11A Master Class in Digital Marketing with Dennis Yu and Jason Pantana
Today’s podcast is practically a free, highly tactical, 90-minute class from two of the world’s premier experts in digital marketing!
You’ll probably want to listen to this one several times and definitely share it with your virtual assistants or whoever handles your marketing.
I’ve got Dennis Yu, who arguably knows more about the back end of the digital landscape than anyone, along with our own Jason Pantana, talking all things digital marketing.
Dennis shares his own approach to content distribution that simplifies the whole process and costs next to nothing. (You should definitely “R&D” it – rip-off and duplicate.)
He also: Explains his “Dollar a Day” methodology
Shows you how to rank higher in search results
Weighs in on new social platforms and whether or not they’re worth your time
Defines “link juice” and explains why it’s more important than ever.
Not only all that, but Dennis reveals the perfect place to hide a dead body. (You won’t want to miss that!)
Interested in a FREE Coaching Consultation? Click the link: https://tfi.media/3w1CxSj
0:00 - 1:14 – Dennis introduces himself and his extraordinary background
1:15 - 6:18 – Digital Plumbing: How to make good decisions based on math
6:19 - 8:15 – Why your Google Tag Manager is insanely important
8:16 - 12:05 – Another reason why video is essential
12:06 - 18:40 – What to train your VA to do – and how to stop wasting great content
18:41 - 23:16 – Reframing paid ads as “social postage” + Dennis describes his “Dollar A Day” approach
23:17 - 30:18 – Would you quit the gym if you didn’t get six-pack abs in one workout?
30:19 - 32:04 – How your social media impacts your Google search results
32:05 - 38:20 – A master class in cross-posting in 40 seconds
38:20 - 42:58 – Why “Link Juice” is what makes the real magic happen
42:59 - 52:05 – Dennis reveals a fantastic hack to gain location authority
52:06 - 1:01:10 – Should you – as an agent – be on Clubhouse? Dennis weighs in.
1:01:11 - 1:05:01 – What about TikTok? (Hint: You don’t have to sing and dance.)
1:05:02 - 1:10:22 – Let’s talk SEO
1:10:23 - 1:16:17 – How to hook viewers into your video right from the start
1:16:18 - 1:24:35 – Closing thoughts from Jason – what YOU should do with this information
1:24:36 - 1:26:00 – Why buying email lists can be a fatal mistake
For the majority of my life, I’ve been passionate and dedicated about changing lives by giving away the very best strategies, tactics, and mindset techniques to help you and your business succeed. Join me as we take this to level 10!
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Hey welcome back to the podcast. First of all, we've been on this terror on all things, video, whether it's the videos you should be creating or how to become camera ready. Today, i want to introduce you to dennis. U and of course, jason pantan is joining as well.

What i think about dennis and his background, and i'm going to ask you to give you give them the scoop. I think of seth godin email marketing dennis you all things, digital marketing, so no pressure by the way, but you know looking at your background. I think that's a pretty safe way to describe you so um we're kind of doing a three-way. Here we got jason.

We got dennis myself uh. We want to talk about really the plays that high six figure agents and seven figure agents and now some of my clients, ten figure agents. What are the place that they should be running not just to separate themselves from the competition, but to make sure that we are we're in this dialogue around? You got to dig a really deep, moat around your business sort of warren buffett's style to to defend your position against all the threats in the industry, not just the competition right so so dennis for the people that don't know, take take a couple minutes and give People context for why, i would say: seth godin, dennis you in the same in the same statement well seth and i worked at the same company yahoo 20. Some years ago i built the analytics.

So i'm an engineer, i'm one of the few engineers in this whole digital marketing space and because i was early, i was a data kind of person. My background is math and economics and finance. I went to the london school of economics for a master's yeah, so i'm one of these asian guys that people would love to hate, because i would blow the test curves. You know what do you mean you're, the asian guy? I want to hang out with all the time i would do people's math problems.

Sure i was the tutor at smu, which is undergrad just up the street. We're gon na go my son's going there. I know i'm gon na ditch all of his homework too. This is awesome, and so you know the matrix there's a scene where they're walking along and they see the woman in the red dress.

Yes and the guy says at a certain point, you're able to see her instead of just the code down there. That's the way. I'm able to see data when it comes to digital marketing, so i think about the top agents and the top brokers, and i look across their google, my business and their google analytics and their email and the size of their audience and their influence and their instagram And their snapchat and clubhouse and all that kind of stuff - and i see where are the keys in their relationship yeah and we put processes around that. So when i was at yahoo, we hired up hundreds of people, whether they're, vas or young adults, out of stanford to say how do we train these people up to be able to create more sales so that yahoo wasn't just a search engine? But it was a place where people could coordinate and we almost had a chance to buy facebook.
But zuckerberg didn't show up to the meeting things like that. Oh, my god and i see everything from the lens of systems and math and processes, and i know tom you're really big - on scaling, yes and so jason and i and justin martin and other folks have justin's been a great guinea. Pig he's been fantastic he's one of your coaches and we've put together processes just like you know, recipes that we believe everyone can follow step by step and that's what i want to offer everyone here, which is based on our demonstrated experience, there's a lot of coaches That want to give their advice and there's other people where they actually have a recipe that you can follow and we found that there are recipes. It's not a secret yeah, but for building your business on social media.

Your awareness building that moat so people know who you are so you can drive leads, so you can use facebook and instagram and youtube, and all these guys in the way they were meant to be to be able to drive that audience and connection right. What is it behind amazon and netflix in terms of how they make recommendations to you? It's the same recommendation behind tiktok and snapchat and youtube. So i want everyone to understand that it's not a calculus problem. No, it's really just understanding.

