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Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, everybody welcome back to the live stream to the pre-market live stream, so we're going to be covering amc, of course, and all the other random socks that have uh happened to jump this morning. So welcome back thanks again for tuning in we'll wait for a couple people to roll on into the stream and then we'll get rocking and rolling from that point forward. So um for sure the bears have kind of taken back control of the market on amc. For the time being, will give you the levels that essentially the market on amc has to get back over in order for the bulls to take back control of the market on amc.

So if you guys remember from yesterday, we did mention that amc was most likely going to be on the bear side for the day and that the dip by locations for amc started um, it's where they start, i think. Well, we can redo it, but i'm pretty sure the bounce levels for amc started yesterday at here and here, and that was our recommended long points that you'd want to be buying amc yesterday after the sell-off. So let's uh take a look back at this all right. Let me go to a full screen view all right, one.

Second, okay, so today, when we look at amc, you will notice that we have this dotted trend line. You see that dotted trend line, and then you see the top of today's current trading wick. It's right. There uh one second all right and then we go to the daily chart and when we go to the daily chart you will see that we have another dotted line like right here so today the current resistance of the amc market is at 55 dollars to 54.50.

So you can see pre-market. We tagged the first resistance level here and we started to swing lower so realistically for the bulls on amc to take back control of the current market that we're in to be on more of the long side, they're going to need to get the market back up And through 54.50 to 55 today, and of course, if they're wrong and they don't, then we can see more downside and so on the down on the downside, i was expecting that if we really give out this previous price action bottom here around 52 to say 50 - I was expecting we would see the market on amc start to come back down towards 48.41 to um 49.95 to like 50 bucks, so pretty much. To put it simply, next big support level i have for amc is going to be down into 49 68. 50 to 48.50, okay, so that right now, for me, is where the support zone is in order to force a short squeeze.

The market needs to get back up and over uh 54 to 55 for right now. So that's really pretty much all we have for amc at this point. So for me, i'm going to be more on the bear side of amc until either it falls into the support level here for a dip buy on the day or until the market gets back up and over the prices of 54.50 to 55, and we would be Putting short sellers kind of back on their heels and onto sort of defense uh where they might get, you know a little nervous and want to cover so for now long zone down here, or only long above and through basically, 55, otherwise, bearish. Okay.
So again, for me: um, definitely more bearish on amc. Overall, we will definitely take a look at tilray, but first i want to talk about a play that might have their potential for maybe potential on a bounce here with gold one. Second, all right, so gold got just absolutely smacked last night. Really.

The reason for this is, if you go and look at the dollar, i mean there's multiple reasons, but one of the big reasons is, you can see. The dollar ended up exploding last night. So when we look at the four-hour chart here, this is what the dollar looks like. Okay, like that's, that's what the dollar looks like and then when we go look at gold, that's what gold looks like so again, pretty much in in almost a perfect inverse there again dollar go up gold go down again up, go down, so gold got spanked.

So realistically this would this would typically be a buy zone. Typically, we'd be long here. I've already bought in long it went down lost a little bit averaged in went back up, recovered a little bit of loss still holding long kind of thinking. This might not work, but it's still worth following today, so nonetheless, gold has sold all the way over.

We were recently just short gold and we recommended being bearish gold when it was trading up here. So we swung all the way down now we're more on the long side of gold, because we've already swung down typically where gold's at right. Now we would normally bounce still it's trading a little funky a little to the bare side. It hasn't quite respected this support zone very well.

You can see we've gone into it. We've bounced rolled over rolled over bear flagged down, broke support bounced back up rolled over so so far, not a whole lot of trust is being um. I guess you can say instilled to this bottom just yet, so we were hoping to see gold end up having a bounce today, going into the open to start this day, um, given the fact that sold into support, so that might be a place. Some of you guys are interested in but know that we're simply following gold, because it is sold all the way off from these highs down into the regression trend here, which typically is support for the first attempt now.

This is also a breakdown point, whereas if you actually broke this point, you could have a serious move to the downside, which would then most likely take you back down to 160. But that's not going to happen unless the dollar continues to rip, which is less likely. So nonetheless, we're optimistically more bullish on gold into this bottom. Looking for a counter trend bounce sooner than later from this drop so we're following gold today, tomorrow next couple days, seeing if we sustain this area and looking for a counter trend, bounce and we're currently already long the market on gold.

