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Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, everybody happy friday, how's it going. Are you making those games? Stop in amc attendees this morning, did you get served a side of fries with those attendees? Give me one second here, hello, alrighty, so we're gon na be watching gamestop amc. Of course we're going to take a look at vtnr and probably tell you notice. I haven't even changed the title from yesterday, because everything is almost literally the same this morning with excitement um, so anyways amc, gamestop, tell vtnr, what's good going on monroy and milky fade um, so nonetheless amc pretty much broke out a little bit again yesterday, as mentioned The long breakout on amc yesterday was, i think, through the price of 1960.

That was a price we mentioned as prices exceeded 1960. That's where you could see the breakout - and i think we mentioned targets being up to 25 and then it went all the way to 33.. But sorry if this doesn't sound so fun, but we are just going to have to be bearish amc today and gamestop. At least, to start the day, so yes, they've been pumping up and there's youtube channels out there.

The price targets are 75. 000. 100. 000.

I mean i don't. Even i don't even know anymore. I don't even keep up with them anymore. The price targets are 10 million for all we know so, for today it does appear like the market's selling off amc, so we're going to be playing bearish amc today, at least to start the day.

So the way i see it is if we look at the f oh hold on one second got ta change, something on here. Yep there you go all right. So two things. Actually, let me delete this hold on, so amc has sold off pre-market pretty much down to a support level.

So if i show you the four-hour chart, you see this little beige line up here. We've pulled back down to that price point here, pre-market and that was at like 29 of pretty much right around 29 and we bounced so for me this morning, when we were up at 33 coming down, it was all about seeing the market on amc, sell all The way off to 29., i figured we were going to hold a little bounce here, but if the market is really meant to be bearish, then it will be bearish through 29. right now, 29 is the support of this market and that's what we want to get Through on the downside, today is through 29 because that could shift some momentum and create some bearish movement and you'll see that yesterday we stopped at about 29.. You can see it ran up hit about 29 here, 29.50 29s and then it sold off.

And then this morning, as you came up and crossed through the 29 price point, you kind of broke up again. So let me just really quickly extend that one to the left, um and let me make this full screen, i'm probably driving you guys crazy. Looking on that small screen, i'm sorry so anyways you can see we bounced at 29. Here we stopped at 29 yesterday, as we shift through 29 this morning, the price rips so right now 29.

Is the shift point. Okay, so right now, i'm kind of thinking everything that happened this morning on amc over 33 was euphoric and the market was it too excited, at least for the time being, and that's why we've given back the gain so easily and now we're supposed to shift back Down through 29 and the price is gon na kind of start, settling uh down, at least for the time being um, and so, when i'm looking at the this charity this chart here, i would imagine that amc is going to go below 29 myself and we're probably Going to be looking to go back down towards like 24 to 25, maybe so that would be right about here, yeah, so on a really healthy pullback, we would probably see amc down towards like 24 to 25. That's what would make sense, but the momentum has also been uniquely strong, so i wouldn't try to bet too harsh against this for right now, um. I think you still want to be cautious, but if this does kind of trade in a normal manner, then seeing prices of 24 to 25 would be completely normal - um - maybe not today, maybe like by tomorrow, but for right now we are bearish looking to go below 29, with targets as low as 24 up to 25 for right now - and you can see yesterday that that's pretty much where the market bounced you'll see that you know amc went up, 29.50 hits 29's resistance and then it dropped down and it almost got to those Levels and then it bounced so this should be the support, and this should be where we're gon na break through today.
I believe, okay, okay, what chart are you looking at? I am looking at amc, my friend all right, so next one on the list is really just gamestop, i'm not even really. I don't even really care to cover gamestop, because it's pretty similar to amc, um, the only difference is is amc is extremely theoretically. It's pretty overbought as opposed to gamestop. Gamestop really isn't.

So. If you look at um amc or gamestop in an overbought uh perspective within trend, then gamestop's not even close to overbought. It has all the way up to 5 400 before it would really be considered. Overbought um and amc is already at the point.

That's considered really overbought, so i think either way amc is going to go down and gamestop will just have some hesitation today, there's just not as much volume on gamestop as there is on uh on amc all right. Now real quickly, i'm just going to pop over and look at vtnr for a second. So this is one that we recommended. I don't even know what the hell we recommended yesterday.

It was such a piece of um. It's squeezed up and pulled back. Then it squeezed up, then i pulled back and squeezed up yeah. So this one, i'm just going to tell you.

If you want to trade, you can trade. It yesterday was kind of confusing um. Today i expect it's going to trade, something similar kind of confusing. So i'm slightly bearish on it, but i think i'm even wrong about doing that.

