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In this video, we're going to talk about five ways: you can optimize your life and make more money in the recessionary environment of 2023. And if you want all of my life hacks, make sure to check out the programs on building your wealth linked down below Coupon code expires January 30th See you there soon You really I Think want to be of the mindset of how can I go make more money right now? How can I study harder? How can I understand more of what's going on? So that way you know you're not um, what what you're you're insulating yourself the best way possible. But you're also making the best investments potentially at the bottom of the market. Uh and uh.

and you're making yourself more resilient. You're growing your business more, or whatever it is you're doing, you're providing more value at your workplace, you know I this is actually I think one of the best times that if you're an employee to provide value, uh, to your job or to to the career that you're in. So I would make the argument that right now 2023 is the absolute best time for you to look at whatever it is you are doing and say how can I work harder? How can I wake up an hour earlier every morning? How can I improve my skills? How can I provide more value at my job and I don't want you to think about what your net worth is. Put your stupid net worth in a box and forget about it for 2023.

don't worry about it. work harder. The harder you work, the luckier you're going to get. And I think now is that time where you really want to be that person that says I'm going to increase my skills I'm gonna get another license to help provide value my jobs Uh, you know, if you're working in finance I'm going to start studying for a CFA you know Certified Financial Advisor license or not licensed certification So that way I know how to do uh Financial modeling better than the next guy I'm going to learn how to type better I'm going to learn how to use chat Gbt better I'm going to learn how to uh code better.

Whatever it is that you can do to provide more value, now's the time to do that, even if it means spending money on some more education. You know, even though people are tighter with their money, uh, and you know I personally believe now is the best time to invest in yourself and your education. Sure, perfect opportunity for a Shameless plug about the coupon code expiring in two days for the programs and building your wealth where you basically get a condensed version of everything that I know about. investing in real estate or stocks or finances or businesses or growing businesses.

Whatever. Uh YouTube Channel Real estate agent doesn't matter. Entrepreneur working at a business doesn't matter. Uh, tax tricks for tax season doesn't matter.

All of them are there. But this is the best time to learn how to be a better you essentially to to build a better routine. One of the tricks and this is uh so so here are some some tricks that I would try to help guide you on. Uh, trick.
Number one that I like to use is I like to, uh, think of every day as an opportunity to optimize something. Uh now I Think that's really interesting because a lot of people don't. right? Every single day we we wake up and then it's not uncommon to look and go. Uh, still haven't sorted those sweaters away or then you go downstairs and go.

I Still haven't changed that light bulb. Still haven't fixed that light switch. still haven't put a charger there where I usually leave my phone. Still haven't found the same spot to put my phone every day.

I Think you should try every single day and not to fix all of the problems in your life, but optimize one thing every single day. Optimize one thing, make one thing just slightly better. And when you do that, it's surprising how over time these benefits compound and all of a sudden you're not looking for your phone anymore because you leave it in the same place. You get a routine of optimizing by leaving your watch in the same place.

and every day every single day and all of a sudden, you're a more efficient person on a daily basis. That's an easy number one thing. you could do is optimize something every single day. The number two thing to do is just a reiteration of what I've already said, which is learn something and and do that.

Now that is probably the best thing uh, to do is what can you start learning now Most of the time we think, okay, yeah, all right, whatever. I'll enroll in a license licensing course in the future. Oh okay. I'll learn how to type better in the future.

No. Do it today. Do it Now. What's stopping you from doing it now? Oh, you don't want to print out the form that you have to sign and send him? Well, then let that be the thing that you optimize today.

But the other thing is really I think and this one sounds basic, but you want to throw as much money as you can into optimizing your self. So if that means throwing money into your business as an entrepreneur, if that means throwing money at your Investments or or again, you know, spending money on on education, do it. even in a recession. even though that's painful, Now's the Time to do it.

Now's not the time to spend money on vacations or butter as I say. You know it's the rules of guns and butter. Guns gain value over time. Butter loses value and melts away over time.

