You have the power to lift up your local businesses during this trying time: Welcome to the Local Business “Leg Up” Challenge.
There are no rules. There’s no hashtag. There are no prizes.
It’s just about doing your part to help fellow entrepreneurs in need.
While we in real estate are fortunate to be able to continue conducting business and triumphing in the face of adversity, many others don’t currently have that opportunity.
And instead of triumph, they’re facing tragedy.
I know when I drive around my town, there are lots of small businesses that are closed or operating at much lower capacity than normal. And it’s heartbreaking.
So here’s my challenge to you:
For the first 12 weeks of 2021, feature a local business that could use a “leg up” in some way.
Maybe it’s a treasured local restaurant. A favorite store. Or a service or venue that’s had to close its doors because it’s deemed “non-essential.”
Whatever the case, rally the troops and bring them some much-needed attention.
I’m not saying it has to be a big production. Just make an effort. Shoot a quick video. Write a social post (or two, or three). Feature them in your newsletter or postcards.
Then rinse and repeat with a new business for each of the next 12 weeks.
Why? Because doing the right thing is always the right thing.
Who’s in? Let me know in the comments below, and feel free to share any ideas of what you have in mind!
For the majority of my life, I’ve been passionate and dedicated about changing lives by giving away the very best strategies, tactics, and mindset techniques to help you and your business succeed. Join me as we take this to level 10!
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What, if, for the first 12 weeks of the new year you showcased 12 local businesses, hey welcome to the tom ferry show as we wrap up 2020. I have a request. I don't think i've ever done this before and i'm not sure if i'll ever do it again, but certainly it goes without saying: 2020 was an unprecedented year, you've heard me say repeatedly: tragedy and triumph and in the real estate mortgage business, title insurance, business, the housing Business we've had a lot of triumph a lot of trying, and yet, if you drive around the streets of your town like i do every night, you also see a lot of tragedy. You see businesses that whether they're closed or the lights aren't on, but they should be booming right now, based on the economy and everything else that's happening now.

All i'm saying to you is this: what if, for the first 12 weeks of the new year, you showcased 12 local businesses, if that feels like too many six, some number of local businesses that you could pick up your phone and you could do some outreach, you Could reach out to every single person, you know and say: hey we've all eaten at this chinese restaurant they're hurting because of this situation in that situation, if we just do more take out orders from this place, it's unbelievable they're dim sum they're. This they're, that whatever it is, if you're speaking from the truth and you're speaking from your heart - and you show that you really care, because i know you do about your community - there's a lot of local businesses that could use our help. So as we wrap up this year - and i do hope that you and your family - your loved ones - are safe, you're continuing to be resilient, you're moving forward, you've got your goal set. You've got your plan set just know that there's some other entrepreneurs out there.

People just like me and you that aren't in the same situation that you're in that they need that extra support. They need that extra marketing. They need that extra push, and maybe just maybe out of all this you could be the one person that goes on facebook. Does a live show and brings them that one client that transforms everything and we're not doing it, because we want them to repost the video or we want them to share it on their pages.

They'll they'll probably do all that stuff and more we're doing it, because the right thing is always the right thing. That's why we're doing it. So i don't know, maybe a strange tom ferry show. Maybe you get where my heart is right.

I think it's just the right thing for us to do. I hope you take on this challenge. Um, send me a text 949-216-5466. Let me know if you take it on or send me a tweet or you know an email or.

However, you want to reach me on social, but do me a favor? Let's go help some people there's plenty of time for us to shoot another video to post another social to reach out, and just you know, give that leg up to another entrepreneur, because you know what the right thing is. Always the right thing have a safe new year. Take on the challenge and i'll see you in 2021 take care. You.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

10 thoughts on “12-week challenge: lift up your local businesses | #tomferryshow”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Farah Naz says:

    Time to do marketing. Thank you Tom

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lutonya Johnson TV says:


  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian Eliel says:

    “ The Right thing is always the right thing!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Patrick Ferry Coach & Trainer says:

    LOVE THIS!!!! So critical as real estate was one of the winners in 2020 yet all our friends locally suffered.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Samantha Hays says:

    I think this is brilliant – Brokers could also be doing for agents in the office. I'm going to reach out to my TC Group and focus on promoting our clients, escrow officers, title, lenders, inspectors – Be the Resource for Others!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Julie Kennedy Munden says:


  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fargo Moorhead Real Estate says:

    I did a couple, have been thinking to do more. Thank you!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Severiana Jordan says:


  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jay says:

    I was actually doing this prior to shut down every Thursday I featured a local business! Hoping to bring it back in 2021

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Drew Jones says:


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