Your ‘Call to Action’ – What to Say and Where to Put It
What’s the point of putting so much time into social media if all it does is get you likes? The thing is… social media DOES NOT get you business unless you position it to.
This week, Jason Pantana is going to show you how to do just that, by displaying your menu of services and using CTAs to invite business into your life.
Speaking of CTAs, I could tell you all about them here, or I could tell you to watch or listen for yourself.
In this episode, we discuss…
0:00 – Attention vs action
1:04 – What’s on your menu?
2:42 – Link dispatch
3:39 – The button for action
4:27 – TikTok pins
5:31 – You should’ve already done this
6:56 – Story Highlights
7:44 – Live chat on your website
8:21 – Upload defaults
9:12 – Research vs ready
9:58 – Research CTAs
10:57 – Ready CTAs
11:56 – Contact form
13:08 – Let us know what you think!
For the majority of my life, I’ve been passionate and dedicated about changing lives by giving away the very best strategies, tactics, and mindset techniques to help you and your business succeed. Join me as we take this to level 10!
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Are you looking for likes or are you looking for leads? Are you looking for listings from your social media content if you're looking for the last two you're gon na love, today's show welcome to this week in marketing, my name is jason pantana, and today we talk about how do we convert attention into action? In other words, you're already making a lot of amazing videos and you're posting them on social media. You're writing blogs. You're, making like just unbelievable knowledge, broker, content and people are appreciative. The engagement is through the roof, you're getting likes, you're, getting comments, you're getting shares and all the engagement is all systems go right, it's good, but the problem is, is people are not naturally moving from interested in what you're doing to raising their hand and saying i Want to buy a house, i want to sell a house, or i know somebody who wants to buy or sell a house.

So our conversation today is how do we naturally transition somebody from attention to taking action on their attention and choosing to work with you? How do we actually get social media and all the content you're making to get you buyers and sellers who say my hand is race, and i want to work with you you're my agent now today. I am not talking about elaborate retargeting campaigns and ad sequences or anything fancy. I'm talking about something way more simple than that, i'm talking about literally just spelling out your menu of services. How can you serve people laying it out on a red carpet? It's a b, c or d, which one do you want to pick? How can i work with you because here's the challenge, a lot of agents, in fact too many agents when i look at their marketing, their marketing is pretty much ruled by one call to action.

If any at all, the one call to action that realtors tend to use for all things is like hey for all your real estate needs. Please let me know if i can help you with any of your real estate needs please reach out, like that's the one and only call to action. I tend to see from a lot of agents. I wonder in any context any setting not just about real estate, but have you ever gotten a message from somebody where they're like hey? If there's anything i can do to help out, please don't hesitate to ask.

Well, it's like that's a sweet message, but it's very empty because they're putting it on you to come up with how they can help you so like okay. Now i have to imagine all the ways that you could potentially help me and then reach out and ask if that's one of the ways that you envisioned helping me right. I know i'm being super nitpicky, but hey i'm being super nitpicky and when i see offers like for all your real estate needs or if you need anything real estate, anything ever come to me. Well, guess what i would argue that most buyers, most sellers, don't really know what they need and they don't fully understand how you can service those needs.

So what i am saying is you need to spell out a menu of services that says i can do a b c or d. What are the things i can do for you pick the one that best applies so that you can get plugged into my client servicing pipeline, and i can take care of you and i can help you move forward in buying or selling a property. The first thing to be thinking about in terms of the top places that a potential customer might see or interact with where they can make a choice or not make a choice to do business with you is your link in bio. This applies to your instagram, your tick tock and pretty much any social page.
You've probably noticed by now that your social pages don't give you the option to add bunches of links. They give you the option to add one link and you can use a tool like linktree or That's l-i-i-n-k-s, dot, co and those types of tools allow you to add alternative destinations, they're, basically like link dispatch. Where i click your link in bio.

It opens up a landing page and then i have a whole bunch of other options in terms of the ways in which i want to work with you. Now i'm going to talk about those ways in a second but right now. What i want you to be thinking about is is my lincoln bio optimized. Am i paying attention to my link in bio because that's one of the main places somebody might click if they've been watching your videos, absorbing your content and they're thinking about moving from attention to action.

