk Council object to appearing for another day. So they're basically like, hey, they never said he wouldn't be available for another day and now all of a sudden they're saying he's not available for another day.

Okay, uh, on August 28th, just over two weeks prior to this is all really recent stuff. By the way: I This was filed today. Yeah, I mean this is Juicy Uh, August 28th Just over two weeks prior to September 14th date for Mus testimony Council requested that they move his testimony by a day. Okay, in requesting that Musk testimony be moved to day, the council raised no objection on for musk appearing.
Okay, fine, so they probably gave him the extra day. Whatever. Okay, Musk Council S okay. On the 13th, Mus Council sent a letter informing the SEC staff for the first time that just kidding Musk isn't coming two days before Two days before I mean this is like I'll be at your party and then two days before JK You suck.

It's like he's trying to like inverse the pain of the process, like he's delaying everything to the last minute and then making them push it back. But you know it doesn't work against a bureaucracy. It bureaucracy thrives off this man. You know they're sitting like oh so you think you can game us e like this.

Just made their eight hour shift at work a lot more fun. Like if I'm at the SEC and I'm an SEC attorney I'm like oh I smell a lawsuit I get to put my name on I mean this is all resume building for them as well. a I mean this is normal Okay people, they work at the SEC and uh, then they can go into private practice because you have experience working for the SEC this is this is great for the SEC the this is the sec's job. uh like the individual bureaucrats like your job is basically go after musk at this point which is kind of like the get Trump thing right Like this is all these are resume builders.

Whether it's right or wrong, they're resume builders and Musk Job is leave me alone. I have these companies to build. Unfortunately these have Congressional authorization and you building your businesses only works to the extent of the law. so unfortunately like this is a losing battle.

like me screwing like that in my opinion was stupid to two days before rug pull them all you're doing is pissing them off like what are you what? What are you going to gain from pissing the SEC off Why? and you're just delaying the inevitable. It's not going to make your case better, it's not going to make them feel bad for you. like if he's like you know my child just had a pneumonia or whatever and I was in the hospital with him. It's like they'll work with you but just hey JK I'm not going to come.

Wow. Classic hardcore just came out I got to spend a couple of weeks in front of the screen. Did you say wow? Okay, that's Justified if if you had all the money in the world literally you have the money to buy countries and if you hated the SEC that much and wanted to make a point, why wouldn't you want to try to make their Liv lives miserable If you financially have very little downside, If you have everything you need and you have all the money to want to try to make somebody's life's miserable because you disrespect them that much, why wouldn't you? Because it's not just you, it's the SEC could prevent Twitter from going public again. They could if they wanted to.
If they thought there was fraud or something, they could stop trading of Tesla stock, eliminating all that liquidity for all the employees, all the shareholders. The is incredibly powerful and nobody should look at the SEC and say I'm going to tell you I'm going to show up on the 15th and then give you the middle finger 2 days before to make a point because what you're setting yourself up like, the extent to which the law can go at making your life miserable is so extreme. That's not the way to fight it. The way to fight it is the way companies traditionally do this.

How does Apple fight the SEC? It's hiring sexy girls to be lobbyists in the halls of Congress and changing the law Because if you can change the law, then you can go to the SEC with the law. But you can't fight the SEC and say I don't like your law that you're enforcing. No way in hell it's a terrible idea. Uh, like the power of the SEC Here, it's it's you just have to.

You have to roll out the Uh and and I Know a lot of people might get mad for saying this, but but it's just it is what it is. If the SEC is asking you questions, you need to roll out the rubber mat and get on your knees. Oh Jesus it's it. Just is what it is.

okay. or at least pretend. Anyway, let's keep going. Yeah.

So on September 14th, the SEC responded to Mus letter and address. Musk stated objections on the 15th. Musk failed to appear as required by the SEC subpoena. Following must failure to comply with the SEC subpoena, the SEC attempted to negotiate a new date I See, like right, it didn't work well.

