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This video is brought to you by life insurance. You can get in as little as five minutes. By going to life, hey everyone meet kevin here. The hill is now reporting that the white house is considering vaccine mandates for air travel, aka vaccine passports.

Dr fauci, in fact, has been quoted, saying i would support that if you want to get on a plane and travel with other people that you should be vaccinated. White house press secretary, jen sackey, said on thursday quote: we haven't taken options off the table, but i don't have any updates to share with you at this point. Our focus has been on the implementation of the big steps we announced last week. This was in response to specifically a question about vaccine mandates for air travel.

Now, of course, she is referring to the big steps taken last week regarding vaccine mandates for companies with over 100 employees or testing requirements, as well as straight up vaccine mandates, with no exception for testing for federal workers and federal contractors. Ron clayne, the chief of staff of the white house, said the same thing, but he doesn't believe that imposing such a mandate would be worth it at this point because it's much easier to impose a vaccine mandate on people's jobs since once you're verified at work. You don't have to get re-verified versus every time you travel having to wait in longer lines to get verified now, right now, the airline industry does rely, at least in my opinion, on very stringent hepa filtration requirements, which is a prong of cobal covid. Combating that i don't think the government has taken as seriously as they should.

I think there are three real prongs to combating kovid. I do believe that vaccines are one way, especially for our at-risk populations. I do believe that high quality masks like n95s are very good, especially well. Almost certainly valveless n95s are very good at preventing the transmission of covid, because you can protect yourself and others, especially in high-risk areas, but the one that i feel like our government is really failing at is hepa filtration.

Now, if we go to a restaurant and we're indoors, which is where kovic cloud can build up and we take our mask off to eat well and you can pass a covet along or transmit covid when you're vaccinated, as the university of oxford told us about a Month ago, well, all of a sudden vaccines aren't helping you in that case masts aren't helping you because you're not wearing it while you're eating, and you should focus on hepa, filtration or ventilation if the weather is appropriate right. But this is a part of our government. That's failing right now is we're not having that dialogue about ventilation instead we're having more of a dialogue about mandates now of obviously, a lot of people support board mandates, specifically those on the left. We just had an election essentially about coveted mandates in california, and we see that 70 percent of californians are relatively pro mandates.
However, obviously, if you were to go to a state like mississippi you, which is much more red, you would have much more opposition to this. It's become a very politicized issue and i do believe that part of the reason this issue has become so politicized is because our government is failing to realize that we could have proper hepa, filtration and ventilation as a third prong, and the government seems to be blind To this government and the cdc are also blind to the fact that most facial coverings suck and fail, whereas things like n95 respirators actually work problem is those are a little bit expensive. Good news is: we have plenty of them right now. Hospitals are back to one time use for n95s because we have so many of them uh, but the other problem is: if you had vaccine passports for air travel, you got to realize that right now, you've only got about 65 of our population vaccinated.

So that means you could potentially reduce airline travel by about 35 percent, because 35 of individuals would not be able to travel by air unless, of course, they got vaccinated which could potentially increase vaccinations, but certainly would hurt error lines in the meantime per the hill delta Airlines does not see any immediate changes to covet policies, so no vaccine mandates happening imminently. American airlines indicated the same thing, but the big question now is: would it be legal? I mean? Obviously there would be lawsuits galore over this, but in theory the federal government could argue that they have the power to regulate interstate commerce via the constitution and therefore they could potentially institute a vaccine mandate. I mean if we go back to 1824 via gibbons versus ogden. We know that the supreme court held that interstate activity can be regulated by the commerce clause of the constitution in swift versus company or sorry, swift and company versus the united states.

This was a 1905 law. The supreme court argued that congress had the authority to regulate local commerce as long as that commerce could become a part of the continuous current of commerce that involved interstate movement of goods and services in english. Even if you have local sort of air travel - let's say let's say you're going from the bottom of california to the top of california. If this uh plane ride could potentially get infected with covid and have implications of people potentially connecting to a different state, people could argue, via swifton company versus the united states, that the government does have the power to institute a vaccine mandate federally because they have the Power to regulate interstate commerce, the supreme court has also held that regulating interstate commerce can be done for pretty much any reason.

As long as there is a quote, substantial economic effect on interstate commerce, which obviously one could argue that spreading covet, has an economic effect. So the argument is there now one side of the argument that could potentially go in favor of no kind of mandate is when we look at what happened in 2012 between it were in the case of nfib versus sibelius. This was a 2012 case where the supreme court had to address the issue of the individual mandate in the affordable care act. Remember obamacare requiring everybody to get insurance, and here it was argued that, and the court ended up concluding that requiring somebody to purchase health insurance is not under the power of the commerce clause, because, basically doing nothing does not enable the government to force you to do Something, and so this is potentially a hole where people who are anti vaccine or mask mandate, might be able to argue that hey me, just traveling on a plane is in essence doing nothing, and therefore you can't compel me to do something just like you can't compel Me to purchase health insurance, you can't compel me to get vaccinated or wear a mask.
However, the counter argument to this could be that well by you, traveling on a plane, potentially with covet or without a vaccine or without a mask. You are, in effect, doing something you are transmitting covet and thereby doing something you are affecting commerce negatively and thereby by the commerce clause. We can regulate and require vaccine passports right. So the arguments are present on both sides and if anybody's going to do it, it would be biden who would do it.

