A follow up to a series of videos I did reviewing UK mobile bank accounts. While doing all of those reviews I managed to accrue a load of different cards as I was testing out each single bank account.
Now it's time to close the ones I don't need so I wanted to discuss which bank account I will leave open and why I am closing the others.
I also cover how the chosen bank account fares against First Direct and other high street bank accounts and why I am making the switch over permanently to just using the best challenger bank account instead.
○ Monzo Premium Review - https://youtu.be/ST9XXEBn2iA
○ Monzo vs Starling - https://youtu.be/0bLmBpg4BTU
○ Is Monzo in trouble? - https://youtu.be/MwEpgr34d70
○ Starling Review - https://youtu.be/Yfg7oQZA-ew
○ Best UK Mobile Bank Account - https://youtu.be/8m60CFWCEdo
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What's up you guys, saturday, here now, a few weeks ago, i released a bunch of videos where i reviewed all the different challenger banks that are available in uk. I went and opened an account with each single one here, uh some of them i actually opened accounts with others that didn't make it into those reviews. I actually have one more coming up. That's going to come out.

I think next week at some point, but anyway i went and tested literally all the different bank accounts that are available. That's kind of the aim of this channel to try to show people the good things and the bad things about all these different accounts. But the time has come, i need to go and close all these different accounts, because i don't actually want to have a huge number of different accounts against my name. I don't want to manage all these different accounts.

I don't want to have the risk of having these accounts and statements and everything else anyway. I just don't really need them, so i decided that i need to go and actually just consolidate and go and pick the one that i want to go with. I had obviously traditional bank accounts with several banks as well, and i'm gon na just cover that briefly. But out of all of these i decided i'm gon na go and just pick one so which one am i gon na pick what i'm gon na do with the rest, i'm gon na tell you exactly what i'm going to do and why i'm going to do It in this video - let's roll now to start with, just be so that you don't have to wait until the end of the video.

I'm not going to do anything like that. I am going to keep one and the one i'm going to keep is styling. That's probably not surprising to you if you saw some of my reviews, starling scored the best out of all the different accounts when i went and ranked them according to the different criteria. And since then, things have actually moved even more in starling's favor, which i'm going to cover when i go through these ones the time.

So that's the one i'm going to keep i'm actually going to go and close all the rest of them because i actually feel like. I don't need the functionality and i don't need any of the other accounts. I'm going to go through them one at a time and talk exactly why i'm going to be closing each one. So i can't get all the cards out because some of them have the numbers printed on them, but anyway, let's start with the first one.

The first one is bunk. Now this is the one that you probably haven't really heard about. It is available in the uk. It isn't really a uk challenger bank.

It works under a european banking license, i'm not going to go into the depths of that and it kind of works in a weird way where you're really dealing in euros. Even though you're based in the uk there's lots of fees attached, the functionality is really poor. The way the app works is really poor. There's huge amounts of costs involved if you're just wanting to do really basic transactional things.

There really isn't much to say about this: that's good, i'm not a big fan of the way they're doing their marketing and, as a result, i just think because they genuinely haven't made any effort whatsoever to try to make a genuine uk bank account, despite operating in The uk, having a uk english website and trying to actually attract uk customers - i just don't see unless you are a uk person who is living in europe or some other type of thing like that. I don't see why you would ever pick one of these accounts. So this one is getting closed. Um.
I will not have that account by the end of today. The next one that i want to talk about is monies. Now monies is a weird one, it isn't a bank account and i actually thought before i started that i would like this one quite a lot. They have a whole lot of marketing and pr about the tech behind it.

They certainly get into a lot of publications into a lot of media and i had really high expectations for it. I like the way that they've, structured their pricing and the cards look really nice and simple and clean. I'm kind of like a fan of that. I just never really got to grips with the account.

I don't really understand how they design some of the features. It looks like and feels like to me from using this app and trying to go back into it and trying to try out some of the features. It looks to me like the classic example of people who are developers or people who are sort of really into the product working within the business, designing how the thing works without thinking, how would somebody who isn't us who isn't working on this every single day, who's? Just a regular user who hasn't seen this thing before, how would they understand the way it should work? How would they go and actually use it? You know from start from first registering you can stuff like that and, as a result, there's a lot of stuff in this account where there's just highly unintuitive things in the app. I didn't like the way the app phone worked.

