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DISCLAIMER: All of Tom's trades, strategies, and news coverage are based on his own opinions alone and are only done for entertainment purposes. If you are watching To'ms videos, please Don't take any of this content as guidance for buying or selling any type of investment or security. Tom Nash is not a financial advisor and anything said on this YouTube channel should not be seen as financial advice. Tom is merely sharing his own personal opinion. Your own results in the stock market or with any type of investment may not be typical and may vary from person to person. Please keep in mind that there are a lot of risks associated with investing in the stock market so do your own research and due diligence before making any investment decisions.

Oh, this was nasty. My grandpa and i went on a bender yesterday, just woke up so check this out. We have some incredible news coming out that really make pretty much scripted tv look like nonsense. I mean this is way better than anything you can write.

You know they say: reality is always better. So el salvador, which is pretty much the country with the gpt gdp, can i say, gdp gross domestic product which is pretty much equivalent to palantir. And yes, that means volunteer is overvalued, but yet not a huge force in the global economy actually adopted bitcoin as a way of payment, including atms and whatnot. I mean this is incredible and yet bitcoin went down by 10, almost overnight from the 52 53 highs.

Chill all the way down to 46 and a half which is as low as it go all the way since may so we have a massive pullback if you don't know anything about anything and if you complete noob with regards to bitcoin, obviously in bitcoin country, this Is nothing a 10 drop? I mean you remember that scene in fight club when he says well, you don't know where i've been. I mean this is nothing 10 for bitcoin is pretty much like nvidia moving like a half a percent. I mean it's normal. What happened here really is that the whole el salvador story was already priced in into the bitcoin price and then, when it actually happened.

Much like you have that with earnings right, you have a massive sell-off for people taking profits because there's a lot of speculations in the market as well. So it is what it is. I personally feel that 46 is an opportunity to buy, but i've been vocal about bitcoin going way higher, but it is what it is. It's not for everybody.

It's a very volatile ride. I mean bitcoin is like taking a ride with my grandpa when he's drunk driving from the back seat with his feet, blindfolded through a rush hour highway. That's pretty much investing in bitcoin there's a good chance, you're going to get a crazy experience, but most likely it's going to be very scary. Now, moving on to other news, the president of the dallas fed is now being targeted by the wall street journal.

No less. The wall street journal just came out with the article saying that robert kaplan, what a great name for a federal reserve president, i guess robert kaplan - i mean he doesn't sound like a basketball player, but basically robert kaplan. He, who is actually the dallas fed chair, is now being accused by the wall street journal that he made multiple million dollar trades in 2020, while actually being in charge or one of the guys who were in charge of setting the interest rate, which had a massive Impact on his own portfolio, so a kind of conflict of interest - maybe insider trading. So obviously i'm not saying that robert kaplan did or did not do anything here.

I'm not saying that - and this is just my opinion, which might be an accurate, might be wrong - might be the ramblings of a madman. But let me explain why this is a little bit of fun. First of all, it's not unusual for fed members, including fed presidents to actually have their own portfolio in trade. This has been done before multiple times.
The other thing is that, while this is extremely smelly like an old fish or a really nasty fart, it's not illegal, because there's no element of insider trading here, because insider trading can only happen when you have basically access to private information about the company. You're trading. Insider trading does not happen when you have private information about the state of the market, the macroeconomics of it. Unfortunately, it should, i think the legislation should change, and in case you have information about the interest rates which most people don't have.

That should be considered insider trading, but according to the law, as it stands today in any country, knowing things about the market about what the government does is not illegal, it's not insider trading. I mean you didn't really think that the government is going to basically screw itself out of a good crisis. I mean i mean if you're naive and you think that governments really care and they're trying to be fair. I mean come on.

This is the equivalent of a general selling his entire portfolio who's. Texting me in the middle of the video investor 2 with a generic name. This would be the equivalent of a general right before going to worse selling his entire portfolio, because he knows the market is about to take a dump, not cool, quite smelly and yet not completely illegal. So, unfortunately, this is more fun than not, but it doesn't look good for robert kaplan.

However, in his defense i mean he's been very hawkish. I mean he's been talking about. You know, let's stop the let's cut the cord. You know, let's wean these addicts out of the drugs and he's basically been very contrarian to fed's pal, because, based on what we understand right now, his portfolio will take a massive hit, or at least the portfolio he had at the time.

If the interest rates would actually go up, but then again we don't know the status of the current portfolio what he sold. What he keeps all i'm here to say is that that's definitely not cool. Mr robert kaplan, in my opinion, however, there's nothing illegal about it. If anything, it just makes you look like a douchebag, but not really illegal, but again my opinion and it's not the first time there were former presidents who did the same thing, including not only fed presidents.

That's all i got to say about this: much love to every single president existing living or dead. Now, let's move on elizabeth holmes. Remember that name. Elizabeth holmes was the founder of therinos therinos.

