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⚠️⚠️⚠️ #Danger #Bubble #Investing ⚠️⚠️⚠️
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Today's video is sponsored by moomoo more on them in a moment check the link down below. In the meantime, hey everyone meet kevin here. So it's usually on days like today that i post a video like a warning to investors, but because the market is green, most people think that i'm just trying to fudd stocks to make them go lower because i have shorts and well. I want to make tendees off the shorts and because i'm a shill and bought by the hedges.

Well, then, naturally, i'm losing money when the market's going up and the market is going up. Indices are up, lots of stocks are up, toast is up bitcoin's up tesla's up pretty much everything's up. Well, i hate to burst those heaters bubble, but i have no short positions: i'm not bought by the hedges and i'm not wearing a suit either. Folks.

In this video i we've sincerely got to talk about a conservative mind that could really start blowing up in 2022 and could be a long-term concern for us investing going forward that what we're feeling in the market right now might be a temporary euphoria again. But there could be larger issues at play and that's what we're going to talk about starting right after i mentioned that hey in two days, the coupon code for the amazing programs of building your wealth expires. Your lifetime access to the content daily market live streams. With me, you can ask me about your thesis: we go back and forth on it.

Uh we've got an amazing group of folks and i really think you'll love the fact that you pay once and there's no upsell you get lifetime access. The price does go up over time, though so you're better off at joining earlier check out that coupon code linked down below okay, let's get into this, so here's the thing we've got to talk about inflation, only just to get it out of the way, because there's A more important issue at play that we have to talk about inflation is very much expected to go down in 2022. I highly expect it to go down. The fed believes it'll go down to two and a half percent, but i expect about 50 to 60 percent of you watching this video don't believe a word.

The federal reserve says that so so that's, okay, the market itself might be a better estimate for you. The market believes that inflation is going to go down by the end of 2022 to 2.6 to 3. So we've got this alignment myself, the market, the federal reserve, not that i'm trying to align myself with being an equal status as to one of those. But but we together there's this agreement that inflation should go down substantially in 2022, which is good right.

Yes, but there's a bigger warning, see uh we're gon na finish this thought on inflation and we're gon na talk about this bigger problem. We do know that the one thing that is actually expected to keep inflation higher is something that we know is higher than it's actually being measured by the cpi. Right now, you do have a lot of people who called cpi a scam for this, but it's so well known that economists actually already anticipate that housing, for example, is and wages are going to be lagging indicators so see when they calculate the cpi. They use this weird thing called owner's equivalent, rents, uh, but owner's equivalent rents are not aren't necessarily what market rents are, but on top of that, because it's difficult to just go around and survey all the properties that are on the market, because we don't know if They're renting right away or whatever, usually what happens, is people's expectations of their rents going up goes up slowly over time because it takes time for people's leases to expire, other properties to get rented and then the market to go.
Oh wow, okay, that's the market value for rents now and then rents slowly start going up, even though you might not be able to rent a property today at what the cpi thinks inflation is today, it's purposefully designed as a lagging indicator and it's important to know That so like when i look at the cpi, i don't just go off: scam fraud. I i don't think it's perfect by any means, but i look at it and go okay. I understand that's going to be a lagging win so to speak. That is going to keep inflation a little bit higher, along with wages.

Cpi is not really good at tracking wage price growth, so both of these things together are going to create this. This wind, that is going to keep inflation propped up, or maybe this this foundation where we're not going to fall below or potentially to the federal reserve's inflation targets in 2022 or potentially even 2023. So these these are concerns, and the only reason this matters is because if inflation doesn't go down quickly enough, we think the federal reserve might potentially be overly aggressive in raising rates, and this is what's going to create a really interesting dynamic in the market. See one of the reasons that inflation is continuing to go up the way it is because everybody just says yes, i say just do it, in other words, whatever the price is i'll, pay it and i'm not talking about wealthy people either.

I'm talking about normal americans every single day are just paying the higher prices. Nike is cheering the fact that they are having to mark down product less. They are cheering the fact that they're selling more of their products at full, freaking pop people, ain't even waiting for the coupon and chipotle, is bragging about how their input costs did not go up like their meat and their rice. Even though we've seen a lot of meat inflation, the grocery store chipotle is bragging about how their meat and their you know.

