16 Killer Strategies Top Agents Are Using Now
It doesn’t matter who you are: ideas are meaningless unless you execute. If you want to move the needle, you need to do what others aren’t—or won’t.
This week I’ve invited master coaches and national speakers Bill Pipes, Jeff Mays and Jason Pantana to share the top strategies they’re seeing their clients use to get deals and move the needle.
Whether you’re a high-end seller or a new agent, there’s a strategy in today’s Tom Ferry Podcast Experience that will help you take more listings and close more deals.
In this episode, we discuss…
00:00 - Intro
00:30 - Introductions
02:50 - What’s working for agents right now?
03:54 - Jeff: Mega Open House success
08:15 - Jason: Make the phone ring with Google My Business
11:07 - Photos for Google My Business
11:50 - Bill: CMA a day
16:42 - SOI for new agents
20:24 - Jeff: Call me strategy
21:59 - Jason: TubeBuddy
25:25 - Jason: Video discovery ads
26:37 - Bill: Get their ass off the fence script
33:34 - Jeff: Tax records strategy
36:07 - Jason: Weekly email recap
43:22 - Bill: Gifts lead to referrals
47:27 - Strategies for investors and Non-owner occupied
53:49 - Do one new thing
55:54 - Jason: Use the data
1:00:45 - Jeff: Did you hear about your neighbor?
1:04:38 - Bill: Neighbor check-ins
1:08:21 - The Do Not Call list
1:09:42 - Jason: In-stream YouTube ads
1:12:41 - YouTube videos
1:15:12 - Jason: Epic Listing Vlog
1:17:46 - Execution is key
For the majority of my life, I’ve been passionate and dedicated about changing lives by giving away the very best strategies, tactics, and mindset techniques to help you and your business succeed. Join me as we take this to level 10!
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Ideas are meaningless unless you execute hey. What's up welcome back to the podcast today, you are in for a real treat. I've got three of my coaches, three of my dear friends inside the office here in dallas for the first official podcast in the new studio uh. What's up fellas, let's go to bill pipes.

First, let's do quick introductions, maybe for the few people that don't know or have a lot of contacts for you guys so keep the microphone close. We only got you know you guys got to like do the boy band thing and share so so pipes talk to any camera, you want tell them who you are. What's the background goal pipe's been in the industry, since i was 18 years old, um been a coach for 20. Some odd years been around you for a majority of those 25 years, uh 100 000 coaching sessions that i've actually done 50 000 hours, primarily right now, working with uh, larger teams, yeah industrial size teams - and you know we're all making that race for a thousand.

But yeah, you know the great thing, a thousand units. That is the exciting thing is they all started where probably a lot of the listeners are right now, which is at five transactions? 20 transactions, 50 transactions just started leveling up and stayed involved in the ecosystem and continue to actually grow and learn and stay humble and hungry man. I love it, love it all right, so jeff uh the microphone is closest to you and then jb can pull it in uh. I've known these guys for at least probably 25 years and i'm from richmond virginia, and i work with the clients that i work with, are crushing it on teams and brand new agents to team players as well, and i think i looked at my numbers of the 60, clients that i coach half of them are on track to make a million this year.

So we're going to share some ideas that work right now: yeah love it love it jason fire away. My name is jason pantana and i've been a business coach with this amazing company for the past six years and man it's been an incredible year. You actually reminded me that i'm about the same ratio with my clients - i don't have quite i catch about 44 clients. We're about on track for at least half in fact of that now about 20 of those clients have already crossed over a million in production.

So i'm pumped for this conversation yeah and you know what it's it's, not just the market. It's it's the marketing you do in the marketplace, and so a lot of the conversation today is going to be super fun and tactical and rapid fire, and so i'm happy to be a part of this little yeah group yeah. I love it so so for the people, whether you're listening uh, audio or video. Whichever way, i basically ask them again.

This question like what are the five to six things, that your clients are doing, whether they're luxury agents, brand new agents, building a team scaling a team. The bottom line is this. Whole thing should just be called this works in real estate today, because collectively, how many clients uh probably 60, 60, how many uh early 40s early 40s, 44.? Okay, so we're talking about, let's call it 140 ish right agents from all over the country, u.s, canada, mexico, mexico, right one in mexico, cabo specifically, which i don't even know why they even call that mexico. No, i'm not razzing, my friends from mexico, but come on.
Cabo is basically southern california, all right california, so so we're going to go round robin and and listen for the listener right now. What you want to be thinking about is whether you're a brand new agent, a veteran agent, someone - that's maybe like just finding me for the first time. We believe fundamentally that if these three coaches and and all of the balance of the 171 coaches that work with us, we all believe collectively that, when someone is doing something, that's working, if i can figure out what they say, what they do, what they send. How often they send it the frequency that they do it? I'm not saying that it's going to just drop dead, be perfect in your marketplace, but what you don't want to do is reinvent the wheel on this game.

Instead, you want to find out what the most successful people are doing and do what we say is r d which, if you're coming from you, know the world of business. No, i don't mean that rnd i mean rip off and duplicate. You want to find what the most successful people are doing and steal it. So today is an opportunity for you to basically tap into three of our 171 wildly successful coaches and their best clients, so who wants to go first guys? What what's working right now in this so jeff? You look ready, so i'm ready and by the way, if one of you has the same idea, you've got to cross it off you're right all right! I'm going to give a shout out to a client that a coach in steamboat springs colorado and you're, going to like this uh robert yaz back over there yeah.