How do you connect with people and letting the algorithm do the work for you, because now we're in a stage where there's so many different channels right? How does a broker know what to do? How are you going to scale when you're, not an octopus? You only have two hands yeah yeah, and i know we're going to get into some of that today with like things that could be outsourced to va's and what's great dennis about about our audience. And you know this one working with jason and working with justin is we fundamentally believe that business is a math equation, yeah right so so what drives me insane is when we say here is a process. Do a b and c you will produce d and they go oh, i did it. I did a b and c i got d and then they're like what should i do now, i'm like keep doing a b and c and get way more ds.

So so my group, certainly our ecosystem they're, going to really appreciate this tactical sort of abc 123 strategy approach, um, but jason, i'm going to flip over to you really fast, so uh did he give enough of the backstory, like you know, from a context standpoint for Our listeners so i'll give it a little bit more. I first heard dennis on another podcast that i listened to, um and, and many of you may have heard - of the dollar a day method, which is a facebook ad strategy that dennis created um dennis, has been acknowledged as arguably the premier facebook marketer worldwide in in The past several years here so we're talking to somebody i've had the privilege of interviewing him before we're talking to somebody who knows more about the back end of the code. You know behind the red dress, so to speak in terms of digital marketing. About the back end of how this digital landscape is unfolding in the midst of there's, big privacy changes, we're seeing you know the term influencer turn into creator, and so all this hype is being created around the agent of choice, building your brand and all those types Of things - and so i would just echo - i mean his resume backs him up.
He doesn't need me to say anything, but i've listened to his advice for a lot of years, and i remember the first time i heard him on a podcast i was like. Who is this guy talking? This dude is laser sharp. His insights are straight to the point, and so i think that we're gon na have a fun conversation today. Super tactical conversation today about what you were saying: what did it take to be a seven-figure earner to grow your business as an agent as a team leader, etc? Perfect, so i actually wrote down sort of nine talking points and what i thought i would do is i would just be your caddy and i would you know hand you, the club, you know put the tee down in the ball.

Maybe you know get you a sandwich or something, but i want to just go through each one of these, so i think we probably should start with that uh digital plumbing yeah right i mean i think people need to understand the analytics they need to understand like, Like what maybe, what do they need to have in place and and the good news is with our audience, you could say you, but what i really mean is your marketing assistant yeah. You know your va and they'll understand that language, your team yeah. So, let's, let's just start there like what does it mean to actually to build out everything, so i can start making good decisions based on the math. So let's say you want to hit a golf club, but you were doing it with a blindfold on how well would you do it'd be hard yeah.

You hear all these experts say you should do this and you should do that and here's this other topic. How do you know what's working you put money in advertising, you hire right, an agency, you do these various things. People are like. Oh, you should do stuff on yelp now or digital plumbing is how you tie everything together.

So it's your google analytics. It's your website! Your reputation, it's your facebook, it's your google business manager. Okay, some of my clients actually want to take notes. They will because they're listing us at one and a half speed.

So say it again. Slowly, like you were on stage presenting - and there was no powerpoint digital plumbing - is tying together - all of your tracking yeah and your audiences yeah and your advertising. So you can see what's working, to be able to amplify more of what's driving you more customers, whatever it is. Your three a's right analytics audiences and advertising, yeah you're, quick, yeah, good, i'm good, like that.

I'm a good synthesizer and in this, in the same way that a pilot has to go to a flight school to learn how to fly a plane or a doctor has to go to medical school they're following checklists. You know on what they do pre-op. It is not voodoo, it's not magic, you can pray if you like, but you still need to have a checklist, and so digital plumbing is one of many checklists that we believe people should follow and instead of making it a secret yeah, we want everyone here. It is right yeah, so you don't go to a surgeon.
You're like tom. I've got a special heart surgery for you, but it's a secret. I can't tell you how it is no, no! No! No! No! You want to know it's well documented. You want to know it's routine.

One of our friends had a triple bypass, it's routine yeah right, it is, and so we believe digital marketing should be routine, and thus it starts with digital plumbing. It's not the sexiest thing, but it's something that you know. If you think making money is sexy and growing from six to seven figures is sexy, you need to start with digital plumbing. So how do we tie all those three a's together? So you first start with your audiences that are on the web.

Now, with the ios 14 and google chrome changes that are happening, we're going to get it we're going to get into that big time yeah, but you want to have. This is a little technical, but you want to have your google tag manager be the tag that rules all the tags. What does that mean? So a tag is a pixel. It is a one by one javascript piece of code that sits on the site that tells google or facebook or hubspot or some sort of analytics tool, some kind of pop-up what to do with the user.

The modern web is run on javascript. Yes, thus, if you use built with or any of these pixel sorts of tools, you know that everything's governed by data that's being passed back and forth by cookies. Now the beauty is, if you're, using a facebook, twitter linkedin, whatever snapchat quora, even has one right you're going to be implementing their pixel you're, going to implement it as a first party pixel, so you're going to bypass the things that are happening with google chrome, which Won't go into too much detail, but basically you want to tie all your web stuff together right so that wherever people go, you can do remarketing right, which is following people around. If they came to your site and they filled out a form like they did this or they didn't do that they consumed three pages.

Oh that's going to sit inside your google tag manager. It's going to run all those pixels. Then you have another world which is messaging so what happens in messaging? Well, you have email, you have facebook messenger, you have text messenger. You have sms, there's all these different ways when people, so you want to be able to tie that and there's a whole world of tying all that stuff together.