Wheat prices, their meat and wheat price haven't been going up, but their prices have been going up on what they're selling their product for because they can. This is really important, because really what it means is prices and this inflation keep going up and i'm not to try to confuse this and say that all inflation is caused by this right. This would just be more consumer price focused. I know we've got lots of inflation and materials and other aspects as well, certainly trucking and services, but that's more like producer price inflation.
Here i'm more talking about consumer price inflation, so prices are going up because people are saying yes and so what what i think about this is at some point and 2022 could be the beginning of this year. People are going to look and realize oh crap, i don't have the cash flow that i had in 2020 or 2021.. Part of that is going to be because uh about 80 percent of the children in our country receive the child tax credit. Well, their parents do, and those are those are huge stimulus checks.

I mean that's a that's a fat stimulus check for every child that you have, on top of all the other forms of stimulus that we've gotten like student loan forbearance. A lot of millennials have student loans, a lot of younger families with children, student loans, uh, the the unemployment uh. You still get, unemployment, there's still a lot of people on unemployment, taking the child tax credit and student loan forbearance. There are a lot of people who uh took home forbearance, which i actually encouraged not initially.

I was skeptical at first, but then i encouraged uh and uh you can now or or you could potentially already have refinanced your mortgage forbearance from a 30-year fixed into a 40-year fixed, which just lowers your monthly payment and extends how long you're going to pay for It so all of these things, together in 2021, have really empowered consumers, and - and this isn't even like when we think about stimulus - we're like ah come on, there hasn't been a stimulus check in a long time. It's not true, like people are this, this tax filing season in april, between february and april, people are still gon na get half of their child tax credit for 2021. In a lump sum check - and so some families are gon na - be getting five to ten thousand dollars depending on how many children they have right uh, so the stimulus is still getting pumped, but that is coming to an end. This mortgage uh extension that joe biden just did pushing out or sorry student loan forbearance extension through through may.

That is going to come to an end. All these things are going to come to an end and in my opinion, people are going to stop saying. Yes, at some point, people are going to stop saying. Yes, this is going to cause a few things to happen in the economy, but first a quick message from our sponsor.

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When you open your account and deposit money terms and conditions, apply thanks moomoo for sponsoring this video check out that link down below and get your up to five free stocks. This is going to cause a few things to happen in the economy. First of all, businesses are going to get nervous when sales numbers start going down, and companies eventually have to start providing lower forecasts. I think we're going to have good forecasts for q4.

Here, i think q4 is going to be good, can be spread out. Spending we're not going to have that huge spike that we saw on black friday, but people still feel pretty lofty. I think uh q1 - probably going to be pretty great for consumers. People are gon na have spent we're gon na see nice beats at companies.

I'm optimistic about the next two quarters, but this video is really more broadly about 2022. In total, i think, come q23 of 2022 we're going to see some frustration with consumers that i just don't have as much money as i did, i'm not as flush with cash as i was, and i got to spend less and so we're going to rotate to A direction of frugality: it took a lot longer than i expected, but i i think we are going to go into a direction of reality. Companies are embarrassed generally to report that there's an inflection point in their sales, because when there's an inflection point in their sales, the market doesn't look at the company like nike and let's say nike sales started rotating down the market doesn't look at nike and goes don't Worry: it's not your fault, it's the consumers being frugal. They look and go dude.

Do we need a new ceo? You know what i mean like companies are going to look at this and they're going to get embarrassed. This, in my opinion, is going to force more creative brand advertising and just more advertising in general, maybe not immediately. I don't think it's like. Oh january 1, everybody's advertising, more probably q2, q3.

At the same time, i do think there are going to be a lot of individual consumers who are like crap. I really got to stop spending, but i want to because i want to keep up with the joneses. You know this is just more of a bias. I i like the feeling of spending.