I was just with him: hey watch this he's doing client events called tacos and tequila, okay and watch this we're going deep right away right, we're that will cause people to show up, but here's what's interesting, they're doing it on friday nights at four to six o'clock. Perfect, not on a saturday or sunday more people and what they're finding is more people are showing up hanging out, they've actually brought in a chef. They may have a little, they may have margaritas or maybe a shot of tequila. It's not a big barn burner blowout, but yeah people seem to stay a little bit longer right, they're, inviting expireds and for sale, boners great ideas no way yeah are they showing up? They are showing up they had.

There was an expired recently on uh. The house was across the street and they invited him they showed up and they said at the end of that. We need to talk to you, but hey tom. The real results are they've done two in the past month, yeah and they've already got a reputation.

Other agents are saying: your open houses are legendary. Right now are people describing your open houses as legendary and getting 40 to 60 people show up at a time right, so here's what happened. They've had two they've had four offers the day of the open house, people that didn't know showed up to tacos and tequila started hanging around looking around and go. I think we want to make an offer on this, and so i just i didn't get the context.
Did you guys get the context? This is actually at an open house. I thought okay, i just i thought this is just like. He was just like yeah, come to my house and drink tequila and have some tacos right so he's doing this. This is a mega open house, it's a decline around tacos and tequila, inviting past clients and sphere plus expireds and fsbos, and open to the public uh, and they have a band that shows up.

I mean they make it an event, and their idea is to do this twice a month and so far they've sold both houses that they did this on yeah and they wrote it themselves. They were on the other side of the yeah. They generously generated the buyer themselves from that experience. Okay, so fellas first one.

You hear that was it uh, god, 2010! So i'm dating myself. We started doing mega open houses right coming off, reos right where we would have. You know 50 signs out. So it's kind of the same concept modernized, but aren't you guys thinking wait a minute like covet is happening right now.

Like can you i guess maybe, like you can do this in colorado springs. They can do it there, yeah and they're, spreading out it's a big. It's a big house that they're doing it on it's more of a like a high-end luxury property that they're doing it on the cli, the the clients that own the house are super excited about it and uh they're they're, making it a thing almost like hey, we'd, Love to schedule you in october and do tacos and tequila at your your they're, using it as a marketing ploy to even reach out to expireds and fsbos right and a strategy, obviously to win the listing bill. You're inside i'll, say this too um.

I have a good amount of clients that are actually in california right. One of them specifically comes in my mind, is bonnie king up in the bay area, which is you know, legendary, legendary, very iconic, agent and she's. Also, you know in a area which is very, very conservative when it comes to like concerns and fears about covet as understandable they did an open house. So all individuals that are thinking right now - oh man, should i or should i not be doing open houses right now.

I will tell you they. Even in east bay, they had 125 individuals that actually came through for an open house right. So so the public is, is there they're willing to come out, and obviously you want to have that safety first conversation right. You know always right, but at the same time i think you're missing out on opportunity, because there's a lot of agents that won't do it for whatever hallucination that they have or or uh.
And so you know, if you're doing what others aren't then you're gon na have what what they never will right. So do it safe right, uh do it. You know like level up on it as well too, to be able to make it make it so that people actually remember it yeah yep yeah. I go back to the interview.

I did with ivy zellman twice in the last 18 months and she said um as much as we have fear and we don't want to make the show about covet. But we're talking about marketing ideas, but as much as fear is in the marketplace. Home buying has trumped covet yeah she's, like i mean, and everyone listening right now watching this nose, like you know, what's happening in real estate right now. So with that said, okay, that's number one jason grab.

This microphone might be a little easier, uh move for you. There all right or just or just like this, we'll just push bill out of the way. Yes, i got danny moe. This is an interactive show all right.

Let's talk about google, my business, so i have several coaching clients uh literally it doesn't matter where you're doing business you could be in europe. You could be in the u.s, you could be in canada, you could be anywhere in the world and google. My business is going to be a mainstay opportunity for you to actually get the phone to ring, so we're calling it make the phone ring with gmb google. My business make the phone ring with gmb lie down with gmb yeah.

You know about it, make the phone ring uh all right. So what is google my business? Google? My business is when somebody looks for a local service provider, it could be plumbers, it could be electricians, it could be real estate agents. We know more and more that the consumer is starting their search on google for any kind of a local service provider. The question is: are you going to rank in those searches, and so that's that's the opportunity we're capitalizing on so i'm thinking of, in particular sandra pike.

She is running a rockstar team in halifax nova scotia in canada, and she gets let's call it a half dozen to a dozen inbound phone calls per month for free of people who are basically saying hey. I found you on google. We want to sell our property yeah or in some cases we want to buy and sell or there's a variance in terms of whether they're buying or selling, but it's free opportunities and so the way that this game works and there's a lot of technical details. We could break down, but it's simply go to business.google.com, create get your profile set up or claim it focus on adding a lot of photos, add a lot of reviews and then add your business name and when you add your business name, this is a key distinction.

This is the key distinction, so google tells you one thing and does another, and so they tell you hey, you should not stuff keywords in the title of your business, so in other words, don't cram it full of real estate, agent, realtor and all those types of Terms unless that's part of your business name yet the algorithm on google search actually goes, look there's data that proves this. It goes looking for those keywords. Yes, so if you can i'm going to say this gently lightly include some words that are not off-base. You don't want to keyword stuff it or they might suspend your account, but what we're seeing agents do is add.
The word realtor add the location in which they do business, so it might say, like halifax, real estate, sander pike, it's nothing crazy, san, diego real estate, maximum villains, exactly but those terms, the geo modifiers of san diego there and the geo modifiers of real estate or Realtor or something like that, just use one or the other don't do all of it, but it helps you rank in google searches. So what's happening is people are saying real estate agents near me, or real estate agent, best real estate agents nearby they're, showing those local results in google search and they're navigating over to these people's profiles, they're looking at their photos, they're reading their reviews and they're clicking The button to call them creating trust. Absolutely i know you i, like you, i get you by the way. Let's talk about it just for a second, i know we're all you know helping a lot of our clients really like really since last summer yeah.

