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⚠️⚠️⚠️ #stocks #investing #inflation ⚠️⚠️⚠️
In this video we go over the debt and how much impact it will have on these companies. We talk about how these companies should escape debt as well as how to value these companies as investors. We also talk about my exciting series a opportunity. After that we talk about what to expect with the coming earnings season and which companies I am specifically watching. We talk about: $TSLA, $AAPL, $PRG, $JPM, $OXY, and $UDN
0:00 Earnings Recession.
2:30 Debt will Cripple THESE Companies.
5:38 How to Calculate Debt to Earnings Multiples.
12:24 Watch THESE Companies During Earnings.
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Me kevin here. Everybody is worried about the potential for what's known as a a federal reserve. A rugging or a rug. Poll.

And oftentimes. This is a reference to somebody known as mr. Paul volcker. And the reason nobody wants a paul volcker is because paul volcker said.

Oh. My goodness. The federal reserve has lost credibility and in order for us to regain credibility if inflation is here let's just set interest rates to here and prove to the world that no no we're serious about crushing inflation which obviously led to a devastating recession now the federal reserve has said well inflation's there but don't worry folks don't worry we're credible and therefore. The fed even though inflation is here at eight percent is only setting rates to potentially a terminal four percent oops.

But don't worry the fed says they're credible. So what are three things that could potentially lead to a return of paul volcker to a return of the rugging well number. One is very interesting. It actually is one that we haven't talked about on the channel before.

But we really should pay attention to and it has to do with this nominal number right over. Here see at. The bottom there that bottom. Right corner it.

Says 19 there it is. 19 what does that represent well that 19. Represents something having to do with motor vehicle insurance. And this is actually a very interesting line item and vandatrak spent quite a bit of time talking about that this weekend and i want to give you a brief summary as to why motor vehicle insurance isn't just hey save 15 on your gun jones with geico or whatever blah blah blah.

It's so much more than that see car insurance has to do with the total pricing of what it costs for think about this medical services related to the cost of accidents. It has to do with labor costs related to actually installing pieces or parts to cars or fixing them doing bodywork to cars not just humans right. But it also has to do with the input costs of parts. It also has to do with the costs of rental cars.

Which then has to do with the semiconductor industry so to some degree car insurance by itself is what's kind of referred to as a microcosm of our total economy in other words. If you just look at all of the things that go into car insurance pricing. It's almost like taking a cross sectional slice of our entire economy and saying man medical labor. Parts semiconductors rentals.

You know the cost of people being unable to work because they were injured in an accident. The cost of litigation. The cost of court filing fees all of this gets summed up in car insurance and we had a pretty bad read this last. Month yeah just the last.

Month we had a reading of 19. Which annualized means that medi or car insurance motor vehicle insurance increased at an annual rate of over 20 roughly about 22 because you can multiply 19. By 12 and you get to a figure that's over 20 inflation in just motor vehicle insurance. This is a dangerous sign because it's one of the early signs that uh.
Oh. We're starting to get what's known as service inflation now when you think of service. I want you to think of it being particularly bad because of the s service can tend to be sticky. Because it takes a while of all of those little input costs going down to actually drag inflation from services down so service inflation spiraling out of control an absolute danger that we want to pay attention to and it takes a little bit of nuance in the reports to.

See but. Boy it's not a good thing and that 19. Percent read in the last inflation report. Tells us that inflation really is quite broad the more broad.

It is the more aggressive. The fed has to get to get all of the bucket down. It's so much to wrap your hands around in your arms. Run.

It's not just oil and gas prices. It's like everything it's bad. But another one that tends to be really really sticky and this is the second issue has to do with wages. And there's something special happening over wages.

And this is a problem because of something known as the wage price spiral. Now you're probably familiar with the wage price spiral. But i want to show you a few charts that show a little bit of danger happening. Here.

And it's something we've also got to pay attention to but in addition to paying attention to this you've got to know that within the next 10 days that 50 off coupon code for the programs on building your wealth expires and the price is going to go up and lately. It's been going up faster than the rate of inflation because there's so much demand for these products on building your wealth because we keep adding content. The goal is to provide so much value to these programs that when you go through them you're like oh my gosh not only has this program paid for itself. But i'm making good returns on the knowledge that i've gained here which i was never taught in high school never taught in college.