Your database is your crm, your marketing automation systems, whatever tools, i'm going to stop you and say reminder for a lot of our friends. Um boomtown has all of this built in right, jason. You know, you've got you've got. Excuse me, multiple platforms, that we recommend endorse and love on, do a lot of this stuff, so just for the person out there listening like oh, my god, who would i know if you're on boomtown, why lopo has a lot of this stuff in place, right jason, Who else just did sierra interactive and ggms have a lot of this stuff in place? Uh boomtown definitely has a lot of this stuff in place.
Why lopo has it in place um, so it may be as simple as reaching out to your person there and saying hey: can we just affirm that tag manager's in place? Maybe you haven't set up tag manager. They can help you do that, so that you have that one container, the pixel to rule all pixels, but it would be slight adjustments not like starting from scratch. This is going to be a nerd fest when we start saying the pixel of all pixels, the one to rule all my precious yes yeah, okay, so there's three worlds so yeah. So the first world is the web, which is driven by javascript and pixels.

The second world is messaging, which goes through some kind of unified crm like a boom town and the third world is social, yeah and social is the biggest hottest sexiest world, because you have what's called native interactions, so things that are happening on facebook and you're filling Out forms things that are happening inside instagram and being able to drive, leads and re-engagement and video views and all this kind of stuff, which is so when you can tie all three of those worlds together where you have the website, an email or messaging and social. You can track people as they go between all these worlds. Can you imagine right if you were engaging with someone on facebook, you'd then want to send them dm or some kind of message or you'd want to if they came to your website, and you know that they're, a fan on facebook or they've engaged with you on Twitter, wouldn't you want to change the conversation for that? Would you want to build automation around that, of course, if they're on your website, but they, but you don't - have their email address yet don't you want to treat them a little bit differently because of that 1? 000, so digital plumbing is tying all those together and not just for an analytics reporting standpoint, but to be able to drive actions based on the data that you've collected and that's almost magical. But the beauty is it's not software that you buy it's tying together.

These three worlds, but there is a there - is a software element to tying the three together. So you know you look at boomtown. That does a lot of that, but jason back me up here. I don't want to.

I don't want to dog my boys at boomtown or wylopo, but the social element is where i see most agents. Uh miss the mark. Yeah, so is there? Is there a a hack or a tool or a system or a piece of software that we can use to? We got the first two connected. How do we get the third connected? There's lots of tools that will edit video that are natively inside facebook or tick tock or instagram, or you know, integrated with email when you reply back, but the key is literally just using video in any of the platforms.
So now, when someone linkedin messages me - and you hit the reply, you can, you can type words back, but you can also hit the camera and say yes, tom, so awesome seeing you yesterday in dallas, and you know drinking rum together or whatever it might be right And tea or just yeah, this is this: is tea? It's not it's too early in the morning for that i was like, but all right or if you have an iphone yeah you reply back to something you could reply back with text, but you could also hit the camera button and say of course hey i'm here In puerto rico, we're having a great time so you can do video in every single platform yeah i like to do it natively and then here's a here's, a hack for you, guys yeah everyone's gon na ask. But how does that tie it all together? Well, if you're, making these little videos with your customers with other people in the neighborhood with you know, podcasters with you know the mayor, whoever your favorite restaurant, you're, building your brand, your community, you want that to live across all the other places. Yes, so i'll make a little video with mark who's off screen about how you and i have engaged you know behind the scenes, and then we will cut it up and it will live on twitter and youtube. Yes, we'll transcribe it into a blog post using descript and otter.ai, we'll turn it into instagram stories, we'll reformat it in vertical versus horizontal and that's called content repurposing.

So you make the content once and then you repurpose it to all these other channels. So that way, you only have to make it once you're speaking my level, that's how you scale yeah yeah and then you have va's do that. There's software they'll do that, but the combination of vas and software is how you do that, because people will come and they'll say dennis. What's your favorite social media channel right? Is it tik tok? Is it linkedin? Is it clubhouse and i'll say yes, yeah you and me both uh wherever my audience is, that's my favorite i'll cross, all of them and you don't have to be like.

Oh dennis. I don't have time to be on snapchat. I don't dance, i'm not going to do tick-tock. You know what i don't either, but i've got a team of va's that will take our little snippets and push it out to all those other channels - yeah, okay, so so jason.

I don't know if i got the answer for the average person listening right now of how do i connect the three? The first two are obvious web and sms, and email and tech, like all that stuff, like that's obvious, but i'm not getting the connection between shooting the video and how that connects back into my crm, the web. You know the holy trifecta, okay. This is something that almost nobody understands, but i think tell me starting starting with me, so i want to clarify for myself even the people that are pros - and even i didn't understand this - just to be fair. Okay, a lot of people think of social media as primarily a distribution channel where you engage - and that is true.
If you're a consumer yeah right, you can our sons and daughters they're engaging on social feel like we need to be there. But here's what we do. We use them as content creation vehicles, yes right so you're, creating something with the lens you're, creating an instagram reel you're, creating a one-minute video you're posting a story. The key is that that's video creation, right natively and if you post a youtube video to facebook, what do you think facebook thinks about that? Facebook loves video? I know that but youtube you're, cheating on facebook yeah say that again, if it's a youtube link that you post to facebook, you're, basically cheating on facebook, they're not going to let your competition.

I just heard video on facebook. Sorry, yeah you're not going to go to the honda dealership driving a toyota. No, so if you want to get reach on facebook, you got to go fast. It needs to be a native facebook.

Video. If you want to get reach on youtube, it needs to be posted as youtube so, but to be clear. Um facebook live, like i remember, getting one of the early uh. You know influencer apps, myself and garyvee, and a few others like hey.

