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Hey everyone welcome back to another morning: market open, live stream, so obviously everyone's tentative and going to be tentative. The next uh really 48 52-ish hours here, as we wait for jerome powell and the federal reserve to conclude their fomc meeting and tell us what are they going to do? Obviously, expectations for inflation were somewhat met last week and slightly exceeded. The market was expecting about six point: seven percent. We got six point: eight percent for year-over-year inflation, a lot of those categories, if you uh, if you actually pull open a spreadsheet and list them a lot of them, uh things that don't really affect us on a daily basis.

Like used cars, uh new cars, i should pull up the spreadsheet and just go through with y'all, but uh. Maybe we'll do that later, but anyway, uh yeah, it's gon na be really interesting to see. We expect uh this week. The federal reserve will accelerate the pace of their tabor, so they stop printing as much money.

We think that pace will go from 15 billion reduction to 30 billion dollars, so double pace. As long as that, uh, you know, goes along expectations. I i don't expect to see a dramatic move in stocks really in either direction since we'll kind of be meeting expectations uh. However, i think there could be a lot of uncertainty over the next 48 hours as we go into this meeting.

The meeting uh starts on the 14th. It uh ends on the uh that's tomorrow and then ends on the 15th at about 11 uh 11 a.m, pacific time. So that means that 11 a.m - pacific time, will be streaming and we'll see exactly what uh the press release is and then about 30 minutes later jerome powell will come out and chat so uh. Until then, i i wouldn't be surprised if we have some nervousness in the markets that could start today, uh.

What we saw with cpi, though, was we didn't really have the nervousness hit until literally the day before, so we had more nervousness on thursday, uh and and then, of course, some more uh, some more shell shockness after uh the actual release on friday. So we'll see how things uh uh evolve anyway. Uh with that said, let's hop on over to some of the stickers. We've got a blue apron almost back up to ten dollars here, lucid moving about 5.5 percent uh.

Let's see here peloton coming back about 1.8, not a lot super green here we quickly went to about one percent here, uh some things minor green here. Let's look at the red side and 23 and me down about five point: six percent nano dimension and you get right back down to about one point: eight percent 1.8 here on nano dimension, so really a lot of uh waiting is, is what it feels like we're. Gon na see, i mean cloudflare down about a percent here, uh robinhood, look at that 1992.. We did see that on friday, uh should see.

Payne start subsiding this week for robin hood. If it's true that the lockups were indeed causing that pain uh, those lock-ups should be over within the next couple days and or the selling from those lock-ups that is tesla down about a third of a percent. It's kind of been flip-flopping here in the free market, and this is kind of what we're expecting is a lot of flip-flopping happening uh between now and wednesday, see uh bitcoin, let's see here all right, so bitcoins had an interesting ride. We crossed 50 000, not too long ago.
Here see look at this uh. This was yesterday yesterday we hit 50 700, but we we have this really weird tendency where bitcoin lately has been stuck rubber, banding back to 47 200. It consistently rubber bands back to this line to where, even when we go up, it just seems to pull right back down to the support line. We get similar action at ethereum right around 4k, where it's kind of been rubber banding around this line.

Here it runs and it comes back and it's been pretty stuck in the last couple days here at about 4k, although there have been times looking at brief moments where it's extended past. Usually it doesn't extend more than 50 bucks past a firm down 0.4 etsy's, basically flat so far, sitting at about 14.90 looks like with our order book here. Um uh. Sorry, that's not docusign! I thought i saw docusign here, but i actually see dogecoin dogecoin at 16.25.

Solana, look at this 163. This one had been sitting at 186 180 to 186 for a while. I really adjusted down here quite a bit and lemonade sitting there on that 40 mark hood now down about one percent sitting in seems to where it's trading right now. So, okay, let's see here, let's go look at bonds and uh.

What's really incredible, something to note is there are a lot of folks who are looking at the strength of the dollar and suggesting that hey. You know everyone's so darn worried about inflation. But if you look at the strength of the dollar, the dollar is actually doing really well uh, and so is the bond market uh bond mark in terms of suggesting that inflation's not actually going to last this long. The the the thesis is that finally uh december might have ended up being the inflection point that, or will prove to be the inflection point.

That december might end up being the highest recording uh and that after december we might end up seeing a nice rotation to the downside. That is the hope. We've got uh 10 years here at uh 1.456 got uh uh, which, which there are even expectations. I was reading about this this weekend that the tenure in theory could just fall right back to one percent or even less than one percent - that, because of uh lower inflation expectations over time, we could continue to see this uh ten-year yield fall.

Of course, we're still expecting the two-year to pop up a little bit in the short term, but uh expecting a lid on how much that's going to move. Let's get the two-year here, yeah 0.66, so this one's obviously moved up quite a bit here since uh. The expectation of a faster taper, but that's expected with the two-year so the dollar, though super strong and uh that has a lot of folks thinking. You know oh and another one i wanted to talk about.
Well again has a lot of folks thinking that inflation is uh is going to start rotating the downside, but another one that was really interesting was people are saying, hey you know if the dollar, or or rather if inflation is going to stay high forever or for Or we're gon na go into hyperinflation. Why is it that when folks talk about buying things like washing machines or cars or big things, whatever they're like you know what? Let's? Let's wait? Let's, let's wait potentially for lower prices uh rather than suggesting oh well. Let's buy now because prices are going to keep going up right if there was true fear that prices would continue to go up up on up. I think there'd be a lot fewer people saying.

