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Russian fighter jet and a military drone from the United States had a little whoopsy-doopsy over the Black Sea and Donald Trump is lashing out Ron DeSantis is lashing out Russia's lashing out and basically everybody's pissed about it. So let's try to go through some of the details because some of it has to do with dumping on each other. like literally dumping on each other. We're going to talk about that, uh, and just get through this.

So basically here's the Scoop a U.S drone was on a spying Mission over the Black Sea. It ends up getting intercepted by two Russian fighter jets. The Drone we use is an unmanned MQ-9 drone. it's used for surveillance and Recon it's kind of like a fancy version of a really cheaply made Chinese spy balloon Chinese spy balloon picked up off Craigslist for like 10 bucks.

Okay, not really, but our spy drone costs like 32 million dollars and the price of it is skyrocketing. That drone keeps getting more and more expensive. Everything in Aerospace keeps getting more and more expensive. Well, apparently this Russian jet or one of these Russian Jets I Don't know if they were like trying to communicate with it like hey, this is an interception, please pull over I Also, don't know why I'm using a German accent, but given that it was an unmanned drone I Think the Drone is probably like yeah, exactly like nothing and that probably pissed the Russians off.

So they tried to wake the Drone up. The way they apparently tried to wake the Drone up is by dumping fuel on it. The Russian Jets were apparently quote unquote harassing the Drone flying over it and dumping fuel on it. It's literally like they were trying to dump on the normies, but I thought usually that only relates to AMC.

But anyway, the Russian Jets were basically trolling the Drone to try to either wake it up or mess with its Communications. Uh and uh, the Maneuvers were called Reckless by Air Force. Generals and environmental activists were freaking out because they heard fuel was being dumped above the Black Sea even though planes that have to make emergency Landings do this all the time. But anyway, apparently at one point this Uh drone was struck and ended up crashing into the Black Sea and that drone has still not been recovered.

We don't know if the Russians are getting it or if we're able to get it. It's probably not the safest area for us to to try to go get it. Right now, it's probably Russia that's gonna end up getting their hands on our UAV unmanned aerial vehicle. But anyway, Russia is now claiming that our drone was flying with its transponders turned off because it was trying to spy on the Russian borders.

That basically makes it harder for that to show up on Russian uh surveillance technology and it basically makes Russia feel like their airspace was being violated, that the fact that they say it was flying around with their transport of transponders turned off is a violation of international law. And it basically implies that the United States is trying to spy on Russia. Which imagine that the United States spying on Russia I mean that's probably exactly what's happening. Let's be real.
Uh, but the Black Sea is is really important. and even though Russia is confirming that there was no shoot down of the Drone that this apparently was an accident, it's still pissing people off on both sides. Really? all sides, there are a lot of sides. I mean there's like the United States and European side.

There, there's the Ukrainian side, which there's an alignment here. Then there's the Russian side. Then there's the Chinese and rest of the world side. Although it's like how much of the rest of the world in China are wanting to relate to each other, how much is staying? There are a lot of sides at play here.

Then you've got like Ukrainian separatists as well. Uh, then you've got the mysterious people who definitely weren't the CIA who blew up the North Stream pipeline. So there are a lot of parties at play here, as is typical with war, but it's worth considering why the Black Sea is important in the first place. There are a few reasons for this: First, the Black Sea provides Russia with access to warm water ports because the Black Sea kind of goes up into the Russian borders a little bit and uh, Russia gets really cold and really icy.

Uh, especially up north or closer to the Arctic. So the nice thing about the Black Sea is if you can have warm water ports like in Crimea Sebastopol which remains ice free year round, you can actually function a lot easier. You know it's it's easier to function on a warm sunny day than it is is on a freezing day, right? Anyway, a second thing is it also allows Russia to kind of influence trade in that region which is obviously pretty important. Wheat exports, grain exports, whatever.

Uh, then obviously the Black Sea is home to Russia's like naval fleet for that side, so that gives them a lot of power in the region, which also explains why we were probably spying on them over there. It also acts as a buffer zone between Russia and NATO countries, which is kind of interesting to think about because you kind of got like Russia Turkey and then like a big black sea. Uh, and then Ukraine and Crimea right? So you kind of have a buffer zone that the sea creates which is interesting. and then of course the United States likes to monitor this area because well, a we spy on military activity.