You can hit the live button and you can actually go live and i was like, oh my goodness, and i knew i knew that was going to be bonkers right, but can i record something on my iphone and publish it to facebook and get a similar response? Yes, because it's lesser responses as long as you upload it natively, just not the link from your youtube channel, yeah yeah, don't don't piss them off like that right, yeah, don't go to twitter and post a facebook live exactly unless it's cross-posting, but right. Here's what you do so here's what i do. I make video on my phone, so it's stored inside the photos, app right, natively inside the iphone, and then i've got four services that i paid ten dollars a month too so automatically uploaded to amazon photos. Google photos icloud, which is you know, and then i use frame.io, which is for video, editing and coordinating with the vas.

Now here's what happens so yesterday mark wagner and i we were with glenn voe, who is the tom ferry of dentists? Yes right so he's got he's got his 32 000 dentists. I want to meet glenn he's amazing. You two absolutely need to connect us yeah. We know the tom ferry of all these other industries and i'm surprised a lot of you guys aren't talking to each other.
I told you a couple of them. I talked to a couple of them, but not the dentist guy which i like, and so we were there so mark was getting his teeth done, yeah in denton yeah for our dentist yeah and we're capturing all this behind the scenes stuff. Now then, i'm moving to the next meeting. We have another call.

We have a lunch appointment with these other people right, it's just i'm constantly going. So i don't have time to go back to my phone and tell the va's. Oh now, you need to do this. Oh here's the thing we have with tom ferry now edit it this way.

I i don't have time to give any directions. So what happens is because those those videos and pictures and all that are automatically uploaded to these four different services, the va's are getting that and they're like oh well, dennis is with tom ferry dennis is with glenn. Oh, he did this one thing and then they automatically know what to do now. Imagine if you all you have to do is create, but okay, so this is a great little insight for everybody right.

So why do you have to have it on all four? Is that, because of your va's, only having access to a few like what what's the strategy behind something versus just one? Some are better than others. Okay, so dropbox is faster. Google and dropbox are faster than uploading, but you know who has the best facial recognition. Amazon would be amazon, yeah, yeah, yeah and but amazon doesn't allow us to tag and be able to create notes yeah.

So i like to use all of them and also just as a general backup and i'm one of those people where i don't want to have it just in one place and potentially lose it. You know. So i have everything back to this. Sir john templeton.

101.. You must diversify where you keep your assets. Okay, so so walk me through the process again. So, let's you you, you speak oftentimes the way jason or i would speak when we're talking to an audience and we we sometimes assume that they know everything we're talking about.

Yeah right, so that was the whole podcast that that's right piece i just said yeah. So thank you very much. So i wan na i wan na give them a little insight on the hack. You say so so: hey i'm out with all these people.

Every person listening right now is like yeah, okay, so my day wasn't with the dentist guy, but my day was with a home builder. Then it was with my loan officer. Then it was with. You know another agent that i'm talking to about a deal.

Then it was, i met with a potential seller that i had a lunch with the past client yeah. Then i met with my va. Then i did this yeah. Each one of those moments should be captured right, so my clients get that, but you said and then my va.

They know what to do that's right and they make the connection. What is the recipe for what to do yeah? So that's where you have processes and training, because you don't want to think think about what you do during your day and if you have assistants or people that work on your marketing team or whatever you don't have to tell them what to do. Every single time. Think about how much of your time is spent doing things that are repetitive the difference between a seven figure agent versus one getting started.
Is they don't do repetitive stuff? No most the people i know like when justin martin first came into our program yeah. I said realistically how much of your time is spent doing repetitive, stuff three hours a day four hours a day. You can get that time back right, so if they know that oh dating all, this stuff shows up in dropbox or you know, amazon yeah. Oh here's! A video here's, a set of templates that i know to fit it into because i'm looking for here's a one minute: here's these different templates! We have for a one minute, video this video comes in which template should i use, and they have enough judgement because they come through our training program to already know yeah, and then we say these va's three dollars four dollars an hour right so just to be Clear, like the va, gets the video and they're like oh okay.

This is a video about this. I know who the person is, so i'm going to tag that person right, i'm going to use all the things that we know from a digital marketing point, but i'm also going to make sure that, like the headline reads this way the auto caption is there most People are watching video now not actually listening to it, and then they go ahead and upload it natively to each of your pieces yeah they do that because you don't want to have to do that. Thank you very much exactly and all that for three dollars an hour, yes, which is 500 a month full time. Can you imagine someone who's college trained working for you full-time, very loyal, 500 a month? It's not that someone's working for you for 500 a month! Now it's that they are loyal to you.

Yes, because you could hire these kids for 1000, 2 000 a month, whatever min wages in the us. But the key is they're not going to stay with you. So you, when you make that three or four month investment to train them up what happens? They leave yeah. So the thing with va's is they will stay with you.

It's not because they're cheaper see that's what the pros know. Yeah yeah we've got an army of these we've done. A lot of work like uh, yvonne, uh, yvonne, are one of our top trainers. Just did a whole thing on just like how to optimize, va's and then interviewing all these top, like literally like six and seven million dollar a year brokers talking about yeah.

Oh i've got four va's in the philippines. This is how we use them. Bing bing bing bing bing, and it is it's actually that question that's right, so i wanted to just jason anything else on that hack. I was just going to go back to the basics of that.

I i think that anybody could, on a given day, open up their camera roll on their phone and realize i didn't post that photo. Oh, that video would have been great to post. That would have been a great story, and so i think just having a mechanism in place where there's somebody else scanning through saying oh ding, ding ding, that triggers that's a behind-the-scenes story. Where that's this, based upon the training we provide, and i think you could pretty much come up with it on the fly, it doesn't have to be one set way of doing it, but just somebody who knows the go, i call it with my coaching clients.
I call it somebody who's picking up the breadcrumbs that you're dropping and they're making a sandwich out of it, they're, basically looking at those little opportunities to do something and repurpose the content. Otherwise, it's wasted. That's just efficiency, so i love it all right. So i think we've we've gone deep on sort of the you know: the digital plumbing yeah, let's, let's switch gears.