Never even taught on the internet. Because i didn't even know what to look for this is sometimes sometimes what i hear is people say something like oh well if you know if i want to know something i can just google. It but what if you don't even know what you're looking for whatever you don't even know you're just unconsciously incompetent. You are unaware that you don't even know what you don't know but programs like those on building your wealth link down below can help you get through all of that in a systemic process.

So that way when you go from zero to complete your mindset about money will be completely transformed check out the programs. I generally recommend people start with a bundle on stocks and psychology of money and most importantly that zero to millionaire real estate investing program especially since there might be some nice real estate investing opportunities coming up soon. But let's not talk about this wage spiral and the charts that we have coming up especially important because one of the things with a wage price spiral is that it's really difficult to undo basically. What happens is the costs of goods go up.
So it becomes more expensive to live right the cost of living or col. Goes up when the cost of living goes up people demand higher wages. When people demand higher wages companies that want to preserve their margins. Raise prices.

Again increasing the cost of living for people working wages or earning wages. Which again increases a demand for higher wages. This kind of spiral can lead to a self sustaining self fulfilling form of inflation. Which is very very bad and can dispel could literally spell the end of a currency as we know it and this has happened many times.

All you have to do is look at south america and you can see the disaster that inflation can rage on countries and currencies. Which have often gone to zero. You might remember wheelbarrows of cash back in the days of the weimar republic that can happen wage price. Spirals are a great way to lead that to happen so what kind of charts.

Do we want to pay attention to now we want to pay attention to wage growth. This makes sense. And what do we notice with wage growth here recently well recently within 2022. We could look at the atlanta fed wage growth tracker and what we're actually seeing is this increase in wages higher than normal based on the atlanta fed's measure of it.

And you see sort of this inflection. Point right over here in about the middle of 2021. Where all of a sudden this one actually runs hotter or starts running hotter than it usually does in trend. And has now surpassed the average hourly earnings based on a composition adjustment.

Which is just a different way of measuring it and just average hourly earnings the way the bureau of labor statistic measures statistics measure that measures. It excuse me this is brought to you by the atlanta fed and this is their version of what they are estimating current wage growth might be like and the scary part folks is right here. We have this odd inflection point up this is understandable because we have a lot of inflation. Here that's driven wages up year over year and we know that but the fact that we're here.

And it's now worsening is a little bit of a cause for concern. Now. Some say that this spike here correlates to this little itty bitty hole over here. But this is quite a substantial move compared to just this little dip right here.

So sometimes you get what are known as base effects. Which is comparing back to the whole of last year. And that's why numbers can appear higher right. But folks.

This is something to pay attention to and if we go a little bit deeper and we look at something like the wage growth tracker alone. And we kind of zoom into a little bit more. What do we see we see an absolute increase here not just at the end of 2021. But also this inflection point again in 2022 now when we look at annualized wage growth.
We do see a decline in wage growth. That means wages are still going up. But 12 months you know on sort of a 12 month average wages have been going up about five percent. We look at about a six month average going back.

We're sitting about four and a half percent wage growth and within the last. Month we're about that 39. But this doesn't help us understand why all of a sudden. We have this big inflection point at the right side of these curves of potentially wage costs going up and so some are calling this an early red flag of potentially while we see commodity prices come down the risk that we end up seeing service.

Inflation actually just start taking off along with potentially a wage price spiral. Just now starting to take off and on july 29th. We are going to hear from the federal reserve and what we're going to want to pay specific attention to is the federal reserve's take on what's happening with not just service inflation. But also wage inflation because these things could keep the fed aggressive for longer.

Which is bad. But that's just two of the three things and we're not even talking about the expiring coupon code no we've got to talk about the fact that we've got a bigger potential problem. That has a lot more weight in inflation. So you remember one of the most popular measures of inflation is cpi well cbi carries.

What are known as weights. So when a cpi report comes out and we look at something like motor vehicle inflation we can actually see that the weight for cpi inflation for motor vehicle insurance is 23. Percent. So that means for every 100 or every doubling of motor vehicle.

Insurance we only see cpi move by 2379 percent. So you double it only moves cpi inflation by two point uh three seven percent right. However that's motor vehicle insurance. One that's a lot more damning actually has to do with owners equivalent rents and housing which has closer to a 327.

