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Greetings everyone and welcome back to another red day in the stock market, in other words just another day in 2022. Folks, a lot of fears about inflation, and there are a lot of folks who continue to jump ship to different sides of the inflation debate. And that's because well nobody really knows what the heck is going to happen. We know that historically, inflation has always tended to go down in the past.

However, sometimes it's only gone down when we've come out of steep recession or depression. Consider when we came out of a rampant inflation from the period between 1916 to 1921 and what happened depression, not even the great depression crash of the beginning of the 1920s. Maybe we'll have a repeat here in this decade a crash at the beginning of the 1920s uh or the 2020s then uh uh, then you've got uh, of course, the volcker cure, which is essentially forcing a recession by raising rates so high that you wean all the Cheap money out of the system and force a recession, it's also a way you can get out of high inflation. Maybe inflation won't stay up, maybe inflation will just inflict down.

In fact, we've seen some measures of inflation start inflecting down and even others if they are to even stay at high prices like used cars or maybe washing machines. For example, do we really expect used pre or use prices, new prices or anything for these products to continue to rise, or would they just stabilize? Somebody knows, but folks also believe that even if these stabilized that rents and wages can push prices up even more there's also this uh new talk now thanks to goldman sachs talking about this, which is one of the reasons they're talking and calling for potentially four rate Increases in 2022, rather than three, this new type of inflation called green inflation, which is hey. If people are going to continue to go to green energy, then uh - maybe maybe if we go to green energy, you know what prices are just gon na go up uh and that would be a problem because if prices go up well, then you feed into more Inflation because, as energy becomes more green, potentially becomes more expensive. Of course it doesn't help that we've printed an insane amount of money by some regards potentially now over 40 percent of money in circulation has been printed, so that certainly doesn't help inflation uh and uh.

Well, that's uh! In part, why are markets pretty fearful? Because what do we have coming up this wednesday? Well, we have a new cpi read and instead of inflation coming in at 6.8 percent, like it did for the month of december, we now expect it'll come in at 7.1 percent should be the highest level of inflation that we've seen in the last essentially 40 years, Which is sure to grab headlines and cause more fear, uh, especially uh name calling on the mainstream media, particularly by republicans and against democrats. So this wednesday at 5, 30 a.m. California time we will have the inflation read again we're expecting 7.1 percent, we'll see if it comes in higher or lower. I think it's probably too early for us to get that inflection point to the downside, yet so probably going to see some more red.
The beige book also comes out on wednesday. That is the summary of economic conditions. To me, i've always thought the beige book was really just like a summary of a bunch of anecdotes uh. It's not really that exciting, but sometimes it can have market moving information in it.

Retail sales data is expected friday, we're expecting a three percent bump in retail sales data for the month of december, and consumer sentiment is also due friday. We are expecting a 70.4 on a read it's about 20 percent lower than we were post uh, the pandemic peak in a peak sentiment that we had in april, and that's because in april we started having these fears about inflation, blowing up and housing costs blowing up. So all of a sudden consumer sentiment started rotating straight to the downside. Also more concerns that omicron is continuing to cause potential staffing shortages, which isn't good, especially when you've got companies like fedex war.

Me warning that the spread of omicron is contributing to staffing shortages and guess what more supply chain delays, but then there's always china to help you out china had you know this is just classic china and the chinese port city of tianjin, which is close to beijing. Folks, they tested force tested 14 million people to find 20 people with coven. They found him, they got him. I got the 20 with covet, although i wonder how many people got covent in the lines to get tested.

I don't know, but anyway, uh restrictions in china are pretty common and those are renewing fears, obviously that we could have some additional inflationary concerns because of china's activity uh. There are also fears that, if there are slowdowns in china's supply chains, that will see slowdowns in american supply chains, particularly at our ports or in our warehouses or with other transportation between here, and there really interesting report also came out this morning. If you haven't seen it yet, i posted a very detailed video on it uh going through the study itself, but talk about uh a uh kind of a a crazy study. But a study this morning revealing that potentially a prior common cold infection could actually help you prevent a coronavirus infection, prevent a coronavirus infection, not have a less severe disease but utterly prevent a coronavirus infection uh in in a more likely or consistent uh pattern than vaccines.

Actually would so that was pretty powerful, that the common cold might actually be a better preventative to coven than the vaccines and this uh. This study is really sort of a wake-up call to the vaccine industry that hey, you know, maybe maybe, rather than just start targeting the spike protein. You ought to just actually target the coronavirus ball itself, like the core of it anyway uh. You know it was kind of wild.
It was also wild because i think a lot of folks don't realize that the common cold is actually caused by three to four different, really common forms of the human coronavirus, different kinds of coronaviruses human coronavirus, sars coronavirus, mers coronavirus. It's all a mess. Mortgage rates are up uh up to about 3.22 percent. On the 30 year, we hit a low by the way last january of 2.65, so we're good half percent higher than that didn't help by the way that on friday, european central bank inflation came in higher than expected.

Uh, we were expecting a decline in inflation reads in europe. On friday, we actually, instead of getting a decline, we get an increase. We went from 4.9 in november in europe to 5 in december. That was an unexpected beat job.

Wages, though, were only about two and a half percent higher year-over-year in europe, so not a lot of wage price pressure, but again today, seeing some sell-off on this call from goldman sachs that we might actually see four rate hikes in the united states this year, as Opposed to three uh keep in mind. The federal reserve only has eight meetings. So if we have four rate hikes and the first ones, it's not going to be january because they said they've got a complete tapering, i mean, unless they just totally u-turn, which would be really bad for the market. It isn't it's possible i'd, say it's less than five percent likely, but it's possible uh.

It is. It is possible that uh we, you know we could have a january hike but again unlikely uh. We do think that uh, the first rate hike, will be in march, followed by a may rate hike, so we'll have two rate hikes in quick succession, uh and uh and out of uh those other or out of these seven meetings that are coming after january uh. Either three or four of them are going to have rate hikes so probably more than well either slightly less than or slightly more than half of all of the meetings this year will have rate hikes.

