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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right? Well, I want to make a little video for you guys, but I have a headache so I'm gonna do it mostly lying down so bear with me. The topic is long versus short and this is one that you know it's It's a really interesting topic. There's a lot of room for debate and discussion around it and as you guys probably know if you don't already: I am predominantly a long biased trader I trade the market to the long side which means I buy stocks with the goal of selling them at a higher price. A short seller of course would sell and take a negative position and then will benefit when the stock goes down covering that position at a lower price.

So with just the way you buy and sell going up, you can sell have a negative position and then buy as the stock goes down. So why am I a long biased trader? Well, I suppose I could probably trace the roots of being a long biased trader back to the summer of 2001 when I first started trading in the market and that was my summer where I decided for whatever reason that I was gonna start to invest my my money, my savings which was about a thousand dollars and I was buying stocks like Exxon Mobil US Steel American Electric Power Cannondale I think American ski company and Pfizer Caterpillar and I was sort of taking a couple shares of all of them I was I was trying to you know span seeing myself as aspiring investor and that I was gonna figure this out. Well, by the end of the summer I hadn't made any money I burned commissions and I I don't know I liquidated the account and probably bought something stupid I don't remember what I did but I I didn't even know at the time that you could go short. So I think like a lot of us, my brain was just trained that if you want to get in the stock market, you're buying stocks, you're not shorting.

So then when I got back into trading a little bit later in my 20s, I was looking at penny stocks and I was looking at buying penny stocks and again know you could short it. And then as I started getting more into the market, I realized that there was this opportunity to short. but I think I was already so mentally wired to look for things that would go up that I just focused on that. As a beginner trader, sometimes people will say well, why don't you just do both You know, why don't you buy these stocks as they're going up and then you know when they get to the top short it as it comes back down then you'd make twice as much money or you certainly make more.

And the problem is, it feels kind of like, at least for a beginner trader, it's like teaching you how to play tennis both lefty and righty you know. And when the ball is coming and you're swinging back to take that stroke, you know you can't just switch from lefty to right. You know you. You sort of have the way you look at it, You have the way you position and you know you approach it from that mindset.

So with trading a lot of times, when I buy a stock for a breakout I'll take a starter maybe on a pullback moving average view AB First candle to make a new high I'll add as the stock breaks through the highs as it squeezes through high a day and as it pops up I Sell half I Sell half I Sell half where I'm selling half and taking profit. You know I'm looking at resistance levels on the daily charts. That's a place where a short seller might be taking a starter position and as it squeezes higher, they might add to the position. Oftentimes it seems that short sellers will add stocks are going up and then as they roll over, they go in full size because it's kind of like trying to buy a bottom bounce.
Once you have the confirmation on a bottom bounce, the stock is already way up off the low so you don't have a very good entry. So same we're trying to short something that's spiking up. A lot of people will short as spiking and then add. Once you've they get a little confirmation, but then they have a better cost basis.

The problem with that, of course, is that you're shorting into a squeeze and sometimes you get squeezed out on what's called a short squeeze and it's a long biased trader. It's hard for me to flip from long to short because usually by the time I'm like, okay, this looks like a short, the good entries already gone, you know I missed the opportunity to take a good entry and I'd be chasing it because the entry sometimes is when I'm still holding it long as it's hitting the very high I might think it's still an opportunity to the long side I might even be adding for the next leg up, but that's the spot where an aggressive short seller might be taking a starter. so there are certainly some people I'm sure whom would hedge where they're long in one account and short in another, but that's advanced training that is not stuff that a beginner trader would do and so for me to do it, you know I try and this is something that I struggle with just sort of as a side note on the one hand, I want to do what's best for my account, you know I want to grow my account as much as possible I have my $583 to 1 million dollar challenge which I'm still trading in that account. You know the next goal is 1.5 million, then 2 million so on so forth.

So I have my personal goals of trying to make as much as I can and so sometimes those goals would encourage me to do something riskier, like maybe going long and short, flipping back and forth, or maybe trading in multiple accounts. The problem is that is not really in line with being a good teacher for a beginner trade. Because a beginner trader is not usually going to be able to have multiple accounts, A beginner trader is not going to be at a place where they can be flipping along and short, or jumping between small caps and large caps and ETFs and VIX and spy and everything else. For a beginner trader, it's a lot easier just to focus on mastering one strategy, you know.