I didn't like the way the existing app worked and everything just feels just that bit clunky. It's just like not very well thought out again um, there's, there's not much in the monies account that i can't get anywhere else. In fact, there isn't really anything. The one thing that i will note is, i personally have had no negative experience other than just like user experience stuff with monies, but i have had several people, i think, probably somewhere like five to ten people in comments on videos to do with this review and Other bank reviews telling me that they've had their accounts blocked by monies and monies is not answering any queries and they are out of pocket and they don't know what to do.

Unfortunately, there's not much that i can help with on that front and the people need to deal with the company and then deal with the ombudsman or the fca or or take it to a court if they need to. I don't not privy to those circumstances, but the fact that there wasn't one or two in fact there were several - is kind of questionable. Now it could be that there's some kind of campaign trying to say something negative about monies. I don't know i don't know exactly why this is happening, but i saw a few different comments on my videos from people who have had issues and that's not a good sign, because i didn't have any of these about the other accounts.
Next, let's talk about revolut revolut is an incredibly popular account. Lots of young people really like it and my problem with revolut is, i don't think revolut themselves really know what it is, that they're trying to do they're trying to do a little bit of everything. There's a little bit of a current account functionality, but not everything. It's not a real current account, there's a little bit of trading, but it doesn't quite do everything that you would want from a trading platform.

You can't trade, everything and there's fees involved if you're wanting to trade more and it's not quite as easy or transparent, as probably you would have liked, or you would expect, if you're using actual trading apps there's all these other things there's a money exchange. They kind of started as a money exchange card and using for free abroad, and a lot of people continue using that because that's probably their strongest feature they're sort of spending money abroad and sending money abroad and doing all of that stuff. But my kind of concern is for each of those features. I have an app which actually does better than revenue so for trading shares.

I can use trading two on two. I can use etoro, i can use free trade and all of those are better. They offer you far more features, they're better priced. They offer you interesting things that the revolution doesn't do same for sending money abroad.

I actually have better value better priced alternatives in the market that are specialized in sending money abroad. If i want a current account with all the features of the current account again, there are better options. The two that are remaining over here - styling, your monster - are definitely in there. So the thing i don't like is they dabble in so many different things and some people might prefer it.

Some people might prefer to have one account, which does everything so that you don't have to have different apps and move money around and do all that. But i personally kind of like, if i'm doing something for that something to be the best possible option. So that's why i am closing the revenue to count down um, i'm hoping that maybe they'll develop into something a bit more intriguing and we'll get to there. But the they seem to be going down the direction of trying to charge money for perks, which i don't really consider as perks like having a metal card or having some kind of pointless discounts that i don't ever want to use and will never use.
So i don't it's not it's not really for people like me. I guess it's for some other audience. So that's why the revolut card is going as well now. The final decision was between monzo and starling, and that's probably the choice that most people are gon na.

Have if you're interested in a specific detailed guide as to what the key differences between those two are? What are the pros and cons of each one? I'm gon na put a link to the video up here. I'm gon na put a link to the video in description below, go and check it out. There's a separate video where i specifically compare these two and i provide all the details about where one might be better when the other might be better there's. Actually, you know a balance.

Some people probably would do far better with monzo and other people would probably prefer styling and go and watch that if you're interested, but in really really kind of basic terms. I am a much bigger fan of the way that styling is approaching. Building their bank account, because what i see them doing is they're addressing the real bottlenecks and the real issues that their customers are having and the things that their customers are asking for. So you will know that uh monzo are also releasing a bunch of new features, a bunch of new tools, they've released new products, they've released the monzo plus recently they released the monzo premium.

Just a few days ago, again, i've got a separate video where i covered that i'm going to put it at that description below as well, but the problem i see with those products is, i don't think, they're really addressing the actual issues and questions that their customers Have i don't believe that monza customers top priority is having a metal card? I don't believe that monzo customer's top priority is having an account where you have to pay in order to be able to deposit money into the bank. Account there's a bunch of other issues where i just think for a regular person using bank and regular way. There are fundamental things where monzo just loses out in such a big way and they're, not addressing those issues at all. If they're going to be spending 50 pounds per card to go and print these metal cards and try to sell them to people, if people like it, hey fair game uh, maybe maybe there are segments of the population who this really will work for, but the thing I like about starting, is they're addressing real issues.

