Can you get your next 8 listings in the next 100 days by using only 2 campaigns?
Yes… Yes, you can. Why am I so certain and specific about those numbers? Because I’ve seen MANY agents doing just that! It WORKS!
Those two campaigns are exactly what I’m giving you in this episode of the Tom Ferry Show! You’ll learn them in just over ten minutes, and if you follow through with running them over the next 100 days, I bet you’ll have about eight more listings under your belt.
Watch or listen, right here!
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Today I'm going to show you two campaigns that will generate eight listing opportunities for you in the next 100 days. Welcome to the Tom Ferry Show Welcome back to the Tom Fairy Show Episode 286 Thank you so much for being a part of this training with me. Now the number one question that people get asked you every single day if you're out and about an active is what? What question do they ask? How's the exactly now? My question for you is is there any uncertainty in the market right now between news cycles and recession and what's going on with home prices and all this uncertainty I Would argue there's never been a greater time than right now to launch these two campaigns to help your clients, your prospects, your friends, your families know exactly what's going on in the market. Focusing on the data, not the drama.

Say that out loud the data, not the drama. I Can hear my friends at keeping current matter saying that to me right now. So the question becomes what are the most effective campaigns for me to educate and inform my customers in terms of what's actually happening with the market now before I Share that last year out on my roadmap tour if you didn't come I Hope you come this year I Spent a lot of time asking people like what's really on the minds of your customers right now and just talking with friends people outside of the real estate industry that just own houses, what's on the minds and you know of course they ask me every time I'm with them whether wherever I am in the world hey fery, you seem to have a pulse of what's going on. how's the market? So I started flipping it back on people and I started this in September saying well tell me specifically why are you asking and what I discovered is there was three toting things that people were looking for.

When they were asking me how's the market, it wasn't a Bloomberg ask Well, here's what's going on and inventory is this and Yada, Yadada, Y and buyer demand like they weren't looking for that. It was totally personal for them. They wanted to know three things. Number one is My Equity safe.

That came up a bunch just like I don't know what's going to happen with My Equity I mean I think everybody remembers 2007 8, 9, 10, 11 And and a lot of people, they think recession automatically equals home prices going down. You and I both know over the history of recessions, only two of them actually caused home prices to go down, but the last one was7 8, 9, 10. So it's the most real for people. So when they're asking you how the market I'd love for you to have this mindset of empathy and understanding that they're not looking for a Bloomberg ask answer.

What they're trying to figure out is is My Equity safe The second thing when I was asking people like, what do you want to know what's going on they wanted to know. With all this uncertainty, are home prices going to appreciate this year, are they going to be flat or they going to go down? Are they going to go up? Are they going to be flat? Are they going to go down and it really didn't matter like one of my friends uh very successful. Has a home in Malibu and I said you have a home on the beach in Malibu I mean like hoody too right? like Rockstar and I'm like your home value is going up like congratulations He also has a place in Dallas and I said you know because of where we are in Dallas and the number of people moving in you know yeah if you're in that area which he is your home prices are going to continue to go up like it's just it's a supply and demand thing. it's just that much common sense.
but that's the second thing. like what's going to happen with my home value. But the more interesting thing that I heard was people started saying to me well I'm just you know I'm kind of thinking about like my equity and the future and you know what my plans are and I thought isn't that interesting When people are asking us how's the market they don't want a Bloomberg answer they want to know is their Equity safe Is my home value going up or down? Is it going to be flat and I think most importantly, the thing I got just having deep conversations with people is they have future plans for their Equity It's very real for people I Saw a recent report that showed the average American today that owns a home has $300,000 in equity. That's retirement.

That's college funds that's taking care of your family. There's so much to home ownership. So here's my question for you: Recognizing what's going on in the minds of your database, your clients, your friends, and your prospects. What are the two best campaigns we can Implement that answerers some of the questions Stokes The fire of imagination on pricing and most importantly keeps you in communication in a beautiful, simple and dare I say elegant way.

Here's the two campaigns. The first one is a really provocative email that's going to stoke the fire in imagination of your clients. The subject line as you see here is: how much Equity did you gain in 2023? That's the subject line of the email. How much Equity did you gain in 2023? The email goes on to say I'm setting aside a few hours this week to put together Home Equity Report reports for my clients.

These reports are more comprehensive and accurate than what you'd get from an online tool. Can I send you one for your home I Love that question in an email versus would you like one right? Yes, No. Can I send you one for your home Can I send you one for your home. Let me know Happy New Year your name.

Now my advice to you is I want you to send that to your entire database next Sunday Between 4:00 and 8:00 and the reason why Sunday Between 4 eight if you look at the most recent stats, that's the largest amount of time people are trafficking home portals all the different portals to kind of think about real estate and what's going on for the week and if they're in Market or thinking about the market so there's just something magical About Sundays between 4 P.M and 8:00 p.m. now I want you to send that to your entire database I Want the entire days to get it and now here's what's going to happen. Depending upon the size of your database, you might get 15 people in the first hour. Raise their hands and say I'd like like to know how much more Equity I have from 2023 Now what are we doing? We're playing into the Ze guys right? Is My Equity Safe.
Is it going up? Is it going down? Is it going flat right? is My Equity safe and is it going to allow me to do the things I want to do in the future? You're the knowledge broker. You're bringing me the value you send the email. Now what are you going to do? A little comparison of their home price a year ago and then what happened in 2023? Lots of different ways you can do that depending upon your MLS My goodness, you could even can go to Zillow if you wanted to and just go back in time. My point to you is simply this: your job is to stay in front of your customers and deliver real value Real value.

