3 Proven Listing Strategies to Model in Your Own Market – And Leapfrog Your Competition!
Today’s Tom Ferry Podcast Experience gives you a sneak peek inside our BluePrint event from back in March!
For this particular segment, I assembled a panel of three expert listing agents – and they didn’t hold back. In fact, they revealed many of their best secrets for getting listings in today’s ultra-competitive marketplace, and you can hear it all on today’s episode.
Catch tips from Oklahoma’s Edna Kimble, Karl Phillips from the Atlanta area, and Claudia Cornejo of Herndon, VA, including:
· How to get the inside scoop in your neighborhood
· How to dominate Expireds through text messaging
· Social media strategies to maximize engagement and create listing success
And more! If listings are as difficult to find in your market as they are most places, this is one episode you can’t afford to miss.
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For the majority of my life, I’ve been passionate and dedicated about changing lives by giving away the very best strategies, tactics, and mindset techniques to help you and your business succeed. Join me as we take this to level 10!
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So i'm gon na bring up three rock stars matter of fact: can we bring him up to the virtual stage right now? Please, i've got three incredible agents and and to set the tone for this. My friends and we're gon na see him up on the screen. Hopefully, in a second here to set the tone for this: oh there we go, so i love the round of applause, virtually hello, everybody um, so just to set the tone for this. For ever all my friends that are watching me before i introduce my three panelists um for my entire life.

Since the time i was seven or eight years old, i figured out that if somebody else could do something that was extraordinary, whether it was their health or their relationship or their marketing or just the way they carried themselves. I figured out very early on if they can do it, if i can figure out why they do it, how they do it, the frequency, what they say, what they spend, how they say it. If i can do all that, i can model them and leapfrog years of experience, leapfrog years of pain between the three of them there's about 200 listings sold in 2020.. So this is an opportunity for us to model excellence at various parts of the country and extraordinary levels of production.

So i'm going to do some quick introductions so claudia. Why don't you give them context for who you are kind of the things we talked about? Just give them the who's, claudia in your business, real, quick hi, my name is nejo from the daily washington maryland and virginia. I have 17 years as a real estate agent, but i had the created claudia associates, my still team, because we are four agents and we are have sold last year, 122 homes and our goal for this year is 165 homes. Wow, congratulations so, and how? Many of those were listings sold versus buyer sales last year, we're 32 - and i am the listing agent and the other three - are my uh buyer's agents, uh-huh.

Okay, so just like the models we were talking about earlier, my friends, the seal team model right so carl same question, for you give him some context for who you are and some background on your business, i'm carl phillips atlanta area. I run a small team seal team myself and two other agents and some admin staff started last year, 73 listings last year, 18 buyers. I really heavily focus on the listing side. Business um, that's real.

My favorite part of the business is the listing side and do most of my business through text. Uh. Did everybody hear that so we're now, i'm gon na dig in and we're gon na get all kinds of their brilliant basics. So i'm just giving you context for who they are.

The lovely, miss edna, give him a little introduction who you are a little scoop on your background in business, edna kimball, i'm from oklahoma, and i have a small team, a hybrid. So basically, last year i sold 236 units um. The majority of those about 139 were sellers and uh 62 of those were buyers, and then my team closed 86 units for about. I think it was a total of about 58 million.
So, just for context like i was sharing earlier, like my client tim, who did 600 million dollars in sales, the team did 103, you did 200 and some odd transactions on your own and then your team did 89. Did i hear that correctly? Correct? Yes, okay! So, first of all, claudia when you hear that what are you thinking well definitely i have to create and goes towards that, and i love the fact that i have a model in myself uh that i can reach out and get better. Absolutely and again all these all these people are doing phenomenal, but i always like to put people on the spot so edna we asked all of you to essentially just share something about your business that you do that they could all replicate. So so i'm going to lead with you first, if you were just if you were doing a training on how to get more listings your unique factors, what it is that you do share with everybody like how you do it, okay, so listings, specifically, i think that The problem is: everyone thinks that there's some big secret in this market, but realistically, what worked in the last market is still working in this market and my secret weapon is my cell phone and my database.

