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00:00 Intro
00:43 Level One: $0 to $100,000
00:58 40. Secrets of the Millionaire Mind
01:22 39. The Psychology of Money
01:56 38. The Magic of Thinking Big
02:23 37. The Winner Effect
02:55 36. Think and Grow Rich
03:25 35. Unscripted
03:44 34. The Essence of Success
04:12 33. Atomic Habits
04:44 32. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
04:58 31. The 12 Week Year
05:14 30. The Art of Getting Things Done
05:31 29. Essentialism
05:50 28. So Good They Can't Ignore You
06:08 27. The Unfair Advantage
06:33 26. Mastery
06:43 25. Steal Like an Artist
07:07 24. Rich Dad, Poor Dad
07:31 23. The Compound Effect
08:02 22. The Little Book of Common Sense Investing
08:40 21. The Intelligent Investor
09:10 20. One Up on Wall Street
09:40 AD BREAK
10:32 Level two: $100K to $1M
10:52 19. Cashflow Quadrant
11:15 18. The 4-Hour Work Week
12:04 17. Zero to One
12:28 16. Disrupt You
12:50 15. The Lean Startup
13:15 14. Blue Ocean Strategy
13:44 13. Oversubscribed
14:09 12. Breakthrough Advertising
14:24 Level three: $1M to $10M+
14:35 11. Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion
15:05 10. Never Split the Difference
15:16 9. How to Win Friends and Influence People
15:30 8. Pitch Anything
15:58 7. Start With Why
16:41 6. The 48 Laws of Power
17:10 5. The E Myth
17:39 4. Profit First
18:04 3. Good to Great
18:33 2. The Fourth Turning
18:48 1. The changing world order
For business inquires only, please use this email: mark @marktilbury.com
*Some of the links in this description are affiliate links that I get a commission from*

So you want to become a millionaire and everyone is telling you to read books, but hardly anyone's got time for that. Luckily, over my many years in business, I've read hundreds of books, but there are 40 money making books that have really stuck with me. So in this video I'm going to condense all of these books into the core lessons that will actually make you rich. And no, I'm not just saying this I have experience doing it I've gone from absolute zero to making tens of millions and I didn't make my money on YouTube like most people on here I did it running real businesses.

So I promise that the things I'm going to share with you today will take you from zero dollars to a hundred thousand dollars. A hundred thousand to a million and a million to 10 million dollars if you apply them correctly. Level One going from zero to a hundred thousand dollars. First you need to master your mind I Didn't come from a wealthy background and during my youth I vividly remember people saying the phrase money is the root of all evil secrets of the millionaire explains how these phrases programmers to believe that rich people are the devil.

It took me a long time to rid myself of the negative feel in my stomach when I thought about making money. If I'd have read this book sooner, it would have helped me realize this issue earlier once. I got over this hurdle I had to ask myself what is money actually for For me, the answer was Freedom the psychology of money puts it a little differently and says it's all about control. but I suppose the goal is the same to be able to do whatever you want whenever you want.

It also touches on how there's a clear difference between the rich and the wealthy. Wealth is what you don't see. The car's not purchased, diamonds not bought. Renovations Postpone closed for gone and first class upgrades declined.

Unfortunately, many people don't even believe that they can become wealthy I Remember my school friend saying things like I hope I can get an okay job when I graduate they weren't even hoping for a good one. The magic of thinking big explains that people are setting their Finish Line too soon and therefore never have a shot at being successful. while I don't believe that thinking bigger alone will make you successful. It's certainly the first step.

I Always struggled in school and felt like a failure. Interestingly, when I left and started working in the real world I found that I kept winning. This was probably because I chose jobs I had an interest in rather than learning things I didn't care about at school. The Winner effect talks about actual studies to back up this phenomenon.

The book discusses how positive correlation has been found between successful stock market Traders and their testosterone levels. Furthermore, winning increases the testosterone receptors in your brain, which causes you to win more in the future. That's why it's important to set those achievable goals and get those little wins every day. I Believe that my struggles in school are my strong drive for Success had a positive impact on my life.
They left me with no other option but to push forward. Think and Grow Rich tells a story about a great Commander Despite being out by a far superior enemy, he burned his Army's own ships, leaving them with no escape plan. This forced his soldiers to fight with everything they had, resulting in a miraculous Victory against all the odds. It just shows there's a big difference between wanting to succeed and needing to being comfortable is just as harmful as having an Escape Plan During a chat with Andrew K he referred to this as one of the Matrix's tools.

