If you’ve seen Tim Bohen in action — like in his Pre-Market Prep sessions — you might wonder how he finds stocks so quickly. Or you might want to know how he consistently breaks down the criteria. Bohen has a useful tool that could benefit you, trader. Tune in for all the deets.
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Utilize this tool often! Repetition helps, especially if you have a small account and you’re under the PDT. You can’t trade everything, so this can help you be more selective.
Bohen’s focusing on aTyr Pharma Inc (NASDAQ: LIFE) as an example.
Now, where to start? First check if it’s a low float stock.
Next, you also want to see if it’s a big percent gainer. Tune to find out how much it should be up and why volume is critical.
Don’t forget … Day traders have great memories and love to trade the same stocks again and again. How does this play into the criteria? Check the video!
A catalyst certainly helps, but what about the catalyst triggers a green light on the trade? Bohen explains exactly what to look for in press releases.
Key levels are essential, specifically the whole-dollar/half-dollar break. This can also help you spot clear support to set risk.
And watch the full video for even more of Bohen’s tips on risk.
Be sure to catch the last two criteria and Bohen’s bonus feature. This separates the traders who are ready and willing to put in the work from everyone else!

#StockMarket #Trading #Stocks
*Tim Bohen teaches skills others have used to make money. Most who receive free or paid content will make little or no money because they will not apply the skills being taught. Any results displayed may be exceptional. We do not guarantee any outcome regarding your earnings or income as the factors that impact such results are numerous and uncontrollable.
You can lose money trading stocks. Do not invest money you cannot afford to lose. You understand and agree you will consider the important risk factors in deciding to purchase any of our products or services.

So many of you might've seen the pre-market sessions every single trading day live on YouTube: 8:30 Eastern.. If you have, you might ask `` Well how can Tim kinda work through these stocks `` so quickly, consistently `` breaking down all these criteria? ?'' Today, I'm gon na give you the tools to do exactly what I do. Every day., Hey everyone lead trader with Stocks to Trade, Tim Bohen, here., Be sure to like subscribe share these videos. And as always, ring that bell, if you're on YouTube to be notified.

As soon as we drop a new video., I'm doing, videos. Bryce is doing videos Matt's doing videos, Kyle's doing videos Jack's doing videos.. We've got an amazing channel. Here.

Ring that bell to be notified, subscribe and share with your friends. All right. That being said today, I'm gon na be talking about what I'm looking at every single day for that next great day. Trade.

And I've got some some resources for you.. I give I give I give. Anyway, so couple things I wan na point out.. This is going to be probably a seven to 10 minute, video kind of that sweet spot for YouTube..

But the reason I'm doing this is mostly to give you the tools but to also point out the fact that we have an entire day trading series for free at stockstotrade.com/freetraining., There's also a YouTube series.. You can go on our YouTube, channel. They're, all there. Now.

I prefer you go to stockstotrade.com/freetraining.. You drop your email you're, going to get an email with the worksheet, I'm working off of today., So whatever works for you., Hey man, I'm here to please. But if you go to this web page sign up. And then the other nice thing you'll get the worksheet and then also coming soon.

I'm actually flying out in a couple of days to record the swing trading and the short selling series as well., And they all have an accompanying worksheet a journal. All the resources you need. So Day, Trading 101 is live.. It's there for you, now., I'm gon na.

Be breaking that sheet down. And then also if you're subscribed. If you drop your email in you'll be notified as soon as swing trading and short selling drop.. I think we're going to do swing trading, probably in a couple of weeks and then a couple of weeks.

After that short selling., So go to that link drop in your email and, let's talk., Okay. So now I'm gon na explain what we look for for a great swing. Trade., L-I-F-E is gon na, be one of the focus today. Today, I'm recording on September 16th 2021., Depending on.

When you see this video, you should be familiar with this. One was a huge runner all this week.. They dropped. Some super sketchy news earlier in the week, but the stock broke out on that.

And then the beauty is they actually did an a equity financing last night, which I won't wade into the weeds too much on that today. But it's interesting the different world we're in.. If you been around, like I have these offerings, these dilutions used to be the death knell for these stocks., I mean once they did the financing once they rang that register, they would never come back., They were killer short sells.. Now I mean the crazy thing now and I thank Wall Street bets.
I thank social media for this, so many people use that financing as a floor to then short squeeze these stocks., So they did the financing at eight here that was last night I mean - and here we are at 11, as I record. So anyway, we'll save that For a different video, but this was a great day trade on pre-market prep. This morning we broke it down in detail. And then now I'm gon na tell you what we look for..

Okay, so here is that sheet. Keep in mind. You can screenshot it if you want., I mean listen again. I think most of you.

This might. If this isn't your first video, you know, hopefully you know, I mean something that I just that's my life's mission right now, I'm in a good place. I mean, and hopefully that doesn't sound, cocky or bragging, but no I've got an amazing family and I'm in a Great place in life, I'm semi-retired., I do all these videos, I trade, my own money.. I mean this is one of the things I really like is.

As I head into the twilight years, I'm 63 and a half years old. I really I just love giving back and everything I put out. I mean you know I put out podcasts blog posts. Ebooks.