I always think that contacts should end with a dollar sign. Instead of an s because it's i'm just shocked at how many people don't go to their database when they've got that buyer um, some of the things that i've had some luck with was, i call my top ten. So i've got um a new bank president moving to town he's. Looking for a high-end luxury home, i called the local jewelry store, the owner, hey, let's have some coffee and he gives me the scoop on who might have gotten a new diamond ring because hubby messed up and whose house might need to sail, and then i just Kind of very casually reach out to that client, whether it's through social media or um, sometimes i'll just call them up depending on what the situation is, but sometimes it's just uh, retargeting them and and tracking them um.

If i've got someone looking hold on edna hold on, did everybody write that down because that's that's insane who's the best jeweler in town who's getting married who's upgrading, because maybe they did something wrong or they're renewing their vows right, but, like that's, brilliant, okay, keep going! Okay and then, if it's something um a little more rural area, like word country out here, then i call the postal workers and i visit with them chat with them. Uh they know who's moving. They know who got kicked out. They know whose stuff was on the front lawn yesterday: um they they know who maybe maybe the homeowner, is exhausted from renting the property because of bad tenants, um, they just kind of know the scoop um.

I have a couple of local hair stylists that i call and they have the dirt y'all and for a really nice gift card to a couple of different things. A couple of times a year. They will give you the dirt and of course, you've got a like super confident i tell them. Look i'm half attorney and half priest.
Whatever you tell me, will not leave here, but there's a really nice little referral gift for you and i take care of them. Several times throughout the year, and then one of my favorites that has just i actually end up hiring his wife was our local cable guy, i mean they send people into the homes and while the cable guy is behind the couch working, they hear all kinds of Stuff so so call use your database call these call your top ten call your people and just ask them um. You know who do you know that might be looking to sell that? That's probably my biggest thing going through the database um like the text message that you put up, i absolutely i've. I've been doing that.

I don't do the text message. What i'll usually do is just call them and say hey. I saw that you know. Johnny won that soccer tournament, um, congratulations, how's, everybody doing doing good, doing good and then they'll ask me how's the market yep wow! Well, you know you're not going to believe this, but your value is really really good right now and then they lean in and they're.

Like oh and i'm like well, listen, i'm going to be out in your neighborhood. You know on saturday, why don't i swing by after the open house and and we'll just chat and i'll, give you some ideas on what the value is and then just kind of go from there. It doesn't have to be it's kind of like fishing. Don't do the hard yank it's kind of slip in there, i'm still dying at part priest part attorney.

Your secrets are good with me. I i have the um the things on the side of my car. That say you know. Edna sells with my phone number and it's very funny, because i have to stop and remember to take those off for some visits and i was running into at this time of the year.

You know you have to go wash your car also when you take those off, because it's really obvious that there was something on the side of your car, so yeah super cute. So all right, i'm gon na i'm gon na bounce a little bit. I want to go to carl, so carl, you know evan just shared some of her brilliant basics and you know obviously edna going back to you. We all know the value of like having that, like top 50 top 10.

You know even your dream. 25 list of people you want to work with, so i love how you're activating those those 10 people and you got a lot of people in the chat talking like who never thought about that. That's that's brilliant! So thank you, carl to you same thing. What are you doing to generate so many listings? I mean you 78 listings sold.

If i heard the number correctly, and only like 18 buyer sales - that's bonkers yeah. I i'm a huge proponent of expireds and for sale by owners. I moved to atlanta. I had no sphere, i didn't have any connections decided to get into real estate brilliant choice, so the only way i knew to get business at that point was to pick up the phone and start just hammering call after call after call worked really well for several Years and then you know, answer rates start to drop so last year, end of end of 2018.
Actually, i was completely burned out, so i switched to a new coach and we really reworked what i did and i moved everything i was doing with expireds over to texting. So not just one text first day, it's an entire follow-up program with texting with video, with everything that that, basically, you preach all into one system to generate absolutely an amazing amount of expired listings from text messages doesn't mean you don't have to pick up the phone. No, but it creates top of the funnel, so you don't have to sit there for the three hours in the morning. Listening to the phone ring, it creates those opportunities, so you can strategically pinpoint the right people, the people that are ready to go.

