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Thank you! I can't even begin to express my gratitude for all of your support. My day trading journey started in my early twenties, and for a really long time, I was just on Reddit sharing my trading opinions. I never in my wildest dreams thought we'd come this far.
To celebrate this milestone, we're going to have a special Q&A session exclusively for our 1 million subscribers. I'll be diving into my day trading journey, thoughts on day trading, and even venture into the *personal life questions*.
I’m sorry I couldn’t get to every single trading question. But, comment it down below, and maybe it’ll make it to another video!
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DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial adviser nor a CPA. These videos are for educational and entertainment purposes only. Investing of any kind involves risk. While it is possible to minimize risk, your investments are solely your responsibility. You must conduct your own research. I am sharing my opinion with no guarantee of investment gains or losses.
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Was there any point you were close to giving up before you made it in trading? What was your initial? Capital when you first started trading. the next category of questions are personal questions. Whoa! I Don't know if I agree to this. Do you find being in trading or a YouTube career makes dating difficult? Hello and welcome back to another humble Trader video.

Today is a special day to remember because we've officially hit 1 million subscribers on YouTube Oh My! God I Never thought this day was possible Then when I first started this YouTube channel all I wanted to do was say some stupid jokes, talk about really nerdy subjects such as stock trading and basically just as a side passion project. Now let's hit 1 million subscribers. Oh my God Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. Thank you so much for all of your support, for watching my videos, for laughing at my bad jokes, laughing at my good jokes, and of course for smashing all the like buttons to celebrate I Have an amazing ask me anything q a session today in this video I'll be answering some of your most pressing trading questions so wait this more.

We'll also be diving into some personal questions including the ones about my ex-husband Mike bag. so get ready for some juicy details. and if that's not enough, I'm also running an amazing 1 million subscriber giveaway on Instagram where you can win one of the many amazing prices before we get started. Make sure to smash the like button and then sit back.

Enjoy! Relax and do as a young kid say let's spill the tea Now with this q A video. So the first category of questions I'm going to be answering right now is about my trading journey and my trading stories. Why did you start trading I was a fresh grad from college working in film and VFX in Los Angeles and my job at the time wasn't stable. so I'll work a couple of months and have like two weeks, sometimes even more than one month of break.

So that's not really sustainable living in. Los Angeles So I look into trading as a way to make some side income to help pay for rent. How long did it take for you to become consistently profitable in trading? So it took me a long time to become profitable. I Was basically losing money throughout my first year in trading.

I was all red. It's really rare for me to see any green and when I make money, it will be like 20 bucks. 50 bucks. Why lose money? It'll be like a hundred dollars.

So yeah, I lost a lot of money and then even on year two, I was still struggling a bit. Um, I would say it's after the end of year two. That's why I started seeing some consistency in terms of like I started losing less and seeing more green days. So yeah, anyways, it took me more than two years.

Did you learn trading through a trading? Mentor Or did you do it through a trading course? This is a very good question. Uh, when I first started trading I took a lot of different courses and all those courses are decent. Some are better than the other of course. But what I found is that without a mentor to really help me understand what the course is about.
The course, material lessons basically ink from one year and out, the other like I really didn't know how to implement, trading is one of those things that it's very difficult to do on your own even if you have the right materials because you know learning to trade is like learning a new language. If I give you a book in Spanish and you don't understand Spanish it's gonna be useless. So that's gonna be the case in trading. So what I found is like, you know with a lot of the courses I took.

Yes, it was helpful, but I really needed someone there to kind of guide me and provide me feedback along the way. So I would say you need both of these things just a corset itself. It's not gonna help you in my opinion and this is just my personal experience. Um, it's only after I met my mentor that my trading drastically improved.

So all of you guys have submitted a lot of great questions on Instagram but I couldn't get to you all. If I missed your question, make sure to ask me down below in the comment section and I'll do my best to answer you. was there any point you were close to giving up before you made it in trading? So here's the thing. all the successful Traders I Know have at least given up on trading two three, four times along the journey.