We you know want to obviously help NATO out. so we give them our 32 million dollar drones to screw around with. The goal obviously also is to maintain some form of global Freedom whether it comes to trade or otherwise. Now, Donald Trump has freaked out I Wanted to play this video from YouTube but YouTube uh, deleted the video.

Uh, the YouTube's really good at sort of censoring some of the stuff. but basically Donald Trump is freaking out. He says we're living in the most dangerous times in history and the only person who can actually save you from World War Three is Donald Trump according to Donald Trump Not biased at all. Uh.
Also, uh, you know Donald Trump is is responding to calls of potentially supporting regime change. Uh, in Russia we just had a Canadian exam prime minister, not the Canadian Prime Minister it was somebody in the prime minister's cabinet. uh, who is calling for regime change in Russia that's kind of dangerous and being seen as a way of aggravating Putin even more than he's already aggravated. Uh, anytime we hear about regime change for Russia it just gives Russia more propaganda to keep the war going on because it allows Putin to basically tell his apathetic Russians See, they're trying to overthrow me.

Look at these clips from the International Community saying they want to get rid of us. We must continue to fight to protect our country and people in Russia are like, all right, we're brainwashed by your media and we half believe it. but like whatever, we're just gonna try to keep living Our Lives over here which is kind of frankly now what uh DeSantis is coming across with DeSantis is making these arguments that hey, this is just a territorial dispute and we really shouldn't care about Ukraine and uh or Russia that this is just a territorial issue and maybe we should stop funding it. Uh, that's going to be really interesting for the 2024 presidential election, so pay attention to that.

Obviously the Santis hasn't announced his presidential election yet, but let's just say he's doing a book tour in areas like California at the Reagan Library which is where all the Republicans go in California Uh, he is also holding a book tour or just did in Iowa uh in which you know is kind of seen as like front running for a campaign. oh sorry. quick note: If you want to change your perspective on how to build wealth, it actually make money with stocks, real estate, your job, your side Hustle Your self-employed gig, whatever it is Property Management Rental properties. If you have fears about thinking the system's rigged and you don't know how to navigate through the system, consider joining me in any of the programs linked down below and building your wealth.

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St Patty's Day link down below. Anyway, a little bit more detail on the Jets involved just because I think it's interesting and we've got nine minutes before we have to cover Uh PPI and and retail sales anyway. Russian Fighter jet involved was apparently a Sukhoi Su-27 It's a twin engine, super maneuverable aircraft designed for air superiority. Actually came into use First in 1985.

our remotely piloted drone first came into use in 2007.. Uh, there are a lot of people like Senator Jack Reed a chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee saying quote, this is a dangerous and provocative act that could have led to a broader conflict. There's a lot of argument that you know there are basically politicians who are arguing. that's it.

This shows why we need to send more Military Support to Russia and then you have basically the counter Trend to that saying dude, no, this is exactly why we should not be involved over there because this is getting ridiculous. We're getting too close to conflict and we don't want World War III So maybe we need less money and and generally what it's turned into is sort of like I mean I hate to say it, but a lot more Democrats that are like more money and Republicans are like less money. And a lot of this debate is going to happen with the debt ceiling debate that's coming up probably in about three to four months as we approach the X date for when we technically hit our debt ceiling limit and we actually run out of money since technically we already hit the limit, but we could play accounting tricks until we get to that point anyway. Uh The Reaper Drone: Even though I said it's worth about 32 million dollars because of supply chain shortages according to Uh H, I T C uh recently the costs have gone as much as double for this up to 64 million dollars for this drone that just got down.

It's a lot of money. The United States after all is the country that's sending the most of the money to support this war in Ukraine Uh, no other country is sending as much money to Uh Ukraine as the United States is. Uh, not only that, but uh, a lot of what we're sending uh is not just Weaponry some of it is just straight up cold cash. Here's a piece from the Council on Foreign Relations which shows you that 26 billion dollars of the money that we've sent, the 76 billion dollars we've sent has straight up just gone to loans and economic support for Ukraine Only about 23.5 billion has actually gone to weapons with another 4.7 for for like grants and loans for weapons, another 18 billion going to training, another 3.9 going to uh humanitarian assistance.
This is a uh, you know, a far cry from uh, what other countries and institutions are supporting. You can see here the United States contributing the most EU institutions barely getting above ha. Actually not even half less than half of what the United States is contributing. Of course A lot of people are saying No this is a good thing because it's basically the United States being able to uh, conduct War without the United States conducting War.

it's it's all really exhausting and I think everybody really wants it to end. But then of course you've got a lot of people uh, like uh, uh, basically uh. the Guardian reporting that hey, this is like unprofessional, uh this Collision is dangerous and an international threat. The Deutschevela reports the U.S has summoned their Russian Ambassador over the drone incident.

