In today’s episode, you’ll discover why you should adopt multiple trading strategies (especially if you’re looking to stay in the industry for a long time).
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The Ultimate Guide to Price Action Trading:
The Monster Guide to Candlestick Patterns:
Pro Traders Edge:
Pullback Stock Trading System:

Hey hey, what's up my friend, so in today's episode right i want to share with you on why you know you should trade different trading strategies, or rather, why should you adopt multiple trading strategies? Now don't get me wrong, i'm not asking you to system hop, i'm not asking you to you, know uh trade, everything and anything. I'm not asking you to you know, try everything out there like it's a buffet! No before we even get to that point right. You first and foremost, must master a trading methodology. You must have, like you, know, a break and butter trading strategy right, something that you have already found success with and once you have found success with it right and then, if you want to level up to the next stage of your trading career, then that's where You might want to consider trading multiple trading strategies.

Why is that, and the reason is quite simple: actually is because different trading strategies they they excel in different market conditions - take for example, trend following when does it make money when the market is trending duh right, so that is the uh the power of trend following It makes money during strong trending markets. Now, what about say, uh mean reversion trading when, when does this type of strategy know make money? Well, when the markets are a while, when you have, you know, swings up and down. Those are uh good market conditions for mean reversion trading strategies, and you see my point right: different trading strategies they excel in different market environment and here's the thing the markets out there. It's always changing right.

It goes from a period of low volatility to high volatility. Uptrend downtrend et cetera, so this is why you want to adopt multiple trading strategies. There are numerous benefits to it right and let me explain to you what they are number one. First and foremost you get to reduce your drawdown.

So let's say, for example, you are trading uh, just one trading system and based on your historical testing or based on your own trading experience. You know the maximum drawdown is, let's say, a 40 maximum throwdown okay. But if you let's say now trade two different trading strategies and they are uncorrelated with one another. Let's say the first strategy.

The original one is in a drawdown. Let's say it's in a 30 drawdown. The second strategy might not be in the drawdown because it's uncorrelated to the first strategy right. That strategy might be up - let's say: uh, uh 30 for example.

So one strategy is down 30, the other one is up 30 and if you combine the two of them right, let's say you allocate a 50 of your capital to each of these two strategy: the overall drawdown of your portfolio right, meaning that your capital, when you Trade, both trading strategies, your overall drawdown - is actually zero percent, because one is down 30. The other strategy is up 30. Overall, your method, it's zero percent, so you're pretty much at break. Even so.
This is what i mean by you: get to reduce your overall drawdown because of trading uh. Multiple trading strategies benefit number two is that your returns right are less lumpy. What do i mean by lumpy? So if you trade one strategy, only let's say it's a trend following strategy and markets goes into a nice strong trend. Your returns can go like you know, spike up pretty quickly, but when market stops trending you can see that the returns collapse down equally fast as well.

That's normal right, because the market conditions has changed. So your returns in a way. It's quite lumpy. You know it.

Spikes up down up down very lumpy, very volatile to say, but when you again trade, multiple trading strategies which are uncorrelated with one another, your returns right, it gets much more smoother. So, instead of going zigzag up down, it goes like much smoother. You know the uh, the spikes right, the ups and up and down spikes are less pronounced. So in a way your portfolio value is growing at a much more steadier pace right.

So that's what i mean by your returns will be less lumpy and another benefit is number three diversification, because here's the thing right, no matter how good a trading strategy or system that you're trading you just have no idea. You know when that system, when that strategy will break down or when you will enter a drawdown. So if you take, for example, warren buffett, that's of itself right now, i check he has about holdings of about 50 stocks out there right he's diversifying his like capital. His portfolio into this 50 different stocks right, no matter how good he is as a value investor, all right, no matter how much he scrutinized the balance sheet, the cash flow right.

He still diversifies his stock holdings because he is never too sure if you know that one stock that he buys right might just collapse or go bankrupt because of certain reasons that he can't foresee, and it's the same for trading right when you trade, multiple trading systems, You get a diversified right, your money across these different systems spike some might not do well, some might do well, some system might go bonkers, but hey you might have some that you know do very well, so that kind of you know smooth out your overall returns, Smooth out your overall equity curve as well, does it make sense, so just a quick tip to share with you how you can actually go about uh, discovering new trading strategies or systems again, the best way, in my opinion at least, is that to actually read no Books study webinars from you know, traders that have a proven track record. So i like to study traders that like to share their ideas, their systems right and they actually provide the back test results that come along with it, because the hard work is kind of like you know done for me. All i need to do is just take the system that they have shared tweak it to my own uh, my own preference right and do the back testing and see how the results have fair. Where is it similar to what they have shared or not so go and study books out there there's a lot of books all right.
If you want to learn more about trend following you can study uh stocks on the move by andreas kleiner, you can study following the trend. You can study another one, a trend following by michael covell. If you want to learn about mean reversion trading, i think there's one by howard b, bendy, uh, larry and cesar alvarez. They have books on mean reversion trading as well, so a lot of stuff out there right, it's all depending on you.

