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So billionaire Ken Griffin just dropped a massive bombshell about Tesla and Elon Musk something you have never heard before. Also, we have a shocking decision coming out out of the courton Delaware about said Elon Musk and Tesla which has blown everybody's mind. Also, we have Chinese stock at a 5year low and Evergr getting liquidated. A lot of macro pressures in China coming close to an end.

Also, we have earnings from Microsoft Google and AMD. A lot of interesting things came out of these earnings and the Fed's rate decision is today. We'll talk about all of that. But first of all, we have to give out today's MVP award and today's MVP award as always is sponsored by Stock.

MVP your research tool for smart long-term investing in the stock market. Today's MVP is the founder and the CEO of Paler Alex Karp, the reaction of anti Israel protesters and organizations and countries bringing absurd claims. There is no other world power that including what I view as almost the holy country of America that would react any other way but worse to these situation. That's just a baseline fact.

The Logical reaction to being held by a completely different standard The Logical reaction would be like screw it. why should we have a standard at all? There are a lot of people again, the functional, most functional parts of the world. Again, places I've not been aligned with are like yes, but we need societies and insti to work not work in the theory of some academic Playbook run by people who've literally destroyed everything they've touched, but by people have done things that are very hard under the harshest conditions. and so that those that's what I thought Honestly, I don't know how this man walks around with balls of steel.

They must weigh so much. but this guy absolutely cares 0% what others think of him. He says exactly what he thinks and he calls it like he sees it in fact. I'm sure a lot of people in mainstream media a lot of people in the industry share his opinions, but they're too afraid to talk about it.

Shout out to Alex Carp for giving literally zero frecks about what other people think about him and saying the truth, calling it like he sees it. Now let's move on to Ken Griffin The billionaire from Citadel who talked about Tesla at least tried to talk about Tesla and got cut off immediately. but before he got cut off by the interviewers, he managed to say a lot of important things in just a few seconds. Check it out, us companies your Fords and GMS are still trying to catch up with Tesla and Tesla has one great asset: Elana is a phenomenal entrepreneur and I think that? Don't lose sight of the fact that Tesla makes a great car.

but there's an opportunity at Tesla to create the software platform for the future of automobiles. The self-driving car good chance will first happen at Tesla Um, now. He didn't waste a lot of time and in the short time frame he talked about this, he actually talked about three important points I Want to put out in this video today. Now these points are that the big three in the United, States, the four, the GMS, the Stantis they're all still haven't caught up with Tesla.
They're light years behind and the pace at which they're running is significantly slower than the pace of Tesla. When somebody is miles ahead and they're running faster and they increasing speed while you running significantly slower and you're slowing down, you're not going to win this race. Essentially, what he was alluding to, even though he didn't want to outright say it is that Ford and GM in their current constellation Construction Whatever you want to call organization, they're finished. They're going to have to come up with some sort of a way to maybe reorganize their business.

Maybe combine it, Maybe merge because in the current constellation of Ford and GM, they cannot compete with Tesla. He was literally telling you gently that this is the end of Ford and GM and Stantis the way we know it now. Stantis still has a lot of brands in Europe. It's going to keep it afloat, but for for GM, the geographic concentration in the US market and the lack of ability to compete with Tesla is a whole different story.

So check out how little of wars were wasted to make this really important point. He then also said that the most important secret weapon of Tesla is Elon Musk the guy who everybody loves to hate on, especially on mainstream media, especially in the courts of law. In Delaware the most Hated person in the Earth. This guy is a billionaire.

He literally has no skin in this game and he's telling you this is the secret weapon. this is the secret sauce This guy and I agree with him 100% Look, at the end of the day we're talking about a guy who gave shareholders a 15,000 return on their Equity since Tesla went public I don't know a lot of companies that did that I don't know a lot of CEOs that did that. And in fact, right now as we speak, Tesla is sitting literally on five or six different SC curves. It literally can pick which ones they want to take next.