But you know three years ago, when gmb really was launched. Um people are questioning like what photo should i put on there like. I don't know about you guys, but i'm telling them like if you drive a harley-davidson like attracts like put photos of you and every harley thing. If you got a vista dog, you need to have photos of you.

If you have kids, if you're comfortable put your kids on there because they're like oh we're, a young family, we're moving to richmond virginia he's got young kids, i can really - and he has a visa dog and a harley. Here's 20 000 right, like that's, basically, what's happening right now, so yeah, so we're amplifying trust with the gmb we're going to come back this morning, switch to pipes all right. Let's, by the way we have like two bonkers ideas, already yeah and and now you might be asking yourself like wait a minute so they're like half his clients, are making a million dollars a year 40 or whatever. The numbers are right like so it makes sense.

Yeah bill, so i'm gon na go and lean into the past clients in this in the sphere of influence database right now, because if you look at the data that comes in from national association of realtors they've established that over 70, i think the exact number of 76 percent of all listings right now are coming from past clients, fear or referrals from those two sources right right, so you know we saw in the data from our survey of our own clients, yeah absolutely, and i see it in in the numbers, even of the Teams that are running these big channel accounts as well too, that they still have a large large amount of business actually coming from past clients. So what we launched um, but thinking about why it is that so many people go to zillow. Why so many people go to zilla, isn't just for the home search? They do it because they want to know what their zestimate is. No matter how accurate or inaccurate it is right right, and so we said why don't we just bypass zillow and we start doing.
What's called a cma a day right, something that's! I can't think of a song that goes with that one, but i'm going to find one cma a day, super manageable, very easy, and it's a it's a three-step process number one. Is you send out a cma with an email that says? Hey was thinking about you, because the home prices and such in your area have gone up rather than you waiting me waiting for you to reach out to me. I thought i'd send this to you. You know please i'll be giving you a call.

This is the key right, because there's three steps you can't just send the cma out via email, send out and say i'll, be giving you a call in the next 24 to 48 hours to answer any questions that you might have now that email goes out same Quick cma in an email it doesn't need to be like the the expanded could be cloud cma or something very simple. Some people are actually using homebot right, yeah to be able to actually do it as well, too um. So that's, that's you know. Your choice is the user number, two home bot or any other cma.

Any other simple solution. Number two is that they're they're shooting a video text that goes out personalized to that client. That's why it's one a day! It's manageable and it just says: hey jeff. You know i just sent you an email and by the way the email says in the subject line best email you're going to receive today right so email you'll receive today and i put dollar signs on it: yeah yeah.

So then the the the video text is hey jeff, just sent you an email. I know you probably get a lot of emails, but i wanted to make sure that this is one that you looked at be sure to take a look at it. It's about how much money you've actually made in terms of your home over the course, the last two three years i'll be giving you a call in the next 24 hours. Look for my call feel free to reach out to me in advance.

If you want to right, then they make the call that when the 24 to 48 hour window right that's step, number three is the 24 to 48 hour 48 hour window, and it's just like what question it's, not a sales call right. It is a 100 service. Call like hey what questions do you have? Is you know like do you? What do you think about this price? Is this price that you agree with? Don't agree with by the way, any other upgrades that i should know about yeah at what price, and then they get on the phone and then, after you know, during that conversation they say well, at what price would you consider selling your home? Is this the price that you consider? Is there a price that that actually is in the future? Now, here's the numbers on this because we've been doing this now for about five months since the beginning of summer or a little bit before the beginning of summer for every 16 to 17, is the range of these right that people that they're having the conversation by The way, if they don't respond, then you don't track them down and you're not like you know, like hey, hey, you don't call them a whole bunch of times right. They've got it it's fine.
Every 16 or 17 of these that are going out they're. Getting a listing presentation like a legitimate listing presentation, where they're sitting down and and on top of that, whether they list now or not, what they're doing is they're loading the cannon right, either they're taking the listing right now or they're loading the cannon for the future. Where they can, where you can look at it and go hey they're, not at that price, but if it goes up 50 000 more right, then i know that these two lines are gon na. You know uh converge, i'm gon na call them.

In january i'm gon na call them in december 100, i'm gon na make that call in advance right, say: hey. You know that price you've been waiting for we're almost there yeah. So you said you said a lot uh, uh uh. We can't hear you man, you, you said a lot.

I got ta get these guys that we got ta, definitely get an attacker on this place. We were not prepared today. You said a line that makes a lot of sense earlier. That i wrote down is like have you had any thoughts of moving in the next couple years, because most people are saying you want to move now you want to move now so jeff, it's not even are you have you had any thoughts on moving in the Next couple of years: it's what are your plans with the home for the next couple of years right, because if you come on too strong with this or you plan on moving automatically the resistance jumps up right, it's hey! What are your plans with the house for the next two to three years, because people forget you're talking to homeowners, not leads? These are homeowners that you're trying to convert whether they refer to you or they.

You know, you know you, you nurtured them. Well, these are your past clients right exactly just your past clients. So let me ask you guys all so so bill go go back to the microphone, so maybe right now, there's a brand new agent listening to this and they're like oh tacos and tequila gmb. Okay, i'm gon na have to google that i can figure that one out, but maybe i can create it, but, like i don't have any reviews, i haven't done any transactions right and now you're telling me the number one thing where all the listings are coming from Are past clients and i'm brand new, and i have none.