So thirdness was a company that promised a wide array of basically medical examinations by just pricking your finger. What the hell stop moving pricking your finger, and then you get all this. I think they called the machine, the edison everybody who's. Everybody was on their board politicians.
I mean this was a huge company. You know she was basically imitating steve jobs with the black turtlenecks and my name is elizabeth olms like the voice and right basically she's on trial, and i mean she's a mom congratulations by the way, so somebody found out that her boyfriend and her or partner - i Don't know what they are legally, but they're, actually staying at a 135 million dollar mansion, while they're prepping for the trial. So i don't think elizabeth holmes is living the tough life of pre-prison, which is, i think, where she's headed um. I do think that it's very interesting that she chose that specific location i mean really in the 135 million dollar mansion i mean you could have been a little more tasteful, i guess hey but hey if you're going to prison for a long long time.

I guess staying at a mansion, even 135 million dollar mansion is not a huge deal. I mean why not better have her fun. I think she's going away for a long ass time, but we'll see so the who the world health organization which took a lot of meetings they're not gon na lie they're, not the smartest kids in the school they're, not the sharpest tool. In the shed.

I mean we know exactly what's going on with the who they screwed up a lot, but it is what it is. I mean this is what we have, and this is what we have to go to war with against the pandemic. I mean we don't have anything better, uh, basically they're coming out now and saying well, the pandemic is never ever going away if you think that the pandemic is going away at some point and it's going to be eradicated wrong, there's going to be like the flu. It's going to be here forever, it's going to mutate, blah blah blah blah.

Now, do i agree with them? Yes, i do. I actually think this is exactly where we headed. However, do i think that this is going to be leading to more block ups and basically us living like this for the rest of our lives? No, i think much like with the flu there's going to be adjustments. I mean eventually we'll adjust to this disease and it's going to be part of our lives.

However, i do think that the whole social distancing working from home e-commerce, these whole trends that were already starting telemedicine before the pandemic are now going to get accelerated. So even zoom would be a good candidate for me. Anything that telemedicine - i just did a video about hymns and hers a lot of stuff like this teledoc there's a lot of companies which i think will benefit from this new existence, which i don't think will go away. I honestly hope that they're wrong and at some point we'll just going to reopen everything and everything is very gucci, no more covet ever ever, but i do think that they might be right.

And unfortunately, that means a whole new system, a whole new economy and those who adjust make more money. Now i do want to say a few words about neo. As you know, i don't invest in neo. I don't invest in chinese companies whatsoever.
However, when i see fudd, it really annoys me even if it's about a chinese company now i'm never going to own neo shares, but neo is under a major flood attack. So there's an article coming out about neo in every outlet, basically saying well: neo is raising two billion dollars more. What the hell blah blah blah blah blah now, first of all them raising more money, actually makes a lot of sense because you have to understand that neo is actually a very capital. Expenditure is intensive company.

That's what i would say, because their business model is very different than the tesla. For example, it's not about charging stations, it's about battery, swapping changes, and i mean the infrastructure that required for bass batteries service. I mean it's massive. The amount of infrastructure investments you have to do with the battery swap system versus the charging system is insane, which is one of my main criticisms about neo, but i mean, if you are headed this way, raising two billion dollars just makes sense.

I mean most of it is definitely going to go to infrastructure, so no issues with them raising money. I don't think it's greed. However, that's not even my main point because i think most people miss the point here. They're not actually deluding anybody.

This is a at the market, offering basically it's just a window to set up a certain amount of shares that will be available for sale out of the entire inventory. The company currently has so nobody's getting diluted. It's going to be sold slowly over time. So there's not going to be any drops in price and pretty much it's going to be sold at market pricing no discount.

So it's a technicality that gets done every day, but somehow, when neo, does it there's a lot of splash and noise? Now i don't like flood, even if it's about chinese companies, so even though i have a lot of criticisms in neo and i'll, never touch that with a poll. However, this, specifically that two billion offering is a complete nonsense. If anything, it helps the company brings in more capital, doesn't really dilute anybody. Why the hell not, and if you stayed this long in this video, i really appreciate it.

It means you're, a real one. Thank you so much. I do ask of one thing: if you actually enjoyed it, don't click, nothing, don't smash, nothing, don't buy nothing, no courses, nothing to sell. There's literally nothing here just enjoy the video.

And if you want to do something for me, you can do either two things number one. You can join our patreon five bucks per month, but you don't have to it's pretty much a donation just to support the channel or, if you can't or don't want to do it. It's fine give somebody you love a kiss today, give them a hug tell them. You love them.
That's all i need from you. Thank you i'll see you tomorrow.