So you can pounce on those listings and show why you're different than somebody else. Okay, carl, you got a whole people are like whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay, so let's say i'm an expired listing. You know from memory or you could put it up in a loom and you could share it right.

Maybe a combination of the two would be nice, especially because we talked about like i'd love, to see that video, just just from memory on day one. We send him this, and this is kind of what it says on day. Two we send this and this is what it is and day three like walk us through like we have no idea what you're talking about, but we want to do it so day, one um you're going to get a text message that just says, hey tom. This is carl revere real estate partners just curious.

Do you still plan on selling your home with an exact video below it? That says the exact same thing, no link, no bomb bomb, nothing to click! It comes through on your phone and auto plays when you get the text message so you're, avoiding that kind of scammy feel what um i don't hold on hold on. What software does that uh sierra interactive, sierra interactive love it we love those guys keep going. What's? What's the second me, too, second, message comes across five days later, just says: hey tom carl, following up with you again, i would love to meet with you about your property. If you still want to get it sold, i guarantee it sold in 90 days or less or i'll sell it for free, okay.

So the next one is an a compelling offer i'll sell it in 90 days or less or the sales the sale is free. It might cost you nothing, no commission, okay and then, and is that five days later, did you say five days later day, five, it kind of after the first day, everybody's getting 90 calls 100 calls in the atlanta area. It gives people a break. You know if you're hitting people every single day, you're just going to get blocked, you're going to get muted and it allows people to kind of remember.
Oh yeah. This guy sent me a video, a text that was completely different. Let me get back to him when it's good for me, instead of 6 30 in the morning when everybody's starting to pick up the phone and then from that point forward, i try to bring them back into my website with a buyer offer hey. Have you seen the latest price reduced properties? Are you curious? What's on the market that way, i can bring them into my website, retarget them on amazon, basically, the same stuff.

You do with ads and just get in front of them as many times as possible, and i carry out this plan basically for eight months from the day they expire. I find the sweet spot window is between day 40 and day 65, while some people want to get back on the market and sell. I think a lot of people after 90 days on the market need that break they're, tired of picking up the coffee cup they're, tired of making their bed every day. They need that mental break and then, when they're ready to come back on the market.

I am literally the only person still communicating with them, so just to be clear. It's uh somebody asked like what is the software. It's sierra interactive right outstanding. So i see a couple of people like coaching clients going hey it's this one.

You set it up once set it and forget it, or is this you're actually texting people all day long on your phone? No there's no way that you can humanly possibly keep up with that. So it's i put it in. On the first day, the system runs its course, and it's pretty amazing i'll get people that don't text back for six months and i get a text saying hey. If you have time this week, can you please come list? Our property and you'll get a lot of mean people.

You get a lot of upset people and i find those are the gold mine. Those are the people that are treating everybody that way. So if you just simply text back and say, i'm really sorry for your experience. I understand where we're at.

If you need something i'm here for you and then the next day, a lot of times, they'll text back and thank you and then a lot of times. I'll pick up my personal cell phone call them and just say hey. You know we talked yesterday a little bit. I understand the situation's, not the best.

How can i help you? This is my personal cell phone number. Even if it's not selling your house, you just want advice, give me a call anytime, i'm here there i go back to empathy, empathy, empathy, the book that i was sharing with all of you, that's a beautiful example. So so you say: the sweet spot is between day 40 and day 65, but the campaign goes eight months long, my friends, without his involvement. Now some people would be saying like right now, like carl they're, like i have no expireds in my market, i call bs in every market.

There's expired listings. Are there less yes, but speak to it? Well, you know. Atlanta is one of the hottest markets in in the country right now, um yesterday, in just my area that i work, i had 25 legitimate expired properties, so i cut all the garbage out all the the corporations. Everything else out, 25 expired sent out texts yesterday set three listing appointments for this week.
Bang, so do you recommend like do you recommend this strategy for everybody watching right now? I recommend this strategy. If you're willing to put in the work it sounds so great. You just send out some text messages and you get you know some responses and you do if you really want to use this to its full potential and not just clog the market space. You do have to learn how to do this in a different way than you would on the phone.

