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Puppet blames the massive stimulus during the pandemic as a key reason that we are seeing inflation and now - and i think this is absolutely obvious - he says: look when you print loads of money. Money is going to be worth less than separate from worthless, but worth less. Okay, that being said, uh buffett had a great things to say about jay powell. He said in his book.

Jay powell is a hero. I don't think a lot of people in the stock market right now would agree that jay powell is a hero, but to some degree it's important to remember that j-pal kind of stopped a lot of the liquidity printing that was happening uh in in uh. You know probably around the summer of 2020, but it's it's congress that just kept going and more and more stimulus, uh. So the the monetary side of a stimulus like, for example, the main street lending program or some of the other bailout programs that they were really under used by the fed uh the fed, was actually surprised about it.

They're like oh wow, apparently even using these programs. It was, it was more like i think they only bought like 80 billion in bonds or something like that corporate bonds. Or you know, if that it was just sort of like the sentiment that oh yeah, the fed's gon na come bail us out. But it was really congress.

That's like anyway. Munger also talked about risks he's willing to take on investing in chinese stocks, and i thought this was interesting because personally, i'm like i ain't not going near the chinese stocks because chinese consumers like hell, no, we save money. We not spend he says uh. The reason that i invested in china is, i get so much better companies at much lower prices and i'm willing to take a little bit more risk to get into better companies with lower prices.

Other people might reach the opposite conclusion, and everybody is worried about china now uh or more worried about china now than they were worried about four year 40. Sorry, more than 50 years ago, okay, they're more worried today than they were 50 years ago and see that's really interesting because uh really what what what he's saying is hey like yeah, we realize there are a lot of risks investing in china, but you know it's Creating this wonderful, you know by the dip opportunity, essentially in chinese markets. Now i personally don't like the idea of buying adrs, because you have the de-listing risk from the sec, but hey if you had a way to get direct access to chinese stocks. It's not a terrible argument that you know sure short term, maybe they're china's in recession we're getting misleading data right, but maybe it's an opportunity to buy the dip so uh very, very interesting.

Uh buffett says that he looks at berkshire as a painting and it's ultimate uh, and it's really an unlimited painting in size that he's got this ever expanding canvas kind of like the uh universe that he gets to paint wherever he wants. I that was kind of interesting uh and uh also somewhat inspiring anyway. Buffett said berkshire has been increasing at stake in activision uh. This is a uh uh merger with arbitrage bet that uh microsoft, remember.
Microsoft is buying activision blizzard, some folks rumor, that the reason microsoft is buying activision is in part to get the ceo out of activision and try to like clean house a little bit. I think that happens. A lot at companies like microsoft doesn't necessarily really want activision, but it's like okay. Well, we can like basically buy a wedge deal because it's mismanaged get rid of the management and then profit kind of, in my opinion, like what you're, seeing with twitter uh tbd anyway.

Uh so berkshire in uh q4 purchased one billion dollars of activision. They suggest they had no prior knowledge of microsoft plans to buy the company, and that may be true but uh. You know when you read between the lines there there could be prior knowledge that somebody was gon na buy activision, no prior knowledge. It was gon na be microsoft, but i knew somebody was gon na well.

If it was anybody, but warren buffett, people would be all up in that yin yang, trying to figure out about insider training anyway. In uh, in january, microsoft obviously announced their intentions to my uh activision for 95 bucks, a share it actually closed for 9, 75 and 60 cents on friday. So who knows but then again, the market price is in the risk that these deals won't actually happen right. That's the same reason why twitter is selling for less than 54.20 buffett says they own about nine and a half percent of activision uh.

Let's see what else he has uh going back a little bit to inflation. He mentioned that inflation swindles, the bond investor who keeps their cash uh and the person uh, who keeps their cash under a mattress and the poor folks, it pretty much swindles everyone that inflation is really really bad and we've kind of seen that dialogue change with uh Jerome powell, as well, you know initially it was inflation's transitory. Then it's like well, it's still kind of transitory, but it's less transitory. It's just lasting longer, and now it's like.

Oh gosh, we got ta deal with inflation. Uh charlie monger had a nice little uh slam on robin hood. He called it an example of a good idea that has gone grossly overdone. Munger said that hidden kickbacks of that business model are quite frankly quote disgusting and he says that uh robin hood is quote unraveling and that bot is getting justice.

I mean this is like such a horrible slam on on poor vlad uh, which vlad's kind of gone dark. You know i'm like hey yo vlad when we gon na do another interview. I think the world wants to hear from you now a lot of people when i say that they're, like oh kevin, why would you interview him? I don't know i kind of like interviewing controversial people, because i think it's very interesting. I just like.

I wonder what it must be like being vlad right now, uh anyway, so uh at the beginning of the berkshire meeting uh there was a talk uh. There was talk about that. If something is not a productive asset, it doesn't produce anything uh, then uh, then buffett won't buy it, and this is when he really took the opportunity to slam cryptocurrencies uh. He talked about whether it goes up or down in the next year or five years or ten years.
He has no idea, but one thing he knows for sure is that it doesn't produce anything and uh and he wouldn't even buy all the bitcoin in the world. If it was 25 uh, okay, so uh and let's see here - he also goes on to say i don't think. We've ever made a decision where either one of us uh has either said or been thinking. We should buy or sell based on what the market is going to do or for that matter and what the economy is going to do.