I mean we did just see a massive vaccine mandate imposed on all federal contractors and federal workers. I mean this is just a straight up. Boom biden literally said: if you want to work with the federal government you will be vaccinated, i mean i could literally see him going as far as saying. If you want to travel, you will be vaccinated.

It's intense, but is it possible yeah? Is it plausible, maybe maybe i i would put this personally at maybe a 25 chance of happening. That is, i wouldn't be surprised if it happens, but i think there's a greater chance of us not having a vaccine mandate for air travel, especially if our vaccination rates continue to trickle up. I would kind of expect the administration to say: let's see how many people get vaccinated now, that pfizer has fdi approval or fda approval, fda approval, and now that we have the federal vaccine mandate, let's see how many people get vaccinated, give it a few months, but I wouldn't be surprised if right now we're september 19th, if we go towards halloween and covet cases are starting to spike again because we're getting into cooler winter months outside of those hot summer months, where the sun belt states really saw a covert surge and then all Of a sudden, we see a pickup and covet again during the winter, then yeah it wouldn't. I wouldn't put it past the biden administration to require vaccines for air travel, especially during the winter.
Potentially, they might say something like hey. If you have a plane landing or taking off from a particular area that has coveted case counts above a certain requirement, then then potentially they would uh require those sorts of vaccine mandates. Keep in mind, it's not just the commerce clause, by the way that the federal government has they've got a lot of powers. Another power specifically that the federal government could take advantage of is uh, basically see look, there's something called the spending laws and it's basically the government's way of providing money to states and, through the spending clause congress, essentially incentivizes states to do certain things.

The way congress wants them to act and as long as they do certain things a certain way, then congress provides them funding, so they could, in theory, threaten to remove that kind of funding unless states work to enforce things like a vaccine or ask mandate, especially on For interstate commerce travel now the flip side is okay. Well, that's fine, but uh! You know. If they take away money from the states, then yeah i mean. Maybe the states would come in to regulate, but would it even be up to the states to regulate since airports are really ports of entry? Could we just use the tsa or homeland security workers to enforce these sorts of vaccine mandates? Yeah? Probably so you probably wouldn't have to go in the direction of using the spending clause, probably be more of a commerce clause, along with federal agencies at airports to regulate this sort of thing.

So yeah i mean, could it happen totally uh and, quite frankly i mean based on the reading of the constitution and case law. I i venture to say that the power is probably in favor of the biden administration. Certainly long enough to get us through the next coveted winter, so to speak before something like this could actually be litigated in our supreme court, just as an example, so uh yeah - i i would say this is entirely possible, but again i think it's less than 25 Likely but again wouldn't surprise me if it happened, especially if case counts went up so my thoughts on this. Hopefully this was insightful for you if it was consider subscribing to the channel and folks we'll see you in the next video thanks so much and if any of this stresses you out get life insurance in as little as five minutes.

By going med life, you.

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34 thoughts on “Biden | vaccine mandates for air travel”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sandersmoonrocket says:

    You can give out free vaccines one out give out free and 95s pick up at any local pharmacy gas station because that would take money away from a lot of people who are making money off a mask

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sandersmoonrocket says:

    Of course this point won't be brought up because there's probably a billion dollars worth of reusable mask being sold

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sandersmoonrocket says:

    The only way in my eyes a mask does any justice is it if you take it out of a plastic bag put it on your face and when it comes off your face it goes in the trash one time use you know like the hospitals no one stressing this at all kind of makes no sense to me

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sandersmoonrocket says:

    Here's one thought for you that has been gone through my head this whole entire time a reusable mask in my eyes is definitely a super spreader you put the masses take a mask off put it in your pocket wherever floats around goes back on your face is on your chin then back up on your

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KenB3 says:

    I cant tell if you are trolling this whole video or genuinely trying to come up with solutions to COVID. Priceless.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe Gigandet says:

    The federal government loves to cite interstate commerce for every tyrannical thing they do against states. This is very old. Commerce clause needs to be eliminated it has been heavily abused

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RollinCode says:

    also, if you are truly worried about health and wellbeing then you should be freely enjoying facial expressions, smiling, laughing and enjoying the entire full range of human emotion and communication (90% of communication is non verbal largely facial) – and enjoy close friendly human interactions like hugs and handshakes etc. such things like hugs, handshakes and smiles and laughter etc have been proven to boost immunity and lack of such necessary traits hurt human immune systems dramatically- and cause all sort of health problems including depression, diseases, increased severity and frequency of colds, flus, and even covid etc

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RollinCode says:

    the best thing you can do is ban all democrats. democrats absolutely hate freedom and science. you can not ban nor extinguish any virus. you can only live with and adapt to viruses just like everything else in life. we still got aids virus and flu virus and colds viruses etc
    you live with and deal with such viruses and bugs etc…
    BY LIVING HEALTHY. AND THAT MEANS exercise, fixing your diet, losing that belly fat and getting off fat asses, playing in dirt and soil everyday, getting plenty of sunshine and acting like a human being instead of democrat. that builds your immune system and lets you to easily beat and really prevent and mitigate any and all diseases and stuff in life. we are humans not democrats-

