Trading 212 stopped accepting new accounts on 28 January - over 4 months ago.
The official reason was to improve some parts of the tech in order to increase capacity but here we are in June and you still can't create a new account.
Despite huge interest from their customers, there has notably been no updates whatsoever from Trading 212 - no dates given, no information as to what they are actually working on, why or any details whatsoever.
Every few weeks there will be a comment left on their forum saying that there is still no update. That's it.
So given that this has now lasted so long and with some new information onboard this is becoming somewhat concerning.
Why would the fastest growing investing app out there go and stop accepting new accounts for this long?
Given the lack of transparency, it sounds more like there is another reason every day.
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Hey guys, it's sasha for those of us who live outside the u.s trading 202 has become one of the most popular investing platforms over the past couple of years. They seem to have gone from absolutely nowhere to having over 1.4 million customers as of the beginning of 2021 and their assets under management grew by 5, 300 percent in just 12 months. But then, at the end of january, everything stopped as the game saga unfolded. Trading 202 halted the acquisition of new accounts on the 28th of january due to, in their words, unprecedented demand.

They said that once we process the existing queue, we will be opened up to new registrations and yet that queue was never processed and new account registrations were never opened here. We are in june over four months since that point, and you can still not go and open a new account with trading to one two. This has gone from being interesting and curious when it first happened due to it being quite unusual to being somewhat concerning, because it is extremely unusual to go and stop acquiring new customers, especially for this long for a fast growing company. Unless there is an extremely compelling reason to do so well, let me share a few details that i think will make you find this even more interesting and perhaps somewhat concerning just like how i feel about it.

This by the way is coming from someone who actually really likes trading 212.. I personally use it a lot. I use it in live videos. I hold most of my personal investments with trading 202 because of the quality of the platform and the low fees that they have.

So i actually would really like them to go and get all of this stuff fixed. But we need to discuss this on the 4th of february, exactly a week after new accounts were suspended, trading 202 went and opened up their waiting list. So anyone who has tried to sign up ever since has just gone and sat on that waiting list, and there is no date as to when those accounts might actually be opened. On the same day.

Tony v, who is a trading 202 representative in their community, said the new account opening was paused until we increased our capacity to serve more clients. Furthermore, huge scalability improvements are coming in a nutshell. Delivering great service to our clients is our top priority. Well, that sounds great, but since then there has been absolutely no update of any kind at all.

Every now and then tony or one of the other staff members from trading 202 would come back and say that they still don't have an update. No more details, no explanations and absolutely no date when they expect this to reopen and you'd expect that a platform that has had to pause, acquiring new customers because of the severity of these upgrades that they are working on, would obviously have to mean that they're going To pause any other developments, because if you are working flat out on a new system, you don't want to go and add new stuff to the old system that you're then going to have to go and port to this new platform. Well, in april trading 202 introduced there not 0.15 for an exchange fee in the platform as the new tax year started, and many people, including myself, thought that that is when they're gon na go and reopen new accounts, because now the fee is in now you can Go and begin booking new accounts, but their doors remain shut, they've, also upgraded their price feature to enable linking and added a new feature called communities where people can go and discuss their favorite stocks. So they are releasing tech upgrades on an ongoing basis.
So if the issue really was the fact that too many people were looking to sign up, why are new accounts not being allowed to onboard now we'll take a look at this on the same day, the trading 202 stopped booking new accounts. Curiously, they also published their company accounts for 2019.. In those accounts there is a section on page 32, which is called events after the reporting period, and in that section there are a few paragraphs about covid and at the end it says other than that no matter or circumstances has arisen since 31st december 2019. That has significantly affected or may significantly affect the group's operations, the results of those operations or the group's state of affairs in future financial years.

Interesting right, why did they publish this on the exact same day that they stopped taking new accounts, because presumably stopping new accounts for a prolonged period of time would be something material that happened after that reporting period? Well, more importantly, companies have to submit accounts to companies house nine months after the end of the financial year, so trading 212 should have submitted them at the end of september 2020. According to that requirement, but for some reason they delayed by four months and then happened to just publish them on the same day that they went and closed new accounts. Then in march, barely a few weeks. After all, this happened.