And that's kind of. The thing with trading is sometimes people will try to trade five or six different strategies. They might try to learn my strategy and Mike's strategy and also try to trade options and maybe dabble in futures. But being so so at ten different things, that's great.
That's the Vermont kind of mindset of, you know, living on a farm, you you know a little bit about everything. enough to rewire something that you know is an electrical thing, or enough to fix the plumbing enough to weld something back together. You know, an expert on any of it, but you know you're a jack of all trades, a master of none that doesn't really work with trading because if you're not consistent at one, if you're not good at one, you don't make money, you're not consistently profitable, and you know no one is gonna keep trading for months and years on end if you're not consistently profitable, so you have to find that one that resonates with you. And for me, it's trading to the long side.

And I Also think that it's easier for most beginners to grasp. It's logical. It does not require a margin account. In order to short stocks, you have to have a margin account.

Not everyone can get approved for a margin account. Brokers have different compliance restrictions on who they'll approve and then the obvious challenges that come with short selling. You know, So just kind of lay them out. If you want to buy a stock to the long side, you can open up an account with Robinhood You can open it up account with TD Ameritrade You can open up an account with one of the brokers that I use for small account challenges and you can buy a stock and you're in it.

There's no restriction on buying. You don't need a margin account. You can buy stocks. If you want to buy them, you can buy them.

However, there's a lot of restrictions around short selling. Well, why is that? Well, nobody. I Mean from a you know regulator standpoint and sort of the the market at large, the the economy doesn't benefit from stocks tanking and so there's mechanisms in place to prevent stocks from dropping really, really fast. And so these are some of the short sale restrictions.

So the first one is actually called a short sale structure and what it says is that if a stock has triggered this short sale restriction threshold, then there'll be some links down in the description with more info and for you guys want to learn more about it, terminology and stuff like that. If a stock has triggered the short sale restriction, then you can only short it on an up tick so you can't mark it into the position as it's dropping. And the problem there is that most traders who focus on breakouts and breakdowns want to be able to just jump in when they like it. It would be like I only being able to buy a stock when it's dropping most of the time.

I buy stocks as they're moving up. The short sale restriction means you can't short when it's going down. you have to short unnhhh uptick. That's the first restriction.
The second restriction is that well and this is more of the limitation is that you have to be able to borrow the shares too short and so that means your broker has to have inventory available so you can go and take that negative position. You sell it, you have a negative position and then you buy it back at a lower price. Hopefully. but brokers they're They're more conservative about letting you short low price stocks because low price stocks sometimes go up 100 200, 300 %.

And what happens if you're short all of a sudden, your account is in the negative. If you buy a stock at $10 and it goes to zero, you lost all your money, right? You're you're down to zero. But if you're short a stock at $10 and it goes up to a hundred bucks, all of a sudden, it's gone 10 times against you. and your account is in the negative, right? It's not just it can go exponentially against you, and that's the one of the big risks of short selling.

And so brokers want to manage that risk so they're not on the hook. Essentially with a client whose blow-up blown up, their account is in debt to them and they may or may not ever recover that money. So Number one: Short Sale restriction. You can only short when stocks have it on.

You can only short an uptick. Number Two: Availability of Shares tomorrow. Number three: You have to pay with a lot of brokers to short these kind of hard to borrow stocks so they charge you an additional commission on top of the regular Commission. It's like a it's the the Commission to reserve the shares to trade them and so you have to reserve those shares before you take the trade.

Which means you've already committed sometimes a hundred or two hundred dollars in the cost to reserve, even if you don't take the trade. So you're basically starting in the Rat now. two hundred a day. Let's think about that.

That's fifty thousand dollars a year. So you want do you want to be spending $50,000 a year to reserve these these stocks? You know, of course, if you make two hundred or three hundred grams, it's worth it. But every day when you reserve, you're starting in the hole. So short sale restriction.