Okay, so we were short gold here covered this drop, some other traders in our group still caught this one. So i was short from here down to here. Some played some put spreads and they've nailed the whole move and now we're getting ready to kind of reverse and slightly belong bias. Okay, okay, um really care to be long, biased it.
Nor do i care to be short bias of stock, i'm pretty much just neutral. Um, let me just look at this from a longer term chart, because this is a stock that went all the way to like 100 300 and crashed yeah. I don't really think there's a whole lot to do here with tilray for the time being so no bueno. For me, no point clsd yeah.

We could take a look at this, so clsd was a stock just the other day that jumped you can see jumped here. Then jumped again um, so clsd is bouncing back or i guess you could say coming back up into slightly overbought locations. So i think there is still some long bias movement from it. You could argue, but my top tick resistance was here at 558 to 583.

So if i were along the market from down here, i'd look to be selling at these red lines. So again, if i bought this flag breakout and ran it up to these lines, i would be looking to sell so for right now. This is my desired resistance. Selling target for the market on clsd today, so i'm not really long buy as a stock.

I'm optimistic you get maybe another 10 15 20 30 cents up, but then it's gon na ultimately start to come back down. How are you really gon na gain much ground? If you just wait for a dip all the time um, i don't know how you refer: um yeah. I don't i don't know how i don't really know like what that questions. In regards to i mean, realistically, if you wait for a dip in the spine by the dip in the spine, then your gains would be significantly higher than just by buying at any random time.

Um yeah, i don't. I don't really know how to answer that. One tom very nice, yeah trch um yesterday, was a good time to sell. Because again, if you look at the chart, you know realistically the stock just got into sort of it's slightly overbought location for the time being of this run.

So this current run, you saw just got to the overbought location. So ideally you sold that where, where you needed to sell that, for the time being talk about a real stock god damn it i mean we did. We covered gold, we covered the dollar, i mean what kind of stocks you want to talk about. You need ta on whibi sticks.

I don't even know what wibby stix is, but if you could send me a ticker symbol, i'll take a look um, so yeah. We can go, take a look at mtp really quickly as well. Excuse me so uh, generally speaking, mtp has reached the overbought price location um. So this here this is, that's three deviation resistance and then this is that's four deviation resistance.

So you can see what happened to the stock as it's reached. Those areas right we got up to it, did a bull flag in the three devs. So that means that short sellers that took in positions once we first got here, got squeezed up to four deviations. Markets sold back down to three back under three back to three.
So realistically we bounce back into a slight resistance zone. So this one just because i know we're pretty overbought and we're into some overbought prices. Your first breakout would be here. It would be through this red line, which would then take you up to like 357 and or into you know, 378..

The biggest breakout can only happen through this level here, so i'm not super comfortable with this. Only because i know we're trading right in resistance, but optimistically yeah. I think i think this can be a have a good day so again just take a take a step back. Let's look at the market here again by the way, if you look at gold, gold is starting to kind of bounce up, starting to kind of reverse a little bit there.

So that's nice good to see so yeah. If you look at this time frame, you can see why we have all those lines there. You can see the blue lines there. You know purple lines here, so we've entered into that slightly overbought location on the stock granted.

It does have some news today about a breakthrough, something for encapsulation of bio biologic using cubesphera sounds cool so still watching this long bias, but big breakout can be obviously through pre-market high for right now. This one again, the analysis is kind of kind of tricky. So again, you're really just looking for a bull flag through this price point. Take you up to here and then hoping they need to pre-mark a high breakout, otherwise stock.

Just just trade down harold, yes, anything over three deviation is is to be seen as overbought. So culture, witty yeah, so what's happening, is you're. So that happens to me from time to time, where you trust your analysis so strongly that you enter as soon as it might get to one of your levels that you've identified as resistance or as a support. And then you end up having to you know, maybe average up if it's a short or average down, if it's long, which happens from time to time, but that just all comes from you not being patient right, um or not necessarily not patient, just jumping the gun On an entry, when other things don't line up, so it happens to me from time to time where i'm like.

Oh we're, trading at this level should come down. I go short. It keeps going up, i'm like what the and you're like. Oh well, you know, there's nothing signaling, that it's supposed to go down right right now.