So yeah, I've given up trading through two times in the past before in my first two years, but I would say there were two major, um, times where I'm like, really dead certain about never coming back to trading. Once was in the first two years and the second time was after I became profitable actually and I think this is one of the most important traits of a lot of the successful traders that I met. They are successful. Not because they never lose, they're successful because they keep on coming back.

It's about perseverance. It's not about never losing, never having red days or red months. It's about the fact that even if they lose, even if they have big losses that wipe them out, they still find ways to keep on coming back. So yes, I've given up I'm trading many times in the past before, but I just keep on coming back.

I Cannot quit this game. How many hours do you trade in a day or a week? This is very interesting because it used to be literally like the entire day when I first became a full-time Trader but then eventually as I figured out. Okay, my most optimal time to trade is about three hours after the open and sometimes power hour. Then that's when I trade less and less So and that's something you're gonna see with a lot of Traders is that they figured out that the number one threat to their trading account is themselves.

this person right here. So that's why I trade less and less in order to protect my profits. When you first became profitable, how did you decide to scale up? So this is the answer: I Tell a lot of the new and intermediate Traders I'm coaching. You don't get to decide when to scale up.
You let your journal and your trading performance tell you. that's the reason. I I'm a big proponent of always tracking all your trades at the end of the day. Obviously, if you're doing well, then you can slowly scale up in 10 20 ranges.

Don't don't scale up double overnight. Okay, don't don't do that. And another thing is you want to scale up only on the best performing strategy for you. Okay, if you have, let's say five different strategies.

When you scale up, you don't scale up on all of them. You look at your Journal look at which ones are performing the best, which ones for you have the best risk. a word, the best win rates. Etc Then you scale out on that one and you slowly do that for the others as you see them grow as well.

So that would be my suggestions. Only scale up when you've earned the rights to do so and you only know that from your trading journal. By the way, if you need a trading journal, you can get one for free once you sign up to my email list down below what was your initial Capital when you first started trading. So my first trading account was about twenty five hundred dollars.

I interacted Brokers and uh, needless to say, I've lost all of it a couple more times. Okay, so yeah, you know that's that's my initial capital and I lost all of it and more. And last, probably like you know, three small accounts when I first started trading and they're all around. You know the two to three thousand dollars range.

How long did you trade in simulated trading? Did you only trade penny stocks? Did you only use a buying higher day breakout and dips? So yes, I did paper trading when I first started for like a day. Moving on to the next category of Q and A's I'm gonna be answering your questions on my own trading strategies as well as my recommendations on how we should get started with trading your strategies and how to really maximize your trading gains. What level 2 software are you using I See them in your videos all the time. So the trading platform I use is Dash Trader Pro that's the one I use across all my Brokers That shooter Pro is a platform.

It's not a broker so what you do is you sign up to a broker. For example Center Point Securities that also allows you to connect with that Studio Pro So you have the broker that Center Point and your platform is Dash Trader Pro Honestly the Australia pro has the best level 2 and the best executions and that's the reason I use it across almost all my Brokers So yeah I Really highly recommend it. it is it does cost additional data subscription I think it's about like 130 150 per month month. but for me it's very much worth it and I use it across all four of my Brokers so you know every single month I'm paying those fees.
If you're enjoying this video so far, please remember to drop a like and check out in the description below for the giveaway details. How do you deal with you breaking your rules? oh my. God Yeah so it's very important that you establish some sort of punishment for yourself after breaking your rules and it should be something you absolutely hate doing in real life. So for me for a while, oh my.

God I Hate running Okay, like running on a treadmill or running outside I Absolutely hate it. I'm doing the cardio. so for me, uh, for a while if I break my rules I'll have to go run on a treadmill for for an hour and that used to be absolutely be devastating for me. Imagine losing.

you know, three thousand, five thousand, ten thousand, or at sometimes sixty thousand dollars on that modern stock. How do you come back from your big losing or big winning days? And how do you take care of yourself in the free time? Thank you and congrats thank you! Um I'll answer the first part. how do you come back from your big losing days? So today, depending on how big of a loss it is, usually I'll take the next day off. I'll still be watching the market.

but I won't be placing any trades because what happens is a lot of times when I first started, especially after a big loss the next day I tried to make it back. so that's usually what happens and then now in turn lead me to Revenge trading over trading and then lose even more money. That's how many Traders get on new scene streaks where one day or bad day need to even more losses. So that's the reason.