This has been leading treasury yields. Obviously, despite uh, what else do we have here? Uh we've got, let's see here: oh yeah uh, robin hood uh when it ipo was selling for about 20 times sales for 2021.. Now it's selling for just about six and a half to seven times 2021 sales. It's a big old sell-off there and what else? Well, i guess: that's uh, that's kind of a nice little summary here: let's go ahead and jump on over and take a look at the indices, crypto and uh, some of the other good stuff.

That's going on. So what do we got here? Well, uh! Oh of course we do have a coupon code for the amazing programs on building your wealth link down below the big thing that happens this month. Folks is the path to wealth course comes out, comes out at the end of the month, and the price of that will literally double and the reason for that is, people are basically getting half off before the pre-sale is over, because there's no content so like. If you bought the path to wealth, of course, there's literally nothing in it, uh and uh that content will be released uh towards the end of the month.
Anyway, here are futures, dow futures down just over a quarter; s p futures down over two quarters and nasdaq futures or sorry, that's that's, two thirds on the s p futures and the uh nasdaq futures down 1.26 yikes yikes uh. That is that is amazing. Zachary. What question do you have? Okay, uh 10-year treasury yield almost at 1.8.

This is uh. This is some of the highest that we've seen in quite a while. I mean if we zoom out here, uh, let's just go, i can. We can just go up one year out.

Actually we are now we are now officially higher uh than anywhere we have been in 2020 in terms of the 10-year yield, so the 10-year yield is now higher than at any point over the last year. Take two interactive is buying xanga for 9.86, a share video gaming industry uh purportedly down uh. If you at least you listen to uh the turtle beach reports anyway, uh yeah, you know what greg, if you're asking, if you should just sell your entire portfolio, because this is probably not going to stop all year, then you should sell we'll buy. You shares all right: let's take a look here at the crypto pricing, uh crypto getting whacked here.

Look at this you've almost got aetherium under almost under 3 000. Here wow. Let's go ahead and pull up eth usd. Oh, look at that five minute chart here holy moly.

It is a straight down chart we go to that one minute. It looks just as bloody, so we are we zoom out to the day here we are. We are supportless here. Uh supportless is not good, because i think that means the next stop somewhere on 2500, unfortunately, so we're not in a great environment for eth btc, also not in a great environment.

Next support really about 37.7, not great tesla, down three percent in the pre-market down under a thousand again uh. Let's go ahead and look at the pre-market losers here and gainers, so till ray reported earnings this morning it is up 10.9 percent ocugen up 4.9 percent, possibly because of its kovacsin vaccine, which uh could be actually reacting off of the covet news from that study. This morning that basically says the durability of spike protein vaccines is uh, which is not good, not good, so uh jeez all right. So, let's see here clover up three percent, all right cool boy, god boring three percent huh.

We like three percent losses or better yet larger losses like four percent on a firm or how about eight percent on emiran 5.5 on lulu we got you covered want another five percent off on hunt, no problem you got, it looks like we might be getting close To breaking uh cloudflare under a hundred amc sitting at 22 d, wack dropping a little bit more down to 52 tesla's sitting at 996. sounds like a discount sale and elon. Musk did break uh. 69 million 420 000 subscribers this weekend.
It's about sunday morning, trade desk down another 2.7 nvidia sofa and phase the faves all down etsy down apple down, see the beautiful thing is when it's just everything that's down it doesn't make. You feel that bad with the exception banks, banks doing unsurprisingly well the more we expect uh interest rates to go up the more we kind of expect banks to do well. So now jp morgan not doing like it's not like it's blowing out but uh. It's certainly getting back to its october highs.

Hmm. What else is running here? Uh we've got solar edge up two percent proterra up about 1.65, really bullish piece by the way on proterra this weekend in barons uh proterra proterra. They call them a leader in eevee buses, 80 of their revenue coming from city buses, producing about one gigawatt hour of annual capacity battery production throughout two facilities doesn't hold a candle to the uh, almost 40. That tesla does.

This is working on their way to get to 50 gigawatts of annual production, potentially even more at this point, so it was a that's. The last count that i have anyway all right. So what do we got? Well, we got 14 minutes to uh indulge in some pain here, let's go to spy. Oh yeah! Look at this! So what do we got here? An opportunity for some spy puts down 69.69 yeah, okay uh some bizarro barcoding here happening with the chart, but anyway um.

Okay, so uh, oh, even google's down one point: two: four percent: okay, so let's go ahead and explore the bloomberg and let's see what they got over here, so look at the treasure yield now over 1.083 1.8. Basically, over that, here's that four rate hikes from goldman. We talked about salt cap, limbo, threatened, suburban districts, eli manning threw himself private equity, okay, omicron inches closer towards beijing yeah. So this by the way, is the reference to the port city that i already talked about.

So we talked about that: hmm omicron, isn't oh aoc got coven and uh scientists says delta. Chron variant, isn't an error, so there there was talk that this. This delta cron thing was basically a mistake of cross-contamination and uh. You know multiple coveted reporters on youtube.

Uh, like john campbell great guy, has uh already kind of reported on, like oh, the delta cron, it's it's probably just a mistake, uh, and this was just widely covered uh this morning that okay, this is possibly just a cross-contamination mistake because they found a variant uh, Showing basically characteristics that resembled a merger of omicron and delta, which means it would have the transmissibility of. Of course, people immediately go to the worst case scenario, which is transmissibility of omicron, but the severity of delta right, bad right, uh and then so. Then there were pieces that were talking about. Oh no, no, that's just a mistake.
That's that's cross-contamination and they effed up blah blah blah right. Well now the cypress scientist is coming back, saying: no, no, no, no, no, not so fast, not so quickly. He told bloomberg in an email statement sunday that the cases he has identified quote indicate an evolutionary pressure to the ancestral strain to acquire these mutations and not the result of a single recombination event. In other words, a mutation uh, which is not not ideal, so uh, yeah uh, who knows but we'll see, i think the last thing we want are more variants.