Let's get a new date. On the 19th, they sent an email uh, you know, basically asking okay, uh as one of mustad objections was that the testimony was scheduled for San Francisco where he complained that he doesn't live well right? cuz he lives in Austin Don't mind the Gulf Stream that could get him there in two and a half hours. Let's forget about that. Uh okay.

the SEC we saw. well at least we saw a security detail in Austin we went to uh the what is it the millionaire FBO uh they had really good cookies by the way. like shout out to Millionaire Austin their uh, their little facility there uh it's probably one of the nicest that I've seen. and the fresh cookies.

Very few do fresh cookies although there was one I think in Oregon that had Otis spunk meire cookies. there was that that FBO in like Nebraska that had the free ice cream. That was okay. that's where we get our fuel.

Oklah that's the Che fuel. That's the that's where you load up free ice cream too. Yeah and free All right. let's keep going.

So the SEC also offered to conduct Musks testimony at Fort Worth Texas office. They're very accommodating. They're so accommodating. Wow, look at this, uh or any of the Commission offices across the country, there are 11.
We will let you suck our dick anywhere. What did SEC stand for suck? El Back to the back to the thing on Seob 21st. The SEC offered potential testimony dates in November They're being actually quite accommodating here. It's like any office anytime in September October How about November Okay, on the 24th Musk Council responded informing oh the SEC that musk would not appear at any location.

This is like I could just see uh it's kind of like when when Ken has something he comes over to me some like Kevin what about this and I'm like no F that right? See that literally half of the things is Elon's Council saying Elon please do this like please do it like we have like ethics we have to follow, please appear in court and Elon literally just replying one word no, you were saying the Speaker of the House is the worst role to take on right now I think it's Elon's Council how many people is do you think is on Elon's Council uh at least yes yes yes yes, that's where the R&D cost go. Oh wait I thought that was a glass house. Oh okay. all right the next day the SEC sent a letter to Musk Council asking that Musk con the commission uh if he had reconsidered and would agree.

Wow, dude, wait a minute. This is extremely like if I'm a judge I'm like bro they gave you every chance they rescheduled. they're like how about a different date? How about a different office? How about Okay, all right, you told us you wouldn't Now we're going to wait 5 days and we're going to let you think about it and we're going to go. How about now? Have you reconsidered? Are you still busy? You're being subpena like this is important.

Let's see what the reply is. Uh no yeah I know his attorneys are like Elon you have to go like this. he's not going this is I don't know if he's is he trying to like make Twitter more popular by getting this like it because it's like a it's like Trump on Truth social almost where it's like you know, uh oh oh what? like I tell I I mentioned it to you guys this morning like let's see what the latest is Trump said go log on to truth Social or whatever it's like. you kind of have to go there to see latest.

you know that's I think he's playing checkers. he just really doesn't want to go I think he's more simple than that. It's like mid curve. It's like trying to think of this conspiracy I think Elon just hates the SEC that much that he just will refuse.

There's no doubt about that. There's no doubt that his had is very high, but but he's not. The problem is he's not helping himself by doing that like uh, you know what I' I've said this before in the past and by the way, the rest here is really just case law and filing and stuff like that like a lot of this is is not really that's where the argument end. but I've said this before about Elon I think what Elon needs is like a real friend that can just tell him when he's being a idiot because he does not have that right now.
I I don't know whom he's got around him but somebody who read what we just read would and and was a confidant of Elon Musk would tell him to his face stop being an idiot. This is not worth it and literally this this lawsuit is not alleging that he's wrong or that he's he's done anything bad or that he's about to get F It's literally just trying to compel him to show up and talk to the SEC which you're required to do I don't know, do you know who he in this? what else is he saying on Twitter by this is my second so my laptop just died so if you see me on my phone that's why Unb in his book The only person he references as a mentor in his like later stage is Larry Ellison that's who he calls his mentor and who goes to for advice. When he was trying to buy a Twitter he went to Hawaii and was hang. he sleeps at Larry Ellison's house when he goes to Hawaii and so his planing can make it to Hawaii huh oh mine can't it's cuz your PE pe's small yeah well look I mean they're they're friends you can have in Hawaii but you have to ask yourself how how often is he in Hawaii you know uh the the reality here is you you you need he needs somebody like like in his life daily and he just lost the CFO at Tesla which I think may have been a version of that Ates weird yeah that was cuz on the earnings called that prior quarter he said yeah I have my successor in mind if anything happens to me if I need to step.