What can i do with this? No sphere of influence too? That's the thing that you've got to recognize, even if you're a brand new agent, you have friends, even if you're a younger brand new agent right. You, your friends, may not be, you know like homeowners, but their parents are their aunts and uncles are i'll lean on something that jason could probably take the ball and run with as well too. If i was a brand new agent thinking back to what i would be doing, i would be pumping out as much content as i possibly can studying the market. Utilizing keeping current matters right so he's like you're stealing my second one across the next one off too right, yeah, so um, so that you can start to position yourself so they're, not thinking of you as hey here's bill, the you know the friend of my football Player or son whatever no, this is bill.
Wow, look at that he's, putting some really infor valuable information out right now. For me, you've got to shift that narrative around who you are as a new agent to the sphere that you actually have and the only way that you can do that is through the content that jason has talked about right and the process of doing that. So i would be pumping as much content number one. I would be looking at all of my friends if i'm younger right, which i imagine like in my 20s, if you look at the average home like age, that people are buying it's in there probably early 30s for their late 20s early 30s for their first house.

Um i'd be thinking, aunts, uncles. Who can i talk to right all of that and doing that cma a day strategy right, but you change the the dialogue and say i know you know me as this. However, right i've i've, you know either joined a new team or i'm now part of a company, and i wanted to give this out to you because there's a lot of resources out there to get the value of your home that are inaccurate right and so then You begin to shift that narrative around who you are, and you can 100 has anybody taken the time to show you the actual that not not an internet generator, but the actual? Is anybody taking the time? No, no, let me put it together for you yeah. I would, i would also say, like if you're the new agent i i totally support the idea i had to i struck through the text i crossed it off.

You should be doubling down tripling down on creating content that adds value as you learn as you go. Yeah - and i think a lot of agents might struggle with that. Well, i don't know that much yet i'm like well, you only have to know one video ahead at a time right and then you find the next video and then the next video and you keep your body of work constantly evolving. Your your state of knowledge yeah, but i would also say, there's a strategic opportunity to actually ask a lot of questions, and so what does it look like in your con? Not your content as much but doing ask me anything on instagram and saying hey.

What was your experience working with a buyer's agent or a listing agent and trying to learn what were the pitfalls and mistakes of predecessors and other agents that you can learn from and that you can improve upon and that you can then create content around? Because, all of a sudden, now your stickiness as a brand is like wow, she does it different. He does it different. I want to work with somebody like that. Wow she's, calling out a relatable pain that we experienced.
We bought that house six years ago. The agent made us all these sort of post-transaction relationship promises and didn't fall through on anything. Therefore, all agents are the same. The reputation becomes that and you're changing the narrative, because you think about like a lot of agents are, like i don't know, as i'm not as experienced as so, and so is right and i'm like well there's some benefit in that you have a fresh perspective.

Go out and learn what they're not paying attention to, what are those pain points and then double down on them twist it and make that a source of your content. I love it. Okay, i'm going to try and keep us on track, because i think we only have three points so far. That was like a that was like a all right: 2a, hey tom number, one or number two thing on your list: uh, i'm super excited.

Who is this? For this is for candace decker, the team that i coach and um. This is so basic. You go to zillow, and this could be. This could be a new agent.

This could be an experience agent. This is for uh homeowners that maybe there's a buyer that you're looking in a certain area for uh or maybe an area that you're farming, but you go into zillow and you type in their address and you print out the zillow form on their property. Everyone's got one yep and then as old school as this is you put a little sticky note at the very top, and it said call me to find out why this number is wrong. Put your business card in there and mail it they sent out 20 of these a couple weeks ago.

They had nine callbacks 20 nine callbacks that turned into three listing appointments. So it's like it's like almost another form of circle, dialing right, you're, taking you're going hey. I got a buyer there's no homes on the market right, you want to live in this subdivision, you go in and you narrow the street down and you take every three-bedroom tube out there criteria print out this zillow house, but here's the key call me to find Out why it's wrong? I didn't say whether it was high. I didn't say: weather was low.

We got to understand. Homeowners, get really defensive about the value of their home. Yes, so they're going to say this is too high. Can i really get that or this is too low? I want more, it just starts a conversation and we know that every sale starts with a conversation with buyers and sellers and it makes it's making the phone ring.

So great idea. I love it. I love it all right, jason, you're up all right, i'm up uh! We were talking about this earlier today before we started recording we were talking about being able to control and be at the starting point of that customer journey, whether it's a buyer or a seller. Being there first, because that initiation is worth a lot and i think, a platform that a lot of people are overlooking is youtube uh specifically, i think they fail to realize that youtube is a search engine.
So i'm talking to any agent right now who is prepared to make really good quality video content and become that knowledge broker, but specifically on youtube. So i would look at a tool called tubebuddy which you've talked about on the show before yeah, so with tubebuddy. It's basically a browser extension, it's like eight or nine bucks a month for the paid version. There's a free version too.

That works as well. The paid version is better but whatever and it plugs into google chrome. And so, when you go into youtube, you can literally conduct a search phrase on youtube and then it will bring up. This widget called a keyword explorer where it will break down.

What are the related searches? How competitive is that search phrase? Are there other videos that will rank in the search results versus you, because i think a lot of people don't realize that youtube is not a social network. It's a search engine, it's owned by google. If you look at the data, google is the number one website and search engine on the planet. Number two is youtube.

I actually looked at it this morning. I was like well how big is bing. I think bing has like six percent of the search engines. It's it's google's.