Well, let's wait until prices come back down, that's uh sort of more of an anecdotal way of looking at inflation, which is kind of interesting, so uh all right cool. What else do we have, let's see, is just comparisons of the us dollar to other currencies. See this guy illyrian he's been every time inflation comes in higher this guy gets booked on all the shows, because he's consistently the guy who's, always shouting that the fed's wrong and that inflation that we're going to hyperinflation and we'll see you know a lot of folks Agree with them, especially with what we've seen lately but uh it'll, be interesting. I wouldn't be surprised if, in a year we're sitting at under three percent inflation we'll see, we shall see all right.

Let's see here all right. Let's get back to the sticks here all right. Somebody donated five dollars to ask me if i think a firm will rebound eventually, but i can't help you with your january 21st. Out of the money calls i mean call options are a risk right.

You can always end up rolling them, but uh yeah, that's uh. It's definitely a risky face in in a in a an environment with options, so i always try to limit options, exposure to a very small percentage of my portfolio uh. There was a period of time. I had as much as a quarter of my portfolio exposed options.

I don't like it uh, you know for me if i could be under two percent options, i'm happy that gives you enough of the speculation with with lowered risk, but options are scary, just how quickly they can move. This is why i like being a seller of options or prefer being a seller of options. Selling puts selling calls. You know worst case scenario yeah, you sell some shares of profit or you take some shares at a discount.

It's not so bad. How much do you think lucid is deluded by the recent offering trouble affinity uh? Well, wasn't it like a 1.2 billion bucks or whatever, but remember they raised the cash too. So even though there's more share supply available, they raise the cash. So it's not that big of a deal it's it's like, even though it's share dilution, it's not really like steak, dilution or ownership dilution, so uh yeah, the the only reason markets react negatively is because it means they're going to be more shares of it trading at Some point in the future, so markets try to discount that cardano falling off a cliff here, i don't own any, but uh falling off a cliff 127.
It uh it keeps dipping past any any sign of of love that we get here, and these are the fibonaccis that we've actually got up here. Look at this uh. I mean this. This fibonacci was drawn a long time ago, and if you have no idea what a fibonacci is, i got good news for you.

The xmas christmas coupon code is up for the programs on building your wealth link down below which includes talking about ta, like fibonaccis, but anyway uh. When we drew this fibonacci, we were really peaking out and trying to trying to understand. When might we rebound and to wear and uh, you have to kind of ignore a couple lines here. So the fibonacci right here, for example, is the middle line, but anyway you'll see how beautifully uh this actually fell.

Uh to the 61.8 fibonacci than the 50 sat at the 50 for quite a long period of time touched. The 38 tried going back to the 50 touched. The 38 again broke past the 38 to fall to the 23 6. and look at this now we're on the way to the zero over here, which is kind of wild to think about it.

Pretty wild uh to see it. Do a full retrace like this. On the fib uh solana - not not great here now that we've broken this, so we want to keep an eye on solana as well. Shibe uh has also followed a relatively similar path with the fibonacci hate to say it, but this is a very, very popular tool that a lot of traders will use when uh when you get new highs on coins and unfortunately, we also tend to respect the rotation Back down on these kind of sucks, but oh well, the only coin i have right now by the way is ethereum.

I do trade, my crypto, a lot, which i send out the buy, sell notifications all the time on this, but uh yeah. Look at this we're gon na be under 39 here in a moment on ethereum, oh yeah, look at that! We are having a little bit of a sell-off at the moment. Yeah! Look at that! That's incredible! All right! Let's see what else we got pretty uh apple. Let's see here, oh look at that apple 181, very nice, lucid five and a half yeah lucid uh, getting included in the uh nasdaq 100.

It's good good for lucid a little bit of excitement there for lucid uh that'll, actually help it bounce off of the level where we're sitting right now see uh - and i mentioned this before i mentioned - watch the 3694 level, because right now we're going to be popping Back up to about uh just under 40, but that gives you your first opportunity to buy lucid that 3694 level, followed by that 30 30 level, is a good one all right. What else do we have? Let's see, let's go draw some more ta, uh. Well, uh! You could draw some ta on uh, robin hood, and all you have to do is take a um, trendline and uh basically draw it from the top down to zero and uh you're, pretty much good there. You go that that there you go and and if you're and if you're investing in it you're you're, basically on the ride.
You know your ta is doing well yup soon enough, it'll be a penny stock all right. What else? Let's see norwegian cruise lines looks like a carnival look at the carnival in a little bit somebody's wondering about the fibs. You can i'm pretty sure i use the days. Let me see, let me go back to what i've drawn yeah.

I i prefer the day chart because uh well, i mean sometimes it takes substantially longer. I suppose you could use the hourly chart. Well, i don't know if i would, but let's see how it's done um. I guess you can it's.

I mean you can still see the channel here on the hourlies right, so you're playing within the chart. Yeah look at that you're bouncing within the hourly. Like perfectly, i don't see a problem with the hourly actually like on cardano. I think it's gon.

Na be token specific as to whether or not it'll respect it on the hourly like it does on the day, and that you'll know the more you trade, a particular coin, the more you'll know uh if it works on the uh. If your ta works on the hour best or the you know the uh, it doesn't respect it on the minute chart. Does it respect it on the day, the more you trade it the more you know on it? So i think you get sort of a cohort of people who trade particular securities or coins and then they'll follow similar patterns, which is what ta is you're just trying to find the patterns not of not of like everyone but of most people. And then you can trade quite well unless of course you're just on a you know, you're pulling a hood again you're pulling a hood there's only one bit of t8.