Probably not even gon na touch vtnr just because of how shitty it traded yesterday, um so trade it at your own risk. It is overbought, it is at locations that you will most likely. You will most likely see these prices given back in the next week so buying up here and holding you would most likely be read going into the next week. Most likely so probably won't be doing much long trading, but looking for bearish moves to set up there on vtnr for the time being, we'll mention a lot of short squeezes happened on the stock yesterday and it's short squeezed overnight.
So we know that there is somebody somewhere holding this up and squeezing the move higher um. So you don't want to get caught in one of those, but i do believe next week this is going to be lower, so we're going to be watching vtnr more bearish, but not going to do a crazy analysis on that one all right um by the way. Well, amc just dropped back down to the 29 price. You can see that uh.

You know, there's some people in the market trying to support that bottom. Still, you can see we've rolled over. It's held the bottom and bounced back a little bit. So there are some people still holding up amc at the 29 price.

What about the short squeeze on amc? Amc has already been short, squeezing so we've we've kind of reached high levels. Where you could you can, you can definitely still see it squeeze, but you've just reached levels that normally you would see, selling pressure at all right. So i'm gon na take a second here and start looking through some of the suggestions here in the comments ocgn. Oh um yeah, i think this is.

I mean we talked about ocgn just the other week and we kind of started. We started to mention that you, you were entering dip buying locations um as you get back down into these support areas, so i think you could be slightly more long, biased ocgn for right now, um yeah, i mean, like i said you you have your high points. Are up here highs are in the tens 15s. The lows are gon na be down here in the sevens: eights nines um, so you entered into the lower risk side of trend just uh just last week, and so i think for the time being you you probably want to be on the long side, and if This is a true actually you're, already back to trend here, so you've already made it back to the statistical trend so yeah.

The only thing the only way you're going to get movement out of ocgn is if you can get the price to get over eight dollars and 91 cents for right now, um which it's over 891 okay. So we broke up over 890. So yes, right now, you're looking to support 890s, which you've done you you dropped here once you pulled up once twice yeah, i would stay on the long side of ocgm for right now and you might, if you're lucky, get it up to like uh 1066., but Do note do note that the price of that you're currently at with ocgn, is right on trend. So if you don't break out, it's totally normal um, but i i think, being on the long side is probably better than being short with ocgn right now.
So again, amc still holding a little double bottom at 29. So unless you go through that, you're not going to see any sort of big next new big drop: okay, yeah, so bynd, there's news about people from reddit talking about b, y and d now, and alongside of that, they just released their value six pack or something Like that six pack of burgers or something whatever uh so for me right now, resistance b, y and d is going to be 154. support on b y and d is going to be 145 50.. So i think right now, we'll probably see a little ping.

Pong ball go back and forth from 145 to 154, but through 154 would be a break of the pre-market high, which would also be a break a long-term resistance. So you do have a breakout around a 154 price note that that means that's resistance. So if i go and look at it was a daily chart yeah, so the daily chart. You see that orange line orange line orange line orange line.

Then we go back. Look at the one minute chart that orange line is right here. That was that orange line, so we've kind of run up to long-term resistance, pulled back now with the news and hype with reddit and this and that yeah optimistically, you should probably be on the long side, but again still watching for a support dip, maybe down to 145 and then a move through 154, but either way from support to resistance. Today, on b y and d, there's a 10 range, so even if it goes back and forth like that, there's still a you know a whips off.

Potentially, you know like eight nine dollars there, crypto okay, let's continue on. Let's see we're at 8 48 um, oh cng, gnus yeah, so gnus would just be a little penny stock that went through a dip. Let's see yeah so gnus had a little flag pattern here. Flag pattern broke out, we're almost back to trend, so you're, probably getting close to being done with that move on ocgn or not ocg and sorry gnus.

I think you might see it closer to two bucks. I think is that it yeah maybe up to about two dollars for right now and then you would see resistance on gnus sundill growers sndl. Why not so sndl was a stock. We mentioned last week or beginning of this week being in a bull flag and you would watch it long for a break over this trend at 76 cents.

So if you followed into that, you would have caught this move up, but nonetheless, sndl just went through a little bull flag pop. I think we recommended you could see at most. Our target out of the flag pattern was going to be as high as 98 cents. It looks like it almost got there: it got to 93 cents, so flag.

Pattern, 98 only got to 93 pulled back, but you could probably still see this. I think it's just going to pull back and actually push up to 98.. So i think, there's still a little upside from that. That's going to happen um into the 98 cent zone, but the entry should have been down here so uh we're getting a really good hold on amc at the 29.
So, let's just go back and take a peek at it really quickly. So, even though i wanted to see it be bearish below 29 and it didn't break it yet or maybe it doesn't for the time being, that's completely fine, not a problem, because i know that i you know, for example, this 29 price point as support was picked Over an hour ago, so the fact that we bounced and then we double bottomed it tells me that i'm picking the exact areas where the market is going to see support. So i know that my analysis is on correctly. I know that i'm seeing the markets correctly.

