Rich Greenfield was interviewed by CNBC about AMC, where he listed off a list of false claims such as retail selling the stock, the box office being underwhelming and large companies preferring streaming, which I factually debunk all of his points on.
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AMC also obliterated its earnings, beating expectations by 20%, massively improving Q2 revenue year on year from $18m to $47m and also signed an exclusivity deal with Warner bro's.
Charles Payne is also going to be interviewing the silverback himself, Adam Aron today on his show.
Nancy Pelosi's husband was caught buying nearly 600,000 shares in AMC (and still holding them) clearly slowing that the squeeze is not done.
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#AMC #ShortSqueeze #AMCStock

Welcome back to the channel everyone today, i want to talk about rich greenfield, the clueless analyst and his recent interview on cnbc and i've also got a bunch of other key updates as well so stay tuned and let's make some money, but guys before i dive into The video i just want to give a massive shout out to the 3700 of you that have currently ding that notification bell, because you guys are always the first to watch a new video as soon as it's released so guys be sure to drop a like down Below subscribe to the channel and ding that notification bell, if you haven't already so that you don't miss another video, just like this one and now i want to dive straight in with the key information. So the recent price action in amc entertainment is showing that retail investors are selling the stock like shed partner, analyst rich greenfield said on monday on cnbc's squawk box. Now i'm going to debunk everything rich greenfield, says in this interview and show why he is so so wrong, but first, let's go through what he actually said. The reality is the short interest has really dried up.

The crazy thing now is that you've got a lot of retail shareholders trying to convince other retail shareholders to buy the stock while they're, clearly dumping. The shares. Screenfield said the reason that retail investors are selling a stock makes a lot of sense. He added the box office is very underwhelming because there just aren't enough people willing to go to the theaters greenfield told cnbc, especially for family films.

It seems like financial that word. The main short thesis on amc is that movie studios don't care about the movie theaters. Instead, they're focused on making money on content, he said the core movie business isn't the reason potential investors want to invest in any large media company. Rather it's all about the streaming greenfield said investors are going to reward companies for streaming, not box office dollars.

He added amc is set to report his second quarter financial results after the market closed today, which is yesterday on monday, which we obviously know the results of now. I was actually just going to go through all of those points one by one, but actually peter han has made a brilliant summary daily. Fidelity data over the last month has indicated that odd lot transactions, as in us retail investors of shares, have buys outnumbering sales, usually by a two to one margin. Therefore, the retail investors us are buying more stock of amc and not selling it.

Meanwhile, dark pool usage over the period where amc share prices fallen, has exceeded 50 and went as high as 73 on one occasion coincidence. Basically, what peter han is saying there is that it's not us retail investors that are selling the stock, because fidelity shows that we're doubling the amount of sell orders in buy orders, and that actually is the dark pool manipulation. That's crushing the emcee price. Moreover, the latest 13f filing data continues to indicate buying interest from large institutions.
The august 6th 2021, 13 f report from fintel shows the swiss national bank increasing its amc holdings by 325. I've also got a very interesting update coming in a little bit about alliance bernstein buying shares in amc that i'll explain in more detail later. Obviously, we've got the amc. Second quarter, earnings that again, i'm going to go through separately, but basically amc absolutely smashed it.

In addition, during the call today, amc noted it reached an exclusive deal with warner. Brothers also noted that it has the technology and process to accept bitcoin as payment by the end of the year. This really goes back to this paragraph here, where rich greenfield said that investors are gon na reward companies for streaming, not box, office dollars, and yet warner brothers just signed an exclusive deal with amc for amc to show films at the box office for either 45 or 60 days before it's released on streaming platforms, therefore, clearly other giant companies out there like disney and warner brothers are still interested in showing films at the box office before they stream them. Therefore, you can clearly see that rich greenfield is absolutely clueless and has no idea.

The true potential of the amc stock - he has his price target, set all the way down at one cent per share for amc, basically expecting the company to go bankrupt, but really he's just clueless and isn't even aware of the fundamentals of amc. Even though this is a short squeeze play and not a fundamental play, the fundamentals for amc have just been consistently improving since january, and therefore even the short thesis doesn't even make sense anymore. Something that's absolutely hilarious as well is that rich greenfield doesn't actually have a license to be an analyst any longer, but has still been working in the media without one oops. Imagine if someone was to tell the sec that little rich greenfield has been an illegal analyst for cnbc.

That's hilarious, because rich greenfield has been giving price targets and financial advice to people to sell the amc stock and he's not even a licensed analyst anymore. As you can see, amc absolutely obliterated their earnings, 444 million dollars of revenue versus a 382 million dollar expected amount. That's about a 20 beat, which is huge. These earnings also boosted our quarter ending liquidity to more than two billion dollars, including cash and undrawn revolving lines of credit, which is about double the previous highest ever such mark in amc's 101 year history.