You need all right. Where was carnival? Hey: hey, don't don't call that pokemon a plush that thing ain't plush that thing's hard okay, okay anyway, in the carnival? What we got here down - 2.38 - it's trading for just under 19 right now - did - did try to run back to our support line over here, which we have this line and had this line drawn by the way, at 1968. kind of interesting, to see almost almost a Triple bounce off of it bring it back down here. So, let's see here, okay, all the folks asking and saying i thought: j-pal was wednesday, just watch the beginning of the video scroll back and watch the beginning of the video very simple, it's very simple, all right! So not a lot of movement other than uh, lucid uh to the upside miscellaneous movement in between and 23, and me falling beyond that, though, we are watching crypto yeah, because we are getting a little bit of a draw down here on the one minute chart on On uh bitcoin so keep an eye on that bitcoin just falling under 48..
Okay, yeah, look at that 10-year just keeps going down. It's incredible! That's a good thing, especially if you're in tech stocks. I think you want this going down you. You want to look like here's the thing.

Okay, you have two choices right now and you have to make the choice. Nobody can make this for you if you think that inflation has peaked and inflation will be heading down. Maybe you want to pick up some beautiful smaller caps and tech stocks that have sold off, because once the market starts seeing inflation, you turning that's going to put less pressure on the fed to raise rates. Let's make the market very happy or you're in the hyperinflation camp that or the the persistent camp, and you think that these prices are going to continue to not just stay high but continue to grow at the same rate.

So remember that burden you're setting up for yourself you're not suggesting that yeah prices are going to stay where they were last month, you're suggesting that again they're going to go up and up and up and up uh. That's that's really what you're looking for to get that month-over-month data to keep going up. Oh i'm messing up my hair. Oh well, uh! Anyway.

If you believe that yeah, then you probably don't want to be in tech stocks or a lot of the small caps. That's why you've seen a lot of pain, a lot of people drawing out of these, which makes sense, but that's okay. The inflation paper handlers are welcome to paper hand out i'll, buy him. Oh look at that kevin.

I was in two best pies the past few weeks. They have so much inventory in our warehouse. Deflation for goods is coming, foods and consumables will stay high yeah well, food is is a commodity that will generally always rotate down over time. Uh you're right it could take longer, but that's that's very interesting.

I'm gon na i want to do that. Like do uh do like a an inventory hunt, we'll call it inventory hunt and it would be very interesting to go to like best buy and walmart and target just to see. So i like that, that's a good idea. Thank you.

Public supermarket is overstocked. Is that because everybody stopped chopping there after that uh heiress donated to the riot group, there was some talk about that. Publix was trying to distance themselves pretty substantially from that anyway, uh uh at publix. You can only buy two gatorades max.

What is it uh? Is there a hurricane coming, that's ridiculous! All right, anecdotal evidence is how you end up with people viewing tattooed chef as a good investment. Oh gosh, that's such a taste! Oh man! You know it's interesting. I actually took it to the next level, and i asked the folks at like sam's club in that uh and and other places like walmart, i'm like hey. Why? Why is it that the tattooed chef stuff is always seems like it's low and they're like because they don't ship us enough, like that makes sense, not necessarily a demand sign more of a supply issue right.
It's a person to your dad deserve one yeah, really yeah. Yeah i'll go and let's see it, what what i've done? You see i've actually done crypto with tom. Remember i tried to buy this god dead cover use the ethereum yeah. You can see how how mixed the market is waiting for for powell.

You know on wednesday uh it is uh we're gon na we're gon na keep getting this tentativeness uh. So what do we got here? Let's look at the spy. I think the spy just turned negative yeah. Look at that.

Look at that fall right into the open here. I i think you're gon na have pain going into wednesday. People are are so nervous about. Oh, no, what's jerome hell gon na do, but it's gon na create some opportunities uh all unless uh, unless we're gon na get a taper tantrum and then we end up with a you know: 20 percent sell-off.

In the s p. I don't think with the amount of money that's on the sidelines. We could really get a 20 sell-off. I think a 10 sell-off is is something that could happen in the spy.

Look at palantir drop like a rock all of a sudden, though okay, a little bit of a sell order there on palantir uh tesla dropping a couple percent here. Look at that down to 9.95 sounds like it's on sale, redfin under 40 right here, lemonade uh, also dropping yeah. You've you've got you've, got some pain, yeah people don't like waiting for powell and you're gon na get that today and tomorrow, uh and probably wednesday morning. Let's see square square's got that sell-off as well.

Gross even lucid is drawing down. Look at that. Oh man, you got. You got the institutions somebody's taking profits here, because uh, oh wow, look at apple all of a sudden look at it just tank.

I mean. I know we're on the minute chart here, but usually we don't see those big red lines all of a sudden. This is a little abnormal to see such a such a drawdown on a lot of different stocks immediately on the open here. Sofa is actually rotating up, though, so it's a good sign that some things are going up.

Look at that docusign and sofi going up. So that's good! That's good! Now, lucid's, still rotating down spy, also continuing its path down. Okay, let's uh! Let's take another peek here at crypto for a moment: okay, a little bit of a bounce here on crypto, at least on uh ada doge ethereum had a little bounce, but look at it. It's coming back with another big fat red candle stick here.

I know those are purple, but tesla just dropped. Another percent tesla's like free falling shift going down. Another three percent. Excuse me: uh: afc 2.29: oh yeah, yeah, all right, uh trade desk, gosh sneezing from all the inflation allergic to it all right.