I've got an ebook that I think, in my opinion, is worth hundreds, maybe thousands of dollars.. We sell it for 18 bucks. Okay, I go live every day. I help out the Steady Trade team..

I love giving back., So this is a sheet I've used. Probably for I think I put this together. This was when probably roughly when I went full-time trading when I sold my company. I'm guessing.

I, if I remember right, I put this together - probably 2012 2013., So I've been using it going on 10 years, now. And again screenshot it. If you want., I give I don't if it helps you that's what I want. I'm not trying to whatever..

I want everyone to be successful., That's one of the reasons. You'll see me rant on social media, all the time.. You see all one of the reasons I go off on short sellers is they always want to laugh at the newbies and laugh at the true believers.? It's like why? Why not try and help people, I mean: listen if someone's a bag holder or, if they're, a true believer. Why laugh at them? Why not try and help them? It's like to me.

It's like driving by a homeless person be like ``, Ha ha loser.. You don't know what situation they're in.. You don't know why they're homeless., Why not stop and be like `` Hey. You know you need some help.

``! Listen! You need a ride. ``! You need some money ?'' Or even if you don't do anything, you don't drive by and laugh., And that's why I go. If you follow my personal social media, I just go off and off on these people, that short stocks. And listen shorting is a viable strategy.
I just told you: I've got a short selling course coming up, but I just don't understand the idea of laughing at people that make mistakes in trading.. Hey we all started somewhere. Anyway, bring it back to the worksheet Tim.. I just went crashing off into the weeds on this video, but anyway, let me step you through the criteria and why LIFE matched these okay, So right off the bat - and I want you using these sheets, every single day.

And one of the big things. I think that helps trading is repetition., So the more you step through these things, the better you can get. And here's what's great about the sheet. What I want you to use in this print them out., I mean I'm kind of a I'm old school.

I like to hand write, or I've actually had, people that have turned these into Google Docs or digital formats. Again do what works for you.. I like tactile. I, like writing things down., But you know, fill these sheets out and do it for three four five stocks a day and then ultimately trade that one stock that's the best setup.

I mean. I know many of you are struggling with hey, there's 10 runners today, which one Especially if you have a small account. If you're under the PDT, you can't trade everything., You got ta pick that one.. I mean again.

If you're under the PDT best case scenario, it's one stock., I mean especially if you can only make three day trades in a rolling five day period, you have to be selective., Because again I mean you're, basically to simplify the math. I mean you're, basically trading like every other day, to keep from using up all three of your day trades. So you have to be selective.. That being said, let's get started.

Okay LIFE. Yes, it's a low-float stock. So we checked that box.. We checked this box three days ago before it ran..

We checked it again, today. Is it up more than 10 % Again this morning, stock was sitting at 8.50 in pre-market, but then once it opened was trading at over nine., So it was already up 10 % into that 9:45 window. That I tell you to look at. So now, you've got a 10 % gainer plus next box is, let me jump back.

Does it have unusual volume And when I talk about unusual volume, what we're looking at is relative to the 60-day average.. So in Stocks to Trade right off the bat, if you run a default, install of Stocks to Trade, you've got the 60-day average in your box.. You can see the stock is trading. The average is 4 million shares today..

I mean we're trading 35 million, as I record at noon., I mean heck. It had one candle that traded 4 million shares this morning.. So you can see you've got unusual volume.. Is it a former runner Heck yeah? It ran two days ago..

It ran on Monday.. So it's a former runner. And actually let me jump back just to show you I mean this stock is also. This is a one-year chart..

I mean it ran December, big run February, big run decent run March.. So now you know that remember day, traders have good memories and we like to retrade the same stocks.. So just in one year, this thing. And and if you count the run from the other day, I mean four times basically four times in a year.
This has ran.. I call that a former runner for sure. Is there a catalyst Again multiple catalysts with LIFE., So the other day they dropped a PR which again the nice thing about Stocks to Trade. Is you can look all of this up.? I'm trying to think what it was.

Oh yeah., So lot of listen! I'm no doctor okay.! Contrary to everyone on Twitter, I'm not a doctor, a virologist or an epidemiologist, even though everyone on Twitter is, but you can see it as a positive FDA news for pulmonary sarcoidosis.. I apologize if I butcher that., But you can see a lot of good buzz words.. Any FDA news for a low priced biotech is always positive., So this PR dropped three days ago.. So we've got a positive FDA PR and then again last night they did that equity financing which again, if I scroll through the news you can see right here it closed and they got 75 million in cash straight cash.

Man. I mean that's what penny stocks need.? Okay and everyone will say: ``, Oh dilutions are toxic.'', But listen. This company isn't going anywhere and they can do more R and D. They can do more promotions, they can do more pumps, especially when they got 75 million in the bank..

So now we've got multiple catalysts aligned with this stock, which is always a positive.. Then we add in is it a whole dollar? Half dollar break, Let's jump back to that chart 9.50., So 9.50 would have been that number one that 9:45 AM level.. Take into consideration. The time of day 9.50 was also a break of the previous day's highs..