This is google's land, it's their world and youtube's by extension, and we're seeing an increased power of people searching youtube for how do i do this? What about this? Where do i start with this? So they're conducting a lot of re like? I think your brother, like patrick's, called it the research phase, buyer the research face seller right, they're, doing a lot of research on youtube and especially right now, because we're seeing with people being able to work remotely we're seeing people say hey, i could move here. I could go there so we're seeing all kinds of relocation for all types of reasons which is driving people to learn more about. Where should i go and they're going to youtube, so you use this as long-winded i'll get to the point. You use a tool like tubebuddy to conduct research on what are the phrases they're searching for.

They want to know the pros and cons of moving to texas. They want to know which texas city is the best one to move to you. Do the research find the answers to those questions and you provide the videos and they'll just somebody types in the search? There's your video and all the time everybody's starting points. I just want to make sure that everybody got that because, like this is something we talked we talked about in in great detail through tubebuddy tubebuddy will tell you, people human beings are searching for these specific phrases, best home best school best, whatever blah blah blah and Two buddy will tell you, people are searching for this, and they'll also tell you, and there are no videos answering this specific question.
You all know what i'm talking about, because you did, i just say: y'all like it, you did welcome to texas. I've been in texas for a year yeah. Well, let's not go that far! Okay! No! No! I'm not rousing my texas friends, we're just saying um, but think about that like so so, we've all done a search on youtube before, where we're looking for something very specific and what you get oftentimes is something that maybe has that tag to it, but they don't Actually answer your question right: they give you a bunch of information but you're like ah now. This is not what i want right.

So instead we're talking about. Like imagine a world where 1500 people a month are saying best school district in this part of town or why are most people moving to whatever it is? And then you are the only one there with a video and what, if it only has 300 views. So what that's a great deal, those are 300 high quality, high intent views, so that's a killer but killer. What? If can i double down on it? Please what? If you want to get in on a search phrase that has a ton of other videos in the competition and you're never going to cut through the noise right, what if i could give you the max pass to cut the line? Dude give me the max pass.

So going from y'all to dude, so i feel already i'm already back. I reckon i can do it so there are different types of youtube. Ads youtube ads are deployed through google ads because google owns youtube, so you would go to ads.google.com there's a type of youtube. There's two types of youtube ads: there are in-stream ads, which is what you're used to seeing yeah.

Those are the commercials that play before during and after videos ignore those, then there's one that nobody uses called video discovery ads. Video discovery ads. Allow you to literally figure out again use tubebuddy, find out the keywords and the phrases people are searching. You want to rank on and then you can actually bid on those keywords so that your video ranks at the top of the list in the search results.

Like a google local services ad for youtube - yes, it's brilliant! Yes, now have you created content on this, yet i recorded it two days ago and it's not out yet okay by the time. This comes down here. First, ladies and gentlemen, all right all right, uh! So video discovery ads i mean that's, that's basically, that's that's! That's! Basically what google is so perfect all right bill. Are you up yeah, i'm up, so i'm gon na put the glasses on.

Ladies and gentlemen, all right skill based market, okay, skill based market right, absolutely believe. First of all, this is a perfect storm right now everyone has been fatigued with having to write up so many offers for buyers getting beaten out. Even the best offers getting beaten out by cash offers, etcetera. We've obviously seen an adjustment, that's taking place nationally in the market, minus a couple of different locations and different marketplaces, and you know i've watched agents.
First of all, i've watched their mindset go. Ah, oh my gosh what's happening is this: is this a complete turnaround? No, it's just a slight adjustment, i'm calling them micro adjustments, there's micro adjustments that are taking place in the market right now, um. You know where inventory is up by 10 or up by 11. It's not a huge increase on market went from six to 27.

or even six to 15 right, but see people go well. That's not that much of a move! I'm like hey! It's a micro move that you can use as a narrative right now to be able to get actually buyers and sellers off the fence to be able to act right now. So i put together, what's called the get your ass get their ass off the fence script? The name of it so i'm sure if you google, that today, you will find bill's version of this script off the fence, but here's here's the deal is get their ass off the uh another g-y-a-o-t-f and what it does. It basically has the the typical opening that we that we teach in terms of a follow-up script - hey tom, it's bill, pipes over here with banana real estate.

I'm calling you back like i said i would. How are you hey bill, i'm doing great wonderful tom. The last time that we spoke, which was back in may you said that your goal was to actually move into a larger house, because you and the family have grown a little bit. You're gon na be spending more time at home.

Is that still your plan and is your time frame still by the end of this year? Well bill yeah? It is excellent tom, hey! Do me a favor uh, tell me: what have you heard is happening in the local market. Today, i've heard the market is completely on fire and there's no homes to buy, and it's that's just been crazy, yeah completely understandable and there's a lot of people that have that hallucination right now, based upon what we've seen, understandably in the first six months in the Last year, last 12 months, let me share with you the reality of what is actually occurring in the local market today and why it's a huge benefit for you. As a buyer tell me okay, then i'm going to go through inventory, i'm going to compare in or a couple key data points, i'm going to compare inventory levels days on market number of price reductions, uh 30-day window of homes that have come on the market versus Homes that have sold, but i'm gon na, do it. I'm gon na, say here's where we were in april or may, and here's where we are right now and talk about the increase or the decrease depending upon what it is right.
And then, when i get to the very end of that, because that that's the thing and that childress david childress and i were talking about this yeah, the less showings lower - you got it - your homes are a little more on the market yeah, but home prices are Appreciating so yeah they're competing with last fire, you have to say that this is still a competitive market. However, right what we're seeing is there's more opportunity for you right and then once you, i present that data and there's a lot of talking that you may do at that point comparatively i have to turn it around. I have to ask them a question that question is so tom: how do you see this playing into your advantage right as a buyer or tom? Why do you see that you need to take action now as a seller right? Because this this dialogue can be used on both right yeah and then so then, i'm going to use a three-stage, close, a three-set, uh descending, yes set close, i'm going to say tom! You do want to take advantage of this opportunity in the market. Don't you yes, okay and you do see why it is that's important for us to potentially actually meet right now or to take action right now.