Uh! Then, let's see here, um solana rotating down again 161 little sparkline inflection down there, matterport matterport's actually up a percent lucid's, giving up its gain. Today, they even bust her down about half apple's still trying to hold on to three quarters of a percent tesla, no longer down three percent down about 2.75 etsy down about one in the quarter. Visa is down half end phase cloud flare, slightly green bitcoin, continuing its fall right now, ethereum's, almost under 39 bloomberg by the way, is calling for bitcoin to fall under 40. uh worth noting, so that that is something that i've you know seen.
You know you can see this stuff too. Bloomberg.Com talk about it regularly there, but uh love bloomberg by the way, go check them out. If there's one subscription you're gon na get pay for it, trade desk down to 92.84. Let's take a look at the minute again here there we go.

Have you seen the chart that overlays the year-to-date s p 500 comprehensive versus the s p without the top five? No, i haven't, but i'd like to pull that up. I can only expect that without the top five, which will carry about 25 percent of the weight, it'd be pretty it'd, be pretty different uh, as in it'd probably be relatively negative. Uh, let's see here. Ah, let's see well, i can't seem to get a link to that quickly.

Maybe somebody can tag me and discord with that i'll open up discord here. Somebody can tag me in discord with uh the smp chart without the top five. I can pull that up. That'd be pretty cool, so i'll uh i'll keep an eye open for that that'd be awesome, okay anyway.

So, let's see here, let's look at indices here. All of them just turned red technology's down a quarter. You've got uh well russell's, not technically up. Yet s.

P. 500 down 0.15, dow jones down 0.19 yeah, bloomberg 99 cents, uh or pence - i guess a month in the uk. That's awesome! That's good! Uh somebody's asking about my thoughts about neo, going into neoday um, not much, unfortunately, and somebody else talking more about the uh eqs. What do you got here? What's the eqs news, uh recalls eqs over error that allows dashboard video playback while driving okay for letting motorists watch tv while driving, i mean like the tesla, does that who cares so they're gon na recall it for that? You can't like over the air update for that, whatever oh, they got a level three certification.

Okay, i don't know why that's not showing up. Oh there, you go, mercedes-benz, got approval for level three autonomous driving. Let's look at the different levels: five levels of autonomous driving. It's always worth looking at this because, like level two is so stupid when you look at it uh, because it's just two two versions of automation together, all right here we go so conditional autonomy, environmental detection capabilities, a vehicle can perform most driving tasks, but human override Is still required so level three would be kind of like tesla's self-driving beta, but i mean at some point: tesla self-driving is going to be level five at some point in the future, but you still have human override required.
So i i think our we're still sitting at three but uh, that's interesting, that they got how. So what does that mean? They get approval from a un reg body, because i've never seen them actually having this kind of autonomous technology necessary requirements for approval. The approval has been granted blah blah blah blah luxury. Automaker has informed that this automated driving technology called drive pilot will be available in s-class and eqs models in the first half of 22..

First, customers of these cars will be able to drive in conditionally automated mode at a speed of 60 kilometers in heavy traffic, or this is stupid. Are you serious come on really so it's what they're saying is hey if you're in rush hour traffic, we'll? Let you let the car drive and maybe you'll have to take over dude come on man. The tesla's had that crap since 2017.. So what somewhat they got, some un certification take that and shove it up your.

What that's uh, that's stupid. Who cares some stupid label is what that is like. I thought this was gon na, be something exciting. I bought my tesla model x in 2017 in december and the cameras had to calibrate when i first got in the car they calibrated for about 10 minutes of traffic.

During my drive back from santa barbara to ventura county and then i turned on self-driving uh or the autopilot, and it literally did that without me having to take over four years ago. Okay, it's not that big of a deal. So that's garbage that you know! That's! That's a reason to go: buy a tesla stock right now, oh darn, it it's not down. Three percent anymore uh got ta, take advantage of the you got ta strike while the iron's hot folks, all right anyway.

So, are we having a little bit of a recovery here from that initial red that we saw so i think so, lucid's back to about 3.4 percent matterport about 2.6? Am i the wrong candles here? No, okay, that's right! It looked funky. Sarc is up again man. People got so mad when i made that video about sarc, so mad everybody's, like how could you? How could you short mother, kathy at all time lows? Oh, my gosh, that they hate was bad. I should have just disabled comments on that, but then i would have been like dr phil.

I can't do that. I'm just saying it was that bad um. It was the right move, though it's tough, though society just beats on you. It's kind of like that.

To me is kind of why i think institutions like uh like chase, ended up investing in nicola, because society was beating up on them so much for not investing in nicola uh and that's that's always dangerous when you're making investment decisions because that's what everybody else wants. Oh thank you by the way for posting the s p. 500 without big tech uh. I appreciate those of you who did that in the discord.

I i see that here now. Let me pull that up one second, so wow no way! No way i mean i uh yeah, that's a lot more extreme than i thought so uh to understand this chart. You have to know that that that big fall there on the left, where it says april, 2020. March 2020.
That's obviously the pandemic crisis, but what's really the most important part is here, go to the top of the light blue part here you know what let me just draw, because this is stupid. I'm not gon na talk about this. I'm gon na show you hold on i'll put this in my 69 page report from barclays. There we go put it right in here.

Okay, this is much easier see this. This is why we use the ipad okay, so here look what you got to pay attention to is right here: okay, this was your high before the pandemic, right and and kind of draw a little line across here: okay and then look at the delta that you Have here uh, which is about uh, that's about your 25 right above all-time highs prior to the pandemic? Okay, now look at uh where the s p 500 is without the top ten stocks, you're, actually down, probably what five plus five you're actually probably down about. Ten percent from pre-pandemic highs and and keep in mind your top tens are microsoft: apple, tesla, uh, google, facebook nvidia, i believe in adobe's in there as well top 10 smp stocks. Uh.