I Really recommend to take one day off Minimum: Some people need a couple more days off to just really digest and reflect on your losses in terms of like, how do you deal with big winning days? Honestly, um, the big winning days. As a Trader full-time you don't feel much. To be honest, you might feel like one second of like oh nice I never made this much money before, but then you really quickly forget about it in like 10 minutes. So I don't really do anything to celebrate nowadays.

Um, yeah. I think if you ask, a lot of the profitable Traders the winning days will never feel as much magnitude as the big losing days. And that's one thing you gotta get used to in trading. What keeps you grinding even on days where you don't feel like it.

So this is a really good question because I've been trading for eight years now. and yeah, there's definitely days or weeks where I just don't feel like trading because trading is such a mental game. Your performance is based a lot on your discipline and how you have your trading routine and whether you're following it. So even on days where I don't feel like trading I still carry through the steps of carrying through my routine of waking up, scanning pre-market and watching stocks and sets up.

even if though I don't end up placing any trades. I Still want to be here because this is my routine for the last eight years. It's almost like going to the gym right in the first couple of months. You're gonna hate it.
but once you've been doing this every single day or like three times a week, you eventually are used to the routine. You'll be weirder for your body to not go to the gym those sets times and this is something I've learned from Atomic habits which I highly recommend for any Traders especially if you are struggling with good habits. um, good treating, discipline and following rules. How do you keep your emotions neutral after a win or a loss? In other words, what are the general rules you have for yourself when it comes to managing your emotions in trading? So I think you are still gonna feel some sort of emotions whether you are winning or losing I Think the idea is that you don't let one anger or one emotional moment trigger all everything.

All the bad habits that happen after that and a lot of it just comes with experience and creating rules. So for example, I have this rule where if I try to trade the stock a certain way three times and both three all the three times I failed then I'm no longer allowed to trade a stock and this is the rule that's gonna trigger before I become emotional. So a lot of times it's about building rules for yourself. Um, before you get to the stage of no return, do you share trading signals? Absolutely not.

Sorry to disappoint you, but if you've been following my channel for a while, you know that I'm really against copy trading Trading alerts, trading signal and all that crap. That's not the way to go if you ever want to become a profitable and self-sufficient Trader What's your advice for someone who quit their full-time job to become a full-time Trader I Hope you only quit after you are profitable because my advice is don't quit your job until you've at least seen some consistency. Maybe not like big money, but at least be consistent where you know your losses that say a hundred dollars and your wins are 300.. So that's the only time where I recommend quitting Before you get to that point, Don't quit your job And that's just my honest opinion from my own personal experience.

I Think the best way to learn trading is while you have a full-time job or where you don't need to rely on your trading profits to make a living right away. I Understand this may sound discouraging, or some of you may not agree and that's okay. If you don't agree with this opinion, that's fine. Let me know in the comment section below if you think it's okay to quit your job and job, jump straight into trading full time right away or very early on.

I'd like to see what people say. Special shout out to all of you for helping us reach 1 million subscribers on YouTube to celebrate this Milestone We are doing a giveaway on these amazing prices. plus you might just get invited to the Humble Trade of 1 million Subscribers party this summer in. Vancouver All you need to do is smash the like button on this video, subscribe to the channel and share your favorite Humble Trader video on any of these social media platforms and make sure to tag me on Instagram Story: Make sure to tag Humble Trader spelled exactly like this to notify me.
Be careful of tagging the wrong accounts on Twitter You can share your favorite Tumble Trader video and tag me at Humboldt Trader18 if you're active on Tick Tock This works too. Make sure to tag Humboldt Trader To notify me, you can also comment your favorite Humble Trader video down below and let me know why you like it so much. Pro Tip: If you submit on all the platforms, they'll give you the best chances of winning. four qualities you see in Successful: Traders What they all have in common this is a very good question actually.

I Think the first thing is risk management You're Gonna Hear Everyone say this all the time. We have to be able to admit that we are going to be wrong sometimes and cut our losses. I Much rather lose a five thousand dollars today and then still be able to keep my account and protect me from losing 10 grand, 20 grand and the second quality is most successful. Traders I Talk to: They are extremely humble and down to earth.

