#shorts #successmotivation #summit
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For the majority of my life, I’ve been passionate and dedicated to changing lives by giving away the very best strategies, tactics, and mindset techniques to help you and your business succeed. Join me as we take this to level 10!
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Website - https://TomFerry.com
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Imagine if you could sit down over the course of three days with 82 different agents and team leaders who combined sold more than 6 000 homes in the last 12 months where they broke down in detail how they generate a steady flow of listings in this market. Everything from the marketing they use the checklist to get it done and organize and be consistent, the scripts and dialogues, the follow-up strategies, the tools and more to implement it. That is my promise of this year's success. Summit In this environment, you can no longer be asking yourself how instead you've got to find plays that work and simply run them race to Tomferry.com Book your reservation, make sure that you absolutely position yourself Above and Beyond in your Marketplace truly becoming the market of one.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

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