We've never seen a company like this before. We've never seen a CEO like this before. And the crazy part about us, this wasn't even the most important Point K Griffin made because then he went ahead and actually said something absolutely brilliant. Which is that Tesla will most likely become the only provider of autonomous driving The same thing Ron Baron Told you months ago, the same thing that the Tesla Community have been telling you for years, there's nobody else in the game.

There's no real competitors that are competing with Tesla about autonomous driving. If autonomous driving isn't possible, that's the only way in which Tesla doesn't monopolize this. Market But if Humanity manages to get to autonomous driving to level four, this is going to be the company to do that. There's not going to be a second or a third.
They're essentially going to Quasa monopolize this. Market Which means their technology is going to be in every single vehicle in the market that wants to have Monopolis monopolis. Yeah, sure. Monopolis driving.

Sure, Autonomous driving. And you know how much money we're talking about here. This is a software business. This is 80% margin.

What Ken is telling you? Hey, the cars are great. But think about the next thing. Think about the software. They're literally writing code that nobody else will have and will become standard in the Auto industry.

and they the only ones who going to have it now. Shout out to Ken Griffin he might be my next MVP We'll see about that. although Grandpa is kind of a close second here. now.

look. Elon Musk Just got absolutely wrecked by the court in Delaware by the same judge who actually made him by Twitter Now X So she just voided his 56 billion compensation package from 2018 now. H Let's talk about it now. He took the judge 200 pages to explain that this payment plan was unfair.

I'm not kidding. I'm not exaggerating. The legitimate argument that was made here is that the compensation package was unfair. 200 pages to tell you that she didn't like the fact that this guy was getting paid $56 billion.

Now, honestly, this might be one of the most commonest decisions we've ever seen from a US court of law and I hope Tesla appeals this although I don't think so and I'll tell you in a second why there's an easy way to work around this stupidity. But look, you have to understand the package here that he got. And by the way, I'm not talking about the big package. that's Alex Karp with his steel.

Bol This guy got a $56 billion package fine, but he never got cash. That's the whole point. This is performance-based equity. He only gets paid if the company goes wild if the stock price goes crazy.

Elon doesn't get paid in cash, He only gets paid if he gets the job done. That's the whole beauty of this package. We're talking about a guy who gave you 15,000 per return from the IPO to this day, he literally did crazy things no other CEO has done in this industry. slipping on the Factory floor, getting 17 divorces, 15,000 kids God knows how many bad personal life choices? Absolutely no work life balance No Tan overweightness cage matches with Mark Zuckerberg Like craziness we've never seen before just to give you this and he never got paid without giving results.

So yes, they might appeal this. although I don't think it's likely I think it's more likely they go back and they revoted and they pass it in a way that technically matches something that the court of law cannot not overthrow because it was unfair. They're going to go around the loopholes and going to give him a bigger package now because the company has been doing better than ever. So at the end of the day and no offense to the court of law or the judge, but this decision was like a fart.
It's very loud, it's very uncomfortable, noisy, embarrassing, but soon to be forgotten. Now let's talk about the Everg: Grand Story It's getting worse in China. So China is actually in a spiral, which is something we've been talking about for months. So the Chinese CSI 300 and no, that's not a TV show actually slid to a 5year low because the manufacturing activity shrank in China for the fourth straight month in January.

On top of it, everr, the largest property developer in China is now being liquidated by the Hong Kong cords, which is a whole mess on its own. But basically the Chinese government tried to prevent this for the past two years. They failed. The courts in Hong Kong are forcing the Chinese authority to liquidate ever Grant They don't want to do that because it's going to cause a massive Mayhem inside China.

You have to understand that 60 70% of the entire private Chinese Savings of nor people like you and I are in real estate. There's no other Investments available for Chinese people. They're not allowed to invest like you and I So these apartments. these 1 billion apartments that have never been lived in and will never be lived in this whole ghost series.

Ghost neighborhoods, ghost train stations, Ghost City Halls All of this was a way for the Chinese people to invest their money. 70% of that money is now sitting in something that's essentially a pony scheme. If ever Grand Falls it's going to start a domino effect that's going to crash 35% of the Chinese GDP It's not going to be even about that. It's going to be about the fact that a lot of angry Chinese will take to the streets.

