Why Alex Karp is Selling His Palantir Shares?
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I have a long position in PLTR.
DISCLAIMER: All of Tom's trades, strategies, and news coverage are based on his own opinions alone and are only done for entertainment purposes. If you are watching To'ms videos, please Don't take any of this content as guidance for buying or selling any type of investment or security. Tom Nash is not a financial advisor and anything said on this YouTube channel should not be seen as financial advice. Tom is merely sharing his own personal opinion. Your own results in the stock market or with any type of investment may not be typical and may vary from person to person. Please keep in mind that there are a lot of risks associated with investing in the stock market so do your own research and due diligence before making any investment decisions.

Ladies and gentlemen, i can only say one thing: i'm just kidding we're not gon na anyways what a crazy ride we had yesterday, but first i got ta say good morning to the daily allegedly squad. I've been seeing your comments watching daily. Thank you so much. My name is tom: i'm your friendly former senior financial analyst, currently a full-time youtuber, and in today's video i want to give you a little bit of a deeper dive into some of the issues we did not get to cover yesterday.

So here's the thing you know, i don't want you to click, nothing. I don't want you to smash nothing. I don't want you to buy unsubscribe. Just give me your attention because i'm about to talk about important stuff now i don't hold you hostage.

So here are the topics in advance and i'm going to give you the bottom line as well. So, first of all, i will explain with the numerical example why alex carp is selling the whole insider selling narrative of alex carp. I'm gon na go through an entire numerical example, showing you why he has no choice but to sell shares right now, even though he doesn't want to, and once i do that example with you step by step within 30 seconds, you'll see because i explained it yesterday, But i feel it was very amorphic. It was very intangible, so to speak right, i'm going to give you a numerical example to show you how the mechanics work that actually force him to sail.

It's quite easy to see when you put in numbers. The other thing i feel we didn't get to cover yesterday is the quality of the financial results and the business results we're going to go through the presentation and i'm going to show you everything they've done this quarter, which is nothing short of phenomenal. Now, in my video yesterday, i said they hit expectations because, frankly, expectations were very high, but that doesn't mean that what they did was not remarkable. If you look at their numbers deeply like we're going to do in this video by the way, i'm not sure deeply is an actual word, but as a russian, i get to get away with that.

If you go deep dive into the numbers, you're going to see that they're on the phenomenal path and that i think, was the contributing factor to the massive upswing we had yesterday, because a lot of these retail investors basically said. Oh damn, the stock is actually performing. Well, wow look at these numbers, so i think that we deserve a deeper dive into the actual numbers. The growth numbers, the financials, so if you're into planet here - and you want a little bit of a deeper dive - that's probably a better video for you today.

Instead of just the actual numbers, we all kind of know in here, more analytical and here's another piece of news which is kind of interesting. While i was buying the dip and come to think of it, i should have used kathy wood in my thumbnail. She was actually buying the dip as well. I bought about 10 percent, more of valentine to increase my holding.

I mean i love that company. She loves it even more yesterday between rk and rw. She bought 2.8 million shares just yesterday, so i was buying my little 10. She was going all in mother lover.
I mean that was crazy, nothing more. To say about that. I mean we know she loves the company. It seems like it's becoming slowly.

One of her high conviction stocks. She said that once things go a little bit wide and the tech sector will call off she'll be consolidating. It seems that she's, basically consolidating into tesla patentee and a few other companies, which is quite interesting but doesn't really justify a whole video uh, let alone the whole thumbnail about that. So we're gon na keep it professional, no clickbait kathy today so check this out.

So, first of all, the numerical example of why alex carp absolutely has to sell his stock check this out. So whenever you have a professional, ceo or somebody, you want to retain the company, it's very customary, to give them a package, not that kind of package get your head out of the gutter package of options. Essentially every quarter, you have a certain amount. That's awarded to you and, as the price of the stock of the company keeps going up, that option is actually worth more now, as the stock keeps going up.

The original price at which he got the options. Let's say 100 price per share is now differentiated versus the market price. Let's say 200 per share, so he has that benefit built in and at this point you might say well that's a benefit. He has a built-in discount to buy shares at less than the market price phenomenal.