So whether or not we broke down here or not, it really doesn't matter because i said hey. This is this: is the current support in the market and we got to break that and we're holding it right. So i know that i'm picking the proper levels uh as the supports and resistances, so that's good, just because we bounced here does not mean that this cannot break down still so um still watching amc today for a swing down below 29 and if, at the event, If, in the event, i feel we're not going to go through 29, then i'll just watch it long bias and long bias, i mean we're above long-term trends, so you're, really just riding momentum throughout the day, is all you're doing so shion heel, let me so let Me just kind of explain the way i look at things and then that might help you. We never generally get long stocks when they go above this blue line.

So you see that blue line. We generally never go long when stocks are above that blue line and the reason being is because, when the stock crashes off the move, usually it's going to go right back down to that blue line. So let me repeat that if i were to get long at the blue line and the stock ran up another thirty dollars a share and i didn't sell and then all of a sudden it crashed. It could very well crash all the way back down to that blue line and then the gains completely gone.

So in this situation we wouldn't even have averages above yeah. We wouldn't have averages above 24 to be like holding long swing, for usually we could day trade. It do little trades here and there, but to be long swing here. It's just pretty high risk, then again, we've seen moves continue and continue and continue.

So if a move continues that, of course, any entry points good if it just keeps running, but a rule is that we generally don't try to get long above that blue line area. So right now, if i was swing long, i would need my average to be below 24 to 25 or i'm still very susceptible to going red if, in the event, the in the event the market correct. So if the market were to correct on amc - and you didn't have an average below 25, then you pretty much are going to go red on a correction day. But if your average was below 25, then on the day that it corrects it probably wouldn't go much further below the 24-25 and then end up bouncing back in the day and you'd still be green and then you'd live out another day to decide whether or not That's going to continue to hold or if it was going to break um.
Let's see ttn tesla approaching six month resistance, yeah! Let's take a look at tesla really quickly. Why not so tesla ended up squeezing by the end of the day, yesterday, a lot of volume in there? Well. 6. 19.

630. That's a jump! Yeah! I mean you're watching tesla long today through the price. It's pretty much a pre-market high sort of move. That's where the trending resistance is, you can see if i zoom in see where our trend lines at comes into play right there at 629 on tesla, so to be long, biased, tesla.

You want to go pretty much through this pre-market level. 629, so yeah slightly long, biased tesla with the move through 629 would be the objective there. Okay, this g-o-e-d, i got ta, see it everyone. I i've heard this many times today.

Let's see what's going on funny way. Oh, that was that stock from yesterday. That's right! There was a stock that jumped up, went freaking nuts, and then i stopped watching it. So yesterday morning we got notified of goed when it was on like this candle, and then it did this candle, and i was trying to short it when it was all the way at 21, uh.

20. 19. 20.. I was trying to short it, so i'm looking for shares to short there's no shares of short.

So then i decide that i don't want to even look at it anymore, so i don't look anymore, so i didn't even know that that's what happened to it, but yesterday, if we could have got shares to short, we would have been selling it up here in The 20s and then we would have just miraculously caught this move on accident, which would have been awesome, uh, so kind of sucks, but yeah look at the goed. I don't, i don't even know yeah you're, not gon na, do you're doing nothing with that. It's peace, bye-bye, nothing nothing's, going on there with that kapil. We always share the live scanners.

Well, we started doing that. Um. I really don't know um. I i don't know what book is gon na be good enough to.

I don't really think there's any book. That's good enough to teach you trading um at the end of the day. I i really don't. I mean i know, there's good books, there's good! It's just good reading and good things to take in, but there's never gon na be a book.

That's gon na teach! You how to trade uh totally so uh, but the psychology book uh trading in the zone from by mark douglas, is generally one of my go-to book recommendations. So trading in the zone by mark douglas all right next thing, we'll take a look at real quickly, is just the market. Somebody - and i know a few have asked me to do this before we head out for the day so um. You know our recommendations from the market, so the the way we'll put it here is our first buy point on the market in the dip was uh right here, this red arrow that doesn't even work nevermind.
So this is where we recommended you were supposed to buy. The dip in the market, why isn't my drawing tools working so we recommended buying the dip in the market here then, our next recommendation was to buy the dip in the market here with a target being back to the all-time high. So we're pretty much back to the all-time high on the s p and same thing: well, actually, we didn't recommend buying the spy, it was actually the nasdaq. So let me repeat that, because that's actually false what i just said, so the recommendation was actually on the nasdaq, which was to get long here and get long here.

Because that's where trending support was and then you would be looking to get back to the all-time high trend on the nasdaq which we have not done yet so still long bias in nasdaq and going off the levels in the market that has been provided. Um so that being said, i will see you guys on the next stream. I appreciate you guys tuning in which next stream will be monday morning. We'll be streaming well actually won't be monday morning, because it's a long weekend.

So thank gosh to that i'll see everybody on tuesday of next week. Everybody have a great holiday weekend, whatever you're doing, i hope you do and have fun and be safe other than that i'll see you guys. Next week, tuesday.

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10 thoughts on “Amc, gme, tell, vtnr | stonks”
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