Unscripted also presents this idea. The author argues that Society aims to transform us into model citizens, which stands for mediocre, obedient, dependent, entertained, and lifeless. Avoiding this fate depends on how well you can manage stress. The essence of success gives us a helpful perspective on this.

The book mentions that all the water that forms a fog that's 100 feet deep and seven city blocks wide can fit into a small glass. Whenever I feel stressed I Like to imagine drinking this water and using it fuel. Now you can develop great habits. Stress can also come from factors outside our control.

For this reason, I've made a conscious effort throughout my life to only focus on things that I can directly impact. Atomic Habits reveals that many people fixate on the end goal which they have no control over, rather than a process of achieving it which is completely in their hands. I Found the authors habit stacking technique to be particularly helpful for forming new habits. It involves pairing a new habit with an existing one, so both are completed at the same time.

However, most people just keep putting things off and never form good habits. I Know far too many people just go through the motions without any direction and before they know it, time has run out. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People stresses the importance of always knowing where you're going and thinking about how you want to be remembered. I Know this provides me with extra motivation, but this is only one part of the equation The 12-week year suggests.

Treating a year is 12 weeks to create a sense of urgency. This really hit home for me as I know I work best Under Pressure Although short-term pain is often necessary for long-term gain, it can be difficult to remember this when faced with challenges. The art of getting things done emphasizes the importance of not relying on your brain to remember all your tasks, instead capture them on a phone or a notepad. This way you can organize your tasks without getting them confused, and you can also be selective with how you spend your time.

Essentialism reminds us that for every task we say yes to, we have to say no to many others. Therefore, it's important. The value? Yes and not be afraid to say no. After adopting these habits, you should start building high value skills.
I've previously said that I don't like the advice Follow Your Passion However, so good they can't ignore you. takes it one step further. The author interviewed many people who loved their jobs. He found that most of them didn't initially have a passion for their work.

Rather, as they improved, their love for their work grew. So what skills should you start building if you aren't necessarily following your passion? The unfair Advantage suggests that to succeed in an unfair world, you need to place your natural strengths, find what you're better at than most people, and lean into it. However, it's no longer enough to just possess high value skills. Artificial intelligence is rapidly replacing many jobs.

I'm using it more and more in my various businesses to complete simple tasks. That's why the idea is shared in Mastery are more important than ever. My main takeaway was that you need to develop a unique stack of skills that is nearly impossible to replicate still like an artist. Echoes This point, when it suggests a copy from multiple Inspirations until you have a mix that is truly original.

Having this unique skill stat will give you the ability to earn a high income. However, that still won't mean You can build wealth without understanding the basics of personal finance. When I was younger, I had a mentor Named Dave who taught me about how the rich manage their money. The biggest lesson I learned, which is also shared in Rich Dad Poor Dad is that evidently buy is either an asset or a liability.

To figure out which one it is, we simply have to ask ourselves, is he putting money in our pocket or taking it away? Of course, if you want to be wealthy, the aim should be to buy as many assets as possible, but lots of people don't see the value of investing. Let me ask you this, Would you rather have three million dollars now or a penny that doubles every day for 31 days? The correct answer is the penny because it actually turns into 10.7 million dollars. The Compound Effect Uses this analogy to demonstrate the power of investing and gaining compound interest. Once most people get their head around this, they get very excited, but end up jumping into the markets without really understanding anything.

That's what happened in the pandemic. Everyone thought they knew what they were doing, but it was just a massive bubble waiting to burst. That's why I've always followed the principles laid out in the little book of Common Sense investing. It states that trying to beat the market is a losing game.

Instead, you should own the entire Market You can do this by Investing, in something like the S P 500 or a broad market index fund. Interestingly, over a 35-year period, only one percent of mutual funds could beat the market by two percent. This means that index funds are a clear choice for the average investor, although as I do find them pretty boring. I Also like to invest in more interest in stocks with a smaller part of my money whenever I do this.
I Keep in mind that the market is irrational. As the Intelligent Investor puts here, you should imagine a person coming to your or every day called Mr Market. One day he may offer you two thousand dollars for your stock and the next only 500 even though the company may be doing better than ever. This is because the price of the stock is based on demand and not the actual real world value.