You know, for example, like there's no divergence on the rsi. There's no blue indication on ttm um, there hasn't been a seller beat so again for timing and entry. It all comes down to multiple things, whether you use an indicator, whether you look at volume, whether you look at a specific candle structure, that's been broken, whether you look at a candle pattern, multiple different ways to determine for you what you like as an entry point, But you know, ideally what i'm doing is looking at my levels, knowing that the market will most likely go to my levels and then once it gets there, then i go okay. Do i want to be long? Do i want to be short, and if i want to be long, i want to be short.
Does my volume make sense? Does my ttm make sense? Do all the other indicators that i'm using, for you could say confirmation or comfortability makes sense at that point? Amc brings out my inner troll uh amc going up or down uh amc is most likely a down day um into us. It doesn't really matter whether or not it goes up. It's all about taking control of a specific price point which is again so again we're bearish amc, okay, bearish price target on the day for amc is back to 49 to 48.45. Your only long bias here or if the market takes back control of here so again, you're not long the market on amc unless bulls control, this price level or bears push price to support, okay, which i spelled support wrong.

But who cares so again? You're, not bullish? Amc until you're up controlling this point or until the bears push you to support, so that's support. This is where you're potentially causing a short squeeze. Okay, um the gold move coming back very nicely. If we go take a look, take a little peek at gld.

I mean it's not much, but you know it's coming back like we said we identified this to be sort of the long zone and we dipped through it a little bit. They tried to shake you out, but we're coming back decently. Well, so far, so again, probably just going to be watching this gold to start going into the day more on the long side um. I think we're going to continue seeing that bounce back up.

But if we did, where would we go to is a question gold back to 170? Maybe two that would be impressive. 170 to 171., 170 to 170. I'd be a big bounce, it's hard to project that one for now, but still either way long bicycle! Oh all! Righty then fcel still long, so we haven't been fc. We haven't been long fcel since pretty much.

It started, dropping which was right here. So we ended up selling fcl on this day right there um and we haven't recommended being long until you're, basically bouncing off support, which you remember when we drew this support box. The support box is now a little lower, as prices have shifted so you're, not on trend support, yet trend. Support on fcel is still down to 8.67.

So again, the market's still probably trying to go lower on fcel2867, okay, but you did hit this one, so you're kind of in the support dip area where market would be more likely to try to support itself. But still this is um a slightly bearish move that isn't a lot of buying pressure. There bulls still in control. We are above 200 ma on one hour, um yeah.

It depends on what time frame you look at where you could justify that bulls are in control. Here bulls are in control there uh, which is, which is absolutely correct, but um for right now, on the day, uh the bears or sorry the bulls are not in control: uh, they're, just not um. Since yesterday we knew they weren't. We were gon na have a bearish day um, so the bulls are currently not in control of this day, um, not by one bit.
Control for the bulls again exists over this level. So until the bulls are over these levels they have they are not in control. For the day, so that means you're, probably gon na, have a bearish move all right. We got five minutes to go here.

Let's see, what do we got? Apop again, really. The only thing i'm following for right now is is pretty much just gon na be gld on the day. I don't really see myself, i mean there's a couple other things, but nothing's really been all that great um. So we'll take a look here.

Apop, i'm just gon na start running through these kind of live stream in the private group. Connor. Do you live stream in the private group after 9? 30.? Yes, so we're generally trading from 9, 30 to 10 30 or about 11 every single day, all right! So apop um. I think this is at resistance.

Let me just double check yep, so apop has traded right back to resistance. You can see pretty much where the top of this candle is is almost on that blue line. So for right now the resistance of the market on apop is right here, all right, so that's the current resistance. So this is where your breakout level is over 545.

all right and let me double check another time frame, and you have this one here, which means you're up and over there: okay, yeah so realistically, with apop you're on resistance and your break of resistance would be Successfully going through this point, so for the time being, i have to be slightly bearish just because this is resistance. It's it's not not. It is so until we're up - and through this point, i'm not extremely bullish. So i would like to see apop push up through these prices and then squeeze all righty, we'll take a look at x, uh.

Actually, let's take a look at s e n s here all right, so scns is something that we recommended was probably going to come down into this gray zone. You can see this gray zone. We mapped out here. This was the recommended dip buying price.

For this sell-off, so this sell-off here we recommended you would see the market come down into prices of pretty much this box with the low of the box being all the way down to like 329 saying that's, probably the low point of this dip move. Well, so far, it only got down to 336, which is okay. So am i long scns at this point? No, not really because again the recommended prices to be long at were well, it's really actually all the way down to 299 as well. So i i still think we could see um the move on scns keep coming down.