You cannot go super hard on these people through text you're just going to get blocked. You have to ask really pointed questions. Uh chris voss was a great. You know, example for this two years ago, asking you know that programmed no, the programmed no has been huge for me getting a response where the answer is no, would it be outrageous for you to give me 15 minutes of your time to show you why i'm Different and picking up the phone still, if you're afraid of the phone, it's never going to work.

You really have to integrate everything. You've learned over the last 10 years of dealing with expireds into this one package, but it can cut three hours of time every morning. Down to 15 minutes of time and actually getting on the phone with the right people yep exactly so now. So i'm looking at a bunch of the questions and some people are saying like um, he said he calls on his personal cell phone to offer right yeah.

So you're answering somebody else, um so ready when they text or they complain. Uh. Do you just delete them from the text chain? If somebody says stop or you know, get extremely vulgar, then yeah i mean it's obviously they're not interested, but a lot of times. I think people just express their frustration.

It's really easy to type out when you're mad. So i had a great example, a lady text me back how many times did you show my property when it was on the market, and i said zero, i'm a listing agent. That's what buyer agents do? Are you curious about the difference? She texts me back you're a zero, so most people at that point would delete them right. I text back.

I i understand the frustration. I understand how hard it is to want to sell your home and in this kind of market it not sell whenever you're ready to have a conversation. Please give me a call: here's my personal cell phone number and that's it. Two days later, she called me back.

Apologized for saying what she said asked when it was convenient for me to come over to her house. Put her house on the market was sold a week later, bingo bingo, so so so far, we've got edna the queen of the hairstylist, the jewelers right, the cable repair guy, and then we go to carl who's. Like expired listings text message, systems and automation. Both are brilliant basics.
Bro both are a process that they have honed over years. Let's go to claudia claudia. What would you share is one of the unique things that you do. That's causing you to win so many listings.

I love social media and that's what i do most of the time i focus in facebook and clo and uh instagram, and also what i usually it's like. Facebook, okay do uh at least three to four posting on facebook prior to sellers, because i also do buyers and sellers. So what i do for the sellers is silly reviews, just focus and they're the seller's point, and then i always give them information about the market. We have to show us an expert so whenever they need us they're gon na go directly to us, i use keeping current matters.

I love their infographics, all the information, so i usually post videos and different things. Another thing that i do to make it a little bit more personal. It's every week, i post videos and what i solve are just the questions that the sellers can have and uh also their fears, because, especially with the way the market is, they have so many fears. So i approach them to give them the peace of mind and what i love about.

Videos is a way to reach them, so sometimes we cannote, i mean we have a higher reach when we post a video, because we don't see only one person, we see thousands of people and of course we see that always and the views and the reach out That we have our post and another thing, and you were just talking about it - is the proof of success. Every time we have a listing, we put how many times we posted the way. We did it because we also advertising through social media, not just their regular websites, so they want to see that if how much was listed, how much they received and because, at the end of the day, it's all about numbers right. So we do that.

All for facebook - and we also work a lot instagram and we change a little bit instagram, something that we love to place with the instagram stories, and we start doing that. The second half of the year. We have great results because it's more interactive and that's what and sometimes it's short. Sometimes people don't have the time to watch something long.

They just want to see you and we're always on the mind with this, something that we use inside facebook for instagram. What we do is we make them part of the presentation. Let's say we go to a listing appointment as soon as we finish, or even before that, hey guys, i'm gon na be having a listing today. What do you think? Do i get the listing or not and then when we finish, we post again hey coming soon to the market, okay and then also when we are staying in the house the before and after so they can see what we offer and this part of the services We do and then of course i mean when the house goes to the market and all that they love the interactions when we ask them this color or these or do you like it or not, we do polls, so that's something that we've seen great results.
They just love that and another thing that we just started doing towards the end of the year. It's seller seminars. We do that once a month and it's live. They just love that because, while they can be driving or they can be doing another thing and they just keep uh watching us through the whole process and then of course, we use some uh facebook ads and boost and other techniques, yes to have more exposure.