By Stock Chat

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36 thoughts on “What’s going on with bitcoin recently”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Valy says:

    How is Nio shares offering not diluting investors?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars vanekirk says:

    Hey Tom, what should we be doing concerning uranium? ⚠️

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Miriam Strauss says:

    OMG Theranos!! That story was a crazy one! The movie about it is also spectacular.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Miranda Zarina says:

    Wow I enjoyed this video tho, Forex trading has been really difficult for me to understand but my life has been better after Mrs Luna lucia came into my life, she helped me grow my profit and thought me how to trade on my own.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ivan G says:

    You missed a big point: The reason and how liquidity providers/wholesaler brokers and high frequency trading firms pay brokers for flow. The broker is typically a puppet for the liquidity providers/hft firms and those guys have an interest in controlling how supply and demand appears (which leads to manipulating prices). The way they do this is by not sending orders in as they happen (or perhaps also dumping a bunch of shares/options amongst themselves or if you are short it would be the opposite). Of course this is where the “dark pool” also comes in because that is another way they control the appearance of supply and demand – you never hear of retail traders saying they place their trades through the dark pool (that is because it’s used by those hft firms/liquidity providers/wholesale brokers). I think they can also view your screen/ip address/account balance/indicators, and pretty much everything to gain an edge on you (it even says this in the agreement of your broker when you sign up to trade)

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tips4Tesla says:

    it fell to 43k and eth to 3k all within an hourly candle, it was clearly a dump by whales who timed it to the minute but since its blockchain its legal and noone knows who it was

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brettthickhammer says:

    Luv you Tom have a great weekend big hugs!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carlo D'Angelo says:

    The covid 19 virus made a lot of people jobless and heighten prices of goods. The best way to survive in these situation is looking for an alternative. The wise have already found solace and a means of surviving through passive income (Investing). Investing and diversifying income shouldn't be something to contemplate anymore. Grow your money, plan and live frugal (that is buy only what you need) this is the only way to survive and live comfortably during these tough time.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars alistair watson says:

    you're the most truthful YouTube video channel out there get Job. I like what you said to show the FUD on NIO. I understand your views on china stocks and ADR's the beauty of the world is we don't always have to agree, or see things the same way. personally I have a very substancial position in Nio and added to it, at the market open on Thursday.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars William Paxon says:

    Robert Kaplan thinks this video is the rambling of a madman

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blake Johnson says:

    Its unreasonable to expect member of the Fed (who have a natural interest in finance, and a high level of education in finance and economics) to not have their own portfolio.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alen Ramic says:

    Pretty sure it's the derivatives market that crashed bitcoin, or had the most influence.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pan demix says:

    Please please please my comrade, look into HBAR. Not just to run anything up but it looks super interesting. Thanks brother keep up the great great work!!!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Reclining Buddha says:

    “The truth is stranger than fiction,” or “Russia is stranger than the Ukraine.”

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Green eyed bull says:

    Wait till the overvalued stock market collapses. ppl are goin to see some serious volatility the down side .

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Intihar says:

    Hi Tom, on which platform/apps do you invest? What are the top 3 investing platforms/apps in your opinion?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars farai ikeleng says:

    Watch half for the jokes, half for the good tips!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Neto Carvalho says:

    Whats grandpas favorite vodka Toma?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars My WhatsApp+①⑦③②⑨⓪⑧①⑦②⑧ says:

    Thanks for watching
    Send a direct msg right away for more profit

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yoni Luzon says:

    Israeli Chief of IDF sold stock when a war started 🙂

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Max Massetti says:

    Investing whilst being in the Fed is like playing a video game on God Mode. “Oh, market crash, MY PORTFOLIO!… oh no it’s fine, turn on liquidity pump”

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Danny Rogers says:

    Once these corporate investors learn about scalability issues, they realise that btc just aint worth the risk.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ervin Chan says:

    Hi Tom, Palmer Buck is still one of my favorite names.. 🤣

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Noah Baumgartner says:

    Hodl and get a miner at rebuminer and you will be thanking yourself

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wayne Russell says:

    Tom, you ought to consider farming out your Grandpa to Disney. It sounds like he'd be a great operator of a thrill ride.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Primordial Light says:

    Specific details (none public) information about a company your not part of. This is just someone doesn’t like him and his actions and so they are making life difficult for him. Name one person who shapes the law that has an effect businesses in “public” service that doesn’t have stock. Just one…no…didn’t think so!

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bawshogg says:

    10% correction for BTC.X is a regular Tuesday

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Pedersen says:

    If I were a member of the Fed, I think I might have a good idea when to buy and sell stocks. This situation stinks to high heaven.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars W A says:

    Spasibo Tovarich 😉
    Love the T-shirt 😁

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CryptoBug7 says:

    Sounds exactly when the SEC sued Ripple…. Ripple went way down and then employees of the SEC bought XRP at low prices… insider trading?

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars larry demonte says:

    The more it’s excepted as currency it’s gets liquid because you get a third party involved

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Swallow Dive says:

    So pltr is overvalued in your opinion

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars H says:

    My boy Kappy making gains and so he should, he's been pumping it for the rest of us!

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew Charnell says:

    I know you don’t invest in Chinese companies in general but why are you saying you have lots on problems with Nio? You said in a video before you liked the company and thought it was decently valued at 54?

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Indiana Jones says:

    Great commentary as always. Theranos’ Edison was a play on Da Vinci, the robotic surgery med eqpt.

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Allan says:

    So Tom’s grandpa is a FSD beta tester? Lol

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