Well, not exactly because every esop grant is up meaning employing stock options. Essentially, you have an expiration date. They come with strings attached. You got ta exercise by a certain date.

Otherwise, these options will expire. That's very normal. However, when you get to the expiration date, you have a decision to make, because you have to pay a hundred dollars to exercise that, based on our example right but wait, there's more. You got ta pay tax.

Now, when you have a 200 price per share and the actual exercise price is a hundred, you already have a hundred dollars built in as taxable income. Essentially, that is capital gains, and if the long-term capital gains rate in the u.s is 20, which it is, then you have another 20 to pay and here's the case. You just spent a hundred dollars per share, including the 20 for tax and another 100 to exercise these options, since you don't have a choice since they're about to expire, but you got zero dollars coming in so no money to actually pay for this. So you got ta sell shares just to pay for these option grants and that's unfortunately, for the palantir shorts and the haters.

That's the sole reason alex carr has been selling shares. However, if you take a look at the sales numbers he's still holding about 80 to 90 percent of the shares, he didn't really sell off, neither did peter thiel, i mean that's just nonsense. So in general the whole narrative of insider selling is now completely debunked. After the q1 call and absolutely love that now, let's go over the presentation because there's a lot to cover there.
But the first thing i want to show you here, which is quite interesting - is the adjusted operating income. The company had adjusted operating income of 116 million in q1 2021 and if you compare that to the number they had in the entire 2020 year, they already reached 61 of the entire net income of last year in a single quarter. Now these numbers, when you give them that context, mean a lot because 116 is just a number right, but when you did 190 through the entire year last year you ready 116 and one quarter. That means a lot and again in these videos.

I don't want to just read off the page. I want to give you extra context, so you actually get the full picture, not just these numbers so check this out now. First of all, this number in itself is quite impressive: 44 adjusted free cash flow margin. That is wild.

However, that's even more interesting look at the path they went through, so they lost 300 million in cash flow in q1 2020. However, they made 151 this quarter. That means they've shifted from losing 300 million in cash burn rate right from the first quarter of last year. They went from losing cash losing burning, whatever you want to call it 300 million per quarter last year in q1, 2020 to making 150 per quarter positive.

As far as cash flow that happened in a single year and honestly, i can think of a lot of companies that can make this happen going from negative 300 to positive 151 quarter over quarter year, a year that is tesla level numbers or tesla level improvement. Whatever you want to call it not saying that this is tesla, i'm saying this is hell impressive. Now this number everybody expected their revenues, grew by 50 versus q1 2020. Now, because it was kind of anticipated, people tend to overlook how impressive that is.

You got 50 growth in revenue quarter or quarter year over year, which is nothing to be ashamed of. That number is phenomenal from 230 to 340, not to mention that they actually beat the expectations by about 10 million, but that's a really impressive growth, but wait. There's more now, this slide is impressive on many levels. First of all, most companies won't share this data because it's too complex, but they actually did beyond the fact that this number is insane, so their billings per quarter grew from 104 to 362..

Now, just when you think that billings is some sort of a technical thing, it's not getting people to pay you what they owe. You is not that easy. It takes a lot of work and it actually shows a lot about the quality of customers you're working with. If you're able to increase your billings from 104 to 362 year-over-year quarter or quarter, that means that a you know how to do your job as far as billing number two that your clientele is triple a the only way to get this amount of growth in billing Is by having phenomenal clients and a really good team? That means a lot to me, even though a lot of people will overlook this number now.
This number is not that impressive. To me, i know a lot of people will say: well, that's 81. Year-Over-Year growth in the u.s revenue - that's fine, but you have a lot of concentration here. That means that if you grew 49 globally in 81 percent of the us, that means that the u.s is essentially where you powerhouse is i'd like to see this company go global, and that means that this high number is actually a sign that they're not there.

Yet not saying that they won't be yes, you know me, i'm a huge bull, but i'm saying 81, when the entire growth is 49. That means you have a lot of work to do internationally and that's fine. I think they're definitely on the path, but i'm not going to be sitting here and you know just licking their bum, because i, like the company, i'm going to be pointing out the things that i don't like and 81 given that 49 is the entire global row That means that this number is way too high for my taste. It definitely needs to be spread around more evenly.

