Austin is booming right now, and with a huge number of these buyers relocating from another state, it takes a superstar agent like Khani Zulu to make them feel comfortable and confident getting into their new homes.
Khani has a brilliant process which includes specialized questionnaires, getting the most out of technology, and maximizing her time with relocation buyers.
But it’s her unique philosophy of viewing every transaction through the eyes of an investor that I think will make this brief interview the most enlightening eleven minutes of your day.
In this episode, we discuss…
00:00 -- Intro
0:37 -- 3 things Khani does differently when working with a buyer
1:30 -- You’re the tour guide
2:32 -- The 4 big questions of Khani’s questionnaire
3:04 – Get creative with technology (do you have your own app?)
5:19 -- Khani’s 2-phase system for maximizing time with buyers
5:55 -- What about when nothing’s on the market?
7:00 -- Look at the property through the eyes of an investor
8:40 -- Khani’s time hacks
For the majority of my life, I’ve been passionate and dedicated about changing lives by giving away the very best strategies, tactics, and mindset techniques to help you and your business succeed. Join me as we take this to level 10!
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Khani has a brilliant process which includes specialized questionnaires, getting the most out of technology, and maximizing her time with relocation buyers.
But it’s her unique philosophy of viewing every transaction through the eyes of an investor that I think will make this brief interview the most enlightening eleven minutes of your day.
In this episode, we discuss…
00:00 -- Intro
0:37 -- 3 things Khani does differently when working with a buyer
1:30 -- You’re the tour guide
2:32 -- The 4 big questions of Khani’s questionnaire
3:04 – Get creative with technology (do you have your own app?)
5:19 -- Khani’s 2-phase system for maximizing time with buyers
5:55 -- What about when nothing’s on the market?
7:00 -- Look at the property through the eyes of an investor
8:40 -- Khani’s time hacks
For the majority of my life, I’ve been passionate and dedicated about changing lives by giving away the very best strategies, tactics, and mindset techniques to help you and your business succeed. Join me as we take this to level 10!
Keep up with me and what's new on my other channels:
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Hey welcome back to confidence and conversion. Today i've got connie, zulu uh, her and her partner. Michelle are just crushing with compass down in austin texas. We want to talk today about buyer process and relocation buyers.
So connie welcome to the show - hey thanks tom, i'm so excited to be here yeah. So you know you mentioned off-camera that you're converting like nine out of ten people, that you're meeting we want to know. What's your process with a buyer and then let's break down relo if there's something different as well, so start with this first, like what's your process for working with the buyer? Well, i think that there's definitely um three things that i do differently. Um number one.
I have a really strong buyer consultation, prepped um. I talk about my process. I have a very specific process, i use questionnaires and then i love to talk about the market being being um. You know i have my pulse on the market.
Know the market stats talk about appreciation. I actually like to approach every um, every transaction through an investor's eyes. So, even if it's something that you're planning on moving your family into, i like to talk about uh your return on investment, because we all know it's probably not your forever home right, um and i think that's super important with um relocation. Folks, because you know a lot of folks, these days are shopping virtually um.
I did close to 70 transactions personally last year and i would venture to say about 75 of those were reload people from all over the country. Um. I get a ton of reload buyers from california. I lived in california for almost 20 years, so um my biggest thing is i like to act like a tour guide um, so we jump on zoom.
I pull up a map of austin. I i literally give them a tour of austin before they even get here and then when they get here, we go on a driving tour um. I i love this, so you know you know as a as a longtime client. You know we're all so joyful about zoom and our ability to use zoom with that relocation, buyer that seller.
That doesn't want somebody to come to the house right away so, but give us an example like because austin's, a big city so like like give us just an example of like what you might say or show or hey. You know this neighborhood versus that neighborhood. This part of town, east west, the lakes versus the river like give us that example. Well, so a big part of my buyer process is having them fill out.
A a buyer questionnaire, which i know a lot of agents, do. Yes, i go way beyond the beds and baths and updates i want to know. I ask forward questions, family occupation, recreation, dreams right because that's going to tell me what part of town that's going to best suit their needs, and then we talk about you know. Obviously, what do they need in a home? Are they working from home? How many kids do they have whatever hobbies they have and then so once i gather all of that information, i pull neighborhoods and i send them neighborhood information. We have a relocation guide that we send to folks. We actually have our own app called austin homes for sale. That's got information about neighborhoods, local, hot spots, um and um like restaurants, but okay is. That is that is that your app or is that your company's app? No, it's our app! We bought it years ago.
How lucky are we austin homes for sale congrats? I love it all right. So so you you get a deeper dive on sort of their their dream, their lifestyle, their work like which gives you paints a you know a picture of maybe the ideal communities, the part of town that they want to best be on, and then you do this Sort of visual of here's the map, but here's what's going on: where do you go from there well from there? So it depends if there - and i do some of this - is it's a two-parter right because, let's say the person's relocating from la or san francisco or whatever and um, we jump on the zoom and we go through. All of that. I set them up on a search they.