Both the U.S and Russia are conducting investigations into it. Whatever, people on social media are kind of going all over the place on this. You've got both sides of the argument. I Always kind of like seeing what the sentiment is.

So you got some people saying this is an excellent justification for providing Ukraine more money, the fighter jets that they need, and more uh support with United States basic like aircraft support so they can attack Russian bases I I Feel like the person might be being a little bit sarcastic, but that is kind of what some people are saying. Uh, then then you have other people saying uh, like this is basically the worst that could happen because yes, this could lead to more money being spent and we don't want that to happen because we want this war to end not to escalate into World War III Remember, Colombia's position on this is like, look, we're not sending a dime because we're not. We don't want to be known as contributing to this war. So uh.

anyway, kind of crazy. Steve Here in the comments to say maybe China will broker a peace deal. That's kind of everybody's hope right now is that maybe there could be some form of a neutral party Like a neutral third party that could actually broker a peace deal between the axis of the United States and Europe and Ukraine and the axis of Russia and Iran and North Korea. Although a lot of people question like how neutral really is China could China actually be uh, the the country to broker that peace deal? Who knows.

but this whole Russian jet stuff in summary is a disaster. Again, you had a Russian jet that dumped fuel on our Reaper drone to try to wake it up. Probably because you had the Russians in the cockpit going to pull over right now is not even meant to be a Russian I don't even know what it is. Uh, but uh.

but the Drone is probably just you know. Like again, because it's unmanned and that pissed the Russians off. the Russians again flying in 1985 style Jet and we're flying a 2007 drone that's unmanned so a little bit of a mismatch there. They're like on Gen 2.
we're on like Gen 5 fighter jets like it's just not even close. It's kind of like them yelling at a robot and now everybody's pissed off about it. Anyway, that gives you a summary of that: I Weapons that we really need Are these these right here? This is a Needler from Halo I Got myself one and you can too by going to Metcaven.com Needler Met Kevin.com Needler Right next to the links for the courses on building your wealth and life insurance. You can get within five minutes by going to Metcavin.com Life right.

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32 thoughts on “World war 3 is escalating dramatic russia v ukraine takedown trump”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lamittan Minsah says:

    Holy catfish! 😀 I like the way he talks, the sarcasms, stress and intonations are terrifically attention-grabbing. 👏

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mupty says:

    Isn't this supposed to be a finance/real-estate channel?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Allen Ennis says:

    Nobody really cares to hear about the war. Instead, you could be investigating why almost all the top 100 banks are majority share holders are roughly 8 companies that share interest in every top deposited banks. While they are crashing 4500 banks to bail out a few to allow them to purchase with a discount and end up with 250 banks…tax payers will pay for this huge consolidation to the road of CBDCs. Then with internal ledgers, they can monitor every dollar people use and gain control of spending to police it. Just wait until everyone is taxed to death and there is no more ways to hide assets. They monitor our phones, emails, browsing, entertainment and locations…the financial is the last step. Every crisis has been a freedom lost. There is no left and right anymore. Just greed and politicians. They are all corrupt.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eno says:

    Get guns ready B!txhesss… Have you ever been out of US … life is good

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mecha Python says:

    Bro can evryone just calm down its just a drone and no one died anyway

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JordonPumpin says:

    Remember when they said, trump is gonna start ww3!!! Lol 😂 instead we got a peace deal agreement in Middle East. I couldn’t imagine being a Biden voter. People just can’t see through the bs on the news 😢

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hunter Arquette says:

    I’m sorry but hearing a business owner say “the cost of it (the courses go up over time)…” we only expect prices to go up” that is just your opinion of the company you CREATED nothig tells me this company is going to stand out and become something large bc you are money hungry may I add the USA spendz so much more than any military we send more than the 26 countries connindd

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! 💰 Easy $680 Per Day says:

    People who succeed have momentum. The more they succeed, the more they want to succeed, and the more they find a way to succeed. Similarly, when someone is failing, the tendency is to get on a downward spiral that can even become a self﹥﹥﹥fulfilling prophecy. ﹥﹥﹥Tony Robbins

