Today we're going over the new executive orders - the status of the stimulus check and stimulus package - and what this means for you. Enjoy! Add me on Instagram: GPStephan
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First, we have what’s known as a “Payroll Tax Holiday”
This is an executive order for employers to temporarily defer Payroll Taxes with their employees, which would effectively give them MORE money left over with every paycheck. This new executive order would DEFER those taxes from September 1st through December 31st of this year for workers earning $4000 or less bi-weekly, before taxes.HOWEVER… as of RIGHT NOW, the Payroll tax WILL NEED TO BE PAID BACK in 2021, so even though you’re getting more money upfront…unless anything changes, you’ll have to pay it back.
What this DOES is give power to the Secretary of Health and Human Services, and the director of the CDC, to consider whether any measures of halting eviction is REASONABLY necessary to prevent the further spread of the illness.
Extended Unemployment Benefits:
This calls for a $400 per week Unemployment Benefit ending no later than December 6th, 2020 - under this, the federal government would supply $300 per week, and the state you reside in would provide the other $100 per week. In order to be eligible, according to this executive order, the recipient MUST be eligible for at least $100 per week of unemployment compensation. That means some people, in certain states, would be under that $100 per week threshold - and therefore, not eligible for the extra $400 per week.
It’s been ordered that all student loans held by the Department of Education be deferred until the end of the year, interest free. Just remember this doesn’t apply to privately held loans, so if that’s you - this executive order won’t affect you.
TECHNICALLY - these executive orders CAN be challenged in court, and that would delay these benefits from going into affect.
On a smaller scale, there are also some issues with all of these that need to be brought up for anyone wanting a full scope on the realities of how this will play out:
With the payroll tax holiday, it is only deferment - so the money needs to be paid back. It’s also the EMPLOYERS who are responsible for withholding this tax and making sure it’s paid, so it might create a logistical tax NIGHTMARE if they’re not able to collect this money BACK, or make sure it’s paid by the 1st of the year. So most employers, out of caution, would chose NOT to give their employees their payroll tax knowing that - most likely - they’ll just have to pay it back a few months later.
Second, the housing protection isn’t really an eviction or foreclosure protection at all - it only gives the authority to someone else who has the power, at their discretion, to enact protections - IF NEEDED.
Third, the unemployment benefit is likely the most substantial from all of this - BUT, it’s estimated that - as it’s written - there’s only enough funding to last for about 5 weeks, given the $44 billion dollar limitation .
AND…if and once the senate passes a full stimulus relief package…that will over ride these executive orders, so this may only be temporary until something more permanent goes into effect.
For business or one-on-one real estate investing/real estate agent consulting inquiries, you can reach me at GrahamStephanBusiness
*Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

What's up, graham, it's guys here, so i'm sure we all know this saying whatever can happen will happen and as much as we thought, it was a sure thing that the senate would pass some sort of stimulus package before they left for recess. On august 7th they weren't able to pass an agreement, and the negotiations came to a bit of a standstill. I'm not going to bore you with the details, but long story short. Both sides had a very different opinion of what they were and were not willing to spend, and they were not able to get close enough to reach a compromise that meant that, as of saturday with nothing accomplished, the president took it upon himself to issue, what's known As an executive order with four new points, that should get more money back in your pocket through the end of the year.

However, these points aren't without a catch that everyone needs to be made. Aware of so, i'm just going to keep this video super quick and to the point and explain exactly what this means. What's going on what this means, for you explain all the details that often get left out. What's going on with your stimulus, check and i'll just be sticking with the facts, because this situation is quite an unusual one, but really quick.

If you wouldn't mind just issuing an executive order on the like button to turn blue for the youtube algorithm, it would be greatly appreciated. All you need to do is give it a little push until it turns blue and then once it does, the almighty algorithm is going to be super happy super grateful for that. So with that said, thank you very much and let's begin the video here so just to some background, the senate has spent the last few weeks negotiating the upcoming stimulus package, with the hopes of extending unemployment benefits, sending out another stimulus check, refunding the payroll protection program And a multitude of other points that are very important to address. Unfortunately, though, as much as this seemed like a sure thing of being negotiated in past after weeks, nothing much was accomplished and it dragged on way longer than any of us could have anticipated.

So on saturday the president formally came forward and issued an executive order that would give most americans more money back in their pockets. We'll discuss that shortly because there are some details that everyone should be made aware of, but when it comes to that here's exactly what this executive order does the president has to some degree the rights to enforce certain authorities and when those terms are created it goes Through a review to make sure everything is in order, this review process makes sure the president can't just say: you know what i woke up today. I don't like the color purple anymore, so we're banning purple and i feel like giving everyone 10 000. So let's do that and make sure the like button gets smashed because obviously something like that just can't be passed.