Uh. I think folks are just quite frankly kind of tired of this uh elizabeth warren looks like she's going off on jerome powell, again asking for some more trades. Okay, whatever oh, let's see here when do i see covet ending geez? Well, you know i was really hoping that omicron would kind of be the end, especially if the you know if it is kind of like having a cold and if the cold can give you some sort of herd immunity. And please please, let's just all get sick with the cold and be over it uh.

Of course, every time i say that i get a bunch of hate in the comments from people who are like. Oh my gosh, how could you downplay it? Okay, listen chill out! Okay, if, if i, if i you know, talk too extremely about it, everybody's, like yeah - it's missed your foot, it's dunked, your foot, okay, listen! It is what it is. It's not as severe as delta get over it. It's bad for some people, yeah got it.

Hopefully, it ushers in the end of the pandemic, knock on wood. Okay, i understand more hospitals, full of people going. The hospital even for shorter times, still means other people can die because they don't have the hospital beds available. We get it, but it's it's just uh.

It's almost like every time you make a statement, that's even somewhat political. You have to overly explain yourself to make sure both sides are happy, otherwise nobody's happy and it quite frankly, it's exhausting because i think this this world is just full of everybody, everybody with their keyboards and their keyboards, ready to go well anyway. That's how i've lost some keys to this keyboard. You know just just by sampling, uh, anger of of uh people and twitter, of course, uh or the comment sections anyway, so uh, oh jp, morgan, trying to come back to uh to to save the day again.

Okay, so what do we got over here? Jp, morgan, equities? Okay, here we go folks. Here we go okay hold on hold on hold on, let l we got. We got to make this very clear. Okay, hold on introducing jp morgan, jp morgan, analysts, the people who called nicola a good investment, because it was a good quote story stock and the folks who said that january was going to usher in the rally that it was going to be a delayed santa claus.

Rally this year and don't worry january, will usher in the new rally. Okay, so that jp morgan, that jp morgan - okay, that jp morgan says the following equities - should be able to withstand the recent increase in bond yields according to jp morgan, thanks jp thanks for keeping keeping your head in the game, you know you're you're, like you're, like The coach who comes in in the middle of a i don't know a baseball game. The other team's got 20 runs and we got zero and you're like hey it's the bottom of the night. But i guess that's not really the middle of the game, but anyway spot of the life just hang in there come on jp anyway, uh, as as long as yields are rising for the right reasons, including better growth.
We believe that equity should be able to tolerate the move. Okay, okay, the rise in real rates should not be hurting equity markets. How do you write this crap? Oh my gosh. I can't believe i even read that out loud.

The rising rates should not okay, whatever oh man, signs that the federal reserve may tighten its policy more aggressively than previously expected have made for a bumpy start to equities in the year of 2020.. Okay, jpmorgan strategists expect yields to keep rising, not least because demand for bonds will drop as the fed wise down winds down stimulus, okay, which means blah blah blah. Okay, all right. What else uh? We don't see higher yields canceling, the upside um; okay, not uh, yeah.

Meanwhile, goldman sachs is like yeah right. Okay, all right! Well, you know pick a side. I guess. Ah thanks crypto i'll, take your five dollars.

Thank you! Okay! So all right, i'm i'm getting spammed with messages that apparently bitcoin is under 40k. I don't see that. I don't know, maybe it is on weeble who knows coin market caps, not always the best or maybe they're, just ripping you off over here at the price or i missed it. It's a forty thou.

Oh oh, it did look at that on the minute candlestick. It is briefly getting dipbot here, that's kind of interesting. Now, look at that went down to 39.8 all right. Well, we got six and a half minutes to go.

So i guess we could go, read some more stuff about. I don't know jp morgan or something i already read all these newspapers well, because i actually get the newspaper. So i already read all these headlines. That's why i kind of give you a summary at the beginning, so i guess that's kind of boring, but uh we'll figure it out we'll see if there's anything new, so yeah.

Sometimes there is, you know like uh djokovic he's he's freed. He could still get stuck and then he'll need help getting unstuck, but anyway, we'll see all right. So what do we got over here? Uh take a look at this, so we got the financial times. Oh where'd it go.

I totally. Oh here we go. Financial times has a piece here on the federal reserve being on track to raise interest rates as early as march economists say so remember. Folks in january, the fed is still expected to be tapering, but not done, stimulating which, honestly, if you think about it, is really weird so everybody's freaking out uh or is he free? Well i mean the the judge, the judge.
Apparently, let him go uh and said that uh he had done everything he could have possibly have done to comply with visa orders, but yeah. I don't know if he's getting stuck getting stuck like a step: bro uh anyway, so uh, okay, you know everybody's so worried about inflation and right now the federal reserve is still actually printing money which, if you think about it, is really weird they're, still printing money Right now, at a tune of roughly 70 billion dollars over the next month and then probably presumably over the next month, thereafter, probably somewhere on half that i don't know 35 billion dollars and then by march zero. But for the next couple months. We're still actually printing money, which that's that's kind of crazy, but i i guess we are anyway.

So what else? Let's see yep yep yep yep? Okay, what is this chart here? We got unemployment rates, yeah, that's not no fun! All right! That's boring! Let's look at futures again: uh futures are getting worse for tech, a little bit better there for uh the dao. Oh, oh here you go. Oh! This is an interesting one. Oh yeah! Here we go check this out folks here.

Here's the news you all have been waiting for. No, it's not that the coupon code is expiring, although that is true. The ceo of pfizer has said that a vaccine that targets wait for it. Omicron will be ready in march, so pre-order, your vaccine now and maybe you'll get it the day it comes out.

The vaccine will be ready. In march we already started manufacturing some of these quantities. Uh also says the vaccine will target other variants circulating. Well, if it doesn't target the deltacron, i don't know how i feel uh, let's see here.

