Today I want to talk about how to specifically rank your YouTube videos much higher in the search listing! Most people get this sooooo wrong... There's 3 main components that get factored into your video's ranking so I hope you enjoy the video 🙂
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Hey what's up and welcome back to a new video shows the name YouTube's the game, and today I want to talk about something that so many people ask me they say Shawn. How does the YouTube algorithm work? How do I get ranked number one once someone searches, something? How do I get? A million hits hits. First of all, what is even a hit I mean, are we living in 2004 right now? If you are saying hey, I want this video to get tons of hits. I don't even know what it hit it, so you want me to hit you in the face like no.

If you want your video to get a lot of views, I can help you with that. Anyway, everyone wants their videos to rank, really really really well on YouTube, because we all know this. If a video doesn't rank on the first page of someone's search, query, then they're, probably not gon na, find your video like the best way to hide a dead body. We all know this.

It's on the second page of the search on YouTube right, like you put a body on the second page, no one's gon na find that ever bike seriously that works 10 out of 10 times when I'm hiding my dead bodies, throw them on the second page. No one finds them anyway. Today, I'm going to be showing you guys how you can actually get your videos to rank number one and on the first page of a youtube search. So, let's do it all right so today I want to actually start out by showing this my YouTube play button, because um I've actually gotten a few comments and and people reaching out lately saying like.

Why does this guy always tell us a bunch of YouTube tips and tricks when he's uploading him on a channel? That really isn't that big guys I've been on YouTube forever. I feel like I say this too, during all my videos as well, but I've been on YouTube forever. I built up like channels with hundreds of thousands of subscribers millions and hundreds of millions of views, so I've been on YouTube for a while. I know how videos can actually rank well with the algorithm, and I'm gon na tell you guys about that today.

So I just kind of had to, I guess, show off a little bit of clout to get some people to actually believe me, because again some people have been like. Who is this guy? Why is he saying these things whatever, but anyway turn you on here then? I'm gon na take this opportunity to tell you to subscribe to this channel because I'm always giving tons of YouTube tips and tricks' help. You guys grow your new channels and this is a newer channel of mine. So hopefully you enjoy this video today.

But let's talk about search rings, so there's actually a few things you need to understand before we dive into SEO ranking and like growth, hacking and all these great things, and that's essentially how the YouTube algorithm works. Now I can spend hours in hours in hours on the YouTube algorithm. Actually, I've done this in my youtube master class I'll leave a link down below, but those you don't know. I've got a great youtube master class, where I think I've got like eight hours or nine hours of content in that master class on how to actually grow a channel from nothing to something pretty incredible, making six figures all that kind of good stuff.
I do not have time in this video to fully break down the YouTube algorithm, so we're only going to be focusing on the search component of YouTube's algorithm. So the three things that we're going to be focusing on today to actually maximize the use of the algorithms to get our video to rank on the first page of someone's search is number one. Gon na be the view. Duration of your video number two is going to be the age of the video and then number three.

I group them all together and it's gon na, be the text surrounding your video, so we're talking title description, tags all that kind of good stuff and again this is only when someone is searching for a video on YouTube. The algorithm takes into way more important components on how you can get your videos to show up and rank really well to get more views like, for example, when you go on YouTube, you typically will go on YouTube for a specific video or you'll search for something You'll watch that video, but then more likely than not you're not going to be searching for another video until you watch another one or two that pop up on the right right. So you've got these suggested videos, I'm not talking about how to rank your video to show up on those suggested videos or for YouTube to promote them on someone's homepage. That's something entirely different in regards to the YouTube algorithm I'll.

Try to make some videos explaining some of those, so that's another reason why you should subscribe to this channel, but again we're focusing solely on when someone actually searches in keywords on YouTube: the algorithms intent. So that's where I break it down into these three simple things. So number one we're gon na be talking about view duration. So what exactly is view? Duration? Well, mutation is essentially how long someone watches your video.

So if someone clicks on your video - and you know, clicks away from it after seven seconds, then YouTube goes huh. Maybe this video isn't that great, so we're not really going to be promoting this one as well, because people aren't staying and watching the whole thing. So with that being said, you should watch this entire video, but really just to kind of improve your view. Duration.

You want to actually create an engaging video, so if I was just sitting here all in one take and just not moving or doing any type of you know exaggerations or hand motions if I was literally just like alright guys. So you know the YouTube algorithm searches is. This is how you do this, and this how you do this boom? Everyone would be like wow, that is the most boring video. I think I've ever watched on YouTube.

I am watching like 30 seconds of it and I fell asleep and I clicked off to go. Watch another video so to increase your beauty. Raishin just want to keep your video engaging and so people actually go yeah. I like what this guy's saying.
I think I'm learning a good amount here and I'm gon na continue watching the video. So again, don't click away from this video, but number two is gon na, be the age of the video. So if you guys notice, when you search on YouTube, you'll, typically search for something in one of the first videos or sometimes the first two videos are gon na, be very recent videos. If you search for a term that is um pretty much, you know, I guess well well-known or a little more popular, so a lot of people are searching for it.