Let's talk about the dollar a day, thing that you made famous so so. First of all, what was the problem you were trying to solve and then tell us how you solved it so we had quiznos, we had allstate, we had nike as clients starbucks as a client, and they have many locations right and we need to do testing. We found that certain kinds of content would work in the midwest versus on the west coast versus the east coast and to be able to test its scale required a different way of thinking. It used to be here's 50 000 on an ad campaign.

We hope it's got a good jingle and it works right, the days of tv and mass media, but then the world of social, because the algorithm can figure out exactly who's going to resonate. So if you click like on donald trump content, what kind of content are you going to see more of tons of it right? So the algorithm is a mirror that reflects what it is. So all you need to do is feed the algorithm. These one-minute videos, like we talked about you're meeting with the broker with the buyer with another agent and when the system that you know the um eye of zoron or whoever right the network can see this amazon netflix.

When these guys see that yeah - and you put it there, they're going to attract more, it's like the law of attraction, except it's really just algorithmic exactly the dollar a day strategy allows the algorithm to deliver those messages to the people that you want to actually reach, Because what we're doing is we're counting on the algorithm being smart enough to figure out what we want and what the audience wants in that connection to have high engagement, because all social networks are free, yeah, meaning they want to drive the highest engagement. So when you put video out there, the system's looking at what's driving the most engagement, the most connections, it knows who your friends are. It even knows you know people who are not friends with these other people or they're, trying to hide a friendship, but the system. No, this person might be friends with you right all that data so dollar a day i think of is not as advertising.
This is the reframe think of it as social postage you're paying for deli when you have amazon or fedex you're paying for delivery. Now a dollar a day is the least amount that you can spend. So i wanted to just be clear: you're talking about a dollar a day per ad and the goal is to test across. So you spend seven dollars over seven days, so your dollar a day for a week, and then you look if it's a video you want to see how did it perform so we're looking at through plays, which is 15 seconds or more right, and if you can Get that down to two cents or less or even a penny, which is a home run yeah.

That's like ding, ding, ding ding, the system on facebook saying this is really great. It works on twitter too, but you have to you know, force bid the thing yeah. Three cents per engagement. That kind of thing, then, when you find a winner which is usually one in ten right, then you you say: okay, i'm going to spend a dollar a day for another 30 days, i'm going to keep extending it exactly so now.

You've got a bunch of these things that are running evergreen. You start stacking, you might have 10 or 20. like justin. Martin started his first few sucked because he didn't know how to make his videos, but he learned, like your videos, are all going to suck the first 10 or 20..

You find these ones that win and you just keep putting more and more on it. That's what's beautiful about it and the dollar a day is letting the algorithm do the work for you. So you make lots and lots of little one-minute videos and the key is if they look like an ad. They don't work because people score right past it.

It needs to be vertical right, like what tristan and mark are doing vertical videos, not horizontal video, because this this camera's already collecting it horizontally exactly it needs to be motion. It needs to be lightweight. It needs to feel authentic, so again, just break down for me. So we're talking to all these rock star agents and there's there's some.

You know some young entrepreneurs listening, there's some of my tech friends that are listening, there's some of my buddies that just listen, because they just laugh at the fact that this is what i do for a living right um. What would be two or three examples of videos you saw justin do that worked and what didn't work, not that i want them just to rip it off and duplicate, but give them context for the type of one minute video we're referring to. So we think about them in three different levels of engagement, and you have heard probably of no like and trust yep right, because that we're all in the business of trust and relationships. Of course, you maybe have heard of top middle and bottom of the funnel.

Of course, maybe you've heard of why? How and what yep the social networks and google all call it awareness consideration conversion. Those are all the same, so think of this as the why simon cynic start with, why you're talking about who you are your family, what you have for dinner? Why you? Why you go to church on sunday? I think this would be like why you really like the dallas cowboys. You know whatever it might be just right, because that that has nothing to do with real estate, but it's like it tracks like right, find your tribe. So you make one minute: videos about things that you care about about who you are as a person that unlock meaning yeah.
So it could be simple things like i went to whole foods this morning and this woman caught me off the parking lot and i was going to yell at her. But then i remembered everyone is dealing with something yeah so be kind right, so you're just telling a story that reflects your values right. Any any story can can reflect value. So that's that's! The top of the funnel second is knowledge, so justin martin will say here's today's update.

This is what's going on interest rates housing market if you're going to buy a home you're going to want to be in this area versus that area, because the best schools are like this yeah. So a lot of the behind the scenes where you're, sharing your knowledge right. What do i need to do about an inspection or insurance or working with the broker, or you know? How much can i have house? Can i afford or how all the you know? How do i buy and sell at the same time if i all you're, sharing your knowledge little snippets little one-minute snippets, not a webinar, but what little snippets that you cut up, because that's all people have time for yeah just to build that relation. You haven't earned an hour of their time yet so you just have a little snippet and then the bottom is is what, which is your call to action, which is i'm tom ferry? Call me if you want to be able to scale your you know your broker, j or call you know this.

I've got i'm jason pantana and i put together this report for you right put in your email address and learn how to do such and such here's. The seven ways on how to do such and such right you're going to do all these different pieces. So think about that as why? How and what who you are, as a person sharing your knowledge, which is kind of behind the scenes like? Oh i'm about to go, you know, give a tour, and this other thing, and this this is my friend, though they just closed on a house, and this is tell me what you think about. Oh well, you know you're you're, making it behind the scenes.