And I think it's also because they've only gotten through this point because they've lost a lot of money in the past. And having those losses in the past. really just humbles you. You know you're not, You know, you know you'll be wrong.

The third quality is that most Traders and Meds are very entrepreneurial. Well, yes, these Traders are full-time Traders They don't actually trade from nine to five every single day and that's the reason most of the Millionaire Traders I've talked to in the past I'm a podcast or in my YouTube videos, especially the one at the Vegas conference. All these Traders have multiple income streams whether it's other businesses, other styles of trading, investments in real estate because now as a full-time Trader they have the time to do so. Once again, trading full-time doesn't mean trading all the time.

And last but not least, successful. Traders Never give up. and I think that's one of the most common things I see in Traders where you can call it stubborn, you can call it stupid. you can call it, you know, insane.

Even these people. They after losing so much money, they keep on coming back. So the reason a lot of these profitable Traders are successful. It's not because they never lose, it's because despite losing so much, they keep on coming back.

It's about prison bearing. The next question is a good one from Alec Essentially he's asking: is trading something I can learn alongside something else? Can it be a side hustle? And this is a good question for those who are part-time Traders studying in school or just learning to trade on the side. My answer to this is yes, trading can be a side Hustle but you should still dedicate minimum two hours a day on this career. Obviously if you're doing finals or in this case you know you need to study to take the board exam.
I Would ignore the market and just focus on that. But if we're talking about day-to-day whether trading can be a site hustle you do in the evenings after work, well after you're done all your studies, then my answer is yes. What areas of your trading do you wish to expand your knowledge on or enter? This is a really good question. Braden Thank you so much for asking this year I Want to expand my knowledge with income generating strategies with options.

This is something you can only do with with bigger accounts because you're doing a lot of hedging and selling options. If you are starting out and you had 1.5 million dollars cash, where would you start? I Wouldn't trade. honestly. with 1.5 million dollars, you can do a lot of other things other than trading.

If you really want to trade though, I Will only take thirty thousand dollars out of that 1.5 million to start learning to trade. actually and don't use all the thirty thousand dollars. Start with trading with only five thousand, but keep your account size at thirty thousand dollars. Essentially, you're trying to learn how to trade with a small account.

If you cannot trade with a small account, there's no way you can trade with 1.5 million dollars. How do you learn and practice risk management as a new? Trader This is a really good question and a lot of people have been asking me this. It's actually not as complex as you think. Basically, it means you know, calculating a set max loss per trade according to account size.

I've done a lot of videos on this so make sure to check it out after this. Essentially, let's say I have a ten thousand dollars account. You want to risk only one to three percent per trade and when you take the trade, you are varying your share sizes according to your risk. I Talk a lot more in detail in my risk management video, so make sure to check that out if you have even more questions in your trading.

If you have to trust in one single aspect, strategy patterns Etc What would this be? My number one answer is price action I Find that you know no matter how hard you memorize the Candlestick patterns. The Bear Flags the the older Triangle stuff. it doesn't matter. what matters the most is price action and we talked about this many times before.

But price action is a rhythm. The stock trades, especially when you have a lot of volume, a lot of momentum and you are also using yes, technical analysis alongside with price action. But that's the number one thing. The next category of questions are personal questions.

Whoa. I Don't know if I agree to this. Okay, do you find being in trading or a YouTube career makes dating difficult? Um, no I don't think so I think it's difficult because I'm difficult. But all jokes aside I don't think so.
If anything I think it allows you to meet even more people. But I will say though, in particular about trading, learning to trade, especially after you become profitable. this is something I realized about myself a couple years ago. It kind of makes you have a big ego.

It makes you really, really independent, which is a good thing. But sometimes when you're dating or you're in relationships, you want to be able to make compromises. So that's why I found you know I think I'm a lot better now. but in the earlier years when I first became profitable I felt like oh I was making bank I was invincible I don't need to, you know, compromise with anyone.