I Only buy stocks if I'm prepared to ignore what Mr Market says for a long time. Another phrase I live by is if you love the store, chances are you'll love the stock which was shared in one up on Wall Street This means if you've got a lot of experience of a company or product, you might actually have a bigger advantages than the pros when it comes to investing before we get to the next level. I Have to make one thing clear: reading books on investing can provide you with theoretical knowledge. but to truly succeed in investing and build wealth, you need to put that knowledge into practice.

So if you are going to invest, you need to make sure that you're using a tool that provides you with all the necessary information to make informed decisions. This is where today sponsor MooMoo comes in. If you're interested interested in Building Wealth then you're really going to want to listen to this. It's a powerful investing platform founded in Silicon Valley with over 20 million users worldwide, you can trade stocks straight from your laptop iPad or smartphone, whether in the United, States, Australia or Singapore.

You also don't have to worry about commission fees and account minimums. I Personally really like the free tool they offer, which allows you to see what famous institutions are investing in and what sectors are performing best. As a beginner, you can also practice your trading ideas with a demo account before entering the market. If you sign up today, using the link in the description, you can receive up to 15 free stocks, each worth between three and two thousand dollars.

That's an amazing deal. These three stocks can help you start building your Investment Portfolio right away. Level 2: 100 000 to 1 million dollars. Now that you've fixed all your internal beliefs to make the next leap, you'll need to know how to generate more value than you can from just selling your time.

We're taught to go to school, get good grades, and then get a high paying job. However, when you do this, your own inability is capped. Cash Flow Quadrant outlines four distinct ways to earn money: E for employee S for self-employed Be for business owner an eye for investor. Business owners and investors have the advantage of using other people's time and money to build their wealth.
That's why it's crucial to move to the right side of the quadrant if you want to become rich. But what does it really mean to be rich? Well, the four hour work week explains this best when it says that relative income trumps absolute income. To understand this statement, let me ask you a question. an investment banker earns 500 000 per year working 80 hours a week.

On the other hand, an E-commerce entrepreneur earns forty thousand per year, but only works four hours per week. Who's richer? If we look solely at Absolute income, then the banker is clearly making more money. However, if if we consider the time worked, the banker earns a hundred and twenty dollars per hour, whereas the entrepreneur earns two hundred dollars per hour. To take it one step further, the entrepreneur can actually already live the retired life that the banker dreams of as he can operate from anywhere in the world.

I'll tell the entrepreneur any day of the week. Zero to one states that the first step to starting a business is betting on a contrarian truth. This is the basis for most successful businesses. For example: Netflix had to bet on the fact that people wanted a binge watch TV shows at home.

an Airbnb had to believe that people would be willing to stay in a stranger's house. For many people, the biggest hurdle is coming up with an idea. However, this is often easier than you might think. Disrupt You outlines an effective method which is to write down three things that annoy you every day and think about how they can be done better.

By doing this, you'll have 90 ideas to consider each month. when you have an idea. don't be afraid to share it with people that can help you. People tend to be too protective of their plans, but the truth is that an idea alone is usually not that great.

The Lean Startup emphasizes the importance of execution and the use of the build measure, learn feedback loop. This approach ensures that you don't create something nobody wants and allows you to Pivot and adapt your idea as you go. There was an interesting study conducted on 108 new businesses across 30. Industries out of these 92 businesses chose to enter Red Oceans, while 16 adopted a Blue Ocean strategy.

A Blue Ocean refers to a market has little to no competition while a Red Ocean is named so because of the fierce competitions between competitors. The study found that 39 of profits came from businesses in competitive markets, while 61 of profits came from those that use the Blue Ocean strategy. Furthermore, these businesses went on to dominate their Industries for 10 to 15 years after launch. A good strategy for creating your own blue Ocean is to become over subscribed.