Number two on the list is action buttons on various profiles. So, like i don't know if you notice or pay attention to this, but you get one action button on your facebook business page, it might say, learn more. It might say start a message. It might say contact us, it might say a lot of different things, but you need to look at that and say: okay, what am i calling people into? What action am i inviting people to take when it comes to the action buttons on my profiles? Guess what? If you use an instagram business profile or a creator profile either way, it enables you to add actual call to action buttons on your profile, where somebody can directly email, you get directions to your business or call you you have to be like that's another place to Be thinking about okay, have i optimized all the buttons somebody can click on any of my profiles that would drive them to taking action in terms of working with me in some way number three: let's talk about tick tock.

If you have a video that explains your value proposition or why work with you or your team, or something like that, you want to consider pinning that video, because that means, whenever somebody new potentially discovers your tick tock page they're, going to always see that video pinned At the very top and that's going to be a really easy place for them to learn about. Oh, how does this person work? Are they for me? Do i know them like them, trust them? Oh, i do i'm going to take action on that. There's too many agents who have too many amazing like value proposition brand promise types of videos that they made like a year ago and they're just kind of evaporated and they're doing nothing with those videos, maybe they're running ads with them, which is great. But i would submit to you like just pin it as the main video on your tick tock, so people can see that every time maybe and be reminded.
Oh, i didn't realize i could work with this person like that again. Here's my basic thesis. My point. My point is we're making a lot of really good content across social that people, consumers are really loving, but we've got to move them from friend zone to end zone professionally speaking, and so what that means is you've got to be able to go from attention to Action number four, this one is so easy and you probably already did it wink.

I hope you did it. It's your email signature, like your regular everyday email signature. If you have not added the post script like here's, what i'm imagining you send emails back and forth to people all day long at the end of that email, it should be built into the signature of your email and it should be a ps, a postscript something To the tune of p.s, my business is based upon the kind of generous referrals from folks like you, and it would mean the world to me if you would entrust me with your contacts, who might be thinking about buying selling or investing real estate. I would love to provide them exceptional service.

I mean don't quote that verbatim, but if you don't have that basic ps postscript in your email, signature and you're, not telling people you work on referrals, this is an obvious miss. You have to invite people into a working relationship with you and i love the idea of the post script, a lot of people. They put these little referral, request, kind of ctas and their email signatures at the very, very bottom that nobody ever looks at so like it's like all the best comma jason, pantana phone number email office address a little picture of me, blah blah blah and then, if I keep scrolling down to the very bottom of the email signature. Then i see the line about the referrals like move that thing to the top.

It should be a ps like ps. My business is based upon referrals, blah blah blah that should be embedded ingrained part of your email signature, always in your regular everyday email. Number five is on your instagram profile. The story highlights most people's story highlights are just kind of a mess, a collection of random.

This is, and that's as far as stories are concerned, i would invite you into having some very specific story highlights because here's the deal the people who are looking at your story highlights are either like your major fan club like borderline stalker people or more likely, they're People who just found you on social, they saw a post in the explore page or something like that, and then they clicked your profile and they're scanning to see who you are and what you do. Your story highlights could be like why work with us how to work with us what we do, and you can start thinking about. Okay of all the stories i post, how do i create collections, highlight folders around those key elements that would help somebody move from in decision to decision in terms of choosing to work with me as their agent number six is having a live chat feature on your Website facebook messenger makes this so flipping easy for people to message with you through facebook, they're already logged in it's gon na ping you and notify you. When you get a response and what's really cool about facebook messenger is you can set up automated replies? You can set up faqs, you can also even set up keyword, specific things like if they say refer or the word buy, or the word sell.
You can actually program your facebook messenger to give out specific canned replies based upon keywords that were in whatever they put in the chat field. You should be having live chat built into the functionality of your website, powered by facebook, messenger, it's a no-brainer and finally, last number seven is in your youtube channel. You should go to, which is the back end of your youtube channel and in the left-hand sidebar. You click on customization and there's this thing called upload, defaults and upload defaults.

Allow you to basically say i want to put this specific text these words in every single video description of every video i ever post now and going forward. You can set it once and let it be there forever and if you go look at a tom ferry video like go. Look at the description here in this one and at the bottom of it you're going to see specific calls to action in terms of how you can choose to work with our company what we can do for you in terms of our services, i got to tell You we didn't put that there just when this video got uploaded, it's an upload default. Why? Because we've defined our menu of services and how we can take care of customers and move them from friend zone to end zone, and you should too now.