So stay away from the fancy clothing and and the the you know, the new car or whatever people regularly ask me. they're like Oh Tesla just cut its prices on its cars. Should I go buy a car? No, that's stupid. What you should do is prepare to go buy real estate.

Every single one. Every single person listening to this video should be thinking about buying real estate. The reality is only about 64 of Americans own real estate and generally they're much older Americans every single. So that means probably.
uh, maybe only 50 percent of you are homeowners listening to this right now. That's sad. We have to flip that everybody should be thinking about being a homeowner. People like Oh I don't know, You know I'm thinking about moving in two years.

So what built-in reason to bank hack baby? Oh I don't know I I You know I don't have enough money buy something smaller? Oh I don't know I gotta work on my credit. Have you called A lender to have your credit run to see what you can qualify for with your credit the way it is now? Probably not because you're convincing yourself that you can't get to the next level. So in addition to uh, optimizing something every day and spending on your uh, you know, not spending on butter and optimizing your spend for yourself and your Investments do stuff now get the pre-approval letter. Now call a mortgage lender right now.

Well, maybe not because I'm filming this at 6am uh California time. But um, you know what? When whatever, there's a normal opportunity. call go on Yelp right now and and call A lender. Here's how easy it is.

Okay, we're gonna go to Yelp.com and we're gonna go to I don't know Chicago All right so let's say I'm a Chicagoan and uh, we're gonna go Chicago Illinois and I'm just gonna put in uh, Mortgage Lender There we go. Throw that in, throw in mortgage Lander Hit Enter: Everybody should be doing this all right. We got the sponsored results up for up front. Generally a big fan of skipping the sponsored results.

All right. So what do we got here? We got the Molitor Financial Group Dude, this guy's got like a perfect rating. 111 reviews. This is awesome.

We got Lakeside Bank over here. Great! You know what banks are great for credit unions? This guy's probably a mortgage broker. there's you can call both of them like it's not that hard. Uh, let's see that guy's a realtor a N Mortgage Services Women owned and operated but I don't really care if you're a dude or woman I Honestly don't give a crap but I'll probably call you too because uh now I'm gonna call a broker I'm gonna call a bank and then I'm gonna call you know, a company that maybe isn't as busy because you're not at the top of the list and you know what what else? So now I'm gonna call three people.

Go! Hey, what do you need for me to get pre-approved They're going to send you a needs list and guess what? all of the stupid needs lists are going to be the same. Literally, all of them are gonna go. Two months of bank statements, driver's license, two years of tax returns W-2s social security number, pay stub Simple. It's all the same basket of crap that they're gonna ask you for.

Why? Because they're all gonna sell your loan to Fannie and Freddie And so what do you do? You make a little Google drive folder and in that Google drive or Google drive folder you put all the crap. and then what do you do? You change the little security setting to to people you've invited and you invite the different lenders. and guess what? Anytime one of them asks well like oh well, I Also need a letter explanation for this or whatever, Drop it in the Box because guess what if one of them needs it, they're all going to end up needing it. So now all of a sudden you're getting three quotes doing exactly the same work.
Oh and guess what, you're like, Oh but Kevin Aren't they gonna need like a loan application? They're all going to want their own. Nope. There's something in America called the uniform loan application. It's literally the same damn form with sometimes like a different logo at the top.

Just put a filled out uniform loan application in it. They will all be able to use the same thing they're like. Oh, but we need a schedule of real estate and a schedule of Investments and a schedule of accounts or whatever. You don't have to use their custom form, make your own little spreadsheet and drop it in.

Just put the same info in. it's so stupid proof. And then now you have a little bucket that you could just send to anyone you want to qualify. You know you go to a listing and the listing agent's like oh, this is a bank foreclosure, You have to use our lender.

Guess what? Here's my: Google Drive It's that simple. So uh, you know. While I don't think it's the best time to buy yet I think you probably still have another six to nine to 12 months to wait. Just work on your pre-approval Now you know and start looking.

