The accepted wisdom in the world of investing is that you have to diversify your portfolio.
Portfolio diversification reduces your investing risk and exposes you to more potential on picking winners.
But what if I told you that the way almost everyone diversifies their portfolio is BAD for their investing performance?
I keep seeing a lot of people talk about this in different investing communities and the big problem is that in almost every case, people misunderstand what diversifying your portfolio actually means.
And those people go and diversify into 50 or 100 stocks and end up losing to the stock market as a result.
There is a right way to diversify your portfolio, but it isn't what most people seem to think it is so here's my thought.
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Hey guys, it's sasha, the accepted wisdom in the world of investing is that you have to diversify your portfolio. Diversification, reduces your risk and exposes you to more potential on picking those winners. But what if i told you that the way that almost everyone seems to diversify their portfolio is bad for their investing performance, because i keep seeing a lot of people talk about this in different investing communities and social media. And the big problem is that in almost every case that i see people misunderstand what diversifying your portfolio actually means and when they go and do diversify, they end up losing out and not getting the investing returns that they should be getting in this video.

I will explain why diversifying your portfolio is a bad strategy when you do it this way, and i'll also explain how you can diversify your portfolio in the right sort of way. Unfortunately, not the sort of way that most people seem to end up doing it. First, off before the usual comments show up, i am not here to advocate a yolo approach on your favorite stock. I am not a fanboy of any particular specific one company and i myself do not go in on just one stock for 100 of my portfolio, even if i have a particularly strong conviction.

So this won't be one of those videos telling you that you just need to jump all in on tesla or whichever other company. Don't you worry about that? But here is what is the wrong version of diversification? I see people who hold 50 stocks in their portfolio, sometimes they hold 100 stocks or more and it gets wacky people like a bit of this and they go and buy a bit of that. They heard that company a is particularly good because they watch the youtube channel and they go and add it to the mix. Then they heard that company b is going to the moon, so they go and invest 10 hundred dollars into company b2 and the most common sort of wisdom out.

There seems to be that diversifying your portfolio into all of these different companies is somehow good. You're exposed to a whole lot of different industries, different companies, different potential upsides. Your risk is also mitigated, but here is the problem. You do not understand what it is that you are investing your money into.

This is really critical. I'm going to repeat it you if you do this, do not understand what it is that you are investing your money into, because let me give you some basic numbers: let's say: you're a normal retail investor like me and let's say you hold 50 just 50 different Stocks if it gets more, it is worse right. It is impossible impossible for you to keep on top of each of those 50 stocks and keep an outlook for other stocks that you might want to buy. For example, let's say you're deciding to pick your stocks and if you are deciding to pick your stocks, your objective is to beat the market right.

Otherwise, why would you be picking them if you don't want to beat the market? All you have to do is just go and invest in the s. P. 500. Zero time wasted.
Zero worries, zero things to think about. You don't have to do anything. Just put your money into the market and bang you get market returns with zero effort. But if you are deciding that you are going to go and pick stocks, presumably you are doing it because you think that you're in the five percent who can do better than the market, otherwise you wouldn't be doing it right, we're all in that five percent right.

Well, if you are in that five percent, who are great investors and who can over time, consistently beat the market? That means that you obviously do your own homework. You properly assess each individual stock. When you go and buy it, you also have a valuation model for that stock and you have your target price because remember, if you don't have those things, you're, not investing you're, just gambling, because you are putting money into things blind. So you have your model.

You have your target price and you go and review and update. Presumably this model, perhaps at least once a quarter, and then you have a refreshed target price and sometimes maybe you'll have to do it more frequently. If some major news comes out that affects that particular company, you also read their quarterly report right because it has all that crucial information that has the financials. It has snippets of crucial data that you need and, of course you go and listen to their quarterly call, because they might say something in that that you won't hear or see anywhere else.

So let's say that you're a bright spark. You are very talented and you can take just 20 minutes. Let's go with 30 minutes. Come on.

You can't do it 30 minutes to read the entirety of the quarterly report, the sec filings and everything else that happens in the quarter. To get all the data you need from it, you also take that one hour to listen to their quarterly shareholder call, and you take just 30 minutes to review your investing model and target price per company. So that's two hours of your time per quarter per company and if you hold 50 stocks, that is 100 hours per quarter. But then, let's presume that you dedicate at least an hour of your time over that entire quarter.

To read, watch and listen to news or some important updates about that company. Again, you are super efficient. You can process all of that information in just one hour, because you are that good. That is another 50 hours that you need to now add for a total of 150 hours per quarter on just managing that amazing diversified portfolio of yours, i'll do the math for you, that is 11 and a half hours per week, that you need to spend just To make sure you know and understand, what's happening with your stocks that's per week, including all the festive season holidays and everything else.