Let's see here, apple, microsoft, amazon. I forgot that one facebook uh google tesla nvidia berkshire, oh jpmorgan's in there adobe's, not, i think, adobe's like 13 or 14, or something like that. But anyway, that's wild. That's very wild.

I agree with that like it's, why it's kind of just like you do very well just picking those those tech stocks. So you know the s. P has been kind of misleading, but i will say it looks like the market had a little brief moment of selling. Here and is recovering a bit now, let's see, though, if that's correct indicate well, no, it's just individual stocks, because that well see look at that.

The nasdaq did rotate see the nasdaq was down like a quarter of a percent. Now it's basically flat the s p and dow are continuing to fall uh these guys down about 0.37.21, but the nasdaq is only down about 0.04, so tech's actually staging a bit of a recovery. Here you can see that with lucid uh now in the nasdaq 100 up 5.5 again so nice u-turn, here you've got a u-turn on rivian, uh, rivien up about four percent. What the heck 23andme was the biggest loser of the day and all of a sudden, it's it's it's at the top of the chart again uh.

This is bananas. Uh, sorry, terry! I have no idea who we were talking about: um no kidding but anyway uh. So even crypto staging a slight rebound here slight rebound seems like it's moving with almost the nasdaq look at that, though folks, the recovery stocks getting beat united airlines carnival down five percent, probably because i i we, i believe we just had the uk report, the first Uh covid death related to omicron uh, bad news, uh, yeah delta yeah southwest nordstrom build-a-bear. Now freaking build-a-mirror, my mom used to work there, uh smile direct wow smile they're, like 2.65 cents.
You know, there's one where it's like. This is basically robin hood's sister. You know just anyway uh tesla. Maybe you could buy smile direct on robin hood anyway, tesla's down about a couple percent still under a thousand right now, barely yeah sitting in 996., all right, let's get some news as well.

Uh after we take a look here, meta materials showing a little bit of a run. Although this momentum one comes and goes so much, i'm tired of seeing this thing around like i see it up ten percent and then i look and it's like. Oh nope still around three dollars, and that's that's because it's done this look at this. You could probably double channel this draw draw another line like right here.

You'll actually end up meeting yeah you'll hit right here. No, do we really? We don't need to go that high. Do we, i guess you could no, that that's a good top actually because look at that hit hit and then near hits right now. These are like front run.

Selloffs, i'm gon na make this a little weaker, but still look at this where you're, where you're playing ball here, you're really you're in this channel. You've got your floor at about two dollars and seventy cents, which has been a very consistent floor. We've had this floor drawn here for a while, so i'm actually gon na strengthen this uh. It's pretty solid floor right here, two dollars and seventy cents that you keep bouncing off uh you know and then all of a sudden we get.

This excitement. Oh yay, it's eleven percent, but wait i mean come on zoom out for a second like who cares? Oh crap, i did not mean to do that two. What did i say? 271, pretty sure i did yeah that i hate about weeble. I know i can lock these, but then then it locks all of them at least i believe it does hold on.

Let me see if i can just lock one individually, pretty sure it was. Was there yeah, whatever it's close enough lock? If i just does that, just lock that one okay good that one's locked now all right - okay, good, okay, yeah it just does lock that one okay good, not unlocked all right. Uh volatility is up again a little bit as the dow's falling about seven percent riven's. Four and a half lucid's, almost six, okay good.

Let's now hop on over quick check on crypto and then we're gon na go check uh some news, yeah! You are getting that crypto balance on the one minute you did get down to about 47, seven on bitcoin. Getting a nice bounce here and uh really bouncing off of 3 900 over here on ethereum. That's that's the lowest we've seen in a while on ethereum. Well, probably since what september or something like that? Okay, we did have that brief moment over here and okay.

So you've had a couple brief, brief little moments of weaknesses where you've fallen below 39.. All right, let's see what we got at the blooms uh and then i want to look at some options. Let's look at some options, strategies or some options. Maybe we can play, do you have any yeah okay bond traders stare at the worst real return since the vulcan era? Well, yeah i mean now you're just subtracting inflation, okay, whatever real returns suck right now i got it uh, let's see here home sales under threat.
In china, that's not a surprise biden's package surviving and surviving inflation. Yeah we'll see about that nothing's going to happen this year. I think two doses of the vaccine. I wrote this down.

This was this was disgusting. Let me see here: omicron, oh yeah yeah. This was so bad look at look at this here, i'll pull it up. I wrote this down.

Uh two doshana pfizer is estimated to be just 22.5 efficacious against omicron, but can limit severe disease that was terrible, terrible finding this weekend but uh. You know still pitching the booster advisor to purchase arena at 100 premium who's, arena arena, pharmaceuticals, okay, i thought they were going to pull uh like a sofa and buy a stadium, elon musk named times person of the year nice all right, uh. So nothing super exciting. On the headlines, let's go play options a little bit.

Let's see here, wow lucid now up six and a half percent. So let's see here i can play some options. Hmm, i wonder if you you could play like a rebound on some of these uh recovery stocks. Super high risk, but um, especially with this beautiful sell-off you have today, it's just it's so tempting to look for a bottom on some of these recovery trades with the intraday and then try to get a call on them or something or even a sub.

Let me let me see what their volatility is: one sec, all right, let's see carnival cruise lines super risky, but sometimes it's fun. So if i go to the historic volatility for carnival we're relatively high right now, we're the highest we've certainly been within the last hundred days. Kind of makes you wonder if, if there's an opportunity to sell some puts here, so, let's see here and you're still falling. So keep that in mind, but you could go for the one weekers here.