And if you remember about a year ago we had the mortgage protest in China which gave the Chinese regime a little taste of what can happen if this whole thing goes to it up. So basically the choice of the Chinese government is really, really tough here. They can either break apart and liquidate everr and actually comply with the Court's orders which is going to start a huge mess in China It's going to be in civil uprising of unseen proportions or they can ignore the Chinese court and absolutely do nothing and pump money and keep this company zombied and alive and preventing the big mess in China but essentially voiding the entire court system and rule of law in Hong Kong which is going to drive any sort of foreign investments that Hong Kong had. So both options are terrible.

We're talking about a country with 35% of their GDP in this Pony scheme real estate market and the problem is that they have such a huge demographic issue so many elderly people, not enough working age people. There's no way for them to generate enough people to create demand for all this excess real estate to get themselves out of this mess. So it seems that this is kind of the beginning of the end of China as we know it now, Google Microsoft and AMD I actually reported earnings and this was a very interesting earning season. so it was good.
It was good, but not as good as certain people expected. I think um, some of these companies were kind of a victim of the insane expectations people have put on them. look Google and Microsoft actually beat revenue and earnings, but Google had disappointing ad Revenue they slightly missed and YouTube underperformed now I can see it on my end cuz I get ad Revenue I Could have told you that in advance now Google still had great results despite the YouTube and the ad Revenue being down because of the fact that their cloud services grew by 26% which was absolutely phenomenal now. Microsoft Revenue from Aour, which is their cloud service actually grew 30% So you can see where the money is, where the growth is.

it's in the cloud services the same thing with AMD AMD is now making money from the data centers, so the data center business for AMD grew 38% You can see how the money flows from the old traditional business lines to the cloud services, and now in the case of AMD to the data centers now it seems like AMD is actually positioning itself quite nicely. ASD Number two in this massive Market behind Nvidia. But the good news are that Google and Microsoft ain't going nowhere. And if you are an AMD investor, you should be extra happy because this company just placed itself as the number two in a massively growing market.

So good stuff! And of course we have to talk about Fed Reserve day. Today we have an interest rate decision announcement which is going to be a nothing. Burger They're not going to change it. Everybody knows it is the worst scape secret in the industry.

Inflation is slowing down. They still want to see where this thing is going. But the main thing that's slowing down inflation is gasoline. Gasoline is coming down because of cyclical effects because of winter.

That's not something that's going to be changed by interest rates. The one thing that they need is for the real estate prices to come down a little bit more and then inflation to come to 2% But that's not going to happen before people start to move in the summer months. Now if the Federal Reserve drops rate right now, sure it's going to increase some transactional activity in the real estate market, but very minuscule because wintertime is just not that great. Instead, they can wait until the summertime until the market actually has a lot of momentum both directions and then drop rates and then see the real estate prices actually come down, which will bring inflation down towards the 2% towards the summer in the second half of 2024, which they can do without gambling on lowering rates right now.

Before they know for sure, it's better to be safe than sorry. I Absolutely agree with what they're doing here. and before I let you go, make sure you check out stock MVP Stock Dmv.com It's a platform built by retail investors like myself for retail investors like you research your stocks. understand them, understand the business lines, make your own DCF models Etc And of course, if you'd like to become a better investor, you're more than welcome in my Academy Tom Nash Academy at Patreon Patreon.com Nash I'll see you there, see you in the next one.