The ceo of trading 212 quit. He left the company, just as the company has gone through an explosive year of growth and is doing really well. The ceo nick saunders just decided to leave with no official statements, no official confirmations and only rumors that he decided he wasn't the right person to deliver the growth. You know, despite being the person that delivered the biggest growth of any investing platform in the previous year and in april he joins another trading platform in london as head of cash equities from being a ceo, the fastest growing one just a few weeks earlier, a rather Curious career move, wouldn't you say now in may: trade2 appointed muka chowdhury as the new ceo, but we've heard absolutely nothing yet as to what trading 212 is doing or whether there's any change of direction.

So here's the bottom line that i think is really important. Some tech upgrades do require a lot of work. I appreciate that, especially as building the back end, the tech and the entire strategy behind financial services products is literally what i've been doing. My entire career, i get it, but we're talking a capacity upgrade here, rather than a fresh, build from scratch of an entire platform according to trading 212 themselves and four months and counting after they stopped.
The new accounts is a pretty long time to go and deliver something like that in the world of fintech, especially as demand has now dropped again. So seeing a strategy are refusing to acknowledge the issue or provide any meaningful updates reasons or any kind of information. As to what's actually going on, what could the reasons be? Theoretically, let's talk about it. One reason could be that some kind of a system flaw or a major issue was identified by trading 212 requires a complex fix and a potential redress of existing accounts.

This sort of thing is possible and does happen from time to time, even with big financial companies, and it can take quite a substantial amount of time, depending on the specific issue, to go and resolve something like this. It can be really painful what if the shares of people buying were, for example, just completely hypothetically, not properly allocated and interactive brokers or historic transactions didn't quite accurately split fractional share ownership in the systems or anything else like that. Now, i'm obviously just speculating here, but an issue of this type would naturally result in a long gap. If that was to happen, because you would want to stop new accounts joining to stop the problem getting even bigger, but you wouldn't be able to just stop all existing accounts from continuing to trade and manage their investments, because if you were to do that, you would Immediately, go and kill your entire business, probably forever.

So if that sort of thing was to hypothetically be the case, the current course of action that they're taking is exactly what you would expect to be happening. Another potential issue could be theoretically some kind of a regulatory problem if the fca say came to trading 202 and said that there were some issues that they needed to go and address and fix and change in their operation. There is a possibility that the fca would ask trading 212 to stop on boarding new accounts until those issues have been addressed, and this actually does happen from time to time. In financial services is quite often the request, the fca actually do make in these cases, and that could be a hard enforcement and the scrutiny could have happened during the gme saga, but without trading into actually confirming anything about the reasons for what they're doing it is Impossible to really know whether this could be the case.

Another possible case here is brexit, which concluded just before. All of this happened at the end of 2020 as uk and european customers were all previously, bundled together into a single legal entity. There may now be theoretically some issues with non-uk customers where those customers should legally be actually registered. This could affect things in a big way if the uk regulator, for example, determines that non-uk customers should not fall under fscs protection, but, for example, they require separate eu licenses that are not currently held.
That would mean that a load of customers will be falling through the cracks in an email. The end of december to non-uk customers trading 202 said that all uk regulations and protections would continue to apply, but is that accurate? Is that correct? Can non-uk residents genuinely apply and use the product that is regulated by the fca and that continues to benefit from all the benefits of fscs etc? Well, that is certainly not the case with any other investing app which either do not operate in other european countries if they operate in the uk or don't operate in the uk if they operate in other european countries or when they operate in both, they have a License in the uk and a separate license and a separate entity that is regulated in europe where european customers are being treated and if trading 202 needed one of those european licenses. That is a process that could easily take quite a long time. You know a few months during which you'd be waiting for it to complete, if you were trading 212 and planning how to then go and switch existing non-uk customers over to this new entity, for example.

Now, all of these are just pure speculation, they're, just some random thoughts, they're, absolutely no factual basis, but they all weirdly sound far more plausible than the official tech upgrade reason that we keep hearing, and that is somewhat concerning. I really hope that trading on two have fixed whatever issues they are having or will fix whatever issue they're having because confidence in the platform is eroding really fast, and if it is really that capacity upgrades that they are working on. I am really looking forward to seeing what it is they're going to be bringing out, because after this amount of time, it is probably going to be incredibly spectacular. If you find this useful, please don't forget to hit the like button for the youtube algorithm.