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BT W says:

    Other countries-very very powerful countries-are sick of the US policing the entire world.
    With the advent of the weakest most pathetic joke leadership in the entire history of the United States at the sinking helm, you can bet on this: our world is about to change in a massive way.
    Just hope that it’s not several million degrees for a few seconds.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Randy Gligor says:

    The fact is that BTC symbolizes the future of cryptocurrency, and traders are wondering if now is the best moment to trade, I feel you should examine the situation more closely before jumping to any conclusion. BTC's price has been fluctuating over the previous days, signaling that the market has become unstable and that is it impossible to anticipate whether it will go bearish or bullish. Others are patient, while others continue to trade with no risk. It all depends on the pattern you're trading and the source of your signal, i earned 8.4 BTC starting with 2 BTC in just a few weeks implementing Randy Douglas daily trades. I managed to collect more than tips and tricks.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GCRHS1965 says:

    The war between Russia and Ukraine will not be over until Putin and his Kremlin buddies are taken out, we did it in Libya and Iraq, not to mention regime change in numerous Latin/South American countries. But the military/industrial complex and their weapons dealers that is getting rich from this conflict don't want the war to end – the lives lost and suffering endured is nothing to them. Papa Bear (Putin) won't stop at Ukraine, they want to restore the USSR to its pre-WWII boundaries and perhaps beyond – they are already scheming to get Alaska back, realizing what a fool they were to sell and its abundant natural resources back in time.

    Wake up people, WWIII has already started and its just a matter of time until it is fought on USA soil – with nuclear weapons made with our Uranium idiots like the Clintons sold them previously.

    You kill a snake by crushing its head, not stepping on its tail.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brinstar says:

    I don’t get why Republicans have lost their balls? I meant America is supposed to stand up to bullies and evildoers like Hitler, Stalin, and Putin. Why suddenly the love for Putin? I just don’t get it. Is it because Putin’s values are similar to the far right? Remember not to be a traitor to your own country and support the Free World. The West is the Best.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brinstar says:

    If Ron DeSantis was born earlier: “Germany invading Poland is just a border dispute.”

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brinstar says:

    We must destroy Russia before they destroy the West.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DavidElCid300 says:

    Maybe DeSantis is turning from his neocon past.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Anthony says:

    They have no business being over there. Even if it’s international waters. Don’t act delusional.
    We know exactly what US is doing 😂

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nathaniel alaburg says:

    America as stolen a russian sub, helicopter, tanks ect…… the usa will obviously get it back

    America is salivating for war and its almost time to eat!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pure says:

    Anyone who does not want to support Ukraine will not be president…. It’s just way to unpopular to allow Russia to continue war mongering. I hope team red changes there mind so we can get rid of Biden.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Philip Harris says:

    Bidens weakness and corruption is the reason we are in this BS. Trump is correct.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jorge cameras lopez1 says:

    el mundo. tierra ufos daniel malpica memes que dineros pesos tiempo

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aaa Bbb says:

    Nothing worst than having biden handle ww3.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars puliverius says:

    Russia has not enough power to seize Ukraine, how they can start a WW3?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe Rice says:

    Calling for regime change in Russia is the epitome of stupidity….. and is a testament to why progressives should not be anywhere near power when it comes to a major country

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Guiovanni Suarez says:

    I'm from Colombia, and the president we have is socialist, extreme left, they support Rusia and China, So, I do not think Colombia is a good example. Unfortunately, the government there is taking advantage of ignorance and good faith people.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars E8 Lattice Quasi-Crystal says:

    US govt funding a multi-billion proxy war against Russia… complains when Russia downs a US drone over their territory.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jayne S says:

    Do you think we should be preparing for a larger “hot war”? Just curious if we should start preparing now, it’s not looking so great /:

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom Chow says:

    The US right is sold out to Putin Don is P B

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jo mc says:

    You're telling me that a 32 million dollar drone can't communicate lol ….stop the CAP!! They got 32 dollar toys that you can communicate with.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars brian major says:

    nobody sees the US as a threat anymore. we crash our navy boats in each other. we're incompetent

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cybercheese93 says:

    Great drone impression

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alexi Barroso says:

    Big Black Sea

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Johnathan Silva says:

    You were supposed to shake it after shooting.

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