As I worked to put the finishing touches on this year’s Success Summit that starts later today, I asked coach Yvonne Arnold to step in and guest host today’s #TomFerryShow.
She delivered in a big way, sharing 3 productivity-boosting apps you absolutely NEED on your phone.
She’ll walk you through each one and show you how to make the most of them… so you can impress your clients with your responsiveness and get more done in less time!
How many of these 3 do you already have?
Find out now…
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Get ready, get your phone and get ready to start downloading some apps, i'm going to give you some great ideas of how you can run your business a whole lot faster on the fly while you're out in the field, if you're an active agent in this crazy Market of 2020, then you know anything you can find to help you save time, and energy in the tech world is going to be a huge bonus to your life. Welcome to the tom ferry show i'm yvonne arnold and i'm filling in for tom today. All right. The first app we're going to start working with is showing time now i work two markets.

I work a large market in california and i work a much smaller market in north, idaho and i've noticed and both mls's actually give it to all the realtors for free. So we all have access in those markets to showing time, but i've noticed there's a lot of resistance from a lot of agents in using it now. One of the things that covet might have caused is more people to want to use the app. However, there's still a lot of people who don't and i want to make you feel more comfortable about downloading it on your phone and seeing how easy it is and the amount of information that you've got in the showing time app.

So, let's get started with showing time all right. Let's take a look at showing time showing time is one of my very favorite apps and what's great about showing time is that you can absolutely manage all these crazy showings that we're getting right now in a much easier way than taking the phone call. All the time so, first off somebody requests a showing you're going to have the showing request in here. You could actually add it to there if you wanted to manually, so an agent doesn't have showing time you want to either educate them on how to use it and get them to do it themselves or you.

You can go ahead and add them here. So you can find the property that you're going to have schedule showing, for you can find the agent that you want to schedule the showing for as well, and you can then go ahead and schedule it and confirm it right from here. Okay! So that's a really cool thing and of course we have our kovid disclosure here in california. Now california and idaho.

Both states that i work in both mls's offer this product for free through our mls. If your mls doesn't offer it, then you can get it as a standalone product. Now this is the free product. There are upgrades to this product as well, so we have showings on the listing, so you can see they've all been confirmed.

Okay, when it offer, when a showing comes in through your text, it's going to show in like this it'll come in uh, just at the top showing requested. I said yes and authorize the request, and then it comes back as a confirmation in my text that agent can also go right into the link from their text and view all other instructions. You may have so any cbs codes that you have once they get confirmation. Those codes will be in here for them, so that's a really cool product um.

Now what are some of the other things that showing time will do? Oh boy, let me show you so you can do feedback on your listings. So um we get feedback on our listings and you can link this to your seller automatically. So, every time you go and get a feedback you can hit publish to seller and they will then see what the people are saying about their showing in this one, very, very interested, excellent, showing just right very well taken care of property. It really shows pride of ownership.
Thank you for allowing me to view your property. So then any agent's name, that's really great information to get to your seller, and you can see we had a whole lot of feedback on this one. What else can you do with this product? Well, right from my phone, i can go listing inventory active inventory, so i can see listing activity reports. I can go in here for the re for the property i can see now.

This one is pending, of course, so activity has stopped, but i can see everything from here from the property. I can go to the feedback. I can go to the activities everything that occurred on there, everything that's going on. We had a lot of decline showings because of covid.

We had to schedule them apart, but look what else? What else you got here? You've got the graphs of showings. These are great reports to give to your seller. You have a listing worksheet, it tells everything about. What's going on on that listing, i can change everything from here as well.

You also have an action schedule showing or log a passed appointment, so lots of things that you can do from here. Lastly, what else can you do from your phone app? You can post things that are going to allow you to do social media posts. Now it's telling me i'm going to leave showing time i want to say yes, it's going to take me right into my mls and take a look at this all property types. I can determine what filters i want to do this.

One is median sales price. Take a look at how it's going up. I can look at this and go how many new listings boy. It's been fluctuating a lot pending.

Sales total closed sales, but look at this days on market that is an excellent screenshot to post in social media. Super quick. The other thing you can post is active listings. Take a look at that no inventory.