What's a one week, gon na pay you a one week at eighteen, so pretty much at the money. That's going to give you 45 cents on 18, hey, that's two and a half percent. That's not bad, so if you didn't think that if you thought carnival was going to close above 18 on friday and you grabbed - i don't know how much would you want to put in this? Let's say you put 100 times 100 times 18.. No, not that much money you put 18 000 in you'd, get about 450 bucks.

I guess that's! Okay, uh! What if he went out a little more went out to like a 45 day uh here, 46th day january, hey, that's my birthday january 28th! Good things happened that day, so let's go for self puts. Jan 28, 18.. Hey you'd, get a thousand bucks, that's a little better, divided by 18.. Look at that! That's 6.4 ish percent! It's okay! I bet your hood's worse, though, let's go to hood uh robin hood sitting at night yeah, i am my gosh see what would well, let's see what robin hood looks like if you go for a 20 and let me get the volatility really quick on robinhood.
It's a little elevated but not terribly. Let me see hood so robin hood, okay, so right now, you're sitting yeah you're sitting at volatility last 10 days about 97 100 day average is 115, but that's still pulling ipo average you're. So you're definitely elevated above where you have been after the ipo around 60s. So if you went for robin hood, you should be able to get some juicy cell puts.

Let's say you were really afraid: you're like no. I i'm gon na go for 19.. I want to be insulated. Go for that 19 one! We have a good.

No, you don't want to do that. There's there's like nobody doing these options. No! That's crap! Let's try jan21! That's better! There! We go okay, let's go for the 18s. The 18s on robin hood for january, oh 159, divided by 18., see look at that.

That's 8.8 percent for january. That's nicer and you would have to think like as long as it sells above 18 in january you're good, but the market's pricing in that it might not, they might actually go under 18. wow, that's crazy, so that that to me is really i could kind of Expect but then also hope we get a really nice u-turn on robin hood. Those lock-ups were nasty.

I mean they released like 75 percent of the shares folks, it's not a surprise like if anything makes sense that it's selling this off this much. That's robin hood, but wait a minute folks, look at the the risk off move over here on amc that just came through holy moly. Oh my gosh. We just had a massive risk off wave that came through of selling momentum.

Stocks are usually the first place. You see, risk off uh amc down 10.7 percent gamestop down six percent. These candlesticks are getting worse by the second. Is meta materials coming down uh a little bit off of it, see it's starting to rotate off of its high uh.

We are seeing an escape from risk again right now, lucid rotating right back down again that escape from risk, probably not good for tesla that volatility - oh yeah, oh gosh, yeah, yeah, tesla, now down three point: almost down: 343. speaking of 343 who's been playing halo. Oh my gosh. I played a few games of that this weekend.

That was, it's actually really good. Uh, i'm impressed like i'm glad they took the extra year because what they had last year compared now so good, okay, etsy trying to bounce back here a little bit. Hey etsy under 220: that's you know under 225. That's right where i like it.

Oh my gosh look at square 177! Oh my gosh nvidia. Under 300., let's go uh ooh google was almost down a full one percent corsairs holding barely holding on to that 21.. Lucid popping up tiny little bit again uh waiting for co-op campaign or am i on twitch. I should set up a twitch.
I do have twitch, maybe i'll do it. Follow me on twitch at uh at meet kev i meet kevin on twitch. You can follow me. There, so if i do it, uh you'll you'll see it pretty cool to actually do a twitch.

I just need to set up uh, maybe maybe in the next uh month i could set up a little game area. I don't really want to do. The garage garage is lame anyway, uh, okay, this this company's just going nuts yeah you it's hard to get this stock on sale, it's a lot lower than where it was don't get me wrong. It ran up to 348, which is insane came down to 258, but is pretty good.

Let me uh, let me go ahead and pull up the numbers for uh bill a shout out to ninja. I walked into uh, dave and buster's yesterday and somebody's like is that ninja because of the hair. I'm, like i didn't say anything i went in, but i just think myself wow. That's that's a really cool compliment, walking into dave buster's uh.

What an honor uh! Okay um, was it gon na look up ah bill right. Let's look at the fundamentals of bill: okay, okay,! I i don't understand how it's doing so. Well, the darn thing is not gon na be prof. This is insane okay, it's got crazy growth, i'll give it that it's got crazy growth expectations, but it's going to be losing money hand over fist until 2025, when we expect it to go profitable, it's selling for a forward pe of 164 for a four year forward.

That's insane god light i'ma write it down, though i'm gon na i'm gon na do a little bit more of a deep dive into it later all right. How often do i go to dave buster's? I don't know man. Let's just say i had enough money to get myself charmander enough tickets, although they screwed up the clown machine, they uh they, they used to have two clown machines, and now they only have one i'm very upset, because i love beating on those clowns. I go there and i'm like this is: this is how you show the stock market clowns.

What's up, you play the clown game and you wreck them anyway. Okay, i don't know what else what else we want to look at uh peloton back over 40. We, i don't know is, could peloton potentially be worth it and 40 dollars? I i don't know man, i don't know, i mean it's great quality, bikes and products. I you know peloton.