The hope is that we will achieve something that will have way way better protection, particularly against what infections, because okay wait, the oh okay, i see what you're saying, but first of all, i why why are they manufacturing this when, when their quote is quote, the hope Is that we will achieve something and that will have a better protection, it's like. Ah, why aren't we testing it first, whatever they're trying to get these vaccines? That will have a better protection against just infections right, because the thing is right now: everybody's still getting covered with the vaccines, the protection against actually getting. It is really low with the facts: uh the the benefit of the vax for for uh, at least a portion of the population is preventing severe disease. You know hospitalization and death, uh, which i mean in fairness.

If you look at any of the statistics for hospitalizations from covid, it's predominantly amongst unvaccinated, so it makes sense. But anyway i i i still i'm a little frustrated by by this phraseology of hey. We got a new vaccine. We hope it works better than the last one.
It's just oh, i don't know it's it's. It's all a mess. How about that? You know. Even the usa today today ran a piece about how biden's slow with covet testing.

It's, like you know it's bad. When the usa today is slamming by anyway, all right, all right, let's go back to bloom bell. No we're like a minute away from the bell. I don't everybody's screaming bell, can't miss the bell so chill out.

We got a minute to go. Oh man, all right! Uh, let's, let's see how things are moving before the bell: hey we're getting a little rebound there in in uh in in btc. You know i kind of want to buy some just to just you know, but but i don't know that there's any rush, this market doesn't seem like there's a rush to buy the dip uh. This is uh.

This is what uh uh shout out to the great kathy wood. We call a soul-searching market, so uh, if you uh, feel the way i did in my last tweet. Well here i don't know some of you don't follow me on twitter, yet i don't know why you don't, but maybe you should because if you did you'd get high quality tweets like this well, the stock market is dropping again, but i'm out of cash to buy The dip, so i guess today, will be a soul searching day, soul searching and you also get cool stats on nuclear power. Like 50 years worth of nuclear power.

Waste only takes up a football field; anyway, we got ta go to them. I know i'm goldman, not a lot of bones to that boy. I've got to tell you. The damage that's happening to the market is totally masked by the banks which make the dow jones average look so good, but now we're really starting to get.

I mean nike was an institutional favorite. Lulu was an institutional favorite. I mean they're not being made up by poop park and it isn't like that. I mean i i just find it just obviously, mostly red uh.

The first minute's always really interesting mass compliance experiment. Oh, my gosh: oh it's going red uh all right! Well, we're we're! Oh we're, not sure we're, not sure which way it's going to go, we're not sure spy doesn't know which way it wants to go. Let's look at tesla that'll. Tell us hey it's going up! Uh, that's good.

We got green on ark, i mean they're. They are red, but they're. They're green candles, sticking like wow. Look at that robin hood interesting buy orders there out of the gate.

Uh. Okay, you know i always like to look at btc right at the opening just to see if the opening bell is a catalyst, and somebody really thought that i thought that btc opens for trading, that market open. Somebody left a comment and i'm, like you know what i'm not even gon na reply, uh there's so many i i got ta just stop reading the comments. I can't help it.

Sometimes it's just it's so funny, uh anyway yeah. So some of the comments are really good. Yeah, you actually add insight and and quality commentary uh anyway, coinbase down about five percent, along with the miners over here folks backed holdings uh is is now down at five dollars and ninety three cents etsy, is back at 175 shift technologies, solid 2.90 or uh. A firm not as bad as what it was a little bit ago.
Oh tesla, just dropped more. I believe. I'm pretty sure i just saw tesla go red again uh i mean it's been. Oh yeah! Look at that! Oh my gosh! Oh, oh! Take the knife! Out of the front, because that's that's not even that's not even a stab in the back, that's just uh! You know what with how much tesla is falling.

I'm sorry at this point make sure you check out that coupon code linked down below, because i i need some sales here, uh, i'm just i'm not gon na hold back anymore. It's just you know what basically just just uh bail me out uh check out the programs linked down below uh tesla down now almost four percent. It's like we're pretty much giving up uh. All of that uh run there that we've had since the uh high eights uh, which was pretty unique opportunity there when elon was selling.

But now it looks like that unique opportunity is just gon na become normal uh. You know it's kind of like the story of the heavenly maiden you know where basically uh the heavenly maiden uh is is heavenly because uh she's, new and unfamiliar and exciting, but for some reason the heavenly maiden always becomes ordinary. And then it's like there's another heavenly maiden anyway, all right, i just need to drink some more coffee, okay, oh yeah, uh this morning. I grabbed this coffee mug and i thought it said bankrupt coffee uh, but it says bankroll coffee.

So look at that ethereum sale, though 29.50 folks, you know if - and i don't get paid to say this, but uh one of the cheapest - remember the cheapest place to ironically buy your crypto is robin hood. That's that's so crazy, but uh. This spread is just wild on some of these places. So what's what's actually happening here.

Are things actually just getting worse? Uh? Yes, the answer is yes, you know what just yes, yes worse, yes, uh nick's point of view wants to know if i'm still 10 in margin well uh before today's fall, i was probably about 13 to 18 percent in margin. Now, with this fall, i'm probably uh. 16 to 22 percent of margin - and i give that range because uh some of the cash i have that makes that difference is uh put secured, which uh basically means i sold, puts uh, and so i am essentially and likely and probably going to become the proud Owner of some new stock that is now more upside down, but that's okay, that is okay, uh, because there there's some delicious there's some deliciousness in the market. Oh volatility up twelve percent, even though volatility is up twelve percent, we are actually only at uh at twenty one point, one which isn't that bad.

You know you know when, when things are hitting the fan, you know when things are going bad, it's when the volatility index is in the 30s. Okay, when somebody writes wtf is going on with tesla. It probably probably is not a good sign, no yeah. It's down! 420, okay, just kind of like robin hood, yeah, uh or neo or ear or upstart upstart's, going to go under 100 they're gon na have to change the name: downstart uh cardano's, going back to a dollar solana.
Oh my gosh! It's at a buck! 30. uh! It was all the rage at 200. Btc is just like all right: peace out, y'all we's, probably getting liquidated. In fact, let's for giggles go look at the liquidations.