What can i do to spend more? I could go into debt more, oh, but wait if i'm already maxed out on my credit cards. What do i do buy now pay later so i think, buy now. Pay later is going to be a big profitability sector going forward, but we've got regulators, you know, oh, no. If regulators are looking at buy now pay later, are they going to say no stay tuned? I'm going to give you my expectation of what regulators are going to do and how we're actually going to potentially sow the seeds of the next bubble, not just in stocks but also in real estate, and i think crypto will just be along for the ride uh.
Unless, of course, there's a separate uh, crypto issue, maybe related to stable coins or some other stupid fud whatever, but i want you to be aware of how we can actually sow the seeds of the next bubble. That is right now i don't believe we're in a bubble. I do believe that valuations are elevated, but i sit behind a computer screen or a newspaper for 10 hours a day every single day, plus all the other work that i do and so yeah it's possible. I could be wrong, but at least from what i'm seeing right now, reading everything and just condensing everything in this one little sentence here.

I don't think we're in a bubble right now, but i think we could be sowing the seeds of a bubble and i'll show. You exactly how that'll work so here's what happens? Inflation takes longer to go down. Maybe rates then move up either as expected, or slightly faster than expected. We see interest rates of one to one and a half percent.

Two percent: that's not going to be that big of a deal for mortgages because i think, what's going to happen, is uh we're going to see the 10 and 15 year fixed rate mortgages, stay somewhat stable and and maybe slowly move up. But i don't think they're going to one for one move up with the federal funds rate uh: that's because a they don't they align more with treasury yields than the fed's funds rate. There's a separate market for mortgage rates right mortgage-backed securities and so on. Uh and two: what really can happen when fed the fed funds rates goes up? A fed funds rate goes up.

Is you just have a compression in the amount of money that banks can make the spread goes down? Banks get more competitive for lending right. So you don't necessarily have to see mortgage rates go up substantially, but you will see, spreads tighten and mortgage rates go up somewhat. Okay. So what happens when mortgage rates go up somewhat, people have less cash and maybe they're maxing out their credit cards.

They're, like oh crap, okay, well, this sucks you can't buy as much anymore. Well. The first thing that naturally happens is consumer activity, goes down people reef and then the next thing that happens well, potentially at the same time is people refinance less, which doing refinances is really interesting. See in 2020, we refine cash out.

Refinancing activity fell to its lowest levels. It was like 30 of refinances were cash out. What that means is somebody goes and says to their bank. Hey.
I have a, i don't know: 500 000 house. I only owe 200 000 on it. Can i take out two hundred thousand dollars of cash to do whatever the hell i want with it and then just leave a hundred thousand dollars of equity and the banks are usually like yeah, let's go so in 2020, we only saw thirty percent of refinances. Take cash out now we're seeing like 70 percent of people take cash out.

So i think we've already started to see this transition where people are expanding their use of debt already to do whatever they can to keep that spending going. But there's a problem and the problem is once you get to max credit card levels. You've used your buy now pay later and uh. Oh, i can't refinance anymore because either i can't qualify or home prices aren't going up anymore, because we're we've got a little bit of a headwind.

That interest rates went up a little bit again, not as much as the fed, but now all of a sudden that puts a little bit of a lid or a headwind against real estate prices. So what happens? It doesn't make sense for people to refinance anymore, because there's there's nothing to tap anymore, like you've already used the money and spent it, and this is one of the sad things people do is they'll refinance their house and then they'll be like. Oh, i have 200 000 all right, i'm buying a new car, i'm buying a boat. You know people go spending like crazy, so anyway.

This is where, at the same time as businesses potentially start noticing an inflection point in consumer spending. We could also see the government regulators and lending companies together. It generally takes everyone together. Oh, we could start seeing a loosening of credit standards, and this is where, where the bubble really begins see, the government doesn't want to see lower spending going into an election, because it looks bad.

Banks want to be able to lend more money, but if they can't, because the banking requirements are too tight and nobody's getting refinances anymore - and they complain to regulators that hey our lending system is too tight, we got ta loosen, otherwise we can't stay in business. Then all of a sudden regulators, banks and lending companies get together and say you know what let's let people have more debt on their credit cards. Let's actually legalize buy now pay later and just require some disclosures. But let me use buy an app later and i mean not that it's illegal now, but but look there's.