You can deposit money for free really really easily in fact more easily than with any other bank account in the uk, because you can do that at the post office. That is a major win and that, as is actually useful for a lot of people, if you ever come to having cash, you can deposit a cheque for free very easily. You can do that on both when i tried the process, the starting process seemed to be faster. You can go and withdraw money again with styling.
The withdrawals are much better and styling is much better for using the card abroad in terms of the limits and the cost of doing so. For all these kind of everyday things, styling just seems to be winning all the time. They've recently released a bunch of extra features. You can now have accounts for your children.

You can do uh second and third accounts. If you want for a really small fee, which is really nice, because you can't open loads of multiple accounts with monzo for a feel without a fee um at the moment and most recently, they went and released another feature that a lot of their customers have been Asking for, in fact, a lot of monsters, customers have also been asking for it, which is a desktop access to their current account. Monzo, don't have it. You have to use the app and in situations where say you're transferring large amounts of money, and you want to be sure that you got the account and the account number right.

It is far far easier to be certain of that on a desktop than you know. Pasting with your finger and typing stuff on a mobile phone there's just no contest some people like to manage their finances on a desktop. They have apps or other websites linked to it. They just like going through their accounts and seeing all the transactions, and that is definitely far better done if you like doing it on a desktop, is far better than desktop.

So i'm pleased with the fact that stalin just seemed to be continuing to go and look down the list of issues that the customers have actual questions, that their customers are asking and just solving them actually addressing real problems. They don't have pointless gimmicks uh that some other banks, including monzo, are releasing they're not trying to sell you a premium account where the features within the premium account aren't really that premium. I actually don't have anything against premium accounts. I've previously had american express cards where i paid fees.

I've previously had other premium accounts. I don't have anything as a premium account if that premium account generally gives a lot more value than the sort of physical amount of money you have to hand over for that value. The problem i see with people who offer these premium accounts today is there isn't any value in them whatsoever unless, with this latest premium account, you really want that particular travel insurance and you want the mobile phone insurance and you want both of them. There is no value in there so, for example, if it's just for mobile phone insurance, it is well overpriced, even if it's just for the travel insurance, it's still overpriced and you can go and get it directly somewhere else sure for some people for some unique people Who want both of the main features on the premium account and some of the other small perks it will work, but that seems to be like a very specific sub-segment, especially in a situation where nobody can actually travel.
So the value of the travel insurance is pretty restrained. The last thing i wanted to cover is the traditional high street bank accounts. I have a few and some people noticed when i was doing the review when i was sending money to some of these accounts. I was doing it from my first direct account, and that is the account that i've been using the most out of the various high street banks, because i, like the one feature that i really care about, which is you can actually call them up and speak to A human being within a few seconds, rather than something more like an hour, which is the case with pretty much every other bank out there.

So i don't really care about whether they pay not point naught nothing percent or not point two times. Nothing percent, which is this seems to be the difference between the various different current accounts. There's no real perks to talk off on current accounts these days. So i actually think that customer service is pretty much the only big differentiator.

That's why i have and have been using first direct, but after some of the recent improvements of styling bank, i'm kind of beginning to see that there really isn't any genuine benefit to having a first direct account over having a starting account. It used to be the fact that you had branches, but now everything that starling does is basically replacing branches with equivalent very simple things. It's actually easier to go and post a check in the post and have it credited very quickly to your account then have to go and queue up at the branch and do it there. There's no issues that i can see where i would actually need to have access to those hivc branches, so that account i'm going to be closing down as well and i'm actually going to go and begin using starling, as my main account, because of well everything.

I've. Just said, i actually think it is fast becoming by far the best account in the uk, including all the old school banks, including challenger banks. I just think these guys are doing something really really right and i want to continue using it. For that reason, i want to see what else they're going to be coming out with just before somebody goes and makes a comment below.

I have no commercial affiliation with stalin bank whatsoever. I am not paid by them. I do not work for them. I do not consult them.

I i haven't spoken to them since i started this youtube channel, so i am doing this purely just based on my personal opinion, my personal reviews that are unbiased with every single other bank, not a single one of these. I actually have been paid for or had any commercial dealings with, i just went and applied and got them. So that's just my personal view. If you have a view on this, make sure you go and leave a comment below if you're interested in more reviews of personal finance products, i've got one more bank account review coming up next week, probably one that you might not have heard of.
But it's really interesting so make sure you go and subscribe to this channel and hit the bell. So you get notifications when that video comes out. Otherwise you might not see it and you miss it. If you like this video, please go and smash that, like button for youtube algorithm, i really really appreciate it.

