Join me this week as John Renken shows what it takes to be in the top 1%. From focusing on clients to managing a team, gain valuable insights into the daily routines and strategies that drive success in the world of mortgage lending. Enjoy!
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In this video:
00:00 Introduction to X2 Ventures ep012
1:00 Number 1 Contributing Factor to High Producers
1:46 Sales Generation Nuggets from John Renken
5:07 Key Takeaways for Growing Your Real Estate Business
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Nobody wants to be held accountable, but the truth is, if any of this stuff is going to work, that's the one thing we need. My challenge to all of you, whether you're on the loan side or the house side is, why not you? Is anybody else in this city better than you? Everybody in this room puts their pants on the same way. so if he could do 15 UK All right today. we've got a sales training coming in from John Rankin Getting everyone super hyped up, it's going to be a pretty good day.

Hopefully it's going to raise everyone's volume in production and I'm pretty excited about it. Dude, you got to give me more than that bro. John Are you even excited today? We are getting absolutely hyped up today for some amazing sales training with John Rankin Let's go Baby I Think that I think that was a little more I Get everyone excited today on sale Real estate Real estate Real estate. All right.

Look, when you're in sales no matter where you're at, on the spectrum of closing a lot of deals, a little deal somewhere in between, no matter what, all the successful people in sales always say they need training and coaching and something to just keep them dialed in and sharpened on what they're doing on a daily basis. So even though I feel like I'm in a really good rhythm of what I do in my day-to-day I Feel like some of the loss or some of the people at the company do really well. On a day to day, you could always be doing better and you always need a little bit of a reset as you're just going through sales because sales is extremely challenging and that's why we're bringing in John today because as he's going to be talking a lot about accountability and keeping people actually focused on their goals and saying if you want to close x amount of transactions you need to be doing XYZ to get that done and not only just saying you need to do that but actually doing those things and staying true to that which is why it's so important to always have someone come in and keep you focused with training or coaching or anything like that. Ultimately my goal here is to help you increase your sales, make more money.

That's what we do. So one of the ways that we feel now sales is ultimately about transferring value and energy to our potential clients or our clients. So if we're in the Valley, what kind of energy are we transferring? Yeah, not stellar. And if we're not transferring Stellar energy, what happens? Stressed, You let that just stay down staying in there.

Yeah, you're staying in there. What separates those top guys from those average decks right First is their skill sets. If you want to be good at what you do and you want to make a lot of money with what you do, you have to have good skill sets. As we get into our field, we develop our skill sets.

Here's the great thing about skill sets: Can you improve them? Humans right? And what happens in sales is when we hit those valleys, we actually stop performing as well. So I don't worry about whether I'm making sales or not. What I worry about Am I increasing my skill sets Am I getting better at talking to them Am I getting better at explaining my office Am I Staying motivated because I can control my own motivation right and am I working on my systems. How do I follow up with people? How do I engage people? How do I move people from point A to point B But out of all of this, I really focus on this, creating habits that are based on my activities.
Or how many people do you have to talk to to get one meal? Call it 50. call it 50. you guys are all supposed to be the experts at what you do and you don't know how many people you have to call to make one meal. We're all guessing.

You should know. You should know, You should know, You should know. You should know how many people I have to call because we don't know. So we're just throwing darts at the dartboard hoping we hit a bullseye.

much rather have somebody that I have to babysit a little bit and do a little bit of Fire Control with than somebody who Waits until every opportunity is perfectly laid out and it's all good. I Don't know it's funny you say that because I feel like in real estate they push to get to a seventh level where you don't have to control your business. but you can't replace yourself as a quarterback? you can't. You know if you think about it, it's crazy I just thought about that.

I'm like but it's like the the big successful teams are still the team owners that show up every day and continue our next election. Key takeaway is how to ask for referrals I'm not going to give it away, you're going to have to definitely watch the whole video, but 100 know how to make that way more effective in my business and make it easier for my clients to answer the question. Me: your whole list of leads that word denies because you guys all keep it I'm imagining Yeah! So I'm like send me that full list and I'll work them. The other one is is you gotta learn to be the power broker of the conversation Again, needy, needy guy at the bar with the hottest girl.

It doesn't work out so you need to be the guy that goes to the bar with something to offer. So when you call people, it's not hey Ryan give me your business, it's hey. Ryan I Have a dedicated client that has somewhere between 5 and 15 houses that are going to have to be done this year. Are you the guy that can commit to taking care of my my clients? That's up man.

you ready for your gift? I am ready. So awesome! Yeah right, yeah um different with your hair remember Lauren knitted hi hi bro what you think man, how was it I thought it was pretty good I thought there was a lot of things that John talked about that I wasn't expecting him to actually talk about. um one of my favorite things was actually the LinkedIn Now I knew a lot of the amazing tools and everything he talked about with LinkedIn about searching and dialing in an exact type of person that you want to be prospecting. but I do.
love how he showed how easy it was and everyone else in the room was able to see how easy it is. Because a lot of people you know they hear about great ways to prospect. they hear about great ways to grow their business, but they always think that it's too challenging for them they don't want to start. and I love how he literally just killed that immediately.

He's like you want to find people who are moving to Arizona This is how you do it two seconds. Here's how many people are moving to Arizona I Love that! I Love how easy it is for people to actually go. Okay, there's no reason why I should procrastinate on on prospecting. Here's how I do it I Just need to go do it.

Another thing that I really liked about a lot of the stuff he talked about today was just how so much of it is just worked. It's just the fact that a lot of people aren't willing to work and once you dial in kind of how many calls you need to make or how many hour reaching to have or how many things you need to do, it will result in x amount of business. I Love that he just simplified how putting in actual work will turn into results and how so many people just don't put in the work and they just hope their phone rings. So I did love that aspect of it.

John does the same thing that I personally have done to grow my business tremendously is he literally sold his own self or his business through teaching others or giving people free content. That is literally the epitome of how I built my business. I Went around giving YouTube lunch and learns I post content online all the time for free I don't have any paid courses when it comes to finance or mortgages or buying real estate. it's all free content.

I Try to give out as much free content as possible and the people who resonate with that content that they're getting are going to want to work with me and it's so much more organic. Anyone in that room who valued the content he was giving them immediately went up to him afterwards and said I want to sign up for coaching I Love that he sold himself and he sold his business through just giving free content away. That is literally exactly what I've done to grow my business. So it's cool that we kind of share that similarity between us.

So I do really think that John had some solid stuff to say and what most people actually don't realize when it comes to coaching or training or just giving out content in general is that a lot of creators or people in those positions are actually giving out their best content for free. Um, so John probably gave us some of his best stuff today, but that's not saying that he doesn't have other great stuff to give. Um, we only have like an hour in there so I'm sure you had some really great stuff, but overall I better see our sales 10x All right, 10x or he's never invited back ever again. Thank you.

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2 thoughts on “Becoming a top producer in real estate x2 ventures 012”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Domnic David says:

    Lets go Shawn! Very informative videos as always!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Flores says:

    That intro! 😂🔥👏🏼

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