There are regulatory questions around it right now. What i mean is like: let's rubber stamp, buy now pay later right, yep, no, no you're good. So loosening of credit standards, loosening of auto loan standards, loosening of buy now pay later standards and then folks loosening of mortgage standards. That is when we really create the bubble, because now what happens is the people who are much less qualified to take on more debt? Take on more debt from real estate credit cards buy now pay later and auto loans just because so that way they can spend more money on stuff to give a little bit of an extra boost, and you know what we create at that point.
That's where we create a bubble, look at lending standards, so take a look at this first, it's worth noting that right now we're not there. In my opinion, one of the reasons we're not there is because look at this household debt service payments. So what you're paying in interest as a percentage of disposable income we're we're pretty dang low? We are well lower than anywhere. We were between 2012 honestly anywhere.

We have been in really like the last 30 years, which is insane 30 to 40 years here, we're at the lowest levels ever so watch this potentially go up, but this, in my opinion, only goes up as we start seeing a a a reduction in lending standards. This here is the number of banks tightening credit standards, and so when you have a negative number, it implies loosening or not. Tightening and we've already started to see a tighten or a substantial loosening of credit standards, and that's because when you go into a recession, the first thing banks like to do is: freeze credit lines and freeze uh lending right. So credit standards go way up.

But that's starting to plummet already, auto loans are already starting to see a little bit of a plummet, but this could be nominal and we can continue to see both auto loan standards. Credit card standards plummet even more so we want to pay attention to this. Being a negative here, so household debt not substantially high right now manageable. I mean, according to history, very very manageable, where we are right now.

This is despite the fact that margin is at record highs. Then we have uh business and corporate debt at elevated levels, but we're at the lowest levels of uh of of uh defaults that we've seen in in a very very long time. I mean certainly since uh before the pandemic, we're at the lowest levels that we've been seeing so we're good right now, tentatively on debt, but once we start seeing this inflation linger a little longer federal funds rates getting pushed up, compressing the amount of liquidity we have In the markets, because companies are investing less potentially because rates are a little higher, they've done, their investing already or consumers are are starting to run out of cash. The next natural phase of a bubble is a loosening of standards.

When you get a loosening of standards. What you're really doing is you're creating an evergrand. I kid you not, and it can go fast in august of 2020 uh. Well, i should say before august of 2020 the chinese government for years said: please real estate companies take on as much debt as you can.

We need to build lots of housing. We need to build these ghost cities to be prepared for this big population boom. Please take out more than 100 debt. I don't care what you got to do.
Take out lots of debt, uh just build and that's what companies did and what that happens is, as you create a real debt bubble and now all of a sudden asset valuations really bubble up. The dangerous inflection point is when institutions and governments start noticing defaults, or you start noticing, banks noticing the defaults, and then they start tightening credit standards. Again, you start seeing that that tightening level go up a little bit and it doesn't take much, but even just a little bit of an inflection point is a sign that uh, oh we're, potentially heading into the ouchy period. Look at this.

You saw the more tightening of credit standards in 2018 2019, leading into the pandemic a little. You certainly saw credit standards increase at the end of 2017. they're, always too late. By the way you know right before the dot-com bubble.

We kind of saw credit standards start going up a little bit, they're, usually too late with how they react, but once the tap turns off like it does with evergrand now you have people potentially over saturated with debt, and that is when you see a real bubble Collapse, in my opinion, bubbles collapse or pop sticking with a theme of a bubble when people are way over leveraged and the tap stops. That's when we have a really big bubble. That's when we have a real estate crash, that is when we have a real stock market crash and that's potentially, where we end up trading sideways for a very very long time. Now this, i don't want to fear monger this, but i want to make everybody aware of this, because it's something in my opinion, every investor should be aware of because everybody's always you know, by the dip and buy and huddle or whatever look at the s.

P. 500. Okay, you zoom out on the s p 500. We are at obviously essentially all-time highs here, uh plus or minus a few days, whatever right, but we're basically at all-time highs beyond that.

