This is your second stimulus check and second stimulus package update on stimulus check 2 for Saturday, August 1st.
Today is the official first day of August 1st I hope you all have been having a safe and productive weekend.
The biggest news that we have is the $600 federal unemployment boost has officially come to an end.
At the current moment, Republicans are seeking to extend it by only $200 per week while democrats still want the full $600 amount.
Republicans originally had waited this long to negotiate the cost fo the unemployment boost benefit because it would strengthen there negotiating power but they underestimated how much opposition they would have within their own party.
Now as if this wasn't enough bad news the Cares Act eviction moratorium has officially ended.
If you are facing eviction during the pandemic you are not alone.
Actually, up to 40 million Americans may lose their homes during this downturn which is 4 times the amount seen in the Great Recession.
Please make sure you look into all resources provided by the state you live in to make sure you are protected during these times.
Find a legal representative if you can just to stay protected.
Now let's talk about some further news with stimulus check updates.
With the GOP heals act still on the table Mitch McConnell and Pelosi still cannot come to a mutual agreement.
The recent CAAF act would most likely be our best bet since it does not involve 2 enormous bills to get passed.
Although the CAAF act is not as beneficial for single taxpayers if this bill were to get approved we could see second stimulus checks as early as next week.
How do you all feel about the current situations right now with our politicians?
In an ideal world, what would you like to see passed next?
Let me know down below in the comment section below!
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So today is the first official day of august 2020.. I hope you guys have been having a really good weekend so far, happy saturday welcome back to the channel now we're going to cover three things in today's video we're going to cover unemployment, we're going to cover eviction and we're also going to talk about the second Stimulus checks as well now to start out unemployment boost benefits that 600 amount that we've been talking about for the past few months has officially come to an end. In addition to that, there has also been an end to the eviction protection that we first got from the cairo's act. It is not looking so good as we enter this brand new month of august.

I'm going to be real with you guys, but let's cover exactly the situation that we have in hand, and i also have some tips i want to share with anyone who's just going through some very troubling times. At the current moment. We still have republicans and democrats fighting over what the rate is going to be for the 600 unemployment boost amount. Republicans are looking at the 200 amount, while democrats are still sticking with that full 600 amount.

Now republicans had originally waited this long to come into negotiations with a democrat on what is gon na happen, but they made a mistake and didn't realize how much internal conflict they would have with one another inside of their own party. So, naturally, if we think about it, republicans already had a leaning edge because they know that democrats want the full amount. So if i were to give an example of good cop and bad cop, i would say republicans would be the bad cop of this negotiation, because they want a less amount and they know that a majority of people out here want a higher amount. Regardless of what the reason is so because they have that power, where democrats are already stating their line, this is their first offer.

If you go to a car dealership, you offer that first amount you already are losing so democrats have been doing that since the beginning. They just wanted us to get through the full 600 amount, like we've seen in the past, republicans, knowing that waited a very long time to come into negotiations with them so that they had more leverage. Knowing that there was a time limit for people to actually get something like this, so their negotiation power would be look if you all want something. We're gon na have to go with 200 or we're gon na get zero dollars at all.

But right now it's backfiring and no one is winning in this situation, because both democrats and republicans aren't getting what they need. Now, when we're talking about having proper negotiations, we need to also realize that both parties are gon na have to come to some type of agreement where they sacrifice what they want in their current situation. Two hundred dollars and six hundred dollars offers us a good enough gap where we can still meet in the middle, whether it's 300, 400 or 500, that is gon na, be that middle soft ground. As long as we can get some type of amount to get past.
This is going to generate some type of hopeful future for the people who have lost their unemployment benefits, and this isn't just a couple: people in your neighborhood or down the street. This is actually 30 million people now that are losing these benefits. Now, if that wasn't bad enough news already, the karazhak eviction moratorium has officially come to an end as well. If you're facing an eviction during this pandemic, you are not alone either so 30 million people with the unemployment federal boost benefits that are getting affected.

Well, we actually have 10 million more people that are getting affected by this eviction moratorium that has come to an end, so 40 million people in the u.s can now actually face getting evicted out of their own homes. This is four times the amount of what we've seen in the great recession, and i found a pretty interesting graph for you guys to get a better visual of what's going on. So this is provided to us by the us census bureau on households and, as you guys can see, we have some very alarming percentages of different states that are facing evictions. So take a look at this visual.

It kind of looks like the state of the us, because that that's what it's supposed to be now, the darker the color, is the more people that are actually facing the possible evictions that are coming up. So if you're one of those people, i just really want to say, i hope that you guys are finding good enough protection during this time. I know our federal government and our leaders are not stepping in and doing what's right for the people. So what you guys need to know is that there are still resources at the state and local level in order for you to take advantage of and to get any type of additional protection.