Speaking of the ebook. That's a level we always look for.. Then you probably would have risked down on VWAP, which would have been in the low nines. So now you're risking roughly 30, maybe 40 cents for a potential upside of what we look for is like a buck 20..

So that means you'd, probably already be out of this trade at this point unless you're greedy. But you can see it's pushing new high, a day., And I know I'm talking fast, but these are I'm trying to pack as much into this video as possible., But remember as I'm talking fast as I'm talking about risk reward trade plans entries exits. Remember that course stockstotrade.com/freetraining. It's, I think, six videos, so I slow down and give it all to you., I'm just trying to break down the sheet as fast as possible..

Next is there clear to support to set risk.? Yes, that would have been VWAP.. You could also go down as low as nine, which would again be that whole that next whole dollar, half dollar level lower.. Then, when I talk about quality of the setup, the lower the float, typically, the better for a day. Trade., I believe this is around 2 million float or 14 million float, 14 million float.
So again very low float in this day and age, 36 million shares traded, you got float rotation. And actually the float would have went up because they did the offering.. So there you go, this was a lower float stock., That's the beauty of Stocks to Trade, real time.! Look at this thing, explode. So remember when they did the financing that increased the float., It's a dilution., They issue shares, increases the float.

So the other day. I believe - and you can fact check me, feel free. It was a couple million float before the offering., So next we break down the rating of the catalyst. FDA.

News is always good.. If you go back to the beginning of the video, I said that these financings had been the beginning of the short squeezes.. I would have given this probably a B plus when I did the sheet this morning., Then we talk about ideal setup. We already went through that., Then the bottom part of this sheet is for your trade journal..

That's where you actually enter write down where you entered the stock. What your goal was, what your stop was and then ultimately, what happened. I kinda write in the margins. What happened.

So say? My entry was 9.50. My goal was 10.75. My stop was nine or low nines.. I would actually write that down and then write out what happened so that I could review at the end of the day, review at the end of the week review at the end of the month..

Yes, reviewing your trades is boring, everyone hates it, but that's the hard work, the difficult work. The work behind the scenes is what separates losers from consistently profitable traders.. So nobody likes doing it.. Nobody likes watching film if you're a football if you're an NFL guy, but you put in that work that behind the scenes work, that's what makes you better.

So all right. I think I went way over on my time.. Hopefully you're still here. Drop me a comment.

Let me know how high did LIFE go today by the way September 16th.. This thing is becoming. If you didn't take that morning, trade it's becoming an afternoon, VWAP hold.. So what we would look for, ideally, is this slows down a little bit and then comes together with VWAP and then perks a couple hours later into that 2:00 PM window..

That being said, go to stockstotrade.com/freetraining. You'll get the whole video series. You'll get the sheet.. I will promise you, those videos are less fast than this one, just so much to go over in a short YouTube, video.

And then you'll also get notified of the swing trading and the short selling series. Upcoming. Have a great day. My friends and we'll see you next time:.

By Stock Chat

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23 thoughts on “Your step-by-step guide to finding the best stocks”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rodrigo says:

    Been on the hunting side for a long time now. I don’t understand most of this strategy when I try them I lose as well.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ed S says:

    Love your attitude. You are who you are and don't try to be anything different. Appreciate real people

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars theoriginalsru says:

    Watched this video 9/30/2021 good review of fundamentals

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bill Tonni says:

    Thank you for going off in the weeds. It’s more helpful than you probably realize. Especially for newbies like me.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rogelio G says:

    Can sign up =( says "nothing here"

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Caden Kilgore says:

    Tim youre a fantastic freakin guy. I got a little laugh this morning while i was watching this video and saw that it only had 1700 some views, and on the side of my screen there was a suggested video with 731k views because it was a trader flaunting an alleged +$225k day. You've got the right fan base Tim. You're viewers want to learn, make percentage gains and take singles and doubles all day.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars stockstronaut says:

    Thanks Tim! This is a great video to go along with the workbook.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MickT Day Trading says:

    Thank you Tim

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Day Trading Options says:

    Are you seriously 63?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J G says:

    Thanks Tim for everything you do big bro.. I’ve learned soo much man!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars celia sennon says:

    Thank you Sir.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keep In Memory says:

    I just discovered you. I love youuuu! Ha,ha, i mean, thank you for your generosity of knowledge. i will wake up to you know.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FUKUMONEY says:

    Another great video lesson down

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chilu Mhatre says:

    Thank You Tim 💜

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Abelardo Cruz says:

    Your amazing. Love your positive and always helping others. I've been investing since 2003. I made many mistakes. I've learned so much and still learning. Keep up the great job.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mike Contreras says:

    great video Tim. Lots of good info to watch again and again

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars R Brandon says:

    It pass $11.50 on the 16th & pass $12 – 5 days later

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Augustine Hartman says:

    Well done Tim

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alan Friedman says:

    Thank you so much TB!!

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cristi Wamsley says:

    As always….. Thanks Tim for such valuable information that you are giving all of us❣

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jack Tsang says:

    Thanks Tim for sharing great information.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ROCKIE ROCKIE says:

    love your content buddy! Thank you

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lorenzo Ortiz says:

    Nice video!

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