It would help my channel grow and reach more people so that i can do more of this kind of content about personal finance products, about making more of the money that you have. Thank you so much for watching. I really really appreciate it. If you got this far, thank you so much i'll see you guys later.


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34 thoughts on “Which uk bank account to keep – choosing the best and closing the rest”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alan Hill says:

    Starling personal account only lets you lodge a max of £5.000 cash per year into your account, take this into account if you're thinking of using their personal account.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hadrian Diem says:

    Thanks for the video Sasha! Awesome as always.

    When I first moved to London, I was pretty much into Banks accounts; I was literally collecting debit cards during my first year because of the wide variety within the UK's financial sector. I used Revolut, Monzo, Starling, HSBC as my only traditional bank account. In my second year, I found out about the Credit Score, whereas I have to say few negative aspects of these fintech banks. In terms of reporting to all the credit reference agencies, Revolut has never reported anything about me even tho I was a customer for 1 year+ (but I understand, they are not a bank); Monzo only reports to two agencies (Transunion, Experian), Starling also to two agencies (Transunion & Equifax), and HSBC to all of them. If you want a complete bank experience still, traditional banks are a good option for recording all your financial history.

    Starling doesn't offer a full bank experience, in my opinion. However, it has become my main bank account. It needs a lot of work, that's why it has three cons, their spending report and budgeting system it needs to improve a lot, for me to financially organize properly I still need to use third-party apps for budgeting and spending reports and on the other hand, it is time to officially release a credit card of their own, offering only debit cards not only highlights the fact that fintech banks are way behind high street banks and even make them look like a "joke" when comparing, a "toy" used by the youth…and the last one, FOR THE GOD SAKE how difficult is to report to all three credit reference agencies! (maybe this could be a good subject to talk about on a video? "Why some banks/ financial institutions don't report your account to all agencies, and how much it cost them to report your files")

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Raven says:

    I work for a cruise line and I have to be in multiple countries throughout the week. The travel insurance and phone insurance plus not being charged for payments seems like a winner to me. I think I’m definitely one of the niche users though. I don’t spend £600 a month off the ship because everything is provided onboard for me. Not overly bothered about the metal card though…

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Black - Aveda Artist says:

    Basically, the Monzo vs. Starling, this video and the “Monzo trouble video” I just opened and Starling lol.
    I just love the pots features from monzo too much. I will still stay with Monzo from now and have Starling aside. If monzo crashes the wall then Full Starling here I come!
    I also love other videos on your channel, so good! Learning a lot! Glad to see you connect with your audience in the comments etc, keep doing so as is really good! One day you will get 1000 of comments and hard to catch up but for now you’re doing great. Good luck and thanks again xx

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Ireland says:

    One really useful feature with Revolut which makes it worth taking out an account (and why I did). You can generate a single use debit card, so if you are buying something online and you have some suspicions about the site you are entering your card details into.. you can generate a new debit card number, use it once and then after the transaction, the card doesn't work anymore. Scammers cannot then keep your details or sell them on (well, they can but they won't work)

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Niall Wood says:

    Couldnt agree more, in 2020 my only account was TSB under 19s account. Now if anyone here has used TSB, they will know how god-awful it is. That being said, TSB worked for me as I could go up to the high street and pay my wages in once a month and not have to worry about it then. As we're all aware, mid 2020, we went into lockdown, which for me resulted in me working quadruple the hours I normally worked in my job at the Post Office, meaning that I suddenly had a lot more money than before. With my local TSB branch closed and then it announcing it was to remain closed, made me look for another banking alternative.

    The only 'challenger' bank I was aware of was Monzo, and this was only due to my friend having an account with them, so I went to look at opening an account with them, but the main priority of mine was to be able to deposit money at the Post Office. Monzo doesn't do this, so it instantly put me off, I remember then seeing an youtube video about Starling vs Monzo, I did some research and found that Starling allows for cash deposits at the Post Office, so it made absolute sense for me to open an account with them. In July 2020, I moved all my banking over to Starling, but I still have my TSB account, to act as a secondary account should I ever need it. I also opened an Monzo account because I wanted to see what it was like, but I found Starling to be much better designed and worked much better for me, which is why my Monzo account has only 3pence in there and will likely remain at that balance.