Basically, amc has more cash on hand than it's ever had in its entire hundred year, history by more than double, basically meaning that they can use this cash to pay down their debt. Go on a rampage of acquisitions and just consistently improve the fundamentals of amc and become a profitable company. Amc also started to see rising movie going demand and they safely welcomed more than 22 million guests back to the theaters across the globe. During the course of the second quarter, new blockbuster films released during the quarter drove successive new post-pandemic era box office records as well.
You can also see an absolutely insane recovery in the revenue year and year for the second quarter of 2020. They generated 18 million dollars of revenue and, in the second quarter of 2021 444 million dollars on top of this, we've also got the amc, ceo and president adam aaron, speaking with charles payne today on cnbc. Hopefully this will be a brilliant discussion and a brilliant interview. Hopefully, charles payne asks adam aaron about synthetic shares and darkpool abuse.

This would be a brilliant time for adam aaron to out the news of the sheer amount of synthetic shares live on air with charles payne. But unfortunately, i don't think adam aaron can do that, because it's against the sec rules, because the sec are currently investigating amc and the short sellers. I personally agree with jim on this one here, it's time to put the firms that are lending shares under the microscope. If they don't own a real share to lend, then they may be guilty of selling counterfeit shares.

That's a classy felony, a violation of sec laws and its securities fraud with up to 20 years in prison and a 5 million dollars in fines. That absolutely shows the risks that these firms are taking by selling short synthetic shares that don't actually exist when they can't locate real shares to shore. We hold all the shares and we aren't lending them out, therefore they're having to actually create these shares to short them, which is against sec laws. I also wanted to update you on this seriously interesting purchase of amc shares alliance.

Bernstein purchased 497 000 shares in amc. But do you guys know who has a huge ownership of this company? It's nancy pelosi's husband. He jumped into amc and mmat on that 8th of march, so the 13f showed this fund picked up. 445 000 shares at six dollars a share back in may and they then added to that position with an additional nine percent more as of the end of july and are still holding their position and haven't sold the amc stock.

So they added to it recently after buying heavily in may a very bullish sign with all the pension funds buying into it as well. Nancy pelosi is a speaker of the us house of representatives, therefore she's, aware of all of these high-level political decisions that are going on and has obviously told her husband to buy, shares in amc and has also told him that the squeeze hasn't yet finished. That's why he's holding nearly 500 000 shares in amc and hadn't sold any of them as at the end of july. Therefore, clearly the squeeze isn't yet over, even though you can't apply technical analysis to amc at the moment because of the heavy manipulation in the dark pool, it does look like the amc stock has taken a turn and will not be revisiting the low of 28.91.
The stock price is now moving up, especially in the post market, in pre-market, after that, brilliant earnings results release. Hopefully, throughout the rest of this week, the amc stock continues onwards towards the 40 mark and beyond, and then i think, that'll put amc in an excellent position for the apes to take back over control of the amc stock. I think if we can break through this wedge around the 42 mark, the apes will absolutely be back in control, as this meme expertly summarizes. There's so many key catalysts for amc at the moment, especially this week, and therefore i think amc is in a great position, as always guys be sure to leave a comment down below.

Let me know what you think about rich greenfield. Do you think, he's absolutely clueless with his one cent amc price target and how he's blissfully, unaware of even the most simple of amc fundamentals, also guys. I wanted to announce that instead of partnering with weevil i've now partnered with moomoo moomoo are an excellent beginner. Investing platform they've got free level, 2 data they've got great, charting they've got news, company fundamentals and figures: they've got absolutely everything.

So if you do want to pick up some shares, but you haven't even yet signed up for a trading platform, be sure to check out the link in the description below to summit to moomoo and to get up to four free shares worth up to three thousand. Three hundred and fifty dollars, or, if you're based in the uk, be sure to sign up to free trade again linked in the description to get some free shares worth up to 200 pounds and as always guys, if you enjoyed this video, be sure to check out Some of my others, alternatively, subscribe to the channel and do that notification bell, because that way, you'll be alerted. When i upload a new video cheers.

By Stock Chat

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27 thoughts on “Wow! πŸ”₯ secret amc insider trading! + amc earnings πŸ”₯ – amc stock short squeeze update”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Antonio Miguel Sanchez Mateu says:

    Ape rules update:

    1) Only invest money you are willing to loose, you don't need the next months or you can handle even if it dips more then 50%. 2) Hold, no matter what, until the squeeze. 3) Avoid Robinhood or Webull or any other broker that sells order flow to citadel. 4) Turn off lending of shares. 5) Boykott Blackrock, as good as you can, since they help citadel and lend them their shares so that Citadel can continue to short AMC. 6) Don't listen to FUD. Keep your conviction alive. Know that the more synthetic shares Citadel sells, the higher the buy pressure will be, once they will have to take back all the synthetic shares! 7) Stay calm and patient. 8) Don't sell below 10k and make them pay for making us wait for the squeeze, rising the sell price every week a little bit more. 9) Stay away from options since this does help citadel. Buy some more shares instead, each time you can afford it (see rule 1) . 10) Share this with your friends.