I Want to know how much my equity's gone up? Don't you want to know how much your equity's gone up? whether it's equity in a stock or equity in real estate? So that's the first campaign easy to do. Send that email and then do me a favor, report back here on my Instagram or Facebook or wherever you follow me and let me know cuz since we've been sending this out a lot of my clients since early January they are getting an enormous number of people raising their hand and saying yeah, I'd like to know and guess what? They're also scheduling listing appointments from this because you know what happens I Get that email Kath and I are already thinking about oh, should we sell the place I'm not sure what do you think Oh: I Get this email Yeah! I Want to know? Hey, let me find out how much Equity you send it over. It's very passive. it's not.

Hey I'd like to know how much my home is worth because that's like that's more aggressive from a consumer stand point and said it's passive Yeah. I'd like to know of course. Yeah, okay yeah, send that to me please. And then I sit down with my wife and say my goodness, you know home values have gone up by this much and now our future plans.

Let's have a conversation with Tom our agent who send this to us and just like that you're in the game. The goal is to find the hand raisers, the goal is to find the interested people, and the goal is to make sure your clients aren't going to other portals to find out the value of their home. So that's the first campaign now the second campaign again coming off last year success. I Told you the numbers they sent 43,96471 days.

so that's eight listing appointments per person, just sending the following texting strategy. So as you can see, I'm actually going to play off Zillow we call it the Zillow CMA What I'm going to do is I'm going to go to my client's house on Zillow I'm going to take a screenshot and I'm going to text them their home from Zillow with the following script hey name I was on Zillow the other day looking for a property in your neighborhood for one of my clients and I decided to check in on your home's value. Zillow says the estimated value of your property is X and you fill in the number. there's the screenshot they see exactly what Zillow says and below that you say I've got my opinion on this price.
What do you think and you hit send. Now what if I told you this incredible little strategy? It's incredible for a lot of different reasons. First of all, you might say, but what? Tom Why wouldn't I send this through the MLS and give them a more accurate depiction of the price? More people go to Zillow than any other portal on the planet today, so if more people are, it's the Zeitgeist it's it's the norm. and what do we also know? Zillow's prices are always wrong.

so you're actually getting an advantage by sending them a wrong price To now say well, if you're really curious, let me put together for you a professional Equity report so you know exactly how much Equity you have and exactly what your home is worth. That's the goal now I Don't want you to over complicate this instead I Started this show by saying if I could show you a way to generate eight more listing appointments in the next 100 days or less, would you be interested? and you're watching right now so you know the answer is yes. Here's my challenge for you starting today for the next 45 to 60 days. Another one of those daily action checklist accountabilities you can add it right in is to start sending between five and 10 of these every day to people that already know you, like you and trust you I want you, to send five to 10 of these a day to people that know you, like you and trust you and guess what's going to happen? We know today, when you send a text message, you immediately get a response and just like that, you are prospecting, you are contacting your past clients, your sphere of influence, your prospects, getting them informed on what's going on.

and guess what? the results have been Startling people, just say oh my goodness, it's amazing I'm sending out these text messages and how often someone says oh my goodness Brandon we were just thinking about you. We want to put our home in the market or you're not going to believe this. Tragically, such and such passed away and we need to sell their property. And could you take care of that for this? And just like that, because you're actually providing value, having a valuable conversation about their Equity their home's value, You're drumming up business.

So those are my two campaigns I Want to know in the comments: If you're following, follow me. You may have seen these before, have you already used them? And if so, what results have you generated if you've never seen it before I Want to see the word yes if you plan to start? so I want you to type in yes as in you're going to take on the challenge. You're going to send the email this Sunday and then you're going to text five to 10 people every single day. the Zillow's estimate of their home with that little script I provided and you're going to drum up a ton of listening opportunity.
All right, get to work and I'll see you next week. Hey, if you like this content, make sure you get back to my channel and check out Jason Pantana this week in marketing the Tom Ferry Podcast Experience and of course mindset Monday.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

13 thoughts on “2 campaigns 100 days 8 listings #tomferryshow”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @lorrewilsonrealtor-associa7056 says:


    Doing it now🎉

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @angelicvampcult says:

    Hi hello! Just found my way to your page from ms Glennda Baker

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @terricrislerrealtor says:

    🎉 your the TOM DOT COM, Coach!! TY 4 the info!!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @user-dy6gf1sd9f says:

    Love! Our team is implementing both campaigns starting tomorrow at our sales meeting. Go Tom!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @reloagentlipps says:

    Yes! Love these! I have a question. Have no idea how to research the equity in these for 2023. Anybody have some suggestions?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @docbonny says:

    Yes! Thank you so much! Great ideas.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @adekklau says:


  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ripleysluxuryrealestategro1810 says:

    Yes!! And sharing with our team! I’m committed to making 2024 the best year ever !!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @realestateshay...sahirahro5165 says:

    YES!!I will definitely use these campaigns

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @debbiemignogna8908 says:


  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @balmbeachinsider says:

    Love the ideas. Got to figure out how to leverage with our new legislation here in Ontario Canada.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @DanElam-li4np says:

    I’m using it !

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @shahabaztly8517 says:

    Hi from Arabia

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