It just justifies what we're already educating and telling people, and you can do it right from your phone, so that is a showing time in a nutshell. If you're not using it, i just highly recommend it. It's crazy. It's such a great product and by the way there is probably going to be another release from showing time here in the next few months, i'm not going to say what it is, but you're going to get really excited about it.

I believe so definitely keep an eye out for the showing time launch and use the product super great product. So let's get started on something else, so the next app. I want to show you guys if you're not using it is going to be dropbox, so dropbox app on your phone. It's incredible! So i'm going to give you a little tip on how to organize your files and your paperwork and see them really easily from your phone when you're out in the field.
Let's say you need to send somebody a document and you're out with the kids at the park. If your documents are in your dropbox, easy fix over to docusign and send them out for that signature or any other way, you want to send it so stand by. For dropbox, okay, the next app i want to show is dropbox. Now i know i'm hoping everybody out there at least uses cloud storage for their files.

I prefer dropbox over google drive and things like that. But if you're not saving your docs to something that you can access and that's not the products like sky slope or things like that, it's super important to be able to access things easily amongst your own products that you use not just your broker's products. So we go into dropbox and let me show you how i've got mine set up now. This is set up in the cloud on dropbox in the cloud.

It's also set up on my desktop, but this is the creme de la creme part of it. My folders are set up really easily organized, so i have a real estate. Folder, that's shared with my team members. In there i have a master folder.

This master folder has place cards placeholders for all of your products or all of the areas of your file. You may have okay, so placeholders. All i have to do is copy and paste that master folder and then rename it a property address. So we get down in here and we see oh louis trail in fact, i'll use this one here, emily lane.

So emily lane is the property address and we have the cmas and the 10 1004 mcs. We can then go back. I can pull up any um, any buyer contracts that have come in on that property see we had multiple offers, so i have a folder for each of the offers that came in uh. I use closing document statement fully executed documents folder.

This is where everything goes after everybody assigned all around, and then all i have to do is, or my assistant has to do - is take these and load them into the broker compliance file, whatever they use sky slope brokerman, whatever you guys are using and when you Get into these folders they're named the at the actual uh name of the the document, and then the address i learned a long time ago. Don't put the address first, because you won't be able to see it in your mobile app, so uh super great product there. So i love dropbox set up this way and and then what's really great, it takes me right into docusign. So if i go to docusign, i can easily pull in a dropbox document from here, and i just did an update and i don't want to hassle with uh logging in right now, so you guys know how to get into uh dropbox and uh or docusign.

In your on your phone, i hope so, but it will ask you: where do you want to pull your file from it'll, say dropbox? It takes me to my dropbox folder, because dropbox and docusign are synced, so that's dropbox and docusign in a nutshell. And hopefully you guys are absolutely using those two products together on your phone, because it saves a ton of time when you're out in the field. All right, the next app can be regionally different, so you have to check with your title companies and see what they offer in your market. However, i know that these title companies - they are nationwide title companies and most of them have this product in the different markets.
If they don't, you can absolutely create one for yourself. So i'm going to show you the um, the app now called from lawyer's title again, all the different title companies do have a product like this. I'm sure it's just depending on your region of where you might be the app i'm gon na click on is lt1 right there, the second one down now what's really cool about this is it will figure your buyers and your sellers cost and net sheets. So right here you can see it opens it right up to a buyer net sheet, uh calculator, so i'm going to plug in a sales price of 400 000., i'm going to say that this buyer is going to put down and by the way it's conventional at The top, if i wanted to change it, i could change it too um to any one of these types of loans.

Okay, but i'm going to keep it conventional, i'm going to say that it's going to be a 20 down conventional. It automatically puts 2.99 what the average out there in the industry is i'm going to take that down to 2.5, because some of my buyers are getting quoted 2.5 right now and then it's going to take the hazard insurance and the the taxes based on your market. Um what they are, so the title company has plugged those in in my market in corona california, we have some high property taxes, so i'm going to put 1.8 percent on that one and i'm also going to put an hoa fee of a hundred and fifty dollars Per month not annually, and i'm going to say, done, i'm going to leave the closing date of september 27th on there and i'm going to hit compute and take a look at what this does for us. This will tell us to, and we can give it to this, the buyer, that their payment, principal interest, taxes and insurance with the hoa is going to be 2131 dollars at two and a half percent on a four hundred thousand dollar loan that they're putting twenty percent Down on they're going to need to bring to close eighty eight thousand two hundred and forty five dollars, and then we can also look at the detailed closing costs.