So I think at that point, that's one toxic thing about trading that makes it difficult. um, at least for me anyways. so I think that's something that you have to be aware of if you're ever in that boat. But at the same time it's also because I'm a Trader I'm very introspective so I'll kind of reflect on my own mistakes and you know, both in the market and in my personal life and think how it can become a better person.

What are your favorite? YouTube Friends definitely not Brandon Beavers. Congratulations on your achievements! What's your next goal? First of all, thank you very much for your support! I'm really excited about the next steps for the channel. This year we've launched the podcast Humboldt Traders with a plural s meaning that no, it's not just me one humble Trader This is a podcast where I'll be interviewing very inspiring Traders from around the world and telling you and sharing with you guys all of their stories, their losses and their lessons. So that's the one thing I'm very very excited for this year and obviously I want to expand my reach Beyond Just Vancouver If you have any traders that you want to see me interview, I will fly there I'll meet them I'll interview them let me know who do you want to see down below in the comment section and I'll do my best to make it happen.

And also please subscribe to our podcast on Spotify as well as Apple podcast Thank you! What hobbies do you have outside of trading to clear your mind before the market button? I Love snowboarding! I Went a lot this year I basically went every single week on Whistler Um, besides snowboarding, I also enjoyed pole dancing and I also been doing a lot of weight training in the gym as well. Other hobbies include eating and drinking. How's your social life been since you started trading full-time So I would say for any extroverts who love to go out, who love to socialize, meet people on weekdays as well as weekends, you're gonna love your life once you become a profitable Trader because it does free up a lot of time for you. But for me, I'm an introvert.
So when I became profitable and became full-time many years ago, I still didn't wanna go out that much. for me, like my ideal number of times to go out per week is like one and then maximum two. So while yes I have more time technically to socialize I I don't enjoy going out that much I Know it's a little bit hard to believe because I'm on YouTube But um, but it's the truth I'm an introvert when I do go out I love to have a good time with my friends and meet people, but I cannot do that on a daily basis if that makes sense. In 10 to 20 years, what does life look like? Oh, that's a loaded question.

Um I would say I'll still be trading. they'll be trading way less actively I think I'll be doing more swing trading World Trading for those big ones only probably like couple times a year if you know what I'm talking about. but in my personal life I hopefully I'll have a family by then I like I like to have kids and I like to see them grow up. So that's kind of like the big picture plans right now.

Who bullied you in elementary and where are they now? So yes, I did share those stories of like when I first immigrated to Canada I got bullied a lot. um, in elementary school a little bit, but mostly in high school actually and that's the reason I really didn't have a great impression of North America When I first moved here, I was just trying to fit in and it was really difficult I I've never had zero friends and also you know dreaded going to school back in Taiwan but that was the first time I filled those things in Canada and now looking back, obviously so many years later, you know I don't regret those experiences I'm grateful for them because I think you know those were the drivers that made me want to work so hard to learn. you know, trading including my former career VFX to work so hard for the bullies, you know? I'm actually quite proud to say that you know one of the bullies who used to, you know, make found me in in elementary school in high school and you know, was really mean to me. Um, nothing.

nothing physically abusive from him, but he's now. well, my best friends. Yes You heard that right? One of the bullies from my elementary school years is now one of my best friends and nowadays it's me laughing at him and making fun of him. hahaha you said I Couldn't speak English But now it's me teaching you how to trade stocks.

Obviously I'm joking, but it's still really amazing to see how far we've all come in the last 15 18 years. So yeah, we're good friends now. No, no worries. So I think the moral of the story is be nice to people.

Okay, you never know where they're gonna be in the next couple of years and at the same time have empathy and be more forgiving of other people's mistakes. If everyone can do these three things, the world will be a much much better place. Would you ever move to another city in Edmonton Toronto or the US I Don't Honestly, I don't really see myself moving to the United States I've lived there before Florida California Oregon I Don't think they see myself moving there, nor do I see myself moving to the east coast where I would actually consider would be Europe or Asia. If you're liking the video so far, make sure to smash the like button and remember I'm doing the 1 million subscriber giveaway.
So check out the details in the comment section below. Where is the Lambo? Okay, hold on, let me go get it right now. A few moments later, there you go. This is La Lando Right here it's my uh I believe it's like 20 on Amazon right here This is like a Lamborghini Huracan I think I don't know.