Now i am going to take a wild guess in saying that 99 of these active investors who have 50 stocks or more do not spend 11 hours every single week, actively analyzing their stocks. So those investors are dropping the ball. They basically have no idea how the company that they are investing in is performing, because it would have to take that amount of time to just be get a very basic understanding, and they also don't have an updated target price, which means they have no idea whether They should sell a stock or when they should sell the stock, but here is the worst bit the market is doing all of that work. So if you were invested in the stock market, your share of companies that are doing well would actually gradually go up as a result of those etfs through balancing their portfolios over time and successful companies grow and therefore you get a larger share of them, and you Would also automatically through having your investment in that etf, sell out of bad investments for exactly the same reason, so by being a cool super smart stock, picking investor with your diversified portfolio, you're just playing a blind gambling game and hoping it works out.
Okay, but actually losing to the market in the process. Now it is a good idea to diversify to some degree and hold a few stocks, but there is a limit and we all have our own time commitments. We all have our own abilities, so we will all have our limits. You want to pick a tight group of winners companies that you think have serious potential companies that you think can deliver.

You really good results because remember if you're picking these stocks, you want them to do better than the average market return. You don't want a random selection of 200 stocks with a 10 investment each, where you can't even remember why it is that you invested in half of them by the way. Let me know in the comments below how many stocks you hold and why. I would be really interested to hear your thoughts now.

It is a good idea to diversify in terms of industries to some degree, but it is also a good idea to be very selective and pick stocks in industries that you expect to boom expect to do particularly well. So naturally, that means that your stock selection is probably going to be somewhat limited. If you are good at doing your picks, you want to understand what the company you are investing in does. If somebody out there goes and asks you, what does that company that you have shares and do you better be able to give a very detailed description of their business model and how it works? And hopefully you should know the pricing as well, because if you don't know how are you able to make any kind of proper determination whether that company will do better or worse than the market? How do you know? How do you even set a target price and over time as you grow your investing portfolio, you will reach a whole other sort of diversification play investing in different asset classes.

This is a great strategy for mature investors, a healthy mix of stocks, property business investments and perhaps in some situations, commodities and other papers as well. Those can be very powerful at navigating the ups and downs of the market, and some of them can yield even better returns in the stock market through things like leverage, but you can freely park your worries about diversifying between different asset classes. Until you have something to diversify your one thousand dollar, investing portfolio is not really the time to be doing that buying a twenty dollar share in a reit does not make you a property investor. So there you have it.
If you enjoyed this video, don't forget to smash the like button for the youtube algorithm. Thank you so much for watching. I really really really appreciate it and, as always i'll see you guys later, you.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

32 thoughts on “Your diversified investing portfolio is a big mistake”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Darren Brown says:

    Only recently started in the stock market been playing it on safe side just trying to build a retirement for the long run with SPY & VOO but also invested in META and NVIDA hoping they will do well

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Will McNeill says:

    106 because I have the perfect strategy!
    I bought whatever I heard on youtube/water cooler and had a little success early, which is the worst thing that can happen to a noob. Have sold my winners that I lost faith in but have been married to some ugly ones waiting for the wallstreet crowd to come Vail me out!
    Share all this to say that I am trying to right the ship but not exactly sure how best to do it. I had over 130 recently but have been selling meme stocks and lower conviction plays or YOLOs? And trying to concentrate into the type of portfolio you are describing. Starting to listen more to people like you, Tom Nash, and Justin Oh vs. Meet Kevin and MM crew (not that there's anything wrong with that… for those Seinfeld fans out there). Anyway, I got lucky having a horrible strategy but buying all during 2020 so I'm up a decent amount overall but have no idea what to do with all these losers (PTON, VIEW, HYLN, DKNG, etc.). Thank you for what you do. Wish I'd found you guys sooner…. better late than never I guess! Good luck.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Philippus Paracelsus says:

    I have 9 stocks. I would not be able to handle more. But 4 companies make up for 60% of my portfolio: those are the ones I care the most

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Batchelder says:

    Almost like you were speaking to me directly… 24 stocks with at least 4 gamble stocks that just I heard about from different sources. Been investing for a year and have a 29% return as of today, But not all my investments are winners, far from it. Great advise… stay away from "quick buys", where I must get it now… This is where I have lost the most.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom O'Reilly Fitness says:

    Been investing for 11 months and currently have 40 stocks and my return is 5%.
    The other side to my portfolio are ETFs where I have a return of 15%.
    Throughout the year I’ve also bought and sold growth stocks and bought into some penny stocks, thus increasing my capital so the ROI I mentioned is probs more.
    I love stock picking so I’ll continue to do both but I think it’s time now to reduce my # of stocks. I’m literally in every sector 🤣

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mjs28s says:

    I hold 21 stocks BUT I only add to the ones that are undervalued and leave the others alone. Before the next new monies are invested I review the holdings and add only to the ones that are undervalued again.