Oh it's a coin glass or something liquidations. They changed her name all right. Let's see who's getting wrecked. Nope not that bad, yet i mean let's let me zoom in here a little bit: let's go to the past hour, yeah, oh no yep, there's some wreckage going on uh, pretty sure.

In the last 36 minutes, 110 million dollars of crypto got wrecked uh. I like that it's called wrecked r-e-k-t, you know it's it's another way of like saying you got clapped um not like you got the clap you you got clapped, he got wrecked. You know the clap is something different. We'll talk about that here.

You know we're gon na get the uh the the medical community up in arms uh, so okay, uh! Well, let's see here, oh rivian, see rivet and lucid just continue to prove to be the best shorts best things too short, because they just they just follow the most well next to a firm of course, it's at 74. now wow uh, let's see here etsy. What's up yeah? What's 75? Okay, that's kind of where we've been palantir how's this one been doing rinsed! Oh yeah, that's another one! Maybe if you rinsed you wouldn't get clap! No stop just stop uh! Oh! I do remember people buying the dip on toast at fifty five dollars and now it's at twenty seven dollars, yeah it's a rough market. Well, uh did palutear go under 16.

Let's see here, um yeah, it certainly did. Palutear is at 1576 right now, uh. You can now get you. Oh look we're getting a little u-turn here.

You can now be a proud owner of the palantirs for uh the low low price of just 15.76. Oh, i can't even whistle that's bad. It's embarrassing! It's just uh! It's one of those mornings. You know when gamestop goes down 9.4 hey, but they announced an nft marketplace.

A lot of good that did uh looks like a firm's bouncing a little bit off of uh those bottoms, so some buying the dip is still alive. Roblox is almost under 80 again. In fact, it fell to 79.60 just about a minute ago. Oh yeah, i love the sounds of drinking coffee.

Okay, who, who here - and i got ta, know like these - are important questions here: okay, who hates who hates the slurping coffee sound? I hate it uh. I don't mind okay, so it's either you hate it or you don't mind. You know like the one when the cough like i ask when i'm around people, i ask them, i'm like hey. Does this bother you because it bothers me like it drives me nuts? It doesn't bother me if i do it, but you know when coffee is like really hot and really fresh and then people are like.
I don't know it drives me nuts, except when i do it anyway, uh, okay. So, let's, let's i want to see what's going on in yields, uh cnbc! Oh, don't look at the portfolio today. I looked that's actually not as bad as i thought. Uh i got the little by window up.

Oh the smp and everything went down even more. Look at this the nasdaq's almost down a full two percent here, uh s p, went down a full percent rust down 1.2. This has all gotten worse. Oh my gosh uh wow.

We it's really been sinking here. Let's see here, spy yeah, oh we're getting a little bit of a rebound, though i think that must mean it's probably time to go shopping again. Let me see what's going on here. Oh look at that end phase u-turn, though very nice, very nice.

How about uh tesla, oh yeah, tesla, okay, all right a little a couple! Little u-turns over here! Oh not in etsy, though how about the trade desk! Uh, yeah, okay, a little bit of love here! How about in the hood the by the dipper's? Finally coming out? Probably won't last never last trade disc was up like five percent for a moment. Last week, uh. I think it was actually friday and uh just total u-turn. It was very, very interesting uh.

It does at least somewhat, though look like and remember with those inflation numbers coming out. It is going to be some pain but um. I don't know why i'm doing it, but i'm going to do it. I got ta.

I i can't. I can't help it. I cannot help myself. This is just what i do.

Bye uh kevin. No, don't do it. Oh i did it uh! Okay, i don't got, got ta, send those alerts. Well, this is the thing you know.

Sometimes people get mad at me because they're like oh, my gosh, you should be selling you should be selling uh. I've just found that uh be fearful when people are greedy. That's all and again i know that's such an easy thing to say, but um. Let me just put it this way: it takes some steel balls to buy something uh 20 less than what you bought it for just a few days ago and uh.

It's always done well in the past. That's not financial advice, of course, but uh anyway, yeah you've got to really pick your team. Are you team transitory or you team uh? You know get smoked and uh. It depends really where you sit because uh you know.

If, if you think that inflation's not going away, then then you think we're going into a vulcan style. Recession is basically what you think and that's look, it's not to say it's not possible uh, which is worth keeping in mind. It's it's definitely possible. Uh.

1000.. Okay, all right, i sent a couple my couple, a couple that i've been meaning to add to so i just added those i sent that alert out now. Um, keep in mind the uh, the stocks, the psychology money group comes with lifetime access to everything that i do so. Some people think i'm mad man for buying in the dip, because it's like me catching a falling knife, whatever i've heard all the crap before uh, i think it's more of like a in the down times where, like a mental health support group like this morning.
Well, i didn't sleep today. I spent a good chunk of time hanging out in uh in discord just chatting uh, it's kind of fun, but anyway, let's uh, let's see how uh how things continue to go here uh, so the spy just started rotating down again, so it had a little false Bounce there that's okay, uh cnbc. Let's go look at the blooms; okay, so bitcoin is off to the worst annual start since the dawn of crypto. Oh, that is a priceless title, uh that that's a really good clicky title: i'm not going to click on it, though, because it's it's so good that i just can't click on it.

Uh tech stocks extend losses. Richmond, feds barkin says the march raider is conceivable conceivable. Come on man come on man. We know this is coming all right: federal reserve bank president, thomas barkin from the richmond bank, says he supports the central bank's hawkish outlook for monetary policy and is open to raising rates when its bond buying stimulus efforts wind down.

He says quote: i'm very supportive of what we did in december dude. What you did in december was double the pace of the taper, but you also released the most bearish minutes we have like ever seen before insane, but anyway, uh at the gathering fed officials put okay. This was the asset purchase. I just want to see.