You'll typically see a video that was uploaded. You know within the last 24 hours or sometimes you know within the last three days, you'll see a very recent video but then also below that, or sometimes above that, you'll see a video that was uploaded a year or two ago, that's been on YouTube for a While but it's got lots of views, it's got millions and user hundreds and thousands of used again, depending on the search term that you do but you'll typically see a mix. You'll see something where it's a new video, something that's very fresh and and new, and then you'll see a video, that's kind of been on YouTube for a while that a lot of people really like because there's lots of views on it. So this is why I always say that consistency on YouTube is incredibly important in this hands down.

I think one of the most important components are growing a YouTube channel if you're not being consistent. If you're not uploading, regular content, then you're not showing up in these searches, for you know when someone searches for something that relates to your video that you uploaded yesterday. Well, they're, not gon na see it if you didn't upload yesterday, so you need to constantly be uploading videos, so you can rank higher in these things, give your viewers and subscribers, you know, more content. So that's why I am huge on consistency.

Okay, so that kind of ties into the age of the video you need to be creating newer videos regularly. So YouTube can pick that up in the searches and just in the algorithm as a whole, but number three we're gon na be talking about is gon na. Be text - and this is a common misconception here, but everyone thinks the text surrounding your video is the biggest factor in how it ranks on YouTube. So I've seen people do so many things.

I've seen some insane tags. I've seen some descriptions that are like maxed out on characters that people trying to put in as many keywords as possible to try to rank better I've, seen people trying to get others to comment loads of great information in the comment section. Because comments do matter and I've seen my closed captions and people spend all of this time on increasing the text surrounding their video. I mean they'll spend 40 percent of the time it takes to create that video on just SEO and tagging.
I got to make this perfect title, these perfect tags and perfect description. And yes, while those do matter, it is the lowest factor. I mean all of those things combined are still less than the view. Duration on your video.

So if you are not creating a high quality video that keeps people engaged and keeps them watching your video, then I mean all that text and tagging and titling and description like it's great, but it's really not gon na help. That much content is king on YouTube. So you always need to be creating good content. Good content is gon na be seen, and YouTube is gon na be able to promote that, to others butts put things in a perspective, guys, titles, descriptions and tags.

They each make up one percent of the weight when it comes to ranking your video on YouTube, now closed captions and comments each make up two percent. So you can see that that's just a handful of percentage points when it comes to actually ranking your video in the algorithm. So I bet a lot of you clicked on this video and go oh. I thought this whole video is just gon na, be about how I title things and tag things and put things into my description from the rank whoa and yes, we are going to talk about that in just a second, but just know that all three of these Things work together as a team you got ta, have great content to keep the view.

Duration high. You got to be creating regular content, so the age of the video can rank you a little bit higher and you've also got to be working on your text and again we're gon na talk about that in a second. But so many people just rely solely on tagging and it really just breaks my heart because you're not gon na get very far so best strategy. I can give you for the text surrounding your video guys is to have all that stuff written out and done before you actually start creating your video, so you need to have a vision in mind when you go to create your video because think about it.

If you don't got your title and your tags ready to go, you're gon na create your video and go home. What should I title this? What should I tag this to create? You know to reach these type of people? No! No! When I create my videos, this video I'm creating right now, I've already got the title in mind. I've got my tags in mind. My description of mine.

I've got everything in mind cuz. I got this vision in place to go all right. I'm gon na be targeting this, this type of people who are searching for these type of things, and then I just create the video and it supplements all the texts that I've already got ready to go. Hopefully that makes sense.

You're gon na want to be doing all of your research ahead of time and all of your planning ahead of time. You don't just want to record and then figure it out later and don't be afraid to get some great inspiration from some other youtubers on on the platform. You can get some great ideas by checking in on some descriptions. Some titles, some tags, all that kind of good stuff, so number one.
The number one tool you're gon na want to be using for these things to kind of increase your SEO and your search ranking it's your bread and butter. Well, my bread and butter on YouTube and it's called vid IQ. It's a Chrome extension, it's gorgeous and a real life saver. You know when it comes to crafting your content or like drafting up some text for some of your existing content, but you can see how relevant your topic is, and if people are even searching around for it like, along with like what the competition on it is And I mean if the vid IQ score is over 40, then I'd say it's definitely worth making a video on and you can actually go into an existing video.

You know and see if it's ranking well for like a specific topic, you can nab some good tags from it or you can see like what's doing well on it and kind of compare that to your video or plan that when you're creating your video, I'm telling You vid IQ is a serious life saver, so play around with vid IQ figure out. You know kind of get familiar with how the tags and descriptions and titling works it'll give you rankings and ratings on each of them. So I highly recommend use vid IQ again. It's a Chrome extension.