Also, what we do at the end of the seller seminar, we leave a session of q and a's, so we work on their own questions. They love that claudia! You are okay, she has the unfair advantage of having more charisma in her pinky than many people have in their entire body right. So you, you just told us like 37 things. You do that are amazing.

I'm gon na try and break it down from memory right. You're doing a lot of instagram stories, creating engagement, hey i'm going on this appointment. Do you think i'm gon na get the listing? Would you then, do the yes or no right the little button on there, so they can actually vote and you actually see who's following you, who's engaging do that kind of stuff and they say good luck when they release an appointment. So i love the interaction.

Yes see what i love for everybody watching right now, that is making it's. What that is, is its dollar listing on somebody's iphone? Oh, my god, he's going on the appointment, he's competing against another million dollar listing agent who's going to get it and you have to wait for the commercial. Then you come back claudia got it. Those types of engagements on social are addicting for people right now.

I don't recommend edna comes out of a hair salon and says i just came out of a hair salon and figured out who's getting divorced and who's, not right, but there is a way for her to play the same role right in her way. Just like carl's going to do it in his way, so i'm going to bounce around a little bit. I want to go back to edna so and then you would. You had sent some things, some tactical things that you use like a gold tracking.

It looked like a direct mail piece, some calendar stuff, so my team, i think they're - probably controlling it um. Can we throw up those slides for edna, so she can walk us through this. Then i want to talk to you all about what you say on appointments to win, so we're going to love that too so and to share like the edna's 2021 closing goal calendar. What what is that about? Why do you use it? What's the story? Okay, so tracking is everything um.

My goal is for me personally to close 180 this year. I realize that's less than this last year, but the next slide should be my personal calendar and the reason is: is i'm taking off all of october? I have a really great um, my daughter's getting married in europe and um, i'm taking the like 22 people, i believe to europe, and you can also see a family vacation and some other things in there. I'm a big believer in family and life balance and i think that you have to set your goals and then you have to look at those goals. You have to schedule your time off.
Tom always says: if it's not in your calendar, it's not happening. That's right. So i literally do my calendar for me personally and my family at the beginning of the year um. I also accountability as far as the goals you've got to know where you're trying to get to.

In fact, you can see behind me that behind you right, yeah, and that is starting with 2016 and every year i've nailed my goals so a few times we had to add a few things on there, but it needs to be in front of you. It has to be trackable, it has to be measurable. You've got to be accountable, which is why i love my coach um. I've been in coaching, for i think four or five years and i've had.

This is my third coach and i've gotten something invaluable from each one of them. Um i'll, just give you the short version: i've lost 62 pounds and added several commas to my bank account after i joined coaching. So thank you, tom seriously. Wow doug hannon, carolyn auger and then my amazing current coach sandra.

I just can't can't say how amazing it is for us so yeah and i was able to pay my mom's house off a few years ago. I you did a video on that yeah, okay, so everyone watching like i get super inspired when everybody makes more money right. I mean i want that. I want you to serve more clients, but when i hear i lost 62 pounds added some commas and paid off my mom's house that, for me that's deserving of a huge round of applause.

Congratulations, i mean that's. That's bonkers! Thanks to coaching seriously yeah, i can't we're building, no doubt so i'm going to switch gears. I want to go to carl, then i'm going to go to claudia. Then i'm going to come back to edna, so carl, the biggest objections you're getting now on listing appointments from sellers and how are you handling them? What are the biggest objections you get and i, my friends, i would get ready to write like crazy, because this is that r d stuff.