So what you're watching for right now is a mini inverse head and shoulders. So if this is going to go up in the immediate, you have a little like inverse head and shoulders play here. Where you need the market to stay above the price of 350 and then get back over the candle of 362. And then you can see a jump.
If that all fails, then you just expect the market can even run down to 2.99. What do you do if you don't want to miss anything counter related just make sure that you're on this channel around 8 30 every single morning, and then you just turn on your notification bell and pretty much just always tune on when uh when we're streaming. That's pretty much it um k-u-l-r sure we can take a look at k-u-l-r, so k-u-o-r all right, um. I did a little trading on today.

I didn't know it was going to fall out this much because if so then - boy, oh boy, but so kulr today um did a long trade in this dip trying to get it to break out over highs, even though it was overbought thought it still might have. Some momentum so bought into this dip sold a little bit here today and then, as it couldn't break that high that time, and then we got a red relative volume spike and a seller beat oh here's a good one for the gentleman or whom it might have Been asking questions about timing entries so again, today did a long in this dip trying to break the high sold it for a small profit, and then you can see we had an immediate seller beat candle here with the relative red relative volume spike that you probably Can't see again see that red dotted line, that's a red relative volume spike. That means there's a relative volume shift to the sell side in the move of k-u-l-r as it got into highs there, and then you can see, we had the buyer beat or sorry seller beat candle. Where buyers were in control, then we went to selling and then selling increased, and then we get a big seller b candle over the previous green right on the top of trend, so ended up reversing into a short trade.

So it was long on the top here. Then reversed into a short and then covered into this drop down to that line, faded out way more had no clue that was gon na happen in typical market environments. You'll go from like here down to where i covered, and that doesn't happen. So that's kind of an anomaly: that's not very regular thing! We see in the market so for kulr, pretty much done with that stock for the day.

Don't really see that having a good long day, don't really want to be bearish on it, because it's already sold off so much so again, there's not a whole lot of profit potential down on the short side, because you've already sold off so much and then the Trend on the way down has already been so strong, so the likelihood you have a good long day. It's probably not going to happen so kulr is most likely going to be a dud for the day. Uh matt yeah generally four hour and daily chart are gon na, be the most common time frames, um that i am using um yeah, if you guys wouldn't mind giving the stream a little thumbs up while you're here it dramatically helps the streams going forward in the Future um again mtp, as we had mentioned, your first breakout, was going to be through this price point. You can see as soon as we successfully shifted up and held that red trend line.
You've gotten your breakout and then, where did this breakout go to? This breakout? Went up to the next red line, as we said it probably would, and that is going to be your bigger breakout. So just know that every time you go into one of these red lines, you're hitting resistance so again breakout red line up to next red line. Resistance and so to get a bigger breakout. You have to get all the way up in through this point can't say i'm that optimistic to trade mtp for a break out of the pre-market high being at four deviations.

Considering the move came from here. This is where the move started. We're now here, trading at four deviation resistance, so i got ta be slightly bearish, maybe going into the open for this one. So until we're like successfully up - and through this point, i wouldn't be super long bias thought all righty.

Ladies and gentlemen, that is all we have for you today. I appreciate you guys tuning in. I will see you a little bit later today. We will be doing some streaming here in the afternoon, which usually happens around 12 to 12 30.

So you can hit the notification bell, you'll be notified when we stream - or you can just hop back on to youtube on to our boiler room trading channel, and then you will notice when we're live around 12 to 12 30 today. So that being said, i will catch everybody back a little bit later today and tomorrow morning, at 8 30.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

7 thoughts on “Amc bears are back”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kate Finance says:

    Great vid!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Angel Lewis says:

    Thank you and hopefully I won't be late tomorrow

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JB ATL says:

    I bought a couple calls on CLSD yesterday morning and I was losing money all day.. Start of the market today it jumps 40% and I sell half for 1k profit. Crazy part is my option doesn’t end until 7/16 🙌🏾

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Angel Lewis says:

    Yes, my gold is down

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Evangelos Koumentakos says:

    Thank for sharing your analysis!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Night Storm says:

    What are levles? I saw it on your thumbnail.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Al Sauve says:

    Beem and short %

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