Right i mean i, i definitely see. There's a window. There's a moment of time well and normally what we're finding is they kick back and go if the market is actually dropping, then why wouldn't i just wait sure right so give me that objection, but so bill, but it sounds like the market's actually slowing down, and I should probably wait and be able to take advantage of this opportunity, yeah and tom. I totally agree that, like when you look at this data, you would think that the market is continuing to shift and would continue to shift down.

Can i share with you what makes me nervous about you waiting sure please um. Do you know how interest rates impact affordability for you as a buyer, uh yeah, i'm aware of the concept you're the concept? Okay, so you know tom that if rates go up, one percent that you know your ability to be able to purchase a home goes down 10. So, if you're, looking like in your case, you had said you're looking at about a 500 000 home um. Instead of that, 500 000 home we're not looking at 450 right for you to maintain the same price right and tom we're already having a hard enough time at 500.

I wouldn't want you like in terms of what you want and having everything that you need. You don't want to drop down to 450. Do you no, but are you saying interest rates are going to go up so, according to four of the of the major reporting industries, uh fannie mae freddie mac, national association of realtors and the national mortgage bankers, association right and you can by the way guys you Can find this data on keeping current matters it's on their instagram page and on their site? Um rates are projected which they're at 2.88, as of today. In this conversation, they're projected to go up 3.6 by freddy they're projected to go up to 3.0 by fannie they're projected to go up 3.5 by uh nam and then 3.303.4 uh by n.a, two to three yeah.
Basically yeah. It's gon na go from two to low to mid threes, yeah, so tom really the longer that you wait, the more you open yourself. It's not gon na be in february tom that all of a sudden rates jump up. It's going to be a gradual increase over the course of the next couple of months.

So the longer you wait, then, the more that you're going to have to pay or the less you're going to be able to afford yeah. You don't want either one of those situations. Do you no okay, so tom? All that we need to do is simply, and then i'm going to close on them at that point, all right. Okay, so you started this by saying it's a skill based market writer he's like yay, right yeah and by the way, if you're listening this you might want to just go rewind.

Not really. I guess you just put your slide on your finger. That's my version shut up jason, you always jason's, always gon na put up us like all right. I wish all right but bro.

If you don't know what to say right now. I agree you're you're dead in the water and - and i i honestly i mean this - would do all respect to every single agent. That's out there. We have as an industry because the market has been so strong, got a little bit lazy with our skills, and the market has done a lot of the heavy lifting for us minus the frustration that we have of having to get offers accepted.

You know listings, hey guys, start working on your price reduction. Conversation start work on your pricing. You know uh conversation inside your listing presentation, because the homes that are selling right now the homes that are sitting right now are the ones that are overpriced. The condition isn't that great, but there's still major multiple offer situations that are taking place in every market for the well-priced great conditioned home right.

And how do you get the price right by actually knowing what to say and saying it powerfully right right? Everybody knows what we're talking about right now, like you going like, there's nothing on the market and you're like, except for those same blank number of homes that have been on the market for the last 18 months: okay, who's going next jeff all right. Another great idea: uh one of my clients, uh a mole heda up in uh silicon valley in that area, he's pulling tax records, i'm literally gon na walk over and make sure it's right there right right right, right, jeff was in a band and he was the Singer that did this: like! Did you get that so uh, i'm all ahead up in silicon valley, i showed you the slides of what he's doing he's going in tax records and he's pulling up. You can get the data around what kind of mortgage rates homeowners have. He found even in silicon valley, he's like in an area where everybody smartest they're so smart.
He he pulled a thousand uh homeowners and determined that 400 of them had rates of three and a half percent or higher. Why is that important, now he's reaching out to them and saying hey? Let's just have this discussion about refinancing right now and i think most agents go well how's that going to benefit me right right right, i'm not in the mortgage business right, but it still again starts a conversation starts. Conversation starts a conversation of have you thought about moving? Have you thought about taking advantage of this equity or have you have you thought about taking that equity and purchasing other properties and creating income uh, you know mailbox money, basically is what he's doing so uh. It's working where's.

He getting the data he's pulling he's in california and he's getting it from his uh uh train uh the t, the uh. We can pull the data in our mls. Where do you get it from yours? In the in richmond just write in tax records right in our mls system, but i think he's getting it either from his uh uh transaction coordinator or somebody along lines uh. What? What do they use for closings, um, escrow titles, yeah, title yeah.

I can't think. Yes, yes, yeah, it's not good we're in the middle of a podcast right. You can't think i forgot a bunch what's going to happen when he starts thinking right, but but uh it's leading to a conversation and it's working for him yeah. I love it.

I mean any, maybe remind or another another data mining solution that would have that, so everybody, just the key, is find out all the homes, maybe in your farm or in a geographic territory where you've got buyers and there's no homes on the market. What's everybody's interest rates and call and engage in the conversations with the people that have high interest rates yep and hey the worst case scenario? Is they don't want to move, and you just said hey, let me get my loan officer to reach out to you. Let's get you guys at least a better rate right like that's. Just a do good move, that's going to pay benefits in the future forever, all right, jason! I think you're on number.

Three all right number three is the ever exciting weekly email recap. Yes, okay, by the way email is so underrated right now, but it's a vast majority of people and email is the number two driver of business success for most business owners that i know if you look and listen to any kind of a digital marketing, influencer who's Going to be teaching they're, always going to say, email, email, email, yeah, i can talk about ads all day. I can talk about social media content all day, but email has all the data to back up its efficacy as right, probably the single best channel for getting your content out. So this one kind of comes out before you say this, i want to share the.