But the president does have the rights to basically cut to the front of a line with the executive order within reason and just be able to expedite this type of assistance much faster. So once the president does issue an executive order, it does not mean it's 100 finalized and nothing could be done about it, but it does at least show a strong willingness by the president that he wants these terms to go into effect. However, when it comes to these four points that he wants to push through, it's not as easy as you might think, even though a president can pass an executive order, only congress can approve how much money is spent. If anything, and for several of these executive orders, there are items in here which could be argued in an attempt to block them i'll, explain how this works throughout each of these executive orders.
But it's really important to understand this, because even though some of these might be helpful, it probably is not going to be without at least a little bit of skepticism as to whether or not these will pass exactly as it's currently written. So, let's go over exactly what these are. First, we have what's known as the payroll tax holiday, because you know it, we all need another holiday. This is an executive order for employers to temporarily defer payroll taxes for their employees effectively.

Giving you more money back on every paycheck, see anytime, you get paid. A portion of your paycheck is deducted for taxes and here's how that works. First, you have 6.2 percent deducted for social security taxes and then you have another 1.45 deducted for medicare taxes. This new executive order would defer those taxes from september 1st until the end of the year, for anyone making less than four thousand dollars bi-weekly before taxes, which is another fancy way of saying for most people making under a hundred and four thousand dollars a year.

Now, for somebody earning six thousand dollars a month that would equate to a paid boost of roughly dollars a month or about 1800 give or take through the end of the year. However, this is where things start, taking a slightly different turn. The president can, through executive order, defer taxes like this for up to a year, but that tax cannot be forgiven without approval from congress. That means as of right now, the payroll tax is going to need to be paid back by 2021..

So, even though you do get to keep more money up front unless anything changes, this is money that you have to pay back, and this is not money that you get to keep now. This was mentioned in the executive order that the secretary of the treasury shall explore avenues, including legislation to eliminate the obligation to pay the taxes deferred. Pursuant to the implementation of this memorandum. So hypothetically, he wants this tax to be forgiven, but it's not guaranteed.

So that means the best course of action. Right now is that if you do get more money up front from not paying payroll taxes, just assume you're gon na have to pay it back. My concern is that a lot of people might not fully understand this or they'll go and spend the money with the assumption that it'll be forgiven, and if it's not, they might be hit with a much larger tax bill with money they might not afford to pay Back, it's also a bit unclear that if someone makes just marginally above the four thousand dollars a week, if that makes them ineligible for anything or could this be something that potentially just phases out as you make slightly more money. So just be super aware of this.
So there are not any surprises and if you get money back just think of this as a zero percent interest loan for a few months, that you will have to pay back at some point in the future and that's assuming, if you actually get it which i'll Go into some detail on that shortly next, before we talk about the unemployment benefits, let's talk briefly about the eviction protections for tenants, which is another executive order. Now, for anyone who's not aware there is a temporary eviction freeze in the cares act that prevented evictions from being processed meaning. Anybody who met a certain criteria could not be evicted from their home. However, that eviction freeze has now expired and the fear is that landlords are going to start evicting their tenants all at once and creating a surge of new vacancies and people all needing to leave their homes.

At the same time, now here's the thing: i've read his executive order and i'll link to it down below in the description, but it does not explicitly provide any eviction protection, at least not in the literal sense. What it does do, however, is give the power to the secretary of health and human services and the director of the cdc to consider whether any measures of halting eviction is reasonably necessary to prevent the further spread of the illness, which is really just a fancy way Of saying they will see what they can do so in the meantime, as of today, evictions can still be processed as usual and it'll probably take some time for a more formal eviction protection package to go into effect. So no, this executive order does not freeze evictions, but it does pass the power onto other people who can make that decision. After that, we should probably talk about the one, that's by far the most heavily debated from everything, and that would be the extended unemployment benefit.