How much you want to you know absorb all right. The stuff is out there. It's all dependent on you on how much you really want to take it in all right. So with that said, let's do a quick recap right number, one: uh! The reason why you wan na trade, multiple trading strategies is because of a few reasons, all right and number one.

You reduce your overall drawdown your overall maximum throwdown number. Two, your returns will be less lumpy. Your overall returns becomes much more smoother and finally, number three. You get the benefit of a diversification, because at any one point in time you never know who might do well and who might you know not do as well, so that's a kind of a form of diversification for you.

So with that said, i have come to the end of today's episode and i will talk to you soon. You.

By Stock Chat

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28 thoughts on “Why you should trade multiple trading strategies (and how)”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zoltan Nagy says:

    nice video, I also use automatic robot trading on multistrategy-trading with great success

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arjun Joshi says:

    Rayner n rockfx academy best in market to learn trading .. both are enough for abundance of knowledge ..

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars multiwonderrr says:

    Rayner is the nicest person alive, thank you for your wisdom

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mona Victoria Ponsaran says:

    Hi Rayner! I've been trading for months now. And I have been watching your vids since. And im just wondering what platform do you use in trading. It seems so easy to navigate. Would appreciate your response. Great video btw! Keep it up.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Manjeet Mina says:

    Can anyone tell me!! For how much minutes i should put bets on… Best timing ??! @_@

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dr. Ricco Lindner says:

    Who are some traders you liked to study? Where do you check out their results they share? Also via Youtube, personal homepages or web pages like Godmode Traders?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Creebou Alexander says:

    Can you please make a video on the fabinacci retracement tool🙏🇿🇦

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher Mendez says:

    Jeremy Cash already cashed out. Are you next?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trading Beacon says:

    Rayner wearing his cap so you KNOW he's gonna be dropping some fire knowledge 🔥

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Srikanth Gorrepati says:

    Hi can you please suggest books for trend following and mean reversion

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vishakha Wadhwa says:

    Can't thank u enough ever. Whatever i have learnt in trading is because of you ..Every time i enter a trade all your fabulous teachings stays in my mind which help me become better. Thanks a ton😁

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jes kg says:

    Good episode. Thu I wonder if you started to work in Singapore Harbour? The cap i mean!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ubokabasi Udoh says:

    Hey Rayner, you don't look so good. I hope you are okay.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SW Positive says:

    Thanks for videos! A lot of healthy learning. What do you think about Plus500 or etoro type trading platforms? A video of what platforms are better to use this days would be helpful

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rajesh s says:

    Hi Rayner One Request : *Kindly Upload the video with English subtitles instead of Auto generated subtitles*. Auto generated disturbs. So kindly attach English Subtitle it would be really really Helpful.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Satya B says:

    subscribed your channel
    a big thumbs up to your work👍

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sundera Murthe says:

    It'll be nice if show some examples of multiple trading in visual guy.Thanks

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jehezkiel77 says:

    first of all thank you for your contents good sir, it have been really helpfull with my trading career.
    so ive been a forex swing trader for a while now, and im thinking about adopting an intraday strategy but i also still want to swing..
    what do you think? should i chose one or can i do both?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RackNsoaR says:

    My favorite trading guru, a lot of value in all of his videos. Why are you sharing so much to us in all of your videos?…, whereas other youtuber traders hold this kinds of strategies to themselves in order to charge big amounts of money in their trading seminars…

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Savant says:

    You told us before that we should not jump to another strategy, just focus on one until you master it and now you're telling us we should learn how to counter punch.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MyWTFBro says:

    Rayner take care of yourself you look tired!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JD B says:

    Hey Hey Rayner, where did you get your stock trading position sizing calculator. I tried googling it but I didn't like any of them.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars First name Last name says:

    hey hey watsup ma friend.
    umm no blue shirt?😔

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BlackPill Bishop says:

    Hey Rayner great video, what is your opinion on trading the same strategy in uncorrelated markets – so maybe a mean reversion system in the stock and forex markets, would this be suitable diversification as well?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Crypto Avenger says:

    Pls Make a coarse 🙂🤗
    And i like ur intro Hey! Hey! My Freind 😁😘

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Celebrity life says:

    Rayner you have really improved my trading may you be blessed abundantly❤

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Victor Themane says:

    Your work is on point, thank you very much.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kenneth Obeng says:

    Thank you Sir Rayner. I was just thinking about it.

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