Instead of selling and the bottom is you're saying contact me reach out to me. This is my phone number, i'm here to serve you 24 7., i'm a real human being and then the next time they go search. They want to refinance their home they're. Looking for something a certain neighborhood, like whatever they're on google and they're searching and then three agents pop up, which one are they going to click on dennis, can i ask a clarifying question so, when you're doing the uh, why how what and you go through those Three phases: is it any kind of an ad sequence whereby, because we're talking dollar a day method, so you're pretty much putting a buck on every video? Is it a sequence where they have to have seen the why, before they see the how they have to have seen the how before they see the what or is it just all of it blitzing? So if it's changed, that's a great question in the last few years, so in major markets like new york and la then you're building remarketing audiences.
So this is something that only a larger team can do. But if you're in la and you service all of la that's a huge metro, you can say anyone who's seen one of these videos here in the y layer. Now i want to show them a hound layer and who's seen how i want to then show them a what and that way, you're building a relationship, because we understand no like and trust in those different areas. However, if you have a small team, if the five-mile radius 10-mile radius around you know your office or your area is, is small, then you can just have, especially with you know, facebook and google changing.

You know, privacy right all these. You know ad specialized categories. You just target the entire area and here's the thing: here's what's beautiful algorithmically! This has changed in the last couple of years, not just because of privacy loss. The system will figure it out for you, bingo.

That is just magic. That just blew my mind because the last 20 years i've been manually having safety. They saw this organizing that and building this complex, this complex web of like here's, how this whole user experience has to happen. Now it's like put it all in the machine yeah and have it do it for you yeah.

That's got ta make guys that hubspot and you know all those. If this, then, that you know you know email marketeers like no, it already exists now online, like the computers that play chess and they beat all the grand champions, they beat them and go. They beat them in starcraft. They they beat them in any kind of video game, and so someone like me, who has made his living off of math and optimization and like building these really complex things that just really scare a starbucks or a nike.

Now i'm like these people put me out of business right. It's like uber thinking. I put all these drivers out of business right, but then i think okay, wait! If the system's smart, how do i make the robot work for me exactly well, the robot's not making your videos so the way you're going to beat the competition is you're going to make these short little videos? Have the system do the work for you? That's it. If you get that hold on hold on a win, mic drop or pen drop, okay, so the dollar day method just synthesizing.
This is create seven videos right, 10 videos, some some number of videos, but you want to have enough videos. So probably the mix no like - and you know, yeah through three of each. We call that the three by three right, so three typically one in ten of them, are going to work right and you could be. You could think you're, really good you're, just gon na get one in ten like we did for the golden state warriors for five years, yeah one in ten videos, so you might make you might sit down in half an hour and you crank out a bunch of Little 15, second or one minute videos take take you 30 of them yeah.

You do 30 of them in half an hour and then every week you just do that. Now you got a library, 40 or 50. You test them all for a dollar a day and you're probably going to find. If you do 50 you'll find five winners, yeah most people they go to facebook or instagram or whatever it is, and they just make one bet and they're like i tried it and it didn't work.

Just like you go to a gym. You work out really hard for three hours. You're, like i didn't get six-pack abs tom, your gym is a fraud. It's all a sham like no, you need to you need to put in lots, and the system will figure out.

What's working and the thing that you think is the best is usually not right. You need to let the data tell you and that's where digital plumbing comes in so, and i would say you said: go ahead, jason tom, i would add in on that too, like i have uh, i have modified versions of the dollar a day method. With a lot of clients, i coach, like i'm thinking of, for example, stephen kim who's in toronto. Rockstar team he's growing right now.

He produces a lot of video content. It fits in the vein of know. You, like you, trust you, it's a lot of it's a lot of the know. You, like you kind of content, a lot of it um.

He is organically generating leads most of the business he's. Closing right now is inbound. They dm him, or they message him and they're coming in because they watch his content from afar and they love it. They just they know him they like him, they trust him and they reach out to him.

And so the question is: how do we put the robot to work for us? Well, we need to start putting some money light bids on all of our content, instagram and facebook, so that we can take that content. That's already proven a concept of generating organic inbound leads and say: hey. Can it grow my audience bigger? Can i make the net wider and therefore the same impact happens where a bigger audience is now coming in? Who wasn't seeing it organically and i basically accelerate the growth of my audience um. I don't know if that makes sense, but it's a symbol like so basically a light spend on everything you do on facebook and instagram, and it's not because you're trying to become garyvee or get to 10 000 followers or anything like that.
We're doing this for business now, if you have your digital plumbing set up. What will happen, and this is this is magical once you see this for the first time you put these videos out here, you become known in the neighborhood. People will stop you at the gas station and say: are you one are you personally, then they feel like you're a celebrity and then here's the other thing that people don't realize the stuff that you're doing on social will then impact your google search results. Yes right! So you're, when you look inside your google analytics or your google, my business and you see how many phone calls you're getting right, there's a direct correlation between the two and people.

Don't understand why that is because underlying it they're still humans. So tom we spent a billion dollars on facebook ads implementing this very strategy. This is not just something that we thought up last night. Well, you're naming some names like nike the golden state warriors, but even if you're like these are big companies.

But even if your budget is only a couple hundred dollars a month, it will work for you. So don't think that you need to have a 10 million monthly budget to do this. No, no! I was just saying just the the validation, because these firms will fire your ass if you're not producing results right, but they also understand. We have to test a lot of things to find the ones that work and then we're going to go all in.

So when you find those ones you mentioned earlier, you said: hey out of 30 you're going to get. You know one or two or three that if you're lucky that hit one out of ten yeah, do you then go you, you said continue at a dollar a day for the next three days. My response is: go to ten dollars, ten bucks a day well, depending on the size of your neighborhood right right, so or your reach, or who you're trying to if you're in lakewood colorado, a suburb, you could one you, you could probably do 20 a day for A little while before you burn it out, but you see with social networking, it's easy to burn out. So what i like to do is have a mix of them and let the system optimize.