It factors into your 14 month insurance, your 4 months taxes, your 15 days interest, which, in california those are what we call prorations it factors in your title: fees, your escrow fee, current loan, escrow charges, services, lender fees, everything so you can also edit any of these. So if these numbers aren't to your liking in your market, you can totally edit them. Okay, once that happens, i then can go up here and i can hit send full report. This is going to give me an option of what report would i like to show it has different ways of printing it.
The numbers are still all the same, but it is branded to me in the way that i like to see it or show it to my client. Okay, i like to use this one here, the very first one. It is a two-pager, so it shows the base information at the top page and then the breakdown of costs in the second page notice. It also has a place to sign.

We always have our buyers and sellers sign their cost and net sheets. So then i can take this. I can text email, facebook, it instagram it. So guess what i can now do a dummy one and send it out on social media and say: do you know what it will cost you to buy a house and send this out to the world? So when i email it basically, i pulls up my info.

There, but if i want to text it right to the client, while i'm standing in the house showing them the house and they're placing their furniture, i can text this right to them. It's going to give them the whole report in a text. It's going to break down the specifics right underneath it in their text, and i will tell you. I've been using this type of product, not the same product, but i've been figuring costs like this for buyers standing in houses for 30 years, and i will tell you it is the best closing tool you will ever use.

So that's lawyer's title and let me take you back one thing that they have also with this title company. What's really cool about it is that you are also able to create flyers from this product. So if i go back over here and i go over to premium by the way premium cost me about 12 a year, i can actually pull up infographics. That will allow me to do all kinds of things, so i can say um six tax, facts, home tax, fax again.

This right here is already as an infographic. I can hit continue it's going to i'm going to plug in a price, five hundred thousand uh six percent brokerage fee and i'm going to leave everything else the same and i'm gon na hit compute and now it's gon na factor for six hundred thousand dollar price. Closing cost will be x net, it closes 464., that's the seller's net. I can then take this and again do i want to instagram it sure.

Let's send it out to my instagram account and i want to send it to my feed. So i'm going to send it to my feed. I'm going to hit next make a little smaller and i'm going to hit next and then i'm going to go here and i have three accounts. I want it to go to the arnold group account and i'm going to say thinking of selling call me okay share done and look at that crazy guy.

That just showed up on my my stream awesome all right. So there you have it. That is the lawyer's title. App and again, there are a lot of title companies who do offer this.
You should check it out all right. That's it for today have some fun with your apps. Go, find some stuff that helps you. Do your business in a lot easier fashion and start using them get used to getting in there and using technology in your favor? So remember, as always, your strategy matters and your passion rules have a great week.


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10 thoughts on “3 killer real estate productivity apps you should install right now | #tomferryshow”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tinainnca says:

    With Zillow owning showing time, “no thank you.”

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Annette Hurd says:

    Thank you so much! These were super valuable tips! ❤️

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bedbury Group says:

    Great presentation and information!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adrian Garcia says:

    High tax rate at 1.8%… laughs in El Paso TX at 3% overall…

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Danielle Zimmerman Hale says:

    Doing 4+ years of real estate marketing.. SO FUNNY – these are all products I know and I'd also recommend. Nice to have this all confirmed.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gunny1391 says:

    The Lawyers Title app is wonderful! I highly recommend it!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Crystal Gail Smith-Realtor says:

    I truly enjoyed you being on the show today instead of tom. I love Tom, however, the way you teach and the simplicity that you bring the tone of your voice I could listen to all day

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christy Godden says:

    I'm not sure how you got the the mls graphs. What did you click on to get the message that you were leaving showingtine? Thank you

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Endless Odyssey says:

    Ma’am, you’re appealing!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Endless Odyssey says:

    Best helpful channel for productivity !
    Hit like if you agree?

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