How much are you paying market cap wise for them, because i like them because of um pre-core pre-core is a really good company and i think peloton stole pre-core, like pre-core, should have held out for a bigger number man 400 mil for pre-core? Oh, i would have loved to have invested in that, oh well, so looking at piton they're expected to lose money until 2025, as well so they're selling for about an 80 20 25 ford still expensive. It's still pricey all right. Let's look at another one halo, channel and discord. I might have to do that.
I might do that. No, you can't stream uh. What's it called you can't stream twitch and youtube at the same time, uh twitch doesn't allow you to uh, look cody cody's, trying to be all all big okay here, i'm even gon na put it up. Look look at cody everybody, everybody cody wants you to know that he is the jesus of pokemon by making fun of me who doesn't know much about pokemon.

I played pokemon religiously in second and third grade. I can't remember any of it and i'm not afraid to say that, not afraid to say that at all, so what it's not my fault, i screwed up, who bulbasaur evolves into who cares as long as the stocks go green? That's all i care about anyway. Uh. Okay, so ethereum kind of going back down to 39 here cardano's still getting this risk off move over here, carnival's kind of holding on, but look at, so is another one.

That kind of like a has come off some of its uh higher levels. Over here oh tesla's down four percent: oh look at that a full-on four percent on tesla. Now it's getting juicy hot, eight wow hud, 8 under 8.50. Somebody else made fun of me the other day for selling hud aid at like ten dollars and they're like haha you're so dumb, because, like it had a day fluctuation, it's like okay, you just wait for the trend.

People love making fun of other people for movements on the day or, like the next day. It's very bad, think long who doesn't like long anyway, all right so whoa modernist popping off again. I wonder if there was moderna news. We look really quick modena um.

Let's see here, somebody asked me earlier if i invest in pokemon cards. First of all, those two words don't go together. That's like that's like a contradiction. You buy pokemon cards because it's like it's the meme.

It's the emotion of the time, do i think, they're an investment. I mean look. Anybody who's had a bunch of charizards before uh before you know this crazy movement we've had over the last year sure, but anybody buying now uh, it's good speculation. I suppose.

No, i don't actually see any mrna news. Oh yeah, okay, fauci's saying it's too early to tell. If we're going to need boosters every year, let's be real fauci's, just trying to prevent people from thinking. Oh well.

If i have to get a booster every year, i'm not going to get it uh gosh lucid's been up and down like crazy. Today, three to six three to six three to six neo is actually green. Today, neo at 34 bucks docusign's slightly green, okay, all right! Well, things are playing around here: it's really amc's getting destroyed along with gamestop macy's and the recoveries which i guess it makes sense. If the recoveries are going down that you also have amc and gamestop going down, because in theory movie theaters do kind of fall in that bucket right, so that that could be fair in fairness, it could just be recovery, sell-off, that's probably more what it is yeah Than just a straight-up risk, sell-off, hey batter port's coming back matterport 24 bucks.
If anybody's looking for a deal on mount report and cloudflare 144., i mean this is this is where we were before the big run. Folks, where is it cloud flare? Uh? Look at this see see this is kind of kind of the ish trend where we were before this tumor happened over here. New study, ontario canada, much higher rates are emma write that down uh. I i wanted to look at that.

Somebody mentioned that yesterday too myocardius. I think it was that the booster, but i want to actually look at that study and the facts for that, like the the real odds of them, uh uh, somebody says: don't miss out on the asml asml. How does it sound so much like asmr andres can be mad at me. Whatever? Whatever am i still holding my amc yeah, i don't i mean asml doesn't seem like it's really falling that hard.

It seems relatively. I mean yeah uh, oh yeah. No, i know i have the nasdaq company in this watch list. I guess i could just remove it.

Usually i don't actually read the indices off of weeble. They kind of make it hard. I just prefer going right here, because this is. This is just an easy way to see it, and now the russell's actually open so yeah.

You could see the russell and dao leading the losses. Today, s p down we're gon na keep seeing this red as uh people expect this um drama with. What's it's called um powell powell in two days i wouldn't be surprised if tomorrow you have another red today you have red tomorrow you have another red and uh, and then you see um uh, hopefully a reversal after pow pow rolex watches, that's something i'm clueless in, But you hear about that a lot i will say uh the the whole rolex thing. I wish i knew more about watches, but i don't, let's be honest - i'm clueless that simple, okay, all right anything else to say anyone else have anything else to say: uh, overreaction balance after the fomc.

Maybe i mean i hope so. Can we expect to see deflation in 2022, probably not in 2022, i would say by 2023 we're probably gon na be knocking on that door. I would not be surprised by that thoughts on nordstrom i was literally just outside of nordstrom yesterday looking inside and i'm like, like, i was waiting for a tumbleweed to come by uh kevin o'leary is off no, no, no, you know what makes kevin o'leary leave the Chat wait for it, wait for it hold on i'm gon na pull it off uh hold on okay, because he told me he told me there we go look at my watches, can can kevin o'leary's watches help him track a mile. Does kevin o'leary even run a mile? He called this garbage anyway.

All right, i'm gon na go now i'll, see y'all.