Difficulty finding shares available to borrow, then the cost of borrowing shares. All of this makes it more difficult to be a short seller. It's kind of like I don't know I mean why? no? Learn golf and you're a lefty. Well, you know you're gonna have to find someone that's got clubs that you can borrow as a lefty.

I Mean it's just it's more people. Alrighty, it's harder to find lefty. I I'm kind of funny because I golf I don't golf but when I have gone golfing I call fluffy I swing a bat lefty. but I can also swing a bat righty and I'm kind of I'm more accurate Lefty but I can swing a little harder righty so I go back and forth but then I kick with my right foot and I throw things like my headphones.
Want to have a bad day of trading my right hand so and I can speak from experience about the challenge of trying to learn some things as a lefty when everyone does it righty and then other things as a variety is just so much easier. Trading to the long side is easier for beginners. Some beginners will find that they have a natural aptitude to the short side, and so once they've overcome the initial learning curve, they you understand short sale restriction. You understand how to borrow shares.

You understand that some brokers won't have shares to borrow ever. so you have to open special brokerage accounts. Once you get over that stuff and you learn it, then you can trade to the short side. If it's the way you see the market, you can do really well.

I'm not saying you can't be profitable as a short seller, but it seems to me from my own experience that it's easier to approach the market from the long side. and then if you really feel that you just naturally see things better to the short side, then at that point, making the transition. If you were gonna start from the short side, it feels like you're starting already with the cards stacked against you a little bit. you'll have to open usually sort of one of these boutique brokerage accounts because Lightspeed Etrade Ameritrade Robin Hood They're not gonna have shares to be able to borrow of most of the stocks you'd wanna trade.

Those brokerages cost a little bit more money each month. They charge you to reserve the shares and then you still have to deal with a short sale restriction. So yeah, I don't know. that's that's my thought.

I Want to go with kind of what's easiest both for me as a trader but also for beginner students because you know my job is teachers to try to help beginners have every advantage as possible to be successful. So I don't want to set you guys up for failure. So I don't know. that's my thought.

What do you guys think? Leave some comments down below. Check out some of the links in the description to learn more about the short sale restriction and a few other things that we talked about here. and I'll be looking forward to seeing your comments. All right, hopefully this headache goes away and I'll be able to put together a nice a couple more nice videos for you guys.

Alright, see you guys later bye everyone! Have you seen my most popular video on YouTube? It's got over five million views. You can check it out right here and check out one of my other videos on YouTube right here I Hope you guys enjoy it as always. If you have questions, leave them down below in the comment section: I Personally respond to every comment that's posted.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

35 thoughts on “Why i don’t short stocks”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nature Therapy Films says:

    Ross I am with ya trading the long side which is what I do most of the time. However, there’s always the chance the tentative desire of doing short trading, and I do it but once in a while. I try not to put all of my energy on short selling because sometimes my mind and I am sure the mind of others, too, get confused. That’s and works in the benefit of the broker and Mr market because at the end they’re the winners and us the traders are the losers.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars S F says:

    Also – your broker may, at any time, force you to close out your short position (possibly at an inopportune time) if the original long holder decides to sell his stock. Forced buy-in.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BASE5_NYC says:

    I know this channel is primarily about day trading, but when I want to go short I buy put options. It's much safer than shorting & you can still make money on a stock you really think will go down. Options have their own issues but it's something looking into for newer traders…IMO.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anthony Rayvon Wylder says:

    These practices of traders are definetly individual. I know traders who are short traders. That is how they want to trade. That is what their eye sees on the screen. If the industry is willing to provide the service that is something that they have mastered. They charge for it but they provide the avenue for this activity. Jack of all trades master of none does not work for this industry. There are traders who quite candidly tell you how horribly they got beaten in the market trying to do everything. The question is, how many concepts do you feel comfortable juggling. This is juggling. It is absolutely juggling. What can you handle? For each person it's different.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric G says:

    Love your videos

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Suleman Omar says:

    Do you still avoid shorting stocks? I am currently learning daytrading and want to avoid shorting too
    Do you think its possible to be a successful daytrader only going long?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sohail Hines says:

    The other reason maybe worth mentioning here from a day trading standpoint is that on a choppy day when a stock may be moving up and down but never resolve to either side, playing both short and long can help rack up losses very quickly until you realize it. To make matters worse, on days like that it's often that the movements get smaller as the day goes on and price discovery narrows, leaving you squarely in the RED.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars iJack says:

    In Europe we don’t have this shorting limitations – it cost the same either way

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Let Truth Prevail says:

    Perhaps the brokerages are saving the short shares for themselves. Wanted to short CVNX and found out it reserved and short was rejected.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Let Truth Prevail says:

    Parasites can be a reason for a headache. There are more neurotransmitters in the gut than brain.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Lebbies says:

    Great video bro

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jessica Kendal says:

    Lefty here but also do some things right like snowboard😊🏂

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nikola Tesla says:

    you can get puts instead no margin call no collateral

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars twinquist says:

    What if you have 2 traders, one long-minded and one short-minded, who work from the same accounts? I'm thinking a husband/wife sort of thing. Any thoughts?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jo Jo says:

    Hi, I would like to ask how brokers get these shares? Are they buying them from stock company, or the company will give it them? I dont know if its stupid question but thanks for answer 🙂

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Willy Wonka says:

    hey so I'm over here trying to learn and I'm paper trading but it's it's not always letting me sell short a stock it says insufficient funds but I can easily buy it I don't get why it's not letting me short a stock

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sabrina Roy says:

    you are a wonderful teacher THANK YOU

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars maruz dumucruz says:


  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars melodyoflife says:

    I trade penny stocks. I wasn't consistent when I was long biased. Equity curve has lots of up and down. I often chased breakouts at the peak then they declined. Win rate was around 50%. I switched to mean reversion short then my win rate increased to 64% and equity curve steadily goes up. I usually don't try to short all the way to bottom. Just short Super over extended move and then cover when it's back to normal range. I found this is the best short strategy: high win rate. I don't short any stocks going up. Only those went up a lot vs historical average without good reasons.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MIKE7FX says:

    Very true. Even as a scalper (also Forex), if i focus on both directions, it's just madness.. Sure i leave profit on the table by missing the shorts but atleast i have more peace of mind and theres less chance of losing focusing on long only if i stick to my strategy. Really good video sir

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tim H. says:

    Thanks for the basic talk for newer traders

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Búzás Tünde says:

    seeing the current stance of the economy & markets, i almost believed i should start bungee jumping rather than continue trying mountain climbing… 😀 thanks for saving another noob from breaking the neck 😉

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hawkeye Howard Investing says:

    Great thoughts! I use multiple time frames and only trade the long side! 🕺🏾💰

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Danny Maluina says:

    Much mahalos 😯👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽🤙🏽🤙🏽🤙🏽🤙🏽🤙🏽

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Fisher says:

    The summer of 2001 …so cool 😎

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rodney Hernández says:

    Ross thanks for such good content, but to tell you the truth I would say that shorts are more effective than longs, I mean that most of these small cap companies make their run and then they sink, the easiest thing is to go short to everything that rises again with risk on the high. At least in my experience.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheBuuks says:

    This is dumb

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EZriderSpewsTruth says:

    Damn I’m glad I found this video. GREAT JOB, excellent, ON POINT, THSNK U

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Freddy says:

    New to your channel, but I opened a Trade station account a couple months and have limited myself to using the simulator and reading and re-reading the book by Aziz. I run the screener in the morning like I am suppose to and then the results are mostly "hard to borrow" stocks. I say to myself why am screening for stocks I won't even be able to borrow when the time comes to trade using a real account. In any case, your video help explain it to me. Thanks

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kasokota Kiwele says:

    Just flip your screen and swich candles colors 😂😂LMAO

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pups says:

    Ross you're super motivating bro. I haven't joined warrior trading yet, but i'm part of other trading groups, and i swair i learned more from your free videos than i have from spending 8 hours a day in some of these groups chats.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JeanMarco says:

    Thank you for your POV on shorting! I appreciate Ross

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scotty B says:

    Great video with good info but the music got old.

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tornado F5 the nature says:

    if im swing trader ?? it is more safe to go do shorts ??

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SigneDeLaCroix says:

    I think I catched your headache, I see you blurry. Lol.

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