Start getting exposed to real estate. Now you don't want to be in a situation where it's like oh, crap. I Gotta Buy Now and you don't even you? You don't even know where you're buying yet, you know? So uh, that's really important. So uh, what's another thing that you can do to optimize? Uh, I Personally believe And so we'll call this the fifth thing that you could do to optimize your life.

Uh, we'll call it the the five things you could do to optimize and become a millionaire. Uh I Don't know. In in 2023. Uh, the the fifth thing that I think is really important and and I'm not just like, look, uh, you know there's this old saying like oh do as I say not as I do like people give advice and then they don't actually do it themselves.

Everything that I just told you I am doing myself I put my money where my mouth is I'm investing in myself I'm investing my businesses I'm investing my education I'm optimizing every single day I'm uh, spending uh, as little money as possible on on butter. um and I'm spending as much money as possible again on my businesses. Uh, because that's really important right now. we're not.

We're not focused on oh, let's go on vacations with the kids and go to Disney and go and cruises or this, that or whatever. that was last year, right? I'm looking at this here and then even last year we toned it down a lot because we're like I'm going to recession every time. We gotta tone this down and focus on investing in the business instead. so we're kind of tuning that dial.
That's all I'm doing right now. But um, the the fifth thing that I'm doing that I think is actually really useful and important is waking up at the same damn time every day now I Know that sounds hellish, but damn it's been so good. I've I have never done this in my life. Uh, I've always always slept in on the weekend.

uh and and sleeping in for me might be like 7 A.M Okay, I've always done that, but it's Saturday right now it's my birthday and I woke up at 3 30 which guess what? my time is set my my alarm clock is set to every single day of the week 3 30, baby, 3 30. And now guess what? I'm in this routine where when I wake up at 3 30? Yeah, don't get me wrong, it still sucks I'm still tired. but I was tired enough the day before to go to sleep by nine. Uh, that still gives me my you know, the six and a half hours to where six and a half hours plus four cups of coffee I function.

But I've also optimized by realizing that I can't have coffee at 4 pm anymore because then I can't go to sleep at eight, right? or not at eight at nine. Uh, and so I've optimized by Banning myself from drinking coffee past 12. I've optimized by making sure I wake up every single day at the same time it works really well. Again, it sucks because it's a weekend, but honestly kind of like this.

Um, you know, another way of optimizing and this is a little bit more specific to my business, but I'm constantly changing stuff and optimizing is by having this routine of doing these larger live streams in the morning with everyone. And it's so good because it gets all all the content that I want to cover covered for the day. and then I'm not running back and forth between the studio. and so then I can focus on people in, In, In in our business.

whether that's real estate agents, uh, lenders flying Pilots pilot managers? um, whether that's uh, employees. uh, you know, hiring whatever it is I get to work with everyone. and now now we're doing more research than ever before. It's remarkable.

It's actually really exciting. So these optimizations really really make a big difference. Thank you Robert for donating twenty dollars and and wishing me a happy birthday I will enjoy that when I go paintball later today. that's what we're doing for my birthday.

I I don't I don't know if if I'll I'll I I'm doing the tough guy right now I don't know if I will when it actually comes push push comes to shove. but I told everyone at least one match we need to do. uh, everyone else. one strike, you're out Kevin maybe like three strikes, you're out, but everyone in the office versus Kevin so it'll be like a, you know, like a 10v1 or something like that.

uh uh, if I get bomb rushed I'm screwed. but uh, but I think it'll uh, it'll it'll be pretty entertaining. So so we'll we'll see what ends up happening anyway. Uh so so I think these These optimizations are really important.
Uh, what's another thing that I could think about for optimizing. Uh, the the uh. One thing that that I have noticed is uh, it's if I drink too much alcohol the day before 3 30 sucks. So another thing is maybe there's a reason they say five It's Five O'Clock Somewhere because it's probably better to have your five o'clock drink if you're gonna go to sleep at nine, then having your drinks at like eight because then you're not going to get that deep REM sleep because alcohol prevents you from going into deep sleep as long or as deep and so you don't actually get that refreshing sleep.