By Stock Chat

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30 thoughts on “Billionaire ken griffin just dropped massive bombshell about tesla”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @peterklausner9727 says:

    Elon knows that the best EVS are in China.. & I think Ken Griffin is wrong, Other companies already have better technology than Tesla.. & Some Chinese EV company will beat Tesla to L3. You watch!!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @SuperAdil08 says:


  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @billsparks5255 says:

    Who says we want self driving cars?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @gkbhai8962 says:

    I love it you're not afraid to speak truth! Subscribed.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Black-fq9il says:

    What if I told you that Xe7enty will crush most of the top tier AI coins by the end of the year?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @benitolopez5993 says:

    This is one-in-a-bull-run opportunity, you don´t wanna miss Xeventy presale

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @user-xh9ul7ii7s says:

    The potential of Xeventy's AI-driven investments is worth exploring. Presale entry point

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @DanielFlores-iw5by says:

    I like your picks, but these coins are already long in the market. I only invest into presales or private sales to get the best position. Xeventy has one now, and now is the time to ape in, not one or more years later.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @user-qs2nq4xc2i says:

    If I need to choose top 3 AI coins, my picks are FET, INJ and XVT (Xeventy), not in that particular order

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @rmondave says:

    Since when does reducing interest rates, decrease the housing prices?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @glens18account says:

    you are wrong on about every single opinion here, wow.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @craigruchman7007 says:

    Except the stock keeps crashing

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @TheRealrealTV says:

    Without comparing waymo this just might be biased

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @bjarnesegaard5701 says:

    Great to hear Alex Carp – love that guy

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @GS_STRATEGIES says:

    Great content!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @tedmoss says:

    ONE FORGETS; THE ccp OWNS OR HAS CONTROL OF 92% OF ALL THE WEALTH IN CHINA. They will never give it up, they take their stolen money out of China and invest it in other countries. That's why they want to take over Taiwan, they have run out of money to steal.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @genericusername5909 says:

    Ford and GM may not be able to build up to date electric platforms, but Tesla can’t build up to date cars. And autonomous driving won’t happen without dedicated closed off autoroads

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @baymaxhero4127 says:

    Daily bombshell.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @JoanneCarter-pj4vx says:

    Well explained. Thank you for bringing up this video. Financial education is indeed required for more than 70% of the society in the country as very few are literate on the subject! Thanks to Valerie Ellen Cirbo, the lady you recommended…

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @cmoir says:

    While FSD 12 is probably leading the market, it's not the only end-to-end Neural Network self-driving solution that will be available to car manufacturers. There's a London company, Wayve, that has been doing pure AI, pure end-to-end self-driving for longer than Tesla. And driving in London is at least as difficult as San Francisco. One other point is it's training on left-side driving, where Tesla is only trained on right-side driving (35% of the world drives on the left). So it's unlikely Tesla will be the only provider of good self-driving software.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @MachinistakaxERo says:

    as much as i love all your content tom, i cannot stand the word "bombshell" anymore.
    it's so fucking overused all over youtube, jesus christ please find another word haha

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @dennisshulz3678 says:

    "Seventeen divorces" 😂

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @HamzaHamza-cm4tu says:

    Why do people fantasize about billionaires? I will never understand it.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @gthausde says:

    Bombshell? really? FYI in germany Mercedes is the only one who is autohorised to use level 3 autopilot till 60km/h. Tesla didnt get the authorisation, only Mercedes, so there u go.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ceesheemskerk2397 says:

    Elon man bad!! The man is canceled for buying Twitter (X) Even the judge is biast…..

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @raimonddeieso7433 says:

    You obviously haven’t done your research on these topics on Tesla, stop drinking the cool aid from the greatest snake oil salesman man.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @jamolamo999 says:

    18T market cap company for the 30x idk about that

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @RT-tr9cq says:

    I stopped following you because every video was about Palantir and Tesla…. i see nothing has changed zzzzz

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @andrewphilips2457 says:

    The problem is he got that huge return by making false claims about the company to sell cars.
    So it spiked to an unsustainable PE ratio of 1395 based on his false claims.
    Let him go run the Boring company or develop the Hyperloop and get someone else for the CEO please.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @andrewphilips2457 says:

    FSD 4 doesn’t seem likely without Lidar from everything I've researched.
    I'm a shareholder of Tesla so I hope I'm wrong.
    Hard to know what to believe with Tesla because Elon's been lying about its capabilities for so long.

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