Anyways, will you date another? Trader absolutely not. I think one messed up person in a relationship is more than enough they ask you how you are. you just have to say that fine when you're not really fine but you just moving on to miscellaneous questions about traveling meetups in person and all that good stuff. What was your original goal when you first started your YouTube channel? So my former career before I quit that to go full time in trading was in film and VFX So having worked in design and in film I'm naturally really creative.

So editing, you know, storytelling, you know, structuring a video to make it look appealing to the audience came naturally to me. So the YouTube channel was just something I opened on the side thinking that oh I can share some bad jokes and you know just to recap and document my journey. It was a passion project because since I quit my job in VFX I needed another creative Outlet in my life and we also talked about this previously where I used to lose a lot of money during midday after 12 p.m Market time because I didn't have anything else to do and then like going. we know out that much as an introvert so I needed something else I'll occupy my time and the YouTube channel was a perfect way for me to do that.

so I used to trade and edit videos after that. do you have plans for hosting more Trader meetups? especially in Vancouver And the answer is yes and you should absolutely follow me on Instagram because that's where I post all the updates about the meetups I'm hosting. Sometimes they are really casual and sometimes they're more organized so make sure you're following me at Humboldt Trader spelled exactly like that on Instagram Okay, all the other accounts on Instagram are fake. When you travel, do you use Hotel Wi-Fi to trade? What is your travel trading setup like yes I do use a hotel.

um not. Wi-Fi I bring my own Ethernet cable So I talked about it in my trading setup video where I have one gaming laptop and two external USB monitors and then I will also use my MacBook for like market research and stuff and use the ethernet a cable to connect. Thank you for all the valuable info that you shared I wonder what's the benefits of joining a humble Trader Academy How does it compare to all the public videos that you've already posted? So the YouTube videos are great, but they are not structured right. They don't give you an order of importance of what you should start with if you are brand new.
for example, most people would dive straight into the strategies, but they will ignore risk management and how to do your research and trade planning. And those two are like the most important parts. So that's the reason all the educational program in my community is very structured. I give you a step-by-step as well as the guidance from my coaching team.

and just like I said earlier I Think if you're just having a trading course without a mentor to guide you I think that's very difficult to learn and to digest the material whereas in my community not only do you have the structured lessons, the education program, you also have me and my coaching team as your mentors to guide you along the way and answer any questions you have. Once again I Want to thank you so much for 1 million subscribers on YouTube Oh my God! when I first started this channel I was just doing this as a side project on the weekends. I am so thankful that you choose to subscribe and watch my YouTube videos and you know obviously Laugh at My really terrible jokes and I'm a very serious note. I'm very grateful that you choose to support me and follow this channel because I think this channel gave me a full-time Trader Another purpose: It's very difficult to have any feeling of a purpose or working towards anything meaningful of trading full time.

I've talked about this many times on this channel before when you are a full-time Trader you are making money and that's great, but at the end of the day you're just pressing buttons. buy and sell. There's no value added. You don't feel any fulfillment from it.

So that's why a lot of Traders actually become very lost. and that's the reason a lot of Traders say do other side projects. Whether it's another YouTube channel with their businesses or real estate, that's a real reason why and without this YouTube channel I would feel so lost. So in many ways since you supported this Channel and you subscribe and watch the videos, you really change your trajectory of my life the last couple of years and from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you so so much for 1 million subscribers, that's something I've never had imagined was possible I Am so grateful for your support and of course for your time spent watching this video. If you have any questions I forgot to address, please leave them in comment section and I will answer you over there. Remember we're doing the 1 million subscriber giveaway. Check out the details in the description below.