This was one of the most heavily scrutinized points in the stimulus package that neither side could agree on either way. It's a very delicate situation and there's no perfect solution to this, but the executive order attempts at helping out this calls for a 400 a week. Unemployment benefit ending no later than december 6. 2020.

from this, the federal government would supply 300 a week and then, after that, the state would ship in 25 of that or 100 a week. However, there's a bit of a fine print as to who qualifies for this. In order to be eligible according to the executive order, the recipient must be eligible for at least 100 per week of unemployment compensation. That means that some people in some states would be receiving just under that 100 a week and therefore would not be able to qualify for any of it.
It's also reported that states might be able to count the 100 a week from the amount they're already paying. So the net benefit from this might be more like 300 a week extra, but this would be retroactive as of august 1st, so anybody would be compensated back to that date. As for when this all starts, they could begin immediately, but it's likely to take a few weeks for everything to get in order and for people to actually start receiving their money. Finally, before we talk about the likelihood of all of this going into effect and what's going on with the stimulus package, we should talk briefly about student loans.

It's been ordered that all student loans held by the department of education be deferred interest-free until the end of the year. However, just remember that this does not apply to privately held loans, so if that's you, then this does not apply with all of that said, there are some challenges with this. The first is that, technically these executive orders could be challenged in court and that would delay these benefits from going into effect now on a smaller scale. There are some issues with this going into effect that do need to be discussed.

If you want a full perspective on how this is probably going to play out first with the payroll tax holiday, this is only a deferment, so these taxes will need to be paid back. It's also the employers who are responsible from withholding this tax and making sure it's paid, so this might create a logistical tax nightmare if they're not able to collect this money back and get it paid by the beginning of the year. So i just have a feeling that most employers out of caution will choose not to give their employees that extra payroll tax, knowing that most likely it's going to have to be paid back in a few more months, plus if an employee, quits or leaves before the End of the year there is no way any employer is just going to try to find their employees and then track down that money that should be paid back and also if this amount is forgiven, meaning you don't have to pay it back. It means less money for the social security program, which is already very underfunded, as it is.

This also only benefits people who are currently working and unless it's forgiven, it's probably not going to lead to a long-term benefit. Anyway, only congress could vote to have this tax forgiven altogether, and it's really just to wait and see what happens at this point. The second, the eviction protection is not really an eviction protection at all. It just passes the authority to someone else to make that decision at their own discretion, if needed.
So, as of now, evictions are still on the table and my advice to all the tenants and landlords out there is to try to negotiate amongst yourselves. Instead of going through an eviction for tenants, you might want to work out a payment plan with your landlord to stay in the house. As long as you can and landlords try to work out a deal with your tenants, because that's going to save you a lot of time and a lot of money than going through an eviction, the third, the unemployment benefit, is most likely the most substantial from all Of this, but right now, as it's currently written, there's only enough funding to last for about five weeks, given that 44 billion dollar limitation now, of course, it has been speculated that this executive order is more like a push for the senate to work on an all-encompassing Stimulus package that would provide more thorough eviction, protections, more funding for state and local governments and stimulus checks for the people, but so far negotiations have not been going that well. It's also still a possibility that some of these executive orders might be challenged in court.

So not to set the precedent that the president can enact these orders that include spending, because the two are supposed to remain separate. So, even though all of this has been signed, there are some aspects of this that are a bit up in the air, especially when this order requires that states fund 25 to the unemployment benefit, and some states say that they just don't have the money. And if and when the senate passes a more comprehensive, all-encompassing stimulus package, that package would override any of these executive orders. So potentially, what we have right now signed today could only be temporary.

So as of right now, negotiations with the senate are still in effect, and i'm still a firm believer, and i'm optimistic that at some point some sort of stimulus package will be passed. Although it's unclear exactly when and for how much. The good news is that both sides are in total agreement about sending out another stimulus check just like last time, but it's really about negotiating the details on all the other matters that are holding this up right now. But as of today, these executive orders do do something, but it's not exactly as much as people think and yes, i know i said doo doo and by the way i just want to give a very quick shout out, because this is unbelievable in a previous video.

I jokingly said that if someone were to make a compilation of every single time that i asked people to smash the like button for the youtube algorithm, i was going to shout it out in a video and two people came forward and probably spent like 50 to 70 hours compiling a list of every single time, i said, smash the like button for these two algorithms, but smash that, like button like button that, like button smash, the like button smash that, like button like button, smash that, like button smash that, like button smash that, Like button smash that this is teddy teddy do not want to be on the floor. Instead, you want to jump up on the chair with me as we film, and you also want to make sure you guys make sure to like and subscribe. So i'm going to link these videos down below in the description, but we got number one jaden craig. He was the first one to post this video, it's 20 minutes long and it's like almost 800 times that i said, smash like button and then we also have andrew tran, which came in second on this.
He posted right afterwards and he also compiled the list in order. It looks like by the way of every time i said, smash like button on the main channel. Thank you guys, both so much for doing this. It's it's unreal.