So what are you hearing? What are you saying number one suggestion i think we're all facing is great. We can sell my home quickly for top dollar. Where do i go? Where do i find what i want to be in, and i think for all of us in this market for the next year, if you can master that that question of where do we go? Where do we find a house? What, if we don't find a house, i think that's the key to winning most listing appointments um the things that i really do is know the market know what's coming on the market what's available with other agents and then my best advice is really call for rent By owners there's a lot of for rent by owners out there that will do short-term rentals. That will do short-term things for your client um.
That can get them in this situation where they can sell for the most be patient on the buy side and get into where they really want to be. Also, if you're not buying your own rental properties hold on carl hold on because you're you're going. You know i love what you're talking about, but let's, let's role play: let's role play so i'm the seller you're the listing agent, so carl. Clearly i mean we screwed up with the last agent we're so blessed to be meeting with you.

There's no doubt you're going to sell our home for a ton of money, but then we're going to be stuck like we're going to get all this cash and now we we don't want to write a contingent offer like. So how do you solve for this? Like? What's the tactics, what do you do? Well, the number one thing i would recommend is putting it out there there's a million buyers that want to buy your house, let's see if we can get a lease back, so we can put the money in your pocket number. One keep you in your house for another 30 to 60 days, giving us a three-month window to find that perfect property for you. If that still doesn't work, we can't get the perfect situation.

We look at the rental market, see if we can get a short-term rental. I personally have a couple homes. I keep for special clients like this in this situation, or i can put you up in a short-term rental situation and then, if worst case comes to worse, we can always find another situation for a long-term rental. Wait out the market and see what works best for you, there's a million situations that aren't perfect, we'll find the perfect one for you.

So what's interesting - and i know you know mostly certainly my clients listen to the interview i did with lisa and glenda baker and eileen rivera and everybody kind of says a similar thing right like hey, we, i can put you in an airbnb. I can get you a lease back if this is so obvious, why are so many people not doing it? Why are so many people still complaining that they don't know how to handle it? I don't know, i'm i'm a little of a klempt talk to me, carl. What do you think it takes? A lot of you have to be very proactive, and i think that people are really focused on getting listings, but you have to be focused on helping your client pass just getting that listing appointment. How do i solve the problem? Not today, but three months down the road where we don't have somewhere for them to go.

So it's not a panic state. The earlier you cover these things and the more things you head off at the pass, the less emergent situations you have down the road. It's a much more calm transaction, you have plans in place and it really makes your client feel much more comfortable with you throughout the transaction. So carl all that makes sense, i'm being the seller again, but i don't.
I don't want to spend good money on bad rent, so what do i do? Number one is the leaseback. You can stay in your house up to 60 days for free, that's the market. We're in buyers are going to be willing to. Let you have that to get into your house and still pay top dollar three months on today's market, we're likely gon na miss out on a house or two, but by the third or fourth offer.

If we really go in with a strong offer with what you want, we'll find you something in that time frame awesome now you say it so calmly and matter of fact, i'm gon na switch gears claudia. What is the biggest objection you're getting and how are you overcoming it? It's very similar, basically when they want to sell and they want to move to another property. What if they cannot find at home? That's their main concern. So what i usually do is uh.

Of course we do that, but we do like cars. He said we do more work than that. We have to be proactive in the market that we are now. So what we usually do.

We always have a plan b and we tell them. First is a short-term lease they have to be open, they have to understand they're, going to get top dollars and they're going to be able to whatever is the cost to rent. Something is going to be paid in full because they're going to get more money now. So they have very clear so they always understand their plan b.

The other thing since the market is so flexible now, because the buyers they just offer everything in order to get the property we can get lo loan uh rentbacks agreements right rather than only five to six days. It can be one or two months, and the other thing that we do is when we start working in the listing like while they are fixed of the house, what they are making sure everything and with the finances we start working in something that we call the Giants campaign so because we know where they are gon na be so we start going and knocking on the doors and tell them we have a family that is looking for this kind of thing. They are financially ready and prepared. So that's what we do.

We start knocking on the doors and to see if they are interested or if they know someone in the neighborhood. That will be interested because we know where the seller is going to go. So we start going. Do things our homework before we put the house on the market? That's brilliant and not many people would take the time to do that.