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steven Stair says:

    It should of been mandatory from day one, thanks Trump for that!!!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jack Gronenthal says:

    I’m not legal scholar but I the commerce clause gives the congress the right to legislate, not the executive by fiat. Would it not require congress to author this into law rather than Biden/FAA declaring it as so?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frustrated Cowgirl says:

    If any of this stresses you out get life insurance hahahaha. Good one. I’m actually hooked up to a heart monitor no thanks to all the stress. Happy if I wake up alive these days.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Haller says:

    ASHREA is looking at ventilation standards to reduced Covid transmission which could effect building code. Unfortunately, increased ventilation is at direct opposition to energy efficiency standards. The Ying and the Yang are fighting.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Antonio G says:

    If we chill in the house for a couple weeks, the vaxxed will still be catching Covid.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeremy Rhodes says:

    “Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity

    -Martin Luther King, Jr.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LureGaming says:

    Vaccinated or not, democratic or republican. We must fight for our rights against these vaccines mandates and passports.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tim says:

    The thing to remember about vaccines is that those who take them take them to protect themselves, not others.
    If you are vaccinated and afraid of the unvaccinated then 1 of 3 things are true:
    You don't believe that the vaccine works or you are really ignorant of how things work or both.
    Which means:
    – If they don't work then why should I take it?
    – if you are that ignorant why should I listen to you?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sergio Figueroa says:

    I think should be airline decision not government decision…

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frank says:

    I made the personal choice not to get vaccinated since I have had COVID and I take very good care of myself. I also work from home and follow all masking and distancing protocols whenever I'm in public. Meanwhile, vaccinated folk are out and about, at large gatherings without masks, and are no longer following distancing guidelines. Who is keeping this pandemic alive? Them or me? But yet the government is threatening to take away my livelihood. Joe has got to go.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars B D says:

    the vaccinated are getting and spreading covid. vaccine mandates don't stop covid.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Stencil says:

    Kev. Have you researched how bad the vax. Is?

    Who will fight for or freedoms of not being forced through mandates.
    Have you researched how great it is to be naturally vax?
    This Vid seemed like you are on the side of forcing Humans to Vax? Not sure what’s going on but . Your scarring me to think your not for the safety of people; do you think the Gov knows what’s best for you,and there doing the right thing ? Do you think there doing the best they can by mandating Crap. By mandating your telling folks they are Idiots and they don’t know what’s best for there family

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kingc 11 says:

    I guess the new world order is real time for the people to stand up

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chad Southers says:

    He's trying to crush every industry. He knows that will keep people from flying then when the whole economy crashes he can blame Trump and the racist anti vaxxers

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Katie Lopez says:

    Y’all were so excited about the Bitcoin dip to 44-46k but no one is saying buy the dip now at 41k

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bryan Roschetzky says:

    There's an even bigger economic effect is when people stop traveling because they won't take the BS vaccine

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bryan Roschetzky says:

    Screw mandates and Screw anyone thinking they this is American or the freedom America stands for , and I'm a progressive

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bryan Roschetzky says:

    All this covid hype is 100% BULLSHIT , Screw covid and screw the government enforcing a vaccine mandate

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blissful Body says:

    Flying sucks right now and if you can avoid it for the time being I’d recommend it. Planes are jammed packed, airport is packed, flights are being cancelled left and right because not enough crew to man the plane. Basically you are told to sit down and shut up. No thanks, I’m mot interested in being treated like cattle.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shan Shan's Enlightment says:

    Dr. Fauci can kiss my ass. Kevin sorry but its true. I am sick of the vaccine bull crap. Its all a damn joke.🤦🏾‍♀️

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mariox says:

    Then I would just drive my ICE car instead of flying, laugh and say "No I will not get vaccine! I will cause climate change instead! hahahahaha".

    I don't need vaccine, and I don't want it. I don't trust anything the government tries for force me to take. Biden considers me an enemy, so I would never trust anything Biden says.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Rizza says:

    I don't want to live in a society that requires papers for day to day activities. I was afraid Biden would do things like this but I thought it was an irrational fear that would never happen. I feel like my president is actively trying to make my life more difficult when he doesn't have to. I didn't vote for him, but I never thought his actions would be forcing me out of a job.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Wilson says:

    Better be careful.. You are almost sounding republican…just a lil

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steven L says:

    Nobody cares about the facts but I truly appreciate you stating the facts and making content about it!

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Viperin78 • 23 years ago says:

    Just let me know if they force you to get vaccinated if you want to travel by air so I can short the airline industry again

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Viperin78 • 23 years ago says:

    Or, OR, get this… leave it up to the INDIVIDUAL BUSINESSES to decide their policies. If an airline wants to require vaccines, let them require them and those afraid of the virus can go there. Businesses want HEPA filtration? Set up a grant to get it installed; don’t force it. The reason why people dislike mandates are because they’re MANDATES. Individual choice needs to be the utmost importance if you want anything to get done.

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