I read a uh emotional sentiment report from january 2021 around email and it was like the percentage of people that want an email every day from brand say trust multiple times per week, minimum once per week, and that total, when you look at the three, was like 53 percent of consumers want at least something from you every week. I think that's a massively underserved channel, because a lot of agents are like, i couldn't email them more than once a month, because this is a confession of my email sucks, and so therefore, if i send it to them every week, i'm my opt out rate. My complaint rate, the insurance rate, is going to go up yeah so because the email is only about you not about the person you're trying to serve exactly so. The obvious answer is well fine.
You can either not take advantage of the email. I would ask the question of: why are you bothering sending an email at all right, and the answer is because i want them to see my name in the inbox and i'm like what, if, when they see your name in the inbox, they associate it with getting That email they hate to get constantly right. It's a bad association, bad reputation, management, okay, so the key is obviously it's got to be a value-add email. I like the idea of a weekly email recap, so i'm thinking about the far group northwest it's a husband and wife team, aaron and christopher in spokane washington, one.

They are already crushing it on just about every social channel, on instagram on youtube, online, um and they're. Super uh dude, i'm having a jeff moment right now. Don't blame me yeah, don't blame me bill come to my side. The brains are over here buddy, i was gon na, say, they're, crushing it with traditional channels too, so like postcards farming and so forth, but their weekly email recap is one of their best points of touch and impression.

So, what's in the email, weekly recap, i mean i conceptually have a thought around it. What is it it's sort of like competitive edge that you send out? Yes, it's basically hey, i'm already making a lot of content throughout the course of the week through the course of the month. I know that it's sometimes difficult to keep up with all the content. You don't want to miss anything.

Let me give it to you in a digest where you can once a week, and i like the idea of once a week, you can consume it all at your own leisure, your own pace, and you have that conversation. But here's the trick because your content should always be value-add. I'm not saying you don't do like just listed and just sold and stuff like that, but you should have content where you're contributing your knowledge right, you're, contributing your experience and expertise and because of that you're. Giving giving giving giving this goes back to gary vaynerchuk's, jab jab right hook, exactly i'm gon na give give, and then i can have a cta, but it can be inside that same weekly.

Email recap. Yes, so what you should do is when you send out this email. You should also include some basic calls to action. Like hey.
Do you want a free home valuation? Hey? Do you want to search for homes? Do you want to schedule a consultation with me so as they scroll down looking at your content, you can continually kind of offer. Soft little closes to connect to connect to connect something. I've been talking about a lot with my clients when it comes to email and social at large is. Are you approachable? In other words, are you creating the opportunity where you're saying hey? You can talk to me about this or you can talk to me about this.

I think a lot of people just wait for someone to call them because they want to list their home or something like that. I'm like you're missing the opportunity to initiate the conversation sooner so i know i'm kind of conflating something but jeff's saying it all starts with that. First conversation. Then you have to know what to say and you're, like i'm trying to create some engagement, and this email is a great space to initiate that first conversation and then the trickle effect takes place.

Weekly email recap: you got to be making content, but that's an opportunity. Folks are missing in terms of providers, they can use bombbomb, they can use mailchimp, they use constant contact, aweber convertkit, it doesn't matter. One pro tip i will give is if you're sending a new email. I would think twice before you make your reply to address your main email address, because well, because you have a sender reputation as an email, you have a sender score and it's based upon a lot of factors, one of which is the company you use to send Emails, if you're using one of those freebie email providers that sends mass email on your behalf, there's a really good chance, you're on a shared server with about 500 000 other realtors, who understand not much about email and they're, spamming people, and so, if they get accused Of spam by their list, by extension, you are too yeah and if you use your email address with that list, your regular email address it goes down in flames right there with it right.

So there's two morals: one pay to be on a better private server. When you send emails and two, i would recommend getting a gmail address. That's just for this list and using it as the reply to address that way. You're sheltered from your primary domain because i've talked to agents who they have to text agents.

Hey. I submitted an offer: did you get it because their emails go to spam because of bad list management over past years, so don't be guilty of that yeah? So i want to go back. It's interesting one of the things that we started doing a bunch of my clients is the same thing as like hey once a week. You're, like it's not only like hey here's, the best piece of content that got the most response or the most q, a the most like engagement, but they're, also saying here's my happy client of the week yeah and i just love it.
It wasn't my idea. I made a space on who it was but they're like. Wouldn't it just be great: it's just a photo of me with like the new home buyer right and to be able to show, especially for a lot of our high-end clients like hey here's, the 12 million dollar sale i made, but here's the 400 000 condo. I did or 200 000 condo because, like they truly have that range and they want to keep broadcasting, you know, hey call me when you have a 300 000 sale, because i do those also not just 3 million, 5 million, 12 million etc right.

So i love that one. I also loved uh best new restaurant in town, best new thing that i discovered in our community. Have you seen this? What do you know about it to try and create engagement? My question for you, maybe it's too advanced, is are when they open up that email. Are they opening up on that agent's domain, or are they just reading the email they're just reading the email so and you all get the difference like what i'm saying here, because i want the traffic back to my website.

So so here's what you're going to do! They're going to open the email in whatever their email is email, whatever provider. The reply to address is what i was talking about a second ago with the gmail address. That's neither here in order. That's just reply: hey thanks! So much blah blah blah you're, going to hyperlink the living daylights out of all the different content and my recommendation is is - and this is probably going a little bit into the weeds if you're, making content for facebook and instagram and elsewhere the same content.