And I know sometimes people are on the internet like you know, don't talk about alcohol. that's Taboo it's like no, it's life uh I'm a big fan of I I haven't opened this Tesla Tequila I like cheap tequila? Um because I don't like spending money on alcohol I actually much prefer drinking at home. Uh, because it's so much cheaper and then having a barbecue or whatever which people were getting mad at me for calling having hot dogs barbecue I Guess hot dogs aren't barbecue you. You barbecue.

You can barbecue hot dogs. but that's not called barbecue I didn't know that. So sorry to all the Texans that I offended I didn't know. but anyway now I know.

Anyway, um I think it's much better. uh to kind of like consolidate your drinking between like five and six and then stop. You know, just have a little more if you wanted to in that time for it and then stop because if you drink too late and you're going to bed early, it just screws you up the next day real bad. Yeah, so so let your body detox while you're still awake.

it's a good idea. so we'll call that tip number six that's grilling. Ah okay, good to know. Thank you for that.

uh uh oh Mikey says get ready to have balls coming at your face. You will be a sticky Mess by the time you're done.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

33 thoughts on “5 millionaire tricks to maximize your income wealth in 2023.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars notorious pomegranate says:

    How did this hold up over time?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Medline Jackie says:

    Crypto currency and NFTS will outsmart the banking system in the nearest future serving as a global fiat. Already making much profit from my current investment ??????

    Thank to you Mrs Yen Mabel.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PC UT says:

    Keyboard morons!!! Hotdogs always belong to a BBQ 🍗 🌭

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 💰 Make $750 Per Day says:

    "Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day—in and day—out." —Robert Collier

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pretty Bird says:

    I can attest that getting up at the same time each and every day makes a huge difference resulting in a more balanced mood as well as energy level.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 💰 Make $750 Per Day says:

    "Successful entrepreneurs are givers and not takers of positive energy." —Anonymous

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wallace Souza says:

    Successful people don't become that way overnight. Most people you see as glance wealth, a great career, purpose is the result of hard work and hustle over time. I pray anyone who reads this will be successful in life

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Collectible John says:

    Georgia just changed Appraiser licensing. I am the first to make licensed appraiser in less than one year. Now certified licensed is only a year and will see if I can knock it out in 3 months when I hit my one year mark.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars creg Perkins says:

    Thanks, I am buying my 3rd house in Washington, DC area now I will have 2 rentals and prices are low while interest high but still a very good deal in very good area

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Russty Russ says:

    Invest in yourself…in education…learn something new when you can which will improve your life and the lives of those in your immediate surroundings, family, colleagues/superiors/employer.
    Optimize something every day.
    Wake up at the same time every day (guage your needed sleeping time and hours needed…generally they say between 10pm-2am are the best sleeping hours).
    Use online services like GoogleSheets, Box, etc.

    Invest in real-estate…or at least learn how to so you know what to do to get there. Owning your primary residence is crucial. You should also learn how to invest what other revenue you can in either funds or stocks, but make sure you know what you are doing in either case, you can invest in funds but choosing those are just as important as if you invest in individual stocks.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Russty Russ says:

    Happy belated Birthday Kevin! 🎂🍻

    Great video/subject! I'd argue however that it's not about working harder, but actually working more efficiently/productively so that you DON'T work HARDER, but better so that you can achieve more in less time. Certainly, working hard is arguably not necessarily going to be equal to working better, although it can in some instances improve your life, if you are working harder you may exhaust yourself, specially if you are working too many hours which require exertion of physical strength and repetitive motion and/or mental exertion of data processing, mathematics, psychological processing or intervention, etc. which can lead to brain exhaustion due to excessive stress. We all have plateaus, peak and limited capacities. So, as much as it is important to use our skills, that includes learning skills, it's important to know what our limits are so as to not overdo it.

    Still so many people are not using even 25% of things that would help them to improve their life in many ways in many spheres. Sometimes, just restructuring habits makes such a huge difference, it's life changing.