    Seems to work ok and keeps me from over paying.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jamie Winstanley says:

    Looks like I am gambling on Lucid / AMD as you did the homework not me 🙂 I did check out your research though! haha. great work

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Neil says:

    I have 20 stocks making 48% this year ,I want to reduce ,I don't know why I should have a target price,how can you pick a target price to sell ?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars THELAZYGUY says:

    I own about 6 stocks. 80% in on stock (up 300% ina year). Rest of the 5 stocks i trade by buying at near bottom.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Investa Bros says:

    Diversification = good for managing risk and bad for portfolio returns simple as that.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andres M says:

    You make a great point when you say "until you have something to diversify". I personally own 1 ETF, (VT) 8 stocks (2 are like 1% of the portfolio) , 2 REITS and bonds (not US citizen here). Been thinking of reducing the number of holdings because it's time consuming keeping up with the Kardashians, I mean, with the news and reports.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marcin Explains says:

    You are absolutely right with picking good companies.
    Although you need time and education to get to that sweet 5%
    Some people may call it gambling but some people will call it starting point.
    Great video Sasha, trying to catch up with content, you are releasing quicker than I'm able to process =D

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J K says:

    So you also shouldn't buy a broad market etf because it has 100s of companies and you'd need to research all of them 😂

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Niall Crocken says:

    As a new investor & seeing videos like “the best 10 stocks to hold forever” it can be hard to understand how to actually invest sensibly, your videos eliminate all doubt & make it so much easier for me to know how to look at things. I think S&P 500 & then a handful of carefully picked stocks seems the smart route to get me started!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jsmith777 says:

    i buy one great undervalued stock per year with a lump sum. After 20 years i have 20 stocks

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robbo says:

    10-15 stocks is fine for me, 10-15 great companies bought at good prices plus an s&p500 fund plus try to make as many of those "spawners" as sven carlin calls them.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Lawley says:

    Great video, thanks Sasha. How do you feel about highly diverse Vanguard Lifestrategy funds as a supplement to choosing a few specific stocks based on fundamentals?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Xavier Maldonado says:

    I agree. Diversification=value traps, and Concentrated=wealth (in the right companies).

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr. Ali a. says:

    Diversification is a completely different thing of what you are talking about, you don't know what are you talking about

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Geolykos says:

    But investing in ETFs is boring. Waiting for dips in 65 stocks is much more fun. Saying that I do have an S&P500 ETF in my portfolio as well

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rav Singh says:

    Damn, this was an important lesson. Currently invested in 11 dividend companies and trying to stay there. But keep hearing about Tesla and im tempted 😀

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Campbell says:

    I'd love to see you do a video on whether moving any income subject to 40% tax into pension is or isn't a wise move. I figure if I move it to pension, I pay no tax on it until I draw it down, when it would be 20% income bracket, not 40%.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Bald Watch Collector says:

    I think the trading platform also determines your portfolio, for example I use Trading 212, within that portfolio I have a few swing trades but majority are long term holds, I then also split my stock holdings between US and UK, then I have it balanced between growth and dividend stocks. I currently hold 32.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brad ‘NewBloodPop’ Novak says:

    Started investing this year… got up to 60 stocks at my worst… then last week… on one day… I sold 56… now I only hold… TESLA, PALANTIR, MP MATERIALS and DERMTECH. Have big conviction in all… Sleeping way better… less distracted too… not planning on selling any shares for 10-15 years

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dafydd Morse says:

    @Davis Watkins. I think you've misunderstood. Diversification means 50% TSLA 50% BTC.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tim Lamb says:

    Great video! Majority of my money do seats in index funds. There is a Warren Buffet quote on the internet saying index funds are for idiots, and I took advice from it 😀

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Motivational Millionaire says:

    I personally own 16 stocks.. what's your opinion on buying actively managed funds?

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ranulf Doswell says:

    Good video. "We are all in that 5% that will beat the market." Great observation! 😉

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Jesus says:

    Not only do I have 50 stocks in my portfolio. Most of them are dividend paying ones. The more I watch your content the more I realize I dont know what I'm doing. However I'm well on the green side surprisingly.
    My portfolio needs big adjustments xD

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars laszlo karsai says:

    Hi Sasha it is funny how things can change in one year as you invest learn and review your actions. In January I picked 50 stocks, charts always on an uptrend. They were just too much to keep an eye on analiza etc all what you were just pointing out. So I start selling a few at a time .. now I’m down to only Nio, Lcid, chpt. This is what I learned on the way. None of these stocks go up on a straight line. I keep an eye on only 15 stocks. Keep lots of cash on the side and when they have a big run I sell most of the position and wait for another one hits low and start moving up again.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oliver Richards says:

    Hey Shasha, been quietly following for a wee while and enjoy the content 👍🏼 For what its worth, I just have a compact portfolio:

    S&P 500 index tracker
    Lucid Motors

    As your video suggests, I just dont have the time to track anything else! All the best ✌🏼

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Brown says:

    I agree anymore than 15 is ridiculous! I have around 250k in a couple of ETFs in the S&P500 and the FTSE100 & 250 but I also own growth stocks in around 12 companies probably have around 45k invested and 10k on the side most of the time! in US UK Chinese stocks it’s more of a hobby really I enjoy it as long as I don’t loose money. I am happy I have several hitters in there like Greggs Tesla NEX S4 Cap Square and I have a few losers as well but you’ve never made a penny or lost a penny until you sell a stock it’s just an asset😊

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