Why Michael Burry's Recent Bets Predict The Downfall of The Stock Market
The medical companies Burry invested in:
Marinus Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:MRNS)
Aerpio Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:ARPO)
ZymeWorks, Inc (NYSE:ZYME)
The energy and transport companies Burry invested in:
Occidental Petroleum (NYSE:OXY)
Helmerich & Payne, Inc. (NYSE:HP)
Golden Ocean Group (NASDAQ:GOGL)
ZymeWorks, Inc. (ZYME)
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I have no position in any of the mentioned companys apart from a long position in TSLA
DISCLAIMER: All of Tom's trades, strategies, and news coverage are based on his own opinions alone and are only done for entertainment purposes. If you are watching To'ms videos, please Don't take any of this content as guidance for buying or selling any type of investment or security. Tom Nash is not a financial advisor and anything said on this YouTube channel should not be seen as financial advice. Tom is merely sharing his own personal opinion. Your own results in the stock market or with any type of investment may not be typical and may vary from person to person. Please keep in mind that there are a lot of risks associated with investing in the stock market so do your own research and due diligence before making any investment decisions.

Good morning allegedly squad, i hope, everybody's doing well. This is your friendly former senior financial analyst tom, currently a full-time youtuber, and in today's video i got a special treat for you. We're going to be going over the michael berry latest bits, including a full review of the scion capital 13f filing now, if that sounds super geeky to you you're on the wrong channel, because i think everybody is looking at the wrong thing here, even though we also Did a video about the tesla bed, the main part of the michael berry, 13f filing is actually everything that is not tesla. The other bets that he made are actually very alarming.

We absolutely have to talk about them because it may save you a lot of money. Now, as always, i don't want you to click, nothing, don't smash, nothing don't buy nothing. I don't have any courses to sell. Just give me your attention for the next five minutes and i'm going to show you what michael berry is actually betting on or against, because both are equally as important.

My name is tom nash and i quit my corporate job as a senior financial analyst to break down companies for you there's one thing you need to know about me: i don't take from anybody now. What we absolutely have to talk about is the second biggest and the fifth biggest position in his portfolio, which actually make a very interesting prediction that nobody seems to be talking about, because, if you don't remember michael berry predicted the housing market crash which nobody saw coming So he has a lot of cards in the game and actually believe he knows what he's talking about some of you might say. Well, tom, didn't you just hate on him for the tesla bet he's just betting against tesla. He must be an idiot.

Well, not exactly, as i explained my video, the tesla bat is not really a tesla bet, it's more of a market bet. But if you want to hear my explanation, my theory and even maybe disagree with it and put some nasty in the comment section go right ahead. That's one of the previous videos i did, but in this video i'm going to be showing you something very unique that nobody's on youtube for some reason talking about, even though it's way more important than the tesla port. Now the 13 f's actually include a few pieces of information.

We absolutely have to talk about now on my channel. You know i like to give you the nuance truth, even if it's complicated, even if it's not plain vanilla, because i want you guys to see what's really going on now - mainstream media needs the headlines. So they're talking about tesla the pod most youtubers follow suit. I mean that's normal, even i did it.

However, in this video i want to show you something that mainstream media just can't tackle, because they think it's too complicated for their audience, which i don't think, because my audience will love this so check it out. Michael berry has two positions we absolutely have to talk about now. Number one is his second biggest position is actually shorting the 20-year bond, the fifth biggest position. He actually bet on an etf that actually shorts bonds as well, so he doubled down on shorting the bond market.
Now we're not going to go into technicalities, but i do want to explain to you how shorting a bond works just in a quick sentence. As short on the pawn means that you as a short, you want the yield of the bond to go up, because if the price of the bond is negatively correlated to the yield, you want the price of that to actually go down when the price goes down. It means there is no demand, it means that the yield goes up. So, as a short, you want the yield on those bonds to go up, and when it goes up, you make money.

Why well simply put yields of bonds, actually tell us a lot about what the market thinks about inflation, and in this case a 20-year bond will pay you about 2.3 a year and if the inflation rate is higher than that which it was in april, for example, It was more than 4, then this becomes a losing bet on definition. Essentially, if you buy a pawn that gives you 2.3 a year when the inflation is four percent four and a half percent, that means you're losing money. It's insane. You would never make that deal, which means a lot of people will do the same.

The price will go down, the yield will go up and the only case in which that scenario happens is when you have high inflation rates. High inflation rates cause that scenario to the t and what happens when you have high inflation rates? You have high interest. High interest means greater discount rates in your discounted cash flow. Valuations dcfs, meaning tech companies suffer because usually the set play is when you're actually concerned about inflation.