By Stock Chat

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31 thoughts on “Awaiting jpow stocks”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Buchanan says:

    Is there anybody who doesn't know about the rate hikes yet? No? If it's not a surprise, it stands to reason that it's priced in. It's surprises that tend to move the market either way. Paper handers will panic though.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shannon Sampson says:

    I think people say "I'll wait for prices to decrease", in regard to things they don't need right now or in the near future. They don't need that new washing machine, car, or house. They think they can wait it out and prices will decrease before they truly need those things.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DigitaI Asset News says:

    BTC-exchange having a glith with the exchange rate on it

    exchanges right now btc like x10 price to ethereum

    I posted vldeo

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Braad says:

    Powell this, Powell that, we need to get passed Powell… every single month we go thru this. So annoying

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott Source says:

    Yeah the inflation numbers don’t affect us… that’s why it costs more at the grocery store, the gas pumps, to travel, basically everything is more expensive, it if you have 50 million dollars like you I’m sure you don’t notice it

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars justasheep says:

    Kevin, you gotta stop with the anti abortion ads man. The political skew is making me not want to watch your content anymore

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars C. M. says:

    It's more effective to strength your metabolic Health. Which means lower or reduce all sugar, get exercise, and take vitamins like vitamin D and zinc. People with metabolic health issues are at the top of the list for serious covid infections.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nelson Roger says:

    nice video! very interesting from the beginning to the end, nevertheless business and investment are the best way to make money irrespective of the economy crisis

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Virak Kong says:

    To be honest,
    I feel good for stocks. Why?
    1. The omicron goes up.
    2. JPOW may reduce around 20-25 Bln.
    $20 bill is good :)… No need to excellerate double down because every countries are either high inflation and Dollar value is good against others. I feel good now. Then, if we don’t put restrictions due to Omincron, we are good.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars forsenJoy says:

    Kevin doesn't understand that Level 3 certification for Mercedes means that Mercedes take full responsibility for crashes in Level 3 mode. Tesla has never done that before.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dennis Doyle says:

    AABB gold backed crypto. Launching exchange Dec 28th. Big Q1 22 incoming. Hedge against inflation and volitile crypto.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sameh Abuerreish says:

    I think millenniums are in for a life lesson

    “ wealth destruction”

    The house always wins . Peasants will be kept in line .

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ron Franklin says:

    < Bitcoin looks like a slight correction to around 40-45k has a high probability before next impulsive wave. Jennifer also mentioned it could dip to around 45-55k Between the two TA I'm believe the dip will finalize over the next 2-3 weeks. But looking like 70k shortly after. If it's anything like the past it'll top off at the end of the year in this Dec, Still got a couple of Alt coin i believe will 10x, I have cashed out most of my Alt coin, made over half a million dollars this year, All the other alts are competing with each other, they are more centralized, and the majority of them are not completed projects. I cant believe it when i hear people selling their btc for alts lol, although I was able to make 9.1B TC in just November from implementing trades with tips and info from Robert R Daniel.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DiscreetBtm xxx says:

    Your hair looks redder this morning – if you did not do anything then it really is your radar for the mkt

    How much more shares left for Elon to sell?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Priscilla Minniti says:

    < Bitcoin looks like a slight correction to around 40-45k has a high probability before next impulsive wave. Jennifer also mentioned it could dip to around 45-55k Between the two TA I'm believe the dip will finalize over the next 2-3 weeks. But looking like 70k shortly after. If it's anything like the past it'll top off at the end of the year in this Dec, Still got a couple of Alt coin i believe will 10x, I have cashed out most of my Alt coin, made over half a million dollars this year, All the other alts are competing with each other, they are more centralized, and the majority of them are not completed projects. I cant believe it when i hear people selling their btc for alts lol, although I was able to make 9.1B TC in just November from implementing trades with tips and info from Robert R Daniel.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Samuel MontyPython says:

    Very true, you can increase your holdings and even make income from strictly selling cash-secured pits and covered calls. I’ve been parent trading selling options and I’ve virtually made 30% this year

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joyce Barnett says:

    People take their money out of stocks and where are they going to put their money? Hoard cash in the bank and get hit with 10 percent inflation a year ??

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Trank says:

    The sooner the Fed announce rate increase the better. Less weapon that bear can use
    Fed should just throw a number that is higher. Then, come back to save the market by giving a lower number (market reversal and rally)

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leroy Rodgers says:

    Nvidia buying opportunity coming. I'll be buying tomorrow if it goes to 280s for sure.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike says:

    When the market crashes are u going to keep doing the market courses? If u do I would like to sign up..

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Afurakan Emporium says:

    Ummm Kevin we are about to correct a bit… Be humbled! Seriously governments always cook the numbers when markets are shaky!

    Inflation is worst than they produce in the data! 📊😬

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark says:

    can i get an etf thats just the top ten… why do etfs need 100 200 500 1000 stocks…

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mario Crypto says:

    Explain the hair dye? Keeps changing and that mental in my book on the flip.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shadow Viking says:

    Do you really think this large sell off is because of JPOW? There is no way.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Benjamin Koontz says:

    Why don’t you have General electric portfolio? You’re one of the most stable moving companies in United States your stewardship is exemplary economic motors very wide and they just had a couple of big deals with huge companies including the government

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oshinut80 says:

    You can scratch all the support levels its all gonna take a big dump anyway

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Spratt Mann says:

    Smart money exiting to cash. Stocks, Bitcoin, gold going to be turned into pixie dust. Then smart cash will scoop up gold, nickel, lithium, Bitcoin, Ethereum after the crash of everything. Equities are in for another lost decade with some select exceptions.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Atlas says:

    How would you respond to warren buffet saying that blockchain has real world applications while the crypo currencies (assets) have no intrinsic value?

    Please keep in mind he is much smarter than anyone with an ageist response.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Holliday says:

    Car payment affects some ppl daily if they're making a decision to service debt or buy something else

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Veronica Davidson says:

    Good morning boo boo, loving the facial hair, makes you look a little older, and sexier, anyway you know how I feel about you boo boo forevermore sweetness Sweet pea pooh Bear guarding her cub alone always my love!

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BlueWJ says:

    Stocks talks about Halo and roasting O'Leary = Great livestream

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