    Disclaimer: This is no financial advice.

    AMC and GME TO THE MOON!!! πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew K. Deeringer says:

    Great Support from GB. TOP chanel! Greenfield… I don't know… APES2getherSTRONG βœŒοΈπŸ˜‹πŸ—½β˜„οΈ AMC2theMOON

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Todd Ferguson says:

    Just an FYI 08/03 is August 3rd in the US. We like to be different and do Month/Day/Year πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott Holmes says:

    Hey Thomas when you were mentioning Nancy's husband buying AMC shares did you mean August 3rd? And not March 8th I could be wrong but I believe you're reading the date backwards

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dare Gug says:

    Why no one saying 3.1 apes have sold out and left the building

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars koreanyoon says:

    There was about a 6-dollar fall per share today, so far? Tru;ly, how many profit-takers helped to cause that fall It's not just HFs, folks.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ben W says:

    It's a clear fact that shorts have been taking a major profit over the past 2 months. Only source you need is your eyes looking at the stock price. Too many apes are just stubbornly blind and only prefer to listen to misinformation on Reddit. A short squeeze is not even on the table right now.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Pratt says:

    Brother, no more news. It doesn't matter. Technicals don't matter. Up today 10.35% to down 6.62% as I comment. That's a 17+% swing. EVERYTHING should be going our way but it is not. You have a platform. Someone needs to start a movement to arrest these criminals. Will it be you?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mrgfspliff says:

    Bro. I know ur not from here but ur playing a dangerous game making politics topical. This will for sure split apes. Don’t be that ape.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lee says:


  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hori says:

    He probably got some short positions. We will get him too, this dentist from hangover.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars roger brandt says:

    Nothing will happen till a forced recall, and only one way that’s going to happen


  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RMA Studio says:

    I was reading the Webull news today. So many positive articles but you can tell who’s clueless or who’s extremely biased and shorting it and has an invested interest in not being objective

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Howard Davis says:

    If AMC n GME really pop n i get rich, im paying off student loans n taxes. THEN, Im going to make a run on the Bulova lunar watch (to the moon, apes!) n going to give one to every AMC staff member at the AMC theatres in my town to thank them for doing their very thankless jobs! The management n corp offices may not think of them BUT, as a newly wealthy owner, I WILL! No staff, no company. I hope others join me on the idea.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars nico5179 says:

    Nothing beats going to the theaters to watch a movie, watching it at home on your tiny TV is just not appealing. Hope AMC comes back to my region. I miss it!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John P says:

    He claims the studios don't care about the movie theaters One day before AMC gets an exclusive deal with Warner Bros lol

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vin Ashley says:

    I call him Poor Greenfield….Is there any evidence Poor isn't a licensed analyst?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SoulSeeker 311 says:

    Nancy Pelosi needs to be arrested for insider trading she also had her husband buy a bunch of stocks in companies pushing electric vehicles because she new which company was going to get the government contracts.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Felipe says:

    Watch out accusing Nancy Pelosi of telling her husband of privileged information, you can be sued since you don't have proof of that. You make great videos but let's not assume things like that just to get views.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shron Fortenberry says:

    Thomas Robinhood just purchased Say Technologies. Can you make a video so everyone can delete their account asap.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dave Davester says:

    Wow! With a corrupt politician invested in AMC, the SEC may finally be forced to act. Political corruption may work for the little guy for once!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gibble Tronic says:

    The seven million dollar plus corruption of Janet Yellen is just the tip of the iceberg. All democrat politicians who are pushing for another round of covid lockdowns need to be investigated for their financial ties to the hedge funds who own risky short positions who use campaign contributions to directly influence these politician's decisions.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars nixonh1974 says:

    I like your videos and commentary. Would you please not tell us about private conversations that none of us are privy to as fact. You lost some credibility with that utterance.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Berry says:

    No worry all corrupt officials (Pelosi) assets will soon be seized for Treason and crimes against humanity. Bye bye lizard women!
    Dirty dirty government.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars George Francis says:

    The real problem politicians with deep pockets from Ken ,so they shut their eyes.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan Mignano says:

    Lmaoo i wrote that comment before listening to that part of your video πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars InterWebGuy99 says:

    Nice of you to point out to us that selling synthetic, or non-existent shares is a Class C Felony. Funny how the SEC is apparently completely unaware of that because the hedge funds have been shorting billions of phony shares of AMC for weeks now, going on months. Might as well say there are no laws pertaining to what hedge funds may or may not do. They trade in dark pools with impunity and it's clear there is nothing and nobody who can stop them from basically robbing retail traders blind. Just another example of how moral bankruptcy and corruption are destroying this country from within.

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