    If anyone took the time to read my sad little story, thank you and have an excellent day!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luke Unknown says:

    So no one likes the idea that you can run into your high street bank on your high street and speak face to face with staff about your money's problems. You're young now, but when you get to that age when the screen isn't working for you and you need to understand things differently from how you do with the trends of the times, then you might say you was young and 🤓👨‍💻👴

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Débora Capeleti says:

    Very Nice videos, super helpful, thank you! NOw, only a question: Can I construct and grow my scores with a online bank like Monzo or Starlling?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars exwhyz33 says:

    does any UK bank allow snapping a cheque and emailing to the bank. was in USA 12 yrs ago and they could do it then,

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Xtre4mKiLLer says:

    Always best to have most of your money in a bank that has a physical building… more often than not, the bots are bad and the customer service are normal people and not people trained in finance or any banking skills, annoying to talk to

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars VIP SOLUTION says:

    Monese just stole my money, i have spent hours on
    the phone with them. wasted a lot of time waiting to talk with someone and they
    always said that I will going to receive an email, for the account to be
    unblocked and I never did. I was using my account for months and as soon as an amount £
    2000 got into my account they blocked. I do advise if you know someone that is
    about to open an account advise them not too or if you have an account close it
    to avoid headache. a lot of people just give it up and most of them do not know
    what to do, especially most of their client is foreigner and do not speak
    English and they know and use that to steal people. I do not think is a problem with their customer service, they
    are just been using the law to steal people money. when you look at their website,
    I do not think they have all the amount of client that they claim. I was about to give it up to, but even if I have to wait more time with solicitor,
    they will going to give my money back. is very frustrating as they do not tell
    you the reason why the account was blocked or closed. close your account if you do not have time to waste

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars VIP SOLUTION says:

    is sad to see this company taking advantage of hard working people because they dont speak english. Is not only me trying to make Monese clients i can give you few people details and you can contact them direct to get not only information but proof what t people is facing.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mauro leandro Cardoso says:

    Hi Mate, thank you so much for the videos and I have opened my Staling account because of your great advice. You are doing a great job in your YouTube channel, thanks 🤩

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MY VIDEOS says:


  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ricola's Mint says:

    What about TransferWise? There is an option to get a debit card, and also put it in different currencies. What is your opinion about TransferWise? Thanks.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lakshmi Maha says:

    Please help, if my priority is to get good rate of interest on my savings which is best Monzo or sterling? Right now I save in HSBC and get nothing

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Raymond Chidothe says:

    Starling overdraft is a bit puzzling. Have they offered you one yet? How do you improve your chances of getting it?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew James says:

    Great video mate, I've opened up a Monzo and Starling account and comparing them toy nationwide account online banking app it's like night and day.

    I use the Monzo/starling card in any shop and near enough instantly it registers on my account and get a notification.

    Compare that to my nationwide account which I'm still waiting for it to register the cost of the coffee I bought in McDonald's 24 hours ago 🤦‍♂️

    Transfering money is so easy with Monzo/starling is so easy where as I need a bloody card reader aswell as my bank card same as paying online for anything which is ridiculous…

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ams Dia says:

    Monzo closed my account for no reason. I wanted starling which i should have gotten before but i cant get on now. I have no bank account:( and i certainly have not done fraud! Reported it to the fos anyways

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel says:

    Interesting. I prefer the appeal of a bank like Starling but is it literally on par with the high-street banks?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marco Polo Mint says:

    Never put all your eggs in one basket.

    Technical issues, double cash withdrawals, stolen card or hacked account. It’s always best to have a second bank account or to split your bank accounts for different purposes.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Clive Yeomans says:

    Great videos… did you bite the bullet and actually close all other accounts in the end?
    Would be good to see how you’re getting on in a week or so.
    This made me sign up for Starling… looking at it I think I’d have problems tracking what I actually have as a spendable balance, plus it’s off there is no running balance.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Greg Romford says:


  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thomas Murphy says:

    I've been using starling bank for about 4 months now and I'm very happy with it easy to use and if I have any questions they usually get back to me very quickly I also like the spaces feature in there where you can easily move money for savings and round ups when spending can go straight in there