I promised you i'd actually break down. What are the specific ctas calls to action and i'm going to break those into two different buckets. Some ctas are really for research phase, buyers and sellers and the other ctas are more aligned with ready phase buyers and sellers for research phase. It means they're not necessarily committed to buying or selling a house yet, but you want to be able to offer something to them in terms of your services whereby they can say.

Oh, i didn't realize i could start working with you in this early of a stage about buying or selling a house. Because again, if they don't know, then they might go to zillow or some other place and we might miss the opportunity down the road because we waited too long to extend the hand of friendship and say, like my services, include x, y and z. So, first, let's talk about what are the ctas that align best with research, phase, buyers and sellers and it's really darn simple. It's things like sign up for my newsletter, because maybe they're looking to get more information about the marketplace, and maybe you have an email newsletter that gives them exactly that information.
It could be going to your landing page to get a home valuation because maybe they're like you know what i wonder, what our house is worth and they want a safe and easy way where they cannot have to talk to a human because they're not ready. Yet they want to be anonymous, but they want to fill out their address and get an instant valuation of their home's property. Well, they might go to zillow and do his estimate or something like that unless they knew that you offered it, and so again this needs to be one of your ctas across the different placements, for where our cta should be linking bio, email, signature and so forth. That needs to be one of them.

A home valuation and another example of like research phases go to my website and set up a custom home search again, like people are searching for homes, that's research phase, but i want to make ctas available that allow me to cash in on that attention to action. I want to start the working relationship sooner than later. That's research phase. Let's talk about ready phase, ready phase means they're in market to buy or sell, and the types of offers that you should be, including the types of ctas that you should be, including in your link in bio and your email, signature and your.

Why us types of video and all the placements again that we keep talking about with where these ctas should live? You should also be including ready face. Buyer and seller offers such as booking a consultation with me if you're thinking about buying or selling i highly recommend there should be a schedule, a meeting button in your link in bio and elsewhere through calendly or some tool like kali, where people can actually get in Your schedule to talk about getting their journey to buy or sell started. That is a ready phase offer. In addition, we talked about this already to some degree, but like referrals, you have to let people know that your business is largely based on referrals and how eager you are to serve people's friends and family, who are thinking about buying and selling houses.

So again, another cta is make a referral. It could be in your linkedin bio, your email signature, all these different placements and then the last one is just driving people to a contact form. There are a lot of folks, like i'm thinking of moved me to texas, an instagram page for katy day, her houston, texas team. If you click your link in bio, it goes to a straight form fill where people can choose a drop down in terms of what capacity do they want to work with her and she's generating leads all day every day, inbound organic leads.
Why? Because she's already making really great content, today's conversation is about how do i lay out the abcd options, my menu of services, so that people who are watching my content and they're loving my brand know you, like you, trust you? How do i take them from attention to action and a contact form is one of those ctas. So again, there's research phase, there's ready face and i went through lots of different ctas ctas, like search for homes, get a home valuation schedule, a consultation sign up for our newsletter fill out this contact form you don't have to do all of them, but you do Need to do some of them, so you can capture that intent and then one bonus is if you're growing your team. You should also have ctas about joining the team or careers or something to that effect. Maybe it's as simple as this.

You have not, because you ask not, and if you ask more, if you rather invited people into a working relationship with you, your pipeline would go bananas. I really hope today's content was inspiring and valuable to you and it got a lot of ideas sparked and i'd love to hear your ideas and a comment below, and if this is your first time watching one of our videos and you're new to the channel. Please make sure to head on over tap that big red subscribe button and make sure to turn on the bell to get notifications, for whenever we publish new content, that's designed to help you grow and market your business until next week. This is this week in marketing.

This is the time where the very best separate themselves from the rest and drive their business to the next level. This is exactly what we teach at blueprint. It is the playbook for top agents for people like yourself that are looking to elevate themselves out of this market and take control. It's gon na be myself and a bunch of top coaches and a bunch of top clients revealing their best practices.

So you can plug and play and grow your business just go to blueprint and enter the promo code blueprint15 to get 15 off your ticket price. I can't wait to see you there. You.

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where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

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