So, as you continue, every 10 you'll typically have one or two winners and then just allow those to run maybe four dollars a day. Five dollars a day. If you start to get sophisticated, you can put them into the same ad group and they can compete against each other, just like with google. You have these ads that compete and then the system's going to figure out which of the ads inside that ad group is going to win.

But what i don't want to do is put all my eggs in just one basket, because that, once i see this, these greedy agents - yeah they'll, have one video it does really well like oh yeah, i got the throughplay for only a penny. I'm gon na put a thousand dollars against it for the next week and it kills and it works really well for the first week and then what happens it dies and then they then, what do they say? Yeah this sucks, you guys, greedy yeah, i literally shot a video yesterday saying you want to know what pisses me off is when you learn a formula that works, and you stop doing it. You want to know what really pisses me off when you learn a formula that works and you overdo it right, which causes the formula to no longer like you can't if you over call your past clients in spirit and ask for referrals yeah, then no longer they're, Like, oh god, i'm not talking to dennis manning right too much like there is. There is a formula for everything, so i love this.
I want to switch gears, though jason i want to talk about um the google, my business page. It is something that we yeah uh, as a company have been pushing hard. I want to say now we're probably in the range of 50 of all of our coaching members yeah around the world. Have i just was on massimo manca's page right who's, one of our great clients in uh, in sardinia, italy and and when you look at what's happening there i think it is.

It is one of the primary strategies for an agent to defend their position in the market. It's the number one strategy right against all the big competitors, and i mean the portals, the other major brands, the other agents - and we all know what happens. That's right. You meet tristan and you're like oh, that i was talking about super 73, that's kind of cool.

What do you do? You don't go to his facebook page right, you, google, the guys! That's right, and you look and say is this: is this gal legit so yeah? So educate the other 50 that haven't done it yet on on the who, the? How the why the what yeah like what is the significance behind it and then i want to you, know, hit jason and i want to throw some stuff that i'm seeing that's really working but talk to us yeah. It's like squirrel over there yeah all the social media stuff. If you want to make money, it's if you want to drive, leads buyers and sellers phone calls. It's all going to be inside google, my business, because it is a local play.

Bingo now google's so smart that they can infer local right so the difference between new york, pizza versus pizza in new york. They know the difference like new york style, pizza yeah. So if you're not in, what's called the local three pack you're, not in the game, you could do all the social media stuff, but for sure the number one driver and will continue to be, the driver is going to be google for google. My business now in real estate there's something called google local services.

Oh, that is pure money if you've not done that that one, this one thing alone is going to make your year. I had a client yesterday that i was talking to lisa. I've never heard of this. Are you kidding? How do you not know about this? Okay, so i got the call from luca monet big shout out to reluca back in, like december of 2020, saying hey now, she's part of the chrome division.
She used to run all ads. She was basically the project manager for all ads in real estate and mortgage right. So she calls she's like have you guys seen this yet? Oh my god, jason's like oh. I already know about it.

I'm going to run for three years. I know i know, but that's the number one we should just be talking about this. It didn't, but it didn't get to a tipping point at all and really last year. Exactly so so glass, you have your google, my business.

Thank you and your google, so a lot of people will join you guys, yeah, if you don't, have the reviews, if you've not pimped out your gmb profile with q, a with photos with videos. Your reviews need to be at least four and a half stars, and you spend money on the on the monthly budget for google local service ads. It's not going to work because google local service ads they're writing the ads for you using what's in your gmb. Okay.

So and your google local it's equivalent of one minute videos and dollar a day they go together, one gets that gets the traffic and the other ones where they go to yeah. Okay, so i'm going to break it down for my clients, just simple right: you got to have your google google, my business page photos. You got to put content there. This is back me up on this or tell me i'm wrong.

Yeah. You got to put content there, like you put on your website on instagram on facebook on linkedin and everything else yeah. You just think you need to say hey to your. You know.

Whoever is publishing all your content. I need it on my google, google, my business page and the thing that's killing it from our client's perspective is just sold just sold just sold, that's recently listed and you post. Those is just updates right, exactly posts, it's a mini website. They expire every week.

So you have to post at least once a week, okay and i got to give a psa right now to all my clients. I told you eight years ago start getting all of your reviews on zillow because they were getting the most traffic in the residential real estate space. I literally am now telling my clients so listen very carefully, go have your you or your assistant or your va copy. Every individual right review rewrite it in the format that will make sense for google, so it doesn't say: yeah dennis was super great.

We totally loved him. He made us feel terrific. Instead, it says dennis you who helped us, buy our first home in salt lake city yeah and they're literally copying yeah, that's a great seo play right, live so sending it to the client and saying dennis. Would you take a second zillow's making some changes? We take a second and just repost this here on my link, yeah and like people are going - oh, my god and yeah.

So so i'll. Do you i'll? Do you one better? So please take those reviews on zillow, screenshot them on your phone. Take the image and have your va cross post the image to your facebook, to your twitter, to your gmb to all these other ones. And then you boost it from your instagram from your facebook and if people leave a review on facebook, screenshot that right post that to your gmail right turn that into a blog post did you know a blog post doesn't have to be 500 words anymore.
It can literally be just a screenshot that you take from zillow and now you're repurposing content, you're cross-posting, any content that lives anywhere. You can automatically post it everywhere else. That's what you got to do and then you boost it. Then you run ads.

Then you run google local service ads and facebook for a dollar a day, jason. What else and on the reviews, on the reviews, like two things, real, quick one, i love what tom toole did and tom you shared this with me. So tom tool went and bought a domain, i'm not going to share the domain right now, but you can go buy like review jason.com or whatever. It is so that you can make any deep links straight over to the intake form on google.