If there are other quotes from him, i don't need to recap: if you've got an economy that continues the levels of unemployment that we're living through right now, which of course is very healthy with price pressures elevated, i think, according to our mandate and framework, we need To move towards normalization, i certainly think it's conceivable that the fed will be able to lift rates at the march fomc meeting. I mean at this point: it's it's not just conceivable. It's it's basically priced in well. I shouldn't say that it's priced in in terms of like the markets done falling.

I i guess i should say uh. The bond market has has mostly been uh building in the anticipation that we have a 90 chance of seeing a rate hike before april. Given that the only meeting before april, that's not january, is march they're going to raise rates in march, that's that's the expectation right now. Uh so we'll see remember to folks.

In 2018, we really had our last quantitative tightening cycle. This was more than just rate increases, because we've seen rate increases as of like 2016 right here. Watch this okay uh, saying louis fred, uh fed funds rate. Okay, here look rates going up ain't; the big deal uh because look zoom in over here.

Okay, the market did fine fine in 2015, 2016 2017. It wasn't until the insanity of 2018, where the rates were actually higher than what inflation was like. Consider this. Okay, in 2018, we raised rates at the end of 2018.
We raised rates beginning of 19 to 2.4 to 2.5 ish percent right around there right inflation at that time was like 1.9 percent, so they actually raised rates higher than what inflation was, and the market freaked out at the end of uh 2018 over this 2018 was Like a flat year for the stock market, which maybe 2022, will be a flat year for the stock market, who knows you know nobody ever said you had to make money in the stock market but anyway, unless of course you hodl, you should be okay, but no Guarantees, i'm certainly not going to get guaranteed, but anyway, st louis fred uh. So now what i want you to do is uh. Look at um, oh right, uh, the balance sheet, the fed balance sheet. Okay.

Here we go so look at when, when the tightening in the stock market or or the pain in the stock market came take a look at when the tightening was so balance sheet balloons. Here this is qe right. This is like qe1, two three four qe infinity right like anyway, uh the tightening really began in 2018. That's when the pain was the offloading of the balance sheet right here, this 2018 period, uh not so much.

The second half of 19.. Things got a little better here, but then again you also saw the money printer turn on again, which is kind of funny uh and, and so when we see that inflection point over here, there'll be plenty of times to probably buy the dam, probably no guarantees, but Anyway, let's see what we got over here, uh btc! Oh look at that skyrocket. What is this? What is this insanity? So we've gone now from 39, 666 to 40 600 on btc. What's the spy doing right now, spy is oh gosh.

It keeps dropping 1.33 right now, oh gosh, the indices are not not happy right now, so btc is recovering, but uh. That has nothing to do with what the spy is doing right now, how's qqq! This would be your proxy for the nasdaq uh. Well, it is down about 1.84. You've got sark up in the event that you actually shorted any arc.

It's not really shorting, it's just the inverse position till ray. It's got the momentum and it's actually leading other cannabis stocks uh to go up substantially. So then, you've got ubiquity sitting still at 300, roku roughly positive here wells, fargo again, no surprise. The banks are green, no surprise uh results of the poll by the way.

Let's just end this poll here so uh, the results of the poll were that about 65 percent of you, 63 63. To was it 64 of you do not care when people slurp their coffee, but about one in three of you do one in three i uh. I guess that makes sense all right, so um look, the the small caps are going to take a while to come back and we've seen so many dead cat bounces it. I i just i don't know i mean shift technology is down like 5.5 still got anything in it.
I moved out of it uh corsair down about 2.6, not as bad what about ttcf? Let's look at the other one, the highly shorted ones. Oh my gosh! It's under 14 now lemonade stock sitting at 36. yeah. It had a run on monday or friday.

Rather nice little run there on friday. Then what else midway through nothing crazy happening here forward down a little bit and phase down a little bit? Uh cloud flare. A couple percent here i mean honestly at this point. A couple percent is like: that's it.

That's all. You got a game. Stop here down eight percent. We got you know a firm and shift down in the gutter about five percent uh nicola going right back to ten dollars, also not a surprise, let's uh, let's just hop to see if we can get, you know what we just get.

Let's see what's going on in the back end, let's see what the suits are talking about. Yeah we'll do that we'll find out what's going on over here, all cnbc wants to do is talk about uh. Take two. I will say it is interesting that turtle beach forecasted uh revenues to the low side of their expectations.

Uh, it seems like they're, basically blaming what they call quote triple a games not being as hot as they thought, not as hot as they thought. Yeah says. No, no, no, no! No, not gon na. Go there never mind.

I'm just gon na keep moving uh! Oh look s! P! Banks index hits record high. Last stop point four percent: wow yay point four percent uh! All right! Let me go see: what's going on back here, oh jimmy, mr inflation says kevin looks nervous, hmm kevin i'll, give an f kevin is on six cups of coffee and no sleep. Oh a little. Thank you message thanks for being a client since 2020..

Well, that's cute! All right, let's see what's going on here, i want to see what the suits are saying: m live all right bond market well prepared for today's corporate supply. Okay, i don't care about that. Bitcoin takes another leg down with 10-year rising companies start warning about omicron hit to profits. Apparel firms are among the biggest pre-market declines.

Oh well. This is pre-market after a series of warnings about hurting operations and profits, offering a potential preview of what's to come as covet cases. Spike companies presenting at the conference or the icr conference, which is kicking off, include lululemon, which uh lululemon said that omicron was constraining its operations. City trends, which offers a variety of goods aimed at a family seeking to spend, sees quote way less uh traffic.

Oh, but don't worry, the ceo said: the drop in traffic after a strong holiday period is likely transitory yeah. Oh i'm taking a screenshot of that one. I i want to show you all this one, so you can uh, so you could just bask. Please look at that last line.