Thank you so much for watching as always and for your support. There's gonna be so many more great videos to come and the humble Trader and I'll see you guys next time time.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

31 thoughts on “Why i almost quit trading? 1 million q a”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kev says:

    Congrats on 1 mill!! your channel is amazing and its hard to choose just one video. one of your more recent videos that comes to mind is which brokers are best for all trading styles. it was very informative and made it way easier for me to choose a broker that works best for me. ive learned so much from your channel, the day i become consistently profitable and quit my full time job will be a life changing day and part of my success will be because of you so thank you!!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dudi leibovich says:

    Please add Julia Dobroboy to your podcast

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dee8Bee says:

    Congratulations! I just found you a few weeks ago. Even thou I like these videos about you talking about trading and real life. No YOLO or Lambo. But I also like it when you meet other traders.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bill Harris JAZZ BLUES AND MORE says:

    Thank you I’m retired now living in the Philippines and will be trading again. I use to trade options so I’m going to brush up on my skills again before I start back up. I subscribed to your channel and want to keep up with you.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Martin Poulin says:

    Congratulations & Thanks for all !

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Suffix Media says:

    Congratulations on 1m subs. Thanks for keep sharing valuable content

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Deep sleep music says:

    That lambo joke was epic!!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars நகரும் சராசரி says:

    I am using "dragonfly doji" and "gravestone doji" for going long or short in day trading in day chart

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve B. says:

    The facial expression is priceless! Hahaha! You are such a stitch – so funny! Thanks for all you do!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jose M Gonzalez says:

    Congratulations! On the 1 mill and counting… that’s great !

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Erwin Lado says:

    Congratulations idol…. Your the best!!! Shout from philippines and Mississauga

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars olalekan oyadiran says:


  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JB40 says:

    I signed up for the watchlist a while ago. How do I get your Trading Journal?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars naethra venkat says:

    Please interview Orane , the oracle 😉

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars duvanxo 303 says:

    She is difficult…but not impossible <3

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TeachMeJapanese says:

    hi humbled trader! Congratulations on one million subscribers!!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ash4abundance says:

    My favourite video was the one on how you find profitable trades. I’ve started watching for gappers now as I continue to learn.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ash4abundance says:

    Congrats on 1 million! I love how you provide your information… and your jokes always make me laugh! 😅

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Cullen says:

    Haha i can't share on the platforms you mentioned….. need to have those platforms first😂. If your doing an event in Vancouver this summer i assume it is with Brandon and Canadian in a tee shirt? Since i can't share guess I can't enter the contest…. so have fun in the sun out there. I will be watching from Alberta

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hope4Today9 Now says:

    I think if I was younger high school//collage it would be easy to focus on paper trading & it would be fun.
    However, being older paper trading doesn't keep my attention… if something real world happens, not even major (say my daughter calls) I'm not going to say "Hey, I'm busy can I call you back later?" When I'm paper trading. Seriously, if I get a phone call or someone comes to the door … I'm going to stop what I'm doing and answer it and there just not going to be that urgency to get back to what I was doing unless I have funds invested.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars zak maroki says:

    Congratulations for 1 Million Subs , i watch u long time and i really learn money things so thank u so much ❤ , for me i want to see a podcast with carmine rosato

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sheena McGuinness says:

    congratulations sweetie

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ray M says:

    Hi Shay, Congratulations. I follow you for 2 years at least now.. Like your amazing video's. Question: is it possible to make a free part in you discord channel so newbees can taste some there first? And maybe to make more course/payment levels then the current only 1..? Thank you and all the best.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sinfuldavy says:

    Is a young 75 year too old to start day trading?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeffery Nguyen says:

    @HumbledTrader my favorite video is honestly the one reviewing your PC specs LOL. All your content is great and helpful!

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ordinary Matt says:

    you rock

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SCX22 says:

    congrats for your 1M !! your ex husband must be jealous hehehe

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arseniy. IT-Channel: Gaming, Programming, Hi-Tech says:

    Thank you!

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars c0987654 says:

    yes why not, u can quit your job and do full time trading….

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arseniy. IT-Channel: Gaming, Programming, Hi-Tech says:

    Russia in general is a stupid country. I immediately built business relations with her, had a capital of more than $ 100,000, and then she threw me, the government of Ukraine spat on me, and all that can offer is to send to death to the front, and nothing more. Ukraine and Russia crippled my parents, my grandparents who helped me with all their might. Russia does not deserve to exist

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Humbled Trader says:

    THANK YOU ALL for your amazing questions! If you have a burning question that I didn't answer OR a specific trader you'd love to see me interviewed on my podcast, Humbled Traders, please drop them down below 👇🏼

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