We don't know - and this was also really inspiring, because it's like there's there's so much to look at and it's just like. Oh my gosh, it's like it puts you in a like a dizzy and so uh it's. This is actually one of the reasons i've gone so heavy on just buying tesla, because i'm like boy, oh boy, it is this. I read a report the other day that uh uh and i've got a few other companies as well.

But i read a report the other day that this has been the hardest market to time in 50 years and so like. Even if you time some parts right like boy, oh boy like what's around the next corner, is just insane uh so anyway uh so for me, i'm just like all right! Well, where's where's, the next opportunity, i guess to buy my three faves. You know so uh anyway, uh charlie monger had some uh words uh about uh the uh. You know these calls about removing buffett as chairperson berkshire, because buffett's old blah blah blah - and he said it's like odysseus - would come back from winning the battle of troy, uh and so forth, and some guy would say i don't like the way you were holding your Spear when you won the battle like, in other words, talking about like how ridiculous it is, you know, buffett's, helping win the game and people calling for his removal are just obscene.

Uh buffett uh talked about his uh struggle of finding good businesses to invest in and uh and uh he's he's uh. You know they're absolutely searching for deals, but they have to be sizable deals. He says uh we'll pay any price climb, any hills to find businesses, but we actually prefer when they fall into our lap kind of uh. I kind of think that's great.

It reiterates this idea of like having cash on the side of being ready being prepared to be able to make acquisitions, rather than being all in and being on margin, which is just a complete disaster. Uh buffet uh, you know kind of goes back to his confidence on the fed. A little bit talked about short-term volatility, that's fueled by gambling mentality uh. This is something that they do their best to absolutely avoid and uh.
They also bought the dip quite a bit in uh in in q1, uh big stake in ocean dental petroleum uh, chevron, uh, they increased their stakes and and they bought multiple other stocks. Uh and uh really they're buying these as opposed to buying treasuries, which makes sense, because i think treasuries are just getting reamed so uh anyway uh today uh. He talked about the fact that berkshire will likely always be cash rich because he thinks that they are actually better than the banks in extending credit lines to companies in need and really what you do in that case is you're. Like sure, we'll give you a credit line in return for some equity, some cheap equity, uh and uh, and then of course, from the start of 1965 to the end of 2021, uh uh well end of 2021 worth noting i mean things have well all the berkshire Has been holding up quite well, it's actually been doing very well so anyway, but anyway, from 65 to the end of 2021, the per share market value of berkshire hathaway had an annual compounded return of 20.1 uh.

That's nearly double the s. P's return of 10.5, including dividends, really incredible, so this gives you a little bit of an update on uh what went down with warren buffett and berkshire hathaway this weekend.

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34 thoughts on “What warren buffet *just* did.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonathan Sorunke - Investing and Personal Finance says:

    I think why Buffet doesn’t care about China delisting is because even if the delisting happened it wouldn’t be that difficult for someone like him to get their money/shares back.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason Huang says:

    Investing in Chinese stocks under Xi totalitarian regime is really not wise at all.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stock Check with Norris Powell says:

    When has Buffett ever gave us information to help the 99%ers?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Casey Burns Investing says:

    Buffett thinks that the Activision deal will go through? I wonder who that he plays bridge with could possibly have given him that idea?? 🤔

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dante says:

    buffet is thanos prove me wrong lmao

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RC says:

    We need more stimulus to pump the stocks

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars チーズボール says:

    Of course Jerome is a hero
    to the rich dues

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sumith says:

    Is this a re upload from the live stream this morning? because I remember this from this morning

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Termless says:

    I think the markets are trying to look too much into the future and price in all of the worst outcomes, I hope after the important announcements this week the markets are going to turn green

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Calvin Fernandes says:

    aww helll nah i aint spendin ma money 🤣

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keith Rice says:

    I bet Buffet just drank a Coca Cola. Now I’ll watch the video and see if I’m right.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PEX34 says:

    Hola Kevin como estas 😀

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fake Money says:

    I thought you were gone! J BRAVO WAY BETTER THAN YOUR DA

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Casey Burns Investing says:

    Yet he still insists on voting Democrat. I wonder why? 🤔

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Onepumpchump123 says:


  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gregory Farran says:

    J Powell and the federal reserve are terrorist. Waging war against the poor and middle class

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tanner says:

    Jpow was the one who made your stocks fly 100% your overvalued trash ones so all of you should be thankful for him

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dany says:


  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bradford G says:


  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex shiva says:

    Is it just me or is everyone bearish while $dxy is topping.. seems bullish to me

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tim Yuounger says:

    Sounds like another J drop

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MoneyBags X54 says:


  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JimBobWa says:


  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pete J. Dunn says:

    Kevin is at it again! I am inspired by his channel. Kevin inspires me to continue my own YouTube channel on Finance and Investing.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kyle Belford says:

    Stock Market is about to flip green this week. I closed all my shorts today and am going long

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars i suffice says:

    I’m selling everything

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bet With The Boys says:

    Check us out

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zachary Gilley says:

    I don't even know anymore man

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Evan 197 says:

    I though it said “Warren Buffet just Died”

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars starwreck77 says:

    just buy 600mm of AAPL like Buffett

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Muriel Livermore says:

    First (almost)

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Matthew Farry says:


  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheRealDyscyples says:

    It’s lit

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheRealDyscyples says:

    Not the first comment

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