How many times i've asked everyone to smash the like button, which is a reminder if you haven't already smash like button, make sure to smash the like button, because smashing a like button is good to smash the like button to smash the like button. Thank you. So much for smashing the like button. So with that said, you guys thank you so much for watching.

I really appreciate it make sure to destroy the subscribe button and notification bell also feel free to add me on instagram, i posted pretty much daily. So if you want to be a part of it, there feel free to add me there. As on my second channel, the gram stefan show i post there every single day - i'm not posting here. So if you want to see a brand new video for me every single day, make sure to add yourself to that.

And lastly, if you guys want two free stocks, use the link down below in the description and weevil is gon na, be giving you two free stocks when you deposit a hundred dollars on the platform with one of those stocks potentially worth all the way up to One thousand four hundred dollars, so if you want those two free stocks use the link down below. So let me know which two free stocks you get. Thank you so much for watching and until next time.

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31 thoughts on “What just happened with your stimulus check”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars StickHer says:

    so no hazard pay or hero pay for risking my life. at least i get to pay people to stay home

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tyler Davison says:

    If you want me to start Exposing people on videos starting with Graham Stephan Like my comment. I dont like making videos, but guys like Graham Stephan that seems legit and nice need to be exposed to. These guys sort of piss me off the most because they try to walk the line of I'm good. Infact they are not as good as you think they are. I even know things that even coffee zilla has not even mentioned yet. I care about others and I care about the truth and the whole truth. Graham Stephan is just one of many that might seem nice but is not that nice regarding really helping others. They will all be exposed and might need more than one video per person. So give me some feedback and I will respond back. Have any questions I will answer right away as soon as possible. I just hate half fake people or fake people that lie. If you want to know specifics about any youtuber including Graham Stephan I have no problem exposing him in a message either.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MoneyJoe Films says:

    I had to go back to this video just now to see if my job is doing the payroll cut. I just look at my paystub and it’s till taking out the Full 6.2% out of my check and 10% out of federal.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OFF THE BARK BUSHCRAFT says:

    I’m sure if you round up all the vacation money they spent all of us in the USA could of went on vacation!! Man the sheepeople are not bright!!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joshua M. Hoffman says:

    Hey, quick question. Is the $300 extra if you make $100. Is the $100 dollars BEFORE or AFTER taxes?!?!? Please lmk

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    I hate how convincing you are about getting me to hit the 'like' button…

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  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Jeremy Sisson says:

    You lost me on this video when you asked for a like. Oh well, could have been a good video.

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  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thomas Bergamo says:

    Everyone PLEASE GOOGLE, “what are Presidential emergency action documents?” And understand the urgency in why it is imperative to get TRUMP out of office.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blackmare Pendragon says:

    What's the saddest part of it all for me it that the Democrats shut down the doors to the nation knowing that it will cause a slow down of the economy. Now they are refusing to help out the country with the mess that they've made.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joy Desi says:

    Is there a chance you can make a video regarding what to do when your unemployment benefits run out?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mary Thomas says:

    Your the only person I’ve ever seen who talk so fast and still be understood, is that a gift or went to school to achieve this .AMAZING

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Caroline Waite says:

    @grahamstephan the new $400 care act. Will we receive it automatically in our unemployment check, like with the $600 care act? or do we have to apply separately for it? thanks for much for the help!

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars yourdailyfucks says:

    Wait the edd do you have to pay anything back to them also is it tax free or what I don’t understand please because if you have to pay it back I don’t want to use it I don’t want to get stuck that’s why

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Erin DeMoulin says:

    Hey man. You should really cut back on the "intentional hand gestures" while you are speaking ! It's very clear that you are doing this on purpose and it's just too much and for those paying attention, it's rather annoying because it is so disingenuous !

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joseph Jennings says:

    Graham, I strongly encourage you to rename this video to, "WHAT JUST HAPPENED TO SMASHING THE LIKE BUTTON!" haha!

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Myssa says:

    I, once again, get screwed. I had just gotten out of school and was looking for a job when this started, so I was only working part-time when I got laid off and would receive under $100 per week on unemployment alone. I also missed the stimulus check because they ran my social through before I submitted my 2019 taxes. I was not eligible in 2018. I’m also an at-risk disabled woman so trying to get a job right now will be even more challenging.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cthornt79 says:

    600 extra for unemployed is misallocated money. It's also way too much for helping some one to get by during a hard time. Why do you never mention this ?!! This is spoilage at the expense of the tax payer. Even the $300 would be too much. The original unemployment amount was enough; if you need the extra $600, then you probably live too lavishly !!

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