As an institutional investor, you either get gold or you short, the bond market. Now his short is massive. Look at the numbers. I'm not gon na go through the 13th f literally here, but it's his second biggest and fifth biggest position.

That means he's concerned about inflation and so far he hasn't been wrong. Now on the screen right now, you're going to see the 20-year bond yield rate and you're gon na be surprised how right he was because this bet was made in january. So let's look up january. The rate was 1.46 1.49 and now it's 2.3.

Now he made a lot of money. This whole thing is basically michael bury's gain. He was right now. I don't know how long this short is, if he's still in, if he out, i don't know, but if he's still holding that short this far out, he made a on the money, even if he left here here he made 2.36.

So he might have made more money, but whatever the case may be the odds, are he made a lot of money on this based on what happened with inflation, the yield rate? You all know the inflation numbers for april four and a half percent, so the dude was right now. The question is: what can we learn about this as investors? So we know that michael thinks inflation will go up like crazy. Obviously he made that bad. He also bet on google and facebook, which essentially means he's betting on cash flow.
Positive companies, which essentially means is betting against inflation. Now that means that unless you have high conviction and you're willing to hold the tech stock for the next two or three years, stay away from tech, at least until things settle down, because at this point we still haven't seen the bottom of tech stocks. Now, if you have a long horizon like kathy wood from arc, invest you honestly don't care, because if you think a company will 10x itself because it's going to be revolutionary and disruptive, it doesn't matter if you get a 20 at 30 at 40 or 50.. If it's going to 500, who cares if you have that three-year horizon and you're absolutely confident about the company doesn't matter, but for everybody else you should be careful because michael berry is saying to you: hey inflation is not to be discounted literally now, for those of You who lasted this long, which means the geeks there's more in the 13 f's.

You absolutely want to hear, because michael berry also bet on a bunch of companies in three industries - healthcare, energy and transportation in healthcare. He actually invested in three pretty much startups. Healthcare is actually somewhere. You definitely want to check him out because he's actually a medical doctor, so he knows what he's talking about so in healthcare.

He invested in three companies. I'm gon na list the names in the description. Now, since i'm not a medical expert, i can't really break down these companies for you, but i can tell you that all three fit the same description pre-profit still haven't, made any money, extremely disruptive, potentially and very interesting concept as far as the total addressable market. But these are incense lottery tickets he's scratching now, since he's crashing those and he's an md, and he actually knows what he's doing probably worth investigating more into it, but i don't have anything to offer beyond that now he also invested in two transportation companies and two Energy companies - which i absolutely want you guys to see essentially one actually explores and develops, and the other one produces gear for the exploration and production of energy and oil and whatnot again, not an expert energy.

But it seems he's betting on energy and it seems that you should be exploring that as well as a potential opportunity. Also. He actually invested in two very interesting companies. We absolutely have never heard about before.

At least not me, one is called sdng, which is a company that pretty much tankers. I mean he's investing in tankers right now, but also another company is goga, not google. Another company, that's similar golden ocean group. Essentially, that's another dry vessel company, essentially more boats, so essentially in q1.
Michael berry is betting against tesla, he's betting on high inflation rates by going short on bonds and he's betting on facebook and google, which are cash, flow, positive and he's getting two companies that are building boats or leasing. Whatever two are in energy, either exploration or production of gear and three in medical, essentially either pharmaceuticals or medical treatment, essentially all pre-profits, definitely early stage lottery tickets. However, you should definitely look into those because michael berry is not an idiot. He definitely knows what he's doing, but he's not god he's just a guy with an opinion.

Like me, everything i say here is just my opinion. By being accurate might be wrong might be the ramblings of amendment, so you still have to do your own research, and i mean it. You got to do your own research, allegedly blah blah mother, effing blah, as always a huge shout out to our channel members. Other patrons, i hope you enjoyed this type of video.

It was more informational, less sensational, less trendy, but i absolutely needed you to hear this, because this is important for your financial education. I hope you enjoyed this. Let me know in the comments below we'll see you guys next video.