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Julian Atlas says:

    You said starling could replace a traditional bank, but starling is not a credit card, right? Wouldn't that impact you negatively on credit score if you don't have a credit card? Thanks I like your channel very much

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cubic Matter says:

    You didn't include any giant banks like Barclays, Lloyds, HSBC, NatWest etc. Do you think those bank accounts are outdated or maybe they can give us some good perks like if we want to take a mortgage in the future? Any tips? ^_^
    I have Barclays Personal Account for the last 4 years and I wonder if I should change to Sterling now hmm. wondering ^_^

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars spellerwix says:

    As informative as always. You mentioned you have FD as your main current account. But your so impressed by starling, than your going to switch to it, and close your FD account. If you have your salary, and DD like mortgage payments conning out. How easy is it to switch, and not be a hassle? I was contemplating switching from FD to MONZO but I haven't yet seen a good enough reason to move…

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars garethfachgau says:

    Thanks for the review, I’m also going to close monzo as i cant see how you can make it work without post office access. It is too fiddly with limits on this and that. I would have thought that you would have been trolled by the monzonauts by now, but I suppose they’re still discussing the metal card and how thick it is and how it is such good value !!!

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mvtm89 says:

    Sasha try Vivid, it is not as strong as Starling in the UK but it is my current fave and I have tried all (Less UK ones, as I'm EU) . There are some weakness as you can only top up from a transfer and it takes 1 business day. Transfers are not Instant SEPA as Revolut. I will still keep Revolut for specific purposes such as pulling from my US bank account instant to EU free from Apple Pay as i have a Premium Account in the USA and i have no fees for worldwide withdrawals (it codes as withdrawal), and the better conversion i think of Revolut vs Vivid. Vivid is slightly improving, they just added Apple Pay yesterday.. i hope these guys don't go bankrupt, like not taking off in the market. It has some improvements as generate cards numbers and CVC kinda like Bunq, and the free metal card is nice plus they at least deleted details from the back. I am using right now Citibank US cards, AMEX US, and my EU Debit card choice is the vivid one. Have legacy banks but just like the well crafted vivid card vs my plastic EU debits. Have US credit metal cards so this pairs well in the debit side. PS: I have tried them all from Bunq, Curve, Revolut Business, Revo standard, Transferwise Personal & Biz, etc … everything that's not UK. I am also consolidating. I'm only have 4 cards in my wallet including the Vivid which is the only challenger bank card that i chosen to reserve a spot. I will close Revolut Business and Bunq, others will remain open i just will not use them on a daily basis. Also as a welcome bonus Vivid gave me 80 Euros because of a promotion they had like 2 months ago.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nelson Duarte says:

    Hey Sasha, great channel mate.
    Could you mention what alternatives do you suggest over Revolut, to send money abroad?
    I would guess TransferWise is one of them, but for me the possibility to use the card abroad with a 'decent' rate and low or inexistent fees, is a must.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Ford says:

    Hey Sasha, so something funny you mentioned about Bunq is that it’s ‘only good for British people living in Europe’. That’s ironic because I’m exactly that in the Netherlands. I’m actually moving to the UK soon and realized that Bunq just isn’t a valid option in the UK because as you’ve said they haven’t invested in making it a viable option with the currency etc. However, I’m really stuck between Monzo and Starling. As you’ve said, they offer 90% of the same features and whilst you’ve mentioned the pros Starling has, the Monzo pots feel like a MUST for me personally and I feel that Starlings offering on that front isn’t great. With that in mind, I’m leaning towards Monzo at the moment. I’m interested to hear your thoughts!

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Gibson says:

    Super video. It would be really great to see a video of your experience of using Starling as your main current account a little later on this year. Do you think you think its a good idea to keep an account with a brick and mortor bank, so you'd have access to other products like personal loans which might be at a better rate?

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Buford "Mad Dog" Tannen says:

    Fun fact: outside of the UK, when you transfer money through the banking system, if the beneficiary doesn't match the receiving account number the money is refunded back into your bank account. Also you pay a fee for making such a mistake and this has been working like this for decades. You already know what would happen in the UK… 🤣😂💩💩💩💩

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sabina Londoño says:

    Sasha, do you have a video about sending or receiving money from abroad? I am a new fan of your channel. Love the tone, and feel I can trust your perspective. Thanks!

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