That is repurposed in this email should also be repurposed, as blog post. Whenever, like i do this, whenever i post a social you're going to find the same thing on my blog too, because i want to build that seo opportunity and if you open up my email, it's going to go to my blog. I want the traffic on the website on my website, not to facebook, not to youtube. I want it on my site, so we actually covered that on a tom ferry show yeah eons ago, so you might want to just search for that.

I got the idea from you is bulletproof friday right right: five, five bullet fridays: okay, speaking of the microphone five bullet fridays by the end of this podcast, i'm gon na have the two of you talking into a microphone that you can pull from um. Everyone loves gifts, right, yep, all business based on relationships, we're talking about that inside of our planning session for summit um, i have multiple clients that right now have identified their top 50 to 100 clients. Typically, it's about 50 because that's a manageable number in terms of both, if i'm gon na drop gifts off and also a cost basis, as well too, and when i say gifts, you don't have to think something huge. You know you know hundreds of dollars.

It could just be you know: i've got poinsettias that get dropped off by ed and marcos varga around the holiday time, and you know like they continue just from that one drop-off to be able to actually get you know four five six listings and buy ourselves marissa Perez who does it inside of her farm for all the people that she's actually sold and she does it about once a quarter where she's dropping off at easter. She put together this super cute little easter basket, because you know easter. You know because most of her, you know where she is um celebrate easter and she would just drop that off. You know branded inside of it.
Hey, i'm just dropping this off for you now. If you don't want to do it yourself, you know these individuals actually take the time to do it themselves. I i love client giant, there's a lot of my life.

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26 thoughts on “16 killer strategies top agents are using now”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Len RockNRealtor says:

    WOW what a wealth of info no matter where you are in your career!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carpenter Marketing says:

    Ask this question. “Are you planning on staying in this home forever?” If they say yes they really mean it. Most people naturally want to say NO when asked a question. So if they say YES it’s a good indicator they’re telling the truth. Another example is “Am I getting you at a good time?” They’re going to say NO. If you say, “Am I getting you at a bad time?” they’ll probably say NO and if they say YES you’ll know they’re probably busy. Hope that makes sense!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brenden Flundra says:

    Tons of value here! Gold nuggets dropped everywhere.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff Burke says:

    I always get some great ideas when I listen to you

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Humming Real Estate says:

    Incredible ideas!! Thanks for sharing such awesome ideas!!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EL Don Rudy says:

    Definitely going to watch this video a couple of times, a lot of great info! Very fortunate to have found this channel. 🤩

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rica Greenwood says:

    All great suggestions and I love all your energy! Thank you for sharing in a fun and entertaining way!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Logan C says:

    if you registered on the DNC before Feb 2008, your number would expire after 5 years. Any registered numbers after that time are permanent

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adeel Qureshi says:

    Love this!! Coach PIPES looks like a UFC fighter. Looking good brotha!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Valdez says:

    Thank you so much for all of this!! This was great!! Very helpful!!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GMBN Records says:

    This was one of the most entertaining and valuable conversations I have seen in a long time. Absolutely looking up to you guys.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Katrina Redden says:

    This is helping me so much semi-new (1yr) but no sales lately I've been like a deer in the head lites lol. Plus the market is like 🤯. BUT the ideas in this video omg I'm taking notes and applying lol. You all covered and hit all corners and every angle on how to win and get the buyers and sellers to loosen up lol. The zillow hack is Epic!🤯🤯🤯….. Thank You All for sharing Awesome content…..God Bless ❤

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Melissa Paula says:

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  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sanz Real Estate Group says:

    This was fun to watch but absolutely important for learning. Thanks guys🙌

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sherry Puchacz says:

    Wow !! I am so grateful to be part of this awesome Tom Ferry family and have Patrick Ferry as my coach!! You guys are amazing… thank you for always sharing and caring!!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ahu Kocaballi Real Estate Group says:

    So many golden nuggets today!! Thank you so much to all of you!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Elizabeth Sorgen - Santa Monica Real Estate says:

    The do not call list is good for only ONE year! You’ve got to renew it yearly! I put registered my phone for do not call and found this out

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vilma Sekona says:

    Hey Tom can you write the names of people you guys are alking about? For example the "legendary <whats ger name?> agent in California – i couldn't get her name regardless the times I relistened.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joanne Tassoni says:

    This was terrific. Great ideas! Thank you Tom and team.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sajid Saadi says:

    love all the content from you and truly learn alot from all your videos. i think i have been listening to your yourtube videos and podcast for past few years. and truly consider you one of my mentor in my real estate business for past 5 years, also met you in person new york. ..Thank you.. ..

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JoAnne Lutat says:

    You guys make it all look so easy! Thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge. Lots of great ideas. This is the 2nd video of yours that I've watched and the time flew as I took notes as fast as I could. Appreciate you.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Alty says:

    how do you get the phone number from the neighbor down the street? 1 (h):02(m)

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Miguel Carvalho says:

    Rookie agent in Portugal RE/MAX.
    just got into you now and I’m so compromised into success!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Samantha Hays says:

    I love the idea, however most MLSs have that as a violation of rules and your Broker's E&O may not cover having alcohol at events – so 2x check before you plan your event.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sylvie Romeo says:

    Wow what a. Team.
    This is a great interview. Tom. Thanks

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The lady of heaven movie’s advocate says:

    My channel banner has a very important message for you 🙂 I believe you have what it takes from the kindness of your heart. The 4th Shia imam (Ornament of the Worshippers) peace be upon him said “The generous one rejoices by his/her grace , and the mean one is proud of his/her possessions”. This is one of many narrations by our 12 imams (Peace be upon them) and (May my soul be sacrificed while I’m at their service) that talks about generosity and giving. By The way, the trailer is out ❤️❤️

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