We take a look at this right here. We, if you invested over here anywhere around the middle of 1999 to the middle of 2001 before the dot-com bubble popped. If you invested at any point here, let's say you invested. Oh, what is this? This is uh march of 1999.

Okay, you invested during this time. You would have been negative until about 2006 and you would have that. That's basically break, even so you would have been your stocks would have done nothing basically for seven years, okay and then, if you held on while it was slightly green, it was finally boom time. Then you hit the 2008 recession and it took you a total of about 13 years to basically break even on your stocks.

That's insane, like your options, could bankrupt you if you were just like heavy in options through this worth, noting that of my portfolio here. I'll just show you really quick so of my portfolio. I've got here. We go, we've got 900, almost a million in crypto.
We've got stocks we're sitting at about 30 uh options. We're sitting at this is in the course member uh section. By the way, any course member can just look at the whole spreadsheet options at about 7.75. So my exposure to options and crypto crypto i want to bump up a little bit, i'm probably going to get that closer to 10 uh, as as i find opportunities, but uh options, i'm definitely keeping a little bit low uh and i'm trying to go long on Shares but i also got to get out of margin, i'm about three mil in margin right now, so i got to work on that.

I want to get that down again uh, hoping hoping that we do have uh a nice rally going into q1 of 2022, but uh yeah. Folks, look! Even if you invested over here in like 2007, and you just pulled this out. I mean you were upside down for for six years, potentially so stocks don't only always go up and when we're at the tip of the curve here, at the same time as we're trying to understand what what is going to happen with inflation and the fed and All this stuff, i think it's very useful to look at all of our markets very broadly and say: we've got to be careful about the one thing in my opinion that can just destroy everything and that is rates uh and uh. The debt problem, mostly the death bubble if we get an inflection in the debt bubble.

First we're going to get this massive, loosening and potential bubbling and then an explosion, and this potential loosening happens slowly. It creeps up on you and that's where you want to be careful right. Like it's easy to say, oh we've got to go through the bubble first and then it'll pop and and i'll just get out, while we're in the bubble phase it can sneak up on you like the slow inflating of the bubble, can happen very very slowly and It could sneak up on you where all the sudden poof and then you end up with six to 13 years of nothingness right of the void. But a lot of this, in my opinion, is spawned by a debt bubble.

If we have a debt bubble, then we end up with a ray dalio style. Great reset. I don't believe we're at a debt bubble now uh looking at real estate debt uh, we are at the highest credit scores. Average credit score is like 760 highest credit scores.

Are getting loans uh, the the lowest debt to incomes for getting loans? It's very difficult to get a real estate mortgage right now, uh. The standards are tight uh. I think it's certainly become easier to get credit card debt it's become easier to get into uh uh. Auto loan debt, but i think those standards could continue to worsen and buy now pay later, can actually accelerate the cycle which will be boom time for buy now paid later companies, but you don't want to be in the buy now pay later companies when the bubble Pops because they're going to be holding the bag of all the debt so anyway, these are my thoughts.
I am optimistic for the first half of 2022. I don't see a lot of negative catalysts, although i could be blind. So i'm always aware that i don't know, and when i don't know, i'm i'd continue to hunt and i'll continue to look. But this is a very important message.

I believe that everybody should internalize and uh take advantage of just like you should also take advantage of that coupon code link down below all right folks. Thank you. So much the price does go up, i mean look sure there'll be another coupon code in the future, but the price will be higher. So when you apply the coupon code now versus then your then price will be higher.

It's always gon na be higher. So keep that one! Okay! Thank you! So much for being here folks i'll see you in the next one goodbye.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

35 thoughts on “A dangerous warning to all investors for 2022 .”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars indyhitman7 says:

    I never thought of meet kevin as a bot, shill, or hedgie. You're just a douche 😆

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris says:

    I do buy now pay later or installments. I’d rather do that and have money to play with until I’m ready to Pay all and I usually pay all at end of month

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eddy says:

    Home prices are in a bubble because people rush to buy overpriced homes

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars E Z says:

    Kevin keeps trying to say he is one of us, yet has his own private plane! He is part of the elite

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mirror Cube says:

    until fed stable coins put private banks out of business. Then you get your money straight from the fed…