What i suggest before they even get out here is that i go tour, some houses via facetime or video with them, and i don't just do the house. I put the dang camera on my car dashboard and drive around the neighborhoods, and i give a narration while i'm doing it so they understand what they're looking at yeah and then that that can help us eliminate things before they even get out here. Frankly, because most of my folks come out here and they've got one or two days to look right right yeah. So i just try to do what i can to maximize the time that we have um and to help them narrow, narrow things down as much as possible, and you know i like to tell people i can help you find a great house.
I can help you mitigate the risks of condition and i can talk to you about um how much things cost to upgrade. We do a lot of work with flippers and developers, so i i understand costs of all that, but i can't pick your neighborhood, because that depends on your life experience your you know your perception and that's visceral when you drive into a neighborhood, so we can do Some of that homework up front, but so then the two-parter, though, would be once they arrive. I meet with them at a coffee shop. I have already set up a driving tour and i send them on their way, and i give them some local hot spots to stop at along the way and usually that morning or day one is their self-exploration and then from there, we've narrowed down neighborhoods further and Then we go walk into houses nice, so you got a two-parter two-day.
Here's! Here's like 10 things you should see. Go explore, find this food truck. Go, you know go by the school. If you have kids right, you do all that.
Then the second day is now. Let's go look at some houses. What do you do when there's? What are you doing? There's nothing on the market? Oh, that's! A tough one, um! So a lot of times with those driving tours i'm giving them addresses just for reference. So there are things they could see. What stuck because you know, depending on what part of town will depend on the architecture. You know: we've got 70 cells, 80s neighborhoods, whatever um, and so i'll at least give them something for reference where they could see. The style of house drive through the neighborhood and then if they come back and they love that house, i'm on the phone or i've got my assistant or my agents on the phone looking for withdraw withdrawn's expireds or i mean. Obviously, i've got a huge network of right agents that i can reach out to for.
Off-Market deals are coming soon, so we do a lot of that and, and frankly, we also have done door knocking and letter writing to get to find stuff for folks in specific neighborhoods. I love it so you've unpacked a lot in terms of buyer, consult and - and i love the whole relocation because that's such a big thing, especially for many of the sand states, right and and truthfully for people all over the world. But you mentioned something that i'd love you to touch base on looking at the property through investor eyes, because this is probably not your forever home. Can you unpack some of the language and how people like resonate with that message as you're doing it absolutely um? Usually when i say that people perk up - because i you know - i think especially what's so interesting to me - is the younger generation um.
They they're really keen on investment and really tuned in to what's going on in the market. Um, not just the real estate market, but the stock market, the um crypto, all of that stuff right and and so they enjoy those conversations and um. So i like to talk about all the opportunity that we've experienced over the you know the past several years alone. For appreciation and then what the projection is for austin in general, we're one of the fastest growing cities.
Everyone thinks we're going to be in this market for another two to four years. We've got massive opportunity for appreciation, so it almost doesn't matter where you buy, like. Let's just get you into something, so your money's working for you will anna will analyze what the potential rental market looks like what their cash flow might be if they were to move out in a year or two and then from there a lot of times. That makes their decision and it also gets their wheels.
Turning about the possibility of owning more than one house at some point, so i'm already prepping them that they're going to buy another house in a couple years and so they're building their well through building their wealth through yeah. I love it connie. I love it. So i got to ask you one more question: you know 79 sales last year, so many of them are buyers, so many of them are relocation.
Someone right now is going to go. Oh, my goodness. When does this girl sleep like that, takes a lot of time? What other time hacks, have you not shared that you could share with us that could have somebody be more effective, be as effective as you help a lot of people buy that real estate and then save some time in the process. Time, hacks for an agent or a or a agent yeah for the agent. That's a great question tom. I'm working on hiring my own driver at your um. Yes, yes, hey! That's a that's! A serious, no editing here! Connie! That's a serious! That's a serious hack! It's on my goal list: um 100. To be honest with you um i get up super early and i i get a lot of my organization of my day done.
First thing: um! I don't get bogged down by my email, so i check my email on the first thing. In the morning i go work out. I go to the office. I work with my team.
I coach my agents. I work with the buyers. Um. I've got newer agents on my team that i'm training, so i get i enlist them to help me.
A lot set up these searches and follow up requires i'm teaching one of my agents um, because i work with a lot of investors. I'm grooming him to do cash flow analysis. So frankly, i just delegate a lot of those tasks as training tasks for my new students and that really helps me um service. All these people connie that's a mic drop from the driver to having you know, junior agents on your team and and you're, showing you're you're, giving them a multi-million dollar education by having them do the work and understand the process.
Well, listen! Thank you! So much if they want to reach out to you connie zulu z-u-l-u, follow her on instagram, make sure you connect with her and hey austin referrals. Here we go. Thank you see you soon. Connie bye have a great day.