The ceo said: a drop in traffic after a strong holiday period is likely transitory. Okay, don't worry folks, the decline in traffic is transitory. Volatility index hits its highest level since december of 2021 at 21.6. Now remember: we hit a volatility of over 30 on december 6th, so i think we still have a uh a ways to go on the volatility index uh if i haven't mentioned yet that i i need you to buy the courses linked down below because they give You lifetime access and the price goes up over time, and if you are worried about inflation, i the courses are a better hedge to inflation than crypto enough said: okay, uh, let's see here, demand for the 10-year hits a pause.
1.8 yeah. Let's look at that 10-year again, that seems to be driving some of the market action. So oh look at these indices. Uh they're! All now down over one percent, the daoist hit a percent down s p.

Now down one point: four: three percent: the nasdaq has just hit the double. It has hit the two, the two even the russell down: 1.24. Let's go ahead and look at those bond yields. Kevin's courses are just like tesla, full self-driving.

That's right! Can you scalp the course if you scalp the courses that that doesn't help me, you got ta help me, so i can help you uh anyway. Let's take a look at the tenure. No, it's it's kind of been stuck in this spot all right! Well, that's it's up. It's definitely up how's.

It yeah it's a little volatile here. Okay, no worries! So that's nothing new! Let's get to coin market cap. What do we got over here? Did we go back? Over i mean coin market cap seems to be lying. A little bit, let's go, do btc usd over here, yeah.

Okay, we did. We actually ran back up to 41.. Look at that buy the dipping coming in it's probably the liquidations that we saw now, usually a good time to buy folks is when those liquidations come in and we did look at uh coin glass to see those liquidations. We saw that wreckage.

Uh. Let's see here btc we got all the various different ones here. Let's just do this. That gets you right to the chart.

There. You go uh, okay, so now, if we jump on over to the our chart, we're gon na see that big old candle - oh it got worse, uh 126.. That was about what we saw. That was about that early 6 a.m, liquidation period, there we go yeah 6 a.m and then the liquidations have settled down a little bit.

So that's when you got your big spike right there at about 6 a.m. Probably 9 a.m. East coast, getting in time to liquidate some children that does not sound good, never mind um. So, let's see here, game stop down 8.75 rivian down 7.4 uh matterport matterport, oh matterport's, down six percent.

How can matter, how is it even possible for matterport to go any lower? Yes, how low can you go it's at 14.63? Well, it went down to 11 and 20 cents not too long ago. So uh buckle up etsy 173 paypal's. Also rotating down 181 paypal is about to break its floor. Paypal has a floor of 180 and that it's it's about to go through that 180 floor.
Uh tillway is even pulling back a little bit volatility index now up from 12 to 15. You can definitely see the flight to safety over here. When you see the banks up and coca-cola and att up when coca-cola and 18-t are up. You know people have some fear even jp morgan.

Now, though, down red started green benefactor, but now red oh yeah, juicy. Oh well, what else? Oh, that's! More coffee, coffee's, good btc, let's see, btc yeah btc is rotating back down and i don't think we're really getting a recovery here in the spy i mean look at the two false bounces. We had there's no support anymore. It's just basically it's here.

This is uh. This is what we got. Okay, all you have to do is open up a p okay, this. This is the way you play this game, folks, okay, so the way the game is played is you you take your calendar and uh.

I i don't know how to draw a calendar. I i don't know what is it? Is it five lines, one two, three. Four. Five, six, seven, okay, yeah and then four so actually just three right, one, two three one, two, three, four! Okay! There we go.

So i don't know we're like the 10th day in so that's probably right here. So we're going to x off these days and and basically the game we're going to play is the following. You write down uh in in big letters somewhere on the calendar, bk, okay and then your goal, your your job, becomes go, make money to basically try to move this uh one day over and your goal is to do that over and over again and uh. Eventually, a rocket ship comes in and bails you out, that's the goal, but in the meantime you have to grind to make sure you can kick that bk date down the road just one more day and in the meantime, while you kick that can down the road Make sure you avoid butter? Oh oh, okay, wait there we go butter avoid butter.

In other words, uh start saving money. Folks, save money, stop spending because see. The beautiful thing is. If we all just listen to very, very simple, not financial advice, advice and stop spending.

Stop spending okay! This will help you kick the bk. Can down the road? Okay, the more you stop, spending the more you can kick. The bk can down the road. That's bankruptcy right, but in addition, the more you all stop spending money on crap.

You don't need the more inflation will finally go down so and if inflation goes down, then the market will hopefully go up. So if you want the market to go up, stop spending because it does two things: it forces inflation down and it kicks your bankruptcy date down. The road see come on folks. Finance is easy uh.

In the meantime, the s p 500 is down even more now. Uh s, p 500 is now down 1.55 continuing its plummet. I can't believe that lucid's only down one point: eight percent: that's insane: yeah yep wow, just wow where's tesla, oh pitons, almost down seven percent, oh yeah! It's it's getting nasty out here; tesla's, actually quite stable. Right now, uh nasdaq down about two and a quarter percent.
Now we are getting worse, not better uh, yep, yeah and face is roughly stable here. Oh matterport, oh dirty uh. Next support line is 13 starts. Getting juicy and video.

Imagine folks, oh wow, colleen nvidia is down five percent at 258. Oh my gosh! It's starting to get delicious uh anyway. Um, keep in mind that this wednesday cpi report, while everybody's expecting it to be bad and come in at you, know a number over seven percent. What if it comes in low you know what, if all of a sudden we started seeing the inflection point, i i don't think we're ready for the inflection point.

Yet i kind of think things are just going to keep getting worse, which is why you definitely want to check out the programs linked down below to make sure you build and preserve your wealth, but uh with that coupon code expiring, my birthday coming up soon, but Anyway, yeah, i don't know huh yeah. I think i think it's too early for an inflection point, but it could come and that would be a probably pretty welcome, surprise to 2022 because so far everything's on fire. I mean even look at robin hood back to 1491 omg sofi at uh 561 time to buy some protective puts and get yourself out of out of the danger zone or wait for a green market. By puts then see, then your pricing is going to be better when, when the market's doing the sparkline down this is when uh.