Now this slide as impressive as it is. It's nothing to write home about, because a we anticipated that and b. We know that they're very strong with governments we're looking at the commercial side. This thing not surprising, they're, probably going to do the same percentage next year and next quarter, they're very good with governments, especially with the us government.

So that part we got it covered. That's the basis we want to see the growth in the commercial actually hit these numbers to 76 to 80. That's still not there. Yet.

This is actually also very interesting. That's the backlog. Essentially, they have 5.4 billion in total remaining deal value. That means that's cash flow.

They're going to collect on the next few years on project they still haven't collected on. That means a lot as far as their growth. Imagine having a business that actually gives you 5.4 billion of bill flow when your entire revenue for q1 was 340 million. Imagine how massive their future is.

This is insane now. This is where i want to see more improvement: total commercial growth 20, which is very nice, but nothing, i would say, wow, that's amazing. We want to see higher growth here. This is the commercial customers.

So 19 - that's very nice, but look at this 72 percent came from u.s commercial customers. We got to see more global, we got to see more commercial and we got to see a better spread, not just 150 customers. We got to see this thing, go scalable! That's the main stepping stone these guys have to go through. So for me, that number is nice, but nothing outrageous.
This thing, even though it looks great, i think it's a sign of weakness, because it essentially says that the top 20 customers are generating 34 more. That means high dependency in your biggest 20 customers, which is something i don't want to see. I definitely want to see revenue per customer go up, but i don't want to see the company become so heavily dependent in the top 20 customers. Because again, that makes it look more like a consultancy and not as a scalable business, which i'm sure it's not i'm sure it's a scalable business, but these numbers are definitely something they need to work on now.

This is wow. Now, if you want to talk about wow moments, this is it 83 adjusted gross margin, contribution margin equally as impressive with 60. By the way contribution margin is essentially also when you take out the variables. So all the variable costs come down still 60 margin.

Wow. That's very impressive, so there you have it, ladies and gentlemen, nothing fanboyish! I told you the good. I told you the bad way they need to improve where they were really impressive and, in general my total impression, based on that, as always a huge thanks for our channel members and our patrons. Thank you so much.

I really appreciate your support. We'll see you guys in the next video.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

31 thoughts on “Why alex karp is selling his palantir shares?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roland Colavizza says:

    I don't get all they hype on this stock . they saying 1 trillion dollar company??? common . like they selling something that everyone wants to by? who wants their services? its not like every joe on the street is gonna by data mining software so they can analyze their neighbors net worth or something. . most people don't even know what business this is? ill hold off until I actually see them break even.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bart Simpson says:

    Why would any insider have to pay money upfront when all of the granted options are priced at ZERO???? Insiders are raping this company.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Drew says:

    That’s a cope. His options were to purchase the shares for 0 so he got them for free. He’s rich af so taxes don’t matter. If he really believed in the company so much, why did he dump them at the top over and over again.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dougb says:

    You make feel so good about my 2500 shares @23.70acp. Then the shock plunges another $4…

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dougb says:

    Savoir Faire is Everywhere… No one is forced to sell, Alex is just being Douchebag to spite investors.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Asher Tan says:

    NGL im long PLTR but I'm a bit spooked. Although it sounds good 44% FCF margin. But it is mainly derived from adding back 'stock-based compensation' worth 193,731 (ik it's a non-cash item, but it is the wages of its employees and should be counted as a company expense). Also, they added but in 'Proceeds from the exercise of common stock options' worth 208,860 which is derived from their own employees exercising their options (their own money). To me how can you exclude that compensation as an expense and yet include the exercise of options (although it is completely acceptable). These 2 factors are the main reasons for PLTR positive FCF. Investors just seeing 44% FCF margin are being a little misled. Surprised no one is mentioning this. Am I missing smth out here? Furthermore, 4billion in revenue in 2025 is not a lot to justify high prices in the future.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chandrahas M says:

    Hey Tom, why are spacs being traded below the face value of 10$ Ex: Bwtn , RTP ?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anh Bui says:

    3000 shares at 12.15 lucky me, my friend told me to bought didnt even do any dd because i trust him but i shouldnt have got lucky no skill ty humble blessed peace out see yall in a few years

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter says:

    Bought shares today. I'm also trying to buy at least 1 2023 call per month.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott Hoch says:

    I run a data department and one other thing to keep in mind is that migrating data onto these types of platforms is a lot of work. It takes a long time but usually ends in a very strong vendor lock-in. Expect a minimum 3-6 month delay between pilot kickoffs and vendor selection.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marco Nierop says:

    Ok, I dipped my toes in PLTR yesterday, bought my first batch of PLTR shares!