everybody thought it was Zach Yeah everybody and then Zach disappears. There's a lot of conspiracies about. Maybe he just can't have friends, you know. I I Feel bad for him because I think his mind never rests.

He said that himself before too. uh, but uh. but but this is is not that he'd ever watch this. But my point is, like somebody needs to tell him that he's being incredibly shortsighted with this.

Go. Go. You know. send a letter now and you know what.

You can even say it on Twitter right? Like you want the drama. Go if it is. If it's Checkers or whatever it is, you just say it on Twitter and just say you know what. Uh, I've reconsidered I'm going to meet with the SEC because you know what? I've done nothing wrong I have nothing to hide.

you know how hard is that? He responded to that person saying that. So he tweeted under the when he got sub painted by the SEC that we just talked about saying that we should like investigate all uh, agencies and they somebody asked will this actually happen he said probability 100% Do you think that he's trying to what is what is his plan Because this is what's going on I See what you're saying? Look, do? Should agencies be supervised? duh? Should agencies be audited? Of course. Should the findings of those audits be transparent? Absolutely. Does Gary Gendler know what he's doing with Crypto? Probably not.
But uh, you know what may like? Maybe he'd be here with us right now if he was. Look, we'll interview you Gary If you want to, come on, come on over here. We'll interview you. But but maybe he'd be like, you know what? We just haven't figured out the right way to do it yet.

You know, who? Who knows, Who knows. like maybe there's a reason, but uh, but that doesn't mean anything. It it's not helpful what he's doing because frankly, if you read the actual lawsuit, you look at it. it literally reads like Elon you're an idiot Now don't get me wrong, this is just the Sec's POV right? But here are the types of tweets that do well on: Twitter uh uh breaking SEC Su and Christian when you get a chance we could throw this up.

uh Christian is is playing Legos right now he's he's Christian you're great. We love you man. uh sorry I totally sandbagged you So anyway, uh breaking SCC sues Elon in Twitter stock purchase case. so this is Mario Summary: another Wich Hunt has started.

bro. That's what pisses me off about Twitter It's like they're like we just read the lawsuit. It's like they did everything not to file that lawsuit. yet your headline is another Witch Hunter started.

It's been going on since. April If you want to call their investigation of Witch hun, it's been going on since April of 2022, but this is not. First of all, nothing new has started there. Simply asking for him to show up and talk to them.

This is ridiculous. Very accommodating by the SEC to do what they did exactly, but but that's not popular If I wrote a tweet right now and said the SEC was very accommodating to Elon Musk he should show up and stop being a little. it would get 20 likes. Okay I wonder we? You should tweet that and see what the comments are and see what happens.

I'm not even going to waste my time because I know, you know? whereas this has, you know it's been posted for 40 minutes. It has over a thousand likes already and let's see what their breakdown is. Uh here. Oh, these are a few Okay, the SEC which began investigating Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter in 2022 is now suing to force him to testify and comply with their okay like why is that so bad Like if you issue you a CPA but of course that's that's not the main part of the Tweet.

The main part of the Tweet is, look at all the other stuff they're going after, right? It's like, well, well, if we actually went deep into the lawsuit like we did, then we go. Ah, Elon you're you're being a dumbass here. I I Don't know. maybe that's the unpopular opinion, but whatever it's it's what I believe and I'm gonna say it.