Arizona earmarked five million dollars for that purpose. Residents in delaware can apply for up to fifteen hundred dollars in rental assistance, and similar measures were made available to those in montana, ohio and new york. This little excerpt is just giving us a better idea that there is state and local assistance, but a lot of this is very limited and it's nothing compared to what we could see at the federal level. Like i stated before, please make sure that you exhaust all the resources that you have at the state, local and county level.

If you can, our government should be for the people. Our government should be protecting the people and they are not doing that in this instance. So it looks like we have to take matters into our own hand. Do some research call up any organizations? You know if you're at the risk of facing eviction, so as unemployment rates still remain at a historic high level and cases are going up, we got additional grim news.

I know we got a little bit of bad news today, but i'm just gon na be real with you guys, i'm gon na present with you guys the facts, we're not going to get good news every single day and here's what i found online with the world Health organization as well, they actually warned the public that this is officially going to be a very lengthy pandemic, and they also continue to say that the pandemic is a once in a century health crisis, the effects of which will be felt for decades to come. Now. Just to add a little bit of icing on the cake president trump is going ahead and trying to ban tick tock as well. Many of you guys may not care about this, but this is a growing social media app just like youtube.
Just like instagram. It was on the up, but because of surveillance and security issues from china, they're actually looking to get rid of this app. Maybe some of you guys heard of this news, maybe some of you guys didn't, but just in case you didn't, i wanted to. You know add the sprinkle of bad news while we can, but okay, this video isn't going to be necessarily all bad news.

I did find some good promising things that we can also look forward to so here's what we know about the next stimulus checks, as well, with the heels act provided by the republicans still on the table and mitch mcconnell and nancy pelosi not being able to come To a mutual agreement on any additional funds for the people, we still have a version of the stimulus check that doesn't involve both parties having to pass either one of their bills, and this is going to be that cat fact or the safe act. Whichever way you guys want to call it the caaf act, and this actually involves a smaller amount for single independence, but it does offer a higher stimulus check for people who have families. The good news is: if the cat fact were to get passed, then we could actually see stimulus checks getting approved within the next week now. The reason why i like the calf act is because it is independent from the heels and the heroes which has so much more that they need to do in order to negotiate and to finalize terms in order for people to see a stamp of approval and start.

Seeing money in our pockets, although the cat fact is not going to have the huge and full amount that we've seen with our other stimulus checks that are currently at a 2.5 trillion dollar difference between the democrats and the republicans, we can put a little bit of Hope into this act. Look if something like the cat fact were to get passed and people were able to start seeing stimulus checks in their pocket. It wouldn't put as much pressure on politicians and on the people as well in order for them to get what they want in their separate negotiations. This is something i mentioned in yesterday's video, where, if we can just prioritize people getting assistance, let the politicians do their thing.

Let them negotiate, let them do whatever they want for the next few weeks, but as long as people get their payment as soon as they can, i feel like it will also soften up the amount of stress that the whole country has right now. Let me know down below how you all feel about the current situations with our politicians. Do you all believe that they're taking up their time just because they want to, or do you believe that this is actually some serious negotiations going, and you guys expect to see something new? I know there are some people who have completely lost all hope. I don't know why these people keep watching these type of videos.
Then if you say you lost all hope, but there are people who lost all hope and there are people who are still very optimistic about us getting a future stimulus check. So let me know what your opinion and what your stance is down below in the comment section in an ideal world. I would love for them to sign off on a smaller proposal that gets money to the people, but at the same time i feel like the caf act is still very small compared to the grand scheme of things a thousand dollars for single independence. It's really not that much.

Let's bump up the rate, let's get it 1200 for everything, or even more than that, i feel like that's really going to be able to provide that cushion that many americans need right now, especially while unemployment boosts have gone away, especially while people are facing evictions at The moment there are just many different aspects that are going against the people and we really need as much support as possible guys have a safe weekend. I hope this video was able to help you guys out. I'm sorry that there wasn't too much good news in this video, but hopefully, with the start of this week, i'll be able to find some other great news. I can share with the people, but thank you guys so much again for tuning by this video.

Like always, you guys have been incredible with the likes with the support. Thank you all so much for giving me this opportunity to talk on this platform and share the news you guys have not yet already and you're watching this till the very end, don't forget to drop a like on this video. It does help out the channel tremendous. Oh, it does help out that, oh it does help at the channel.

It does help out the channel tremendously. Thank you all so much and until next time, peace out, hey.