    I start to understand the company a little better now, thanks to you Tom!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars j says:

    What do you think of the illiquid challenge ARK is facing? And how will it affect Palatir?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John B says:

    There is something called a "same day sale" for options… so technically you don't really need to "BUY" the stock, you can just unload it taking the difference between the current price and your strike price… so your argument of him selling stocks to exercise the options does not really hold water. Second point, taxes, obviously he will get the short term cap gain and probably within the max tax bracket considering the amount of stocks he's cashing in… that said, he should still have enough liquidity to cover for the taxes since he spent ZERO dollars assuming he exercised the options with a same day sale… Not saying your a PLTR pumper (maybe you are, maybe you're not… I don't know) but just pointing out the flaw in your argument on the probable reason why Alex Karp is "forced" to sell stocks. Peace!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars atimtg says:

    "Let's climb aboard a sinking ship" Not this time Cathie, No mas for me. I've got to much in PLTR already and am paying a steep price. No Thank You on PLTR!!!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter Shull says:

    Q1 revenues up 49%. Operating margins up 39%. $151M free cash flow vs mkt consensus of a $28M loss. Also free cash flow, year over year, that is a $441M increase in free cash flow.

    The SBC is not a “true liability” take that away and your eyes pop out of your head!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Francois R Bosse says:

    PLTR is a very long play. It's an extremely well-managed company but the stock is still far from selling at a discount. It's all "impressive" but at what price? Why get in if not at a discount? What would be its P/E if it decided to stop investing in growth? My price is 7$. I'll even go all-in at that price. I'll start buying at 10$.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Abhishek Pandya says:

    Excellent video. Tom is my daily dose of financial analysis. Keep up the excellent work.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steven Hajdu says:

    I think it's important to note that as much as you love PLTR, the market sucks right now and I think you should mention that in your videos. The fundamentals of the company are there and I agree it's worth the investment, but timing an investment is also important and now's not the best time. I've lost more than 5,000 bucks since I open my position in February. Hearing how Cathy Wood just bought another billion shares, isn't really helping.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin van den Oetelaar says:

    PLTR is a no-brainer stock. Let it drop. Let it drop more. I know where I put my cash in the comming months

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CaptPicard81 says:

    Deeply is for sure a word, don't second guess yourself. Not about the English language and not about PLTR

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jks1311 says:

    This guy gets it "I dont want you to smash nothing" after I immediately smashed the like. button

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aaron Gilbert says:

    Tom, you're the best. High quality insight, REAL news and analysis, great respect for your followers time and intelligence. On point my friend! Can you share with us your top five HIGHEST conviction stocks for next 5-10 years? Rock on Comrade!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JC H. says:

    Love the thumbnail, no soy face, no shocked clickbait face, just a genuine smile from a guy we like listening to

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AvocadoAtrocity says:

    PLTR is a serious long term play. I mean like $10 raise per year for the next 5 years…

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Torcato says:

    I think Patantir would be a great acquisition target for a company like MSFT or Salesforce.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Danny Kim says:

    Cathie has a bad reputation these days. Putting her name on stocks are starting to have a reverse effect. I like cathie but america turned their back on her.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bryggman GamingTV says:

    Tbh i love palantir but all these youtubes hyping the stock is bad imo.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lotfi Toronto Realtor says:

    Bought 1000 share at 33$ I’m gonna be holding the bag for long time 😂😂

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars H. Ar. says:

    PLTR is good and also cybersecurity. You got any clue on what great cybersecurity company there is??

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Nils Sjöberg says:

    Those numbers are real stronk but the fact that their valuation is in line with Tesla and Square makes me wanna w8 even more in this market. Think alot of theese plays have 20-50% more 2 fall

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yair Levinson says:

    Tom, what do think about selling T-shirts saying: "ALLLOT"? 😀 I'll be proud to be your first customer.

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