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⚠️⚠️⚠️ #tesla #tsla #musk ⚠️⚠️⚠️
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Well, Tesla's back at it again this morning. I did a live stream talking about the Tesla layoffs and the demand potential problems at Tesla and then here we go. I I Hate to say it I hate to say it. but I think Tesla's watching.

Okay, look, let me play this from this morning. I'm just gonna play like 15 seconds here and then I'm going to show you what just happened. Okay, this is Eerie ready for this? This is from this morning's live stream. Remember you can come to these.

this is this was a public live stream. You know you just have to subscribe. It doesn't cost you anything. The only the only sponsor on the channel even are my own programs.

We're cool, we're chill here we go. and I think that's why there's such a difference. If it were truly that immediate, I think Tesla would be like, all right, we'll just give you the 7500 now. Uh, which in theory they could do, they could just do that if it were really that big of a demand problem.

If Tesla was really about to have cars sitting on the Lots all across America rusting away, why not just offer the 7 500 credit full or drop prices a little bit, right? Yeah, so that's a that's Kevin on the morning of December 21st at like a 5 30 A.M Actually it was more like 4 30 a.m I don't even remember. Anyway, it's been a long day. Okay I wasn't expecting to make another video. Okay, do I look like like I was ready to make it over? Maybe I do either.

Anyway, Okay, okay all right this morning. Okay today, 7 31 p.m probably Eastern given that it's 5 50 p.m over here. or maybe whatever. Anyway, Sawyer Merit on Twitter breaking Tesla is now offering a discount of 7 500 up from 37.50 for anyone that takes delivery of a new slash inventory model wire model 3 in the US before the end of the year, buyers will also still get ten thousand dollars of free supercharging.

Okay, there are a few things to unpackage here. The very first thing that you have to understand is most human beings in America do not understand the concepts at all of tax credits. Okay, in that nature I Have always thought that Tesla is better off just given the 7 500 credit now than a 37.50 credit because people won't understand that 37.50 today might actually be a lot more valuable than 7 500 in 14 or 15 months, people are just going to go well. 7 500 tax credit starts in January No, No, no, Okay, this I mean that's what people are gonna think and that's okay.

But here's here's the actual timeline. This is important to understand. see line. Simple.

Okay, we are over here in December. Here is January and then here is APR of 24. Okay, now now I'm going to explain this. Okay, this is 2024.

this is 2023. Okay, if you take the 3750 here in December you get three thousand, seven hundred fifty dollars off immediately. Okay, if you buy a car right here on December 30th or 31st. Whatever the last days you could buy a Tesla you get three thousand seven hundred fifty dollars right away that has now been increased to seven thousand Five hundred dollars for for apparently I'll talk about that in just a moment.
okay if you but but let's just say it's 37.50 Okay, so now if you buy the very next day, people are going to think, oh, if I just wait a day, I'll get seven thousand five hundred dollars instead of 37 R50 I'll get twice as much money just by waiting a day. What a great deal. Wrong, You do Not get that seven thousand five hundred dollars here in January If you buy that vehicle anywhere in that little green bar over there, you're not actually going to get the credit on your taxes until probably April of 2024. And if you file on extension, it could be September or October of 2024 depending on if you're trying to write this off as a business or personal expense.

And then there are other debates. You should always consult your CPA about that because it's a tax credit. So by Tesla now saying hey, you know what? what? I Basically just said this morning. um, we want to clear out a little extra inventory I have to backtrack on this a little bit.

First, it is possibly assigned a demand issue. it is Look, if if the if the cars were flying off the shelf, they would not have to do that. The cars are not flying off the shelf. Okay, all right, we got that.

We kind of already assumed that that's kind of why Tesla has probably already also been falling. However, they could be selling record numbers of vehicles and it is still possible. Although this is the bullish bias bearish, no, sorry, bullish and biased Kevin Saying this. Maybe they really wanna hit it out of the park with how many deliveries they get in December of 2022 because it's such a horrible time.

So why not just crank out a few more deliveries and give the people who are on the edge some extra cash and that I think is what Tesla is doing is and again, that's the bullish side. Or they actually do have a demand problem and they're like, yeah, let's just let's throw another thing in for the last you know, nine or ten days of the sales year. And for this segment over here, let's offer people 7 500. Now notice this was a text message.

Okay, this is not something that they ended up putting on their website. Maybe they will. Maybe in two days it'll be updated to their website as sort of a Christmas special or something. Whatever they want to call, you know what? expiring coupon code link down below.

Programs on building your wealth, stocks, and psychology Of Money Real Estate Investing Zero. Oh sorry. that's a totally different pitch that was supposed to be a Pitch about. get your Tesla Now with uh, 7 500 off because that there's a coupon code expiring December 27th I Mean uh yeah.

Anyway, okay, you get the idea. So these texts are probably just going out to people uh, who have indicated interest in buying a Tesla and they're on the edge. They're on the edge, right? and so now Tesla is trying to pull those people forward and get them to make a decision. This is a close, folks.
This is just the modern dealership at work. There is no dealership right? I mean think about it. if if we were all investing right now in like the GM dealership model and you know Jimmy came in and Jimmy's like I Don't know Man, the Market's a little bad right now. None of us would be pissed if the manager walked into the room.

Go! Oh oh Jimmy Could you mind grabbing that pen for me just like oh, this one right here. Sure, this is all part of sales. Glad you got the pen. Jimmy Jimmy I brought I brought something for you.

This is a purchase agreement for a car right here. I got you another 3750 bucks off. you just need to sign right there. Jimmy You've already got the pen.