Almost a one third percent weight as part of the cost of inflation or how much or the measure of inflation. How much inflation goes up and the problem with owner's equivalent rents is that rents have skyrocketed to the tune of somewhere between 14 to 25 year over year across the nation. And the problem is the more we end up seeing rent go up the more we actually have cpi go up. And if cpi is super super high in july.

And let's say maybe we've peaked in july. And now we're like oh. It's good gas prices are starting to go down a little bit and oil prices are starting to go down a little bit. But then cpi gets propped up because rent goes up even more because the measures of rent inflation owner's equivalent rent are delayed six to nine months from what the actual market is doing that is market rents right now are up 14 to 25.
But owner's equivalent rent is really only up about five percent right and if owner's equivalent rent is only up about five percent then we still have nine to uh 20 percent to go to be realized in cpi. Which means that delay could show up over here in august september. October. November.

December. And we could actually end up. Seeing inflation. Even though.

Commodity prices are going down. We could see inflation get propped up even. More and maybe we end up seeing something like a 10 inflation level. And you think that well maybe rents will go down right that would be the hope because if rents don't go down and owners equivalent rents.

Which have a 33 weighting uh in cpi drags inflation readings up even higher then maybe maybe we're screwed because the fed's going to have to pull vulcarus right. But hey is there a chance that rents will go down well. This is where things get a little tricky. See as inflation or cpi goes up the federal reserve increases rates.

When the fed increases rates or the bond market. Thinks. The fed is going to raise rates. What goes up mortgage rates.

And so when mortgage rates go up. What goes down is buyer. Purchasing power. Which actually increases the demand for rentals and don't take my word for it you can just take a look at what jp morgan says about this because this is a complicated topic.

That's known as inertial inflation. We're not going to get super deep into the weeds on this. But take a look at just this section here. Complicating things.

Further is evidence that higher rates intended to lower inflation. Make rent inflation worse in the short run. And that's because supply can't keep up and rental rates. Go up leading to more pain as prices for rents go up as prices for rents go up.

Because. The fed is raising rates and now all of a sudden. We're seeing rents go up even more. The fed's raising rates to try to get inflation down.

But what they're actually doing is pushing up cpi rents at a six to nine month delay meaning they're potentially hiking on us. While we're in the midst of a recession. And this is why it is so critically important to be prepared for the dangers. That lay ahead.

Now we don't want to be all crazy fear mongery and say that's it this is the end of the world. We're for sure going to get paul volcker. This is a warning for you that if you don't have a sticky note on the wall in front of you right now that has at least services like motor vehicle inflation on the wall in front of you so you can pay attention to it and watch it if you're not paying attention to wage growth and if you're not paying attention to rent and owner's equivalent rent growth. You're walking blind in a market where we could end up seeing all of these things lead to us getting paul volkard out of nowhere.
And if we get paul volkard. Expect massive pain in the markets at least in the short term. And hey maybe they'll be buying opportunities just maybe. And maybe those buying opportunities will never come maybe all of these things will fade away and that's actually another reason you want to pay attention to these things because if all of these things fade.

Away service. Inflation doesn't become a problem wage. Inflation. Fades.

Away is not a problem rent inflation. Fades. Away is not a problem. Then guess.

What also fades away. Mr. Volcker. And that should actually give you confidence to get into the market rather than constantly being fearful that oh no everything's just going to get worse and not get better personally.

I'm paying attention to these signs. I'm very nervous that these things are going to inflect to the bad side. Which there are some signs that they are already reflecting to the bad side. But i'm hopeful that there's some kind of glass ceiling and that they come down.

However opium is not an investment strategy. What is a strategy though is taking advantage of a coupon code before the prices go up because even though there might be another coupon code prices being up is the bottom line the net price you pay for the programs on building your wealth down below is going up and you could lock in the price before they do link down below.