Thank you. So much for doing so. Thank you very much for watching all the way through and i'll see you guys later. You.

By Stock Chat

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36 thoughts on “What is trading 212 hiding? no new accounts for 4 months.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Martin K. says:

    just watched this now, and I have been on waiting list since February. 8 month and still waiting 🤯

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ashwin gupta says:

    Can you also post another video in which you compare different isa trading accounts and best among them

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gregory Allan says:

    I wonder whether the tech upgrade will be to offer options trading? I use Saxo at the moment but do not welcome their stock custody fee.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Flibbertigibbet says:

    I am looking to get into trading after swatting up on a few things and two that were recommended were coinbase and trading 212. coinbase for a month has just said account is under review and reading up on this if filled with horror stories so leaving that alone, Then tried 212 and cannot get an account and seeing this has gone on for so long I am thinking of giving up before I have started. Are there any decent alternatives out there that are actually working?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bhupinder Gill says:

    Is there an alternative app where you can create investment pies? Waiting 5 months for the 212 email now

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars axa says:

    More clients on platform means you need to spend more money on new platform , exchanges .

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yer Dah says:


    Fear of being overun by more people wanting to join to buy GME would be my best guess.

    Shorts didnt cover…. they have been kicking the can down the road since this all began months ago, hoping we would get bored and leave, however we just kept buying….

    Its why everything is tanking in the market, they are trying to cover margin calls, as they have a REAL BIG PROBLEM on their hands now as the apes alone might own the float multiple times over…..

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hyshm - says:

    i submitted for account opening nearly two months now.. seems that it may take over a year

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sonicflower Girl says:

    Maybe they have sponsors that are hedge funds and banks who want to prevent more casual traders to cause havoc in the market. I was there when the GME squeeze happened and the app was literally flat out for half a day, so maybe they just fear more chaos?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ΙησούςisGod 1611 says:

    XM is the cheapest possible – super low spreads and ridiculously low daily swaps, then IBKR and then probably XTB(no comission for normal stocks, 8+8 usd comissions for margin open/close position and OKish daily swaps), capital is also ok good when it comes to spreads and daily swaps. Etoro is the worst for using leverage, but has OK spreads for normal stocks.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Warg1 its Erbz says:

    After the new terms and conditions we’ve just had to agree to, I’m not opening a IBKR account and liquidating my 212 account. That’s the final straw and I’m done with them

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KO L says:

    T212 are a bunch of wasteman jokers. Don’t bother. Dirty manipulative tactics on their pricing too. Avoid.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ItzArtiom says:

    Thanks for the tips from your videos! Will need to know all these in three years to have some kinda saving budget invested

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J P says:

    I work for trading212 and apologise for the delays and the secrecy but it takes months to move all the billions we hold from our customers to our personal banks in the Bahamas and fine tune oll the logistics for the rug pull, please be patient…hahahah jooooking, I don't work for t212 but it really looks sketchy af

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dániel Bruck says:

    Sadly I just made the decision to join Trading212 on the week they stopped opening new account and had to join my second choice app/platform
    I miss the pie function a bit for longterm investing but the copytrading function is acutely very useful on eToro (more for going back in time and to see whole portfolios with weighting’s)
    I hope it’s not some fishy reason Trading212 is being slow

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Manji Kun says:

    You've been gassing for 10 mins, can you just say whats your guess/ theory in a more succinct way, maybe in a conclusion at the end.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gilbert Cassar says:

    Given the recent "features" ie credit card fee and fx fee and a limit of 100 on limit orders … the logical explanation is money issue. They are probably loosing money per account and they want to limit that. They paused new accounts until they figure out how can they actually make money from accounts… A good monetization strategy takes time and probably a new CEO…

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars P says:

    The government allowed a leeway of an additional 3 months to file their financial statements because of covid so the filing deadline would have been 31st December 2020. As they are a group company filing group accounts they would have to of been delivered by hand not electronically to companies House. So they would have sent them in maybe a week prior to the 28th January as they take a little time to then be processed and uploaded by companies House. The dates aligning with the opening of new accounts is a coincidence. That said they were late on filing on time of the extended deadline of December 2020.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Whiteysnakey says:

    These trading apps seem to be at continual odds with what many users want from them; e.g. long term dividend investing. People probably don't want to keep jumping to the next "trading app/platform" either; only to find out that something dodgy is going on or they've changed the terms and conditions. I remember a few years ago it was all about robo investors and now it is trading apps and it feels like the only person who is winning are the people behind these products. Just feels one racket after another to get millennial's to part with what little cash they've got.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Valentina Osborne says:

    Just saw trading 212 update their terms of service, would be interesting to hear your take on any of their changes!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Clay Lewis says:

    Can you do a video on trading 212 and their dividend payout dates? Us trading 212 investors see a lack in delayed dividend payments – also do you have a Vanguard account or do you have most of your investments in Trading 212?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dave Bates says:

    In relation to filing deadlines, HMRC & Companies House extended the filding dead by 3 months from 9 months and a day due to covid

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Samantha Eaton says:

    Hi. I have a new theory. Maybe the problem is with interactive brokers and not directly with T^212. I know some people who use them in America say they are slow and dont execute at the desired price.

    I know this is something 212 users have complained about in the past.

    Could it be interactive brokers are not yet up to speed with that number of users, both on their platform and 212 using thier core service also.

    Sure there could be other reasons as well. Perhaps a certain percentage of this and a certain percentage of something else.

    My question would be would 212 do thier own back end brokerage if there is a core problem with interactive brokers

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BAK says:

    Very Suspicious and spicy.. they did ban otc stocks new buys .. I am slightly worried as I do hold my major growth portfolio wd them but know if something goes wrong FCA got our back.
    Thanks for the video!

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrius Venslovas says:

    Trading 212 main homepage: "…Trading 212 is a trading name of Trading 212 UK Ltd. and Trading 212 Ltd.

    Trading 212 UK Ltd. is registered in England and Wales (Register number 8590005), with a registered address 107 Cheapside, London EC2V 6DN. Trading 212 UK Ltd. is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Register number 609146).

    Trading 212 Ltd. is registered in Bulgaria (Register number 201659500). Trading 212 Ltd. is authorised and regulated by the Financial Supervision Commission (Register number RG-03-0237)…"

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Love Island says:

    It raises the questions whereby if a business simply can't answer questions when we want to DEPOSIT money into them to become a customer, then what will their attitude be towards someone wanting to WITHDRAW and move elsewhere? Absolutely abysmal customer service and from someone who has emailed many times asking for why, they simply copy and paste emails (if they bother getting back to you at all) and say nothing of value. If you compare them to Freetrade, they have 0 interaction with their customers even when they were operational, their social media channels are virtually dead in comparison to Freetrade who seem to have a great communication with their customer base. I think I will be opening an account with FT in all honesty, they have improvements to make but at least their vocal, transparent and professional in their approach

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Geordie Star says:

    I’ve gotten an email this morning that my place in queue has been “Processed” and that I can make an account, now made an account with no issues


  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars William Harries says:

    Always appreciate when you dig in to those large documents. You really stand out from other youtubers when you do that

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mr shickadance says:

    sasha, you should get at least 1 AMC share, just in case it does actually reach $2500+ and enjoy the ride’

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Ancients Ancients says:

    I'm glad I sold my shares there all recently. That said they managed to update the app despite the waiting list and added new features

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew says:

    You were saying something about Trading 212, but as someone with Marvel level skills at knocking drinks over, all I could think was “If that was me, that mug would be on the floor by now”

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Decarmello says:

    Looks like they are building out their back end stack the same way freetrade did at the start so they can scale much better. Maybe using interactive legacy backend has had its limitations in the current climate.

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Danny H says:

    My account with them was deleted. By them. Then got the we're not taking new accounts message. No interest in them now.

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars stormzy aoe says:

    As a t212 user, I think if you had an account before they stopped new people you wouldnt have a problem with it rn, people will find negativity because they dont get what someone else has, it's a great site and have always found them the best for help and depositing or withdrawing money in a fast manner

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Teds World says:

    I've always suspect that regulators might have stopped them taking on new customers after the GME buy buttons disapeared (forced sales).

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sasha Yanshin says:

    Really hope they reopen soon. Very odd for one of the best and cheapest platforms out there to just go dark for this long…

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