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31 thoughts on “Breaking: **elon musk just got served sued sec **”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Patrick Banick says:

    Elon is starting to expose things such as the southern border that’s why they are going after him. He’s not towing the leftist billionaire line.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Redacted says:

    Musk is a fraud.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Max says:

    My guess is that Elon thinks that this meeting with the SEC is a waste of time.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Smith says:

    Elon just should sell let say 2 billions in tesla stock and just lobby as Kevin said all issue would go away in 6 months .

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ArguMentor says:

    do you ever think that you might want to understand his perspective, before you call the man who is changing our world an "idiot" …

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jefferson Johns says:

    We continue to discuss the trillions of dollars printed over the past several years. I understand that to mean that the dollar has been “watered-down” due to the excessive printing and the USD is no longer backed by gold. Therefore, if the USD continues to increase in value, does it make sense to print more money in an effort to prevent the USD from going up too high? Thank you.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Elena Greene says:

    I will forever be indebted to you you've changed my whole life continue to preach about your name for the world to hear you've saved me from a huge financial debt with just little investment, thanks so much Samantha Kaindi.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tiago Ramos says:

    Great video 👌

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Crypto -Stocks & U says:

    I can literally see Kevin bending the knee real quick…

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dznutz says:

    This won't go anywhere.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dznutz says:

    Wait a minute . Sec won't answer congress, but they are suing Elon for the same thing. What? So the Sec gets pimp slapped by the congress then in turn tries to dim the light on their reluctant answering in their hearings . Bullshit. Gensler is a 🤡

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ittekimasu says:

    Kev is a rollover. Tesla wouldn't be the company it is if they rolled over.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Meat Eater says:

    Elon makes cars and digs tunnels and no one gives a sh*t…becomes a free speech warrior and our actual government has come at him 6 ways from Sunday…KEVIN'S ADVICE "Quit whining and comply…"

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars oat smasher says:

    Dont interview gary. Whats the point. I dont need to hear the elites agenda over n over through interviews

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars oat smasher says:

    Sec is to the govt as is msnbc is to our media. Fake fake fake. All political rubbish. All corruption. Zero protection for investors. Its all for the elites to get richer and us all to pay the bill

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Spacek Rebel says:

    1st question deserves answer before anything else. WHY DID THEY INITIATE INVESTIGATIONS IN FIRST PLACE?!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Summer February says:

    ok ellon cut all satellites and will see what goverment do

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr A Tate says:

    SEC. Sucks

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sailing on a Summer Breeze says:

    The Twitter purchase has been nothing but a dumpster fire for Elon…..lets hope it is not his La Brea Tar Pit. Lets hope that Elon has some good lawyers who he will listen to.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan Kohan says:

    This SEC lawsuit against Elon Musk is getting a lot of attention! It's a reminder that everyone, even famous people, must follow the law. Let's keep watching for updates 😁

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gabriel Ramirez says:

    Kevin seriously, roll out the mat and bend a knee to the SEC. Elon knows how corrupt this agency is and so he chooses to fight fire with fire! Go Elon!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rick Z says:

    Kevin how long till they declare you extreme right?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Hudsons says:


  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars realBlackBetty says:

    elon and trump are two of my favs, but these dudes be just walking into trouble all the time hahahaha. quiet funny but they got to get it together lol

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Donnell Hicks says:

    That is the problem with the market and the SEC. When you allow an agency to have unchecked power. That power will alway become layers of laws they make to stay in power.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Registration Account says:

    Musk is a bloviating narcissist tool followed by a wacko fan cult. He's the greatest snake oil salesman of our time.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RicOma says:

    Musk should just sell "X" and move on! Bigger world changes ahead!

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RicOma says:

    Twitter, X, has been a thorn in Tesla's backside since the beginning. You can't convince me it was a good decision. Not ever!

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CornPalm says:

    Payback for bringing attention to the border chaos.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RJ 8U says:

    Elon deserved everything that was coming for him 🙈😂 If his not happy he should move to China or Russia. I'm pretty sure he will be accepted there with open arms like Alibaba CEO and Prigozien 👍👍

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin Kirby says:

    Can you go one day with out talking about Elon man contain your jelly man you will never be that rich ever period

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