Consider Ferraris Many people want them, but not everyone can have one. Yet the people that run Ferrari aren't losing sleep over this as they know that this scarcity keeps demand High and the cars highly desired. Every oversubscribed product has people who are willing to buy it but can't get their hands on it when I'm driving up demand for my products I Always remember the Core lesson from breakthrough advertising. This book is actually the most expensive book.
in the video. It states that you can't manufacture desires. Instead, your job is to create a product that fulfills the Market's already existing desires. Level Three: One million to 10 million dollars plus Elon Musk wouldn't be nearly as successful as he is today if he didn't have the ability to inspire others to make his Visions a reality influence.

The Psychology of Persuasion is one of the best books on this topic. I've been using this principle in my model shops for years as my employees are encouraged to help customers with quick repairs for free. I Know that if we do this, the person's far more likely to come back in the future and make a much larger purchase. You can use this with anything, just focus on giving value and eventually it'll come back to you.

Dealing with people comes with a lot of headaches. You can't compromise on your vision, but you also need to make sure that people don't resent. You never split the difference says you can do this by using something called tactical Empathy. The key is to empathize with someone's situation, to get them to empathize with yours.

People want to be heard. and as mentioned in How to Win Friends and Influence People, they don't want to be told they're wrong. The reality is all humans are emotion-led creatures. They tend to make their decisions with this in mind and then justify their actions with logic.

pitch. Anything explains this as having three different brains: the crop brain which developed when we were mere animals, the midbrain, and the Neocortex where we make all of our decisions. Most people try to appeal to the Neocortex when they want to sell something, but first you need to break through the crop brain. You can do this by using emotion and making what you're asking for as simple as possible.

Leadership is something I've spent a lot of time learning about because the better you are at it, the more money you can make. Start with why shares a useful tool called the Golden Circle where Y is at the center, how is in the middle ring and what is in the outer ring. Bad Leaders start from the outside and rarely get to the center? This is like my teachers at school who told me to read because that's what I needed to do but never inspired me to take action. On the other hand, my mentors told me that if I wanted to become wealthy and have freedom I should read specific books and they gave me recommendations to achieve my goals.

After that I really saw the value in books. The key here is the great leaders inspire you to take action. They don't tell you to, it may surprise you, but all leaders are pretty calculated people. Deep down reading the 48 Laws of Power open my eyes for this even more.
One of my favorite laws was number 11. Learn to keep people dependent on you. This is so true as an employee and a leader. If you can be replaced by someone, you can never truly have power.

However, if your future business is dependent on Irreplaceable people, it will eventually collapse. The reason why 80 of new businesses fail is that the person running it does not understand how to build systems and processes. The ear Myth outlines how most people who start businesses are not entrepreneurs, but rather just good at a certain skill. For example, someone who makes good cakes may not necessarily be able to run a successful Bakery These kinds of entrepreneurs often over invest in their businesses, hoping that one day they will turn a profit.

However, what often happens is the income slows down while expenses remain high, leading to the closure of the business and no profits. That's why adopting the strategy described in the book, profit first is crucial. The book proposes that entrepreneurs should run their business. with the calculation sales minus profit equals expenses to ensure that they're always profitable.

I Believe one of the primary reasons I've succeeded in business for so long is by specializing in one specific Niche radio controlled models. Although it may seem small I Know I could be the best in my field. Good to Great Describes this as having a hedgehog mentality. Each day the Fox attempts new tactics to catch the Hedgehog but every time the Hedgehog rolls into a ball.

Using this tried and tested strategy to avoid being eaten, being extremely good in one area makes you rich in the long run. Up until this point, I have a discussed world events as they relate to the bigger picture. This is because I believe that you need not worry about them until you have the power to influence them. If you have a considerable amount of wealth, it may be worth reading the fourth Turning, which suggests that every Century consists of around four 25-year historical blocks called the high Awakening Unraveling and crisis.

Another good one is the change in World Order which discusses the idea that every major superpower has its time and eventually declines. These can provide a perspective on how events and Trends may impact the economy and society, which can be useful for making informed decisions about Investments and business ventures, but aren't necessarily something to worry about if you haven't made at least 10 million in my opinion, I'm going to leave the next video right up there, but don't click on it just yet. Make sure to subscribe if you want to grow your wealth. Okay, I'll see you over there.