So you go to yourbusiness.google.com, you find the intake link, that's that long nasty hard to recognize or share link, and you make it redirect to that link. So you can just make a process for easily fielding reviews, and the other thing i would say is you've got to focus on getting seller reviews. It's it's! The intent, like typically someone's going to google you but you're, going to find that that is more. It's more customary for a would-be seller to be like hey best real estate agent in blank and the stronger the location authority of your google, my business, the greater the likelihood it's going to show up in the search results and when they start reading reviews - and this Is something my clients have happening? They have sellers who are looking for an agent in their marketplace.

They start reading the reviews and it's listing listing listing reviews, and so all of a sudden, it's creating a really strong case, for this is an awesome listing agent. So i'd say: focus on sellers. I want to talk to you, so i'm in this conversation with my buddy yesterday, who i have to introduce you to his name. Is ken kerry? He is.

He is the you of infomercials okay right, so he basically, he wrote the book called like the review economy, like that's his whole world. We were talking about this yesterday, jason. What imagine if i went to an agent site and i could watch or read a review, but instead of just sellers, it actually said you know transferees. It said first time moves.

It said you know first time you know the first time this first time that but every possible, let's call it segment of buyer and seller. First time, buyer move up. Buyer, you know yada yada yeah having all of those broken down on your website is one of my new ambitions and do you know what the segments are they're already defined? If you go to the back end of your google local services ads, you can check the box toggle on or off what are all the categories i want to rank for. Do i want first-time homebuyers? Do i want property management? Do i want luxury? It already.
Has all the segments named so whatever those are are the ones your google? My business needs to focus on with the reviews. Yes, yes, and then you make one minute videos against every one of those topics and segments. Of course you turn them into blog posts.

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26 thoughts on “A master class in digital marketing with dennis yu and jason pantana”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sonya F. Moore says:

    I have Google my business, but I need to do local service adds. A lot of good stuff. I need to take notes when I leave the gym💪🏽

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jakob Winter says:

    I'm commenting, so that the algorithm knows, that I want to see more videos like this.
    Anyways… AMAZING video! Thanks for sharing such a jewel!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Samantha Lim says:

    Wow amazing video! Learned so much and it's not just applicable to real estate

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars nancy says:

    So much information. Thank you for someone that doesn’t know a thing about the internet, except for watching educational videos on real estate

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alicia Gonzalez says:

    What a treat to see Dennis Yu share his brilliance with Tom and this audience. Learning from Dennis has completely changed my business.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars greenwood Santos says:

    Friends I'm not telling you to resign from Your Job or abandon Your business, I'm telling you to create another source of income…..BE wise

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars esther Shepherd says:

    I love to watch this Tom Ferry While working out in my home gym. However this video I DIDNT work out. I found myself running to my desk to write something down!! GREAT Information! SO much good stuff!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Hursh says:

    Tom, where do you find your VA's that handle just editing and sending back your videos.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Víctor Maravi says:

    This is one of the ones that if you’re really into this, you have to re watch 15+ times. Golden. Thank you!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jessica Moir says:

    I’ve been following this channel for 5+ years, back when I was just an admin and tried repeatedly to get my lead agent into video. 😂 The value can you provide on a daily basis is phenomenal. Thank you for everything that you do. I’m going send this video to the KVCore/IRE team who still can’t figure out what Conversion API even is. 🤦‍♀️

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sandra Canning says:

    This is a Top 20 podcast hands down. Incredible content!!! Thank you!!!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carlos Castanon says:

    As a new agent, zero reviews, what’s the best way to start this? Build a content schedule?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sandra Oliveira says:

    Thank you so much for teaching us❤️God bless you guys!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bruno Martins PT says:

    Saw the whole hour and a half. BRILLIANTTTTT!!! Thanks Tom!!! YOU ROCK!!!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nathaniel Edens Edens says:

    I think this pandemic has taught people the importance of multiple streams of income unfortunately having a job doesn’t mean security, rather having different investments is the real deal… So l really appreciate your transparency

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Omar Albakry says:

    From all the noise about marketing here one you can really get information that you can start to apply to your business 💯💯

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Danny wayne says:

    The wisest thing that should be on every wise individual list is to invest in different stream of income that don't depend on the government to bring money especially now that the pandemic is hitting economy pretty hard.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew P Cherry says:

    By far the best digital strategy for total domination today! the beauty is in the fact that is is difficult to execute on but can be done ….. which means most people wont do it …. which means you dominate!!! AMAZING podcast and as a digital marketing agency owner who watches everything he can get his hands on ….. THIS IS THE BEST INFO I CAN REMEMBER seeing in a long time …. Dennis Yu is the ultimate digital marketing OG!!!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rich Ganim says:

    Video editing and marketing VA's… who do you recommend for this $3-$4 an hour?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Patti Gregory says:

    I took 2 nights to watch this, 6 pages of notes ~ SO DAMN GOOD! Thank you!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick K says:

    Tom! I have the greatest memory of you standing me up during a Real Estate seminar and making me come back the next day with my beard shaved. It was a fantastic lesson on being coachable and stepping out of your comfort zone. I also noticed the scruff you have now lol. Anyways, always appreciated you man, glad to see things are still great 🙂

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Real Colorado Living says:

    This was ridiculously insightful! Awesome!!!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steven M. Padernacht says:

    Wow i am halfway through snd this info is amazing

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike McCown says:

    I enjoyed the Monster! so much amazing content! OMG! lets rewatch at -x0.3 % speed, 😛

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justen Martin says:

    So excited to see three of my favorite people together. The knowledge of this room 💣

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Investor Mindset says:

    Lol me a month ago would be lost ,
    Now all this makes sense thanks to drop shipping 😂🤷‍♂️

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