This is when puts get really expensive, but it kind of makes sense because everything is sparking down. I mean look at this. Everything is going down. I don't even see a single line.

That's going up right now. I am not even being facetious. I cannot find a single line. They're all going down.

Give me just one: that's up come on. Okay, there we go aurora cannabis, uh slight little uptick there, a coca-cola 0.7 yeah vicks, doesn't count. That's cheating, pfizer, yeah, oh well, so well, okay, geez! Well, lots of pain! Well, anyway, i hope you enjoy the market. If you need life, insurance get life insurance in as little as five minutes by going to med kevin.com live.

Let's take a look over here. Tech stocks, lead losses, 10-year hits 1.8, probably go to two ikea reduces covet sick pay for unvaccinated workers. You know gavin newsom wants to force businesses to pay their workers two weeks of time off. If you get omicron like bro two freaking weeks for omicron, you got ta, be either high or out of your mind, or both probably both for his case.

Oh well, oh well, all right! Well, that's pretty consistent. Does kevin ever respond to comments? Hmm! Well, okay, i think everything else so far is relatively the same. What is this n26 got it wrong on global expansion in crypto, co-founder admits. The co-founder of n26 admits that the german online bank rushed to be global too quickly and missed out on the cryptocurrency boom as it battles to justify its status as one of europe's most highly valued fintechs yeah fintech market.
Great space to be, i don't think pelosi is doing great right now with those call options, but oh well, all right folks, well, uh. I think we'll do one more look here at the indices. Let's look at the pain, one more time, happy birthday, eddie. 35.

Let's go uh: oh my gosh, the russell's down 1.39. Ah, the nasdaq had a tiny little recovery, s p at 1.47 and dow jones 1.07 to the downside, lots of pain, uh yeah, it's it's pretty juicy yeah, oh well, anyway. Uh did tesla bounce. Let's see here.

You go a little bit barely, but a little bit, oh juicy all right. Well, folks, with that said, i got ta go appreciate. It i'll see you next one goodbye.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

33 thoughts on “Ah d*mn, another dark red day”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fred says:

    Some of us can’t follow on twitter because they’ve suspended us because we believe in free speech

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sadia Sarang says:

    When this will stop? It’s driving me crazy

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Wirth says:

    There are still plenty of angry people out there on one extreme or the other of the political spectrum. You are one of the most open and balanced people on the internets, keep up the good work Kevin!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars King Tolba says:

    Yes my friend. Dirty Federal Reserve will crashing the market because now huge tapering.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M Parker says:

    Pls stop buying the dip people. Kevin was in diapers during 2007-2008 crash. As a trader who traded during that time, get out of crypto, close all long positions especially on nasdaq. Thank you.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars group9management says:

    I am going to start day drinking today F it

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Van Every says:

    The only thing that can stabilize the market is to open up our energy reserves, drill on Fed lands, restart all the pipelines, stop printing cash, and stop the insane vax mandates.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EZ GOING says:

    Kevin you and Cathy said " buy the dips", those margin calls are a bitch, hahahahaha 😆

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daven morgan says:

    My consultant is Stephen Bernard Halterbeck, I found him on CNBC interview where he was featured and I reached out to him afterwards. He has been of immense help since then.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anthony S says:

    Where’s all the biden voters? Hope y’all happy!!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Apple Account s says:

    Let's be clear here. Our US mutual funds did incredibly well last year. Outrageously well. If I give 10% back so be it. It's still an outrageous return.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars armygonz says:

    Someone should edit George Orwell 1984 with voice over of COVID-19 information from different countries from the speakers as they did with war information, and everyone was numb and just ate it. Lol It would be legit 1984.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bo Bi says:


  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Wirth says:

    I'm at 70% cash and waiting a bit more to begin buying the dip. The stuff I'm holding is a mix of stocks that aren't taking as much of a bath right now.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sidney Pagart says:

    Ok guys time to get your monthly new booster vax that don’t stop u from catching the virus that the vax is for.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lucian Mihai says:

    World Wide Depression Recession 2022 Here We gooooo

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Freethinker says:

    We already had all these bad news why still bleeding?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kato says:

    in times like these it's best to hold cash than going suicide/kamikaze with your stocks

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sintorace says:

    New investors are getting screwed right now. Annoying asf

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dutchman says:

    There is precisely zero chance the Fed will raise rates more than once. They couldn't do it when the economy was booming, why would they pull it off now?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sintorace says:

    Ffs I’m so exhausted from the market
    This is so annoying

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ali Chit says:

    Whatever just gotta raise cash so i can buy the dip.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fred says:

    Welcome to the policies of democrats where the rich get richer and you get poorer

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Apple Account s says:

    All signs point to zero revenue zero profit tech stocks and IPOs getting wrecked. I guess the question is when do you start buying. Kevin has the benefit of not having to worry about short term. I'm pretty sure his audience doesn't have the freedom.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars will thomson says:

    Some losers in the comments. If you dont know stocks can lose money its not kevs fault 🤣

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tim Elliott says:

    Yes. Sell your stocks, then I will buy them.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shadow Viking says:

    You can tell Kevin is panicking. He's attacking stocks and trying to convince himself that his stocks are doing well.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Freddie Riboni ghj says:

    In California tens of thousands of homeless.. rents are crazy while the Rich Democrats live like kings.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Corey Carter says:

    Feel bad for ARKK investors. They are going to get slammed. Its easy folks. Pay attention to the 10 year treasury. If it rises, take it to the bank tech stocks will continue to fall

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stale Dorito 69 says:

    Thank God I'm able to trade and not just invest lol.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anas Ryadi says:

    buy this guy's course he'll show you how to lose money

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adam Albright says:

    Is Kevin still in Lemonade?! He never talks about it anymore

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zia’s Pizza says:

    Buy ZIM. You will thank me. Don’t listen to these YouTubers. They don’t know shit. They got lucky during the Covid crisis.

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