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30 thoughts on “After i read 40 books on money – here’s what will make you rich”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars itsmekarishma _____ says:

    love your videos, thanks mark!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars peerguy says:

    Iā€™m sharing this video and list of books with my kid. šŸ™

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rodrigo says:

    I feel like Iā€™m downloading years of experience by just watching this video. I still going to read these books

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Debbie Morrison says:

    Money is not the route of all evil. Itā€™s the LOVE of money which is the route of all evil.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ConsultingBites says:

    I recently started my first YouTube channel offering career tips in consulting and project management and your videos have helped me a lot! Thank you šŸŽ‰ā¤

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PK says:

    1-2 Follow World Events
    3-5 Scaling a Business
    6-11 Becoming a Leader
    12-13 Drive up demand
    14-17 Find your angle
    18-19 Donā€™t sell your time
    20-24 Master personal finance
    25-28 Build high value skills
    29-33 Develop great habits
    34-40 Master your mind

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Le Diplomate says:

    This video is going to be my referral fondation for wealth

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Zylak says:

    This is gold. Thank you!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Akshay vijayan says:


  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bunny Z Career Log says:

    Can you edit out that angry face in your video screenshot? Me: 12 years in work force, while depressed, have a copy cat and a princess army stalking me. Why can't they stop learning from me? Leave!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rafael Franke says:

    Guys, I am asking for advice, I am reading books but I just canā€™t seem to remember what I read and it also takes really long for a book/page to read. I donā€™t know why, because I can read and I have no language problem whatsoever

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Susan Patrick says:

    You work for 40yrs to have $1m in your retirement, while some people are putting just $10k in a meme coin for just few months and become multi millionaires.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Victor Salisbury says:

    Point having gold fish so can relax

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Victor Salisbury says:

    Hire boss keeps jobs going

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Victor Salisbury says:

    Empire job hoby king strip away letter

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Victor Salisbury says:

    100 dollars back taxes

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Victor Salisbury says:

    Tax 60 000 000 000 assests jobs times 7 so 35 bilion tax 10 million do math 350 000 000 000 tax 10 000 000

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nina Foster says:

    What's your top recommendation from each level, and how have these books shaped your journey through the different stages of business growth?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Money Mastery says:

    I only read 37 books on money, i guess that's why i'm still not filthy rich

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Khoa Truong says:

    caĢm Ę”n , chaĢu seĢƒ băĢt Ä‘Ć¢Ģ€u băĢ€ng viĆŖĢ£c đoĢ£c tĆ¢Ģt caĢ‰ cuĆ“Ģn saĢch trong level one vaĢ€ quay laĢ£i khi laĢ€m ra Ä‘Ę°Ę”Ģ£c 100k <3

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mohammad q8 Drr says:

    anyone who give me books easy to read cuz i wanna learn english i will be grateful

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ophOnhiP says:

    I'd love to continue watching the video, but my investigating sense tells me why would someone like you tell it this easily to everybody on YouTube, what's your purpose from this?.
    P.S. I'm not interested in peer pressure from other watchers, I just want him to reply this.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Silent Seeker says:

    Thank you immensely for creating this content. It means a lot to someone like me who's navigating the challenges of college, juggling textbooks and trying to find a clear path forward. Your efforts in summarizing and sharing insights from books are greatly appreciated, especially for those of us who struggle to find the time to read amidst the academic demands. Your videos have been a valuable resource, and I can't express enough how grateful I am for your thoughtful contributions. You certainly have gained my follow my king.šŸ‘‘

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Irfan Sajid says:

    I'm in my late 30s. Is it too late to start over? :/

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonny Chase says:

    Wow, atomic habits si so much more

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shelley Noƫl says:

    I am surprised that The Wealthy Barber is no longer mainstream. There are so many budgeting lifelong skills$$$ It should be part of the high school curriculum.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maddie16 says:

    Maybe read a book on ethics or talk about the men that lost money following advice on hustlers university ā€¦ do better

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bull Barry says:

    Is this a good time to buy stocks? I know everyone is saying stocks are at a discount and all, but just how long will It take for us to recover, obviously there are strategies to maneuver in this present market but these strategies doesn't come common to the average folk, or am I better off putting my money elsewhere?

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars m says:

    Outstanding sir!

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nothing says:

    What do u guys think is e commerce saturated

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