If you don't use Chrome, I'm like what are you even doing with your life now another tool that I actually like to use and it's nothing that you have to actually go to or download or utilize. It's actually just on YouTube itself. I'm talking about searching a word or a phrase on YouTube and then seeing like what comes up in the suggested box. Basically, if those words and phrases are being suggested, then that means that the other people are searching.

Those things - and it's probably a good topic to create a video on to fill that need also another really good tip, is to actually put in asterisks or like a the star in front or after a word or phrase, because that acts like a wild card to Give you some more results. These are great ways to form keywords when you're searching for what content you should be creating or for just, I guess what you should be titling and tagging your videos, speaking of tags, the next tool that I always recommend. It's actually what I use for every single one of my videos and I made like 2000 videos at this point. It's called rapid tags, IO so go on there.

You just type in your title and it'll spit out some really great ranking keywords to put in your your tag, so it's really great always shoot for the long tail tags instead of the one-word tags, those always perform loads, better, so yeah pick and choose with those There are great ways to kind of I usually take about, like I don't know, 70 % of the tags rapid tags generates and then I throw them into my my tags and then I'll kind of write, my own, that I kind of like or do some other Searching with Google Trends or whatnot, so that's how you should be doing your tags again. Don't spend too much time on your tags. They're only worth one percent of your video ranks now. The next thing I want to talk about is descriptions on YouTube.
There's, no real! Perfect answer for how you could do a description on your YouTube, video and there's no real tool out there that actually makes your descriptions go. Yeah your descriptions, great, it's kind of something that really doesn't make a huge difference. Remember it's like 1 %, but it is something that's kind of cool to link in kind of build your brand a little bit better. What i always recommend for descriptions guys is to find a similar video to the video you're planning on making or that you've made and just see what the descriptions are like on those videos see hey what are they putting in there? What are kind of the keywords that I think relates to the content in the video that people could be searching, so I like to search for maybe three videos that are similar to mine copy and paste all their descriptions in a one word document and then see Similarities with each of those descriptions, what are some of the keywords that are showing up in all three of those? What are some of the phrases that are showing up and all three of those and I'll kind of take those I'll put them in my description and kind of you know mesh them into kind of like my language and my wording, so it all fits perfectly again.

Don't spend too much time on your descriptions. You don't want to get caught up on that. It's not a huge factor into how your video ranks. You should focus more on your title and even the comments on your video, mainly the title, not necessarily for what people are searching for, but for what would get people interested if that makes sense.

So I want your title to be yeah, of course, stuff that people are gon na be searching for, but you want it to be engaging to where someone will read that title and go huh, yeah, that's interesting or that's entertaining or that's cool. I want to check that I own a click on that and then another thing guys is comments. You should always be asking your viewers or telling your viewers to comment something down below the more engagement on your video, the better that it's gon na range. So that means said comment down below what you guys think about these three things so far: I'd love to hear your feedback and also to help my video rank a little bit, but it's also good to see what's working for you guys, what's working for other people, So I always like to have the comments section of my video.

It's kind of an open discussion of what's working for people and what's not working for people in terms of in terms of their, I guess, strategies and their path of success on YouTube, but bottom line. Guys, there's thousands of data points that gets factored into how your video ranks on YouTube. So many people get caught up in trying to grow tack and use these great farming tools, and then they come to me and they say well, my videos aren't ranking like what's going on guys bottom line, you got ta make good content. Content is king on here.
So if you can create some highly engaging content that keeps people engaged on YouTube, then your video is gon na rank well think of it in terms of YouTube's perspective, if you can keep someone constantly watching your videos or staying on the platform making YouTube money, they're Going to be promoting your video in return, if you scratch YouTube's back they're gon na scratch, yours, I always tell people just prove to YouTube that your content is good once you prove to them that it's good, then they'll take over from there and kind of get Your channel moving and pump in, but guys those are kind of the main things again. I know that YouTube SEO and growth, and all this kind of stuff is like a huge mystery to most people and even for those like myself, who think we've got a really good grasp of it. It's never going to be black and white. So the thing that you can spend the most time on is just making good content but use those three techniques I talked about today to help your content rank a little bit better again guys it's a team effort with everything.

So you got to be doing all three of those things to really get it moving and going up on the rankings with that. But hopefully you enjoyed the video. If you did, I would really appreciate it. You can hit that like button.

Also, please comment down below and subscribe if you're new to this channel, I'm always dropping some great information on this inter channel of mine, and I always appreciate all of you guys watching but again Sean's the name, YouTube's a game, and I will see you guys in The next video.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

3 thoughts on “Youtube seo: ranking your videos #1”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MTC says:

    Being so knowledgeable and experienced when it comes to youtube, you should know better than to use fake clickbaity thumbnails in your videos. Not cool man.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MYSTIC9 says:

    Thanks for the tips! I will definitely utilize these to the best of my ability. Idk when I want to revamp my channel but it’ll be soon. Again, thanks so much for the tips.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EdensMeme says:


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