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31 thoughts on “3 reasons why the fed will paul volcker crash markets.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J D says:

    Fed has been wrong literally at every step. Why because they dont represent the people , they're not government, they represent the central banks.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AdrianD says:

    This guy feels like he became desperate, it is so hard to click this videos of his right now, so sick of all this crap everyday, everyday crash, everyday urgent message, with half of the video about his courses. Which he doesn’t follow!!!! Just pathetic

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Ferry says:

    Reserves banks have hiked rates a lot quicker down in Australia and New Zealand. Rents are on the way down already after house prices peaked last November. Interest in property sales has plummeted.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jessy S says:

    A cooling housing market will cause rents to stabilize due to sellers needing to rent their home to keep those properties afloat.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars George Senda says:

    Fox said today that car manufacturers are skipping features like collision avoidance in new cars because they can’t get the chips and parts.
    Of course, I must ask the question as to why car makers and parts makers aren’t making parts and chips in this country now, Canada and Mexico rather than relying on a Covid wracked China ?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Campuzano says:

    Werent u so bullish just last week though.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Evans says:

    Another great vid. Thanks 👍

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blissful Body says:

    Professor Hanke gave a very good interview on kitco news today. He’s been spot on about inflation this whole time.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BattleOoze says:

    do we really think that they will crash everything before the mid terms elections?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DomsBits says:

    Keeps raising prices on a course no one needs to pay for his lawyer’s bills

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kazadrix Myer says:

    I retain more info from the "blackground " videos, your monitors in the back usually make my mind wander lol

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mordy rosenberg says:

    Lower gas prices will fix all of this!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Casey Nabors says:

    I just realized… Kevin is pretty good at writing backwards so we can read it from our point of view 🤣🤣

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rebellion1776 says:

    Inflation your way into collapse or Volcker your way into collapse, either way it ends the same. All man made empires collapse, America will be no different. There are a lot of other things that are going on in the world right now, and into the future that is going to speed up the collapse of not only the USA, but also the world economies…when economies collapse, they start slow, but rapidly pick up speed at the end…Given our current leadership in the White House to handle things in a meltdown…😒…Good Luck to you all!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Darren Prior says:

    America doesn't do Austerity. It ain't Greece. The Fed will chicken out before that ever happens. Next year will be QE not QT. Bet on it

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dead by Bastârcă says:

    Keep buying

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin Kiefer says:

    Jesus! The only reason Kevin is spreading so much fear is because his wants to lower his Tesla $800 average. Keep spreading peak fear because we are just buying the dip!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lorenzo As says:

    Hmmmmmm maybe???? Maybe??? 🤷🏽‍♂️ this market is wonky as fuuuuu

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Haden Rainey says:

    No Voelcker moment coming. Creates a federal government default. Can’t happen. Won’t happen

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FunkMasterHEX says:

    Lol they’d rugpull the whole US Govt. The real inflation number is probably 10-15% no way a country with a debt of over $3 Trillion is gonna be able to pay debt with anywhere near a 20% Fed funds rate.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars zack nelson says:

    Also oil prices have gone above 100$ agsin and are set to rise even higher. Mite break records again

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rob Gibson says:

    Wage spiral will be fixed also very soon as the retired are coming back in droves now that their fixed income isn't looking so hot anymore. Also small business startups at all time high coming out of free money will disappear bringing back many workers begrudgingly.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cryptonize says:

    Thanks boomers

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars COMEDY NIGHT says:

    Maybe one day I will buy your course with a wheelbarrow full of cash!🤕

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rob Gibson says:

    Rent inflation will definitely go away once the whole thing comes down. Rent increase is just a short term desparate attempt of trying to cope with raising interest rates at an overbought asset. These rents aren't sustainable and people will be forced to live in more affordable set ups like living with family friends etc which will force these people to sell their properties which will drive diwn prices.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wes Parker says:

    can you do a nod to the pending RxR strike if the 60 days of Biden mandated talks don't resolve
    Also the whole market put call ratio has only been bullish 1 in 10 days this year.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JR Dinero says:

    I hope Jerome Powell at least applies some lube if he 'Paul Volcker' the markets.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars taburolando says:

    Can anybody tell me how he can write backwards?

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jared Cobb says:

    All games aside and no bias, or no saying well this Republican does it. Really want to know why the SEC wouldn’t hit Pelosi on buying NVIDIA as she supports a bill to get them billions.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jared Thatcher says:

    I see it completely differently than you. Fed printed too much money and needs to fix it. UNTIL they do fix it, aka volckering, the market will keep slowing dipping cutting everyone's hands as they catch the knife that permanently falling knife. Interest rates need to hit 9% to tackle their 'CP LIE' 9% and the sooner they bite the bullet and get it done the better. Real interest rates are at 20% easy and MMT is a complete failure as it has been with every society that attempts pure fiat.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alik Nielsen says:

    I'm still betting on 75 bps

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