By Stock Chat

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36 thoughts on “Why michael burry’s recent bets predict the downfall of the stock market”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stella Cook says:

    Successful people don't become that way overnight.what most people see at a glance-wealth,a great career,purpose- is the result of hardwork, Invest and hustle over time

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A-Rod Money says:

    He read how much margin is being used… it's actually quite a simple formula… meet Kevin talks about margin and how it is always the driving factor behind crashes

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M M says:

    Is Zyme BOTH energy and medical? Listing seems to only indicate biopharmaceutical. Thx!!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Derek Patterson says:

    Dude, you gotta make some โ€œabsolutely, actually, essentiallyโ€ t-shirts!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marcus L says:

    Many Tech stocks have gone down more than 50% since January, question is how much meat left to short?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars P. C. says:

    Hmm..you say "stay away from tech stocks", but aren't Facebook and Google tech stocks?!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Idan Stern says:

    Tom I'm liking your channel more and more with time.
    Thanks for the great content (allegedly)

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheBkdot says:

    It's there ever a time when there isn't someones talking about a stock market crash?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars youtuber says:

    First video, Iโ€™ve seen of yours. Outstanding analysis. Thank you.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eros Kaw says:

    i think we would be importing a lot of deflation when the other countries open. again, this is just an opinion.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Supa Matta says:

    They realy need there hands on some money sometimes up there.. if your in stocks your pro stuff … and it s frustrating when these growth jump a year in a month and you lose them… also who cares about a surconsumerist, economicaly abrasif compagnie delusionaly undermining all, the moment they don t make money..

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kendog the Friend dog says:

    Good vid Tom. I appreciate the insight thatโ€™s why Iโ€™m super bullish on arkk when it hit 99 bucks

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lafayette Porter says:

    People get upset when someone shorts a stock, like Tesla. Guess what, stocks go up and down. There is nothing wrong with shorting a stock if you think it is going to go down, smart to do so. Just like there is nothing wrong with betting on a stock to go up. Both bets can make you money, that is what investing is all about, being agnostic.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Y says:

    thank you Tom its informative. Can you give us lectures about the basics of trading?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Orlando Peรฑa Hernandez says:

    What ever happened to the IGNITE videos? Did he got paid off to stop talking?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Omar says:

    Every trade he made makes sense. Bullish energy, shipping, and inflation trades and bearish tech. This is the trend I see unfolding the rest of the year.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Financial Education 4 says:

    Can you please inform the viewers that these positions are only published from the previous quarter. It doesn't specify what is open or closed.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gorilla Axe says:

    Are you doubling down on Draftkings I see that CFRA and two other smaller less respected research firms have negative ratings outlook on them? I appreciate your content.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sehr Haroon MD says:

    What medical stocks did he invest in?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Iskateveryday says:

    Alot of black people arent working degrading jobs anymore | we figured out how to make money off the stock market…and now theyโ€™re trying to crash it on purpose

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Patrick Cloutier says:

    He has shorted the bonds in January. Expecting inflation and eventually the raise in bonds rate. Which then affects tech stockโ€ฆ And all this happened already since January. Tech stock went down since then. The question is how much more of this can we expect ?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars H. B. says:

    DNOW and Lumen Tech do not have positive Cash flow. He still got huge positions in these companies.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Loren Saunders says:

    I think you're right about TLT shorts and right to ask if he's still in it. Valuations are super rich and the "smart" money has been rotating for quite a while already. However, I'm not sure how long/hard inflation is going to hit. I don't think the entire market will "crash" but certain companies will def. suffer… like every single hype youtube stock.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matias Molina says:

    thabks for not being a cheap sales person, like and subscribed

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars deschua76 says:

    What are the names of the 3 medical companies which Burry invested in?

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josh Sclafani says:

    Tom, great video but where do you get your "2-3yrs downside for tech" takeaway? The Fed believes inflation will be transitory and over by the end of the year. Thanks as always for your videos!

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OUTCAST FPV says:

    I always hit like before you tell me not too

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mostafa ElRouby says:

    I am down 40% on palantir already, can't afford another dip ๐Ÿคฃ

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joao Lopes says:

    Hey Tom, been learning and laughing a lot with your videos, thanks for that. Do you happen to recommend any literature about all of this? that could be a nice input in your next video ๐Ÿ™‚ knowing what our stocks guru is currently reading

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gladiator Days says:

    I havenโ€™t smashed any or like anything in a long time Tom.. stop saying that

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Speed976 says:

    Your intros are way too long. Get to the point please

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Darren Lew says:

    If he shorts the bond, wldnt that mean he is bullish on the stock market

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DeltaSleepy says:

    Keep the videos coming bro. Thanks man!

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gilberto Pulido says:

    Always good to have your opinion, thanks for another great video๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hustle Is the key says:

    Tom, can you please make a video on RIDE Vs Lucid motors stocks if possible thanks

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lawrence Smith says:

    This channel has helped me so much to understand some of the stock market. As a 21 year old at uni, I've become more interested in this stuff than my degree.

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