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29 thoughts on “Bad news: $1,200 stimulus package & caaf act update 8-1”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cs says:

    The more money given out, the more in debt the people will be. Who do you think has to pay this back? What we need is the economy back up. Why is covid a pandemic that shuts down the economy around the world? No other virus has done that. We have had other viruses far worse than covid. This is all political games at the expense of the people.
    The only recovery is to start back the economy so the people can get back to living. What the government should be doing is giving tax breaks from the pandemic so we can get our finances back on track. The more money government gives, the harder it will become for citizens. REMEMBER: The government does not make money, they only take money. For every dollar the government prints, the people have to pay it back.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dale Reynolds says:

    Thanks. Brian!
    FYI. You can opt out of commercials that interrupt you videos in the middle of your sentence.
    Please check it out.
    Thanks again.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars richard negron says:

    Can you tell us what it is the democrats are fighting for, whats on there bill greatly appreciate if you can answer that question.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars richard negron says:

    Can you tell us what it is the democrats are fighting for, whats on there bill greatly appreciate if you can answer that question.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars richard negron says:

    Can you tell us what it is the democrats are fighting for, whats on there bill greatly appreciate if you can answer that question.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars richard negron says:

    Can you tell us what it is the democrats are fighting for, whats on there bill greatly appreciate if you can answer that question.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lori Estrada says:

    Our political leaders are not being evicted or hungry losing their butts !! If they were it would be alot different in those pow wows. They take vacations and watever. Lets all move to Canada. Oh..wait cant afford to. Bitches get busy n get help to the people NOW !!!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars IAMGiftbearer says:

    Well they could do recurring stimulus checks instead of unemployment but they'd have to be much higher than $1200.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Victor Vazquez says:

    I have seen several YouTube ads from politicians asking for campaign donations… I am like…. Really? They are asking for money?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe Lewis says:

    Those glutinous filthy rich republicans don’t care and should all be replaced, $1200.0 is insignificant

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MEL OD says:


  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars June Mays says:

    I think that they are going through some serious Negotiations. I also think they should put the people first priority. And everything elese can be negotiated at a later date. Split the bill people should be taken care of first, then they go on their vacation and then come back to take care the rest of the bill.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charleston Battle says:

    So it looks like this is more than just a right vs left issue at this moment. Nobody on either side is making a move for a mutual agreement that will be a healthy balance for the people.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justice L says:

    We're ALL going to have to pay back for all this free money in one form or another! The government is BROKE!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Casey Patton says:

    I think they are taking their time on purpose and they should NOT go on summer recess until they settle this. The HEALS Act seems the most fair but like you said, we need money NOW

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LUCILLE CHILDS says:

    Compromise is the key…I say we give 2000 stimulus check and back off a little on the unemployment to 300 but keep the protection for the people on eviction also the protection for employers we need to get this economy going again

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kourtni Peake says:

    Suggestion could you do some videos on each state and what resources are being offered. Instead of an update of this every 3 hrs 🥴

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars balimbula says:

    Career politicians are America’s central problem. All of our problems seem to stem from these leeches.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars balimbula says:

    What better way to wreck the country than making 30 million more homeless. Yet, You must still vote for these bastards. Vote out all incumbents. Demand term limits.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nichole Crouch says:

    You're right about a thousand not helping much but they need to do something that's enough for our rent and electric for a month to buy those assholes time to bicker more at least

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CANDY DIVITA says:

    There is an idea of getting rid of the unemployment federal enhancement money totally Which is…$2400 a month… Per person….. instead Give each individual person $2000 per month for several months… The government would save $400 a month on the unemployed people’s check … And the individual people would relax as they know a check for $2000 a month would be coming to help them!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kathy McGinnis, RN says:

    I need money now !!!! How can you clam your 22 year old boys who still with me ?? Tnxs 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏🏻🇺🇸🇺🇸💜💜💜💜

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tbucknor says:

    It's all scripted! They knew what they were going to do many months ago, probably longer. They're trying to gauge how little they can get away with giving us to placate us whilst they implement their new economic/financial system. Once the populace gets used to receiving a 'stipend' from the government, they will be able to implement any new regulations they desire.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jennifer Rodriguez says:

    In my opinion, I think we need to have an emergency re-election policy in place than every 2 years in November. I say if there's a MASS public opinion of dissatisfaction of our government, we should have the right to get rid them ASAP and bring someone else in who can do the job. I can't believe that we have to wait until November to get rid of these fools. We should be able to get rid of them TODAY.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lorrie Bentley says:

    these updates makes my stress level go sky so sick of the whole situation my heart goes out to each and everyone whos struggling like i am..God bless to all!

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M Kiefer says:

    Brian if my band has music being purchased online, can I apply for a business credit card for my band to use for music related purchases? Is that considered a business?

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Angelina Asbery-Holmes says:

    Hey Brian, I pray they do the right thing. I'm hopeful and prayful! Be safe and take care. Keep on doing what your doing.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jack Mack says:

    My idea:
    To tide people over, and to give them a little more time, hit those who qualifiy with $1200 checks . Nothing else involved, just checks. I even have a name for it: the Assistance for Stimulus And Protection Act or The ASAP Act.
    And this doesn't affect the HEALS Act. Keep checks in there too.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Emma Love says:

    How do We the People have their paychecks withheld from them? ( They can go on their “Va-ca with No pay , too. )

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