Okay, sorry, that's like that's right. That's probably an insult to sales people. It is not meant to be I at heart. Uh.

started my career as a salesperson. Uh, okay, like. but but this what we're seeing here with Tesla is a modern day version of that, right? It's just closing the sale. it's actually smart.

and In fairness. From like a psychological point of view people are looking at who are thinking about buying a Tesla are going to look and go. Why would I buy it now and get 3 750 if I could just wait until Jan won and get 7 500. And the problem with waiting until Jan one is you could buy a Jan 1 or Jan 31 or Feb 28.

right? So now all of a sudden your urgency actually goes away because you could buy it at any point next year you could buy it December 31st of 2023. now you probably might want it sooner, but the expiration is not as urgent now. Tesla has actually created an emergency close. They have actually said hey, but Jimmy listen man, if you sign this deal now you'll get the 7 500.

Now if you sign the deal January 1st or after, you'll have to wait a whole 18 months to get that deal Jimmy What's it gonna be Jimmy oh I really want the autopilot I'm sorry I don't know why I'm making Jimmy it seemed like a complete idiot or I'm just having too much fun with this uh and and watching um my my portfolio if it's anyway. Uh, thank you so much for watching. Uh, appreciate you all being here I love being a Tesla stockholder would would never be uh, you know, temporarily emotional about that at all. Uh, and um yeah I'm gonna go back to doing whatever it was that I was doing all right.

Thanks for watching Goodbye.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

35 thoughts on “Aaaaand here are the tesla *cuts* breaking.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cali Boy says:

    Twitter investment is the dumbest thing he ever done. He is dumping money into Twitter furnace

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars palillo2006 says:

    So Tesla is a massive welfare queen. Got it!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Random guy on youtube says:

    More discount for the last week of the year is not a big deal when the incentives will kick in in January. But what's worse is that Musk confirmed that the margins will collapse to 0 in 2023. More price cuts will come.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thick CHeeks says:

    How much cars do you guys expect Tesla to sell in 2023?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars William Ferguson II says:

    Jeremy just called you out…. Jeremy Triggered Lafarmusk..😂

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Markovic says:

    More monologue skits!!!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amit says:

    The discount is because govt stopped their own discount

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars T Sm says:

    Tesla needs to figure out how to appeal to apartment dwellers who don't have access to overnight charging especially considering that more people are moving into multifamily/apartments.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KimmyDaisyMaltese says:

    Didn't Kevin promote the scam FTX. Anyone still listening to this guy is plain stupid.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Slobo says:

    Kev you are awesome at acting too .. pretty sure you would have even made it in Hollywood

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lio Lio says:

    The reality is most people can afford Tesla already bought it , interest rates is so higher now day, not many people can afford the payment

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Molloy says:


  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mihai George Anghel says:

    Nobody want to buy a car between Christmas and new year. This is a stupid Tesla decision. Gifts are taken, houses are decorated, people want to enjoy family time not to get a loan for a new car.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brandon says:

    Tsla to $45. He conned you into buying tsla but sold. You have rights excersise them.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shawn Stoik says:

    Elon Secretly watches Kevin's videos for Tips!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chilled Fi Bro says:

    Oh, Jimbo!!!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alpha1Farms says:

    😂 I hope jimmy isn’t a true representation of the average Tesla buyer

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars fnu lnu says:

    they up the price on 3 and giving more credits

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars True Freedom says:

    gloating and negativity…

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steven says:

    What if Tesla ALSO uses its cash cushion to float the 7,500 tax credit to consumers in 2023? They can give the 7,500 immediately and REQUIRE the customer to pay it back in the 2024 April tax season time frame. They probably don't have to, but it's a demand lever they can pull.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keith Rice says:

    Kevin can you make stonks go up? Thanks lol

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carlos Ferreira says:

    Tesla cuts prices!!!

    Tesla cars are still too expensive and problematic…

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Not who you think says:

    Tesla will drop prices drastically and lose margins a lot. Time of overpriced Covid prices are gone

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Veronica Davidson says:

    Good morning boo boo forevermore sweetness sweet pea Pooh Bear guarding her cub alone always my love, sorry about yesterday, but I asleep again, love you Sweet pea!🎃🎄🎆🎇✨🎉🎎🎑🎀🎁🎗

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian Sak says:

    Kevin, time value of money is absolutely real. However, unless you are forecasting hyperinflation $3,750 today is NOT better than $7,500 a year from now. Your pro Tesla arguments are getting weaker and weaker. You're a grinder and I respect your work but saying this over and over makes you seem not smart so just stop. It's ok to admit Tesla probably has a demand problem.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Frank says:

    Elons a course member!

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Healthy Growth says:

    All the research and experience kevin has to offer to only end up buying tesla the most popular stock everyone owns…

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars theAndyReactions says:

    I had to leave this video as soon as the theory that Tesla is watching came up

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars euphade says:

    so you sold out of pton when they started cutting prices on their bikes but trying to find bullish ideas on tsla yes makes since.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ROBYN ROBERTS says:

    If the gov/fbi involved themselves heavily with supression on twitter doesnt it follow that they would collude with deep state to sink tsla? Gates and friends soros etc shorting tsla? The blood in the water is obvious isnt it? They dont tolerate a conservative narrative.. and have already shown theyll go to great lengths to suppress it. So you dont think theyre involved here? Gov “plunge protection team” manipulates the mkt so why wouldnt they?

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cody Waller says:

    Don’t worry guys, this totally isn’t a demand issue, Tesla, a multibillion dollar corporation, is just being generous 😂

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keith Rice says:

    I make good money but can’t fathom a $700 a month car payment. So can’t do it. Teslas need to be cheaper

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pat W says:

    Kevin, I think you're mistaken. The tax credit, as I understand, is at the point of sale.

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JB says:

    who is buying a tesla rn?

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wendy Lea says:

    I want Jimmy in every Tesla vid from now on

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