Your Most Important Priorities | Mindset Monday
What are your most important priorities for 2023? Do you want to have 10 conversations a day, hit a number of appointments every week, become a YouTube star, go on more date nights, study for the sommeliers test, and train for the Mr. Universe Competition? That sounds like a pretty busy and unrealistic schedule… A better tactic is to choose just one thing in two areas of your life, and that’s what I’m talking about on this Mindset Monday.
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What is the most important priority in your business as you start the New year, think about what Ray Dalio recently put out on Instagram He said you can virtually have anything you want and then he said but you can't You can't have everything you want because you've got to prioritize. So as you're thinking about January February March of this New Year, I'd ask you to consider what are your most important priorities personally and professionally. You've heard me talk in the past where I say if you're trying to develop too many habits, it's like one, two, three, too many and in most cases it's just just do one what is the most important priority in your business in January and what is the most important priority that if you just did that in your personal life in the month of January everything would turn out remarkable I Know it may sound simple and it may even sound challenging because you're like there's tons of things I need to do, but if there was just one thing, what would be the first Domino that if you knock that down, every other one would follow. That's what I want you to think about as you start the new year.

Let's get after it. priorities.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

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