    I know a lot of people, older generation mostly, yet some newer generation too, will cuss and fuss about how much we use our smartphones…but the truth is, we don't use them as much for the right reasons as we do for the wrong reasons. Smartphones were developed to help us in our everyday chores. I still see people using pen and paper to keep notes, write up grocery lists, phonebooks, etc. I decided long ago to start using my phone for all of that and more. So, when people see me looking at my phone a lot, it's not because I'm surfing FB, although I do that about two or three times a day but try to limit the amount of time spent on that and more often than not I do it to keep in touch with my daughters and immediate family who share a lot of day to day personal life and other interesting posts, but also to follow groups of interest, such as investing groups (I have my own, private though), guitar and music world stuff, life hacks, etc., basically stuff that makes my life fun and interesting but also helps me and sometimes I help others by answering question-posts if I have a good enough answer. Sometimes, I look at other's answers to see if I could learn something new. All this to say, I use my smartphone for smart reasons, such as lists, I also keep a lot of things on GoogleSheets, such as one for all my stock holdings with all the tickers, live pricing, live average target pricing, upside potential percentages, P/E and Forward P/E as well as proportions of each…all automated as much as possible. I also keep my to-do lists there, I created a jam list with links to videos and lyrics because I go sing once a month with a Brother-in-law and a bunch of people from family and friends who randomly show up, etc. Another great thing a lot of people still don't use is the calendar…and the alarm clock (unique to the device albeit). What's nice about the calendar is that you can access it from any other device that you use as long as you are logged in, whether it be on Google or Microsoft, etc. You can even create multiple calendars which will appear on yours but ones you can share with other people which will appear on theirs.

    I'll leave this here…wanted to share some insights, but need to get back to things. Hope that helps anyone and everyone who reads this.


  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Walter Jeffries says:

    Hot dogs, hamburgers, steaks, ribs, what ever it is all BBQ.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Suraj Sajeev says:

    Don’t forget. Buy a plane

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John M. says:

    Love these videos .. just pure help and value. Thank you!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ElMaikitoMusic says:

    Ai Cindicator CND is about to blow up according to my calculations

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars alwayz smarter says:

    Im gonna try that. From now on waking up at 1pm everyday

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars robert aranda says:

    Rule number 1. Read "12 Rules of Life" Jordan Peterson.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marc Bastien says:

    What about scamminggggg 🤔🤔🤔

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars n says:

    If 64% of people are home owners, and you believe that everyone should be home owners…
    Who is going to rent from you!?!?!?!?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Raw Financial News says:

    Kevin, you can only take the CFA certification exams if you've been in management in a financial firm for 2 years; it pays well but you can only do it if you've already been allowed in the big club. Also, hardest F'ing test around; makes the Bar exam look like a blowie.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars erock5b says:

    I didn't realize paintball was still a thing. I enjoyed it when i was a kid. Happy birthday dude

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars truetrue says:

    Not me counting how many minutes of content has been put out in the last 10 hours. (Almost 2 hours and 6 videos)

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Victor R. says:

    Synopsis: quit complaining and get to work

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mitha says:

    A YouTuber who actually gives PRACTICAL advice??

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Boon says:

    Did the coupon code expire?

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 🌟Andrew Paulo says:

    Love the waking up part. 100% agree

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 🌟Andrew Paulo says:

    Molitor is solid I’ve worked with them

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 🌟Andrew Paulo says:

    Create a 10 year plan on how you’re going to acquire 5 units/houses. Cross out all of the excuses…

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars King hazy says:

    Kevin the new top G 😏

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chase Backeter says:

    I’m a home owner and have 3 acres. It’s in the woods. It’s amazing knowing I’m becoming wealthy. And since I’ve been watching you for the last few years I’ve learned about the stock market. I’m up
    200%+ this year lol. No sh9t. It’s crazy. Afrm and tesla making me rich.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D1EA7 says:

    Happy Birthday Kevi! Hope you enjoy the game. Hope you have a face mask!

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leon Kienow says:

    When you request a loan approval, do they run a credit score? It is my understanding requesting preapprovals will lower your overall credit scores. Any way around this?

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wolfram says:

    Lets get that money

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