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Doug G says:

    I've helped with inflation,
    I bought everything I wanted/needed this past 2 years (cars/trucks/watches/home projects/RV/gifts/etc).
    Now I'm putting the breaks on all spending

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carter says:

    Hmmm we won’t be done with ‘COVID ‘ in 2022. Governments will push for mandates. The debt problem won’t be a problems because the brrrrprinter will be on 24 hours a day

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dirt2Diamonds says:

    Thanks sleepy Joe. Cant wait till your out of office asshole

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Everything To Gain says:

    Kevin has 5 advertisements of his own now plus 3 YouTube commercials….the fuck is a moo moo….so sick of him shilling so many damn companies and courses….give it a rest man

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Grant McBride says:

    So would the super tightening of credit lines not be the bubble here? If no one can get a loan then no one can buy a house.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Detra Ed says:

    I think we learned from 2008 crash to not just loosen up credit requirements. I hope so anyway, that was a terrible lesson for the country to learn.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CAGChannel1 says:

    Theory – Kevin is expecting his first girl; hair would be blue otherwise 🙂

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin H says:

    It's called animalistic greed until it becomes extreme fear

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheNewSchoolInvestor says:

    Wait, there are 40 year mortgages in the US, that's cray!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bobnewbie says:

    Wow! Fully agree with you. Hopefully this video will be a wake up call for at least some people. This euphoria in the market wont last forever.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars O. Nights says:

    We're in a bubble bro. C'mon.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Devi says:

    One day you are saying cash will become trash, next day cash is king… why are you confusing new 🐝 investors?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul R says:

    Pretty responsible to give this warning ⚠️ 2022 is going to be full of surprises 🎉

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars YuriGaDaisukiDa says:

    My rent went up 40% at the end of my ten month lease (apartment)… the number are defiantly a lie

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars marciuks puks says:

    good work minsky, this was surprisingly coherent. pvt debt credit bubble – the source of all financial crashes. forgot one thing kevin – rate raises are price increases NOT decreases.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars r4ti007 says:

    bring back the green hair for 2022 plz.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Nelson says:

    Hey Kevin, I have been watching for a couple years now and started some investments about 6 months ago. As a single full time dad and arborist I wanted to see if you would consider meet Kevin scholarships. Itd probably help me better understand how to invest for my daughter's future and I bet it could help some other working class broke people take a step into informed investing with some great advice support. Thanks for reading !

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars integra says:

    Kevin ,check out Tomm Lee thesis on Demographics

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adi O. says:

    Buy the the courses, it's a hedge against inflation !!!

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jim Ady says:

    He said "hey everyone meet kevin here" as fast as the micromachines guy. Love u bro!

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars IAMAC says:

    My question is, since the stimulus checks have been printed there has been a huge influx of retail investors, how much is going to be pulled out from those retail investors accounts to cover the lack of stimulus checks and over extended accounts/credit?Anyone have any good insight/thoughts, if/when this happens? How much of the retail investor money is in the market now?

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amazing Life says:

    Had an inside joke with a friend back in middle school “moomoo “… needless to say I like this sponsor

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Courtney Sanchez says:

    Thank you for reminding people of reality

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Darin says:

    Whenever you speak the truth there will be people who prefer the temporary comfort of self deception who will attack you.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lesco Burandun says:

    Inflation isn’t going anywhere!! It will get worse it’s pretty obvious the powers to be want it that way.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Chavez says:

    The vaccines are safe and inflation is transitory😯

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars j r says:

    even if u were to get out at the top, where would u even go? real estate hoping to catch market lows? hold cash hoping to get bottom?

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joanie says:

    Wow… Kevin all those colors… I like it. Merry Christmas…🎄 to you and your family. You show…👍

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars emmanuel carretero says:

    We should start tracking effective purchasing power of the common man instead of inflation: houses are up like 20%, gas went from like $3.50 to $5, even fast food is going up.

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Neopitpit says:

    Exactly!!!! Crazy to flip flop and making fear in case of he is wrong. He said he is all in the current market and happy. And now ohhhhhh be careful!!!

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