It's certainly something that i hear from the best agents that they're like tell me where you guys want to go like in their pre-list sort of qualifying the appointment and then they're already activating like i'm going to do a yikes campaign, i'm going to do a video. I'm going to reach out to my database i'm going to go see if i can find you a home before your home's, even on the market. Talk about a way to win the listing right, so claudia, brilliant edna, and to you like. Are you getting anything different and like are the rules in oklahoma, like in atlanta, you're you're, actually governed like a lesser lease back? If, like that, like that's what like, i thought it was 90 days, but maybe it's 60 days.
I know texas is similar so edna. What about you? How are you hailing this objection? Because this really is the objection? People are facing yeah yeah? We do have that 90-day rule with fha loans, because you're signing stating that you'll take possession as your primary you. You can't use some of these loans unless it is going to be your primary, but we still, we still can do you know a 60 90 day lease back. That's that's uh.

Definitely an option um. I think the key here is to try to find the buyer who's looking to buy up, and that is when it's very very easy to go and do the door knocking when you buy up, then eventually you're going to get to that point. Where you're going to find the seller, who is ready to go ahead and downsize and that's kind of been what has worked for us, is, you might go, you might have two buyers buy up, and then the third buyer or the third owner is ready to downsize. So it just becomes kind of a big circle and so just showing them at the interest rate.

It makes sense to buy up at this time. It's probably never going to be cheaper and getting them to pull the trigger on that um, even if they haven't, even if they haven't committed to putting the sign in the yard we get the signed listing, and then we go to try to find them. A couple of options so they're not even being put out on the marketplace until we find them some options to look at then we already have those other buyers ready to see there. So a lot of our sell before it actually goes on or within 48 hours, and i hear that from more rock star agents today than i've ever heard before that literally you're playing monopoly with clients moving them around.

But this is for everybody out there watching. Could all three of you show us on fingers how many people you have on your team and maybe do like one side? Your right hand is admin, and your left side is. Sales show us on fingers how many admin, how many sales two admin, two admin and four sales and then carl two and two pretty easy: claudia four agents and we have three uh admin, so four agents and three admins. So everyone out there watching these three have scaled themselves, which is why they're able to do this so closing closing thoughts uh each one of you have to ask you a question so from claudia.

I want to know if i follow you on social, which everyone should follow, claudia on social as an example. So you can see what it is that she's doing. I know you do your stuff in spanish and in english. I want to know how many videos are you producing and stories.

Are you producing on a weekly basis? At least we are doing 10 to 12 stories per week. We are doing definitely two videos and actually, what we're doing next month is every single day this month. Actually, because we started in march, we're gon na be having videos so we're gon na have 30 videos which are gon na, be the additional one plus maybe another, eight that we usually do so this month is going to be like 38 videos, 38 videos in a Month, okay, so claudia in your on your uh zoom window, there, i think or hey, could somebody on my team just post uh each of their instagram handles each of their instagram handles. So we can have everybody follow these three rock stars.
So, carl, let me go to you so carl. Besides the expired listings in a typical day, do you role play like give us your morning routine? Do you role play? Do you prospect? Do you do any of that stuff? I prospect heavily. I still role play with a ton of agents across the country. Candace decker is one of my greatest assets in the world for expireds and some different things insane.

I really heavily used the coaching. You know my coaching group to bounce ideas off of jared johnson. You know john tayeb in new york all these people that i role play with bounce ideas off of. I really use my mornings to hone in on my craft and i still call for sale by owners every day for rent by owners every day, my morning's pretty sacred to me, it's it's.

Where i generate my business, i love it. I love it and i kind of want to know the same thing from you like you know: you've been selling houses, for, did you say 17 years 17 years right so i mean not. You know - and i mean you're young you're, vibrant you're, you're number one in the marketplace. I mean you're you're, killing it on so many levels give everybody your morning routine, like what is sacred for you in the mornings so morning.

Routine is everything i get up at 4. 28. Every morning i do yoga three times a week. I have a personal trainer um just for for general energy because you got to have the energy you got to bring it.

The meds you've got to have meditation diet exercise and everyone knows do not bother me after 9, 00 pm, because i'm in bed so morning routines are super super important. I love it so you're doing your meds you're doing your yoga you're doing your exercise. What do you do like in a typical day when you get to the office? What's that? First, couple hours look like from a tactical standpoint that people should be thinking about, so i'm always in the office by 7, 30 at the absolute latest and five days a week for the first 30 minutes. I'm i have a meeting with one of my team members or my or my coach um, so that's a great way to start the day and for anyone who's thinking about having a team when you bring on team members.

That is really when you have to learn and grow. I think i feel i feel like i learn more from them than they learn from me. Sometimes and boy talk about accountability, because you can't hold them accountable unless you're doing it. So i think that's really important.
Um, so we spend 30 minutes on that and then it's it's just basically knowing what my day looks like getting my emails out of the way and the one thing that i absolutely am dreading is the first thing that i do every single day, because it's it's. If not, it's just taking up space and energy in my head um and then we do a pipeline. I have currently i have 38 pending um. So every morning i meet with my admin and we kind of go through the pipeline.

You know what are we doing? Vinyl walkthroughs, where we at uh listings that are coming on that type of thing and then it's all about face time and i literally mean trying to get i'm much better in person than i am on video or on the phone so anytime i can get in The room with the person that is always my goal is to have um a listing every other day or at least a listing meeting every other day. I love it. I love it so so again for my team. Let's make sure that everybody watching blueprint has their instagram handles.

Would the three of you be okay if we gave out your email address if they wanted to like, send you a question: hey what do you do with this, and how do you do that with the three of you good with that all right go ahead, carl? So from my instagram, i'm saying: there's a ton of interest in what i do, i'm very happy to put together a you know, a mastermind group or whatever for this and show you exactly what i do. The text, the videos, step by step of the entire thing that i do i'm happy to share everything. Okay, so i know uh carrie, mcgee, my vp of marketing and i'm sure mary jet and some of the coaching services team. Let's put carl on one of the weekly trainings and have him teach everybody in coaching this, so carl, if you're up for it, we'll just exclude glenda baker and some of those other, you know atlanta agents.

I can't do what glenda does and that's why i do. What i do, because i know i won't beat glinda at her own game. I love it. I love it well, the three of you were so gracious to take time.

I know you're here and you're learning, but you were willing to share so much. Can we give the three of them again a giant round of applause and a big? Thank you love it love it love it. You.

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23 thoughts on “3 proven listing strategies to model in your own market – and leapfrog your competition!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars starr dawson says:

    Any tips to learn a market ?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars navendra parmanand says:

    That lady just bribes people I love it 😂😂😂👿haha. She’s a G lol

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Living In Boerne Texas says:

    Where is he getting the phone numbers for the expireds?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Doris Ostrander says:


  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Dr. Carey Yazeed says:

    I love how Edna uses her contacts🔥🔥🔥

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ambyr Realtor Fifer says:

    FUKING genius! I love my post man great great great ideas!!!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rob Lyszczarz says:

    Excellent infomation.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Evantz Saint-Gerard says:

    Love this, thank you

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robb Haran says:

    Don’t see the IG names to follow

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeremy Marquez says:

    Great outside-of-the-box thinking, these three are killing it!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zannon James says:

    Watching this from South Africa 🇿🇦🇿🇦

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alexana Martins says:

    What's the instagram url or name of each speaker?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Janice Nagao says:


  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sally Seoane says:

    Great show, thanks!!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zelia Ladeira says:

    Loved the session today, thinking out of the box – in this market. Thank you Tom and your team again, for an awesome video. Looking forward to tomorrow session.👌👌👌👌💯💯👏

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tiffany Danyale Davis says:


  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ramsey Howard says:

    I don't see the IG names?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jennifer Munoz says:

    So insightful 🤗

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Real Colorado Living says:

    Loving the blueprint content! Can’t wait for Summit 2021 in Texas!!!

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Suer says:

    Did I miss their IG handles? Can someone post so we can follow?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alison Swift says:

    She is a savage! Yes!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carol Vazquez says:

    Any spanish coach speakers?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ami cruz says:

    What’s the CRM the expired listing agent uses?

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